
Text Adventure Chapter 27 Log

Jun 30th, 2014
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  1. >...
  2. >
  3. >”...ease… ...ot st… ake….”
  4. >All five of your senses are scrambled.
  5. >You can’t think straight.
  6. >Sometimes, you really hate waking up.
  7. >You open your eyes, and you’re met with pure, blinding white.
  8. >”..non… an…”
  9. >But finally, after what seems like an eternity of adjustment, headache and pain --Including your stomach--, the light recedes, your hearing sharpens, and the nausea is coming quickly.
  10. >”Anon! Can you hear me? Say something if you can hear me!”
  11. >Your vision realigns, and you finally see Redheart’s features encapsulating your sight.
  12. >With your touch returning, you feel secured around your abdomen, but there is still a very noticeable sting.
  13. >If you didn’t know any better, you’d think you were still on the ground where you fell, just flipped over.
  14. >”Please, say something!”
  15. >What do you say to Redheart?
  20. “Are you an angle, because you sure are heavenly…”
  21. >Redheart looks like she’s a bit confused.
  22. >”Angle? … I might have to check you for a concussion..”
  23. “Sorry… Just my auztism kicking in…”
  24. >Redheart immediately begins to shine a light in your eyes, presumably to check for a concussion.
  25. “Agh, sorry, sorry… Look Red, I think it’s about time I spill my guts.”
  26. >”That’s not funny!”
  27. >Despite what she says, she covers her muzzle trying to stifle her laughter.
  28. “I'm going to go out on a limb and hope all my parts will grow back eventually... Red, I need you to tell me my internal organs are still internal. Also, 500 mg of kisses, stat.”
  29. >”Yes, you’re fine… We just had to make sure you weren’t in shock, but we need to stitch you up.”
  30. >With that, she gives you a peck on the cheek, which actually made you feel a little better.
  31. >You look around and see that your entire party was surrounding you.
  32. >Interesting, that must mean you’ve been out for more than a few minutes considering there were no doctors around you.
  33. “So… Where’s Gable?”
  34. >”He’s at the medical tent, since he’s stable… Speaking of which, it’s time we got you in there too.”
  35. “Right…”
  36. >AJ is the only other one to say anything.
  37. >”Ya did good Anon… Ya won, at least.”
  38. >Would you like to say or do anything as you’re being taken to the medical tent?
  42. “Thanks, Snapplejack... heh, what's that line? 'You should see the other guy', right?”
  43. >”Snapple?... What in tarnation…”
  44. >You decide to keep her thinking about that as you feel yourself being lifted very slowly on a stretcher.
  45. >A quick peek below you shows that there are five or six stallions trying to carry your weight.
  46. >You make a mental note to go on a diet. Then again, you haven’t eaten that much at all these last two weeks.
  47. >You look back at Redheart, who was still checking over your open stomach.
  48. >You aren’t about to look at it either, so you ask her something.
  49. “Hey, speaking of which actually, mind putting me up near some of my patients? Might give them a little catharsis to see I can get my dick punched too... metaphorically speaking.”
  50. >”Since most of the beds are cleared now, sure…”
  51. “Oh, and is it alright if I try drinking a healing potion?”
  52. >Redheart’s eyes suddenly light up.
  53. >”I forgot! You made two that night and gave one to Pinkie, you still have the other one!”
  54. “Can you get it out for me?..”
  55. >As the doctors slowly tredge you to the tent, Redheart tries her best to keep you steady as she rummages through your pack.
  56. >After a minute or so, she finally grabs it.
  57. >”Gotcha! You want it now, right?”
  58. “Yeah.”
  59. >Red uncorks the potion, the sweet smell invading your nostrils as she tips it into your mouth, being careful not to spill any drops.
  60. >As you taste the sweet, sultry liquid, you wonder how she’s so good at walking on two hooves.
  61. >This line of thought is very quickly replaced by the feeling in your stinging abdomen, where things feel like they are rearranging.
  62. >Use Healing Potion (small)
  63. [+43 HP, removed bleeding]
  64. Anon: [HP: 70/130][MP: 14/18]
  65. >When the effect finishes, you feel nothing sticking out, but you still feel a good deal of pain.
  66. “It helped a little bit…”
  67. >Red checks your bandages tentatively.
  68. >”It looks like there’s still deep gnashing from his talons, the… the bastard.”
  69. >Whoa.
  70. “Hey, it was just a battle, it doesn’t matter what happened. We’re both alive and that’s what counts, right?”
  71. >”No! Anon, he tried to kill you with that attack, and there’s no way around it! As soon as he’s out of that bed, I’ll be trying my hardest to get that gryphon arrested!”
  72. >That didn’t sound very good.
  73. >Then again, he did have enough drive to sink his talons through your chainmail to get to your intestines.
  74. >You finally reach the medical tent, and you get a chance to see where everyone is.
  75. >Jettison Streak is gone, so he must’ve gotten better.
  76. >Charm Rose, Little Strongheart, and Gable are in separate beds, a bit apart from each other.
  77. >Who do you want to be placed next to?
  81. >”Alright Anon, where did you want again?”
  82. >You think about it for a moment, and figure if there was anyone you could benefit from being bunkmates with, it’d be Charm.
  83. “Charm Rose, if that’s alright.”
  84. >Red nods and directs the doctors to the bed to her left, and they begin the perilous journey of switching your position.
  85. >”One… Two… HEAVE!”
  86. >Thankfully, they get it on the first try.
  87. >Not before being heaved halfway and getting rolled on your stomach.
  89. >”Oh goodness, I-I’m terribly sorry, sir!”
  90. >All the doctors begin apologizing profusely like this, Red patting your hand in empathy.
  91. >”Anon, don’t worry about it. There’ll be anti-biotics and painkillers inside you in no time… For now, you’ll need to rest. So, here’s the plan: You’re going to get stripped, put in a gown, and once we get some transportation ready we’ll be taking you to the hospital. I’ll be taking your things so they’re safe, and before you leave Iron Will and Flash Sentry are going to do the champion’s celebration here in private, and we’ll hold onto the bits for you. Thankfully, you won’t have to spend any of it on your medical bills because it was a tournament injury. You’ll be staying in the hospital overnight until they can get in a shipment of healing potions to fix you up right, and after that we’ll be ready to continue the investigation, I guess. Does all of that sound good?
  92. “Yeah, seems like it works out. How long will I be here, again?”
  93. >”Getting the chariot freed up and ready down here will take about 40 minutes.”
  94. “Alright… So, you’re stripping me, right? Not some weird, sterile doctor?”
  95. >Redheart glances at the offended doctors, and chuckles lightly.
  96. >”They’re not weird, babe. But if you’d like, sure.”
  97. >Redheart begins to draw back the privacy curtain.
  98. >Would you like to say or do anything right now?
  102. >Current questlog (6/10 total):
  103. [Investigate Shadow] - Find it (0/1); Exterminate it (0/1); Report to Celestia (0/1)
  104. [Become a Legendary Doctor] - Master medical knowledge (0/1); Master medical experience (0/1); Doctor’s Kit (0/1); Master alchemical knowledge (0/1); Master healing spells (0/1); Optional [Legendary]: Get famous (Be known in Canterlot, Crystal Empire and Ponyville) (1/3)
  105. [Spear Mastery] - Learn Spear Juggling (0/1)
  106. [Spicing up the Bedroom] - Find Redheart’s fetish (0/1); Improve foreplay (0/1)
  107. [Vigilante Justice] - Track down and take in the thieves that attacked Pinkie Pie (0/3)
  108. [The Long Road Ahead] - Expand Gyro’s Consumer Base at the Protected Wither, the Hospital, and the Tournament (3/3) (Complete! Return to Gyro.)
  109. [Mare in the Family] - Find a way to help Charm Rose (0/1)
  111. “By the way, can I keep my med books so I can study while I’m waiting?”
  112. >”Sure, I’ll make sure they stay with you.”
  113. >The curtain is pulled, keeping prying eyes away from what was about to happen.
  114. “Uh, also, I guess I’m not going to make it to Gyro’s for a while, so while you’re out, can you do me a favor?”
  115. >Redheart looks at you.
  116. >”Oh… Well, actually, I was going to stay with you.”
  117. “Er, yeah, of course you can! I just need a quick errand ran down there, is all I’m saying.
  118. >Redheart smiles at your clarification.
  119. >”Alright, what did you need?”
  120. “Can you tell him that I spread the word about his shop and new inventions at the hospital, the tournament, and the weapon shop, and that I even advertised it after I won the semi-final match? Like I said, I was going to tell him myself, but…”
  121. >”Right. Don’t you worry, I’ll have that done before the chariot even comes.”
  122. “And while you’re there, can you pick up a lightning rod for the defibrillator? I’m sure he has one, but forgot to give it to me.”
  123. >”Duly noted…”
  124. >As you speak with her, she begins to undo your coat and your outer armor.
  125. “So, just between you and me... I was awesome, right?”
  126. >She smiles and gives you a rather lustful look.
  127. >”You were fantastic. How did I get hitched with such a stongman doctor, anyways?~”
  128. >You smile back.
  129. >Whoa, there’s a feeling you haven’t had in a while...
  130. “How long before I'm up and ready for... ‘strenuous activity’?”
  131. >Redheart stops her motions with your chest half-exposed, leans up to you and frenches you, her hot tongue massaging yours in a loving, pole-raising experience.
  132. >”Sorry, hon… Not until you’re healed.”
  133. “I better get healed quickly, then…”
  134. >She giggles lightly as she continues to strip you down.
  135. >A few moments of silence led you to thinking about some more important issues.
  136. “And, uh, listen, about Gable... he's a bit of a cunt--”
  137. >She slaps your bare chest with her hoof playfully.
  138. “--But we were both going at each other with everything we had. I don't harbor anymore ill will against him than anyone else that makes me bleed my own blood."
  139. >She looks at you with a more serious countenance.
  140. >”Anon, fighting each other is one thing, but if left unchecked he would have killed you, period. There’s no getting around that fact.”
  141. “I don’t think he would’ve done something like that, Red.”
  142. >She sighs as she starts carefully peeling your bloody armor back.
  143. >”If you really think that, I’d talk to him before it’s too late, then.”
  144. “Alright.”
  145. >The rest of the stripping goes without a hitch, except for one moment where she teased you.
  146. >You could swear your balls are turning blue, and yet she just laughed and laughed.
  147. >By the time you get over it, she had fitted you in the Minotaur-issue gown, which oddly fit you perfectly.
  148. >When she’s done, she rubs her hooves together in completion.
  149. >”There we are, my sweetums, good as new. I’ll be taking these, and you lay and rest, mister.”
  150. [Inventory (-Medical books) given to Redheart.]
  151. >She pulls back the curtain, and gathers your things, very slowly lifting them up with great effort until Applejack walks over and helps her.
  152. >”See what I mean about that spear? It’s just a big ol’ log.”
  153. >She helps Red carry it, and the party waves to you.
  154. >”We gotta go get this stuff down to Wheaties’, Anon, and do that thing that Red told us.”
  155. >Berry points at you.
  156. >”I’ll be over later to dull the pain. It’ll be the best night of your life!”
  157. >Redheart nudges her.
  158. >”Hey, he needs to rest! And I highly doubt you’ll be able to give him something like that, not with painkillers in him.”
  159. >”Pffft, so? You did see him fight, right? He’s a tank!”
  160. >How flattering.
  161. >Pinkie bounds up and gives you a light kiss on the cheek.
  162. >”Be extra super careful, Nonny, don’t do any jumping jacks!”
  163. >Wheaties gives you a genuine smile with a goodbye nod.
  164. >You do the same.
  165. “See you all later.”
  166. >They leave you within the medical tent, with a few doctors and Charm Rose laying next to you, either asleep or ignoring you.
  167. >Gable is across the tent and a few beds down, but you don’t know if he is awake or not.
  168. >Last you checked, Little Strongheart was also still asleep.
  169. >What would you like to do?
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