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- >$6001
- >A-ENERGY BOX x3 (A very useful barter item that can be used at shops and other places to buy goods.)
- >C-EXTRACT? x3 (Very useful as a bribe and shop resource in the City. Compared to the cherry red of normal C-Extract, it's a dark crimson red. More natural, maybe?)
- >W-CORP CORPORATE MAGAZINE (Contains a variety of anti-anomaly tech and other W-Corp products. Can be used during FREE TIME and the SET UP PHASE to purchase items, or for a huge upcharge, in the middle of a mission.)
- >J-CORP CATALOG (Contains a variety of training manuals and equipment to improve your combat abilities, on hire guards to keep you safe, and specialized ammo and grenade types.)
- >V-CORP CATALOG (Sells a lot of low quality ammo, healing items, and consumables at rock bottom prices. With V-Company interested in your recent victories, they're willing to sell items at a profit loss for them.)
- >D-CORP BRIEFCASE (Has research documents about various anomalies throughout the City and the location of the facilities they are currently staffed at. Can be consumed for 1 D-Corp favor. When owned, lowers the DC of all checks involving anomalies by 1 and will improve SEEKER OF THE CITY's ability to offer advice involving anomalies.)
- >G-CORP BRIEFCASE (Has bizarre diagrams of prototype vehicles that Adam says should not be possible through any Singularity-based tech he knows about. Counts as 1 G-Corp favor. While owned, lowers COGNIZANCE and TALENT DCs involving vehicles by 1.)
- >O-CORP BRIEFCASE (Most of the papers seem to be handwritten letters about wanting to 'go back to the past'. Maruyama notices they're doing a lot of transactions with T-Corp. The date 'December 31th 1999' keeps popping up. Counts as 1 O-Corp favor. While owned, lowers WILLPOWER and CHARM DCs when interacting with O-Corp by 1.)
- >2 SPACE AGE COMPUTER CHIPS (A tech savvy ally like Benjamin, Adam, Maruyama, or Kiara might be able to figure out more about them. Though some part of you tells you Alexis knows as well?)
- >3 SPACE AGE SATELLITE TILES (Very sturdy. Can be sold for a massive profit, though it might be wise to keep them?)
- >2 SPOOK DOCUMENTS (It'll take some time to decode all of them. You and Wendy will passively do so as you explore.)
- >APPENDIXED FROSTBITTEN TOME. (A hefty book filled to the brim with excerpts from old manifestos, archived speeches from 300+ years ago, and other mostly forgotten historic information. Reduces the DC of certain checks involving I-Corp's history or people or while exploring its district by 3 and SEEKER will be FAR better at informing you how to handle any I-Corp related tomfuckery. You can also sell it to I-Corp for $2000.)
- >HELIOS SEEKER MKv2 (MISC RELIC. An odd looking detonator painted blazing orange. Has two charges, regains one per mission. One charge can be spent to rapidly heat a single target to deal 8 FLESH damage, one can be spent to fire a beam down that deals massive AoE damage to all within its radius. Useful for single target or building destruction.)
- >WATER PURIFICATION DEVICE + IODINE TABLET PACK x3 (Not useful to you at all but can be sold for a massive profit.)
- >CITY CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS VOLUME 62 (Will slowly consumed until being removed from your inventory. Passively upgrades SEEKER OF THE CITY for both you and Kiara to help the two of you interact with Cityslickers better.)
- >MEMORIES OF A FORGOTTEN ERA (A soot-stained camera that shows you visions from the past. Seems to be able to delve deep into someone's past. You may also use it at any time to try taking items from the past into the current day or to talk to people from the past., though this may not be available in all missions.)
- >"NEW YOU". (A bizarre anomalous artifact that shifts its form into different types of clothing depending on what ally it wants to copy. It can copy one boon at a time while also granting a small stat boost. You may swift what form it's in once per mission. Details will be recorded on your MAIN CHARACTER SHEET.)
- >HOLY TEARS (A small piece of liquid with a minor yet comforting presence to it. Can be drank to grant minor RESTRAINT regeneration for a short duration. Has enough for two sips.)
- >WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH. (Once per mission, you may activate the pocketwatch to stop time for everyone else but you for ten seconds. Unlocks certain actions otherwise impossible by most other means. At the cost of FLESH and RESTRAINT, you can stop time for an extra 5 seconds to add +2d4 to checks in time stop and lowering related DCs by 2.)
- >DRIFTWOOD IDOL. It offers you protection in your most dire moments. (Thrice per mission, if you or an ally would take 2 or more FLESH/RESTRAINT damage, it is reduced to 1 instead.)
- >RED ROTARY PHONE (Made out of a burnt and tarnished red metal. Old blood stains coat the rotary dial. Scratched onto the side is "ЗBOHИTE, КOГДA BAM HУЖHA ПOMOЩЬ. TPEБУETCЯ OTBETИTЬ TOЛЬКO HA ДBA ЗBOHКA." Has one charge, may be used to call for help regardless of time or place.)
- >PULSATING GEAR (Passively interferes with electronics and other machinery. Thrice per mission, may add +2d6 to any COGNIZANCE check and you'll have a chance to automatically unlock any digital device you come across. May unlock certain choices. May passively unlock digital devices. Has two charges this mission.)
- >FORGOTTEN SIGNAL. Something's wrong in the system. A spirit? A curse? Perhaps something even worse. ( At the start of a mission and randomly during one, it will foretell of specific events and a hint on how best to deal with them.)
- >TARNISHED GOLDEN NECKLACE. Some say that even the richest people are just as filthy as you and I. (Unlocks unique dialogue choices when interacting with Corporate Families or high ranking Corporate Officials. You might able to learn some VERY valuable secrets this way.)
- >MANAGER'S FLESH (A manager's command is absolute. Each turn, once per ally, an ally may reroll any three dice they roll for an attack or skill check they roll for. Has no other limits, may be used as often as possible. Passively increases the THREAT LEVEL of missions.)
- >FRACTURED IRIDESCENT KING (A glass-like king chess piece barely held together by its own force of will. Whenever you target or damage an enemy with an ability or PARADIGM, you do a minor amount of ESOTERIC DAMAGE to them on top of any other effects.)
- >THE ADMIRAL'S MEDAL (One of his many medals. The mere sight of it emboldens your mind. Once per mission, if you would fail a RESTRAINT, WILLPOWER or COGNIZANCE check, you may choose to automatically pass it.)
- >MACE OF ACERBITY (ODDITY WEAPON. A porcelain mace constantly oozing out a foul black tar. ATTACK ROLL: RESTRAINT*1.5, rounded up. Inflicts MELTED on hit, reducing MAX FLESH by 4 and lowering any attack dice the target rolls by 3.)
- >A PERFECT NOTHING (PARADIGM. A fist sized glass ball that seems to flicker in and out of existence. Has three charges that recharge over time. It will passively spend charges to erase evidence you leave behind, slowing down any spooks or corporate enemies tracking you down.)
- >MYSTERY BOX (ODDITY. Has nothing set in stone inside of it. Can be opened to generate an item you desperately need the most. Can also be opened to generate 6d100 random items.)
- >IN THE YEAR 2525! (PARADIGM CONSUMABLE. One charge. Can revert ONE ally death regardless of their physical condition. The most potent backup option possible.)
- >ANTENNAE TO HEAVEN! (ODDITY TOOL. A long stick made out of keratin and scrap metal. Allows for communion with higher powers that are otherwise inaccessible to mortals. You can use this to contact a 'higher power' during brief free time sections.)
- >CORRODED CAR FRESHENER (ODDITY. A small black plastic tree that smells of vomit. Has two charges, one charge can inflict a CRIPPLING INJURY to an enemy for free! No action required!)
- >Map of your hidden supply caches across the City.
- >A specialty Lockpicking Set. If you need a door open, this will help you out. (Grants a +2 TALENT bonus to forcing open manual locks and a +1 to electric locks.)
- >IMPROVED GAS MASK (Same as above but boosts your VIOLENCE by 1.)
- >EARPIECE (Useless by its own, Alexis and Benjamin have the other ones and they're out of range.)
- >DIGITAL CAMERA (A highly valued E-Company product. Has enough charge to take up to 9 pictures.)
- >H-COMPANY BUSINESS CARD (A sign of corporate approval. Can be used to access exclusive H-Company products from shops around the City.)
- >X-CORP ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL (Passively grants the user a 10% discount in all X-Corp neutral and allied corporate stores and the ability to add +1d4 to any attack roll they make (once per attack). Also counts as two X-CORP FAVORS if spent.)
- >HARVESTER TEETH NECKLACE. "Freshly picked from me! I regrow them!" (Supposedly lucky to have this on your purchase. Once per mission, you may reroll all dice you roll on any check. Recharged)
- >Y-CORP HANDHELD TELEPORTER (Can teleport you to any place in the City you know the exact location of after a short booting up sequence. Has one charge. Useful emergency button.)
- >P-CORP ENERGY COUNTER (Coated in salt and constantly ticking. Once you're in a less anomalously statured area, it gives you a forewarning if something anomalous is nearby or approaching you.)
- >S-CORP LEDGER (A commercial ledger filled to the brim with various classified transactions between S-Corp, L-Corp, P-Corp, and R-Corp. Will take some time to read through. May make a DC 20 COGNIZANCE check at any time to skim through all of the garbage.)
- >IMPROVED WINTER OUTFIT (Reduces all FLESH damage taken from extreme cold by 2 and from intense heat by 1 [can reduce to 0]. Has a small chance to negate 1 FLESH damage from other sources. Can be worn over most armors.)
- >RAW MOONSTONE GAS DETECTOR. (Has three charges that slowly regenerates over time. Warns you of potential gas leaks for your own safety and to help find RAW MOONSTONE CHUNKS.)
- >POWER DRILL. "Rips through everything with ease." (Has five fuel tanks.. Can spend 1 tank to precisely rip through a large section of stone or to make a ATTACK ROLL of 2d8+TALENT+VIOLENCE)
- >DYNAMITE BUNDLE x3. "I see that H-Corp ID card. Here, have this! From Mr. Pete himself." (A highly potent explosive that can be used to quickly cave in passages, blow open barricades, or to heavily damage the structural integrity of a building.)
- >A-ENERGY SIPHON x7 (While active, all nearby anomalies, anomalous humans, and PARADIGMs aside from your own will have their abilities hampered when they enter this device's area of effect.)
- >MAKESHIFT POCKETWATCH (Runs off a mixture of VOID, DWARF, and MOONSTONE. Can be used to detect shifts in time, space, and reality that would otherwise be impossible to notice. Very fragile.)
- >ELITE SILVER WALKIE TALKIE (Crackles with voices you can't quite recognize and some that you do. Allows you to listen in on the spooks. This one has access to some secret channels. You may use a FREE ACTION to listen to it at any time.)
- >TORCH GUN+ x3 (ATTACK ROLL: COGNIZANCE+1. Due to burning fuel more efficiently, each can be used 6 times. They can now burn things 50% quicker than normal torch guns, saving you time in stressful situations.)
- >ICE PICK x2 (ATTACK ROLL: VIOLENCE+2. Causes bleeding on hit, draining FLESH over time. Allows the user to climb up otherwise impossible to traverse terrain.)
- >H-CORP WARMING UNIT Z-5 (A bulky metal box with mesh grates all over it. Produces a constant level of heat around itself. Can be used to cook food or to keep people warm.)
- >REINFORCED OIL LANTERN! (Has enough fuel for eight charges. Passively lights up the environment around you. Incredibly durable from all forms of damage. When thrown at an enemy, deal scaling fire damage equal to the amount of charges left.)
- >STATIS FIELD GENERATOR (A very expensive I-Corp product that uses their Singularity, locks the current state of the MIND and BODY while active. Can be used to generate a temporary shield that blocks 20 total FLESH and RESTRAINT damage across the party.)
- >RADIO R-3-121-5 (RELIC EQUIPMENT. A very sturdy radio that, due to unusual design, produces untraceable signals. Allows for long distance communication without the Spooks or any other faction being able to know. Can also be used to contact allies you didn't hire for information.)
- >MATTER RECYCLER MARK v1 (A simple device meant to stretch out resources. While in your inventory, you have a small chance to earn AMMO back when firing your weapons.)
- >AUTOMATIC GPS TRACKER (Automatically activates at the start of the mission. Points towards the most direct route to your MISSION GOAL.)
- >Q-CORP SECURITY UNIFORMS (ARMOR. Has thin padding and protection while giving you a rush of AUTHORITY. Can block 4 FLESH damage before needing repairs, boosts VIOLENCE by 1 when it has 1 or more FLESH BLOCK charges.)
- >I-CORP PERSERVATION UNIT #05-28-1. (Locks the stats of the user for a medium duration, preventing them from being lowered in any way, including through damage or through consumable/item effects.)
- >SHIELD PROJECTOR Y-59 (Has two charges. Can spend one to add a 3 point health shield to a target. This shield eats FLESH and RESTRAINT damage.)
- >IMPLANT INVERTER x2 (A small needle-like device. When used on an a target, roll a 1d20. If 1-5, nothing happens. Otherwise the implants in the target's body will have their positive effects inverted into comparable downsides.)
- >MAKESHIFT INVISIBILITY SHIELD GENERATOR (A small handheld device that was clearly slapped together out of spare parts. Has one charge. When used, enemies will have a harder time noticing you and you and up to 6 allies can gain a 16% dodge rate due to your transparency.)
- >"P-CORP LETTER OF RECOMMNDATION" (A letter made to show P-Corp you are someone to trust. P-Corp officials will passively offer you and your associates more lenience. Occasionally, you may even receive small bribes and rewards from P-Corp officials.)
- >GRAVITY GENERATOR x2 (Used by G-Corp truckers to lighten the loads inside their truckers. Has two charges. Affects roughly 40-50 feet worth of space. Can be used to weaken or strengthen gravity respectively to aid or impede movement.)
- >DEACON DESTIN'S COMPASS. (CLASS 7 RELIC EQUIPMENT. This compass points to a location that does not yet exist. Surrender. Unlocks the ability to detect and find anomalies with ease in order to gain PARADIGMS. Anomalies encountered via this item are far more aggressive and dangerous. but also offer far more potent rewards.)
- -.357 REVOLVER (The Boss' favorite gun. Feels insanely satisfying to use and has a small chance of healing RESTRAINT when fired. Attacks made with it roll TALENT+3. Uses REVOLVER BULLETS)
- >NICOLE'S FEDKILLER (Your PARADIGM. ATTACK ROLL: WILLPOWER+VIOLENCE+4. Deals equal measures of FLESH and RESTRAINT damage to enemies. Attacks made by it deal lingering MIXED damage and will partially negate any regeneration on the enemy. Nothing will survive this. Uses SHOTGUN SLUGS)
- >FLINTLOCK PISTOL (Left behind by the Senior Pirate B. ATTACK ROLL: TALENT+1. Can be used at the same time as a light melee weapon, combining their attack rolls.)
- >HOLY OIL x2 (A bright white fluid blessed by five N-Corp Cardinals. When applied to a weapon or piece of ammo, the next attack made inflicts ESOTERIC DAMAGE. ESOTERIC DAMAGE bypasses most forms of protection and deals hard to heal STAT damage to a target.)
- >ASSAULT RIFLE (A X-Corp exclusive. ATTACK ROLL: TALENT+4. Consumes 3 RIFLE AMMO per shot. Deals FLESH damage to multiple enemies at once when used, good for crowd clearing.)
- >MOSIN NAGNAT (RELIC WEAPON. Uses RIFLE AMMO. ATTACK ROLL: HIGHEST STAT OF USER+4. Treats 1s and 2s in combat as half successes. The gun of the gods.)
- >CRYO GRENADE x8 (Deals lingering cold damage to enemies, reducing their max FLESH by 2 and their dice amount by 3 permanently. Extra effective against biologicals.)
- >ECLIPSE SILKBOMB x2 (When used, it creates a thick web made out of sticky silk in a small area around where you threw it, blocking approaching enemies and creating cover in the middle of battle.)
- >HEMOGLOBIN GRENADES x2 (Bright white balls with teal paneling all over them. Produces a thick sticky red substance that clogs up doorways or freezes enemies in place, requiring them to make a VIOLENCE check to break out of. Passively deals MIXED DAMAGE to anything trapped by its gel.)
- >N-COMPANY BLESSED ARTS SCROLL 4: BINDING (A blessed piece of paper imbued with the hopes, dreams, and spirits of several N-Corp priests. When used, up to three targets are bound in place by blessed chains, preventing them from attacking for a turn.)
- >EMP GRENADE x4 (Very effective against those with implants and robotic threats. Targets multiple enemies. Disables nearby electronics and implants for a short duration. When used on a mechanical anomaly, android, or cyborg, you roll an extra 4d6 dice when attacking it and deal automatic FLESH damage to them.)
- >EXPLOSIVE IMPLANT (You obviously aren't using this on your allies. When used as a weapon, adds +5d12 to the next attack roll and deals insane FLESH damage. Can easily be hidden in a person's body for surprise explosive tomfuckery!)
- >MODIFIED VX-9-BN GAS GRENADE x2 (Filled with a modified VX-NINE gas that erases the soul. Inflicts SOUL ROT when breathed in, reducing all stats by 6 while active.)
- >GRENADE LAUNCHER (ATTACK ROLL: 12d12, can not be modified by any BOONS or BANES. Only has one shot. A direct hit kills any target with 6 or less FLESH, has splash damage of 3 FLESH that hits up to 5 targets.)
- >NIC-SMI-WES REVOLVER (REVOLVER. A gnarly pink and yellow revolver. Smells of misguided justice. ATTACK ROLL: WILLPOWER*1.25, deals exclusively RESTRAINT damage. Can fire without spending ammo if need be.)
- >REVOLVER BULLET x8 (Used for revolvers. Duh.)
- >SHOTGUN SLUG x14 (Used for shotguns. Duh.)
- >RIFLE AMMO x37 (Used by RIFLES. Very rare, use this WISELY. You probably won't get any more for a while.)
- >HOLLOWPOINT RIFLE AMMO x9 (Allows the user to reroll four of their dice when fired. Offers no other benefit.)
- >EXPLOSIVE RIFLE AMMO x3 (When attacking, you roll an additional +2d10 (9-10 = 3 successes) and you deal extra splash damage to two random enemies.)
- >SILVER BULLETS x4 (Can be used in any gun. When fired, heals 1 FLESH or RESTRAINT, whichever is lowest)
- >SILVER SHOTGUN SLUG x4 (SILVER AMMO only usable by SHOTGUNS. Does MIXED DAMAGE to all targets and heals an extra 1 FLESH and RESTRAINT when hitting an anomalous human.)
- >MINDBREAKER REVOLVER BULLETS x6 + MINDBREAKER RIFLE AMMO x4 (RELIC AMMO. Attacks made using this ammo bypass all mental protection and will deal massive MENTAL damage on hit. Good for eliminating targets otherwise too hard to kill.)
- >BREAKER BULLET x4 (I-Corp's specialty ammo, mostly used by the Maus family. Can be used to fire a conceptual 'breaking' effect, adding +1d20 to any check the user desires. Can also be used as regular bullets.)
- >MICROJET RIFLE CARTIDGES x6 (RELIC RIFLE AMMO. Specialty ammo that accelerates to speeds 3.5x faster than an average bullet while being nearly silent. Shots made will not be detectable by enemies and you deal an extra 4 FLESH damage with sneak attacks.)
- >Q-CORP SHOTGUN SLUG x3 (Has no inherent attack roll bonuses but attacks made with it will damage COGNIZANCE, TALENT, and max RESTRAINT on hit. Good for weakening ranged units or driving people insane.)
- >Q-CORP REVOLVER ROUND x3 (Has no inherent attack roll bonuses but attacks made with it will damage COGNIZANCE, TALENT, and max RESTRAINT on hit. Good for weakening ranged units or driving people insane.)
- >GALAXYSTONE RIFLE AMMO x3 (Made from the glimmering, CHARM boosting GALAXYSTONE. Deals no damage but against mentally weak targets, it temporarily converts them to an ally to fight on your behalf. Wears off shortly.)
- >HALF FULL HEAVY RIFLE MAGAZINE (Contains 15 bullets. Attacks made with this ammo will always inflict CRIPPLING INJURIES and will deal 2 extra FLESH damage to non-android targets. Has a rare chance to stun.)
- >HIRCHSTONE SHOTGUN SLUGS x8 (Shotgun slugs filled with a fleshy, orange-pink material. Attacks made with this roll d10s and deal ESOTERIC damage to SPOOKS. Has a 50% chance to heal the user by 3 FLESH + RESTRAINT on killing a SPOOK.)
- >SINNLÖSCHEN x2 (+2 WILLPOWER, you roll d8s when making WILLPOWER checks and -1 FLESH DAMAGE taken while active. Constantly drains your RESTRAINT while active.)
- >CYANIDE PILL x3 (Aren't they meant to be installed into your teeth? Does massive FLESH damage and does STAT damage to FLESH, TALENT, VIOLENCE, COGNIZANCE, and WILLPOWER. Easily dissolves in water.)
- >"UVX MODEL #222" (A experimental X-Corp ointment altered due to recent training data from a 'N.S.', meant for topical application. Applies FLESH regeneration and boosts max FLESH by 1 while active. Still has side effects when used.)
- >MOONSTONE FRAGMENT x3 (A fragment of a Moonstone. It crackles soothingly. Allows you or an ally to reroll three RESTRAINT or WILLPOWER dice when consumed.)
- >RAW MOONSTONE CHUNK (A dark royal purple gemstone with a potent gas swirling inside of it. When used on you, allows you to use a FOCUSED ability for free. When used on an ally, they add +3d8 to their next RESTRAINT or WILLPOWER check.)
- >RAW VOIDSTONE CHUNK x3 (A vantablank gemstone that seems to absorb all the light around it. When consumed, temporarily boosts all stats by 1 and heals 1 RESTRAINT + FLESH. VERY valuable when sold.)
- >REFINED ZANAL x2 (When consumed, +1 to all stats and you roll d8s for the next two rolls you make. Wears off after your second roll. No downside.)
- >NOLNOL PILLS x2 (Produced by a B.A. and sponsored by M.K. When consumed, offers mild RESTRAINT regeneration and your powers take 1 less RESTRAINT to use. If used on an ally, they take 1 less RESTRAINT until it wears off.)
- >V-COMPANY CIGARETTE x2 (Heals 5 RESTRAINT at the cost of 2 FLESH damage and a Crippling Injury.)
- >'HÄLSA' BLOOD REPLACEMENT VIAL (A bright blue vial that glows in the dark. Enables powerful but short-lived FLESH + RESTRAINT regeneration. When used on a EVIGT IMPLANT user, the duration is extended greatly.)
- >'속도' BLOOD REPLACEMENT VIAL x2 (A bright blue vial that glows in the dark. Temporarily boosts all stats by 2 on use. When used on a EVIGT IMPLANT user, the duration is extended greatly.)
- >'공습' BLOOD REPLACEMENT VIAL (When consumed, boosts all stats by 3 temporarily. When used by a SILVER IMPLANT user, boosts all stats by 4 temporarily and converts all dices the user rolls to d8s until it wears off.)
- >"УБИЙCTBO" BLOOD REPLACEMENT VIAL x2 (A crimson red vial that reeks of blood and hate. When consumed, boosts MAX FLESH and VIOLENCE by 3 for a long duration. When used by a SILVER IMPLANT user, heal 3 FLESH and 3 RESTRAINT as well.)
- >'NIONIO" BLOOD REPLACEMENT VIAL x2 (Smells like mangos, bubblegum, and pent up repression. Permanently increases WILLPOWER by 1 on use. When used by a SILVER IMPLANT user, permanently increases two stats of the user choice by 1.)|
- >"NIENAWIŚĆ" BLOOD REPLACEMENT VIAL ("Had to pay a lot to get this." A jet black vial that radiates an off aura. When consumed, boosts VIOLENCE by 6 and the user rolls d8s on VIOLENCE checks for a long duration. On a SILVER IMLANT USER, heals 5 FLESH as well.)
- >WHITE POWDER x3 (Boost VIOLENCE and TALENT by 2 for a short duration and heals 1 RESTRAINT, deals 1 FLESH damage on use.)
- >SWEET COMA (DRUG. Made from MUSHROOM DREAMS extract that has been refined by BENJAMIN. Heals FLESH and RESTRAINT by 5.)
- >SILVER AGENT TEETH (The REFINED ZANAL inside has been partially consumed but you can still extract the liquid inside. When consumed, adds +1 to all stats for the next three rolls and you roll d7s for said rolls. Wears off after the third roll.)
- >J-CORP BADGE (An ancient J-Corp police commissioner badge. You may use it to automatically pass any non-combat related check against a J-Corp official.)
- >PEP PILL ZETA BOTTLE (A bottle of two pills. Each pill allows you to add 4 to the final tally of a COGNIZNACE, RESTRAINT, or FLESH roll.)
- >SILVER CIGARETTE PACK (These fuckers got a BRAND? Has three cigarettes. One cigarette heals 2 RESTRAINT and adds +1d12 to the next roll the user makes.)
- >ENCHANCED GAUZE ROLL (Can heal 2 FLESH, heal a CRIPPLING INJURY, or to heal two CRIPPLING INJURIES if used with UVX.)
- >GRADE A RATION (Highly nutritious and actually tasty! Soldiers would kill for this. Literally. Heals 1 FLESH and RESTRAINT, adds +2d4 to the next three FLESH and/or TALENT rolls the user makes.)
- >HEMATGON BAR x3 (RELIC CONSUMABLE. An old Russian classic made out of condensed blood, milk, syrup, and enough drugs to kill a horse. Heals 4 FLESH and replaces 1 CRIPPLING INJURY with a weaker version.)
- >REFINED BINARYSTONE (Boosts two of the user's stats by 1 permanently, no questions asked, no gimmicks. It just upgrades people.)
- >HIRCHSTONE (A specialized, fur-covered stone made by a Wendy Walker from an unknown pink/orange blood sample. Increases WILLPOWER by 8 and reduces all RESTRAINT damage taken by 2 for a short duration on use.)
- >TRAUMA KIT (Very user friendly. Has three charges One charge can heal 1 FLESH, two can heal a CRIPPLING INJURY, three revives someone out of CRITICAL STATE with half FLESH.)
- >ADRENALINE SHOT x2 (Fully heals FLESH and RESTRAINT, removes panic and revives anyone in CRITICAL STATE. Deals damage equal to half their FLESH and RESTRAINT after it wears off.)
- >Z-CORP AMPULE x3 (Heals 2 FLESH and RESTRAINT, no questions asked. A very potent healing item.)
- >K-CORP UNIVERSAL PURGING AGENT (A thin, watery paste contained in a plastic bottle. Has two charges. When used, it instantly purifies a room's worth of contaminants and allows for safe travel through otherwise dangerous locations. Can also dissolve organic materials that are too tough to damage.)
- >"OPEN YOUR MIND" BRANDED PILLS. (Adds +1d12 to the next three RESTRAINT, WILLPOWER, or COGNIZANCE checks made by the consumer.)
- >Q-COMPANY GROWN HEMP x4 (Heals 1 RESTRAINT and for the next two rolls you make, you roll an additional 1d8.)
- >'HAPPINESS IN A PILL :)" (An oddly marked bottle with five pills. One pill heals 3 FLESH and boosts all PHYSICAL STATS (TALENT/VIOLENCE/FLESH) by 2 for a short duration. Has the side effect of possibly inflicting a good, neutral, or bad MUTATION status. Harmful MUTATIONS will require some healing items and COGNIZANCE checks to remove.
- >Q-CORP DRONE ENRICHMENT ELECTROLYES x2 (A packet of off-yellow powder. Should you even be eating this? When consumed, applies ENRICHED, which blocks the next CRIPPLING INJURY you would take.)
- >Q-CORP SUGARY WAFER DELIGHT ('MADE OUT OF 95% DRONE MILK'. Drone...milk? What? Heals 1 RESTRAINT and adds +2d4 to the next two COGNIZANCE or RESTRAINT checks the user makes.)
- >Q-CORP CIGARETTE PACK (Has four cigarettes left. When used, converts the next three dice someone rolls into d9s.)
- >MINDSHATTER PILLS x2 (Also known as LSD. This stuff was clearly watered down stock though. Heal 2 RESTRAINT and boosts WILLPOWER by 1 for a very long duration on use.)
- >ZPZ DUST x2 (A highly illegal anesthetic that is known to have radical side effects. Reduces all FLESH and RESTRAINT damage taken by 3 for a short duration on use. While active, attacks have a far higher chance of inflicting CRIPPLING INJURIES.)
- >CHEST PAIN BRANDED CIGARETTES (ODDITY CONSUMABLE. A bootleg pack of cigarettes found in the Endless Wastes outside of City limits. Has three charges. Deals 1 FLESH and RESTRAINT damage on use but boosts three stats of the user's choice by 2 for a short duration.)
- >RAW SUNSTONE CHUNK x4 (A bright red gemstone that burns your hand if you hold it for too long. Blocks up to 2 FLESH damage before shattering.
- >POLISHED NOVASTONE x4 (A bright white gemstone that shines with the brightness of a star. Deals 1d6 FIRE damage to five targets and does permanent COGNIZANCE, FLESH and TALENT damage.)
- >DAMDAM PILL x4 (When consumed, the user adds +2d6 to the next three TALENT, COGNIZANCE, or CHARM rolls they make.)
- >SUNSTONE FRAGMENT x3 (A fragment of a Sunstone. It crackles like a roaring fire. Allows you or an ally to reroll three VIOLENCE or TALENT dice when consumed.)
- >PINK BINARYSTONE (The user rolls d8s on all rolls for a medium duration, very useful.)
- >SUNSTONE x3 (A refined SUNSTONE, made by W-Corp. Has three charges. You may spend a charge to add +2d8 to any dice roll you make.)
- >MOONSTONE x3 (A refined MOONSTONE, made by W-Corp. Has three charges. Blocks 2 RESTRAINT damage per charge.)
- >REFINED GALAXYSTONE x3 (An obnoxiously bedazzled gemstone. Adds +3d9 to any CHARM, CONNECTIONS or COGNIZANCE check.)
- >JOYVEL V2 PILL BOTTLE (Small orange pill bottles filled with light yellow pills. 10 pills per bottle. Heals 1 RESTRAINT per pill.)
- >SINSU V1 PILL BOTTLE (A small red pill bottle filled with darker red pills. 10 pills inside the bottle. Heals 1 FLESH per pill.)
- >QUNSEY PILL BOTTLE (A grey pill bottle filled with half beeswax yellow, half grey pills. 10 pills inside. One pill lets you reroll two dice on a CONNECTIONS/CHARM/TALENT check, two pills lets you roll 3d6 of ANY Check.)
- >WAXEN PEARL SUPPLEMENT x4 (A small white pill with a smooth edible wax coat. When consumed, boosts max FLESH by 1 for a mission's duration and heals 1 FLESH.)
- >HOLY WATER FLOWER BROTH x4 (A light green soup broth. When drunk, boosts all stats by 1 for a short duration. When the stat boost wears off, heal 2 RESTRAINT.)
- >FAUX MEAT SANDWICH x4 (A simple sandwich with meaty mushrooms and moss as the filling. When consumed, the user rolls d8s with melee attacks for a super long duration. In addition, it boosts MAX FLESH/VIOLENCE/TALENT by 2 for a long duration.)
- >RUSTY BLUE PILL x4 (A off-greyish blue pill, made with love. Boosts CHARM and CONNECTIONS by 4 for a short duration and, once the boost wears off, heals 2 RESTRAINT.)
- >DREAMY GREEN CHERRY SYRUP x3 (A super thick green syrup that lingers in your mouth. Adds 3d10 to your next WILLPOWER roll and the next time you take RESTRAINT damage, reduce it by 3.)
- >LATE TIME SUPPLEMENT x4 (A thick yellow/blue gel meant to be applied to your skin. Cures a MENTAL or ANOMALOUS mental status effect, heals 1 RESTRAINT and boosts COGNIZANCE by 1 for a mission's duration.)
- >MINTY GREEN CANDLE x4. (Edible. Smells like mint. When lit, anyone within a small radius of it takes 1 less damage from all sources. Enemies will take 1 more damage from all sources instead.)
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