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a guest
Mar 16th, 2017
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  1. 2017-03-16 20:53:49 UTC: ogr2ogr call: OSM_USE_CUSTOM_INDEXING=NO PG_USE_COPY=YES PGCLIENTENCODING=UTF-8 -f PostgreSQL PG:"host=localhost port=5432 user=development_cartodb_user_781299ac-9773-4629-a298-625bb85af550 dbname=cartodb_dev_user_781299ac-9773-4629-a298-625bb85af550_db password=01b17ff1792e5b77b6d451ae9800c53818f48724development_cartodb_user_781299ac-9773-4629-a298-625bb85af550" -t_srs EPSG:4326 -lco DIM=2 -lco PRECISION=NO /tmp/imports/20170316-10095-19txyzg/city_farms_gardens_1.0.geojson -nln cdb_importer.importer_a7a32a120a8a11e79805005056a34934 -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI -doo PRELUDE_STATEMENTS="SET statement_timeout TO '1h'" -doo CLOSING_STATEMENTS='SET statement_timeout TO DEFAULT' -update
  2. 2017-03-16 20:53:49 UTC: ogr2ogr output: sh: -f: command not found
  4. 2017-03-16 20:53:49 UTC: ogr2ogr exit code: 32512
  5. 2017-03-16 20:53:49 UTC: Ogr2ogr FAILED!
  6. 2017-03-16 20:53:49 UTC: ogr2ogr.exit_code = 32512
  7. 2017-03-16 20:53:49 UTC: ogr2ogr.command = OSM_USE_CUSTOM_INDEXING=NO PG_USE_COPY=YES PGCLIENTENCODING=UTF-8 -f PostgreSQL PG:"host=localhost port=5432 user=development_cartodb_user_781299ac-9773-4629-a298-625bb85af550 dbname=cartodb_dev_user_781299ac-9773-4629-a298-625bb85af550_db password=01b17ff1792e5b77b6d451ae9800c53818f48724development_cartodb_user_781299ac-9773-4629-a298-625bb85af550" -t_srs EPSG:4326 -lco DIM=2 -lco PRECISION=NO /tmp/imports/20170316-10095-19txyzg/city_farms_gardens_1.0.geojson -nln cdb_importer.importer_a7a32a120a8a11e79805005056a34934 -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI -doo PRELUDE_STATEMENTS="SET statement_timeout TO '1h'" -doo CLOSING_STATEMENTS='SET statement_timeout TO DEFAULT' -update
  8. 2017-03-16 20:53:49 UTC: ogr2ogr.command_output = sh: -f: command not found
  10. 2017-03-16 20:53:49 UTC: Errored importing data from /tmp/imports/20170316-10095-19txyzg/city_farms_gardens_1.0.geojson:
  11. 2017-03-16 20:53:49 UTC: CartoDB::Importer2::LoadError: Ogr2ogr ERROR
  13. defaults: &defaults
  14. # If uncommented, most images like static map previews and twitter card image urls will use this CDN urls
  15. #cdn_url:
  16. # http: ""
  17. # https: ""
  18. http_client_logs: true
  19. ogr2ogr:
  20. binary: 'which ogr2ogr2.1'
  21. csv_guessing: true
  22. debug_assets: true
  23. mandatory_keys: [layer_opts, sql_api, varnish_management, redis, session_domain]
  24. session_domain: ''
  25. # If activated, urls will use usernames in format //SESSION_DOMAIN/user/USERNAME and ignore subdomains if present
  26. subdomainless_urls: true
  27. http_port: 3000 # nil|integer. HTTP port to use when building urls. Leave empty to use default (80)
  28. https_port: # nil|integer. HTTPS port to use when building urls. Leave empty to use default (443)
  29. secret_token: '71c2b25921b84a1cb21c71503ab8fb23'
  30. account_host: 'localhost.lan:3000'
  31. account_path: '/account'
  32. # vizjson_cache_domains: ['.localhost.lan']
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