
Publisher-tan ideas

Jun 17th, 2016
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  1. DC-tan: She is slightly insecure about what others think about her. DC-tan is super obsessed with the multiverse and keeps trying to map it out, treating it as one of her cases since she's a detective. The other publisher-tans keep trying to calm her down on it, but she just makes some kind of Gentry reference whenever they do so they get a little weirder out and leave her alone. DC is not well liked by Marvel's friends, sometimes bullied, and in social situations ranges from static to outright obnoxious. People will look at you weird for talking to her. Get to know her in private and you'll find she has multiple interesting hobbies she's very knowledgeable about, and lots of great tidbits and anecdotes to tell. somewhat self-important and can come across as aloof and out of touch - she's from a family with a long history who made important contributions in the past, but have been riding on their laurels for a long time. There's hints of some very dodgy business dealings in the past, and DC can display a really hard-nosed business sense sometimes (which can alienate others, to her detriment). Whenever she has people with her on cases she's very snappy and expects everyone to be on the same page, because of this she constantly skips the need to go explain how she reached certain conclusions, she just expects the people who have been paying attention to already know how she reached her conclusions. This alienates many people from her, since her work just seems a bit too daunting.
  3. Marvel-tan: Like DC-tan, Marvel is also insecure of what others think of her. Marvel is the popular girl who gets all the attention. She's the life of the party and makes any social gathering better, but get her alone and she'll quickly run out of things to talk about and expose the fact she has very few outside interests or hobbies. She constantly teases DC-tan for being an old lady and is the light and soul of the party. Fun, approachable, loves a good "switch your brain" off blockbuster movie. There's more going on upstairs than people realize, but she certainly comes across a bit shallow. Perhaps aware of this, she's recently has gotten a lot more abrasive about social activism (something she's always been interested in, but not to this extent). Marvel is, for all her good qualities, a drama magnet who constantly, constantly stirs shit for attention. She does care about the things she talks about, but at the same time she absolutely has to be the center of attention at all times. If she can do it in a positive way - great! If not, its just endless. Most people ignore it by now. There's only so many times you can hear "Things will never be the same again!"
  5. IDW-tan: IDW-tan is a huge nostalgiafag with a huge collection of toys from 80s properties. She seems very obnoxious when talking to her at first, as it seems that all she talks about is how much she loved certain series and properties from the 80's, asking whoever she is talking to if they remember it. If you find yourself talking to her about something you like though, you'll find she has a lot of insight about it and has an interesting new angle to look at it every time. All she really wants is for all the other publisher-tans to get along and team up to make awesome stories. Despite this, all her attempts to try and bring the other publisher-tans together appear to be for naught.
  7. Entertaining Comics-tan: She is into the super natural and loves horror and seances. She's cute and sweet, and loves her pet bat, but will possibly fuck with your head if she thinks you deserve some kind of karma, but often the punishment will be far greater than what the person originally did. She has extensive knowledge of witch craft. Some people find her scary and kinda edgy, so they just stay away from her, which makes her feel kinda sad. When people get to know her though they realize she's not mean or scary at all though, quite the opposite, she's a really pleasant person to be around.
  9. Archie-tan: girl version of Archie Andrews, an enthusiast of Sonic. Possibly the friendliest of the bunch. She manages to get along with everyone, even the most snoody of the -tans. While she seems like a great person who has her life together, she has massive relationship issues. Often dating multiple people at once and trying her best not to let them find out about the others, this causes her a lot of stress. Despite this, she always seems to be in a happy mood, ready help make anyone's day just a bit better.
  11. Dark Horse-tan: is a metal fan that spend her time watching/reading anything horror related, mostly from the 50-60 kind of dark and gritty. Loves movies and television. Dark Horse is a straight action girl, with maybe a bit of a Lovecraft fetish.
  13. Image-tan: She used to be wild and edgy, but now she's very in control of her image, and a bit snobby, so she's really ashamed of her days of yore. She's also very proud of having so many critical darlings. She rails against Marvel and DC-tan a lot, but is more similar to them than she realizes. She is intensely jealous of Marvel and DC. At every opportunity, she insists that some day soon she'll be bigger than both DC and Marvel combined. Content-wise she's identical to the Big Two, just as obsessed with low-brow, high-concept, dumb dirty action as they are. Her moral crusade against the Big Two stems from the superiority of her business model, because she wants every creator to be free to own their creations and create them however they please.
  15. Self Publisher-tan: Weird, kinda fat and unpopular and maybe a bit paranoid in the style of Alan Moore. She's a genius savant though, very creative and sits in her room all day writing & drawing the coolest shit that Marvel-tan and DC-tan would probably rip off if they ever saw it. She is a reclusive loner. Most of the other -tans aren't even aware that she exists. She only draws attention to herself when she rents tables at conventions to sell her crayon-drawn home-printed pamphlets. She doesn't "believe" in money, and only accepts cash in exchange for her comix "ironically". Otherwise you can find her hiding in bookstore cafes, mumbling to herself and avoiding eye contact while drawing unconventional, incomprehensible, beautiful scribbles on napkins. She thinks that Diamond distribution is a conspiracy and that the publisher-industrial complex is spying on her brainwaves to steal her ideas.
  17. Vertigo-tan: DC-tan little sister that loves to play with her big sister.
  19. Malibu-tan: Malibu-tan is Marvel's weirdo little sister that thinks she's a Man in Black.
  21. Fantagraphics-tan: She is friendly on the surface, but deep down is a smug hipster who thinks that she's the most intelligent and sophisticated of all the -tans. She acts modest and doesn't like to talk about her superiority though. Actually, she doesn't like to acknowledge the other -tans at all, because she's often embarrassed by their very existence. She has good relations with Image-tan (they talk about creators' rights) and Dark Horse-tan (they talk about manga and eurocomics), but she secretly thinks that they both have pleb taste. Her best friend is Drawn & Quarterly-tan, who lives up in Canada eh. She is a little pretentious and just otherworldly in its enthusiasm for art . All art, but particularly the stuff off the beaten track. Not because its cool, but full on weird accented crazy joy in sharing with the world all the neat stuff it finds or makes, completely oblivious to anyone else not quite getting it.
  23. Comic Strip-kun: Oldest of them all, however, due to a medical condition he's trapped in a little boy's body. He's very snarky and is seem being the voice of wisdom, but everyone just ignores him since he's "not relevant anymore". This bothers Comic Strip-kun, however, when this happens Archie-tan, Fantagraphics-tan, or IDW-tan try and cheer him up since they still believe what he says is worth listening to.
  25. Rebellion-tan: She's very against "the man" and hates big businesses and governments but hates peaceful liberals just as much. She listens to punk and ska music and her fave film is Dirty Harry. She acts smug around DC and always implies their superiority towards them, but is good friends with Vertigo. Dislikes Marvel due to her super powers. She's a bit uptight. The no nonsense one of the group. When people are slacking she tries to get them in line. There is no furniture in her room, not even a bed, it's just a bunch of guns on the wall. She has a pet "dog", but in reality it's just a pistol with a leash on it. Some of the other tans claim that they've heard it bark before.
  27. Oni Press-tan: Oni Press-tan likes to think she is more popular than Marvel-tan and DC-tan, since she's, in her own words, "real mainstream". However, this isn't necessarily true, as people find her slightly forgettable and only remember her when she brings up the franchises she has the rights to, like Invader Zim and Rick and Morty. She use to be close friends with Marvel-tan, but apparently they hate each other now due to a fall out from a fight no one got to see. She tries her best to come across as professional, but in reality she's a massive fan girl who loves to talk about franchises she's into. She's largely into movies, more specifically breaking down how popular movies work as a story. Somewhat of a weeaboo, she constantly tries to shoe horn those Japanese words like all those people in cringe compilations do.
  29. Diamond-kun: Massive douchey dude bro. He constantly tries to help the other -tan's out, but it's only to make himself look good or get in their pants. Often times he ends up fucking up the problem worse. He has a job as a mail man, which he is pretty poor at as well. He once got everyone in a car crash during the 90's. A lot of the tans ended up dying in the crash. Vertigo was put in a coma from it, but she recently got better. Despite all his screw ups, all the other -tans have a crush on him.
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