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Jun 13th, 2018
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  1. Test Name: TestCalculatorWin7("Scientific",null)
  2. Test FullName: AutoTests.Steps.CalculatorFeature.TestCalculatorWin7("Scientific",null)
  3. Test Source: C:\Automation\techcur\i.gavdur\CSharpDesctop\AutoTests.Steps\Calculator.feature : line 3
  4. Test Outcome: Failed
  5. Test Duration: 0:00:02,434
  7. Result StackTrace:
  8. at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.HandleFail(String assertionName, String message, Object[] parameters)
  9. at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsNotNull(Object value, String message)
  10. at AutoTests.Framework.BaseWindow..ctor(String nameWindow) in C:\Automation\techcur\i.gavdur\CSharpDesctop\AutoTests.Framework\BaseWindow.cs:line 20
  11. at AutoTests.Commons.Windows.CalculatorWindow..ctor(String _nameWindow) in C:\Automation\techcur\i.gavdur\CSharpDesctop\AutoTests.Commons\Windows\CalculatorWindow.cs:line 10
  12. at AutoTests.Steps.CalculatorSteps.CheckOpenedCalculator() in C:\Automation\techcur\i.gavdur\CSharpDesctop\AutoTests.Steps\CalculatorSteps.cs:line 28
  13. at lambda_method(Closure , IContextManager )
  14. at TechTalk.SpecFlow.Bindings.BindingInvoker.InvokeBinding(IBinding binding, IContextManager contextManager, Object[] arguments, ITestTracer testTracer, TimeSpan& duration)
  15. at TechTalk.SpecFlow.Infrastructure.TestExecutionEngine.ExecuteStepMatch(BindingMatch match, Object[] arguments)
  16. at TechTalk.SpecFlow.Infrastructure.TestExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(IContextManager contextManager, StepInstance stepInstance)
  17. at TechTalk.SpecFlow.Infrastructure.TestExecutionEngine.OnAfterLastStep()
  18. at TechTalk.SpecFlow.TestRunner.CollectScenarioErrors()
  19. at AutoTests.Steps.CalculatorFeature.ScenarioCleanup()
  20. at AutoTests.Steps.CalculatorFeature.TestCalculatorWin7(String item, String[] exampleTags) in C:\Automation\techcur\i.gavdur\CSharpDesctop\AutoTests.Steps\Calculator.feature:line 16
  21. --TearDown
  22. at System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState(State state)
  23. at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_HasExited()
  24. at TestStack.White.Application.Close() in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\89a20b30302799e\src\TestStack.White\Application.cs:line 214
  25. at AutoTests.Framework.Applications.CloseApplication() in C:\Automation\techcur\i.gavdur\CSharpDesctop\AutoTests.Framework\Applications.cs:line 15
  26. at AutoTests.Steps.Hooks.Hooks.AfterScenarioStep() in C:\Automation\techcur\i.gavdur\CSharpDesctop\AutoTests.Steps\Hooks\Hooks.cs:line 20
  27. at lambda_method(Closure , IContextManager )
  28. at TechTalk.SpecFlow.Bindings.BindingInvoker.InvokeBinding(IBinding binding, IContextManager contextManager, Object[] arguments, ITestTracer testTracer, TimeSpan& duration)
  29. at TechTalk.SpecFlow.Infrastructure.TestExecutionEngine.InvokeHook(IBindingInvoker invoker, IHookBinding hookBinding, HookType hookType)
  30. at TechTalk.SpecFlow.Infrastructure.TestExecutionEngine.FireEvents(HookType hookType)
  31. at TechTalk.SpecFlow.Infrastructure.TestExecutionEngine.FireScenarioEvents(HookType bindingEvent)
  32. at TechTalk.SpecFlow.Infrastructure.TestExecutionEngine.OnScenarioEnd()
  33. at TechTalk.SpecFlow.TestRunner.OnScenarioEnd()
  34. at AutoTests.Steps.CalculatorFeature.ScenarioTearDown()
  35. Result Message:
  36. Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException : Assert.IsNotNull failed. Window with name Calculator did not find
  37. TearDown : System.InvalidOperationException : No process is associated with this object.
  38. Result StandardOutput:
  39. When open calculator
  40. -> done: CalculatorSteps.OpenCalculator() (0,0s)
  41. Then calculator should be opened
  42. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: AutoTests - Microsoft Visual Studio whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  43. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  44. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: Inbox - - Outlook whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  45. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  46. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: a.ryazantsev - apr2018.xls [Compatibility Mode] - Excel whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  47. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  48. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: QA Lead Interview.docx - Word whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  49. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  50. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: CV - QA Automation Engineer - Artyom Ryazantsev (Protractor, Jmeter).docx - Word whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  51. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  52. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: testng-template-project [C:\Automation\nexusrRepos\testng-template-project] - ...\src\test\resources\ [testng-template-project] - IntelliJ IDEA whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  53. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  54. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe whose dimensions are: 26,26,1898,809, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  55. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  56. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: A1QASEA-1493-i.gavdur-calculator (!7) · Merge Requests · self-education / i.gavdur · GitLab - Google Chrome whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  57. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  58. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: Defect Triage Meeting - Testing Diaries - Google Chrome whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  59. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  60. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: AutoTests - Microsoft Visual Studio whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  61. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  62. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: Inbox - - Outlook whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  63. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  64. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: a.ryazantsev - apr2018.xls [Compatibility Mode] - Excel whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  65. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  66. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: QA Lead Interview.docx - Word whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  67. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  68. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: CV - QA Automation Engineer - Artyom Ryazantsev (Protractor, Jmeter).docx - Word whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  69. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  70. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: testng-template-project [C:\Automation\nexusrRepos\testng-template-project] - ...\src\test\resources\ [testng-template-project] - IntelliJ IDEA whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  71. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  72. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe whose dimensions are: 26,26,1898,809, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  73. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  74. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: A1QASEA-1493-i.gavdur-calculator (!7) · Merge Requests · self-education / i.gavdur · GitLab - Google Chrome whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  75. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  76. [Warn - 10:36:36 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: Defect Triage Meeting - Testing Diaries - Google Chrome whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  77. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  78. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: AutoTests - Microsoft Visual Studio whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  79. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  80. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: Inbox - - Outlook whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  81. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  82. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: a.ryazantsev - apr2018.xls [Compatibility Mode] - Excel whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  83. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  84. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: QA Lead Interview.docx - Word whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  85. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  86. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: CV - QA Automation Engineer - Artyom Ryazantsev (Protractor, Jmeter).docx - Word whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  87. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  88. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: testng-template-project [C:\Automation\nexusrRepos\testng-template-project] - ...\src\test\resources\ [testng-template-project] - IntelliJ IDEA whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  89. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  90. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe whose dimensions are: 26,26,1898,809, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  91. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  92. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: A1QASEA-1493-i.gavdur-calculator (!7) · Merge Requests · self-education / i.gavdur · GitLab - Google Chrome whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  93. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  94. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: Defect Triage Meeting - Testing Diaries - Google Chrome whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  95. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  96. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: AutoTests - Microsoft Visual Studio whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  97. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  98. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: Inbox - - Outlook whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  99. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  100. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: a.ryazantsev - apr2018.xls [Compatibility Mode] - Excel whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  101. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  102. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: QA Lead Interview.docx - Word whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  103. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  104. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: CV - QA Automation Engineer - Artyom Ryazantsev (Protractor, Jmeter).docx - Word whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  105. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  106. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: testng-template-project [C:\Automation\nexusrRepos\testng-template-project] - ...\src\test\resources\ [testng-template-project] - IntelliJ IDEA whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  107. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  108. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe whose dimensions are: 26,26,1898,809, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  109. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  110. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: A1QASEA-1493-i.gavdur-calculator (!7) · Merge Requests · self-education / i.gavdur · GitLab - Google Chrome whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  111. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  112. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: Defect Triage Meeting - Testing Diaries - Google Chrome whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  113. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  114. [Warn - 10:36:37 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: AutoTests - Microsoft Visual Studio whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  115. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  116. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: Inbox - - Outlook whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  117. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  118. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: a.ryazantsev - apr2018.xls [Compatibility Mode] - Excel whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  119. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  120. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: QA Lead Interview.docx - Word whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  121. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  122. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: CV - QA Automation Engineer - Artyom Ryazantsev (Protractor, Jmeter).docx - Word whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  123. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  124. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: testng-template-project [C:\Automation\nexusrRepos\testng-template-project] - ...\src\test\resources\ [testng-template-project] - IntelliJ IDEA whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  125. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  126. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe whose dimensions are: 26,26,1898,809, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  127. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  128. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: A1QASEA-1493-i.gavdur-calculator (!7) · Merge Requests · self-education / i.gavdur · GitLab - Google Chrome whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  129. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  130. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: Defect Triage Meeting - Testing Diaries - Google Chrome whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  131. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  132. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: AutoTests - Microsoft Visual Studio whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  133. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  134. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: Inbox - - Outlook whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  135. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  136. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: a.ryazantsev - apr2018.xls [Compatibility Mode] - Excel whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  137. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  138. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: QA Lead Interview.docx - Word whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  139. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  140. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: CV - QA Automation Engineer - Artyom Ryazantsev (Protractor, Jmeter).docx - Word whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  141. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  142. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: testng-template-project [C:\Automation\nexusrRepos\testng-template-project] - ...\src\test\resources\ [testng-template-project] - IntelliJ IDEA whose dimensions are: 1912,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  143. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  144. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe whose dimensions are: 26,26,1898,809, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  145. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  146. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: A1QASEA-1493-i.gavdur-calculator (!7) · Merge Requests · self-education / i.gavdur · GitLab - Google Chrome whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  147. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  148. [Warn - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.UIItems.UIItem' Window with title: Defect Triage Meeting - Testing Diaries - Google Chrome whose dimensions are: -8,-8,1936,1056, is not contained completely on the desktop 0,0,1920,1080.
  149. UI actions on window needing mouse would not work in area not falling under the desktop
  150. -> error: Assert.IsNotNull failed. Window with name Calculator did not find
  151. When choose menu View item Scientific
  152. -> skipped because of previous errors
  153. And enter number '12'
  154. -> skipped because of previous errors
  155. And enter Add
  156. -> skipped because of previous errors
  157. And enter number '999'
  158. -> skipped because of previous errors
  159. And enter Equals
  160. -> skipped because of previous errors
  161. And enter Memory add
  162. -> skipped because of previous errors
  163. And enter number '19'
  164. -> skipped because of previous errors
  165. And enter Add
  166. -> skipped because of previous errors
  167. And enter Memory recall
  168. -> skipped because of previous errors
  169. And enter Equals
  170. -> skipped because of previous errors
  171. Then the result should be '1030' on the screen
  172. -> skipped because of previous errors
  173. [Info - 10:36:38 AM] 'TestStack.White.Application' Closing Application
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