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  1. TV Tropes
  3. Literature / Homestuck Discord Server
  5. This page contains spoilers.
  7. Homestuck Discord Server is a Web Serial Novel written by Drew Linky and based on his older nonfiction work, Several People Are Typing. The story follows the day-to-day lives of a group of users and moderators (recurring characters include Makin, Tensei, qweq, Misha, Reti, and user5) eking out an existence in a dying fandom. Things take a turn for the worse when the characters begin to realize that they're trapped in a death game run by an unknown mastermind who is attempting to kill them all. The first chapters of the story were published on January 25, 2016.
  9. This work provides examples of the following tropes:
  11. Abandoned Ship: The Lazy Goat Pun Thing that was supposed to become, at least, one of the three biggest things in that fandom. It didn't get off the ground until the memes did, and then it managed one pun before collapsing under its own weight.
  13. Adam Westing: Qweq, possibly the only person on the server to actually like some of the games some of the people play on.
  15. Drew himself is heavily not-Adam Westing while he's playing Sburb
  17. Alberta Clipper: Homestuck fans.
  19. Big Bad: The mysterious player known as Player 5.
  21. Crazy Awesome: Qweq.
  23. Crazy-Prepared: Cross-obsessive fangame-obsessive Misha.
  25. Getting Crap Past the Radar: The entire server, due to the presence of a rule to allow the shitposting of "goo".
  27. Hollow World: Contains the servers for all other Discord servers, including the featured one, but not its own.
  29. Improvised Weapon: A couple of the trolls used the lassos that they captured people with to attack others.
  31. It Amused Me: Completely optional, too.
  33. Lazy Bum: Everyone at the beginning.
  35. Last Resort: The Red Miles.
  37. Mind Screw: The very nature of the story.
  39. The Nondescript: Much like the eponymous Church of the Broken God, Qweq isn't even given an avatar.
  41. Noodle Incident: Makin and friends threaten to do a thing with a Griefer and a ship that no one knows what it is. You would too if you wanted to threaten someone.
  43. Spanner in the Works: This entire endeavor works as such, because Drew has it planned out to be a living version of Homestuck, but mostly as a response to Homestuck, and by proxy, Hiveswap and other Homestuck-related things.
  45. Title Drop: The title comes from the announcement of the server in the server itself.
  47. Unexpected Genre Change: Literally the entire story. The story originally started as a nonfiction book and ended up becoming a full-blown story with crazy plot twists. It's actually so complicated that the story has an edit log detailing how Drew is keeping track of all the plot threads. It's so complicated that you really need to read the story yourself to get the full experience of it.
  49. Utopia Justifies the Means: According to Player 5, his goal is to make the Trolls ascend to godhood, and the only way to do that is to kill all the humans.
  51. Vigilante Man: Qweq.
  53. Webcomic Time: The story isn't just off the rails, it didn't have any rails to begin with.
  55. Wham Episode: Chapter 53, with the twist ending of final battle being the deaths of everyone the characters have ever met, including most of the trolls.
  57. Wham Line: Due to the story being a cross-reference of things, a lot of details have been put together before being directly stated. For example, for a while it seemed that the story was going to have a Throw the Dog a Bone ending for Tensei after everything is over, but it turns out, he had been dead for a while, and had been writing his own story in a way.
  59. X Marks the Pedophile: Originally introduced as a joke, but becomes relevant in chapter 49.
  61. YMMV: There are several things about this story that are divisive among the community of the server itself. Some people think of it as a glorious masterpiece, while some people think of it as just an exercise in trolling for people on the server.
  63. You Can't Go Home Again: On the final day, the trolls are doomed to be on the run forever.
  65. Zany Scheme: Everything that happens in the story.
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