
Rhiannon moves in.

Aug 15th, 2017
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  1. Oct 1200 WK2
  2. -Following Diego's loss at the Nohrian Frontier, Xander's numbers begin to slowly rise with his new progressive ideas passed from his sister as slowly, Nohr begins to clean up it's act.
  3. -to that end, Rhiannon tells her mom that for a year, she will be residing in Hoshido to gather more data regarding the healthier methods of training monsters.
  4. -And she knows the perfect Hoshidian to live with.
  7. -Meanwhile, Oboro is driving towards Jotaro's home to deliver some mail, sadly she can't be his assistant due to her work schedule, but she makes sure to see his battles and come over to his ranch.
  8. -However, a pink Mercedes zoom past her car, she pay it no mind however...until she sees the same car parked at his ranch and see Soleil yelling out for Jotaro to come outside, demanding a rematch against Ares, the monster who beaten her Smollet, with her Terry this time.
  10. -And thus, Rhiannon parks her jet to a scene of Heihachi and Terry locked in battle, with Heihachi winning...
  11. -Frustrated, Soleil drops the bombshell that she claim Jotaro as her rival/mate, Oboro scoff at this and the 2 of them get into an argument.
  12. -Hijinks ensures when Rin tell them that she will be staying here as well, Oboro doesn't see Rin as a rival for Jotaro's affections unlike Soleil who tries to intimidate her, but one Kalmte stare make her back down.
  13. -Jotaro ask Soleil what's a Monster coach which, with pride, she explains to him before leaving him...but not before bragging to Oboro that she already accomplished more with Jotaro more physically....making Oboro even more jealous as Soleil drives back home.
  14. -Rin for her part, get her luggages inside of his home and take up a room to set up her notes and more.
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