
Shift being a docuhe

May 22nd, 2015
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  1. Nuclar
  2. SIGH.. I would like to keep you on my friends list but I cant agree with you pulsing about people over pulse. I find it a bit too much and a bit rude. Not given I dont know the circumstances, but Id like to think you would be a bigger person and put it all behind you, leaving it to roty in your past and not be pulsing about it.
  3. 4 hours ago
  6. Shifty
  7. I'm not going to water down my thoughts the same as people pulse about theft or anything else I'm entitled to say how I feel I rarely pulse anymore but I will not be bullied by someone who lied about every aspect of everything including her and mausoleum scamming people and then lieing so nah I'm not going to be silent fuck her and her stupid morgue cult funny seems most of them are catfish. No shitty art or pixel dolls are worth people idolizing these lazy fucks who cannot even tc of their kid.
  8. 3 hours ago
  10. If you don't want me on friends that's fine its only drama if its not true. Especially she told ppl I was locked up for stalking her? That I use drugs around my kid .. Nope fuck her people can see the real her funny people say I'm right saying everything I've said everyone that has been in the morgue knows its the truth.
  12. Nuclar
  13. I just dont like seeing it :/ i understand where your coming from. ill just bite my tongue dear ^^ no worries.
  15. Shifty
  16. The morgue is garbage not only is she talking shit but stealing from people all the art work in the morgue is stolen all maus work is trace overs or its the same basically they are talentless imvu obsessed fucks that gossip and bullshit
  17. 3 hours ago
  19. Nuclar
  20. Now thats where I have to stop you. Art theft is serious and I know for a fact maus doesnt do it. Ive seen her work before. and from scartch at that. Id appericate it if you would leave me out of this. I want nothing to do with, nor hear about it. I understand your upset over the matter but to bring me in and tell me all this, i just dont like it. I dont care from drama, or problems.
  21. 3 hours ago
  23. Shifty
  24. You inboxed me and yes she has traced art off websites its true I have no problem speaking the truth out of 20 people that imboxed me your the only one support them so if u support the morgue and maus then no I don't want a friendship if your giving money to them supporting what they do to people catfishing tracing then no I'll let you find out on your own when their masks fall off
  25. 3 hours ago
  27. Shifty
  28. Its your loss because if you cared about people and not tier then we could have been good friends if u didn't support a theft group
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