
Level Review

Sep 7th, 2020
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  1. After a finishing this level for a hour, let’s review.
  3. THE PROS:
  4. The scenery was okay
  5. The music was good too
  7. The enemy placement was okay, but some of the enemy placement was a bit cheap or crammed.
  8. I like how the amount of dragon coins there are and how some of the challenges are alright but, most of them were easy or just in plain sight. Dragon coins need to be in more challenging places
  10. THE CONS:
  11. The level felt like a long drag to be completely honest just a extremely long drag.
  12. The level’s gameplay just relied on enemies. Remember that the gameplay doesn’t have to rely on enemies. Add some challenges like backtracking, on/off switches, and etc. Eneimes are there for your structure
  13. The level felt overloaded with enemies.
  14. Checkpoints are poor places because of the enemies can cheap shot the player if they’re not aware.
  15. Axe Bridge cutoffs at Map 2 X:106, Map 3 X:57, and Map 5 Y:48, and Map 10 tbh they look weird and off putting. I would recommend replacement for those with the bridge tiles in the general/semi solids or put a castle solid next to it.
  16. Big chunks of the level can be cheesed with the tanooki leaf
  17. Map 5 Y:64 the player can get softlocked without a tanooki lead because the gap is too long for Mario to jump in
  18. The level had a few layering issues
  19. The Bowser battle was the worst part of the level why because he takes forever to kill, the power ups take forever to spawn, the arena is too crammed.
  20. The powerups long spawn makes the player thinks they’re going to get softlocked. Remember you can set the max to 1.
  21. Bowser takes forever to kill because he takes 15 hits to kill basically use some calculations.
  22. 15 x 5 fire balls for a hit means 75 fireballs. To make things worse there will be 2 fireballs from the burst which means it will take 36 fire ball hits to kill Bowser. Plus if the player mess up that will not be expected since there will be some mess ups from the Crows and Kabombs.
  23. Plus losing the Fire flower will be a ordeal to survive until it come because of how crammed the arena is. It took me over 20 minutes to kill bowser.
  24. Map 9 wasn’t really fun to play because of its leap of faith moments plus the wind made it hell.
  25. Remember that coins are the way to try to guide the player or at least make them a bit more longer so it can be a balance.
  27. In total this was a decent/mediocre level. I can understand on how long this is and the efforts to make this but that sadly doesn’t mean quality.
  29. SCORING:
  30. Level: 65/100
  31. Difficulty: Hard/Extreme (Extreme because of the drag length and Bowser)
  32. Scoring: A Decent level
  33. Ranking: D
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