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Jan 21st, 2018
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  1. ####################################################################################################
  2. ## ##
  3. ## Estella Mystagic ##
  4. ## ##
  5. ####################################################################################################
  6. ## Honeyshell -- a tatical network landmine for brute force SSH
  7. readonly HISTHOSTNAME="$(hostname)" 2>/dev/null
  8. readonly HISTTIME="$(date +%s)" 2>/dev/null
  9. readonly HISTDATE="$(date +'%d%h%y' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')" 2>/dev/null
  10. if [ ! -n "$HISTIP" ]; then
  11. if [ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]; then
  12. readonly HISTIP="${SSH_CLIENT%% *}" 2>/dev/null
  13. else
  14. readonly HISTIP="" 2>/dev/null
  15. fi
  16. else
  17. readonly HISTIP 2>/dev/null
  18. fi
  19. if [ -n "$SSH_TTY" ]; then
  20. readonly HISTTTY=$(/bin/echo $SSH_TTY | /usr/bin/sed -E 's/.*((pts|tty).+)/\1/') 2>/dev/null
  21. else
  22. readonly HISTTTY="notty" 2>/dev/null
  23. fi
  27. mildate="$(date +'%d%h%y' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')"
  28. #if [ $(/usr/bin/id -u) -ne $(/usr/bin/id -g) ]; then /bin/kill -11 $$ ; fi
  29. #if [ `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "honeyshell"` -eq 1 ] ; then echo "#$mildate -- ${HISTIP}" >> $HOME/.honeykills ; fi
  30. #if [ `/usr/bin/id -u` -ge 9000 -a `/usr/bin/id -u` -le 9100 ] ; then /honeyshells/honeyshell; fi
  31. #if [ `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "honeyshell"` -eq 1 ] ; then exit; fi
  32. ####################################################################################################
  33. if [[ $- != *i* ]] ; then return; fi
  34. ####################################################################################################
  35. #export LANG="en_US"
  36. #export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
  37. #export MM_CHARSET="UTF-8"
  38. #export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
  39. #export LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8"
  40. #export LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8"
  41. #export LC_COLLATE="en_US.UTF-8"
  42. #export LC_MONETARY="en_US.UTF-8"
  43. #export LC_MESSAGES="en_US.UTF-8"
  44. #export LC_PAPER="en_US.UTF-8"
  45. #export LC_NAME="en_US.UTF-8"
  46. #export LC_ADDRESS="en_US.UTF-8"
  47. #export LC_TELEPHONE="en_US.UTF-8"
  48. #export LC_MEASUREMENT="en_US.UTF-8"
  49. #export LC_IDENTIFICATION="en_US.UTF-8"
  51. export LANG="en_US.ISO8859-1"
  52. export LC_CTYPE="C"
  53. export LC_COLLATE="C"
  54. export LC_TIME="C"
  55. export LC_NUMERIC="C"
  56. export LC_MONETARY="C"
  57. export LC_MESSAGES="C"
  58. export LC_ALL=C
  60. # :) @ this fun 01APR2009
  61. whoami=$(/usr/bin/whoami)
  62. if [ "$whoami" = "lyratester" ]; then
  63. export A2l8="1"
  64. elif [ "$whoami" = "2l8" ]; then
  65. export A2l8="1"
  66. else
  67. export A2l8="0"
  68. fi
  70. readonly A2l8;
  71. ##
  73. if [ `/usr/bin/id -u` -gt 1000 -a `/usr/bin/id -u` -lt 2000 ] ; then
  74. if [ -f "/scripts/landmine" ] ; then /scripts/landmine; fi
  75. fi
  76. ####################################################################################################
  77. # No core files by default
  78. ulimit -S -c 0 > /dev/null 2>&1
  80. #Not running interactively via 'bash', don't display motd.
  81. if [ -z $BASHRC ]; then
  82. readonly BASHRC=0 2>/dev/null
  83. fi
  84. ####################################################################################################
  85. if [ `/usr/bin/id -u` != 0 ] ; then
  86. readonly HISTFILE=$HOME/.history
  87. readonly HISTIGNORE
  88. readonly HISTCONTROL
  89. readonly HOME
  90. readonly LESSSECURE=1
  91. enable -n enable
  92. # alias gcc='/usr/bin/gcc -D__MYST_FORENSICS -DMYST_USER=$(echo ${USER}) -DMYST_EUID=$(echo ${EUID}) -DMYST_PPID=$(echo ${PPID}) -DMYST_TTY=$(echo ${HISTTY}) -DMYST_IP=$(echo ${HISTIP}) -DMYST_HOSTNAME=$(echo ${HISTHOSTNAME}) -DMYST_TIME=$(echo ${HISTTIME}) -DMYST_DATE=$(echo ${HISTDATE})'
  93. alias ifconfig='/scripts/ifconfig'
  94. alias last='/scripts/last'
  95. # alias w='/scripts/w'
  96. alias who='/scripts/who'
  97. alias su='/scripts/su'
  98. alias df='/scripts/df'
  99. alias sudo='/scripts/sudo'
  100. fi
  101. ####################################################################################################
  102. if [ `/usr/bin/id -u` = 0 ] ; then
  103. if [ -d /root ]; then
  104. chmod 700 /root
  105. fi
  106. alias getsrc='/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /usr/sup/cvsup.conf'
  107. alias nukeports='rm -fr /usr/ports/*'
  108. alias perlshell='perl -MCPAN -e shell'
  109. alias newports='portsnap fetch && portsnap extract'
  110. alias updports='portsnap fetch && portsnap update'
  111. alias paudit='portaudit -Fda'
  112. alias jps='/usr/local/bin/jps -Zauxww'
  113. alias ircdports='/usr/bin/sockstat -4l -p 5555,6660-6669,6697,7000-7010 -P tcp'
  114. alias hsocks='/usr/bin/sockstat -4l -p 1024-49151 -P tcp'
  115. alias lsocks='/usr/bin/sockstat -4l -p 1-1023 -P tcp'
  116. alias dsocks='/usr/bin/sockstat -4l -p 49151-65535 -P tcp'
  117. alias histfind='/bin/cat /root/.bash_history | grep '
  118. export CCACHE_DIR="/var/ccache/"
  119. fi
  120. ####################################################################################################
  121. if [ `/usr/bin/id -u` -eq 0 -a `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "angelic"` -eq 1 ] ; then exit; fi
  122. if [ `/usr/bin/id -u` = 0 -o `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "staff"` -eq 1 ] ; then
  123. alias last='/usr/bin/last'
  124. # alias w='/usr/bin/w -n'
  125. alias who='/usr/bin/who'
  126. alias mailque='/usr/bin/mailq -Ac'
  127. alias diffit='/usr/bin/diff -urNp'
  128. alias sysinfo='/scripts/'
  129. alias trafshow='trafshow -n -a 32 -i em0'
  130. # alias nload='nload -t 500 -s 7 -i 2048 -o 2048 -u h em0'
  131. alias nload='nload -t 500 -s 7 -i 8192 -o 8192 -u H em0'
  132. alias lintree='/linux/pstree -upG'
  133. alias treeit='/usr/local/bin/pstree -g 2'
  134. alias fsup='fastest_cvsup -q -r -c us'
  135. alias hlist='pciconf -lv'
  136. alias eve='env | sort; set;'
  137. alias rscp='/usr/local/bin/rsync --partial --progress --rsh=ssh'
  138. alias rmuser='/usr/sbin/pw deluser'
  139. if [ -n "$SUDO_USER" ]; then
  140. if [ -f "/scripts/sulog" ] ; then /scripts/sulog; fi
  141. fi
  142. alias df='/bin/df -H'
  143. alias su='/usr/bin/su -l -s'
  144. alias msu='/usr/bin/su -s'
  145. alias suhsroot='/usr/sbin/setpmac mls/high\(equal-equal\) /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/bin/su - root'
  146. alias suroot='/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/bin/su -s -l root'
  147. o () { /bin/chmod o= $1 ; /bin/ls -alo $1 ; } ; readonly o
  148. fi
  149. ####################################################################################################
  150. shopt -s histappend #makes bash append to history rather than overwrite
  151. bash () { /bin/bash --login ; } ; readonly bash
  152. fixlink() { /bin/chflags schg $1 && /bin/chflags -h 0 $1 && /bin/chflags 0 $1 ; } ; readonly fixlink
  153. if [ `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "python"` -ne 1 ]; then
  154. python () { /usr/local/bin/python -S ; } ; readonly python
  155. fi
  156. #if [ $(/usr/bin/id -u) -ge 1000 -a $(/usr/bin/id -u) -le 2000 ]; then
  157. # env () { /usr/bin/env -SENV=/etc/shrc ; } ; readonly env
  158. #fi
  159. multikill () { kill -1 $1;kill -2 $1;kill -3 $1;kill -6 $1;kill -9 $1;kill -14 $1;kill -15 $1; } ; readonly multikill
  160. lf () { file=`whereis $1 | cut -f2 -d ' '` ; /bin/ls -aliohGF $file ; } ; readonly lf
  161. ####################################################################################################
  163. if [ `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "infosec4"` -eq 1 ]; then
  164. readonly INFOSEC="4";
  165. elif [ `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "infosec3"` -eq 1 -o `/usr/bin/getpmac | /usr/bin/grep -c "mls/high"` -eq 1 ]; then
  166. readonly INFOSEC="3";
  167. elif [ `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "infosec2"` -eq 1 ]; then
  168. readonly INFOSEC="2";
  169. elif [ `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "infosec1"` -eq 1 -o `/usr/bin/getpmac | /usr/bin/grep -c "mls/2"` -eq 1 ]; then
  170. readonly INFOSEC="1";
  171. else
  172. readonly INFOSEC="0";
  173. fi
  174. export INFOSEC
  176. #if [ `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "staff"` -eq 1 -a `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "infosec1"` -ne 1 ] ; then exit; fi
  177. #if [ `/usr/bin/id -u` -eq 0 -a `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "infosec2"` -ne 1 ] ; then exit; fi
  179. ####################################################################################################
  180. # Primping the prompt for beauty
  181. if [ -f "/scripts/primp" ]; then /scripts/primp ; fi
  183. whoami=$(/usr/bin/whoami)
  184. if [ "$whoami" = "root" ] ; then
  185. readonly PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a;'
  186. else
  187. hop=1
  188. readonly PROMPT_COMMAND='if [ $? = 0 ]; then C0=32; else C0=35; fi;history -a'
  189. # readonly PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a;if [ $hop -eq 0 ]; then /scripts/whiterabbit; fi; hop=0;'
  190. fi
  192. readonly HISTTIMEFORMAT='%s - %D %T %z - '
  193. readonly HISTSIZE=10000000000000
  194. readonly HISTFILESIZE=10000000000000
  195. readonly FCEDIT=/dev/null
  196. shopt -s histappend
  197. readonly ENV=/etc/shrc > /dev/null 2>&1
  198. export TMOUT=172800
  199. readonly TMOUT
  200. readonly PPID
  203. #Give one free ^D before dropping shell
  204. IGNOREEOF=1
  206. # check the window size after each command and, if necessary,
  207. # update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
  208. shopt -s checkwinsize
  209. ####################################################################################################
  210. if [ -d /scripts -a -d /scripts/myst ]; then
  211. if [ -f /scripts/myst/colors.conf ]; then
  212. . /scripts/myst/colors.conf
  213. if [ -f /scripts/scrs ]; then
  214. if [ -n "$SHLVL" ]; then
  215. SLEVEL="$(echo $SHLVL)" 2>/dev/null
  216. else
  217. SLEVEL=0
  218. fi
  219. if [ "$SLEVEL" -gt 0 -a `/scripts/scrs` -gt 0 ]; then
  220. TB="-"; BB="-"; SB="-"
  221. else
  222. TB="\[\016\]l\[\017\]"; BB="\[\016\]m\[\017\]"; SB="\[\016\]q\[\017\]"
  223. fi
  224. fi
  225. if [ `/usr/bin/id -u` -eq 0 -a `/usr/bin/getpmac | /usr/bin/grep -c "mls/high"` -ne 1 ]; then
  226. X="${RED}"; Y="${LRED}"
  227. if [ -d "/usr/bin" ]; then
  228. if [ `/usr/bin/tty` = "/dev/ttyv0" -o $PWD = "/root/rbnc" ]; then
  229. PS1="\[\033[0;31m\][\[\033[0;37m\]\u\[\033[1;31m\]@\[\033[0;37m\]\h\[\033[1;30m\](\[\033[1;37m\]\w\[\033[1;30m\])\[\033[0;31m\]]\[\033[0;0m\]>"
  230. export PS1="\n$PS1${NCOLOR} "
  231. else
  232. PS1="${X}${TB}${SB}${Y}[${GREY}\u${Y}@${GREY}\H${Y}]${X}${SB}${Y}[${GREY}\T${Y}]${X}${SB}-${Y}[${GREY}\j${Y}]${X}${SB}-${Y}-\n${X}${BB}${Y}[${GREY}\w${Y}]${X}${SB}>"
  233. export PS1="\n$PS1${NCOLOR} "
  234. fi
  235. else
  236. PS1="\[\033[0;31m\][\[\033[0;37m\]\u\[\033[1;31m\]@\[\033[0;37m\]\h\[\033[1;30m\](\[\033[1;37m\]\w\[\033[1;30m\])\[\033[0;31m\]]\[\033[0;0m\]>"
  237. export PS1="\n$PS1${NCOLOR} "
  238. fi
  239. elif [ `/usr/bin/id -u` -eq 0 -a `/usr/bin/getpmac | /usr/bin/grep -c "mls/high"` -eq 1 ]; then
  240. X="\[\033[38;5;202m\]"; Y="\[\033[38;5;208m\]"
  241. PS1="${X}${TB}${SB}${Y}[${GREY}\u${Y}@${GREY}\H${Y}]${X}${SB}${Y}[${GREY}\T${Y}]${X}${SB}-${Y}[${GREY}\j${Y}]${X}${SB}-${Y}-\n${X}${BB}${Y}[${GREY}\w${Y}]${X}${SB}>"
  242. export PS1="\n$PS1${NCOLOR} "
  243. elif [ `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "staff"` -eq 1 ]; then
  244. X="${BLUE}"; Y="${LBLUE}"
  245. PS1="${X}${TB}${SB}${Y}(${GREY}\u${Y}@${GREY}\H${Y})${X}${SB}${Y}(${GREY}\T${Y})${X}${SB}-${Y}(${GREY}\j${Y})${X}${SB}-${Y}-\n${X}${BB}${Y}(${GREY}\w${Y})${X}${SB}>"
  246. export PS1="\n$PS1${NCOLOR} "
  247. else
  248. X="${GREEN}"; Y="${LGREEN}"
  249. # PS1="${X}${TB}${SB}${Y}(${GREY}\u${Y}@${GREY}\h${Y})${X}${SB}${Y}(${GREY}\T${Y})${X}${SB}-${Y}-\n${X}${BB}${Y}(${GREY}\w${Y})${X}${SB}>"
  250. PS1="\`if [ \$? != 0 ]; then echo ; echo \[\e#6\]\[\e[1\;35m\]SYSTEM ERROR\[\e[0m\]; fi\`\n\[\e[0;\${C0}m\]\[\016\]l\[\017\]\[\016\]q\[\017\]\[\e[1;\${C0}m\](\[\e[1;30m\]\u\[\e[1;\${C0}m\]@\[\e[1;30m\]\h\[\e[1;\${C0}m\])\[\e[0;\${C0}m\]\[\016\]q\[\017\]\[\e[1;\${C0}m\](\[\e[1;30m\]\T\[\e[1;\${C0}m\])\[\e[0;\${C0}m\]\[\016\]q\[\017\]\[\e[1;\${C0}m\](\[\e[1;30m\]\j\[\e[1;\${C0}m\])\[\e[0;\${C0}m\]\[\016\]q\[\017\]-\[\e[1;\${C0}m\]-\n\[\e[0;\${C0}m\]\[\016\]m\[\017\]\[\e[1;\${C0}m\](\[\e[1;30m\]\w\[\e[1;\${C0}m\])\[\e[0;\${C0}m\]\[\016\]q\[\017\]>\[\e[0m\] "
  251. export PS1;
  252. fi
  254. # if [ "$A2l8" -eq "1" ]; then
  255. # X="${RED}"; Y="${LRED}"
  256. # PS1="${X}${TB}${SB}${Y}[${GREY}root${Y}@${GREY}\H${Y}]${X}${SB}${Y}[${GREY}\T${Y}]${X}${SB}-${Y}[${GREY}\j${Y}]${X}${SB}-${Y}-\n${X}${BB}${Y}[${GREY}\w${Y}]${X}${SB}>"
  257. # id() { /bin/echo 'uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel),5(operator)' ; } ; readonly id;
  258. # whoami() { /bin/echo "root" ; } ; readonly whoami;
  259. # users() { /bin/echo "root ihaq iroot iwatch" ; } ; readonly users;
  260. # w() {
  261. # /bin/echo "`/usr/bin/uptime`" ;
  262. # /bin/echo "USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE WHAT" ;
  263. # /bin/echo "root p0 $HISTIP `/bin/date +%I:%M%p` - rm -fr *" ;
  264. # } ; readonly w;
  265. # who() { /bin/echo "root ttyp0 `date "+%b %d %H:%M"` ($HISTIP) " ; } ; readonly who;
  266. # finger() {
  267. # /bin/echo "Login Name TTY Idle Login Time Office Phone" ;
  268. # /bin/echo "root 2l8 *p0 `/bin/date "+%a %H:%M"`" ;
  269. # } ; readonly finger;
  270. # ps() { /bin/ps -axugw ; } ; readonly ps;
  271. # if [ ! -f "$HOME/2l8_gift.tar.gz" ]; then
  272. # cp /master.passwd.tar.gz $HOME/2l8_gift.tar.gz
  273. # fi
  274. # if [ ! -f "$HOME/2l8_was_here.txt" ]; then
  275. # cp /2l8.txt $HOME/2l8_was_here.txt
  276. # fi
  277. # fi
  278. fi
  279. if [ -f /scripts/myst/box.conf ]; then
  280. . /scripts/myst/box.conf
  281. export TZ
  282. fi
  283. fi
  284. ####################################################################################################
  285. if [ `/usr/bin/id -u` -eq 0 ]; then
  286. alias w='/usr/bin/w -n'
  287. export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/gbin:/scripts
  288. elif [ `/usr/bin/groups | /usr/bin/grep -c "staff"` -eq 1 ]; then
  289. alias w='/usr/bin/w -n'
  290. export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/gbin:/scripts
  291. else
  292. export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/gbin:/scripts
  293. fi
  294. # export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/gbin:/scripts
  295. export TERM="xterm-256color"
  296. #export TERM=putty
  297. export EDITOR="nano"
  298. export LESS="R E"
  299. export PAGER="less"
  300. export BLOCKSIZE="K"
  301. export LSCOLORS=ExGxFfdxCxegDxBbGeDdCc
  302. export CLICOLOR=1
  303. ####################################################################################################
  304. if [ -f "/etc/dircolors.conf" ] ; then
  305. if [ "$SHELL" = "/usr/local/bin/bash" -o "$SHELL" = "/bin/sh" -o "$SHELL" = "/bin/bash" ]; then
  306. eval $(/gbin/gdircolors -b /etc/dircolors.conf)
  307. fi
  308. if [ "$SHELL" = "/bin/csh" ]; then
  309. eval $(/gbin/gdircolors -c /etc/dircolors.conf)
  310. fi
  311. if [ -f "$HOME/.dircolors" ] ; then
  312. if [ "$SHELL" = "/usr/local/bin/bash" -o "$SHELL" = "/bin/sh" -o "$SHELL" = "/bin/bash" ]; then
  313. eval $(/gbin/gdircolors -b $HOME/.dircolors)
  314. fi
  315. if [ "$SHELL" = "/bin/csh" ]; then
  316. eval $(/gbin/gdircolors -c $HOME/.dircolors)
  317. fi
  318. fi
  319. fi
  320. ####################################################################################################
  321. alias ll='/gbin/gls --color -Falh'
  322. nano() { /usr/local/bin/nano -w $1 && /usr/bin/clear || /usr/bin/clear ; } ; readonly nano
  323. pico() { /usr/local/bin/pico -w $1 && /usr/bin/clear || /usr/bin/clear ; } ; readonly pico
  324. alias lo='/bin/ls -GFalohZ'
  325. alias lio='/bin/ls -GFaloihZ'
  326. alias ls='/gbin/gls --color -GFah'
  327. alias sysinfo='/scripts/sysinfo'
  328. alias vhosts='/scripts/vhosts'
  329. alias vhosts6='/scripts/vhosts6'
  330. alias dhd='/usr/bin/du -h -d 0'
  331. alias dhd1='/usr/bin/du -h -d 1'
  332. alias h='history'
  333. alias make='cd .;make'
  334. alias gmake='cd .;gmake'
  335. alias man='LESS=C PAGER=most man'
  336. ####################################################################################################
  337. if [ `/usr/bin/id -u` -ge 1000 -a `/usr/bin/id -u` -le 2000 ] ; then
  338. if [ -d $HOME ]; then
  340. # if [ "$whoami" = "lyra" ] ; then
  341. # if [ -f "/lib/" ] ; then
  342. # export LD_PRELOAD=/tmp/ 2>/dev/null
  343. # fi
  344. # fi
  346. readonly LD_PRELOAD
  348. chmod 710 $HOME
  350. if [ -f $HOME/.history ] ; then
  351. if [ ! -s $HOME/.history ] ; then
  352. echo "User added on `date`" >> $HOME/.history
  353. fi
  354. fi
  356. if [ -f $HOME/.last ] ; then
  357. if [ ! -s $HOME/.last ] ; then
  358. echo "User added on `date`" >> $HOME/.last
  359. fi
  360. fi
  362. if [ -d $HOME/public_html ] ; then
  363. chmod 750 $HOME/public_html
  364. fi
  366. if [ -d $HOME/bin ] ; then
  367. chmod 700 $HOME/bin
  368. fi
  370. if [ -d $HOME/tmp ] ; then
  371. chmod 700 $HOME/tmp
  372. fi
  373. fi
  374. if [ -f /scripts/logo -a ! -f ${HOME}/.nomotd ]; then
  375. if [ ! -f ${HOME}/.hushlogin ]; then
  376. export LOGO=0
  377. export BLACKLIST=1
  378. /scripts/logo
  379. readonly BLACKLIST=1
  380. readonly LOGO=1
  381. else
  382. export LOGO=1
  383. export BLACKLIST=0
  384. /scripts/blacklist
  385. readonly LOGO=1
  386. readonly BLACKLIST=1
  387. fi
  388. else
  389. export LOGO=1
  390. export BLACKLIST=0
  391. /scripts/blacklist
  392. readonly LOGO=1
  393. readonly BLACKLIST=1
  394. fi
  395. if [ -f /scripts/motd -a ! -f ${HOME}/.nomotd ]; then
  396. if [ ! -f ${HOME}/.hushlogin ]; then
  397. /scripts/motd
  398. fi
  399. fi
  400. if [ -f /scripts/bsdhelp -a ! -f ${HOME}/.hushlogin ]; then
  401. /scripts/bsdhelp
  402. fi
  403. if [ -f "/scripts/romulus" ] ; then
  404. /scripts/romulus
  405. fi
  406. fi
  407. if [ -f "/scripts/infosec" ]; then /scripts/infosec ; fi
  408. ####################################################################################################
  409. if ! [ 4 -eq `uname -r | awk -F. {'print $1'}` -o 5 -eq `uname -r | awk -F. '{print $1}'` ] ; then
  410. alias grep='grep --color=auto'
  411. fi
  412. ####################################################################################################
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