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a guest
Oct 22nd, 2018
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  1. 16:18 ~/Sites/eduguide/ git:origin/feature/paths ✯> git add .
  2. between goals and paths (this form styling will be used for future pages as well)
  3. > "
  4. [origin/feature/paths 7a3b13d] first pass at making unified markup and style for form pages shared between goals and paths (this form styling will be used for future pages as well)
  5. 11 files changed, 1436 insertions(+), 1068 deletions(-)
  6. create mode 100644 images/bg_btn_people_working_more_large.gif
  7. create mode 100644 images/bg_participant_progress_expand_toggled.gif
  8. rewrite system/application/views/goals/adopt_edit_team_user.php (72%)
  9. rewrite system/application/views/goals/create_edit.php (75%)
  10. rewrite system/application/views/goals/create_edit_admin.php (79%)
  11. rewrite system/application/views/goals/create_edit_team.php (73%)
  12. create mode 100644 system/application/views/goals/framework.php
  13. 16:19 ~/Sites/eduguide/ git:origin/feature/paths > gst
  14. # On branch origin/feature/paths
  15. # Your branch is ahead of 'develop' by 1 commit.
  16. #
  17. nothing to commit (working directory clean)
  18. 16:19 ~/Sites/eduguide/ git:origin/feature/paths > git pull
  19. From .
  20. * branch develop -> FETCH_HEAD
  21. Already up-to-date.
  22. 16:19 ~/Sites/eduguide/ git:origin/feature/paths > git push
  23. Everything up-to-date
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