

May 25th, 2020
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  1. test: "Test message"
  3. generic_failed_permission: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou lack permissions to execute this command or subcommand"
  5. # for ranks inside cell
  6. cell_failed_permission: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou are not of a high enough position in the cell to use this subcommand"
  8. fragment_invalid_arguments: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cInvalid arguments! Refer to: /fragment <load/save> [...]"
  10. fragment_load_invalid_arguments: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &c Invalid arguments! Refer to: /fragment load <name>"
  11. fragment_load_failed_to_find: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &c Failed to find fragment under name %name%"
  12. fragment_load_failed_misc: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to load fragment"
  13. fragment_load_success: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &3Successfully loaded fragment"
  15. fragment_save_invalid_arguments: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &c Invalid arguments! Refer to: /fragment save"
  16. fragment_save_failed_missing_selection: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cSelect an area using worldedit wand"
  17. fragment_save_failed_formation: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to save fragment during formation of fragment"
  18. fragment_save_failed_writing: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to save fragment during writing to file"
  20. fragment_save_in_progress: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &4Parsing selection, this will take a second"
  21. fragment_save_success: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &aSuccessfully saved fragment under name '%name%'"
  23. cell_invalid_arguments: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cInvalid arguments! Refer to /cell <action> [...]"
  24. cell_failed_user_fetch: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to fetch your user account"
  26. cell_loading: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cPlease wait until this cell data has loaded"
  27. cell_choice_title: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &f&lChoose Cell"
  29. cell_manipulate_blocks_no_permission: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &c&lYou do not have permission to modify blocks in this cell!"
  31. cell_member_added_broadcast: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &e&l%name% &ajoined the cell as a member!"
  32. cell_member_removed_broadcast: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &e&l%name% &cleft the cell"
  34. cell_member_invited_broadcast: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &e&l%name% was invited to the cell by &e&l%inviter%. The invite will expire in 15 minutes"
  35. cell_member_invite_expired_broadcast: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &e&l%name%'s invite has expired"
  37. cell_warp_failed: "poo pee this message should not occur"
  38. cell_warp_success: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &3Warped to cell &6#%id%"
  40. cell_warp_failed_id_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to warp to cell as a cell under id &f'%id%' &cwas not found"
  41. cell_warp_failed_player_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to warp to cell as no player was found under the name &e&l'%name%'"
  42. cell_warp_failed_fetch: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to fetch player's cells. Please try again shortly"
  43. cell_warp_failed_player_owns_multiple_cells: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to warp due to multiple possible destinations"
  44. cell_warp_failed_player_does_not_own_cell: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cThe requested player is not part of a cell"
  46. cell_create_failed_max_cells_owned: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou can not create a cell as you own the maximum number of cells"
  47. cell_create_failed_max_cells_member: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou can not create a cell as you are a member of the maximum number of cells. Consider leaving a cell"
  48. cell_create_failed_misc: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to create a cell due to an unknown error"
  50. cell_create_in_progress: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &6Cell creation in progress"
  51. cell_create_success: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &3&lCreated cell &f&l#%id%"
  53. cell_invite_invalid_arguments: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cInvalid arguments! Refer to: /cell invite <name> [id]"
  54. cell_invite_failed_player_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to find online player with name &e&l'%name'"
  55. cell_invite_failed_too_many_cells: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to invite player as you are resident in more than one cell. Consider using /cell invite <name> <id>"
  56. cell_invite_failed_id_not_numeric: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cInvalid arguments! Id provided is not an integer"
  57. cell_invite_failed_already_member: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to invite player &e&l'%name%' as they are either already invited or already a member of your cell"
  58. cell_accept_failed_invite_revoked: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYour invite to this cell was revoked"
  59. cell_invite_success: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &a&lYou successfully invited &e&l%name% to the cell"
  60. cell_invited: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &a&lYou were invited to cell &f#%id% &a&lby &e&%inviter%"
  62. cell_accept_failed_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to find an invite using provided information"
  63. cell_accept_failed_player_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to find an invite from player &e%name%"
  64. cell_accept_failed_cell_no_invite: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou have no invites from the cell you are attempting to join."
  65. cell_accept_failed_player_member_max: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou can not accept this invite, as you are in too many cells"
  66. cell_accept_failed_cell_member_max: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou can not accept this invite, as the cell has the maximum amount of players"
  67. cell_accept_failed_invite_revoked: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &c You can not accept this invite, as the invite was revoked"
  69. cell_manage_failed_to_find_cell: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to open cell management ui, as you are not a member of any cell"
  70. cell_manage_failed_fetch: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to fetch cells"
  72. cell_delete_failed_arg_not_number: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to execute the command, as the provided id is not numeric"
  73. cell_delete_failed_not_owner: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou do not own the cell you are attempting to delete"
  74. cell_delete_teleport_message: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cThis cell is being deleted, so you were teleported"
  75. cell_delete_success: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &aSuccessfully deleted cell &f#%id%"
  77. cell_upgrade_failed_id_not_number: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to open cell upgrade UI because cell id is not numeric"
  78. cell_upgrade_failed_not_member: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &c You are not a member of that cell"
  79. cell_upgrade_failed_cell_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to open cell upgrade UI: Cell not found"
  81. cell_transfer_failed_invalid_arguments: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &c Invalid arguments! /cell transfer <name> [cell id]"
  82. cell_transfer_failed_target_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to find &e%name%"
  83. cell_transfer_failed_cell_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to find cell"
  84. cell_transfer_failed_no_permission: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou are not the owner of the cell"
  85. cell_transfer_failed_cell_id_not_numeric: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cId not numeric"
  86. cell_transfer_success: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &aSuccessfully transferred cell ownership to &e%name%"
  87. cell_transfer_failed_too_much_ownership: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cThis member owns to many cells!"
  89. cell_leave_failed_cell_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to leave cell, as it does not exist"
  90. cell_leave_failed_it_not_numeric: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cCell leave failed, as id is not numeric"
  91. cell_leave_failed_misc: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to leave cell: Unknown error"
  92. cell_leave_success: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &aSuccessfully left cell &f#%id%"
  94. cell_promote_failed_invalid_arguments: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cInvalid arguments! Refer to: /cell promote <name> [id]"
  95. cell_promote_failed_target_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &e%name% &cdoes not exist"
  96. cell_promote_failed_cell_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to find cell"
  97. cell_promote_failed_no_permission: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou do not have the permission to promote members"
  98. cell_promote_failed_not_member: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou can not promote this person as they are not a member"
  99. cell_promote_failed_id_not_numeric: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cID is not numeric"
  100. cell_promote_failed_misc: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to promote misc error"
  101. cell_promote_success: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &aSuccessfully promoted &e%name% to Resident"
  103. cell_demote_failed_invalid_arguments: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cInvalid arguments! Refer to: /cell demote <name> [id]"
  104. cell_demote_failed_target_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &e%name% &cdoes not exist"
  105. cell_demote_failed_cell_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to find cell"
  106. cell_demote_failed_no_permission: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou do not have the permission to demote members"
  107. cell_demote_failed_not_resident: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou can not demote this person as they are not a member"
  108. cell_demote_failed_id_not_numeric: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cID is not numeric"
  109. cell_demote_failed_misc: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to demote misc error"
  110. cell_demote_success: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &6Demoted &e%name% &6to Resident"
  112. cell_kick_failed_invalid_arguments: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cInvalid arguments! Refer to: /cell demote <name> [id]"
  113. cell_kick_failed_target_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &e%name% &cdoes not exist"
  114. cell_kick_failed_cell_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to find cell"
  115. cell_kick_failed_no_permission: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou do not have the permission to demote members"
  116. cell_kick_failed_owner: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou can not kick this person as they are the owner"
  117. cell_kick_failed_id_not_numeric: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cID is not numeric"
  118. cell_kick_failed_misc: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to demote misc error"
  119. cell_kick_success: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &6Demoted &e%name% &6to Resident"
  121. cell_permission_level_bc: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &e%name%'s &6rank was set to &e%level%"
  122. cell_ownership_transfer_bc: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &aOwnership of cell &f#%id% &awas given to &e%name%"
  123. cell_upgrade_bc: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &6Cell &f#%id% &6was upgraded to &e%level%"
  125. cell_visitor_ejected: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou were booted from the cell"
  128. cell_warps_invalid_usage: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cInvalid usage."
  129. cell_warps_set_warp_success: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &aSuccessfully updated warp."
  130. cell_warps_set_warp_failed: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to set warp."
  131. cell_warps_update_state_success: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &f&lSet warp availability to &e%state%."
  132. cell_warps_update_state_failed: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to enable/disable warp."
  133. cell_warps_warp_failed_disabled: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou can not warp to this cell, as the warp is disabled."
  134. cell_warps_warp_failed_no_position: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou can not warp to this cell, as there is no set warp position."
  135. cell_warps_warp_success: "&a&lWoosh!"
  136. cell_warps_failed_id_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to warp to cell as a cell under id &e'%id%' &cwas not found."
  137. cell_warps_failed_player_not_found: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to warp to cell as no player was found under the name &e'%name%'."
  138. cell_warps_failed_fetch: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to fetch player's cells. Please try again shortly."
  139. cell_warps_failed_player_owns_multiple_cells: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cFailed to warp due to multiple possible destinations."
  140. cell_warps_failed_player_does_not_own_cell: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cThe requested player is not part of a cell."
  141. cell_warps_failed_not_resident: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou are not a resident of the cell you are trying to modify."
  142. cell_warps_set_warp_failed_not_in_cell: "&5&lGalaxy&f&lMC&8&l >> &cYou can not set the warp to this position, as it is outside the cell's bounds."
  144. disable_description: "&6&lPermenantly delete your cell"
  145. manage_description: "&6&lOpen manage UI"
  146. level_description: "&6&lOpen upgrade UI"
  147. accept_description: "&6&lAccept an invitation to a cell if available"
  148. invite_description: "&6&lInvite someone to a cell"
  149. kick_description: "&6&lKick someone from a cell"
  150. leave_description: "&6&lLeave a cell"
  151. demote_description: "&6&lDemote a resident to member"
  152. promote_description: "&6&lPromote a member to resident"
  153. transfer_description: "&6&lTransfer ownership of a cell to a resident"
  154. warp_description: "&6&lTeleports to another cell"
  155. create_description: "&6&lCreate a cell"
  156. help_description: "&6&lDisplays this help menu"
  157. leaderboard_description: "&6&lShow the wealth leaderboard"
  158. home_description: "&6&lTeleport to cell home if available"
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