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freenode ##physics

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Jul 12th, 2017
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  1. [23:52:35] <TigerKhan> may I ask a question
  2. [23:53:08] <dukwon> no
  3. [23:57:23] <TigerKhan> if I have a yo-yo that's going down what does the free body diagram look like
  4. [23:59:17] <electricfuneral> TigerKhan: on the yo-yo? or on the string? what is the situation here? provide a complete diagram
  5. [23:59:39] <TigerKhan> electricfuneral the free body diagram
  6. [00:01:19] <electricfuneral> TigerKhan: i understand, but what is the exact situation here? a free body diagram needs a specific body upon which you assign the external forces. which body are we talking about here?
  7. [00:02:11] <TigerKhan> electricfuneral: i just said i'm talking about a yo-yo, i said that already :/
  8. [00:03:22] <electricfuneral> TigerKhan: stop being difficult. either paste a complete description of the problem, or go elsewhere
  9. [00:05:00] <TigerKhan> electricfuneral i'm not being difficult i pasted a complete description when i came in, do you know what a yo-yo is?
  10. [00:06:25] <electricfuneral> TigerKhan: drop the attitude, everybody here knows what a yo-yo is, but nobody can make heads or tails of your vague statement.
  11. [00:07:00] <JiK> TigerKhan: the string or the round part?
  12. [00:07:33] <TigerKhan> JiK: the yo-yo is the damn round part
  13. [00:07:39] <TigerKhan> why would it also include the string
  14. [00:09:02] <InPhase> QScience: This is just simple sine-wave addition.
  15. [00:09:16] <JiK> TigerKhan: (a) if you buy a yoyo, is the string included? (b) why didn't you giventhe same answer to electricfuneral when they asked the same question?
  16. [00:09:27] <electricfuneral> because, genius, a yo-yo has the string included by what the word "yo-yo" means
  17. [00:09:27] <electricfuneral> "A toy consisting of a pair of joined discs with a deep groove between them in which string is attached and wound, which can be spun alternately downward and upward by its weight and momentum as the string unwinds and rewinds."
  18. [00:09:27] <electricfuneral> that's the definition from the Oxford English Dictionary of the word "yo-yo"
  19. [00:09:53] <TigerKhan> look i don't care about some dictionary, can someone help me with this and not patronize me?
  20. [00:09:58] <iz> lol
  21. [00:10:15] <JiK> TigerKhan: if there's a yoyo goimg down, and the string is not included, you have gravity and possibly drag.
  22. [00:10:40] * iz nods in agreement
  23. [00:11:29] <electricfuneral> TigerKhan: for the very last time. the complete description of your problem, verbatim, as you have it in your assignment, with any possible pictures or diagrams. if your next message does not have any of that, i will refrain from speaking to you any further
  24. [00:13:09] <JiK> TigerKhan: i'll go now, but asking what you really mean is not patronizing, and correcting you when you make a wrong claim is not patronizing
  25. [00:14:10] <TigerKhan>
  26. [00:14:38] <electricfuneral> TigerKhan: what is that supposed to be?
  27. [00:15:26] <JiK> To me it looks like this discussion went pretty much like this: "What does a free body diagram of a yoyo look like?" "Is the string included or just the discs?" "A yo-yo is just the damn disks, why would the string be included?" "Because yo-yo means the string and the discs combined." "Stop patronizing!"
  28. [00:15:54] <TigerKhan> it is supposed to be "any possible pictures or diagrams" since you said that if my next message didn't have any of that youd stop talking to me, i figured id include a picture of a yo-yo since you dont seem to know what one is
  29. [00:16:10] <JiK> TigerKhan: So on the round part, you have gravity and the string acting.
  30. [00:17:01] <JiK> TigerKhan: and the string isn't directly at the centre point.
  31. [00:17:06] <JiK> TigerKhan: but i have to go now, sorry
  32. [00:17:32] <TigerKhan> typical
  33. [00:17:35] <TigerKhan> bail go on
  34. [00:17:48] <electricfuneral> TigerKhan: wow, you are a piece of work, aren't you?
  35. [00:18:36] <electricfuneral> TigerKhan: you have no regard for people who help for free, shame on you
  36. [00:19:04] <TigerKhan> man what the hell is this? i don't want any lectures on morality, why is a simple question so fucking difficult for anyone to help me with?
  37. [00:19:54] <electricfuneral> precisely because of your behavior and attitude.
  38. [00:20:47] <TigerKhan> this is the most idiotic channel i've been in i'm sorry to say
  40. [18:12:59] <bottled_water> can anybody help me with a mechanics problem?
  41. [18:13:31] <electricfuneral> bottled_water: see /topic, feel free to ask a specific question
  42. [18:14:09] <bottled_water> electricfuneral please dont talk to me, you were very rude to me yesterday , i explained my problem crystal clear
  43. [18:16:17] <electricfuneral> bottled_water: less arguing, more asking questions
  44. [18:16:58] <bottled_water> can someone who is not that individual please help me? i have a question about a yo-yo and how to draw its free body diagram
  45. [18:17:31] <dukwon> have you attempted to draw something?
  46. [18:17:37] <dukwon> it's a good place to start
  47. [18:18:19] <electricfuneral> oh, it's you.
  48. [18:19:31] <iz> dukwon wants to help you, bottled_water, you should speak with him
  49. [18:19:59] <bottled_water> dukwon yeah hold on let me pull up a picture
  50. [18:22:46] <bottled_water>
  51. [18:22:46] <dirac> [ Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet ] -
  52. [18:24:07] <dukwon> looks about right, what else do you need?
  53. [18:24:39] <electricfuneral> ok, so that's a start. how would you apply Newton's second law for rotation to that with the applied forces acting on it? remember what the moment of inertia of a disk is wrt its center of mass
  54. [18:24:56] <bottled_water> dukwon: so i'm correct? thanks
  55. [18:25:00] <bottled_water> electricfuneral: shut the fuck up
  56. [18:25:36] <dukwon> you could draw an arrow for torque
  57. [18:26:11] <bottled_water> dukwon: in which direction would that go?
  58. [18:26:27] <electricfuneral> why are you making things so difficult? i've bothered typing out an honest answer to you, and you cuss me out?
  59. [18:26:54] <bottled_water> i am about to leave this channel if you keep talking to me
  60. [18:27:16] <iz> the channel would try to figure out how to deal with the loss..
  61. [18:27:22] <dukwon> just use the /ignore command if you don't want to read someone's messages
  62. [18:27:45] <bottled_water> dukwon, iz this guy's been on my case for no reason ever since i showed up the other day i dont know what his deal is
  63. [18:28:40] <baxx> electricfuneral: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you can take a horse to water
  64. [18:29:06] <bottled_water> baxx this particular cowboy took the horse to poison it seems
  65. [18:29:18] <dukwon> torque is the rate of change of angular momentum, analogous to force
  66. [18:29:20] * iz just laughs.. dukwon, he's your pet project now
  67. [18:29:55] * baxx walks off as he was only interested in the centroid thing from earlier
  68. [18:30:31] <electricfuneral> dukwon: boy, you must have a lot of free time on your hands to want to deal with this
  69. [18:31:02] <dukwon> I feel like I'm the only one not deliberately making it take longer
  70. [18:32:20] <bottled_water> making what longer? what the fuck are you on about?
  71. [18:32:20] <iz> more power too you then, please continue
  72. [18:32:36] <bottled_water> are you implying that i'm stupid dukwon??
  73. [18:32:43] <dukwon> no
  74. [18:33:04] <bottled_water> what is this channel's problem? look i have to finish a project
  75. [18:33:14] <bottled_water> now the only person that wanted to help me is implying that i'm stupid
  76. [18:33:19] <baxx> bottled_water: good troll, i've give you that
  77. [18:34:35] <electricfuneral> what a shock, now he's also attacking dukwon.
  78. [18:34:37] <bottled_water> baxx i'm honestly not trolling. look yesterday i came here and electricfuneral started getting in my face for no reason
  79. [18:34:50] <bottled_water> baxx today for some reason dukwon also has it in for me
  80. [18:35:00] <dukwon> I don't
  81. [18:35:21] <iz> :popcorn:
  82. [18:35:36] <electricfuneral> dukwon: What's the matter? cat got your tongue? don't wanna help anymore?
  83. [18:35:37] <baxx> bottled_water: well i can assure you no one gives a shit about you enough to care about annoying you, they care about the subject and the understanding of it. So don't take things personally, and accept free help with some grace
  84. [18:36:00] <bottled_water> hey electricfuneral drleviathan just called you a troll in pm hahahah
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