
FoE PNP Destiny Group Session 3

Sep 8th, 2012
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  1. [17:02] <GM||WavemasterRyx> *** PnP Destiny Group: Session 3 Start ***
  2. [17:03] <GM||WavemasterRyx> After returning from their first mission mostly safe and mostly sound, the team is getting to enjoy their downtime before their next mission, which promises a chance for a less frightening experience.
  3. [17:04] * Swoop stretches out on her bed. "Ok.. I'm bored."
  4. [17:06] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The calm voice of a mare comes over the ship's intercom, "Cadet Hopes, please report to Medical, Cadet Hopes, please report to Medical immediately."
  5. [17:11] ->> You are now known as Clara
  6. [17:12] * Astera is still in her bed, newly showered and smoking a ciggaret the alicorn has wiggled into her hoodie and was just enjoying the moment.
  7. [17:13] * Swept_Wing is in his room, sitting at his desk and cleaning his Magnum.
  8. [17:14] * Clara frowns as Hopes is called over the intercom. "Oh... we will have to spend time later! Farewell!" That means she'll have to carry everything on her own. This might be tricky.
  9. [17:15] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Hopes nods hurriedly, her face bright red, "S-sorry!" She gallops out of the Mess Hall.
  10. [17:15] * Swoop gets up, flipping her headphones over her ears and wanders up to the observatory.
  11. [17:19] * Swoop humms to herself.
  12. [17:20] * Clara takes a seat at one of the tables after she manages to bring both her coffee and the sandwich over. She made two trips.
  13. [17:25] * Swept_Wing looks at the mission clock, wondering just what the hell Command was going to send them into this time.
  14. [17:25] * Swoop kicks Swept's door as she passes, then trots away like nothing happened.
  15. [17:26] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The countdown clock reads a little under half an hour left.
  16. [17:28] * Astera decides to check out the radio in her pipbuck. Maybe the radio channel had some music or something.
  17. [17:30] * Chameleon is in the mess hall, nommin' on food.
  18. [17:31] * Swept_Wing almost drops that one really small piece of his gun as Swoop kicks his door. He grumbles and finishes putting the revolver back together.
  19. [17:32] <GM||WavemasterRyx> There are two ship-wide radio channels on the pipbuck. One runs a constant chatter of status, duty rosters, and other miscellaneous information. The second is the "Morale" channel, currently playing an uplifting contra bass piece.
  20. [17:38] * Astera leaves the contra bass on. It was pretty nice acctually. Octavia, maybe. Stretching her back before flopping onto the bed.
  21. [17:43] * Astera suddenly jerks back up, she blinks twice. Oh right, the weapons. Could be a good idea to get those before the next mission. Quickly checking the countdown on her pipbuck (or if its in her room, I dont know) she quickly throws the hoodie back onto the bed, and wiggles into her uniform. Grabbing the rest of her equipment into her bag, toggling the armory with her pipbuck she leaves the room and hurries towards its locatio
  22. [17:44] <Astera> +n.
  23. [17:45] * Swept_Wing pulls out his harmonica, and starts playing this: [ ]
  24. [17:45] * Clara is just relaxing. Drinking her coffee. Nibbling her sandwich.
  25. [17:48] * Swoop looks up at a clock as she enters the observatory.
  26. [17:49] * Astera takes a few wrong turns but eventually she ends up at the armory. The ship was big, even with a marker it was easy to get lost. :I
  27. [17:50] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The numbers on the countdown clock turn red and a tone sounds as it reaches ten minutes left.
  28. [17:50] * Swoop grins. "Sweet."
  29. [17:52] <GM||WavemasterRyx> As Astera approaches the Armory, there is an orange earth pony inside, taunting a protectapony with a wrench. At least the tag for the Armory actually works though.
  30. [17:53] * Clara finishes up quickly. Better make sure she's ready for the next mission. What did she need to do? She checks her PipBuck to see if there's anything there about mission preparations.
  31. [17:53] * Astera aproaches the orange earth pony and cant help but smile as she taunts the protectapony. "Ah, excuse me?"
  32. [17:54] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The earth pony turns to Astera and smiles, her wrench clanging soundly on the protectapony, "Howdy there, can I help you miss?"
  33. [17:56] <Astera> "Well, I will cut it short as the timer is running out. I was told by the captian that I had clearance to get weapons from the armory for my next mission, this mission is due in ten minutes so I was wondering if I could aquire said weapons now. If it isnt to much of a trouble, of course." She smiles and nods.
  34. [17:57] * Swept_Wing tucks his harmonica into his chest pocket, dropping his Magnum into its holster. He also checks his PipBuck for pre-mission information.
  35. [17:58] * Swoop idily checks her pipbuck for extra info on the upcoming mission
  36. [17:59] <GM||WavemasterRyx> She lifts her pipbuck and taps a few buttons with a hoof, "Oh, you're Cadet Astera, right?"
  37. [17:59] <Astera> "The one and only, yes."
  38. [18:00] * Chameleon checks her pipbuck, Wasn't she supposed to go meet the new team she got reassigned to or some shit in a few minutes? She sighs and puts her book away, downing the last of her cola and stands up, setting the marker to guide her wherever she was supposed to be heading
  39. [18:01] * Swoop finds nothing. She sighs, then trots back to her room, kicking Swept's door again.
  40. [18:01] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The pony nods, tapping a few more buttons, "Commander Wallflower already came by and withdrew armaments for yer team. She should be briefing you before departure, then, I imagine."
  41. [18:02] * Swept_Wing snags his Aviators off his desk, slipping them on and trotting out into the hall right after Swoop kicked his door. "Hey! Stop that you."
  42. [18:02] * Swoop giggles and gallops off.
  43. [18:02] * Astera nods slowly. "Ah, I see. Thank you Miss... ?"
  44. [18:03] <GM||WavemasterRyx> She holds the wrench up to her head in salute, "Name's Sugarmist, ma'am, sorry I wasn't more help."
  45. [18:04] * Clara heads for her room to get ready. Though, it might be a good idea to stay in her current form. She's already pushing her endurance with how many times she's swapped forms today.
  46. [18:06] * Swept_Wing shakes his head, chuckling.
  47. [18:07] * Astera smiles. "Thank you again for your help, Ms Sugarmist. It was a pleasure. Good bye." She leaves and moves slowly towards the gate, assuming that there is where they where suposed to meet up.
  48. [18:07] * Swoop trots into her room and grabs her gear, wondering which shuttle she'd get to fly.
  49. [18:09] * Swept_Wing trots off down the hall towards the briefing room, or wherever he was supposed to be heading to.
  50. [18:10] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The alert tone sounds again, softly for each second as the last ten seconds count down. When the clock reaches zero, the ship shudders, a wave of magic washing through the ship as it drops out of FTL drive. The quiet mare's voice sounds over the ship's intercom again, "Advance Team 3, please report to Shuttle 1. Advance Team 1, please report to Shuttle 2." As she repeats the message, tags light up on each of your pipb
  51. [18:10] <Swoop> "Shuttle two, got it!" She gallops out, a fast paced tune playing in her ears.
  52. [18:11] <GM||WavemasterRyx> * each of your pipbucks, directing you to the Shuttle 2 hatch.
  53. [18:11] * Chameleon changes directions with an irritated grunt. She couldn't even get back to her room to grab her smokes! She heads off to where the tag has changed to.
  54. [18:11] * Swept_Wing is already there, cause his room is right next to it.
  55. [18:11] * Astera just arived at the gateroom as she got the message. "Oh..Right, shuttle.." She mumbles as she hears the message and looks down at her pipbuck. She starts to hurry towards the Shuttle 2 hatch.
  56. [18:11] * Swoop gallops into the shuttle and quickly gets herself situated.
  57. [18:12] <Swoop> "This is gonna be so great!"
  58. [18:12] * Clara blinks and looks to her Pipbuck. She quickly gathers her things and heads to the shuttle hatch.
  59. [18:12] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Swept_Wing, at the shuttle you see the same irritating yellow unicorn commander smiling at you, as well as a batpony who looks rather indifferent.
  60. [18:13] * Swept_Wing nods to the two. "Howdy." He says, adjusting his Aviators.
  61. [18:14] * Swoop heads back out of the shuttle and stands next to her brother. "So, what're we doing today?"
  62. [18:15] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Commander Daylight keeps smiling, "I'll brief you as soon as the rest of your team arrives, but it should be a nice calming mission."
  63. [18:15] * Swoop grumbles n looks away. "...sure like our last mission..."
  64. [18:16] <GM||WavemasterRyx> She laughs a little, the batpony merely shifts in place, looking bored, a package balanced on her back.
  65. [18:17] * Swept_Wing pulls out harmonica and starts playing this: as he waited for the others.
  66. [18:18] <Swoop> "You been listening to my playlist again, bro?"
  67. [18:19] <Swept_Wing> "Mayyyyybe."
  68. [18:19] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The batpony cringes from the sound of the harmonica.
  69. [18:19] * Swept_Wing switches to this:
  70. [18:19] * Swoop smiles and taps her hooves to make the drumbeat.
  71. [18:20] * Clara immediately gives everyone a loud "Hello!" when she reaches the shuttle hatch.
  72. [18:21] * Chameleon stalks in, looking like she's in a contest with the batpony for 'who can look the most indifferent?'
  73. [18:23] * Astera arives last, troting up to the rest. Trying her best to hide her heavy breathing, she had been galloping half the way. Only to start trotting just s she came around the corner.
  74. [18:24] * Swept_Wing sticks his harmonica back into his pocket. "That everyone?"
  75. [18:24] <Swept_Wing> everypony*]
  76. [18:24] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Commander Daylight smiles, "Looks like everypony's here. Unfortunately, I recieved word that High Hopes would be detained with a medical emergency, so she won't be able to join you..."
  77. [18:25] * Chameleon staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaares at the ponies that she'd been assigned to.
  78. [18:25] <Swoop> "Well darn. Was hoping we'd have a medic on this run."
  79. [18:25] <Swept_Wing> "Why, you gonna crash or something?"
  80. [18:25] * Swept_Wing grins.
  81. [18:26] * Astera smile and nods at Chameleon.
  82. [18:26] <GM||WavemasterRyx> After a breath she continues, "First off, I would like to introduce you to Cadet Chameleon. From here out, she's going to be assigned to your team, as extra security."
  83. [18:26] <Swoop> "Welcome to the team, Cammy!"
  84. [18:26] * Chameleon grumbles something and gives a half-hearted wave.
  85. [18:26] * Clara frowns, but listens to Daylight. She was just getting to know Hopes!
  86. [18:30] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Daylight does her best to mostly cover up her amusement at Chameleon's response, "Well, your mission is, you're all going to go camping! Destiny needs to test its weapon systems and then recharge its power, so we'll be heading into a star to do that. In the meanwhile, you all will be heading to a nearby planet to survey resources."
  87. [18:30] <Swept_Wing> "...great."
  88. [18:31] <Swoop> "Survey?? Aww man. Ground-pounder work..."
  89. [18:31] * Chameleon lets out her first coherant noise, a monotone 'woo hoo.'
  90. [18:31] <Swept_Wing> "You said it sis." He mumbles.
  91. [18:32] <GM||WavemasterRyx> "We'll be on our way back in two days, and you'll meet us back up in orbit. Now, after your experience last mission, we need to warn you, even though it's nothing major..."
  92. [18:32] * Clara blinks, but smiles. This is the perfect chance to see some nice things!
  93. [18:33] <Swoop> "What giant monsters are we facing on this planet?"
  94. [18:34] * Astera cant help but smirk. "Camping.. I see. And as Ms Sugarmist said, I assume you have aquired weapons for us to have for our defense from swoops hypothetical giant monsters during our.. Camping. Ma'am."
  95. [18:35] <GM||WavemasterRyx> "Nothing quite like that. This time." Daylight laughs a little, "The ships that have stopped here before reported no major disturbances, however, some crews have reported that ponies returning from this planet have exhibited increased aggressive tendencies. It's probably nothing, but just keep your eyes open..."
  96. [18:36] <Swept_Wing> "Increased aggressive tendencies? How 'aggressive' were they ma'am?"
  97. [18:36] * Chameleon maintains her bored monotone "So don't breathe the air, don't drink the water, and don't stop to sniff or take a nibble out of the local flora or fauna. Roger."
  98. [18:37] <Swoop> "What kinds of weapons will we be testing?"
  99. [18:41] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Daylight waves a hoof dismissively, "Nothing worse than maybe a drunk hoofball player. And the ship is going to be testing its main weapons, you should be able to get a good look on your way towards the planet." She grins.
  100. [18:42] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The batpony shuffles her hooves, her voice quiet, "Can I get this over with, please?"
  101. [18:44] * Clara hesitates a moment. "So... what are we... supposed to be doing?"
  102. [18:45] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Daylight nods and the batpony slides the package off her back, opening it carefully and pulling out two small laser pistols, a third left in the box, she slides one each towards Clara and Astera, "The two of you remember your basic training right? Point the end with the red band towards what you want to hurt and pull the trigger."
  103. [18:47] * Astera nods. "Of course."
  104. [18:47] * Clara blinks. "Um... yes. I... remember." She takes it hesitantly.
  105. [18:47] * Swept_Wing eyes the pistols skeptically.
  106. [18:48] <Swept_Wing> "You sure those'll have enough stopping power to put anything down?"
  107. [18:48] * Swoop snorts, adjusting her own on her leg.
  108. [18:49] * Astera takes teh pistol and holster (which I assumed came with the weapon), strapping it to her left hind leg.
  109. [18:50] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The batpony nods, "Standard issue." She turns and bows slightly to Daylight before trotting off down the hallway. Daylight smiles, "As I said, there shouldn't be any threats on this trip, so they should do just fine."
  110. [18:51] <GM||WavemasterRyx> "Your official mission is to check for any usable supplies near your landing site, and have a relaxing picnic. If there's nothing else, we'll see you in two days."
  111. [18:51] * Swept_Wing grunts, tapping his Magnum with a hoof. "Standard issue ain't very reassuring." He mutters.
  112. [18:52] <Swoop> "Relaxing picnic?"
  113. [18:53] * Swept_Wing snorts. "A picnic?"
  114. [18:53] * Chameleon grumbles "So our orders are to dick around on a planet that causes aggressive tendancies for a few days living off the stuff that probably causes it?"
  115. [18:53] * Clara puts the new weapon away. "Do not worry! It will be fun, and relaxing!"
  116. [18:54] <Chameleon> "I knew it. I was reassigned to this team to die."
  117. [18:54] * Swept_Wing groans. "Great, just great."
  118. [18:54] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Daylight shakes her head, "There's rations and a full set of camping equipment loaded in the shuttle's storage, so you don't have to eat anything from the planet if you don't want to."
  119. [18:55] <Swoop> "Excuse me sir, but I didn't think being galactic explorers included taking relaxing vacations on alien worlds."
  120. [18:55] <GM||WavemasterRyx> "And there's only been a hoofful of isolated cases, it doesn't happen in everypony that goes down there, that's why we don't believe there's cause for concern.'
  121. [18:56] <Swept_Wing> "Especially when we're not on R&R."
  122. [18:56] <Chameleon> "Now, if other teams and crews have gone to this planet wouldn't you already have the resources mapped out?"
  123. [18:58] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Daylight laughs just a little, "I know it's not very glamerous, but it's still important work. And certainly, crews have been here before, but never a thorough evaluation, and not at your particular landing coordinates at any rate."
  124. [18:59] * Chameleon shrugs, accepting the answer.
  125. [18:59] * Swoop snorts. "So long as I get to fly, sir."
  126. [19:00] <Swept_Wing> "Well, let's get underway then. No point in standing here any longer."
  127. [19:00] <Astera> "Very well, shall we not waste anymore time and get this picnic underway then. We have a planet to see and im sure Swept and Swoop are eager to fly this thing."
  128. [19:01] * Swoop grins widely. "Oh yeah."
  129. [19:02] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The Commander grins and gives a small salute, "Good luck, Cadets. See you in two days."
  130. [19:03] * Clara nods, and waits for the ponies to board the shuttle before boarding herself
  131. [19:03] * Chameleon trots on board and plops down in a seat
  132. [19:03] * Astera nods at the commander. "Two days then." She trots onboard after Chameleon.
  133. [19:03] * Swoop trots aboard and sets herself into the pilot's seat, plugging her MP3 into the shuttle's intercom.
  134. [19:03] * Swept_Wing snaps off a salute, and trots in after Swoop.
  135. [19:05] * Swept_Wing positions himself at the radio console. "You ready sis?"
  136. [19:05] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The cockpit is a snug cage, all systems appear fully powered and opperational.
  137. [19:05] * Swoop settles in. "Let's rock, bro."
  138. [19:07] * Swept_Wing nods. "Strap in back there!" he calls back to the others.
  139. [19:07] * Astera does so.
  140. [19:07] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Daylight closes the airlock from Destiny's side, waving through the small window and smiling wide.
  141. [19:07] * Swoop flips the switches to release the clamps holding the shuttle down.
  142. [19:07] * Chameleon straps in.
  143. [19:08] * Chameleon doesn't like Daylight's smile. It's creepy.
  144. [19:10] * Swept_Wing picks up the radio. "Destiny Control, this is Shuttle Two. We are away, see you in two days. Cadet Swept Wing out."
  145. [19:12] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The same quiet mare you've heard on the intership replies, "Destiny Com Center to Shuttle Two, message recieved, and permission to depart granted. Good luck on your mission."
  146. [19:14] * Swept_Wing sets the radio mic down. "I'd hate to have that mare's job. Let's go Swoop!"
  147. [19:15] <GM||WavemasterRyx> There is a tag set on the ship's heads-up display, indicating your destination.
  148. [19:15] * Swoop nods and hits her MP3 player's play button. "Enjoy a little music back there, ponies." The speakers start to play
  149. [19:16] * Swoop concentrates on flying as it plays.
  150. [19:17] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Swoop punches the throttle a little too hard, making the ship jolt as it lifts off from the shuttle pad.
  151. [19:19] * Swoop jerks. "Er... sorry...."
  152. [19:19] * Astera mumbles. "Careful.."
  153. [19:19] * Swept_Wing sways as the shuttle jerks lifting off, grinning a little. "And you complained about me getting the Desting out of dock?"
  154. [19:20] <Swept_Wing> Destiny*]
  155. [19:20] * Swoop ignores the peanut gallery and flies on.
  156. [19:22] * Chameleon remained silent throughout it.
  157. [19:25] * Clara has made her way somewhere she can relax while the shuttle makes its way to the planet.
  158. [19:26] * Chameleon fidgets and pulls out her book, going back to reading it
  159. [19:27] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Out two small windows in the rear of the shuttle, all the passengers can see Destiny as you fly away from it. From its underside you can see the main guns as they drop down and begin charging energy. In the front of the ship, Swoop is following the course easily enough. Swept_Wing can see a small dot in the distance, underneath the tag marker.
  160. [19:29] * Swept_Wing takes a seat in what would be the Flight Engineer's chair, monitoring the consoles before him. "Yo sis, what's the ETA?"
  161. [19:29] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Destiny's main guns fire, anypony looking at it sees what amounts to a sun stretched out into an expanding line of force.
  162. [19:30] * Swoop checks instruments. "Fifteen minsutes, if I keep this speed."
  163. [19:31] <Swept_Wing> "Roger that."
  164. [19:32] * Swoop smiles as the music changes to
  165. [19:35] * Chameleon just sits and reads her book
  166. [19:35] * Clara is looking out a window.
  167. [19:41] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The voyage passes uneventfully, the planet growing steadily in the front viewport, until you're finally right on top of it.
  168. [19:42] * Swoop looks down at it, checking her HUD for projected landing zone. "Don't look so bad from here."
  169. [19:42] * Chameleon puts her book away and asks quietly, mostly to herself "Did you say that before your last mission?"
  170. [19:45] <Swept_Wing> "Yo, we're here! Strap yourselves in back there, we're landing."
  171. [19:45] * Chameleon straps back in
  172. [19:45] * Swoop grumbles more about the last mission. "Hang on back there. This may be a bit bumpy."
  173. [19:46] <Astera> "Ah, no. However last time we went through the gate and where greeted by a pony, or should I say alien. I doubt the same will happen on this planet. " She shrugs and braces herself for landing.
  174. [19:46] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Swoop is easily able to identify the landing zone, it's a nice flat plane, and very easy to land on. The trip through the atmosphere is however every bit as bumpy as your warning, the ship shaking as you decent.
  175. [19:46] * Clara watches as we land. "This is exciting!"
  176. [19:47] * Swoop grunts, trying to hold it steady as the atmosphere bounces us around. "Didn't cover this very well in training..."
  177. [19:51] * Swept_Wing chuckles. "Hey, this isn't as bad as that one time you flipped your Vertibuck over."
  178. [19:51] <Swoop> "I thought we agreed never to speak of that again.."
  179. [19:52] * Swept_Wing just grins.
  180. [19:52] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The turbulance passes as quickly as it arrived, and in a bit of deft maneovering, Swoop manages to touch down exactly on the designated landing spot with the utmost delicacy.
  181. [19:52] * Swoop lets out a breath. "Piece a cake."
  182. [19:53] * Swoop ( Quit ( Quit: Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies. )
  183. [19:55] * Swept_Wing hops out of his seat. "We're hereeeee!"
  184. [19:56] * Clara stands almost immediately when we land. "Let us go take a look around!"
  185. [19:57] * Chameleon stands up and wanders outside
  186. [19:58] * Swept_Wing hits the button that lowers the back ramp. "Let's see what we've landed on."
  187. [19:58] <Chameleon> "Taking bets on how many things are out to eat us."
  188. [19:59] <Astera> "Oh Im sure that there is nothign to worry about." She says as she leaves the shuttle
  189. [20:00] <GM||WavemasterRyx> As the rear door of the shuttle opens, you're greeted by a warm breeze of fresh air. You've landed in the middle of a meadow, full of lush grass that comes up to mid-leg, a little ways off, you can see can see thick forests that surround the meadow.
  190. [20:00] <Chameleon> "Again, did you say anything like that before your last mission? You ponies are too optimistic. Or maybe I'm just pessimistic. I already think i was assigned to thhis team to die because command is too lazy to discharge me."
  191. [20:01] * Clara isn't paying attention to what anyone is saying. She's busy being excited about exploring this new planet!
  192. [20:05] <Astera> "I am quite sure that we did, no matter. I am willing to put my.. Optimism aside and work purely proffessional if that is what is required to be able to work with you. Ms Chameleon." She glances at the changeling as she steps down the ramp and onto the new planet
  193. [20:06] * Clara trots off the shuttle, looking around the landing site.
  194. [20:06] * Chameleon smirks and trots down after Astera
  195. [20:07] * Swept_Wing remains on the shuttle with Swoop.
  196. [20:07] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The meadow in your immediate vicinity is filled with the lush grass, making wooshing noises as the wind sweeps across it in waves. Except for the grass underneath the shuttle. If there were natives here you'd just made a crop circle, good job.
  197. [20:09] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The forests surrounding the meadow look to be about a quarter of a mile off, with the forests to the left of the shuttle's exit looking slightly thinner.
  198. [20:12] * Clara flies up to take a look around from the air.
  199. [20:13] <Astera> "Well, I supose that we should get a camp in order. Gather some firewood and get ready for our so called picnic then."
  200. [20:14] * Swoop ( has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  201. [20:16] * Swoop removes herself from the shuttle after completing shutdown. "So... This planet. What's it called again?"
  202. [20:16] <GM||WavemasterRyx> From the air, Clara can see that where the woods are thinned out to the side is actually a slope down, where the forest is broken up by large stone formations below ground-line view. The forests in the other directions continue normally for quite some ways, interrupted only by a few gentle hills.
  203. [20:17] * Chameleon scratches her mane "Alright..." She looks up at Astera "Er...Whaddya want me to do?"
  204. [20:18] <Swoop> "Well, lets get to work exploring Planet DeeJay."
  205. [20:19] * Swept_Wing nods, trotting out next to her.
  206. [20:19] <Astera> "Lets make camp slightly closer to the forest, easier to gather firewood that way. Ms Chameleon if you gather the supplies in the shuttle Ill see if I can find a suitable location for our camp... Allwhile the pegasi flies about, as usual. Sounds good?"
  207. [20:19] * Swoop pops open the cargo bay n pulls out the camping gear. "I got the stuff here."
  208. [20:20] * Chameleon shrugs "Sounds fine." She turns to trot over to Swoop
  209. [20:20] * Clara admires the view from the air.
  210. [20:20] * Astera trots away towards the forest to se if she could find a location to set up camp.
  211. [20:21] <Swoop> "Man, they didn't skimp on this stuff."
  212. [20:22] <Swept_Wing> "Nope."
  213. [20:22] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The view is rather beautiful from the air, lush greenery in dozens of shades mingling together. The cargo bay contains six tents, and enough rations to last eight ponies a week.
  214. [20:22] * Chameleon scratches her mane " least we've got plenty of supplies..."
  215. [20:23] <Swoop> "Plenty of MREs..."
  216. [20:23] * Swept_Wing chuckles. "Yeah, almost too many."
  217. [20:23] <Swoop> "Almost like they're expecting us to be here longer..."
  218. [20:24] <Swept_Wing> "Yep, wouldn't be surprised with the way the last mission went."
  219. [20:24] <GM||WavemasterRyx> It's standard provisions for a shuttle. And if you soak the rations in water, you can close your eyes and almost pretend it's Tastey Wheat!
  220. [20:24] <Chameleon> "...Oh this ain't helping my paranoia."
  221. [20:25] * Swoop puts a hoof on Cameleon's shoulder. "Relax, Cammy. We're not gonna get stranded here."
  222. [20:25] * Swept_Wing taps the Shuttle. "This thing's still got plenty of gas, so we're good."
  223. [20:26] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Heading towards the thinner forest, the grass becomes somewhat shorter, dwindling down to plain dirt before it reaches the treeline. Any of it seems like it could make a decent camp.
  224. [20:26] * Swoop starts dragging the camping supplies into the open."
  225. [20:27] * Swept_Wing does the same.
  226. [20:27] * Chameleon assists Swoop and Swept
  227. [20:27] * Clara makes a landing on top of the shuttle. "The forest slopes down that way!" She indicates the direction. "And there are hills!" She indicates that direction as well.
  228. [20:28] * Astera taps into her pipbuck with the help of her magic and reports. {Found a suitable location at the thinner forest, make your way here once you are done with the suplies. Ill go and see if I can find somefirewood.}
  229. [20:28] <Swept_Wing> <Roger, we'll be right over.>
  230. [20:29] * Swoop checks her pipbuck and sets the waypoint.
  231. [20:30] <Swoop> "So, why do you think we're REALLY here?"
  232. [20:31] * Astera heads further into the forest to see if there are any dead trees or easily burnable materials nearby that they could use for a fire. She had done this before you know, honest.
  233. [20:31] <Chameleon> "Probably so they can study what causes the aggression."
  234. [20:31] <Swoop> "What, on us?"
  235. [20:31] * Swept_Wing shrugs. "Probably."
  236. [20:32] <Chameleon> "I mean, If you wanted a squad of hyper-aggressive super soldiers, why not use a natural compound. And probably."
  237. [20:32] <Swoop> "... well fuck that."
  238. [20:33] * Clara heads over toward where Astera was setting up their camp, to help.
  239. [20:34] <Swept_Wing> "If we're not off this rock in two days, I'm going to be having a word with Commander Daylight. She's already way to fucking happy to begin with."
  240. [20:34] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Astera's search turns up a large, dead tree which appears to have been most likely hit by lightning. There are cracked limbs littered on the ground in varying pieces, and though some of it was burned as a result, there appears to be quite a bit of promising wood to be yielded from it.
  241. [20:34] <Swoop> "Seriously, what was up with THAT?"
  242. [20:34] * Chameleon snerks
  243. [20:35] <Swept_Wing> "No idea, but it
  244. [20:35] <Swept_Wing> 's fucking /creepy/"
  245. [20:35] <Chameleon> "I agree. Did you see that smile of his when we were leaving? Made my skin crawl."
  246. [20:36] <Chameleon> her's*
  247. [20:36] * Swoop snerks. "I haven't had a single CO that wasn't weird."
  248. [20:37] <Swept_Wing> "Heh, you can say that again."
  249. [20:37] <Swept_Wing> "But none of them ever smiled quite like that."
  250. [20:37] <Swoop> "True..."
  251. [20:37] <Chameleon> "Definitely knew way more than he was letting on."
  252. [20:38] * Astera looks up, hopefully there wasnt a storm comming. She sighs and steadies herself as she lifts with her telekinesis a few of the chunks that had parted from the main log of the tree. Carrying them with her towards the camp.
  253. [20:39] * Swept_Wing nods. "Well, I'd keep an eye out for anything suspicious if I were you. We have no idea what's down here, and Command probably does."
  254. [20:39] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The skies are currently a lovely shade of blue, with only a few wispy clouds.
  255. [20:39] * Swoop sighs. "Something tells me we'll never have a peaceful mission."
  256. [20:40] <Chameleon> "Alright, important question. did any of you see and cigarettes in the supplies?"
  257. [20:41] <Chameleon> "...I was heading to my room to grab mine when I got the call to head to the shuttle."
  258. [20:41] <Swoop> "Doubt they're standard issue. Sorry."
  259. [20:41] * Chameleon lets out an irritated sigh " not going to be a fun trip."
  260. [20:41] * Swept_Wing shakes his head. "Nope, and I don't smoke often enough to carry any on me."
  261. [20:43] * Clara lands over by the proposed campsite. She looks around for Astera, to see if there was anything she can do.
  262. [20:44] * Swoop sets down the supplies, then takes off to patrol the area, looking for anything that might be a threat.
  263. [20:47] * Swept_Wing dumps the tents, and lofts back into the area on a patrol pattern, keeping an eye out for things.
  264. [20:47] * Astera returns to the campsite shortly after, levitating a few chunks of log with her. She gently puts them down in. "Alright.. Atleast we have enough to create a fire, we will have to gather more later on though. Saw a tree in this forest, just a few minutes in that can be used.. It seemed burnt, as if it had been struck by lighting or something." She tells to anypony who might be in the camp, and if there is none there sh
  265. [20:48] <Astera> is talking to herself like a crazy pony."
  266. [20:48] * Chameleon is in the proposed camp sight putting supplies down
  267. [20:48] * Chameleon thinks
  268. [20:49] * Clara is there. She just came to see if she could help. "Ah! Is there anything more that would need to be done? I may be able to help!"
  269. [20:50] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The two patrolling pegasi don't see anything out of the ordinary, just the trees and the grass. The way the wind blows through it is rather captivating.
  270. [20:51] <Astera> "Ah, Im sure that there might be things you want to see in the area Ms Clara, go ahead and take a lot. Be carefull though, who knows what might be around here.. Use the radio if you need something." She nods and starts to put up a tent. Well, she tries, this was one thing she had never done before.
  271. [20:52] * Swoop keeps looking.
  272. [20:52] * TicTac ( has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  273. [20:52] * Chameleon puts up another tent, watching Astera with an amused expression. She seems to have perked up a little since earlier. at least she isn't speaking solely in deadpan now.
  274. [20:57] * Swept_Wing ( Quit ( Quit: ajax IRC Client )
  275. [20:57] * TicTac is now known as Swept_Wing
  276. [20:58] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The two pegasi keep looking around, they still can't find anything out of the ordinary, everything seems just as safe as they were told.
  277. [20:58] * Astera is spending half her time with the face in the instructions manual and half of it trying to see if the tent acctually looks like it does in the manual. She scrunchie faces and decides that this just has to do. "Well.. That was interesting.. " She mumbles as she takes a glance at the tent Chameleon had raised.
  278. [20:58] * Chameleon stands next to her tent, looking at Astera "Want some help?"
  279. [20:59] * Swoop radios Swept. "Looks clear bro."
  280. [20:59] <Chameleon> "Two can raise one faster than one."
  281. [20:59] <Swept_Wing> <"Same here sis.">
  282. [21:00] <Swoop> <"Back to camp then?">
  283. [21:00] <Astera> "Ah.. Sure, yes. Id like some help." She says, slumping slightly. How hard could it be to raise a tent, really.
  284. [21:00] * Chameleon smirks and trots over to help Astera
  285. [21:00] * Clara frowns slightly. "Oh... okay..." She heads off toward the forest, disappointed.
  286. [21:02] <Swept_Wing> <"Yep.">
  287. [21:02] <Astera> "So, another planet huh. Who would have think that it could look so much like equestria... What made you join the Destiny, if you dont mind me asking. Ms Chameleon." She asks as she puts up the tent.
  288. [21:03] <Swoop> <"After you, then.">
  289. [21:03] * Swept_Wing banks, and heads back to their camp.
  290. [21:03] * Swoop banks and follows
  291. [21:04] * Chameleon shrugs "Wanted to see other places than the same old world we lived in. And please, just call me Cammy."
  292. [21:06] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Clara finds some bushes that she thinks should have berries, but they were sporting only leaves. Trotting on, she begins to lose track of just where she is in the woods.
  293. [21:07] * Clara doesn't really care though. She's enjoying herself!
  294. [21:07] * Astera smiles and bows her head slightly. "as you wish, Ms Cammy." Her smile lingers as she finishes raising the tent. Moving over to the firewood to hover a few of the chunks into a pile. "Is this your first mission?"
  295. [21:07] * Chameleon nods "Er, just Cammy. no Ms. And yes."
  296. [21:08] * Swoop lands back at the camp and fluffs her wings. "Everything SEEMS okay."
  297. [21:09] * Swept_Wing nods. "Yes, but I'd still keep an eye out for things."
  298. [21:09] <Swoop> "We should stay together as a group, just in case."
  299. [21:10] <Astera> "Not what you expected I guess. I was quite surprised of how much of home it looks like the first time I ventured to another planet.. Heh, I somehow get the feeling that we where assigned to his planet as way to make up for what happened on the first one." She shrugs and starts to look around camp for a few rocks that she could put around the fire to make sure it dosnt spread.
  300. [21:11] <Chameleon> "I'm not so sure this planet is filled with fluffy bunnies and rainbows." she shrugs "I dunno, I just find some of this fishy."
  301. [21:12] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The sun is gradually making its way lower in the sky, most of the team, but especially Chameleon notice that as it is, the wind is starting to pick up.
  302. [21:12] <Chameleon> "...starting to get windy. I hop it doesn't storm."
  303. [21:12] <Chameleon> hope*)
  304. [21:13] * Swept_Wing nods, looking up at the sky. "Hmmm."
  305. [21:13] * Swoop picks out a tent and goes inside to preen.
  306. [21:15] * Clara frowns. Sheshould probably be getting back...
  307. [21:15] * Astera looks up at the sky and nods. "Lets hope not.. " She finishes preparing the fireplace and gives it a affermative nod. "Well, atleast we have a fireplace, hopefully it wont get very cold during the night on this planet."
  308. [21:15] * Clara starts looking for the way back to camp
  309. [21:18] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Swept Wing and Clara both notice there is a storm behind some mountains in the distance, but it seems to be heading around rather than towards the camp.
  310. [21:19] <Swept_Wing> "Looks like it's going to miss us."
  311. [21:19] * Chameleon scratches her mane "Lets hope so."
  312. [21:22] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Clara attempts to make her way back to the camp on hoof, but she can't seem to find it.
  313. [21:22] * Clara gives up on trying to find her way back by hoof, and instead tries to see where camp is by flying above the trees.
  314. [21:22] * Swept_Wing nods.
  315. [21:23] <Swept_Wing> "Well, let's get the rest of these tents set up."
  316. [21:23] <Chameleon> "Alrighty." she trots over and starts setting up another tent
  317. [21:24] * Swept_Wing attempts to assemble one of the tents.
  318. [21:24] <GM||WavemasterRyx> From the air, Clara can easily see the clearing, and the rest of her team as they continue setting up the camp.
  319. [21:25] * Clara flies back toward the campsite
  320. [21:26] * Swept_Wing assembles the tent very well. It's not falling down anytime soon.
  321. [21:26] * Swoop slips her headphones on as she finishes preening herself, and looks around her tent. "Huh. Bed's made."
  322. [21:30] * Chameleon moves on to another tent (I think the last one) and starts setting it up
  323. [21:31] * Astera "Ah, well. If command wants us to sit tight for a while, then I am not going to argue with them. I have even decided to make it slightly more comfortable for myself." She states as she floats out her hoodie and quickly changes into that it. Also floating out her a cigarett, lighting it and taking a drag as she lays down next to the notyetlit firewood.
  324. [21:31] * Swoop emerges from her tent and starts to get dinner ready. "So who's having what? We got spaghetti, lasagna, potatoes and corn..."
  325. [21:32] * Swept_Wing takes off his Aviators. "I'll have spaghetti sis."
  326. [21:32] * Chameleon smiles cigarette smoke and looks around, her eyes zeroing in on the cigarette hanging from Astera's mouth "...You have cigarettes?"
  327. [21:33] <Swoop> /me tosses a packaged MRE at Swept.
  328. [21:33] <Chameleon> (Smells cigarette smoke*)
  329. [21:33] * Clara manages to get back, after a bit of flying. "I am sorry I am late! I had a little trouble finding where I was!"
  330. [21:34] * Swoop nods at Clara. "Dinner's make yer own. Whatcha want?"
  331. [21:34] * Astera smile and nods. Floating a packet of cigarettes from her bags up towards Chameleon, offering it. "I do indeed."
  332. [21:36] * Clara shakes her head. "Ah... I am fine! I do not need anything!"
  333. [21:36] * Chameleon grins "You...are a life saver!" she plucks a cigarette from the pack and lights it, taking a drag and wiggling happily before blowing the smoke out through her nose "I'm fine on the food front too."
  334. [21:37] * Swoop shrugs and pulls out a lasagna package.
  335. [21:40] * Swept_Wing catches the MRE in his mouth, pulling out his spaghetti. "Mmmm."
  336. [21:40] * Astera "I try to bring a packet or two with me wherever I go, as a.. Gesture to my father." She smirks. "The old man never liked me smoking, said it wasnt.. Fitting." She turns her head towards Swoop, "I woulnt mind a lasanga if you don't mind, Ms Swoop."
  337. [21:45] <Swoop> [18:41] * Swoop pulls another lasagna and hoofs it to Astera. "Cammy, you want anything?"
  338. [21:45] <Swoop> [18:41] * Chameleon smirks at Astera before shaking her head at Swoop "I'm fine."
  339. [21:45] <Swoop> [18:42] * Swoop shrugs and settles in to ready her meal with the warming element.
  340. [21:43] * Clara starts looking through the shuttle supplies. She wouldn't mind a cup of coffee.
  341. [21:45] * Astera dips the stump of the cigarett in the fireplace and starts to nom her food. She eats for a while before asking. "Does anypony know how to light this fire..?"
  342. [21:46] * Chameleon pulls out her lighter and shrugs
  343. [21:46] * Clara speaks up as she shuffles through the supplies. "I may be able to! I can try!"
  344. [21:46] * Swept_Wing settles in as he heats up his MRE. "Good, cause I'm terrible at it." he grins.
  345. [21:46] <Swoop> "I was gonna suggest use a laser pistol, but clara seem's eager enough."
  346. [21:47] * Chameleon tucks her lighter back in her pocket, curious to see what Clara had in mind
  347. [21:47] * Swept_Wing chuckles. "Could use the gunpowder out o' one of my bullets."
  348. [21:48] * Astera realises after a few bites that her lasanga was cold. :T
  349. [21:48] * Swoop notices the look on the alicorn's face. "Astera, you do realize you need to heat it right?"
  350. [21:49] * Chameleon frowns at Swept_Wing "Regardless of how peaceful this place is, using a bullet that could save your life down the road to light a fire is kind of wasteful."
  351. [21:49] * Clara has been going through the ship's supplies. She probably can find supplies to light a fire.
  352. [21:50] * Swept_Wing shrugs. "True, not like I'd actually do it anyway."
  353. [21:50] * Chameleon still has a lighter."
  354. [21:50] <Astera> "Aha.." She nods slowly.
  355. [21:50] <Swoop> "Want help? Mine needs to heat anyway."
  356. [21:52] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Among other things, Clara finds some flares and a couple small boxes of matches.
  357. [21:52] * Astera gets up and floats the lasanga with her, moving over to swoop and the warming element. "Yes please." She says with a smile and a nod.
  358. [21:53] * Swoop shows Astera how to set up the heating element and put the meal to warm. "See? Simple."
  359. [21:54] * Chameleon fidgets and pulls out her lighter again "You know, I could just..."
  360. [21:55] * Clara already has the matches, and attempts to light the fire.
  361. [21:55] * Astera nods. "Thank you Ms Swoop, you have to excuse me for my ignorance. But I have never gone camping before." She smirks. "First time camping, and it ends up being on another planet."
  362. [21:55] * Chameleon shrugs "Alright." She puts the lighter away
  363. [21:55] * Swoop chuckles. "We all gotta start somewhere."
  364. [21:56] * Swept_Wing digs into his now-heated spaghetti. "Mmm, not bad." He says between bites. "Not the best, but better than some I've had."
  365. [21:57] * Swoop turns to her own now-warm meal, taking a bite. "Oh... that's good lasagna..."
  366. [21:57] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The winds have gotten a little higher as the sun continues to dip. As Clara tries to light the campfire with her matches they are blown out by the wind.
  367. [21:58] * Astera warms her meal before noming it this time. Moving back to the fireplace she lays down next to it again.
  368. [21:59] * Clara frowns. Stupid wind.
  369. [21:59] * Chameleon sits and watches
  370. [21:59] * Swoop enjoys her meal. "Bro, you missed out with this lasagna."
  371. [22:02] * Swept_Wing shrugs. "Eh, ah like my spaghetti."
  372. [22:02] * Chameleon just makes a little pile of tinder, lights it, and then puts it underneath the firewood.
  373. [22:03] * Swoop giggles. "I know... I remember the last time MOM made spaghetti. How DID you get that stain out of your uniform anyway?"
  374. [22:03] * Swept_Wing grins. "Tide To Go."
  375. [22:04] * Swoop scoffs. "A real stallion would've gone the soda-water method you know. You cheated."
  376. [22:07] * Swept_Wing sticks his tongue out at Swoop. "Yeah, and don't make me bring up that time you tried ironing your uniform on the wood floors."
  377. [22:07] * Clara goes back to looking through the supplies for coffee-making stuff.
  378. [22:07] <Swoop> "An honest mistake. And their fault for using inferior sealer."
  379. [22:08] * Chameleon tosses her long finished cigarette but into the firepit and lays her rifle down, flopping down next to it.
  380. [22:09] * Swept_Wing chuckles, moving closer to the fire.
  381. [22:09] * Swoop finishes her meal. "So, here's a silly question. What kind of equipment did they give us to play with?"
  382. [22:10] * Swept_Wing shrugs. "Dunno, didn't see anything too fancy in the cargo hold."
  383. [22:11] <Swoop> "Well she did say we were testing out new gear right?"
  384. [22:11] * Astera puts the hood up on her hoodie. Yes there are holes for the ears and horn. Looking into the fire.
  385. [22:12] <Swept_Wing> "What new gear? I've got all the same stuff I've had since we left Equestria."
  386. [22:12] * Swoop shrugs. "Well whatever. How're we gonna survey if we don't have gear for it."
  387. [22:12] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Clara doesn't find anything particular for making coffee, they seem to have left it with just what's already included in the rations.
  388. [22:12] * Swept_Wing shrugs. "Dunno, but you might need to get your hearing checked sis."
  389. [22:13] * Swoop shrugs again. "Not like it'd help any. Not with these ops."
  390. [22:13] * Swept_Wing pulls out his harmonica. "So, would anypony care for a little music?"
  391. [22:14] * Clara frowns. Fine. Whatever, supply box. She decides she'll figure out how to get her coffee tomorrow morning!
  392. [22:14] * Swoop flips her own music off. "Sure. What's the song?"
  393. [22:15] * Chameleon opens the flap to the last tent she set up and trots inside to putter around inside
  394. [22:16] * Swept_Wing hmms. "How does Spokey Dokey sound?"
  395. [22:16] * Clara lies on her back near the fire, resting a bit.
  396. [22:17] <Swoop> "Sounds damn fine."
  397. [22:17] * Swept_Wing nods, and begins to play:
  398. [22:17] * Swoop humms the guitar tune perfectly.
  399. [22:19] * Astera closes her eyes and enjoys the music.
  400. [22:21] * Chameleon (Molestia@Pony-q6i.6re.52.184.IP) Quit ( Quit: )
  401. [22:22] * Chameleon (Molestia@Pony-q6i.6re.52.184.IP) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  402. [22:28] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The evening passes with the tunes of Swept Wing's harmonica and the loud woosh of the wind through the trees, which accompanies you all through the night. Swoop, Chameleon, and Clara have a very unrestful night, a feeling of being stared at seeping into their dreams. As morning breaks, they wake bathed in sweat.
  403. [22:28] * Swoop emerges from her tent. "Ugh... it's official. This planet sucks to sleep on..."
  404. [22:29] * Chameleon wakes up in her sweat-damp bedroll and trots outside mumbling to herself "Fucking knew this planet was too good to be true..."
  405. [22:30] * Clara wakes feeling terrible. Ugh...
  406. [22:31] * Astera is still asleep. Yay~
  407. [22:32] <GM||WavemasterRyx> With dawn, the wind has died back down to a gentle breeze.
  408. [22:32] * Chameleon looks over at Swoop "You have trouble too?"
  409. [22:32] * Swoop nods and stretches her back, making little popping noises.
  410. [22:33] * Chameleon stretches out too, wiggling a bit to pop her back.
  411. [22:36] * Clara just kinda lies there for a while. Waiting to see if she suddenly would feel better.
  412. [22:36] * Swoop shakes her head and yawns. "Frikken wind went all night... I swear it was talking to me..."
  413. [22:37] <Chameleon> "I felt like there was something in my tent with me just staring." she shudders
  414. [22:38] <Swoop> "I had that too. Creepy frigging dream."
  415. [22:40] <Chameleon> "I think that's what causes the aggression. Paranoia."
  416. [22:40] <Chameleon> "It'd make me damn violent if it went on for a couple nights."
  417. [22:40] <Swoop> "Well we're only here for one more night. Then we're gone."
  418. [22:41] <Chameleon> "Well I'm not going to sleep to night. I'll stay up and take watch, sleep on the shuttle back."
  419. [22:42] * Swoop nods. "Sounds good. We probably should have done that last night."
  420. [22:43] * Chameleon nods "We let out guard down because this place seemed so peaceful."
  421. [22:43] <Chameleon> (our*)
  422. [22:43] <Swoop> "Yeah. I'm gonna go check on the shuttle, make sure no creepy crawlies got in."
  423. [22:44] <Chameleon> "I'll join you, I think."
  424. [22:44] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Just like all dreams, the feeling gradually fades away as Clara lies there, but she can still remember it.
  425. [22:44] * Swoop nods and grabs her weapon, checking to make sure it's got a full charge on it. "Read when you are."
  426. [22:46] * Chameleon trots back into her tent and pulls her shirt on, leaving the skirt on the ground where she left it and slings her rifle across her back "Ready."
  427. [22:46] * Clara eventually sits up, and stretches a bit.
  428. [22:46] * Swoop nods and heads of toward the shuttle.
  429. [22:47] <Swoop> [off]
  430. [22:47] * Chameleon follows behind, flying a couple feet off the ground for a better field of view
  431. [22:49] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The shuttle is exactly where you left it last night, the rear hatch closed, from what you can see as you fly up, it doesn't look like anything happened to it during the night.
  432. [22:50] * Swoop is unsatisfied with just an exterior examination, opens the hatch to check inside.
  433. [22:51] * Chameleon lands and trots in after Swoop, looking back behind them nervously
  434. [22:52] <Swoop> "I'm gonna check the electricals. Keep an eye out out here for sparks or anything that doesn't look shipshape."
  435. [22:52] * Clara decides to go fiddling with supplies again. She NEEDS that coffee right now.
  436. [22:52] * Chameleon nods "Alright."
  437. [22:52] * Swoop goes inside and sets herself into the pilot seat, then flips on the power.
  438. [22:53] * Chameleon trots around the shuttle, inspecting it. for sparks.
  439. [22:54] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The inside of the shuttle is just as you'd left it, still no signs of tampering.
  440. [22:55] * Swoop nods to herself and checks the gagues and instruments, then looks out the window at Cammy.
  441. [22:56] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Clara finds a pouch marked coffee discarded from one of the MRE's from the previous night, there's little instructions on the back for how to brew it, though you find that the heat-source from the MRE it came from is dead.
  442. [22:57] * Clara frows, and sets the coffee packet aside. She starts looking for something else to heat it with.
  443. [22:58] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Everything on the ship seems to be working properly, no sparks of anamolies in the readings.
  444. [22:59] * Swoop yells out the hatch from the cockpit. "Anything??"
  445. [22:59] * Astera stretches and yawns as she leaves her tent. Blinking groggily she looks about. "Good morning.." Her mane was in desperate need of brushies, but sadly no brush was nearby.
  446. [22:59] <Chameleon> "Not a single thing!"
  447. [23:00] * Swoop nods and shuts down, hoping the engines are fine but not wanting to start them up right now. "Alright. She's fine. Let's head back."
  448. [23:01] <Chameleon> "Alright."
  449. [23:02] * Astera nuzzles through the MREs and desides that corn would make for a wonderful breakfast. Sitting down infront of what used to be the fire she noms it slowly. Still trying to wake up.
  450. [23:03] * Swoop disengages herself, then exits the ship, securing the hatch behind her.
  451. [23:03] * Chameleon trots back around to the ramp and waits for Swoop
  452. [23:03] * Swoop nods to Cammy, then starts back to the camp. "Thats one less worry.."
  453. [23:04] * Chameleon trots alongside Swoop "For now, anyways."
  454. [23:05] <Swoop> "Yeah. I need coffee..."
  455. [23:06] * Astera lights a cigarett as she finishes eating the corn. Hurray for magic.
  456. [23:06] <Chameleon> "Eh, I'm not a fan of coffee, to be honest."
  457. [23:07] * Swept_Wing comes trotting out of his tent, Aviators placed firmly over his eyes. He pulls out a comb, brushing his mustache quickly. "Morning everypony." He says.
  458. [23:07] * Swoop grins. "Gets my morning going."
  459. [23:07] <GM||WavemasterRyx> The clear blue sky of yesterday is now marred by fluffy white clouds.
  460. [23:08] * Chameleon smiles "To each their own."
  461. [23:08] * Clara doesn't think it's a good morning. Today sucks.
  462. [23:08] <Swoop> "Yep! Lets get some breakfast."
  463. [23:09] <Chameleon> "Sounds good."
  464. [23:09] * Swoop trots a little faster, taking to the air.
  465. [23:10] * Chameleon just trots back to camp.
  466. [23:11] * Astera waves at Chameleon and Swoop as they aproaches. She is fairly relaxed just chillin next to the campfire with a cig in her mouth.
  467. [23:11] * Swoop waves back as she lands next the the MRE box. "Hmm... anything breakfast-y in here?"
  468. [23:12] <Swept_Wing> "Morning sis, sleep well?"
  469. [23:12] <Astera> "The corn was pretty good if you ask me, however Id be quite pleased if there is any coffee in there. I think there is but I wasnt sure how to work the heating proccess."
  470. [23:12] * Chameleon waves to Astera and trots into her tent to get her skirt and lighter before trotting over to the alicorn "You wouldn't mind letting me bum another cigarette, would you?"
  471. [23:13] * Clara gives up on the box. She just goes to grab Astera's heating thing from her thing to use it for coffee. She knows she won't mind.
  472. [23:14] * Swoop settles for a package of veggie burger. She settles in next to Swept and starts heating.
  473. [23:14] <Swoop> "No, I didn't."
  474. [23:14] * Astera floats up the halfful packet towards the changeling. "Sure, help yourself. I am sure there is a way of aquiring these back on the ship for later situations."
  475. [23:15] <Swept_Wing> "Huh, I slept /really/ well."
  476. [23:16] * Swoop snorts. "Well good for you... I had somepony talking to me and lookin at me all damn night..."
  477. [23:16] * Astera nods and smiles. "Same here, it was almost as If I was back home in my own bed. Is this a usual happenstance for when you go camping?"
  478. [23:16] * Astera obviously responded to Swept_Wing."
  479. [23:16] * Chameleon shrugs and plucks out a cigarette and lights it, sitting down next to Astera "Thanks."
  480. [23:17] * Clara finally makes her coffee! This morning suddenly got much more bearable.
  481. [23:17] <Chameleon> "I didn't sleep well at all..."
  482. [23:17] <Swept_Wing> "Huh, odd."
  483. [23:17] * Astera sniffs the air as she can smell teh coffee. "Ah, Ms Clara, could you please make some coffee for me aswell."
  484. [23:18] <Chameleon> "I had the feeling I was being stared at as well." She shudders again, remembering
  485. [23:18] * Swoop grumbles a little more as she waits for her meal to be ready.
  486. [23:19] * Clara frowns. "It was a terrible night... I feel like I have not slept for a very long time." She makes Astera some coffee as well, since she is nice.
  487. [23:20] * Swoop fixes her instant coffee while the meal heats, drinking it quickly.
  488. [23:20] * Astera gives Clara a nod of appriciation and a gentle smile as she drinks her coffee. "Mmmmh, this is acctually pretty good. Thank you Ms Clara."
  489. [23:23] * Swept_Wing is busily preparing his own breakfast and coffee as well. "Mmmm, nothing like MRE coffee."
  490. [23:23] * Clara mumbles something that probably was a "You are welcome", but was very quiet and hard to hear.
  491. [23:24] * Swoop just nods.
  492. [23:26] * Swoop yawns again. "So. What's on the agenda for today?"
  493. [23:26] * Swept_Wing gulps down his coffee, and then chows down on his breakfast. "Dunno."
  494. [23:27] * Chameleon yawns and shrugs
  495. [23:27] * Chameleon mumbles something about yawns being contagious
  496. [23:28] * Swoop digs into her breakfast, downing it fairly quickly.
  497. [23:33] * Swept_Wing adjusts his Aviators. "We're supposed to be surveying the area, aren't we? So, let's do that. Where should we start you think?"
  498. [23:33] * Chameleon looks around "I surveyed the area just now. yay."
  499. [23:33] <Swoop> "Damned if I know. I ain't a ground pony."
  500. [23:35] * Swept_Wing stops his hoof. "Damned if I know either, but we've got to start somewhere, and here doesn't count." He gives a look at Cammy.
  501. [23:35] <Swoop> "Alright fine. Lets go out a thousand yards in a circle to star then."
  502. [23:35] * Chameleon just smirks and takes the last drag of her cigarette before spitting it into the firepit
  503. [23:37] * Swept_Wing nods. "Astera, Clara, you two ready to move?"
  504. [23:38] * Astera finishes her coffee and nods. "I am now, yes. Scouting the area you say?"
  505. [23:40] <Swoop> /me disposes of her trash and stretches.
  506. [23:40] * Chameleon scratches her mane "How we doing this? in the air, on the ground, teams, solo, blah blah. Can't just say 'scout the area' and call it a plan."
  507. [23:41] * Swept_Wing shrugs. "Well, what would work best?"
  508. [23:41] <Swoop> "Two teams, two and three, two with me one with Swept. We'll go out in opposite directions then work clockwise."
  509. [23:41] * Clara nurses her cup of coffee.
  510. [23:41] * Chameleon shrugs "I'd suggest one on the ground and one in the air, as well."
  511. [23:42] * Swoop nods. "Good call."
  512. [23:43] * Swept_Wing nods. "Sounds like a plan."
  513. [23:43] <Chameleon> "Alright, who's with who?"
  514. [23:46] <Swoop> "Well, y'all can decide that bit."
  515. [23:48] * Astera stands up and stretches again. "Well, I if we are taking one ground team and one flying team Id choose to be in the ground team."
  516. [23:49] <Chameleon> "I'm fine with whatever."
  517. [23:49] <Chameleon> "Who has the sharpest eyes? I figure they should be the air team."
  518. [23:49] * Clara hasn't really been paying attention to the conversation.
  519. [23:49] <Astera> "Alright, Cammy, you are with me on the ground then."
  520. [23:50] * Chameleon nods at Astera "Sounds fine to me."
  521. [23:50] <Swoop> "Guess you two're with me then."
  522. [23:52] * Swept_Wing nods. "Which leaves Clara with me in the air."
  523. [23:55] <Astera> "Very well, make sure to keep radio contact, and call if you find something. Lets get going, shall we?"
  524. [23:55] * Clara turns to look at everyone. "What? I have not been listening. I was trying to clear my head..."
  525. [23:56] * Swoop nods. "Stay safe, bro."
  526. [23:56] <Swept_Wing> "You too sis."
  527. [23:56] * Swoop takes off away from the camp on the ground.
  528. [23:57] * Swept_Wing looks at Clara. "We were deciding teams for scouting. /You/ are with me in the air. Now let's get a move on."
  529. [23:57] * Chameleon stands up
  530. [23:57] * Astera follows Swoop away from the camp. She looks back to wait for Chameleon before continuing further.
  531. [23:58] * Chameleon trots behind Astera
  532. [00:01] * Clara finishes drinking her coffee and prepares to fly.
  533. [00:03] <GM||WavemasterRyx> As the ground team starts out their survey, Astera happens to find some bushes with berries on them.
  534. [00:03] * Swept_Wing lofts into the air. "Come on, let's move!"
  535. [00:04] * Clara takes to the air as well.
  536. [00:07] * Swept_Wing flies off in the opposite direction of the ground team, starting his survey of the area.
  537. [00:07] * Astera ignores the berries and keeps moving.
  538. [00:12] <GM||WavemasterRyx> As the air team takes off, they see much the same scenery that they'd seen yesterday, nothing immediately of note.
  539. [00:14] <GM||WavemasterRyx> Except for something shining in the middle of the forest near where it meets the rocky terrain.
  540. [00:14] <Swept_Wing> "The fuck is that?"
  541. [00:15] * Chameleon trots alongside Astera and Swoop, looking around curiously.
  542. [00:15] <GM||WavemasterRyx> From what Clara can tell, it seems like light reflecting off some kind of surface.
  543. [00:15] * Swoop glances about, learning the terrain. "Well I'll say this much for this planet: It's a garden."
  544. [00:16] <Chameleon> "It's certainly pretty, yes."
  545. [00:17] * Clara frowns. "It's... the light is reflecting off it..."
  546. [00:17] <Astera> "Indeed, I even saw some berries back there." She says, pointing with a wing.
  547. [00:17] <Swept_Wing> "Well, go fucking check it out then!"
  548. [00:17] <Swoop> "And you didn't grab em? We're supposed to be seeing if this place is livable."
  549. [00:18] <Astera> "No, I did not. If you wish to see them for yourself I am quite sure that the berries have not run away."
  550. [00:19] * Clara heads over in that direction. She's not all that fast either way.
  551. [00:19] * Swoop shakes her head. "Maybe later. Or tomorrow, time permitting."
  552. [00:19] * Chameleon snickers
  553. [00:20] * Astera smirks. "Very well."
  554. [00:21] <GM||WavemasterRyx> As the ground team continues looking along, Chameleon notices a few dried berry husks along the forest floor. Not very apetizing.
  555. [00:22] * Swept_Wing probably beats Clara to it. "Took you fucking long enough." He says once she finally arrives. "Lamest excuse for a pegasus if I ever saw one." He turns to the shiny object. "Well featherbrain, what is this piece of shit?" He kicks it.
  556. [00:24] <Chameleon> "More berries. Er...husks anyways."
  557. [00:24] <GM||WavemasterRyx> What Swept finds is actually a spring, his hoof sends the water in it flying with a decent splash.
  558. [00:24] * Clara huffs. "Would you rather I was a Griffon then? I am sorry that not all are as fast as you are!"
  559. [00:25] * Swoop shrugs. "Grab em. Let the scientists back on the ship figure out if rasins are edible here."
  560. [00:26] * Chameleon shrugs and puts a few in her bags
  561. [00:26] <Swept_Wing> "FUCK! Look at what you did! And 'sorry' ain't gonna cut it!" He yells.
  562. [00:27] * Clara jumps slightly. She doesn't know what's going on...
  563. [00:32] * Swept_Wing gets in her face. "Aren't gonna say anything back to me, hmm? Fucking pathetic." He undoes the strap holding his Magnum in its holster. "Fucking. Pathetic."
  564. [00:36] * Clara blinks. "Wh...what are you doing?"
  565. [00:37] * Swept_Wing draws his Magnum. "Oh, just following orders." He pulls the trigger.
  566. [00:38] * Astera just keeps surveying, curiously looking about for everything and anything.
  567. [00:38] <GM||WavemasterRyx> *** PnP Destiny Group: Session 3 End ***
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