
F1 AIE Chapter 17

Jul 15th, 2012
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  1. Formula 1 Anon in Equestria Chapter 17
  3. >If you just tuned in with us, Both Anon and Dash collided at 205 MPH going down the backstretch of P0nyville Circuit a few moments ago.
  4. >Wheels touched, Anon's tire blew, Dash's front wing disintegrated, there was spinning. Oh it was a mess.
  5. >So let us take you now to the turn 8 gravel pit where they are standing beside their cars, peacefully discussing what just took place.
  7. >RD: "What do you mean I hit you!? You're the one who turned into me!"
  8. "Well gee Dash, THERE WAS A TURN COMING UP. You shouldn't have crowded me on the edge of the damn track!"
  9. >RD: "Oh my CELESTIA, you're an imbecile. YOU HAVE MIRRORS! USE THEM!"
  10. "What? And get forced off the track by a pony who knows full well that shes slow as shit?"
  11. >RD: "Excuse me!? Who was leading the first 8 laps here!?"
  12. "Only the last lap counts you cyan fuck!"
  13. >Oh, that line struck a nerve. She rears back, getting ready to jump tackle the fuck out of you, but just before she does...
  14. >*CRACK*
  15. >Enter, stage left: Twilight Sparkle.
  16. >TS: "ENOUGH! What the HELL is wrong with you two!?"
  17. >RD: "Well nothing would be wrong if Anon here wasn't such an IDIOT."
  18. "Oh my fucking god."
  19. >TS: "I SAID ENOUGH, BOTH OF YOU. Seriously, you're teammates. You should not be acting like this."
  20. >Twilight then walks over next to your cars giving out an annoyed groan after noticing the damage.
  21. >TS: "This is going to take FOREVER to fix."
  22. >The initial wheel to wheel impact caused your right rear tire to explode along with shattering a few carbon fiber suspension rods back there. The rim is still attached to the car, albeit barely.
  23. >Dash's car suffered a shattered front wing and fractured left front suspension rods.
  24. >Other than all that, everything else on the cars are alright.
  25. >"What do you mean forever? Can't you just magic it all fixed right here?"
  26. >TS: "I could if the parts were still here! Your rear suspension is half gone Anon. I can't create matter."
  27. >Well shit.
  28. >TS: "At least you guys are ok." She says, sighing. "I'm taking the cars back to the garage with me. You two can walk back."
  29. >Three successive cracks of magic and Twilight is gone with both of your cars. Leaving you two by yourselves in the gravel runoff area.
  30. >RD: "This is so your fault." Dash says, looking straight ahead.
  31. "Please. It's at least 60-40."
  32. >RD: "The 60 percent being?"
  33. "You. duh."
  34. >Dash sighs as you two grab your helmets off the ground and begin your trek back to pit lane.
  35. --
  36. >God damn this track is longer than it seems.
  37. >Well, not going around it at breakneck speed will make it seem that way.
  38. >The entire ribbon of asphalt is 3.6 miles long. That's fairly big for a circuit. In the amount of time that you could do one lap in the car, you two haven't even gotten past all of turn 8 yet.
  39. >Walking along the tracks racing line, you notice Rainbow is having a bit of trouble walking while holding into her helmet.
  40. >Shes holding it under her front leg. Grunting every other step just trying to walk like that.
  41. >Back must be acting up again. High speed accidents are never good when you have an injury.
  42. "Want me to take that helmet off your hooves?"
  43. >She then looks up at you with those mean eyes.
  44. >RD: "Iv'e got it, thank you very much. I can walk fine as a tripod."
  45. "You sure? I mean I'm positive that you would be more comfortable if I-"
  46. >RD: "Just take the stupid thing." Dash says as she tosses it to you.
  47. >You clumsily catch her helmet by the chin strap while trying to hold on to your own as well.
  48. >Having a firm grasp on it now, you hold it by the chin bar while having yours tucked under your left arm.
  49. >RD: "If we're not able to race in the next Grand Prix because of this, I'm gonna murder you."
  50. "If worse comes to worst, we'll just be racing in one of our FOUR spare cars. There is no way we'll miss it."
  51. >RD: "Oh yeah, I forgot we had those."
  52. >A few more moments of silence pass by as you reach the end of turn 8. Entrance of pit lane in view.
  53. >
  54. >RD: "Look, I'm willing to not be as mad at you if I can see a replay of what happened."
  55. "No one was filming us."
  56. >RD: "Don't the cars have cameras on them?"
  57. "Well, that T shaped camera pod, yeah."
  58. >RD: "Why don't we just look at the feed from those?"
  59. "We could if Twi recorded us. I highly doubt she did though."
  60. >RD: "Dude, she took you seriously when you said we were doing Research and Development."
  61. "Oh. Ok. Lets go see what happened then."
  62. >RD: "You're gonna see that you turned straight into me. I know what I saw."
  64. >After what seemed like a 30 minute walk, you and Dash have arrived back at the garage.
  65. >The two of you standing just outside, You see Twilight over at the rear of your car repairing the suspension as sparks of magic fly through the air.
  66. >Dash's F1 machine is over on the other side of the garage completely fixed. Apparently it didn't have any parts missing other than the front wing.
  67. >That's an easy fix in itself. Just put a new one on and bam, done.
  68. >RD: "Ha. Looks like I'm racing at Filly!" Dash says, sticking her tongue out at you.
  69. "Oh shut up, I am too. Look at her go."
  70. >The sparks cease as Twilight stops what shes doing, apparently finished with the repair. She gives out a long exhale, then lifts the car up about a foot off the ground with her magic.
  71. >Damn, That's 1300 pounds she just lifted. That is some strong magic ability.
  72. >The car, enveloped in a light purple aura, fires up as she gives the car one final look over.
  73. >The cutie mark "decals" on your rear wing glow brightly as Twi gives the engine a few good revs to see if the rear tires are spinning freely. They do.
  74. >For good measure, she gives the car full throttle for a few seconds checking to see if her repair job can take it. A thunderous backfire echoes through the facility as she releases the throttle.
  75. >Shes her own fucking dynamometer. Holy shit this mare.
  76. >Content with her work, Twi gently sets the car back down after shutting the engine off. She then looks to you two.
  77. >TS: "All fixed!"
  78. "That didn't take forever." you say as you set both yours and Rainbows helmets down.
  79. >TS: "I may have exaggerated a bit. But still, don't do that again."
  80. "Sorry Twi."
  81. >RD: "Yeah sorry. Also, we were wondering if there was anyway where we could see a replay of the crash."
  82. >TS: "That's no problem, follow me. I can tell you right now that it looked like it was just a racing incident. You're both equally to blame."
  84. >You two follow Twilight over to the pit wall gantry and grab a seat in front of the wall of monitors.
  85. >Typing in a few things, Twi pulls up both of your on-board camera feeds at the same time for you to see.
  86. >The feeds begin showing both of you speeding through turn 7. A surprised Dash quickly notices the way you drove the car through the corner.
  87. >RD: "So THAT'S how you were able to get past me."
  88. >TS: "Shh. Watch."
  89. >You watch as your car creeps past Rainbow's left side going down the back stretch at over 200 mph.
  90. >Rapidly approaching turn 8, Dash is right up beside you forcing you to the left edge of the track, almost putting you into the grass.
  91. >You turn in causing your rear and Dash's front tire to make contact. Blowing your tire and destroying Dash's front wing.
  92. >In hindsight, you did turn in a bit early. About 50 feet before you needed to.
  93. >TS: "See Anon? You began your turn a tad too early. But nothing would have happened if you didn't crowd him at the edge of the track Dash."
  94. >RD: "Yeah."
  95. >She looks over to you.
  96. >RD: "You're still an idiot."
  97. "And you're still a bitch."
  98. >*Punch*
  99. "Ow!"
  100. >That was your ARM!
  101. >TS: "Are we good!?" Twi says as she glares at the both of you. "Cool. I'm locking down the cars now. No more driving till we're in Fillydelphia. Got it?"
  102. >Fuck.
  103. >RD: "How do we decide who buys drinks tonight now?"
  104. "Rock, paper, scissors?"
  105. >They both look at you with quirked eyebrows.
  106. >RD & TS: "What?"
  107. >Oh, right. Hooves. Fucking duh.
  108. "Nevermind. I'll buy, it's no biggie. Iv'e got 5000 bits to spend."
  109. >RD: "Sounds good to me!"
  110. >Of course it does.
  113. >Toiletries, check.
  114. >Shirts, check.
  115. >Pants, check.
  116. >Socks & underwear, check.
  117. >Looks like you're all good to start heading to Fillydelphia.
  118. >Oh wait, yeah, should mention the time skip.
  119. >Its now the next Wednesday from when you and Dash had your accident. The track opens up for the first practice session tomorrow.
  120. >Unfortunately, because the track itself is downtown on an island in the middle of a river, there isn't a driver and crew exclusive hotel in the infield. You ended up having to book a hotel yourselves.
  121. >The hotel your staying at is a nice one at least. Fucking five star suites with an overlook of the river and the track itself. Each of you having your own rooms.
  122. >Dash really wanted to share a room. Like, REALLY wanted to. But you declined for obvious reasons.
  123. >Your excuse was that if anything happened between you two out on the track like what happened last week, Dash would most likely not even let you in the room.
  124. >She replied with a "Good point. That sounds like something I would do."
  125. >Yeah fuck that. During a Grand Prix weekend, you want your own damn bed.
  126. >A relationship between two drivers can get real shitty real quick if they wrecked each other.
  127. >Yeah...
  128. > ...Not that you two are in a relationship or anything.
  129. >Nope.
  131. >Well, not yet at least.
  133. >OK. Yeah, quite honestly the mare has started to grow on you over the past week. Shut up.
  134. >Shes just like the kind of girl you wanted back home. A confident and badass woman who appreciates your sport.
  135. >Back home those kind of girls were so few and far between that you didn't have the chance to get to know anyone like that.
  136. >But right there is that kind of girl, and she likes you, ALOT.
  137. >But shes a p0ny.
  138. >
  139. >Slowly but surely you're beginning to look past that. Because other than that shes pretty much the perfect girl for you. The fact that shes a driver makes it just that much better.
  140. >Oh, and how you're planning on letting her know, cause she thinks you're still not ok with it, is going to be the perfect form of payback.
  141. >Remember how she almost slipped the then shocking news to you just before the damn Grand Prix a week ago? Making you send yourself into a curb? Yeah.
  142. >You're going to do the same thing to her, just a little bit more directly than she did it.
  143. >Right before you two strap in to your cars this Sunday, you're gonna walk up to her, not saying a word, and just plant one right on her lips in front of Celestia and everyp0ny. Then walk away like nothing happened.
  144. >Shes either gonna channel that giddy energy she'll get and put it to good use, or crash into the pit wall.
  145. >RD: "Ready Anon? Twilight and I are." Dash says through the door of your room.
  146. "Oh. Yeah, all set."
  147. >RD: "Then lets go. We have 30 minutes to get to the train station before our ride leaves us."
  148. >So you three depart from the library. A very eventful weekend ahead of all of you.
  149. >In more ways than one.
  151. ----
  152. >Hey look, another time skip because Fuck you that was a boring train ride.
  153. >RD: "That ride was boring as hell."
  154. >TS: "No kidding. Glad we're finally here."
  155. >See?
  156. >It's around 8:00 PM. You have arrived in Fillydelphia at the train station situated in the middle of downtown, and the first thing you notice is holy shit are they hyping this Grand Prix up!
  157. >Banners and flags by the hundreds line the streets advertising the upcoming race. It's like the way Baltimare was but tenfold.
  158. >Twilight noticeably gets an uneasy feeling looking around.
  159. >TS: "Uh... We should get to the hotel before anyone sees us."
  160. >RD: "Good idea. Where is it?"
  161. >TS: "Few blocks down this street. Lets go."
  162. >With a sense of urgency, you three start down the busy street hoping that no one notices you.
  163. >If you are noticed, there is a good chance you three are going to get swamped.
  164. >Somep0ny has to recognize you at least. Being the only human in this world, you kinda stick out.
  165. >You winning the last Grand Prix definitely isn't helping the current situation at all either. Everything knows what you look like.
  166. >RD: "Coast is clear so far."
  167. >How? No idea.
  168. >Huh, this city looks alot like one you would see back home. There is even a Starbucks at the first intersection you cross.
  169. >Apparently they didn't need a horse pun for that one. Buck is already in the name. Heh...
  170. >Uh...
  172. >...Everyp0ny sitting in the outside area of that Starbucks is wearing Cloudsdale apparel...
  174. >"Hey look! Its Anon and Rainbow Dash!"
  175. >Fuck.
  176. >"Oh my gosh it is!"
  177. >AAAAAnd they're all coming at you now.
  178. >TS: "RUN!"
  181. >Successfully outrunning the large crowd of caffeinated fan mares, the three of you enter the revolving doors of your hotel, breathing a sigh of relief.
  182. >RD: "Whew! That was a close... Whoa..."
  183. >Whoa is right. The lobby of this place is modern and sleek as fuck. There are even interactive TV monitors in the walls.
  184. >IN the fucking walls.
  185. >For 250 bits a night, it better look like this.
  186. >Twilight looks at both you and Rainbow with your jaws agape and lets out a laugh.
  187. >TS: "Hehe. I knew you guys would like this place. Come on, lets go check in."
  188. ---
  189. >Alright. All of you each have your own rooms for the weekend. Up on the top floor, of course.
  190. >Twilight, Dash, and yourself have rooms 1504, 1505, and 1506 respectively. The view should be really nice up there.
  191. >From the front desk, you look to your right noticing that interactive TV again. So you decide to take this opportunity to walk over and check the weather forecast for this weekend.
  192. >You hit the "Weather" button on the touch screen pulling up the forecast for the next 7 days.
  193. >Thursday: Sunny, 83° F. Light wind.
  194. >Nice.
  195. >Friday: Partly cloudy, 80° F. Light wind.
  196. >Practice will go smoothly. Now what about qualifying?
  197. >Saturday: Heavy rain, 73° F. Windy.
  199. >RD: "What?" Dash says walking up to you, noticing your pissed expression.
  200. >All you do is point to the monitor. Dash fully understanding the situation.
  201. >RD: "Celestia dammit."
  203. >If there is one thing that you two absolutely HATE about this sport. Its the rain.
  204. >Yeah. A team that's sponsored by a weather factory hates racing in wet weather. Who would've thought?
  205. >Anyway. In the dry, You're a great driver. You can make that car do things that barely anyone else can.
  206. >But in the wet? Your skills seem to go out the damn window. It's like being in a completely different fucking car, and you have no idea how to drive it.
  207. >It just has to rain on the day of fucking Qualifying no less. Fuck.
  208. >There goes your pole position hopes. How does Sunday look?
  209. >Sunday: Sunny, 85° F. Calm. The perfect day pretty much.
  210. >RD: "I guess we have a reason to use those wet weather tires now."
  211. "I'm not looking forward to it."
  212. >RD: "It cant be as bad as that testing session in Baltimare a few months ago."
  213. "Just you wait, shits gonna get scary real quick."
  214. >Street circuit = Walls. Barely any runoff areas here. You're piloting skills have to be top notch.
  215. >A car that weighs so little and has that much power is extremely sensitive and twitchy in the wet. More so than it already is in favorable weather.
  216. >So you're going to have to be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT with your inputs in order to just survive the session at this track. One wayward twitch of the foot and your careening into the nearest concrete barrier.
  217. >You sigh as you walk over with luggage in hand and hit the UP button for the elevator. Teammate and crew chief right behind you.
  218. >*Ding*
  220. >*Ding*
  221. >Here we are, fifteenth floor.
  222. >You step out and take a left from the elevator down the blue carpeted hallway, heading toward your room.
  223. >Looking at how far apart the doors are spaced in this hallway kinda give you a hint at how big these suites are gonna be. Pretty damn big.
  224. >1508, 1507, ah there's yours, room 1506.
  225. >As you swipe the room key, Dash passes by you on the way to her room.
  226. >RD: "See ya tomorrow then eh?"
  227. "Yeah, later."
  228. >You open the door to a dark room, so you flip the swit- DAMN!
  229. >Slowly walking in, you look around yourself in awe. It's like you stepped into a fucking house! Kitchen, living room, bedroom, everything!
  230. >The first thing you notice when you enter the living room is the massive flat screen television staring back at you. That's gotta be at least 55 inches. Fuck yeah.
  231. >You eventually break your attention away from the TV remembering that you're on the top floor of the building. So you walk over to the closed curtains and swiftly pull them apart.
  232. >The view that reveals itself is one that literally takes your breath away.
  233. "Wow..."
  234. >Equestria sure is a colorful place. This view just exemplifies that. That sunset is fucking beautiful.
  235. >And there is the massive circuit down below. Sitting off shore of the river going through the city.
  236. >Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, the track this one is a perfect recreation of, is definitely in your top 5 favorite tracks list. You cant wait for tomorrows first practice session.
  237. >RD: "Nice view isn't it?"
  238. "WHOA!"
  239. >You just got startled so bad that you nearly fell over.
  240. "How the fuck did you get in here?"
  241. >Rainbow, lounging on your couch, replies.
  242. >RD: "We got connected rooms! All of us did. Twilight's connects to mine too."
  243. >Who the fuck designed this hotel!?
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