
Unforeseen Consequences - The shy white filly

Oct 11th, 2017
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  1. >Your mind was hazy to say the least, no matter how hard you tried, which wasn’t much at all, you couldn’t keep away the image of Cherrywood fully dressed with that uniform.
  2. >The only thing that you could tell, was that you were being shaken … pretty violently too, but you didn’t care, nothing in the outside world could take away these feelings.
  3. >”Anon? Anon?!” You could also hear an angry angelical voice calling for you… and after taking a deep breath, you could also swear that angel was using a super pleasing perfume… dang, mate.
  4. >“ANON!”
  5. > You were brought back to the sad reality when you felt a hard slap on your face. So hard in fact, that once you realized that you were still in that waiting room, you started to look at every direction in utter confusion.
  6. “What? Where? Who?”
  7. >”Stop being a dummy and look at me!” You felt a couple of fluffy hooves stopping your head from acting like a hyperactive pigeon and then… you glanced upon your bat once again…
  8. >That red sweater that was tight enough to look absolutely fantastic on her… that mane style covering her eye… Oh, sweet Scott! You just realized that she was wearing makeup too! It was very subtle, but still… dang, man!
  9. >Cherrywood immediately recoiled by quickly taking her hooves away from you ”BUT DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! *HISSSS*” Geez… she even looked good when she was angry
  11. >You heard a snobbish voice coming from the other side of the waiting room ”Oi, Blindwood, who is that creepy loser? And why does he know you? Wait… Pffft! don’t tell me that’s the special somepony you keep bragging about!”
  12. >When you looked to the source of that voice, you realize that the one who dared to said that was a mint coat colored Pegasus filly dressed in the same uniform as your bat. Difference was that honeycomb style she was using with her yellow mane
  13. >You also took notice of the brown coat colored earth-pony colt who was sitting right beside that filly. His sweater, unlike Cherrywood's, was blue with golden details on the sleeves. He was also wearing a monocle… and you already hated these two.
  14. >The guy actually snickered and waved in this super snobbish fashion ”Oh puh-lease, Sky Trail! Are you seriously saying that Blindwood out of all ponies has a special somepony? HAH! That was a good joke!”
  15. >As if you weren’t feeling a burning desire to kick this colt in the face already.
  16. >”I know, right?” The filly let out a cruel laughter, so cruel that you almost thought it came out from that monster of Chrysalis “But come on, Silver Mane, that colt looks sooooo~ low class! But think about it! With that swollen eye and those ridiculous goggles, he’s the perfect match for Blindy here!”
  17. >”Oh, ho, ho! I think you may be right!” That colt’s laughter though… it made you want to kick his frickin’ teeth so much that you had to muster all your strength to not use your magic “They do make a perfect match… a match of losers! Am I right or am I right, Royal Blood?”
  18. >So, Sky Trail and Silver Mane, huh? It didn’t take a genius like yourself to see why Cherrywood picked a fight with them, heck, that’s exactly what you did with the lesser jerk of Ruffle Truffle.
  20. >That said, you took notice that Silver Mane was speaking to a third, younger foal who had not say a word yet.
  21. >She was sitting between them and this gal kind of caught your attention for a reason you couldn’t explain. Her mane was as white as the snow covering Canterlot, her mane as golden as your mom’s crown, eyes as blue as the ocean… honestly, she was beautiful.
  22. >Maybe the reason why this gal caught your attention the most was the fact that she really didn’t have this snobbish air to her.
  23. >That feeling became stronger thanks to the little chuckle that she let out. To say that her attitude was beyond awkward would be an understatement and the fact that she was doing her best to hide herself from your gaze kind of gave you some weird signs.
  24. >There was something else about this gal, something about her features that looked incredibly familiar but you couldn’t point your hoof exactly on what was the reason for this.
  25. >Of course, all of that had to be put to a side for the time being. Cherrywood was clearly hurt by what the other two said, and it pained you to see the frustration that was pouring from her when she yelled ”Shut up! All of you, shut up!”
  26. >That reason was more than enough for you to get involved. Your bat was in trouble and you sure as Tartarus weren’t going to let that fly!
  27. >”Or what?” Sky Trail asked with a huge poo-eating smirk.
  28. >Cherrywood hissed at them and quickly adopted an attack position ”Or I’ll rip out your face! *HIISSSS*”
  29. >Oh, no! You wanted to make these jerks to pay, but you certainly didn’t want them murdered by a bat filly with anger issues! You have to act fast, mate!
  31. >You immediatly used a levitation spell on Cherrywood the moment she extended her wings and jumped at them. “RRRRAAAAAAWWWR!” Your bat looked at every direction when she realized that she has hanging on mid-air “Wait… what is happening?”
  32. >It didn’t took long for her to notice the magical aura surrounding her… and that she was being pulled towards you. It also didn’t took long for her to angrily protest against your decision “Anon! What are you doing, you big dummy! Can’t you see that I was about to crush a couple of empty skulls?!”
  33. >You could see how mad she was, so the best thing that you could do right now was to try and defuse that anger with a smile.
  34. “I may have this awesome swollen eye but I can still see, y’know? That’s why I stopped you from getting into more trouble.”
  35. >Your bat simply let out a groan out of frustration as you gently placed her by your side.
  36. “Now, please, calm down okay? I know how you’re feeling, trust me, I do. I went through a very similar situation today, that’s why my eye got like this and that’s why I also know that fighting is not the right answer”
  37. >Cherrywood dropped her head and ears as she mustered “But… they called you a loser…”
  38. >You gently placed your hoof under her chin and then raised it so you could look at her at eye level… gosh she was gorgeous! So much that your mind went blank for second there, b-but you need to focus!
  39. >So you did your best to avoid being distracted by your bat’s beauty as you held your warm smile.
  40. “I know and I don’t care what those ponies have to say about me. But I care about you, that’s why I don’t want you to do anything dumb… like, y’know… grinding other ponies to bits.”
  41. >From the corner of your eye, you saw the white filly faintly smiling when she heard that…
  43. >But her expression returned to that awkwardness when the snobbish filly cruelly chuckled “You better listen to that loser, blindy! He actually has a brain, unlike somepony I know”
  44. >You shot a glare at the two idiots. So that’s how they want to play, huh? Okay, that’s it. Those two are going down.
  45. >You turned to Cherrywood and whispered into her hear
  46. “Especially when there are MUCH better and efficient ways to deal with two jerks like those than just beating them to a pulp”
  47. >”Oh! I know that look! You have something planned… and it’s something good! Kekeke! I like it!” Cherrywood gave you a sultry smile that made your heart to race a mile per hour.
  48. >Hnngh! As enticing as that was, you had to calm yourself Anon! FOR EVERYTHING THAT IS SCIENCE, YOU NEED TO FOCUS!
  49. >You closed your eyes and shook your head before giving your bat a little smug smirk and an arrogant shrug.
  50. “Maybe… I just need to polish up some details”
  51. >Or rather, you needed to come up with the plan itself… but you weren’t really feeling pressured or anything. Scheming was like a second nature to you.
  52. >The question you had to tackle was how to deal with two incredibly snobbish and surprisingly cruel foals?
  53. >You could easily curve stomp these guys with your magic. Seriously, almost any spell you knew would do the job perfectly… no, that’s an absolutely terrible idea, even if it was probably the most gratifying
  55. >Physically, or rather, magically beating up those two would only end up in Cherrywood getting into more trouble than what she already is, and making the situation even worse for her is absolutely the stupidest move you could do.
  56. >More importantly, you’ve been preaching all day that violence doesn’t solve anything… this amazing swollen eye of yours was more than enough proof about that.
  57. >So you have to find a way to deal with these guys, but not by physically harm them and ALSO make Cherrywood to look so good that no one in this snobbish school will ever think on bullying her again.
  58. >The problem is, this only takes you back to your initial question. How will you be able to do that with two foals who are used to all of that high class garbage?
  59. >Wait! Your mothers are always dealing with these type of insufferable ponies, right? Maybe you can take some inspiration from them to make this work out.
  60. >Aaaaaand this line of thinking just led you into another problem! Ain’t science wonderful?
  61. >Your beloved mothers have very different ways on how to get rid of snobbish ponies, or rather, they were polar opposites in this regard.
  62. >If you were really going down this route, the question now is a two way choice: Would you use your mom Celestia’s diplomatic approach and kind of befriend these two in order to convince them to stop?
  63. >Or would you roll with your mom Luna’s blunt methods and tell them to go hug a cactus?
  64. >Hmmm… decisions, decisions… wait… that’s it! Hah! This is gonna be great!
  66. >You let out a little chuckle and shook your head when the full idea came to your mind. Why not use both? You were their son after all, no need to pick one over the other.
  67. >To make it even tastier, you will use the truth and only the truth for this, no bluffs allowed.
  68. >This way you will apply the things you’ve learned in the past days in a way that will benefit you and Cherrywood, and… hopefully it won’t make the white filly to think badly about you.
  69. >You leaned closer to Cherrywood and whispered into her ear again
  70. “Alright, I got it! Just follow me lead, alright?”
  71. >”Kekeke!” Cherrywood cackled almost maliciously as she nodded “Alright!”
  72. >You raised your head in an arrogant manner as you walked past your bat and looked at the two foals with a stern expression on your face.
  73. “I’m going to keep this short. You are going to apologize to Cherrywood for everything you’ve done and say to her and then you’re going to leave her alone forever.”
  74. >”Oh, yeah?” The snobbish colt snickered “And what happens if we say no? Because, spoooileeers! That’s what will happen”
  75. “Then you and I are going to have a very big problem, and believe me, I’m the last pony that you want to be on his bad side”
  76. >The foals looked at each other, then at you and burst out into a loud, mocking laughter.
  77. >”Did you hear that, Sky Trail? This colt is ACTUALLY threatening us. Like, he actually thinks he’s somepony!”
  78. >”I know, right?” Sky Trail waved her hoof at you “Do you even know who our parents are? Oh, I forgot, a peasant like you could even know that! Am I right, Royal Blood?”
  79. >The white filly didn’t say anything, instead she looked at every direction, let out a small whimper and then tried to hide herself behind her hooves.
  81. >Sweet Scott! These mates was actually stupid enough as to say that! Well, who were you to complain? If anything, they just made things easier for you since now you didn’t need to lead the subject towards your identity.
  82. >You shrugged as you gave the snobbish filly an arrogant smirk
  83. “Well, you’re right in one thing, I have no idea where you came from or who you are, but, if we are going to play the parents’ card, then I’m afraid that I’ll have to answer your question with another question. Do YOU know who my moms are?”
  84. >”No?” Sky Trail replied with disgust “Why would I care who your stupid parents are? I bet they sell oranges at the market or some peasant stuff like that, right Royal Blood?”
  85. >Something started to bother you. Why these two snobbish idiots did always had to bring Royal Blood into every stupid, cruel remark they said when she clearly looks like she wants to be somewhere else and with someone else.
  86. >Was Royal Blood really this shy or… was she acting this awkwardly because of you?
  87. >The whole thing became much more suspicious after Royal Blood looked at you with a nervous expression before she whispered something into her Sky Trail’s ear.
  88. >”WHAT?!” Sky Trail’s eyes became wide open as an expression of fear took hold of her face “A-Are you sure about that? Like, y-you are not kidding me?”
  89. >The white filly slowly and awkwardly shook her head before whispering into her friend’s ear once more.
  90. >”I-I-I… but how?! How could somepony like him end up with…” Sky Trail growled as she turned to your bat with a murderous glare “Blindwoooood?!”
  91. >”O-Oi” Silver Mane timidly leaned closer to his friend and asked in a similar tone” Sky Trail, w-what’s going on? W-What did Royal Blood tell you?”
  92. >The snobbish filly was fuming, so much in fact that you instinctively put yourself in front of Cherrywood in order to prevent another fight.
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