

May 23rd, 2013
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  1. >You are Princess Luna
  2. >And you can't recall the last time your head hurt this much.
  3. >Only since the time you were banished to the moon did you feel this limbo about you.
  4. >You couldn't see anything for the moment, even as you opened your eyes, darkness enveloped you.
  5. >Where you dead? heard movement about you.
  6. >Your wings felt pressed to your body and your legs felt stuck in place.
  7. >Whats more, you felt the odd sensation of vertigo, something you never felt you'd feel before.
  8. "Wha...what is this?" you ask, trying to move about but only feeling stiff.
  9. "I tink she's av'ake.." you hear a voice beside you.
  10. "Ah, bout time, v'as worried she may have been knocked unconscious.
  11. "Whose there?" you boom "Unhand me you wrecked beast! Tho not satisfied with my end, yet you tortue me so?"
  12. "Ah shut it..." spoke the voice "you are not in position to argue."
  13. "And why tho say I am not?"
  14. "Because you try to, its not going to end well."
  15. The blindfold came off, your eyes blinded by the light as you can see the dawning sun....rising...but...upside-down.
  16. >You look left, seeing the voice as one of those golem servants, though, he too is upside-down.
  17. "What be this trickery?" You demand as the servant looks down at you.
  18. "Dere is none comrade, you just tied upside-down."
  19. You look at your hooves, they are tied together, fore and rear, and hanging upon the 'canon' of the golem like savages carry their prey.
  20. >You blink in surprise before you start jostling against the ropes.
  21. "UNHAND ME THIS INSTANT!" you bark "Or you shall feel the might of the moon."
  22. >You felt a tapping cold against your cheek as another one of those servants 'tools' pointed itself at you.
  23. "I suggest you clam it. Like before, you not in position to argue...." he gently tapped your forehead a few times as you glared at him.
  25. >You're Kaptian Anon
  26. >And you're quite proud of what you accomplished over the night.
  27. >When you returned to your tank, you had the princess in tow, now, with the dawning sun coming, you had held her 'captive', tying her to the 105mm barrel of your tank.
  28. >She was not going anywhere, and you figured, with her being upside-down, she'd have a hard time casting a spell with the blood flowing to her head.
  29. >You cross your arms as your driver stood beside her, tapping her head with his pistol as she woke, finally taking your cue to walk over to the tank.
  30. "Dat be all comrade, mount up, v'e move towards village. Perhaps her...sister v'ill be dere v'hen she realizes little sparkle princess here did not come home."
  31. "You ignorant fools!" she barked "My sister would end you for such transgressions! What harm has befall you by our hooves? Your actions...are...are insufferable!"
  32. "Our actions are just, and if det are so insufferable, den v'hy are you still alive?" you walk over to her, easing over to the barrel and grabbing her chin, facing her towards your face.
  33. "Insufferable v'ould be us doing more den just tying pony up, be glad v'e are not monster who see joy in harming little creatures."
  34. "L-Little creatures!? You see us as nothing but animals or beast!?..." she flushed red, she obviously was a tad upset you didn't realize her 'authority', but that was the point wasn't it?
  35. "When my sister finds you there shall be no end to your punishment!"
  36. "Den v'e shall take it v'ith as much resistance as possible, besides, v'e have you do v'e not? I do not tink your sister v'ill be so quick to unleash her might v'hen dere is a hostage as a shield."
  37. >You let her go, she was simply hanging around as you walked back to your tank.
  38. "I do not like dis..." your gunner mutters "I feel bad tying pretty pony up."
  39. "I know... as do I, but v'hat choice do v'e have? If dis Sun Princess sees us as hostile, holding sister of hers hostage gives us leverage... she v'ill have to reason."
  41. >You mount up, all four of you clambering into the tank as you rev its engine and begin to drive down the road.
  42. >Not being too far from Ponyville made it quick to arrive, and as you began to enter the town limits, the few early risers began to look in awe.
  43. >What a sight it must be, their Nighttime Princess hanging upside-down from an elevated pole, for most it would be laughable, but this was their least one of them...having her in such a discomforting, if not ridiculing position as your beast of metal rumbled through town was a sure sign of defiance to the Princess's rule.
  44. "V'ell...." you mutter as you can see your armoured vehicle pull up to a rather open spot in the middle of the village, a massive fountain not too far ahead of you as a crowd starts together around.
  45. >You didn't want to expose yourselves, not yet anyway as you hung the Lunar princess off your main gun. You were waiting for her sister to show, and with this much bait to would only be a matter of-
  46. "Unhand my sister you wretched BEAST!"
  47. >Ah...there she is.
  48. >The booming voice of Celestia was heard not just in your ears, but almost in your mind as her words echoed across the armour plates.
  49. >Giant wingbeats overhead as the Princess of the Sun lands across from you with a contigent of other, smaller pegasus, some donning folden armour, others a dark blue and black.
  50. "T-tia!" Luna said.
  51. "LUna...are you alright?"
  52. "Aside from not being sure whats up anymore..." she muttered "please sister, free me from this!"
  53. Celestia took a single hoof-step forward as you grumble.
  54. "Show time..." you mutter as you pop the hatch, your AKSU-74 in hand.
  55. "I v'ould not press luck not take any sep further, or your sister shall be in v'orse shape den she is already."
  56. >Celestia froze, her glance turned to a deep seated glare of distaste for you as you only smirk.
  57. "As you see, you sister not harmed, but...v'e do not plan to keep it dat v'ay unless you co-operate."
  60. >Celestia looks at you, those eyes would trace from you to her sister, then back to you.
  61. >She huffed, her head slightly bowing as she closed her eyes.
  62. "What are your demands?"
  63. "Sister!" Luna exclaimed, wiggling in place "you cannot allow these cretans to claim victory over us!"
  64. "Then what am I to do sister?" The princess asked, "they have something I care so much for that losing you would solve nothing for me...they have the advantage, and rather risk you safety for heroics, I shall abide by their word."
  65. >Luna is complacant, she tries to speak, but the logic of her sister is enough to silence her as the sun Princess returns her glance to you.
  66. "I ask again, for my sisters sake...what are your demands.... I will make certain that whatever it may be is worth my sisters safety"
  67. >You blink, finding it quite overhwleming to see the once defiant Princess reduce to accepting the fates before her.
  68. >You only grin "V'e have no demands of your country comrade, besides...." you mutter as you look at Luna "if she means dat much, den v'e know you v'ould be too willling to offer anytin in exchange... dat is v'hy v'e ask for claim her from us."
  69. "Claim her?" Celestia repeated.
  70. "V'e challenge great Sun Princess to a match, v'its upon v'its, tactcs upon tactics..." you look at her with determined eyes.
  71. "Simply put, you, alone, have to claim sister from golems hold." he points to Luna.
  72. "If you cannot, den she stays as Golems maiden."
  73. "And...if I can claim her?" she asked with equal determination.
  74. "Den..." you look down at your crew mates "You can take me."
  76. "Comrade!?" Your gunner exclaims "You can't be serious!"
  77. "I am..." you mutter "if v'e are holding sister to princess, den she has reason to fight with utmost tenacity to take her back. If I put self on line, den I know..." you look down at your men "you will fight with even greater purpose to keep me and prize."
  78. >Your men look amongst themselves, a moment of slence and concern as they all looked back, determined grins and nods.
  79. "V'e v'ill show dese ponies how v'e fight! None shall stop power of great Soviet TANK!"
  80. >You chuckle, your men had served you well, and they will keep doing so, but where would the fun be if they didn't have real purpose to defend what they have gained as you looked back at the Princess.
  81. "Does dat seem reasonable? As day say, an eye for an eye."
  82. >Celestia looks at you, then at her sister again.
  83. "I see no reason to deny such an offer, if it must be so for my sisters sake, then there is little else to refuse such a...generous...challenge. Most of those who beset our realm have done worse, I cannot hold that against you for your willingess to offer fair game."
  84. "Fair is putting lightly comrade. V'e seen your magic and your abilities, dat puts odds against us, so dere is v'one catch."
  85. "Catch?"
  86. "Dah...give us v'one hour to prepare self, as v'ell as take Princess sister out of harms v'ay, may seek us, and 'vhen you decide to either v'in or lose, fate of your sister shall be granted."
  87. "Sister..." Luna said slowly.
  88. >Celestia just smiled "Very as you must, but when your hour of freedom is over, I shall come to claim what is mine."
  89. "Dah, and v'e shall make it as difficult as possible are good leader Princess, v'ould be shame to see you fall to likes of us."
  90. >Without a moments retort, you slip back in.
  91. "Go, full reverse, get us to v'oods, v'e plan defense dere." you order as your crew nod, no hesitation as your driver pulls the tank into reverse as you make your exit from the village.
  93. "You shall not succeed, Celestial will best your golem and your sick ways of exploitation, thy shall feel our wrath!" Luna calls out as your gunner and driver hoist her down from your tank barrel. Her hooves and wings still bound as you keep your AKSU-74 on her. You didn't have any device to hinder her magic, but good old cold-hearted threats of shots in the legs were enough to make her not try it.
  94. "V;e shall see, from what I gander, your princess may be strong, but I doubt she's ever fought somting like this."
  95. "HAH!" Luna retorts "She has fought far greater foes then your golem or you!"
  96. >You roll your eyes "Yah, and I'm sure she has, if dat true, den dis v'ould never have happened yah? She v'ould have stopped us first time v'e met, but we ended up making her fall flat on face."
  97. Luna grumbles "You shall see!" she barks "She is no warrior to make a mockary of, she shall be swift and decisvie!"
  98. "Dats if she can see us first..." you mutter as your men slowly bring Luna to a tree.
  99. "And what of me, you have the gauff to leave me here?"
  100. You don't answer as you have your met set her down on the grass.
  101. "W-what is this, do you plan to execute me!? Such traitors to your word."
  102. >You roll your eyes as you take out a bun of bread and toss it at her.
  103. >It bounces off her face and lands before her.
  104. "S-such insolence!" she barks, looking at you.
  105. "Its food, eat, I'm sure you you va'nt drink to?"
  106. "HAH!" Luna barks as she knocks the bun aside "Thy shall not take your food, it could be poisoned!"
  107. >You shrug, walking over and picking up the bun.
  108. "V'ell, if dats de case." you take a bite as she looks at you.
  109. "Tastes fine to me..." you toss it to your gunner.
  110. "Try it."
  111. >Your gunner nods, taking a bite, nodding in approval as he hands it to the driver.
  112. >It goes around to the loader and then back to you, now half eaten as you wiggle it before Luna.
  114. "Still refuse."
  115. >She looks at the bun and then away
  116. "V'e have more... comrade loader?"
  117. >Your loader tosses you a fresh bun as you hand it over to Luna. She eyes it, looking at you, then the bun before she quickly took it in her maw with a single gulp, eating the whole thing.
  118. >You smirk "Dats good yah....drink?" you ask, unhooking your water jug from your belt as you wiggle it before her, she looks at it as you ease over, gently putting the tip to her maw and water-falling its contents down her throat.
  119. >She drinks several gulps before she starts coughing.
  120. "Ack..." you mutter as you ease away "Silly pony, drink too much."
  121. "You spilled it too fast!" she retorted, looking at you " not need anymore."
  122. "Be thankful v'e do not let you starve, ve' are not monsters." you say, putting the jug away.
  123. "Then...why do all this, why capture me, cause such ruckus?" Luna asked as you sigh, turning about to look back towards the city on the mountain and the village.
  124. "Perhaps v'e just confused, lost like children in woods and not sure v'ere to go. Your...friend, dat purple mare, made us uneasy v'hen she van'ted to study us, den fact your Sister was hostile to us by accident. Can't blame her, any bad day v'hen shell breaks castle. V'e meant no harm, but...misunderstandings rise to conflict, dats how some wars happen in our v'orld...and sometimes, only best way to show whats right is to fight."
  125. "Why?"
  126. "For respect."
  127. "Respect?"
  128. >You nod "It may sound crazy, but v'e have been fighting against a foe dat is cowardly, dat hides in mountains and ambushes us v'hen ve are not prepared. Four years of conflict and much blood." you finish the half bun you still held.
  129. "Perhaps....its just how we have grown to such things, v'e can only be unsure of something until it proves itself to us. Do not get wrong, v'e can see you are not evil adversary v'e have fought, but v'e cannot be sure unless your mettle tested against ours."
  131. >Part of Luna didn't understand why these creatures would go so far as to wage a little war against her sister as a means to gain respect, such a means almost seemed...barbaric.
  132. >Yet, she couldn't really blame them; having fought a war for four does things, strange things to ponies. She could recall how her sisters guards had been...changed after their first war with the griffins. Many ponies had died during those short moments, but it wasn't something anypony could walk away with.
  133. >Perhaps...these creatures....lived on it, needed it, to show their own strength, and she couldn't help but feel a tad sentimental they would see how strong Celestia was by using her own sister as a means to fight.
  134. "I...see.." she said softly as you turn to look at her.
  135. "I do not hope anypony gets hurt in dis...but I do not v'ish to simply get on knees like dog, v'e fight, tooth and nail, see who is better at dis."
  136. "Well..." Luna began "I cannot condone you for your actions, but...." she smiled "I cannot simply refuse to wish you luck in your endevour." she exhaled with a coy smirk "even though my sister shall best you without incident."
  137. >You sigh, a content smirk as you lower your gaze with a grin.
  138. "So we can be certain you won't leave this spot?"
  139. >Luna looked at you.
  140. "You mean..."
  141. "We weren't going to ride you into battle like prize comrade, v'e were going to tie you to tree, but if you v'illing to respect our merits for dis match, staying here v;ould be enough. You can watch from distance until Sister comes to claim you....IF she does..."
  142. >Luna chuckled "Very well then, I shall abide by that Mr..."
  143. "Anon...Kaptian Anon..."
  144. >Luna nodded "Very well...Kaptian...may you present my sister with an honorable and worthy challenge."
  145. >You nodded, saluting Luna as you looked at your tank.
  146. "Spasibo Princess....v'e shall do just dat."
  148. >An hour has passed since you had left the scene, now, with Luna safely away, you can begin your own wargames.
  149. >The Princess knew this land, the soldiers realized that right off the bat, but she didn't know the capabilities of it. They had trained in wilderness, their homeland being a big blunt of it; the desert was only practice, this was just play.
  150. >Driving up to a ledge you had settled into, you were camoflauged with only your barrel and optical devices sticking out.
  151. "V'ell..." you mutter as you check your watch "an hour'sup."
  152. "Dis gonna be good..." your gunner said with a slight hint of flare.
  153. "You going to enjoy shooting her?" You ask as the driver shakes his head.
  154. "Neit comade, she beautiful creature, perhaps ruffling mane v'ould be good, den again, alwv'ays wanted to see a pony dance.."
  155. >Your driver chuckles "I'm going to drive cirlces round here, show whose fastest a trick for her to keep me in her sights."
  156. "Ah...but we don't know what she can do; she has power of sun, if you ask me, sounds like somthing from spy-movie."
  157. "Yah...dat v;one with the laser?"
  158. >You waggle your finger "Bingo comrade."
  159. "You tink she has solar beam of sort?"
  160. "I vouldn't doubt it, but v'hat would its Armour penetration be."
  161. "Dat is not someting I v'ish to find out!" your loader shouts "Ve, got enough ammunition to blow both of us a'vay....if dat beam hits, it might set off all rounds..."
  162. "Then we have to make the first strike."
  163. "How?"
  164. >You look down at your gunner.
  165. "Prepare a missile in the barrel then....she v'on't expect det."
  166. >The loader gives a slow nod, opening the breech and stuffing a tube-like device inside it.
  167. "Loaded..."
  168. "Now..." you said, sitting back "v'e vait."
  170. >You are Princess Celestia
  171. >and the zero hour has come to pass
  172. >These creatures...their golem...their hour of grace has run out, and now it was time for you to come about.
  173. >Up until now you had prepared yourself well, and though you had done much in your hour, you knew this was not going to be as easy as casting a spell.
  174. >These creatures, they were resourceful, tactical, and above all, dangerious, no amount of preparness could ready you for what they may have planned.
  175. >Let alone what Luna would be doing, would they have her atp the golem or..
  176. >worse...had they done away with her.
  177. "no..." you mutter "they are not monsters....they are noble, giving such a task, I can only hope they will fulfill their end, and not lay harm to my dear sister."
  178. >You knew this would be tough, their golem was nothing you've seen or even read of in your studies; it was quick and agile, and of coruse, well armed.
  179. >With a sigh, you spread your wings, taking flight to the sky as you begin your own search pattern, looking for anything that may be a clue to their location/
  180. >An toppled tree, a unnatural clearing, these are some things you had to watch for.
  181. " is so can they hide that so well?" you ask, slowly touching down as you land at an open clearing.
  182. "Where..." you ask, looking around "where are they?"
  183. --
  184. "Contact..." your gunner mutters as your optical computer comes to life.
  185. "Its Princess..." you mutter "range...almost four miles down."
  186. "Can v'e shoot dat?" your loader asks
  187. "Neit...our range is three, and missile is that plus half, v'e v'ont be able to score hit."
  188. You tap the screen, zooming the thermal display "v'e have to make sure she's v'ell within range before v;e make first strike."
  189. "And...." your driver muttered "v'hat iv ve miss?"
  190. >You look down at your driver."V'e have to make sure she doesn't see us den."
  191. >Your driver gulps, knowing as soon as impact is done, he'd have to be ready to move once the dust settled.
  192. "Dis not...going to be easy..."
  194. >You are Celestia, and you're growing concerned.
  195. >You had been spending several tense moments seeking that golem, and to your dismay you have yet to find it.
  196. >where did it hide?
  197. >How could it hide so easily for something so big?
  198. >You take flight again, hovering above the tree line as you eye your surroundings...
  199. >a sudden glint in the mountains cauht your attention as your eyes fixated about the upper tree-line.
  200. "Hrmmm..." you think, slowly taking wing towards it.
  201. --
  202. "She's moving again..." your gunner mutters as you watch her fly in your direction.
  203. "Range?"
  204. "Almost 3 and half!" your gunner responds.
  205. "Good...v'aint till she's at two...den start lining a shot."
  206. >Your gunner huffs, turning dials and easing the scopes lens to lock down the target as he watched Celestia.
  207. >You could see her rather clearly, the thermal and magnification optics of the modernization upgrade was...comendable...if not useful against warm-bodied opponents.
  208. >Celestia showed up as a bright object as she flew in you direction; seeing you or not, she was closing the gap.
  209. "V'e ca hit her v'ith missile, just wait for the right time..." you whisper, your gunner licking his lips as he held himself in place, aiming down the scope.
  210. "Range, three miles..."
  211. "Just a little bit...more." you mutter as you hold in place, watching her slowly approach your position.
  212. "Range....below three."
  213. "Fire!"
  214. >The missile launched with a whooshing noise, much softer than a shell as the rockest canister flew forward, discharging its fins and screaming towards the alicorn on a laser guided trail.
  215. "Its going..." your gunner mutters, seeing the Princess falter slightly in movement, trying to move away before the explosion enveloped her in a fiery ball of energy.
  217. "Direct hit!" Your gunner says with glee "V'e got dat alicorn!"
  218. "Maladets comrade! Dat deserves drink!"
  219. "Hah, dah, she did not see dat coming..."
  220. >Cheers all around as you watch the ball of fire engulf the pony, slowly falling to the earth with a thud as you watch through the range-finder.
  221. >However your cheers are cut short as you notice movement inside the orb, and to your shock...and slight horror, the massive wings of the Princess open wide and with a single sweep, cast away the flame exposing her form....unscathed.
  222. "NEIT!" You bark "She's not down! Loader, get v'ound up!" You bark as you fixate on her.
  223. "Dat...impossible! How she still alive after dat!?"
  224. "Loaded!" your loader shouted.
  225. "V'hat do sir?" Your gunner asked.
  226. >You rub your chin, you're not sure if she saw where the missile came from, but you weren't going to sit around here nay longer than you had to.
  227. "Get v'eady to fire some shells, v'e going to confuse her."
  228. "Confuse her?"
  229. "She may know v'ere v'e are, but lets make sure she doesn't get a chance to strike! I v'ant a round shot down at her left and right, den v'e make tracks."
  230. >Your gunner nods as he starts lining up the shots.
  231. "Ready!" he calls.
  232. "FIRE!"
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