
Download SalesPerson_Class

Oct 20th, 2014
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  2. Download: http://solutionzip.com/downloads/salesperson_class/
  3. Design a class for a sales person that has the following members variable:
  4. ? EID: To holds the sales person’s employment ID
  5. ? Firstname: To holds the sales person’s first name.
  6. ? Lastname: To holds the sales person’s last name.
  7. ? Date: To holds the sales person’s birth date
  8. ? TotalAnnualSales: To holds the sales person’s total sales in a year.
  9. In addition, the class should have the following member functions.
  10. ? Constructor: The constructor should accept the sales person’s data as arguments and assign these values to the object’s member variables.
  11. ? Mutators: Appropriate mutator functions should be created to allow values to be set for each object’s data members.
  12. ? Accessors: Appropriate accessor functions should be created to allow values to be retrieved from an object’s data members.
  13. ? calculateCommission: This function should calculate and display the commission amount for a sales person based on his totalAnnualSales. See below.
  14. ?
  15. ? TotalAnnualSales Commission percentage
  16. ? Under $10,00 No commission
  17. ? $10,000-$20,00 2% of TotalAnnualSales
  18. ? Greater than $20,000 4% of TotalAnnualSales
  19. Demonstrate the class in a program that creates a sales person object, and then calls each of the functions in the class
  20. Download: http://solutionzip.com/downloads/salesperson_class/
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