
Session 08: Tortured Information

Mar 28th, 2014
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  1. [2014-03-21 16:17:46] * GreatAndPowerfulGM // Accessing network
  2. [2014-03-21 16:18:10] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Starting Bronco Computer Network
  3. [2014-03-21 16:18:32] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> System Access Granted: Running as Admin
  4. [2014-03-21 16:18:41] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> ...
  5. [2014-03-21 16:20:28] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> A wild maned pony watches his reflection in the navigation room he is tied up in as the electronic numbers tick down on his vest. Glancing away from the mirror he strains again at his bindings before bouncing his head off the wall again.
  6. [2014-03-21 16:22:10] * GreatAndPowerfulGM A shrill beep from his vest announces that the countdown had reached 0 without him witnessing it. Ears that were still on end listenting for an echo of a far sound fall to the side of his head as he groans.
  7. [2014-03-21 16:22:36] * GreatAndPowerfulGM "How lame"
  8. [2014-03-21 16:22:50] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> ...
  9. [2014-03-21 16:22:57] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Signal interupted
  10. [2014-03-21 16:23:05] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Reistablishing connection
  11. [2014-03-21 16:23:13] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Game Start
  12. [2014-03-21 16:24:47] * Midnight_Bliss still grinned to herself. The bomb had proven childsplay to disarm. She couldn't wait to rub it in that bomber ponies face
  13. [2014-03-21 16:25:07] * Heartmend gathers with the rest of the group as she makes it to the end of the bridge, huffing and puffing the whole way
  14. [2014-03-21 16:25:19] * Thomas_OMalley smiles to the young mare and Midnight_Bliss. "Everyting ok in here?"
  15. [2014-03-21 16:26:03] <Midnight_Bliss> "Nothing I couldn't handle. The bomb was simple enough to disarm."
  16. [2014-03-21 16:26:51] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the small frame of the young pony looks around as her ears orbit trying to lock on to what she hopes are her saviors. Her eyes and muzzle are still bound, much like her hooves.
  17. [2014-03-21 16:27:24] * Gerlinde dusts herself off and smirks. "Only a few scratches."
  18. [2014-03-21 16:27:34] * Cap_Rat trots by the furniture back at the ship and ponders about the many things he sees, reaching a decision. It was getting interesting, he started to like the pirate mind behind these secrets. A change of plans is needed.
  19. [2014-03-21 16:27:48] =-= Flora_Bloom is now known as The_Blossom
  20. [2014-03-21 16:28:27] * The_Blossom nods. "Good job citizen." She says to Midnight Bliss. "Perhaps you should untie the poor mare?"
  21. [2014-03-21 16:28:34] * Heartmend pants into the room the have a look at the mare, but almost falls over from the exhaustion "Just... give... me one... sec....I' fine." as she catches her breath
  22. [2014-03-21 16:28:39] * Thomas_OMalley winces as he looks at the mare. "Oh! Padron cherie. Let me get dose for you." Thomas flies inside and starts by removing the gag and blindfold before starting on the ropes.
  23. [2014-03-21 16:28:42] * Cap_Rat trots to a secluded place to change his clothes.
  24. [2014-03-21 16:30:14] * GreatAndPowerfulGM once the gag is removed the young mare chokes and spits at the residual taste of the gag, spitting and sputtering for a moment before she can take a moment to look around the cabin and ask, "A-are you here to save me?"
  25. [2014-03-21 16:30:46] * The_Blossom nods. "Indeed we are." She says.
  26. [2014-03-21 16:31:54] * Thomas_OMalley nods to the mare. "Aye, dat we be. We got a boat to take you back to de city. You hurt?" The stallions tone is calm and reassuring.
  27. [2014-03-21 16:32:21] * Heartmend raises a hoof "Yes my... dear... we.. are here to save you. Oh my I'm out of shape."
  28. [2014-03-21 16:32:50] * Midnight_Bliss shrugs "It would appear so"
  29. [2014-03-21 16:33:09] * GreatAndPowerfulGM quirks a brow at the blossoms odd appearance but shakes her head before pressing on to other thoughts, her voice growing more solid now. "Im fine... mostly, ok im scared to near death and ach all over but what about that strange pony who wouldnt stop laughing? where is he?"
  30. [2014-03-21 16:34:22] * Thomas_OMalley smiles and nods. "He back in de city. We caught him, de capitan have him under guard."
  31. [2014-03-21 16:34:36] <Midnight_Bliss> "And I plan to blow him up"
  32. [2014-03-21 16:34:53] * GreatAndPowerfulGM her ears perk, "Captain, like of a ship?"
  33. [2014-03-21 16:35:08] * Heartmend gives Midnight a look at that comment
  34. [2014-03-21 16:35:28] * GreatAndPowerfulGM blanches a bit at Midnights comment
  35. [2014-03-21 16:35:32] * Midnight_Bliss ignores Heartmend's look
  36. [2014-03-21 16:35:59] * Heartmend then trots over to the mare "And what would your name be dear?"
  37. [2014-03-21 16:36:54] * Cap_Rat takes a last look on the picture and the clues they have in the lower deckas.
  38. [2014-03-21 16:37:27] * GreatAndPowerfulGM looks to Heartmend as she rubs her chafed hooves, "Textbook"
  39. [2014-03-21 16:37:34] * Thomas_OMalley smiles and nods. "Aye. We brought a delivery for de University... for you, I tink."
  40. [2014-03-21 16:38:46] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Cap_Rat learns secretive things
  41. [2014-03-21 16:39:42] * Gerlinde watches and listens while cleaning spider bits off of her talons.
  42. [2014-03-21 16:39:45] * Heartmend gives the youger mare a hoof at getting up "Now lets get you out of here Textbook, before any more off thous spiders appear. What say the rest of you?"
  43. [2014-03-21 16:39:47] * GreatAndPowerfulGM blinks, "For.. me? Wait, dose this have to do with my father again? Its all that crazy pony could talk about!"
  44. [2014-03-21 16:40:16] * GreatAndPowerfulGM looks to Heartmend at the mention of spiders before eeping and looking around outside the cabin.
  45. [2014-03-21 16:40:44] * The_Blossom nods. "We can countinue this conversation later, we must make haste to the main land.
  46. [2014-03-21 16:41:28] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "De spiders be cleared from de bridge's top. It be safe, cherie." The stallion offers a hoof to her, and a reassuring smile.
  47. [2014-03-21 16:41:34] * Midnight_Bliss nods "I would like to avoid any more of those annoying bugs" She takes flight a bit hovering above the others "I'll go on ahead, alert our captain of our successful mission"
  48. [2014-03-21 16:41:35] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Textbook nods quickly in agreement, "Please, lets get out of here as soon as possible. Maybe back to this ship you were talking about?", she suggests witha shakey voice.
  49. [2014-03-21 16:42:51] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Captain fathom has to relocate Nitro to another part of the ship to help make room for his meeting space in the navigation/commons room.
  50. [2014-03-21 16:43:16] * Thomas_OMalley nods to the mare and then to Bliss. "Dat be a good idea, Bliss. We'll see you back wit de capitan." Thomas looks back to Text Book and nods to her, gesturing for her to follow.
  51. [2014-03-21 16:45:22] * Midnight_Bliss nods and takes flight faster, soaring from the bridge back to the boat
  52. [2014-03-21 16:45:49] * Cap_Rat chats with the captain about the situation. She tells him she will be sharing the whole picture as soon as the others are back.
  53. [2014-03-21 16:46:17] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Midnight Bliss blends in with the night as it falls around her, arriving at the boat swiftly with no inturuptions to her flight.
  54. [2014-03-21 16:46:50] =-= Cap_Rat is now known as Yellowish_Unicorn
  55. [2014-03-21 16:46:51] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom nods and agrees so long as he is present for those pesky details,
  56. [2014-03-21 16:47:37] * Thomas_OMalley walks back to the boat alongside Text Book. "So, I hate to ask but... do you know why your da be interested in de Crimson Cleaver?"
  57. [2014-03-21 16:48:14] * Midnight_Bliss lands on the deck of the boat, looking up at the night sky and moon above, taking a moment to be alone and enjoy the night she prefered before heading into the ships interior "Captain. Midnight Bliss reporting back"
  58. [2014-03-21 16:49:10] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Textbook groans as she keeps here eyes out for spiders... and smaller spider bits as they walk. "I... have some thoughts on it, but I think I would much rather get out of here before talking about all that. Did you ponies do all this? There are bits everywhere", she says sounding sick to her stomach.
  59. [2014-03-21 16:51:00] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "No... dat be de mines. One of de spiders set dem off and..." Thomas let's the mare's mind put together the rest, and holds his questions till they get back to the dinghy.
  60. [2014-03-21 16:51:05] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Captain fathom is standing outside the now closed of navigation room that doubles as the ships commons area, his hooves crossed as he leans on the door. Dipping his large hat in a nod Fathom gives her a half smile. "Good job there miss, glad ta see yer back. At ease and rest your hooves, prisoner is secure and there be a debreifing of sorts waiting when everypony is back"
  61. [2014-03-21 16:51:50] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Text book keeps her muzzle closed the rest of the trip for obvious reasons as her usually brown coat turns green around the cheeks
  62. [2014-03-21 16:51:57] * Yellowish_Unicorn just relaxes, sat on the chair at the dim side of the meeting room.
  63. [2014-03-21 16:52:08] * Midnight_Bliss falls into an at ease position with a nod and waits silently for the others as instructed
  64. [2014-03-21 16:52:44] * Heartmend follows along, keeping an eye out for more of the spiders, like she could do more then run and hide
  65. [2014-03-21 16:53:02] * Gerlinde follows the group!
  66. [2014-03-21 16:53:12] * The_Blossom follows as well
  67. [2014-03-21 16:54:34] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The trip back is longer than expected but after nearly a quarter of an hour the rest of the crew arrive back at the ship, slowed by the darkness of night and slightly choppy waves as well as a full dingy.
  68. [2014-03-21 16:56:19] * Thomas_OMalley sets the dinghy up to dock near the captain's ship. "Well, here we go."
  69. [2014-03-21 16:57:12] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Text book tilts her head at the ship and frowns, "it looks.... a bit lopsided"
  70. [2014-03-21 16:57:29] * Yellowish_Unicorn waits patiently
  71. [2014-03-21 16:57:56] * Heartmend hops up on deck then helps Textbook on board "Lets get to the medbay and have a look at you, just to make sure you'er all right."
  72. [2014-03-21 16:58:19] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathoms ears twitch as he hears the crew arrive, looking back to midnight he waves a hoof. "Help em up onboard missy an let em know the captain is waiting with a suprise in the navigation room, and be right sharp about it if ye please"
  73. [2014-03-21 16:58:44] * The_Blossom moves and quickly hides somewhere on the ship
  74. [2014-03-21 16:58:51] =-= The_Blossom is now known as Flora_Bloom
  75. [2014-03-21 16:59:04] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Text book rubs her hooves again, "I think im ok.... though maybe something warm to drink would be nice"
  76. [2014-03-21 16:59:36] * Midnight_Bliss nods to the captain with another salute before flying out to meet the others
  77. [2014-03-21 17:00:04] * Gerlinde waves a wing to Midnight_Bliss before flying up to her perch and getting comfortable.
  78. [2014-03-21 17:00:25] * Flora_Bloom comes out on deck and looks around. "Why hello everyone."
  79. [2014-03-21 17:00:43] * Midnight_Bliss lands outside where the dingy is tied up "The Captain is waiting in Navigation with a surprise it seems. He requests our pressence"
  80. [2014-03-21 17:01:10] * Thomas_OMalley waves to Flora. "Hey Flora... you be takin' a nap?" Thomas nods to Bliss and then looks to Heartmend. "I don't have any tea... just some water. You have someting?"
  81. [2014-03-21 17:01:41] * Flora_Bloom shakes her head. "I was busy in studying the seed I recieved back in town." She says. "Did something happen?"
  82. [2014-03-21 17:01:53] * Flora_Bloom starts towards the navigation deck
  83. [2014-03-21 17:02:19] * Midnight_Bliss turns and flies up to the perch "You too soldier"
  84. [2014-03-21 17:02:56] * GreatAndPowerfulGM looks to Flora with a few blinks before opening her muzzle and raising a hoof as it to say something before surrendering and letting it pass.
  85. [2014-03-21 17:03:23] * Flora_Bloom tilts her head at the new pony. "Yes? Did you have something to say?"
  86. [2014-03-21 17:03:25] * Thomas_OMalley nods to Flora. "I kin fill you in later on. Shouldn't keep de capitan waiting."
  87. [2014-03-21 17:03:26] * Heartmend nods at Textbooks refusal of medical treatment "Well I don't have any thing such as tea. Thing have been a little hectic around here." as she gives the ship a wave of her hoof
  88. [2014-03-21 17:03:51] * GreatAndPowerfulGM textbook mumbles, "No.. I guess not"
  89. [2014-03-21 17:04:57] * Heartmend shrugs a little "We have not had the time the resuppy."
  90. [2014-03-21 17:05:06] <Heartmend> to*
  91. [2014-03-21 17:05:07] * Midnight_Bliss flies back down and Trots down to Navigation
  92. [2014-03-21 17:05:07] * Flora_Bloom tilts her head once more. "Well if you insist." She says before heading to navigation
  93. [2014-03-21 17:05:57] * GreatAndPowerfulGM textbook nods to Heartmend, "I understand.... I think your captain wants you? I hope you dont mind but I think I would like to talk to him as well so long as..." looking down at the ship she grimaces, "This ship is sea worthy that is"
  94. [2014-03-21 17:06:34] * Thomas_OMalley looks hurt over at Text Book. "I guarentee cherie, dis ship be sea worthy. I be de mechanic."
  95. [2014-03-21 17:06:45] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom awaits outside the navigation room, eyeing the crew as they near the door. "Right, you lot all here abouts?"
  96. [2014-03-21 17:06:47] * Yellowish_Unicorn magically spins an iron key on the table.
  97. [2014-03-21 17:07:25] * Heartmend trots after the others to navigation "Lets go see what Fatom has instore for us?"
  98. [2014-03-21 17:07:40] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Text book look away from him and hides her face in her mane, "Oh, sorry... I didnt mean to say.... ill just be quiet now". She follows along with the group to the door in silence.
  99. [2014-03-21 17:08:26] * Thomas_OMalley shakes his head. "No, don't worry. It be a good question... dis ship be gone through a lot today."
  100. [2014-03-21 17:08:30] * Gerlinde , seeing others depart, flaps her wings and follows.
  101. [2014-03-21 17:08:37] * Thomas_OMalley walks in after the others.
  102. [2014-03-21 17:08:41] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom points to each in turn and counds wordlessly before noding, "Seems to be... alrighty, we got a mystery pony inside that wants to have words with us so lets not be poor hosts for much longer. After me crew!", he says opening the door and steping inside.
  103. [2014-03-21 17:09:18] * Flora_Bloom blinks and follows, rather confused
  104. [2014-03-21 17:09:32] * Midnight_Bliss nods and follows the captain in silently, standing at attention once inside
  105. [2014-03-21 17:11:29] * Thomas_OMalley raises an eyebrow at Fathom but follows. "Ok den."
  106. [2014-03-21 17:11:43] * Heartmend see's the Yellowish_Unicorn and takes a set at the table
  107. [2014-03-21 17:12:14] * Yellowish_Unicorn sees the ponies and griffon gathering by the meeting table. The room is dim, her side only barely lit. The picture is placed at the center of the table. "Please, take a seat." A vaguely familiar voice says.
  108. [2014-03-21 17:13:16] * Flora_Bloom moves and sites down
  109. [2014-03-21 17:13:58] * Midnight_Bliss narrows her eyes suspiciously but takes a seat as well
  110. [2014-03-21 17:14:00] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom instead ops to stand to the side, brushing his naval coat to the side and hoofing his sawed down rifal into view just in case. Text book meanwhile obeys and seats herself in the plushest looking seat availible.
  111. [2014-03-21 17:14:08] * Thomas_OMalley nods to the pony, taking a seat. "Ok den, what dis all about?"
  112. [2014-03-21 17:14:13] * Gerlinde doesn't do what she's told unless she wants to. And she doesn't want to sit! Gerlinde huffs and flaps her wings, hovering a few inches off of the ground with a smug smirk.
  113. [2014-03-21 17:14:21] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> *rifle
  114. [2014-03-21 17:15:07] * Flora_Bloom raises an eyebrow. "Sapphire?" She asks.
  115. [2014-03-21 17:19:55] * Yellowish_Unicorn smiles, turning on her own light spell. The pony at the end of the table is a champagne colored mare with an impeccable mane in a business skirt. "Yes, in a way, just like Cap Rat, but you can call me Sunshine." She sets an iron key on the table, and floats a letter opener. "I have discovered a few things and it might be in everyone's interest that we get our goals and thoughts aligned."
  116. [2014-03-21 17:20:07] =-= Yellowish_Unicorn is now known as Sunshine
  117. [2014-03-21 17:21:51] * Flora_Bloom blinks for a few moments, seeming very confused.
  118. [2014-03-21 17:21:57] * Thomas_OMalley gestures with a hoof for Sunshine to continue, waiting.
  119. [2014-03-21 17:22:27] * Heartmend just nods and takes this all in.
  120. [2014-03-21 17:23:15] <Flora_Bloom> "So you're both of them." She says before thinking another few moments, raising a for hoof before lowering it, then raising it again. "You make a convincing male. Or female. whatever you gender isn't."
  121. [2014-03-21 17:23:20] * Midnight_Bliss stares silently, inardly questioning whether this will slow her own mission down
  122. [2014-03-21 17:25:15] * Gerlinde raises an eyebrow. What the hell is going on?
  123. [2014-03-21 17:27:44] * Thomas_OMalley shrugs and nods. What a pony's kinks aren't usually his business.
  124. [2014-03-21 17:28:00] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom and Text book remain silent
  125. [2014-03-21 17:29:09] * Midnight_Bliss can always appreciate a good spy, just not when its againt her
  126. [2014-03-21 17:29:26] <Sunshine> ACTION looks across the the room. Her eyes stop on Flora and she shakes her head, amused. Then she floats the map up. "As you know, we have been involved in something of a pirate adventure, but the opportunity might prove itself even greater, if we act carefully. In particularly, Z's involvement shows two things, not only that this treasure might be something of importance and value, but that he himself has great power that might be better used
  127. [2014-03-21 17:32:11] <Sunshine> in other hooves"
  128. [2014-03-21 17:32:56] <Flora_Bloom> "His power might just be his reputation and inteligence, something we cannot utilize without him." She mentions. "But please go on."
  129. [2014-03-21 17:33:07] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Yes... but getting de ponies to talk about dere employer has been remarkably difficult. Unless somepony else has had better luck?"
  130. [2014-03-21 17:33:45] * Midnight_Bliss shakes her head "This does not concern me. I merely need this ship to reach it's destination as quickly as possible"
  131. [2014-03-21 17:34:10] <Flora_Bloom> "Again, reputation."
  132. [2014-03-21 17:37:23] <Sunshine> "It is true that some zebra like Z might be well known in the proper circles, as the flow of caps can't always be made invisible. But we have three elements on our advantage. The map and key he wishes, an eager deliverypony and for our luck even somepony who must have seen them firsthoof. " He nods to the new filly. "Miss Textbook, I presume?"
  133. [2014-03-21 17:39:12] * GreatAndPowerfulGM nods, "yes... Im textbook, but I dont think I know anypony who gos by Z, at least I dont think I do".
  134. [2014-03-21 17:39:51] * Midnight_Bliss taps her hooves together in front of herself a bit annoyed
  135. [2014-03-21 17:40:00] <Flora_Bloom> "So what're you suggesting?" She asks Sunshine, seeming annoyed herself
  136. [2014-03-21 17:40:24] * Thomas_OMalley waits patiently for Sunshine to make things clear.
  137. [2014-03-21 17:41:11] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Textbook adds, "Though i have met a few zebras before... sorry if that dosent help, I just dont reconginze the name Z"
  138. [2014-03-21 17:42:57] <Sunshine> "I have seen records of your father dealing with a well dressed zebra who had an interest on your father's research. The same files that were stolen from the Academy and you possessed a copy."
  139. [2014-03-21 17:43:15] * Heartmend shrugs "I would not think, that some zebra would go around calling them selfs Z." gives a roll of her hoof
  140. [2014-03-21 17:43:23] * Thomas_OMalley raises an eyebrow at Sunshine. "Isn't dat a tad racist? Just cause his name be Z don't mean he be Z."
  141. [2014-03-21 17:45:15] * GreatAndPowerfulGM blushes a bit like a student being caught red hooved breaking the rules, which she was. "Umm... well,,, yes, I did have a copy of those"
  142. [2014-03-21 17:45:45] <Flora_Bloom> "Unless you have information on this, this is all circumstantial. The information I know of is we have what he or she wants." She looks to Sunshine. "Honestly I don't think I should trust a single word you said. You lied about your identity, to all of us, and to me twice." She says getting up. "So unless you have something worth my interest I have research to conduct."
  143. [2014-03-21 17:47:00] * GreatAndPowerfulGM textbook looks away from Sunshine, "Actually this dose sound like someone my father mentioned in his notes... and I know those better than any pony, I have been going through them trying to figure out what it was that was so important that he was.... well what was so important"
  144. [2014-03-21 17:47:16] * Midnight_Bliss looks up "My time would be better spent interrogating our prisoner"
  145. [2014-03-21 17:50:20] <Sunshine> "This is exactly why I'm sharing what I've discovered." She floats the golden letter opener to Flora Bloom. "This is the key they are looking for. Look at the grooves and symbols. It isn't an usual letter opener." He sets a metal key on the table. "While this is an amusing distraction that they might be glad to receive. And should we find where it is taken, we have our pursuer."
  146. [2014-03-21 17:50:46] * Heartmend just cringes at Flora_Bloom's out bust
  147. [2014-03-21 17:52:34] * Flora_Bloom sets the letter opener down. "Alright then, as per my word." she starts to trot out." I have no interest in a treasure hunt and what you've presented has only enforced my arguement of having what they want." She starts for upstairs.
  148. [2014-03-21 17:53:27] <Sunshine> "We can make it clear they failed... or we can make they think they succeeded and take advantage of it." She frowns at Midnight. "But this travel can't just continue normally. They wont allow it."
  149. [2014-03-21 17:53:42] * Gerlinde glances at Midnight_Bliss. "If you interrogate him, can I help?"
  150. [2014-03-21 17:54:17] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Gerlinde "How sharp are your claws?"
  151. [2014-03-21 17:54:47] * Thomas_OMalley reaches over and picks up the painting, taking a closer look at it. "Hrm..."
  152. [2014-03-21 17:54:48] * Gerlinde grins, showing off her shiny brass-covered talons.
  153. [2014-03-21 17:56:43] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Sunshine "my only goals include getting to our destnation as quickly as possible. anything that expidites our travel I will accomplish and take part in post haste. But I do not abide by distractions like this"
  154. [2014-03-21 17:56:44] * Heartmend looks between Gerlinde and Midnight_Bliss "You with all your 'interrogation'."
  155. [2014-03-21 17:56:50] * Flora_Bloom trots back upstairs, moving to where she has set up hr own personal study, moving and looking at the seed she had recieved, comparing patterns and crinks in other seeds she has with her, trying to find similarities.
  156. [2014-03-21 17:57:34] * Gerlinde smirks and nods before looking to Sunshine. "So... what's the treasure? Something I'd be interested in?"
  157. [2014-03-21 17:58:05] * Thomas_OMalley murmurs "De Crimson Cleaver roamed de Missipony for twenty years, looting and plundering."
  158. [2014-03-21 17:58:53] * Gerlinde 's grin widens. "So... lotsa caps?"
  159. [2014-03-21 18:00:23] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "Caps, bits, weapons... who knows?" Thomas gestures for the key. "May I?"
  160. [2014-03-21 18:00:53] <Sunshine> "Most likely. Think how much Z spent to supply those mercenaries. It must be worth much more than that, to justify it all." He floats the letter opener to Thomas.
  161. [2014-03-21 18:02:27] * Gerlinde nearly squees! But she doesn't. Because that wouldn't be cool. Instead, she quickly turns her attention to Midnight_Bliss. "C'mon! Caps, bits, weapons; lets go and interrogate him!"
  162. [2014-03-21 18:03:56] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Gerlinde and raises a brow "I could care less about such material gains. I merely wish to assertain impending threat levels and appropriate courses of action" Looks to the captain "May we see the prisoner, Captain?"
  163. [2014-03-21 18:04:35] * Gerlinde blinkblinks. "Ascertain... impeding... what?"
  164. [2014-03-21 18:05:33] <Sunshine> "We are rather undersupplied compared to our enemies, don't you think?" She tilts her head.
  165. [2014-03-21 18:05:35] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Flora Bloom fails to see any similarities between the large oddly shaped and colored seed any any other either her possesion or in her memories.
  166. [2014-03-21 18:06:21] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom nods, "Wouldnt dream of stoping out after the world of trouble he put us through today"
  167. [2014-03-21 18:06:55] * Thomas_OMalley frowns. "Well... gonna need some scuba gear."
  168. [2014-03-21 18:06:58] * Flora_Bloom curses and sighs. She packs the seeds away, taking her own seed and making her way off the ship, leaving a note saying she went to the Acadamy school. She then follows what her note says and makes her way towards the Acadamy library.
  169. [2014-03-21 18:07:09] * Midnight_Bliss nods to the captain and slides from her seat before looking back to Gerlinde "How much trouble we're sailing into and how to hit it back"
  170. [2014-03-21 18:08:04] * Gerlinde blinks. "Oh." She huffs. "Why didn't you say that the first time?"
  171. [2014-03-21 18:08:08] * Sunshine taps under her muzzle. "Should our deranged captive be too unfit to help, it might help to ask our new crewmates where they were supposed to drop their loot."
  172. [2014-03-21 18:09:14] <Midnight_Bliss> "A broken music bx can still play a tune when you hit it"
  173. [2014-03-21 18:09:18] <Midnight_Bliss> box*
  174. [2014-03-21 18:11:43] * Gerlinde huffs. "Whatever, we going to go interrogate him?"
  175. [2014-03-21 18:11:54] * Heartmend just can't take more of this talk of what some have in mind, she gets up from the table, starts to trot out then stops at the door "If you need me I'll be in the medbay."
  176. [2014-03-21 18:12:37] * Thomas_OMalley smiles. "I know where we need to go."
  177. [2014-03-21 18:13:12] * Midnight_Bliss ignores Heartmend and heads out and downstairs to the prisoners holding place "Yes, we're going to interrogate him"
  178. [2014-03-21 18:13:22] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the captain nods to Heartmend, "We will call if we need ye miss. As for our boy young ladies he can be found below deck tossed in one of the empty crates, just listen to the one with the breathing noises".
  179. [2014-03-21 18:13:28] * Heartmend looks to Thomas "You have some idea?"
  180. [2014-03-21 18:13:54] <Sunshine> "Out of tune melodies don't favor pleasant dances. Straining the mad pony won't lead to many sane words." He turns to Thomas. "Not too far out of our way, isn't it? But it also means it not beyond our pursuers eyes."
  181. [2014-03-21 18:14:56] * Gerlinde follows Midnight!
  182. [2014-03-21 18:15:45] * Midnight_Bliss listens to the captains words and goes to below deck, checking the crates for breathing noises "Where are you"
  183. [2014-03-21 18:16:08] * Thomas_OMalley nodsto Heartmend and Sunshine. "Somewhat. I know where it is... but want to keep it quiet. Dat make sense?"
  184. [2014-03-21 18:16:32] * Flora_Bloom curses as she is eluded yet again. She grits her teeth, going back and picking up mythology and abnormal mutation related books
  185. [2014-03-21 18:17:05] * GreatAndPowerfulGM one of the larger crates next to a pile of junk sale crap echos with heavy breathing and an occasionall thud, "What do you lot want?" comes Nitros raised voice from inside.
  186. [2014-03-21 18:17:33] * Heartmend nods back to Thomas "Well as long as we have an idea. Thous two really don't need to do what they plan on doing."
  187. [2014-03-21 18:17:57] <Sunshine> "Of course. Particularly when our group seems so sadly unreliable." She shakes her head. "I would suggest a fake map and key to keep Zs attention away from us. Do you think your craftmanship could manage it?"
  188. [2014-03-21 18:18:05] * Midnight_Bliss looks at the box "You're bomb was childsplay to disable. Now I want information"
  189. [2014-03-21 18:18:43] * Gerlinde grates her talons along the ground. "And you better give it to her, or else~"
  190. [2014-03-21 18:19:27] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro speaks after another thud, "Ya and I wanted to be half way to new horseleans right now with a nice view of distant fireworks but I guess that isnt likely to happen now is it?"
  191. [2014-03-21 18:20:19] * Gerlinde grins, excitement building in her voice, "Are you suuuure that you won't tell her?"
  192. [2014-03-21 18:21:05] <Midnight_Bliss> "No it isn't. I possess your 'fireworks' now. You will tell me what I want to know. I have ways of makeing you talk, but will settle for letting my Companion have her fun...with my guidance"
  193. [2014-03-21 18:22:25] <Thomas_OMalley> The stallion nods. "I'll need some supplies. Ken you fill a list discretely?"
  194. [2014-03-21 18:22:30] * GreatAndPowerfulGM pauses again as if milling over the offer before an eye appears at a knot hole in the wood, "It wouldnt happen to be that cutie of a beaked tease would it?"
  195. [2014-03-21 18:23:24] <Sunshine> "Why, of course. Discretion isn't among any of my names. It would be too unsubtle." She smirks.
  196. [2014-03-21 18:23:53] * Gerlinde smirks. "If you call the one about to gouge your eyes out a cutie, sure."
  197. [2014-03-21 18:24:10] * Midnight_Bliss looks back at Gerlinde before looking at the box "If you mean the Griffin, then yes it is. She is eager to use her claws on you, I will tell her to target your leg tendons first"
  198. [2014-03-21 18:24:36] * Thomas_OMalley chuckles and writes out a few things. "Den get me dese tings? I'll take care of de forgery tonight... won't take long."
  199. [2014-03-21 18:25:20] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro looks to Gerlinde, pressing his eye closer to get a better look. "And here I thought you were just going to get me roused up like that with the forplay on the ship without giving me anything to remember you by".
  200. [2014-03-21 18:26:14] * Gerlinde huffs. "Yeah, yeah; act like you liked it."
  201. [2014-03-21 18:27:39] <Midnight_Bliss> "Or maybe we should start with the eyes. You dont need eyes to tell me what I need to hear" she said, trotting closer and opening the boxes lid
  202. [2014-03-21 18:28:21] * Sunshine takes the note. "I shall have what we need soon. I'm very glad for your helpfulness." She smiles.
  203. [2014-03-21 18:28:23] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro Laughs, "Promises Promises"
  204. [2014-03-21 18:30:01] * Gerlinde frowns, looking to Midnight. "So... can I?"
  205. [2014-03-21 18:30:13] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Gerlinde "Go ahead" she nods
  206. [2014-03-21 18:31:23] * Thomas_OMalley nods. "It will take a while for de paint to dry... and we need Nitro alive. Make it very public dat he have de key and de map..." Thomas grins wickedly.
  207. [2014-03-21 18:32:03] * Gerlinde flaps her wings and hovers over the open box, looking down at Nitro. "Last warning."
  208. [2014-03-21 18:33:02] <Midnight_Bliss> "No more warnings, start low, go for his knees"
  209. [2014-03-21 18:33:52] * Sunshine grins. "That sounds perfect. Now I suppose I should get into a more common outfit again." She looks a bit disappointed, then turns to Heartmend. "Doctor, can you make sure our captive doesn't die?"
  210. [2014-03-21 18:33:57] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro grins wearily as he looks up, fear evident behind his mad eyes but he still keeps up the act opening his arms wide. "Take the eyes if you want love, not going to see much better than the likes of you anyway. Just do me a favor and make it slow will you? I want to remember this"
  211. [2014-03-21 18:34:55] * Gerlinde grins in response and shoves the box roughly, wanting Nitro sprawled out on the floor.
  212. [2014-03-21 18:34:56] * Heartmend nods "And I just came up with a way he will think he got a way with the prize."
  213. [2014-03-21 18:35:35] * Midnight_Bliss keeps her rifles trained on the pony to prevent his escape
  214. [2014-03-21 18:35:36] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Textbook coughs and looks to the captain, "Well... as disturbing as all that is can I have a private word with you?", noding his concent the two leave the navigation room.
  215. [2014-03-21 18:36:36] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro spills out and bangs his head roughly on the metal hull, rubbing his head he chuckles but is shaking a bit, "Nice and rough, wish we had met each other earlier"
  216. [2014-03-21 18:38:36] * Sunshine trots away to change into his trader clothes and leave to town
  217. [2014-03-21 18:38:56] * Gerlinde lunges forward and presses one claw against his throat, pinning him to the ground. She brings her second claw to his face, and lightly traces a talon against his cheek. The light tracing soon turns more and more firm, until her talon digs into his flesh, drawing a line of blood. "This can stop," she mentions, furthering her talon closer to the corner of his left eye. "with only a word."
  218. [2014-03-21 18:41:23] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro coughs and sputters, "more?"
  219. [2014-03-21 18:42:35] * Thomas_OMalley nods to the captain and the young mare. "Well den, while our friend be gettin' de parts... cherie? Be dere any place you want to go?"
  220. [2014-03-21 18:45:07] * Gerlinde smirks. "Sure," she replies, talon moving and pressing against the tear duct. Slowly, she begins to apply pressure; a sharp, but remote pain as the sharpened brass pierces his eye's duct. Her other claw remains firm, ensuring that Nitro remains still, and the pressure continues... building as she pushes the brass-pointed tip ever-so-slowly into his eye.
  221. [2014-03-21 18:45:21] <Midnight_Bliss> "Hold back Gerlinde, Strike him, be careful with your claws. He wants you to kill him, do not do so"
  222. [2014-03-21 18:46:50] * Gerlinde snickers as she continues, asking Nitro, "Is there such a thing as a blind bomber?"
  223. [2014-03-21 18:46:56] * GreatAndPowerfulGM NItro screams even as he tries to maintain controle over himself as his eyes is ruined by the griff. "F-f-fuck off miss dark and broody, cant you wait your turn? me and beaky here have a g-g AHHHHHHHahaha!! good thing going"
  224. [2014-03-21 18:47:35] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the bomber pony spasams under her crule tallons and screams.
  225. [2014-03-21 18:48:04] <Midnight_Bliss> "Pull back Gerlinde!, Do not let him guide you. This is my interogation"
  226. [2014-03-21 18:48:57] * Gerlinde stays her talon, but it remains embedded in his eye.
  227. [2014-03-21 18:49:01] <Gerlinde> "Fine."
  228. [2014-03-21 18:49:38] <Midnight_Bliss> "He is goading you into trying to kill him. Death wont serve our goal. not yet. " sshe kept her rifle trained on him "Break his knee"
  229. [2014-03-21 18:51:49] * Heartmend trots into the medbay "Now I hope one of you two have any idea's as where your employer was have you drop off what you came for? Becuse Nitro is getting worked over as we speak."
  230. [2014-03-21 18:51:52] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro curses under his breath as he shakes in pain, tears running down his face from his one good eye.
  231. [2014-03-21 18:52:06] * Gerlinde pulls out her talon from his eye and instead presses her talons against his knee. With a sudden and jerky motion, she stomps down.
  232. [2014-03-21 18:53:07] * GreatAndPowerfulGM a scream peels across the ship as the mares, eyes wide as dinner plates look to Heartmend, one asking. "Wait, were not on teh chopping block are we? we have a deal with the captain!"
  233. [2014-03-21 18:54:17] * Midnight_Bliss allows herself a small smile "now, tell us. How many others are on our tail. Other groups hired from your boss in our way"
  234. [2014-03-21 18:54:18] * Thomas_OMalley winces as he hears the screams. "Capitan, cherie, if you wish to stay and listen you may. I am gonna go for a walk if you wish to join. Dis turns my stomach."
  235. [2014-03-21 18:55:04] * Heartmend looks at the one "Only if tell me some thing. As I can't stop the peg, and griffon if the want to came ask you."
  236. [2014-03-21 18:56:12] <Thomas_OMalley> ((*redact my last two posts...))
  237. [2014-03-21 18:57:19] * Thomas_OMalley leaves a note near Rat's things before heading over to where the capitan and the mare are talking. He taps on a nearby piece of wood to grab there attention. "You want anyting? I'm going fer a walk."
  238. [2014-03-21 18:58:53] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Captain looks to Thomas and shrugs, Text book however nods and pulls out a scroll and ink before down several lines quickly. "Yes actually, if you could put this letter in a post bin that would be excellent"
  239. [2014-03-21 18:59:39] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro starts to go a bit limp at the torture and screams again.
  240. [2014-03-21 19:00:45] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The mare in the med bay pales and nods, "We dont know exactly how the drops work but we know where he gos, Nitro that is, to make them. A place called the Rusty Hull Tavern in New Horseleans"
  241. [2014-03-21 19:01:36] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro looks to Midnight, "Others? plenty of others, likes to hire right pros this bucker dose. Your just as sunk as I am lady"
  242. [2014-03-21 19:02:20] <Midnight_Bliss> "I dont sink, I fly" she said, trotting around him "What are their numbers, known positions, names"
  243. [2014-03-21 19:02:37] * Heartmend looks at the mare "Any thing eles." as she pause's letting them think of more
  244. [2014-03-21 19:02:38] |<-- Sunshine has left (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
  245. [2014-03-21 19:03:42] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the two mares whisper to each other, confering before looking back to Heartmend, "Well we know he signals the drop with radio signals and then he gos to the tavern, a few times hes mentioned a back room..."
  246. [2014-03-21 19:04:24] * Thomas_OMalley nods and takes the letter. "Of course, cherie." The stallion heads back to his quarters, putting on his fine suit and fedora before heading out to the town. He deposits the letter in the nearest post before stretching his wings and flying around a bit.
  247. [2014-03-21 19:04:29] -->| LuckyLeaf (LuckyLeaf@wandering.fateweaver) has joined #CryMeARiver
  248. [2014-03-21 19:04:30] =-= Mode #CryMeARiver +qo LuckyLeaf LuckyLeaf by ChanServ
  249. [2014-03-21 19:04:40] =-= LuckyLeaf is now known as Sunshine
  250. [2014-03-21 19:05:19] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro couhgs, "Wasnt exactly a social club you crazy mare, what can I say its more of a loos organization of ponies who are good at what they do who all share a love for caps.... Crazed Pirates, Discarded soldiers, even some ex-fly ponies like yourself"
  251. [2014-03-21 19:05:44] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro shakes in pain, "A collection of buckers just waiting for the word to finish what I couldnt"
  252. [2014-03-21 19:06:06] * Heartmend nods at that and leaves for the door, as she steps out she calls over her shoulder "Now lets see if I can get them two to stop working over Nitro."
  253. [2014-03-21 19:08:18] * Midnight_Bliss eyes flare at the mention of ponies like herself. She turns to him. "They are good at what they do, I'm the best at what I do" she stepped forward "You know of some of these ponies. where did you encounter them. How were you hired"
  254. [2014-03-21 19:11:53] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro shakes in pain, "Know em as much as I can for sitting across from a few at a poker table ever couple of months off a job. As for hiering Z finds you, then its all signal from contract to caps... now do me a favor and let the pretty birdy hit me again?"
  255. [2014-03-21 19:12:01] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro Spits at Midnight
  256. [2014-03-21 19:13:28] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Thomas easily finds a post bin to deposit the letter, after doing so he hears the not so distant sound of a dance hall...
  257. [2014-03-21 19:14:25] * Midnight_Bliss rubs the spit from her face with a hoof "well, Since you've been so forthcoming... Grind his Knee Gerlinde, and work the torso"
  258. [2014-03-21 19:15:21] * Gerlinde grabs the previously broken knee, clutching it in her talons, and twists.
  259. [2014-03-21 19:15:25] * Thomas_OMalley smiles as he hears the music. "Well... Flora not be too interested and Bliss be busy... can't hurt to stop in for an hour or two..." Thomas trots off toward the music.
  260. [2014-03-21 19:16:42] * Heartmend steps in as this starts to escalate "Now you two can stop at what your doing. I just got some information out of the other two."
  261. [2014-03-21 19:16:52] * GreatAndPowerfulGM NItro screams again in pain, this knee twisting and poping under her tallon.
  262. [2014-03-21 19:18:04] * Heartmend rushes over to Nitro trying to stop this "Damn it what the buck is wrong with you."
  263. [2014-03-21 19:18:36] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Heartmend "I'm doing my duty"
  264. [2014-03-21 19:18:37] * Gerlinde frowns, not stopping. "He's a bomber, why do you care?" Twist.
  265. [2014-03-21 19:19:14] * Thomas_OMalley thinks for a moment. "Hrm... wonder if Flora be interested? Couldn't get Bliss to go... can't hurt to ask again." Thomas, not seeing her on the ship, heads to the only other logical spot for the academic mare: The university!
  266. [2014-03-21 19:19:40] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the Dance hall falls away behind him as he flys away
  267. [2014-03-21 19:19:40] * Heartmend graps ahold of Gerlinde "This needs to stop, now!!"
  268. [2014-03-21 19:20:35] * Gerlinde growls. "Why?!"
  269. [2014-03-21 19:20:49] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> Thomas you can show up at #CryMeABook
  270. [2014-03-21 19:20:55] * Thomas_OMalley knows where the Dance Hall is. He can go back to it... not often he gets to bring a friend and maybe hook her up!
  271. [2014-03-21 19:21:41] * Heartmend "All you two are doing is killing him slowly." looks at Midnight_Bliss "At lets stop. We came up with some thing and... we need him alive."
  272. [2014-03-21 19:22:46] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro nearly hacks up a lung as he speaks in a now scratchy voice, "Goody"
  273. [2014-03-21 19:22:48] <Midnight_Bliss> "I know how to not kill a pony under interrogation" she said simply. Turning her back on him and trotting towards the door. "A dead pony reveals no secrets."
  274. [2014-03-21 19:24:11] * Heartmend looks to Gerlinde "Well I'm not going to fix him. If you keep at this you can carry him."
  275. [2014-03-21 19:25:14] * Gerlinde snorts, looking to Midnight.
  276. [2014-03-21 19:25:50] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Gerlinde "Let the medic take him, I will report what we got out of him to the Captain"
  277. [2014-03-21 19:32:01] * Heartmend slumps a bit "Give me a hoof with him to the med bay. I'll see what I can do with him."
  278. [2014-03-21 19:33:24] * Gerlinde rolls her eyes and huffs. "Fiiiiine." With an annoyed sigh, she slings Nitro over her back.
  279. [2014-03-21 19:34:47] * GreatAndPowerfulGM NItro offers no help in his movement to the medical facilities, just panting in pain as his ruined eye weeps blood and his leg spasams, "Bucking hell... knew you were a tease"
  280. [2014-03-21 19:35:07] * Midnight_Bliss leaves them to it and returns to the Captain
  281. [2014-03-21 19:35:57] * Gerlinde frowns. "Say that one more time and you'll have two broken legs."
  282. [2014-03-21 19:36:20] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the captain is standing outside his room as he closses the door behind him as she steps on deck. Turning he spots Midnight, "How did the show go, I miss anything?"
  283. [2014-03-21 19:36:52] * GreatAndPowerfulGM he manages a half chuckle, "Ya... but still only one broken heart"
  284. [2014-03-21 19:37:54] * Midnight_Bliss salutes the captain "We managed to get some info out of him, though not as much as hoped. According to his words, if they can be trusted, this Z has an army of skilled mercenaries that will be gunning for us. Not jsut ragtag bands like this group. Each is apparently hired for skill, so not just dumb muscle"
  285. [2014-03-21 19:39:07] * Gerlinde huffs in response, annoyed.
  286. [2014-03-21 19:40:15] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The captain nods, "Well then... that dose sound troubling, probably makes my decision to split company with you lot in new horseleans all the better. Sorry to say but this whole job has turned sour fast, better to try and distance myself from it after I drop of the rest of my cargo there.... dont suppose you found anything ellls out from the other two did you?"
  287. [2014-03-21 19:40:45] * Heartmend sets Nitro down on a cot "Now this is going to hurt like hell." as she tries to set his leg
  288. [2014-03-21 19:41:04] * Midnight_Bliss shakes her head "No, I only interrogated the bomber, the other two were not under my watch"
  289. [2014-03-21 19:42:13] * GreatAndPowerfulGM shrugs, "Might be wroth looking into, but hey its not my issue. Im a bit to old for assasins and treasure hunts. Just going to finish this job up quick as I can and be on my merry way as soon as my vessle is up to scratch again"
  290. [2014-03-21 19:42:39] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro waves a hoof, "Just tell me the truth, will I ever play the piano again?"
  291. [2014-03-21 19:43:14] * Heartmend rolls her eyes at the silly pun
  292. [2014-03-21 19:44:06] * Midnight_Bliss nods "Then with your permission, I will interogate them as well. They appeared meek enough, I will not require their legs broken as I did the bomber"
  293. [2014-03-21 19:44:39] * GreatAndPowerfulGM nods, "Thats good, I have agreement with them... be on your way Miss"
  294. [2014-03-21 19:45:45] * Heartmend looks at the other two ponies "Now, you two remember he did try and blow you up with us. But we need him alive. So don't mess him up more than he is, OK."
  295. [2014-03-21 19:46:13] * Gerlinde rolls her eyes and shrugs.
  296. [2014-03-21 19:46:24] * Midnight_Bliss nods and salutes again before heading for the med bay
  297. [2014-03-21 19:46:35] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the mares nod together
  298. [2014-03-21 19:48:54] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro gruns and bites his lip to keep from screaming again, his lips bleeding from the effort
  299. [2014-03-21 19:50:58] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Midnight swiftly arrives at the medbay!
  300. [2014-03-21 19:51:15] * Midnight_Bliss enters the medbay and looks around the room, examining it before stepping towards the two
  301. [2014-03-21 19:52:36] * Heartmend looks to Midnight_Bliss "Can I have a word with you?" she askes in a flat tone
  302. [2014-03-21 19:53:08] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Heartmend "I am here by the captains order to interogate the other two for info"
  303. [2014-03-21 19:53:34] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the mares exchange worried looks
  304. [2014-03-21 19:55:17] * Heartmend "Theres no need for that. I all ready had a talk with these two. And that why I need to speak with you." as she jesters to the hall
  305. [2014-03-21 19:55:58] * Midnight_Bliss looks from the two to Heartmend "Very well" she said, trotting to the hall
  306. [2014-03-21 19:58:10] |<-- Flora_Bloom has left (Connection closed)
  307. [2014-03-21 19:59:56] -->| Flora_Bloom ( has joined #CryMeARiver
  308. [2014-03-21 20:01:06] * Heartmend follows Midnight_Bliss out in to the hall "As you and Gerlinde where, working over Nitro. I was able to get some useful information out of thous two." and sighs before continuing "They make a drop off at this bar in New Horseleans, called the Rusty Hull Tavern. So there is no need to lay a hoof on the two mares."
  309. [2014-03-21 20:02:12] * Midnight_Bliss eyes flare again at the mention of the tavern's name. "You are certain of this? No misspoken words, no lies?" she asked, her face inches from heartmends in less than a second
  310. [2014-03-21 20:03:00] * Heartmend then pokes her head into the bay "Gerlinde can you gag and tie up Nitro there."
  311. [2014-03-21 20:05:55] * Gerlinde raises an eyebrow. "Do you have rope?"
  312. [2014-03-21 20:06:10] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Signal interupted
  313. [2014-03-21 20:06:15] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> ...
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