
[Colgate][Silly, Ecchi] Brushie Brushie

Dec 7th, 2012
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  1. >Day forgot to floss in Equestria.
  2. >Wake up.
  3. >Go to the bathroom.
  4. >Shit. Shake. Shower. Scrub. Shave. Sanitize. Sss-Breakfast...
  5. >Mmm... You sure do love Generic Mills Snow Flakes.
  6. >They're grrrr- alright, you guess...
  7. >As per usual, there's a knock at your door.
  8. >You grumble and walk over to answer it, munching on your cereal along the way.
  9. >Better steel yourself for the yellow menace.
  10. >Shovel another spoonful of flakes into your mouth and put on your biggest NOPE face.
  11. >Open the door.
  12. >It's... not Fluttershy this time.
  13. >You feel a little disappointed.
  14. >It's never her when you get all dressed up.
  15. >Colgate giggles a little. "Nice, uhh... morning face you've got there, Anon."
  16. >You sigh and change it out for your normal, bleak and jaded face.
  17. What are you doing here, Colgate?
  18. >She huffs. "How rude! Aren't you at least going to invite me inside first?"
  19. >You use your free hand's forefinger and thumb to rub your eyes in resentment.
  20. >Why?
  21. >Why you?
  22. >Why Equestria?
  23. >Why not Hooker Island or nearly any other make-believe land?
  24. >While you're debating the validity of the sixth vowel in your head, Colgate saunters between your legs and into your home.
  25. >The light tingling sensation of her coat as it brushes against your thigh brings you back to reality.
  26. >Or whatever "reality" this place claims to be.
  28. >You groan.
  29. Make yourself at home, I guess...
  30. >You close your door and set yourself on the couch.
  31. So what is it you want, anyway?
  32. >She sidles up on the couch next to you. "I have something very important I need to talk to you about."
  33. >She leans in closer to you.
  34. >You scoot away, but you don't get far before you reach the end of the couch.
  35. >Colgate pursues, pressing her barrel against your torso and draping a hoof over your thigh.
  36. >This is getting weird and fast.
  37. >You try to scramble over the sofa's armrest, spilling your bowl of cereal in the process.
  38. >Colgate's advance is too swift.
  39. >Her forehooves pin your chest down, pressing you into the far corner of the couch.
  40. >You start to breathe heavily, your eyes darting all around.
  41. >Her muzzle moves towards your mouth and you close your eyes.
  42. >There's a familiar jingle of magic.
  43. >You feel your mouth being forced open, although not painfully.
  44. >You wait for the inevitable.
  45. >It seems like an eternity, but the tongue-lashing never comes.
  46. >A few awkward moments later, you gather enough courage to open your eyes.
  47. >A two-tone mane is bouncing back and forth across your vision.
  48. >Colgate is examining your teeth.
  49. >"You've been skipping your appointments, Anon."
  51. >Oh Lord. Is that all this is about?
  52. >Guess you're going to be getting a different kind of tongue-lashing.
  53. >You're not sure which you'd actually prefer, if given the choice.
  54. >You can't help but chuckle at the ridiculousness of the situation.
  55. >You can tell that Colgate doesn't appreciate your disrespect for the gravity of the situation.
  56. >She backs off of you for a moment. "This is serious, Anon. I take a lot of pride in my work. And it's my job to make sure all the p0nies-"
  57. >She looks up at your face and blinks. "And umm... human... all have sparkling white teeth."
  58. >You can't help but smile.
  59. >It's a plaque-riddled, not-so-pretty smile, but the sincerity shines through.
  60. >You hoist Colgate off of you and set her back down on the sofa.
  61. >You look deep into her shimmering, concerned, aquamarine eyes.
  62. >It's not like you can't understand her devotion.
  63. >Once upon a time, you used to love your job too.
  64. >But damnit. You just can't stand the dentist's office.
  65. >Colgate's bottom lip begins to quiver and traces of tears begins to form at the corner of her eyes.
  66. >You sigh, starting to cave to the adorableness of it all.
  67. >Suddenly, you get an idea.
  68. Colgate...
  69. >She perks up at her name.
  70. You've always been a pretty sporting mare, haven't you?
  71. >You've heard rumors of some of the poker games they play around here.
  72. >She cocks her head and raises an eyebrow. "I suppose so. So what?"
  73. How about a little game?
  74. >"What do you have in mind?"
  75. I bet you can't go five minutes with your teeth being brushed before you cave in.
  76. >Colgate just laughs. "You want me to brush my teeth for five minutes?"
  77. >You grin.
  78. No, I'm going to brush them.
  79. >Colgate's laughter explodes two-fold. "Don't you think that's a little too... easy?"
  80. >She wipes a tear from her eye.
  81. >You get a devilish grin.
  83. Colgate, when you get your mane cut, you go to a parlor, don't you?
  84. >"Well yes, but what does that have to do with-"
  85. You see, I don't like going to a barber shop or anything like that. It makes me nervous when people touch my hair.
  86. >Colgate fidgets. "I guess that makes sense. I only want the stylists I know cutting my mane..."
  87. You have to be pretty close to someone, psychologically, before you can let them touch your hair.
  88. >You wave your hands around her muzzle playing the "I'm not touching you" game.
  89. I've even heard that some mares would rather have their bodies touched before their mane.
  90. >She pouts. "What are you getting at?"
  91. It's called "touching." Hair cutting is just one example. Another is brushing your teeth.
  92. >You start to circle around her on the couch, grinning.
  93. Normally, having someone else brush your teeth is simply absurd. You can do it yourself, and you usually do.
  94. >From behind her you lean over the back of the sofa and grasp her withers.
  95. >She recoils slightly from your touch.
  96. In other words, Colgate, having someone else brush your teeth generates major psychological resistance.
  97. >You can feel her gulp.
  98. If you can withstand that resistance for five minutes, then you win the game. If not, you lose, and I don't have to go to your office for the next year.
  99. >She shivers for a moment but then stands up, laughing confidently.
  100. >"You had me going for a moment, but this is nothing."
  101. Is that right?
  102. >"Damn straight! And when I win, you're coming for bi-monthly examinations, Anon."
  106. Then shall we begin?
  107. >You head to your restroom and retrieve a new toothbrush and some toothpaste.
  108. >Returning to your living room, you pat the seat of the couch.
  109. Go ahead and get comfortable, Colgate.
  110. >The mare sits awkwardly on the couch on her hind legs, her forehooves propping her up.
  111. >You smile. This is just like the time you brushed your dog's teeth.
  112. >Only this time, your patient should hopefully stay still...
  113. >You seat yourself to the side of your victim, squirting a bit of toothpaste onto the brush and cupping the back of her neck with your free hand.
  114. >You tilt her back gently, lowering the toothbrush to her muzzle.
  115. Open wide and say "Aah."
  116. >Colgate's mouth parts timidly. "A-Aah..."
  117. >You gently slide the brush into her orifice.
  118. >Her once half-lidded eyes shoot open in surprise and her body reels slightly from the delicate touch of the bristles against her molars.
  119. >You begin brushing little circles along her pristine enamel.
  120. >Colgate lets out a few soft, sweet moans and squirms under your touch, instinctively trying to escape her predicament.
  121. >You can't help but smirk.
  122. >She's only now realizing how unnerving this sensation can be.
  123. >It isn't like most other stimuli.
  124. >You aren't messing with her exterior.
  125. >You're playing with her interior.
  126. >You continue, the thin hairs of the brush stimulating her gum line with each pass.
  127. >You gingerly outline individual teeth, caressing them delicately with the bristles.
  128. >Louder moans and gasps escape Colgate's maw.
  129. >She begins softly biting at the brush as it enters and exits her mouth.
  131. >You smirk. Her discomfort just makes you want to try harder.
  132. You know, you could just give up now and get this over with.
  133. >You move her tongue out of the way with the tip of the brush and start to work her upper incisors.
  134. >The fine hairs of the brush lap at the roof of Colgate's mouth.
  135. >She shivers and her moaning increases in volume and intensity.
  136. >You freeze.
  137. >Hearing Colgate moan like this is making you feel weird.
  138. >You can feel a warmth beginning to radiate from within you.
  139. >Your heart starts to race and you can feel beads of sweat forming on your brow.
  140. >Colgate is panting heavily at the other end of the brush.
  141. >You notice for the first time the sweat dripping down her neck.
  142. >You gulp and take a good look at the mare before you.
  143. >Her navy blue and off-white mane falls scattered along the back of your couch and your arm.
  144. >Her horn peaks out of the mess, absorbed in a delicate glow.
  145. >Her nearly-closed eyes flutter open occasionally.
  146. >Oh Celestia, this mare is cute...
  147. >Has she always been this cute?
  148. >You continue brushing, and she, moaning.
  149. >Is it possible... that Colgate is the cutest mare in Equestria...?
  150. >Colgate continues moaning.
  151. >Get a hold of yourself, man!
  152. >You're no horsefucker!
  153. >It's the special circumstances of the situation that's getting to you, is all.
  154. >You know that.
  155. >More moaning.
  156. >You know that, but...
  157. >Colgate whimpers.
  158. Colgate...
  159. >You push her back to the couch, forcing her to lay down.
  160. Colgate, I...
  161. >Her chest heaves and she murmurs, "I-It's okay, Anon..."
  162. >You trail a hand from her barrel down to her marehood, about to claim your prize, when-
  163. >Your door bursts open.
  164. >"What are you two doing?" Fluttershy asks sporting a deadpan stare and a kitchen knife.
  165. >You look down at the helpless mare and back to Fluttershy.
  166. Um... I'm definitely not
  167. [spoiler]Fucking Colgate[/spoiler]
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