

Apr 30th, 2016
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  1. Margalathyx, the Scarlet King
  2. Male great wyrm red dragon (CR 22)
  3. CE Colossal dragon (fire)
  4. Senses: dragon senses
  5. Aura: fire (10ft, 2d6 fire), frightful presence (360 ft, DC 33)
  7. ==Defense==
  9. AC 53, touch 9, flat-footed 41 (+5 armor, +5 deflection, +1 Dex, +1 dodge, +39 natural, -8 size)
  10. hp 594 (29d12+406)
  11. Fort +28, Ref +19, Will +25
  12. DR 20/magic; SR 33
  13. Immune: fire, paralysis, sleep
  14. Weaknesses: vulnerable to cold
  16. ==Offense==
  18. Speed: 40ft, fly 250ft (clumsy)
  19. Melee: flaming burst impact bite +46 (6d8+33/19-20), 2 flaming burst impact claws +46 (6d6+24/19-20), 2 flaming burst impact wings +44 (3d8+14/19-20), flaming burst impact tail +44 (6d6+33/19-20)
  20. Special Attacks: breath weapon (70ft cone, 24d10 fire damage; Ref DC 36 half) crush (6d8+33, Ref DC 36), tail sweep (3d8+33, Ref DC 36)
  21. Spell-Like Abilities (CL 29th)
  22. —At will: Detect Magic, Discern Location, Find the Path, Pyrotechnics, Suggestion, Wall of Fire
  24. ==Statistics==
  26. Str 49, Dex 12, Con 35, Int 28, Wis 29, Cha 28
  27. BAB +29, CMB +56, CMD 69 (73 vs trip)
  28. Feats: Wingover, Flyby Attack, Hover, Weapon Focus (natural), Improved Critical (natural), Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell, Heighten Spell, Dodge, Maximized Spell, Lightning Reflexes, Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Spell Perfection (detonate), Greater Lightning Reflexes
  29. Skills: Appraise +41, Bluff +41, Climb +44, Diplomacy +41, Fly +41, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, history, local, nature, planes, religion) +41, Perception +41, Sense Motive +41, Spellcraft +41, Swim +44, Use Magic Device +41
  31. ==Equipment==
  33. —Head: crown of blasting
  34. —Neck: flaming burst impact amulet of mighty fists
  35. —Body: belt of stoneskin
  36. —Wrists: heavy fortitude bracers of armor
  37. —Ring 1: evasion
  38. —Ring 2: x-ray vision
  40. ==Magic==
  42. Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 19th)
  43. —9th (6/day): Create Greater Demiplane, Summon Monster IX, Time Stop, Wish
  44. —8th (6/day): Create Greater Undead, Greater Planar Binding, Mind Blank, Prediction of Failure
  45. —7th (6/day): Control Undead, Greater Teleport, Plane Shift, Reverse Gravity
  46. —6th (6/day): Contingency, Disintegrate, Greater Dispel Magic, Sirocco
  47. —5th (6/day): Cloudkill, Communal Stoneskin, Permanency, Suffocation, Wall of Stone
  48. —4th (6/day): Animate Dead, Detonate, Enervation, Fire Shield, Greater Invisibility, Terrible Remorse
  49. —3rd (6/day): Blood Biography, Displacement, Haste, Slow, Wind Wall
  50. —2nd (6/day): Alter Self, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Command Undead, Glitterdust, Summon Swarm, Unnatural Lust
  51. —1st (6/day): Ant Haul, Color Spray, Magic Missile, Shield, Silent Image, Sleep
  52. —0: all
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