
Aranea TF Monologue

May 1st, 2016
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  1. I’m sure someone of your likes who has served a life time of discipline and hardships will be able to endure being the victim of a series of even more events. I assure you, I have a good feeling that what I’m about to do to you needs to be done in order to better the future and interests of others. For all we know the actions upon you will just be for entertainment purposes for myself, the others watching, and who knows maybe even you will find enjoyment in this!
  3. I’m going to give you an explanation to who I am and how I captured you here. My name is Aranea, but you can call me Mindfang and I have powers over the element of light, which for me translates to knowledge and good fortune. I would love to ramble all day about my aspect, but informing you is not why I’m here at the moment. There was something about you as I watched over you, and knew some kind of change needed to happen and that it wouldn’t have been done until I came into your life down below. Honestly, you should thank me more than appall me for capturing you, as I’m going to be making someone’s life better at the end of the day. It may not be here, in fact it could be in a whole other timeline. I used the limited hypnosis I have on other humanoid beings that are not trolls to put your mind to sleep. Then I awoke you up here, with a blindfold over your eyes, a ball gag holding over your face, a series of padded ropes that are keeping your arms and legs stretched open, and the removal of your clothing as they are unnecessary to have on for this, more of an inconvicence than anything.
  5. Jessara, the goal I have with you tonight is to transform you into something that could be seen as a monster, but further down the line the transformations will provide results that will do nothing but provide goodness for others down the road, and a warrior such as yourself should be thrilled for this. As somewhat of an informer, I’m going to detail what needs to be done and why I’m going to do it. I’m sure if you were not bound, there would be much protest from you, but that’s why I used the bondage gear. First off, none of this transformation is going to be physically painful for you, so there will be no shock or pain you will endure. My light magics allow me to do these transformations without causing injury for the person involved.
  7. The first modification I will be doing is removing your arms and legs, and replacing the stubs of your former limbs with metal. Do not worry too much as I do have a plan involving robotic prosthetics later on if you behave through this process. Given that the ability to let you have free will with these limbs will be up to your mistress, which at the time would be me. I want to remove your limbs so there is less of a chance you will fight back further down the line. I do not want to take away your humanity and call you property or a slave to someone, however the fate of your role is going to be of that, and the occupation you will have will not require those assets of yours to be permanently attached.
  9. Yes, I did say you are going to be a slave; but it is not something you should really fear. By the looks of what the light has to bring, it seems your master is going to be none other than me, and you will provide a service for me, but when you are not providing that service for me I suppose I can release some kindness and give you some of your freedoms back. However, that is only if you behave and live the life of the role you are meant to play in the world. I will get on with the occupation later down the road, I just want to outline a few more transformations and modifications I need to make.
  11. I will be removing your hair, as I feel like it will get in the way. There will be machinery around your face a lot, and I would hate for an accident to be involved due to your hair, so I plan on removing it and applying magic that won’t allow it to grow. The sad part about the machinery is that there is a lot of bright lights and loud noises, so your eyesight and hearing will be gone. I plan on removing these at first so your body won’t have to deal with the pain from these. I will grant you these back if you behave yourself as well, however my abilities cannot promise they will return to the best state as they were before.
  13. The overall body weight of your person is going to expand, as your breasts are going to be the largest and heaviest part of the body. The key factor for your breasts is the milk production which will accelerate by a faster rate, even if you’re not pregnant. One of the tasks in this new job of yours will be to have this milk harvested from you. You will be given a second set of breasts as well, that are as large and heavy as the other ones. This is so I can maximize your milk production and harvest even more than before. I would add another set, but I feel like that would be a bit silly to do so. Your muscles and bones from your arms will be added to your back so you won’t face issues dealing with the new weight of your torso. I do need to open up the nipples and allow there to be insertions into them. When you are not on the machines, they will need to be plugged up, and your body will sense when you are full and not leaking so your breasts won’t burst open and produce milk until I release the plugs. The plugs will be able to attach to the machine so they will never need to be removed aside from cleaning, which I will try to do once a month. When milk is drained from your breasts, it will be a very pleasurable feeling, although it will make your body highly sensitive even through something as light as a tissue flying over it.
  15. Now, the next thing on the list of planned procedures is to work on your ‘downstairs’ area where your vagina is. Now, this part is the one that is going to sound the least appealing, but I need your body to be the storage of eggs which will later hatch into our race, trolls. We normally have a giant moth take care of this job, but we are currently lacking one that is in adult hood, so were going to be using you until it grows up to be able to do the job you are currently doing. It should reach adulthood by the time your life is over, so you will be fully used throughout your life. Fluids will be poured into your body which are liquids made from the trolls which have the purpose for reproduction. Once they are inside your body the liquid will fuse together and harden to form an egg which will grow inside your body until you release it. The process will start off as being painful as your body stretches out, but the more this happens the more you will have a ‘need’ for such an action to happen. I will not be responsible for the secondary outcome that will occur which is the change of your race.
  17. I can go into more detail about the race change later on as its not hat major, but your blood will change into a jade color, your hair will change to black, but due to the modification spell your body will forever be hairless, so it’s not going to matter that much. Your skin will turn gray with a tone of jade within it, and it’s possible although unlikely for horns to grow out of your head. However due to the machinery issue I mentioned before I would have to remove them if they were to grow out of your head.
  19. The eggs will produce grubs, which will eventually turn into trolls like me. The milk harvested from your body will be given to the hatched eggs, but I don’t want them to be exosed to the machines and creation I made so I’m having the eggs transferred elsewhere where they can grow up and raise themselves like how most trolls are in my society. We do not have things like mothers or fathers, just giant incubators that lay the eggs that hatch into the grubs.
  20. I will be adding piercings to your body, as I need to keep tubes open into your body. You will have piercings all colored gold throughout your body, and the purpose of these are to hold tubes that will go into your body to make sure you’re not in a painful state and all nutrients are pushed into your body properly. I will remove your teeth out of your mouth, and permanently shape your mouth to be open as it sucks on a tube with ease. Fluid will be drained into your system which will provide the substances needed to be a healthy mothergrub. It is important than none of these nutrients are loss, so any waste that your body forms will be crushed up and brought throughout the tubes and back into you.
  22. I know it sounds gross and disgusting, because quite frankly it is, but I’m a resourceful girl and I don’t plan on wasting any of it. You’ll learn to enjoy the taste though, as the one good thing about being a Jade blooded troll is that after a while you will start to become minty, lime flavored, or maybe even key lime. As for myself? I take pride in being blueberry flavored if you put enough imagination and thought to it. Otherwise most of your food is going to be a special kind of pudding which will be made to enlarge your body even more and allow you to take in all of the stuff coming in and out of you even better. It will build fat, but will also build muscle for you to hold your body without passing out at any point in time.
  24. Your asshole is going to be used as a place to storage eggs if your womb starts to break out, so that will need to be stretched out more so. A hollow tube will be inserted deep into your insides and it will be able to hold the eggs inside your body. This tube is going to clean your insides out as well even thirty minutes and allow your body to relieve itself without any issue. It does all the work for you, and after it’s mixed in with the nutrients; your shit will be ready to come back inside of you. I plan on inflating your ass cheeks to the largest size possible, but they will serve as back-up wombs, and mostly be silicone until I need to remove them. The eggs and silicone will not be removed surgically though, using magic I can just replace them through teleportation methods, and they will hatch out anally in which I will need to watch the feeding tube so you don’t accidently get force fed an egg the size of a water melon.
  26. I will mark your body with tattoos explaining that you belong to me, and also pointing to certain things. I will need to point to your humanoid downstairs and call that the “Incubator”, your mouth will be the “feeding tube” and your rear will be the “waste hole”. I will keep a collar around your neck with my symbol on it, and your breasts (all four of them) and rear cheeks will be marked with it as well, just to make sure you know that you are under a serkets control.
  28. Now, this sounds like a horror story for sure; but breeding season is only 5 months of a human year, and the egg laying period is only another month or so. So you will only be doing this for half a year, before returning to the task again. A good girl gets to have her arms, hearing, and sight back and will get to be treated with rewards and love, maybe to the point where I become your servant! However a bad girl gets more modifications applied to her, and gets to experience what its like if I were to run her through the sexual training machines which cause her body to stretch over more as dildos that are 5 inches wide and 25 inches long are pushed in and out of the body with no ease, and magical spells casted over to prevent any sleep, any passing out, and any sickness.
  30. I have made my mind clear, and decided you are going to be the victim. You see yourself as a victim, a slave, a servant, but you are doing my world a favor by acting as the heroine we need. Brace yourself my dear, and thank you for what your about to become.
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