
Ponepocalypse: Fox in the Hen House

Mar 17th, 2017
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  1. Applejack kicked her head back, one last swallow finishing her meal. The bulge of the wailing prey sliding down to fill her belly. The human continued to fight, bulges pushing out from her middle, and shaking gently. Laying back against a tree, Applejack belched and wiped her lip on her fore hoof.
  3. “Did you enjoy your meal, Ms. Applejack?” A meek voice asked from Applejack’s side.
  5. Applejack licked her lips and looked down. The human speaking to her looked up at her curiously, wringing his dark blue tank top.
  7. “Yeah,” Applejack said before belching “Ya’ll did good C.J,”
  9. CJ smiled wide and curled up next to Applejack, burying his face in her side and reaching a hand up to rub and stroke her writhing gut. It was hours, Applejack just lay there watching over the farmland, the sun setting in the distance casting the apple orchard in an orange red hue. The human she devoured had long since stopped fighting and was just a softened lump in her gut. Still, CJ continued his tender love and care of the pony. Applejack set a hoof down on his head, absentmindedly petting him.
  11. “Hey Applejack!” A raspy voice came from above.
  13. Rainbow dash sailed down and nailed her landing, setting down right next to the tree Applejack rested against.
  15. “Well hey there Rainbow, what can I do ya for?” Applejack asked, tipping her hat forward in relaxation.
  17. “Pinkie won some contest and wanted to throw a party for the occasion,” Rainbow announced.
  19. “Oh yeah? Well congratulations to her, am I invited?” Applejack asked
  21. Rainbow snorted, acting as if the question were a joke, “Does a pony make the leaves fall? Of course you’re invited AJ. I was also wondering if I could warm you up to the idea of making a barrel of cider for the occasion,” Rainbow said, her gaze drifting to the human attached to her friends rather plump hips.
  23. “ is getting to be about that time of year. I could see to maybe starting production a bit early,” Applejack said, looking up at Rainbow Dash and catching her in the act of ogling. “Something catch your eye sugarcube?”
  25. Rainbow Dash nodded, her stomach sounding a low tone. Nodding and gulping down some saliva she pointed at CJ
  27. “You gonna eat that?”
  29. CJ looked at the blue pegasus, then up to Applejack. The farm mare returned his look and shook her head.
  31. “Nope, he ain’t for eatin just yet,” Applejack said “CJ this is my friend Rainbow Dash, Dash this is my special human CJ,”
  33. CJ got up and approached Rainbow, offering a closed fist in greeting. “Hello, how are you Ms. Dash?”
  35. “Yeah ‘Special’ is right. Usually you guys try to run or fight, you don’t seem pretty concerned about me taking you down right here and now,” Rainbow said, returning CJ’s greeting with a lick up his forearm, getting a good taste of his savory flavor.
  37. “CJ’s one of them “willings” that we heard so much about. That ain’t why he’s special though,” Applejack said getting up.
  39. “I bring humans to Ms. Applejack to eat,” CJ said, a kind of pride in his voice.
  41. “Oh! Straight up race traitor? You’re bad,” Rainbow Dash said slinking up behind the human and hooking a hoof around his waist; bringing him closer.
  43. “Yep, regular golden goose this one is. I don’t know how he does it, and I don’t care as long as he can keep doing it he ain’t for eatin,” Applejack said
  45. Rainbow Dash eyed Applejack and smirked. The apple pony certainly had the figure telling of CJ’s skill. Applejacks gut swaying with each step and the fatty padding of past meals shifting over her applebucking thighs. Rainbow Dash took another taste of CJ, this one up over the nape of his neck.
  47. “Yeah, you’ve been snacking on these guys like it’s going out of style there thunder thighs,” Rainbow snarked, before taking another lick of CJ “Damn you’re good,”
  49. “Ms. Applejack, I’m pretty sure your friend is going to eat me if you don’t stop her,” CJ said, looking at the pegasi playfully
  51. “CJ, come here,” Applejack called, and on command CJ broke away from Rainbow Dash and went to her side.
  53. “Oh come on! I wasn’t gonna eat him, I was just sampling him! Humans are too fatty anyways, I gotta be in top condition as a Wonderbolt!” Rainbow Dash yelled, chasing after the two.
  55. The party of three walked and talked, following the path to the Apple family house. Appearing as a simple, modified, red barn on the outside, inside was a cozy, country style ranch house that served as home to a few generations of the Apple family. Window sills on the first floor were adorned with flower beds, tended to and blooming with flowers, a set of wide wooden steps leading up to a screen door covering a hoof carved hickory wood door.
  57. “So, AJ on a serious note. Did CJ bring more humans than the one you ate?” Rainbow Dash asked at the front door.
  59. “Naw, it takes a little while for CJ to get things done. The only human we have is Big Mac’s human, MJ,” Applejack answered opening the door and stepping inside.
  61. “Lemme guess, he does the same thing CJ does,” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, following her friend.
  63. “Naw, she….uh…’takes care’ of Big Mac...if you know what I’m sayin,” Applejack answered.
  65. Inside was the den room. Knick knacks and pictures lined the shelves and walls, the room lit by the fireplace softly crackling and covered by a metal mesh. Applejacks grandmother, Granny Smith, sat nearby; snoring away in her rocking chair. Hefting herself onto the nearest couch, the springs groaned in protest to the mares new found weight, her still rounded belly jiggling with her earlier meal.
  67. “ she a special case like CJ or can I take her home?” Rainbow Dash asked.
  69. “Dunno, you’d have to ask Big Mac, he’s probably in the bath with her right now,” Applejack said “‘sides I thought you need to keep that wonderbolt figure,”
  71. “AJ, come on!” Rainbow moaned, “I’m starving here and Hay Burger will be closed before I can get there! One little human won’t hurt me!”
  73. “Well shoot, it ain’t my fault you didn’t bother to eat! I can cook you up something in the kitchen if you want, but it ain’t gonna be human,” Applejack scolded.
  75. “’s okay,” Rainbow said, dejected “I’ll just go home, and get something quick to eat there,”
  77. “I’ll go get Mr. Mac if you want me too,” CJ offered
  79. “Yeah, go get’em, after that get bathed and shack up for the night CJ,” Applejack said “Say goodnight to Rainbow,”
  81. Rainbow watched CJ as he got right into her personal space and slipped his hand past her lips and over her gums. The savory taste soaking into her taste buds as quickly as her mouth soaked his arm with saliva. Rainbow swallowed and wrapped her fore hooves around his waist and pulled more of his arm into her mouth, all the way up to his shoulder delighting in the soft flesh she gently chewed on.
  83. “Yeah, there you go. Strong girl like you probably has a strong appetite, huh?” CJ asked softly, knowing the answer “Bet you’d love nothing more than to feel my soft skin slide over that wet tongue,” CJ continued, placing his free hand on Rainbows neck and rubbing it “Slip into your warm throat,” CJ finished by stroking Rainbow’s belly “and filling your empty stomach, huh?”
  85. Rainbow had had enough. CJ saw Rainbow open her mouth wide, lines of drool flying out and hitting him before nearly half of him was swallowed into her gullet. Applejack immediately got up.
  87. “Rainbow Dash! You let him go, or I swear I will tan your hide!”
  89. Rainbow spat him out. CJ chuckled, wiping drool from his eyes. Applejack didn’t see the humor in it though. Glaring at the human until he stopped his snickering and bowed his head and put his hands behind his back.
  91. “Sorry, Ms. Applejack” CJ said, his meek demeanor returning.
  93. Applejack only pointed up the stairs and CJ was gone a moment later. Rainbow Dash sat still, the savory taste still sticking in her mouth. As promised, CJ had contacted Big Mac and he came to talk to the Wonderbolt. Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash would leave the Apple family house empty hoofed, but managed to score a human free from CJ’s next haul. It wouldn’t help her for the night though...that savory flavor stuck with her even when she tried to eat something else. Rainbow slept that night, full but hungry.
  96. It was the Afternoon of the next day, the Apple siblings, Applebloom, Applejack and Big Macintosh tended to the farm; their various duties keeping them busy and unaware of a visitor watching from a cloud above. Rainbow Dash sat patiently, slowly guiding the cloud she perched on with some angled beats of her wings, keeping her eye on Applejack and the human she wanted...CJ. Gnawing at her lip for the opportunity to get him alone before dropping down, scooping him up and taking him to her home. Easier said than done, the two were nearly inseparable...or rather Applejack wouldn’t let him out of her sight line for long.
  98. It was hours before Rainbow Dash spied Applejack and Applebloom talking near an empty fenced off pen with a lone apple tree growing out the center of it. Rainbow shifted, getting low and wings spreading when she saw Applejack leave CJ with Applebloom.
  100. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” Rainbow’s wings buzzed with excitement.
  102. The opportunity she waited for had presented itself. Applebloom didn’t leave, instead picking up a stick and marching around the perimeter of the fence as CJ disappeared under the canopy of the apple tree in the fenced off area. If she was gonna do this she had to act fast. It was then that serendipity happened. Rainbow spotted Scootaloo, the little pegasus filly that idolized the blue wonderbolt, in the peripheral of her vision, riding her scooter into the orchard, heading in the direction of the Crusader’s Clubhouse. Quickly, her heart racing with adrenaline, Rainbow bolted down and snatched the little one from her scooter so quick it left Scootaloo’s safety gear holding in thin air before collapsing into a heap on the ground.
  104. Scootaloo shook her head and looked around, finding herself on a cloud. Rainbow Dash stepped in front of her smiling excitedly.
  106. “Scootaloo! I want you for a Wonderbolt mission!” Rainbow Dash said, puffing her chest out and saluting
  108. “Oh yeah! What’s the mission Captain!” Scootaloo said, imitating Rainbow in both stance, posture and enthusiasm.
  110. “Mission name! "Double-Stuffed"! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to distract and lure the guard from her post and lead her away by any means necessary,” Rainbow Dash said, pointing to an oblivious Applebloom.
  112. “Mission accepted! This is gonna be a piece of cake!” Scootaloo said crouching down and eyeing the target.
  114. “Synchronize watches!” Rainbow Dash said pantomiming looking at a watch on her fore hoof.
  116. “But I didn’t bring a watch,” Scootaloo responded
  118. “Neither did I! Go go go!” Rainbow exclaimed
  120. Scootaloo jumped from the cloud and spread her diminutive wings, the size of the being what they were she couldn’t fly on her own but it did allow her to glide down, carefully placing her awkward landing a few feet outside of the fence. Rainbow ducked down on the cloud and watched Scootaloo go to work. While out of earshot, Rainbow waited; certain the little filly would succeed. Her eyes grew as wide as her smile when Applebloom dropped her stick and began running off with Rainbow Dash’s saboteur.
  122. Unable to hold back a moment longer Rainbow dive bombed the tree in the center of the fence. Her angle, momentum and speed honed from years of practice and training squared her up and all that was seen when Rainbow entered the crown of the tree was a prismatic streak. The branch she landed on bent dangerously close to its breaking point, before shuddering back into place. Rainbow licked her lips and peered out of the branches towards the ground. CJ sat back, a hat in similar style to Applejack’s signature stetson covered his eyes. Arms behind his head he seemed to be asleep. Lithe and fit, Rainbow Dash slipped between branches before jumping from one of the lowest ones right next to her target.
  124. “Hey CJ, where’s Applejack?” Rainbow asked
  126. CJ jumped, and pulled the hat off his face, smiling warmly at her “Well if it isn’t Ms. Rainbow! How are you today?”
  128. “Hungry,” Rainbow said scooping up CJ
  130. “Hungry huh? Well maybe we got some Apples around here for you,” CJ said, smiling at how forward the pegasus was “Hey MJ you got any apples over there for Ms.Rainbow here?”
  132. Rainbow Dash noticed movement from her side. Another human, this one a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes her outfit a one for one match to CJ’s of a dark blue tank top and tan shorts, her stomach slightly swollen under her tank top.
  134. “Oh, this is Big Macintosh’s human, right? The one Applejack was talking about?” Rainbow Dash asked
  136. “The one and the same Ma’am, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” MJ spoke, her voice soft and silky.
  138. MJ approached Rainbow and took a hoof in hand, giving it small kisses while looking up at her. Rainbow didn’t even realize that CJ had wriggled out of her grasp.
  140. “MJ we have a problem,” CJ said
  142. “What’s that CJ?” Asked MJ
  144. “Ms. Rainbow here is hungry, and I didn’t think to get anything to bring with me into the pen,” CJ stated, starting to circle around Dash clockwise.
  146. “Oh thats no good! We as humans have a duty to make sure no pony goes hungry,” CJ said, mirroring CJ as she to circled Dash counterclockwise. “Sir Mac fed me before sending me here,” she finished patting her soft middle.
  148. “Oh no! well...we need to think of something quick! Maybe I should call for Ms. Applejack, she would get you something to eat,”
  150. “No no, we don’t want Applejack finding out about any of this,” Rainbow said, wings spreading trying to get a bead on both of them.
  152. “How about I hop the fence and go get you some apples from one of the nearby trees, would that be okay, ma’am?”
  154. “I’m not hungry for apples!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, their circling getting on her nerves.
  156. Rainbow was embraced from both sides. The humans each wrapping their arms around her waist and looking her in the eyes.
  158. “How about us?” the two said in unison.
  160. Rainbow felt a rush of exhilaration pump through her body. Sitting down and leaning against the tree, MJ and CJ took each took a spot on the outside of her thighs and stroked her strong leg muscles.
  162. “I always heard humans were fighters, even after the war. You two seem awfully comfy doing do know that once I eat you, that's it, game over, right?” Rainbow said, biting her lower lip in anticipation.
  164. “Ms. Rainbow Dash, it is true that humans are fighters you have to understand, our species shouldn’t have started a war it couldn’t win, “ CJ said
  166. “We brought guns to a magic fight, and while we had some victories, we lost fair and was only chance that it turns out that not only do you soft, cute ponies like how we taste we are a good source of nourishment for you,” MJ said, removing her shirt.
  168. “There are a lot of humans who don’t understand. The few like MJ and I know that having your warm breath on our skin,”
  170. “The warm drool, slathering our bodies,” MJ said removing her shorts
  172. “Sliding down your soft throat and filling the belly of a wonderful, awesome, pony like yourself Ms. Rainbow, we are not dying just becoming a part of something greater” CJ finished
  174. Rainbow bristled with pride, a confident smile plastered on her face, she certainly felt like she was on a pedestal. Smitten by their silver tongues, she giggled softly to herself, letting their words echo in her head as she watched CJ scoop up his human pal and hold her feet first up to Rainbows mouth.
  176. “Can I be your food, Ma’am?” CJ said, her hands clasped and her eyes full of hope and worship.
  178. Rainbow wasted no time, taking the girls feet into her mouth and easily slipping them into her throat with but a single gulp. MJ let out a yelp, and shivered in Rainbows maw, realizing that this is really happening. Rainbows tongue ran over those legs, the savory taste assaulting her tongue, CJ steadily feeding them into her throat as she sat there barely doing anything but swallowing and enjoying the taste of her meals body. The human moaned watching herself disappear inch after inch, her hips and plump ass being the only real tight fit as Rainbow tried a few times to jam her mouth full of her meat. A little wiggling fixed the problem and soon the girl was on her way again.
  180. “So warm, so good,” MJ breathed
  182. Rainbows teeth gripped the meals belly, the pot belly spreading out to fit into the pony’s jaw. It was only a few more gulps until her breasts were at the entrance to her final home and getting the same treatment. CJ maneuvered his friends arms so they would fit just right into Rainbow’s mouth. Whether it was noticed or not went unanswered as Rainbow tilted her head back, the pleasant texture and taste of MJ and drool carrying said flavor slide down her throat. The human wailed ‘thank you’ as her head slipped into Rainbows open maw and muffled from there when Rainbow closed her mouth.
  184. CJ sat inbetween Rainbows thighs. Watching the rest of his only friend slid down and fill out Rainbow’s middle, the belly swelling with the new occupant. Setting his hands on the distended spot, he rubbed and stroked Rainbows stomach while her strong thighs closed on him and held him in place.
  186. “Oh Celestia, that’s good,” Rainbow moaned, letting out a belch “So very good,”
  188. “I’m glad you enjoyed her. You got room for seconds?” CJ asked
  190. “I got room for 20 of you if that’s how you all taste!” Rainbow exclaimed
  192. “You sure you’re a pony and not a piggy?” CJ asked, wiggling her big belly playfully
  194. “Keep that up and I’ll bite you,” Rainbow shot back
  196. “Don’t threaten me with a good time, Ms. Rainbow” CJ said, giving her belly a kiss.
  198. Rainbow could feel the girl in there shifting and moving, her body filling and satiating the gnawing hunger. Warmth and comfort filled her sense, as CJ rolled her belly in his palms and peppered her abdomen with kisses. Rainbow pet CJ as his hands wandered from her belly, to her hips, up her side and back over the swell that was MJ before repeating the motion. The movement in Rainbow’s gut grew still.
  200. “Do you control what part of your body we end up on?” CJ asked in a whisper
  202. “No, that’s stupid, why would you think that?” Rainbow replied.
  204. “Figured since you ponies are magical, you might be capable of something like that,” CJ said
  206. “Yeah? If I could, which I can’t, but if I could. Where would you like me to send you once my belly deals with you?” Rainbow said, watching CJ crawl up her front towards her.
  208. “Tough to say. I love a sexy set of hips,” CJ said, sitting on Rainbow’s human filled gut and removing his shirt “Then again, if I was soft fat on your ass every time you sit down I can cushion your seat,” CJ finished, putting his hand up to Rainbows mouth.
  210. “I’ll see what I can do, you two have been such good little meals I say you deserve it,” Rainbow said opening her mouth.
  212. CJ began feeding himself to Rainbow, his hand pressing up against the broad warm tongue before putting his other hand in; warm breath rolling over his skin and leaving goosebumps in it’s wake. The savory taste came back no less delicious than the first time she tasted it. Her mouth quickly filled with human as CJ began stuffing more and more of his body into Rainbow’s mouth forcing her to swallow and pull his head and arms into her throat. Rainbows throat bulged out again, this time only swallowing when the reflex called for it as CJ used his legs to do the work for Rainbow Dash.
  214. Rainbow sighed and gently chewed, his skin soft and malleable to her flat teeth. A pleasant haze settled over her, thoughts of how to kick up the flavor a notch filled her mind. Roll them in powdered sugar, drip caramel glaze on them, butter them and throw some salt and pepper on them. Slather them in dressings, sauces, condiments. His legs kicking a little as they lifted off the ground snapped her back to reality.
  216. Unwilling to let her meal end so quickly Rainbow gripped CJ’s legs and reversed his descent. The sound of wet suction accompanied gobs of drool as Rainbow pulled CJ back from the brink of filling a pony resetting his position to where his stomach was on her tongue again.. The slime from her throat coated the skin she got second shot to enjoy his flavor. CJ did not relent, he began feeding himself to her again, redoubling his efforts to be. complimentary bulge to MJ in her belly. Rainbow bit down firmly to hold him in place, CJ seemingly got the message and relented, letting Rainbow take it from here.
  218. “Rainbow Dash! What in tarnation are you doing? You spit that boy out right this instant you poaching varmit!”
  220. Rainbow’s wings sprang out as fear rushed through her. Applejack had seen her and by the time Rainbow had gotten a bead on her, she had already cleared the fence and was leaving a trail of dust in her wake. Rainbow Dash stood up, her gut shifting and swinging gently with it’s cargo and the human hanging out of her mouth still immobile. Rainbow flapped as hard and fast as she could, attempting to flee with her food. She got only so far, the extra weight from the two hampering her movement, when a lasso wrapped around her neck and was pulled tight. Hitting the ground harshly and letting out a garbled grunt, Rainbow Dash had been caught.
  222. CJ sat there cleaning himself off with a wet towel that Applebloom had gotten him. Applejack meanwhile had hogtied Rainbow and dragged her off the property all the while chastising her with all manner of southern terminology.
  224. “Think she’ll get MJ?” Applebloom asked
  226. “I hope not, she's in a better place now,” CJ answered
  228. Applebloom looked CJ up and down as if he had suddenly grown a second head.
  230. “Ya’ll are crazy,”
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