

May 10th, 2014
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  1. [X] 6 A second claim? If so in which direction?: (dreadis, Jack Folstam, megrisvernin, Jack Trade, Deathwings, Space Penguin)
  2. [X] 6 An embassy is required to really further ties with the Marnetes, lets get one built over there [Mansion (10/10), +1 Consumption/Stability/Law, +2 Economy, +3 Society: (dreadis, Jack Folstam, megrisvernin, Jack Trade, Deathwings, Space Penguin)
  3. [X] 2 An embassy is required to really further ties with the Marnetes, lets get one built over there [Mansion (10/10), +1 Consumption/Stability/Law, +2 Economy, +3 Society]: (Archanist, Adyen)
  4. --[X] 2 And definitely not anyone untrained in the arts of diplomacy or some sort of self-defense due to the situation down there.: (Archanist, Adyen)
  5. --[X] 6 Attend yourself.*: (dreadis, Jack Folstam, megrisvernin, Jack Trade, Deathwings, Space Penguin)
  6. [X] 1 Claim the unforested hill by the catgirl lands: (Silversun17)
  7. [X] 6 Continue to develop more conventional magic of your own: (dreadis, Jack Folstam, megrisvernin, Jack Trade, Deathwings, Space Penguin)
  8. -[X] 2 Drive a road into wherever you expand into (1) & build a farm in that hex (2) (3*bp): (Silversun17, Silversun17)
  9. -[X] 2 Expand Northwards with a farm and a road. (2 BP?): (inverted_helix, Adyen)
  10. -[X] 12 Expand Northwards with a farm and a road. (3 BP): (dreadis, dreadis, Jack Folstam, Jack Folstam, megrisvernin, megrisvernin, Jack Trade, Jack Trade, Deathwings, Deathwings, Space Penguin, Space Penguin)
  11. -[X] 1 Expand Northwards with roads, but no serious infrastructure for now. The plains may be used for farming later, but currently only roads.: (Archanist)
  12. -[X] 2 Find out the full amount of knowledge she has.: (Archanist, Adyen)
  13. [X] 6 Further Diplomatic talks.* [Aim for a Treaty, next step towards full alliance]: (dreadis, Jack Folstam, megrisvernin, Jack Trade, Deathwings, Space Penguin)
  14. [X] 2 Further Diplomatic talks?* [Aim for a Treaty, next step towards full alliance]: (Archanist, Adyen)
  15. -[X] 6 Get a road properly laid down into the second of the hexes you expanded into last turn (1 BP): (dreadis, Jack Folstam, megrisvernin, Jack Trade, Deathwings, Space Penguin)
  16. [X] 1 Get a road properly laid down into the second of the hexes you expanded into last turn (1bp): (Archanist)
  17. [X] 1 Get some paving down [Start on Paved Streets (6/24, +2 Economy/Productivity, +1 Stability): (Archanist)
  18. [X] 1 Get some paving down [Start on Paved Streets (?/24, +2 Economy/Productivity, +1 Stability): (Silversun17)
  19. [X] 1 If talks goes well, promise the mobilization of the drakes to help them (as we certainly don't need them here) but ask that they help with the upkeep cost while they are there.: (Archanist)
  20. [X] 1 If talks goes well, promise the mobilization of the drakes to help them next turn (as we certainly don't need them here) but ask that they help with the upkeep cost while they are there.: (Adyen)
  21. --[X] 6 Keep asking Thira for help.: (dreadis, Jack Folstam, megrisvernin, Jack Trade, Deathwings, Space Penguin)
  22. [X] 7 Keep going Northwards! In the hills now open you there is iron, silver and gems to be found. Of course, first you need to lay claim to the plains up to the hills. Of course, others want those riches too. With the initial groundwork done you can be in the hills as soon as two months work pushing the farms and roads north, three if you want to be extra sure of getting your infrastructure in.: (dreadis, Archanist, Jack Folstam, megrisvernin, Jack Trade, Deathwings, Space Penguin)
  23. [X] 1 Keep going Northwards! In the hills now open you there is iron, silver and gems to be found. Of course, first you need to lay claim to the plains up to the hills. Of course, others want those riches too. With the initial groundwork done you can be in the hills as soon as two months work pushing the farms and roads north, three if you want to be extra sure of getting your infrastructure in. (1 BP?): (Adyen)
  24. [X] 1 Mobilize the Drakes to offer assistance to the Marnetes?: (Silversun17)
  25. [X] 2 Offer her a place in the government dealing with Arts and Cultural dealings. Currently, it'll be an advisory position due to the size of the nation, but once it expands, the spot will become official.: (Archanist, Adyen)
  26. -[X] 1 Only attend if asked for. Sana and Caeric has our full confidence in this (and it's not like we're not listening in via Cori if something we can't agree to comes up): (Adyen)
  27. -[X] 1 Only attend if asked for. Sana and Caeric has our full confidence in this (and it's not like we're not listening in via Cori if something you can't agree to comes up): (Archanist)
  28. [X] 6 Privately commission a painting of us, for our mansion.: (dreadis, Jack Folstam, megrisvernin, Jack Trade, Deathwings, Space Penguin)
  29. [X] 1 Properly organised lodgings for visitors should help encourage trade just a bit more. [Inn (?/5, +1 Economy/Loyalty/Society, base value +500gp, ties to 1 House, Discounted due to Market)]: (Silversun17)
  30. [X] 6 Resume work on integrating the drakes fully.: (dreadis, Jack Folstam, megrisvernin, Jack Trade, Deathwings, Space Penguin)
  31. [X] 2 Resume work on integrating the drakes fully?: (Archanist, Adyen)
  32. [X] 3 Seek to study under Ameris during her visit: (Archanist, Silversun17, Adyen)
  33. -[X] 2 Send a message to Sana (not via Cori) on whether she has any suggestions, as this should be under her preview.: (Archanist, Adyen)
  34. [X] 3 Start on a Foundry to prepare for the Northward expansion. (5/16): (dreadis, Jack Folstam, Jack Trade)
  35. [X] 4 Start on a Foundry to prepare for the Northward expansion. (6/16): (megrisvernin, Deathwings, Space Penguin, Adyen)
  36. -[X] 2 Start with the full BP cost, but will go down to half if they really can't pay it.: (Archanist, Adyen)
  37. [X] 2 The increased circulation of coinage could do with some further stimulation [Shop (4/4, +1 Economy/Productivity, base value +500gp, ties to 1 House or Mansion, Discounted due to Market)]: (Archanist, Adyen)
  38. [X] 3 Try to locate a suitable ambassador?: (Archanist, Silversun17, Adyen)
  39. [X] 1 Unlock potential for divine magic: (Adyen)
  40. [X] 6 Unlock your sorcerous potential: (dreadis, Jack Folstam, megrisvernin, Jack Trade, Deathwings, Space Penguin)
  41. [X] 1 claim the hex between us and the Marnetes's bridge: (Silversun17)
  42. [X] 1 commission a painting to present as a gift to the King Eohan when you send your ambassador to them.: (Silversun17)
  43. [X] 1 spend time with your feline lover/love slave and get to know her better. also learn what you can about her people so we can keep relations peaceful with them.: (Silversun17)
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