

May 13th, 2015
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  1. Ma" what do we do now?"
  2. "After the two managed to calm down from the shock, the girls tried their best to get their thoughts together."
  3. T"We need to get away from here. Whatever killed those two might still be around."
  4. "Mami let out a small sob as she remembered the state of them."
  5. Ma"But who could have done that to them? It couldn't have been a human."
  6. T"I think you're right."
  7. Ma"Huh? You do?"
  8. T"Yeah, remember what time it is?"
  9. Ma"It's 14:00 according to the clock on the PDA."
  10. T"Not that time, I meant the period in the game."
  11. "Mami's face lit up when it hit her."
  12. Ma"It's the Combat Prohibition Period!"
  13. T"That's right. So it couldn't have been a person, since there wasn't an explosion."
  14. T"But what could do that. An animal?"
  15. v"Try a machine."
  16. "The two girls shrieked when they heard another voice. Quickly turning, they saw a tall woman with a young girl hiding behind her."
  17. T"W-Who are you?"
  18. Z"I'm Maria, and this girl is Lilly. We're not here to hurt you."
  19. L"H-Hi..."
  20. Ma"Why hello Lilly."
  21. "Just as Maria was about to ask something, Tina pointed at her PDA."
  22. Ma"I'm Mami Kurosawa."
  23. T"Tina."
  24. "Tina brought her attention back to the older mutaga."
  25. T"So what did you mean by machine?"
  26. Z"The thing capable of killing people right now, aside from traps, are machines called Hunters. If you read the rules, they're mentioned."
  27. Ma"Hunters are machines now? I thought they were people."
  28. Z"They used to be. It seems things have changed."
  29. L"Y-You two know about them?"
  30. Z"Remember what I told you Lilly? I've been through this before."
  31. "Maria glared at Mami."
  32. Z"Now the question is, how does this girl know about that?"
  33. T"Mami, do you know something?"
  34. Ma"N-No, I don't know what you're talking about. Eigo wo wakarimasen!"
  35. Z"You do know. After all, you did ask if the Hunters were machines {i}now{/i}. That implies you knew they were people before."
  36. "Mami backed up slightly."
  37. Ma"I...I..."
  38. T"Mami, just tell us. We can't do anything to you right now anyways."
  39. Ma"But I--"
  40. L"P-Please stop bullying her."
  41. "The three turned to look at Lilly, who had spoken up."
  42. L"If we want her to talk, we should be nicer. If you put her in a corner like that, she won't want to talk."
  43. "Maria and Tina looked at one another, then back at Lilly."
  44. T"...Yeah, I guess we shouldn't be so pushy."
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