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Nov 18th, 2019
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  1. From napa: Erin messaged me early in the morning. It was a nonchalant message asking if I could join ts and I wasn't worried about anything. My guess was it was just to ask me a question. Five mins after waking up I joined ts and I get moved in a channel with Malen and Erin. Malen then says to me and I quote, "There has been a report on you for taking players IPs, here is a link to Anydesk." I was obviously very confused. I don’t play AT ALL and haven’t played for about a year. I open Anydesk and 45 seconds into the SS they find and app called Wireshark. For those of you who don’t know what it is, it monitors your internet traffic. It is very useful to tell who is ddosing you and to find problems on your internet. It is commonly used by Internet Service Providers to troubleshoot a customer’s internet. NOW. I work for an ISP. So these types of apps are all over my pc. Erin begins questioning me about why I have this application and what I use it for. I then say I mess around for it, I work for an ISP so I heard of it through them, ext, ext. She was not believing ANY of what I was saying and started accusing me of lying. At this point I felt like shit, I woke up no less than 10 mins ago and haven’t had anything to eat or drink. Hell, I haven’t even gone to the bathroom. I was in no mental state to defend myself. She then found an app called RouterSploit. Now, this is an easy app to understand. RouterSploit simply put finds vulnerabilities in your router. Listen to this because this is a key part: RouterSploit ONLY works on the wifi you are on. It CAN NOT physically be used to target other people on a different wifi. This is an application used for PERSONAL use to find vulnerabilities on your OWN router. Erin, of course, started questioning me about this. I started by saying I was curious about this and wanted to know more about it. She, just like last time, was not having any of it. She then started to accuse me of lying about this too. At this point, I knew this was not a good deal. She was beyond reason and started to properly yell at me. She took a couple min break and when she came back she was not yelling. After all of that they wanted to search more. They then went through almost ALL of my private discord Pm’s. This was obviously a bit embarrassing as I have personal messages in, who guessed it, a Private Message. She then began to question absolutely EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER SAID TO ANYONE. She asked me personal questions about everyone, even commenting on things that she is in no place to comment on. Such as, “why are you talking to this girl”, “that’s a very inappropriate message”, and it goes on for 30 or more minutes. Despite going through ALL of those messages, the only thing she found was a GTA joke I said about her. The joke started by me taking a screenshot of her messaging me, then saying the famous GTA line, “at shit, here we go again”. Obviously, this is a private message and a is usually only meant to be understood by the person I am messaging. She then spends 10-15 mins questioning me on what the intention of that message is. I said it is a meme from GTA, ext, ext. She then started to accuse me of lying about that ASWELL. At this point, I just felt like complete shit and I felt powerless to do anything in the conversation. Throughout all of this, I was getting interrogated by Erin, which I might add if memory serves, had taken college-level classes in debate. Which doesn’t help when it comes to something like this. Next, I have better discord. For those who don’t know what it is. It allows you to install plugins to discord. I currently have 2 plugins. 1: Allows me to see deleted and edited messages. 2: Allows me to see the NAME of hidden channels in discord. Nothing else besides the name. She, flipped, shit. She was well beyond calm and collected. She was yelling her head off at me. The worse part after this was, she accused me of attempting to steal an admins session tokens through Wireshark. Wireshark as stated before, can NOT be used on anything other than your home wifi. Unless there is an admin connected to ur wifi, it is physically impossible to steal their session token through Wireshark. I was done. I was done of being accused of things I never did. I was done of being accused of lying. I was done being accused and interrogated by someone who won’t reason me. I finally said, “I’m sorry for lying, this is so unlike me”. I have had enough, I was being interrogated for 2 fucking hrs. I was done and wanted this to be over with. I, ironically, lied about lying in the end. This was it for me. I could not deal with it anymore. She then went on a channel with Xell, Malen, and Jester for about 30 mins. They moved me about halfway through the 30 mins and had me explain what happened to Jester and Xell. I said I have applications and I lied about why I used them. Cause, as I said, it has been over 2 hrs of Erin yelling at me and I was done. 15 mins later, they then came to the decision of PermListing me. Malen joined my channel and said, I’m sure you know whats going on by now. And I asked him, “Do you believe there is substantial evidence I was taking players IPs”, he then said, “I am not going to comment on that rn”. I was then perm banned from the ts. As you can hopefully see, I was a false ban. I don’t believe this type of interrogation was ethical. Just to add to this, I just turned 17 and don’t have the same mental capacity of someone who is 35+. One more thing. I got sent leaks from the staff chat showing what Jester and Erin said about me. What they said is not only a blatant lie, but shows the lack of knowledge about the applications I had on my computer. After all, I do work for an Internet Service Provider.
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