

May 6th, 2017
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  1. Figs sits by a tree drawing things down in my notebook
  2. Myras The humanish creature peeked it's head out behind a tree, surveying the area, her orange eyes blinking, as she let go, walking to the next one, the clawed hands swinging back and forth slowly with each step.
  3. Figs hums and puts the notebook and stuff in my bag hearing a noise I would look up jolting at the sound
  4. Myras It was just walking, not really minding the noise she was making. Her hands shrank a bit, and made their way into the pockets of her hoodie.
  5. Figs quickly looks around and sees some one walking deciding if I should stay put or move
  6. Myras They didn't pose much danger, and the boot knife had no imprint, she did adjust her leg, though, since it was sitting weirdly.
  7. Figs I would stand up putting my bag on my back cautious as I approached them because I was to friendly for my own good
  8. Myras They kept walking, kicking a stone, and hitting a tree. They took a deep breath, and stretched their back, looking around.
  9. Figs catches up to them "hi I'm figs you are?"
  10. Myras "HOLY SHIT." They jumped, tripping and landing on their ass, their clawed hands coming out of the pocket, the deep black contrasting with her pale skin, rubbign the back of her head. "Ow."
  11. Figs apologies and helps them up "so sorry didn't mean to scare you"
  12. Myras "It's fine. I get really oblivious." They smiled, hands back in their pockets. "I'm Myras."
  13. Figs "your hands seem interesting that you are hiding them"
  14. Myras "Yeah, they scare people."
  15. Figs "don't worry im not one to be scared I created a bunch of monsters back in my lab at my cabin out here"
  16. Myras "And now I never want to come back to these woods, good job."
  17. Figs "well they are all locked up or dead"
  18. Myras "Still, I don't like to show them."
  19. Figs "oh come on it isn't that bad you could idk maybe have ruined someone's life because of an experiment I did"
  20. Myras "I'm just gonna keep walking."
  21. Figs "plus I have food and a place to stay if need be the guest room autoadjusts to the guests preference"
  22. Figs joined the chat
  23. Myras "No, i am fine, I live with my sister."
  24. Figs walks by her seemingly wanting attention or at least a friend "well you can invite her over or just stay for a night?"
  25. Myras "No, it's fine. She doesn't get many days off of work.'
  26. Figs "my offer stands should anything happen" would walk away a bit sad and I begin plotting things out in my head
  27. Myras She kept walking through the woods. "Sorry." She mumbled, a good distance away
  28. Figs walks to my cabin going down to my lab grabbing a few wires and chemicals to create bombs and stuff
  29. Figs would put them in my bag and rushes back as fast I can
  30. Myras (*resists urge to got SWAT shitposting*) She started to go home.
  31. Figs manages to catch up a few feet back exhausted from having running that fast
  32. Myras "Woah, dude, what happened?'
  33. Figs joined the chat 6 seconds ago
  34. Figs "nothing just ran a bunch"
  35. Myras: "Okay, why to me, though?"
  36. Figs "cause kind of get bored in my cabin"
  37. Figs "cause kind of get bored in my cabin"
  38. Myras: "okay...Then."
  39. Myras: "Well."
  40. Figs "so uh mind if I walk with you home" was kind of expecting a no and or a punch
  41. Figs left the chat
  42. Figs joined the chat
  43. Myras "uh, you don't know where I live, but sure, I guess."
  44. Figs follows beside her smiling
  45. Myras She kept walking, out of the woods, and into town.
  46. Figs tries not to tremble and change for s at that moment and keeps walking
  47. Myras: "Are you okay?"
  48. Figs " uh huh just not used to bright lights and busy streets"
  49. Myras: "Oh, I live on the outskirts, we can take the long way."
  50. Figs joined the chat
  51. Figs "no whatever gets us there quickly"
  52. Myras "Okay." **She walked up to a two story house, opening the door, and shouting. "Apex! No!"
  53. Figs joined the chat 12 seconds ago
  54. Figs joined the chat
  55. Figs stands there at the door almost "is that a dog"
  56. Myras: "Big dog."
  57. Figs walks in looking at it "ok"
  58. Myras A large great dane was staring him down.
  59. Figs "nice place and cute dog"
  60. Myras "He can be scary, sis is probably asleep."
  61. Figs walks towards it pulling out a bone from my pocket giving it up
  62. Myras It growled, and pushed it away.
  63. Figs: "guess it doesn't like bones or me imparticuly
  64. Myras: "You."
  65. Figs: "well is there a place I can sleep or will I not be staying the night"
  66. Myras: "You probably won't."
  67. Figs goes to let the dog sniff me
  68. Figs: "oh ok that's fine"
  69. Myras It backed away, growling loudly.
  70. Figs: "well ok"
  71. Figs "what do you want to do"
  72. Myras "Uh, you said you just were gonna walk me home, there was no implication of you staying over."
  73. Figs: "right whoops that's on me"
  74. Myras: "Bye."
  75. Figs walks out the door setting on the ground outside
  76. Myras She closed the door, and locked it.
  77. Figs decides to hire someone to put the bombs by the house giving them money and they set the 3 bombs in locations that when they went off would only damage the house
  78. Myras It would have scared them, and caused them to leave the house, obviously.
  79. Figs would walk away carelessly and then pushes the button the moment I arrived back at my cabin then set it off
  80. Myras The bombs going off caused them to leave, that is.
  81. Figs would watch TV
  82. Myras They talked to eachother at a Cafe, Apex with them.
  83. Figs walks to the edge of the forest and stands there shutting the TV off and locking my cabin
  84. Myras They weighed their options, and decided to fly back to their hometown across the country, and live with their parents for a while.
  85. Figs a bunch of assassin's show up and tries killing your parents
  86. Myras The two died, leaving the sisters alone. They realized they were being hunted, and have Apex to a friend, before hanging themselves.
  87. Figs: (wait what?)
  88. Figs some kind gentleman stops Myra's and her sister
  89. Myras: ((Bombs went off in their house, so they left town, then their parents get killed, they figured something was hunting them, and went out the easy way.))
  90. Myras They ignored them, locked themselves in the house, and a few minutes later they were dead.
  91. Figs this man was figs
  92. Myras They ded.
  93. Figs breaks in before they died
  94. Figs tackles myras
  95. Myras Too late, they had already died by that point.
  96. Figs: (that's a lame end don't you think they would want revenge
  97. Myras ((kind man is not the right words to describe him.))
  98. Myras: ((And no, they wouldn't.))
  99. Myras: ((They aren't vengeful people.))
  100. Figs tries killing your parents doesn't mean they successfully do it
  101. Myras Old people don't fight back well.
  102. Figs the bumbling assassins end of committing suicide in third house
  103. Myras what.
  104. Myras Dude, just deal with it, you drove them to suicide
  105. Matthew: Just go with it..)
  106. Myras: ((OH SHIT YOU'RE STILL HERE.))
  107. Figs: that just means the rp ends which is boring
  108. Matthew: Ye im still in a rp)
  109. Myras: They aren't gonna do anything
  110. Figs the assassins died in front of them take it from there instead
  111. Myras How did they die
  112. Matthew snipes teh assassins. (Idk..)
  113. Figs they tripped and landed on those swords
  114. Figs: third*
  115. Myras Who assassinates with swords.
  116. Matthew: (People.)
  117. Figs: (ninja assassins)
  118. Myras: ((Okay.))
  119. Myras They would still be scared, and contact the authorities about it.
  120. Figs I show up in a cop uniform "what seems to be the problem"
  121. Myras As in the FBI.
  122. Myras Not just a cop.
  123. Figs shows up in a fbi uniform "well what's the problem"
  124. Myras "Why is there only one of you."
  125. Matthew other FBI agents were at teh scene as well.
  126. Figs: "they only assigned me for this thought it low importance"
  127. Matthew: (Ok)
  128. Myras "Come inside."
  129. Figs: (Matt you didn't ask to rp or join)
  130. Matthew: (Sorry..)
  131. Matthew: (FINALLY THE RP ENDED)
  132. Figs walks in looking at the scene
  133. Matthew: (For now.. It has been going on for about 3 or so hours..
  134. Figs: "got any safe places you know of"
  135. Myras Melita, the older sister, went outside, talking on the phone. "We were attacked by assassins. And no, we don't."
  136. Matthew was silenced by Figs
  137. Figs: "well I got a buddy of mine owns a cabin safe house should be fine there seeing as how it only attacked the sisters I think it's best they stay there"
  138. Myras "Okay. Sir." There were police Sirens outside.
  139. Figs: "come on let's go I got to do paperwork on this as well"
  140. Myras The Police opened the door, handguns aimed at Figs. "Hands up."
  141. Figs walks out to my fbi vehicle
  142. Figs would already have slipped past them gone
  143. Myras They grabbed him, when he tried to slip by. "You are under arrest for impersonating a federal agent."
  144. Figs shows them my clearance fbi papers
  145. Myras "Forged."
  146. Figs: "what do you mean forged you don't even know who signed the papers your just cops"
  147. Figs: "give your higher ups a call"
  148. Myras "Well, we still have to take you in. The tall girl said you were impersonating a federal agent, get in the car."
  149. Figs: "well those two are in danger here like serious danger"
  150. Figs: "at least Bring them because I'm real and your jepordizing their lives"
  151. Myras "We know. We were informed. But to a situation like theirs, they wouldn't send one agent."
  152. Myras "We have ample reason to believe you are impersonating."
  153. Figs: "I see your point well I think we can sort this out and move on before it gets out of control"
  154. Myras "In the car."
  155. Figs a bunch more FBI agents show up "stand down officers he's with us we sent him ahead just to make sure it wasn't a jk"
  156. Myras: ainkgoajbngaopjbnaagop
  157. Myras: Stop
  158. Myras: Honestly
  159. Myras: Your character is shit
  160. Myras They let him go, Myras sighing.
  161. Figs "alright let's go to the safe house"
  162. Myras: "No, we're good."
  163. Myras: "Myras has a backup plan."
  164. Figs: "what is that"
  165. Figs joined the chat
  166. Myras "None of your business." They all went inside, into the basement.
  167. Figs I would follow as protocol suggest
  168. Myras "No, stay out."
  169. Figs: "be!ieve me you have no idea what we are dealing with"
  170. Myras "Well, we want you to leave, so you have to go get a warrant to come back inside."
  171. Figs had pulled out the warrant
  172. Figs: "like this one"
  173. Myras They went into the basement, slamming the door in his face, so he couldn't get in.
  174. Figs picked the lock
  175. Myras The door still didn't open, it was being blocked.
  176. Figs gets a saw and cuts the door down
  177. Myras By the time he had done that, all four, weren't dead, they had just disappeared, no trace of them. it all stopped a wall.
  178. Figs: "darn this isn't good they left me behind I don't belong here"
  179. Myras They had left, not just the house, but into a different universe, a planet called Clove.
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