
Styx Defends Owen Benjamin

Dec 6th, 2019
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  1. Styxhexenhammer666 is another great channel to follow. He does current events but also has a broad range of knowledge on various subjects, from economics and science, to the fringe, occult, and conspiratorial. I'm not sure where his spiritual beliefs lie, but every time I've heard him talk he's been exceptionally temperate and rational. No I do not think he is a satanist, but from some perspectives he might be one. His job is basically to be as right as often as statistically possible, and he pulls quite a bit of respect from various conflicting groups.
  3. He's quite the complement and parallel to Owen Benjamin, who in turn is more moody, excitable, passionate, straight edge, runs his own farm/homestead, is a family guy, and who is a devout follower of Christ --- juxtaposed with Styx, clad in black, flowing hippy hair, bit of a degenerate, childless, and follower of more left/middle-hand spiritual paths.
  5. Then you've got people who run the gamut in-between, like the guy who runs WoodwardTV, and Aaron & Melissa who run Truthstream Media; plenty, if not most, of these people have families and children, and are certainly not the incels and nazis that the propaganda has painted our collective movement as. Not everybody follows Q, not everybody votes republican, not everybody likes Trump, not everybody believes the same theories. Now a lot of us do like Trump, most tolerate him or don't care, and then some yet don't like him. But these communities are not contingent in the slightest on Trump, Q, Republicans, any of that.
  7. Anyway, I wanted to give these people all a shout-out, because they're getting banned left and right. Owen Benjamin was banned just a couple days ago. I was shocked because it was a week early. He's been putting out prime stuff lately, absolutely crushing it. And they just... pull him. The family who runs Truthstream used to pay their bills and then some from channel revenue. Now they've been financially bullied off the platform, and may have to quit their profession (journalism) all together.
  9. Styx wanted everyone watching to give these people a shout out. And to tell people to try out services like bitchute, where most of these channels have relocated.
  11. If we give these new alternative platforms just a little bit of our time and effort, they will grow, and the free market (of ideas and goods) can truly deliver for our benefit.
  13. Youtube is purging far, far more than just right-wing, political, conspiracy, and extremist content. The purge is affecting channels that are either moderate or totally apolitical just as well. It's focused on hampering the right-wing before the 2020 election (as proven by Project Veritas' whistleblower expose and undercover recordings with Alphabet execs), and I want that to be crystal clear, but make no mistake in that it affects far, far more people outside of that scope.
  15. Styx and Owen Benjamin aren't even friends, they don't even agree on everything, they even have huge religious differences, Owen has even insulted Styx before, and yet Styx is sticking his neck out to defend Owen Benjamin. Because that's what our collective group is about. We respect each other enough to entertain one another.
  17. That, and, this is all really damn important.
  19. Tl;dr: sign up for bitchute - owen benjamin - styxhexenhammer666 - quantum of conscience - truthstream media - woodwardtv - youtube/alphabet/cia can go to hell for all of this
  21. Too tired to spell check this kthxgnite.
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