
Capcollegestuck - Part 2

May 8th, 2013
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  1. <comosusConquest> [SESSION 1 - 11/1/2001]
  2. <comosusConquest> [Fun fact -- November 1 was actually a Thursday in 2001 8y]
  3. <comosusConquest> [I did in fact just bother to look it up.]
  4. -*- freneticFerryman Looking over his "driving permit," (how the fuck someone ever thought up a CAR was beyond him, chariots were way cooler), Kharon gave a deep frown. He had only arrived from Hades about two weeks ago, and was only JUST starting to get the hang of things. He was finally allowed to leave his dorm for one, instead of watching boring instructional
  5. -*- freneticFerryman "Interacting With Humanity," videos all day. He would have to tell his uncle about those, they would be perfect forms of torture in the future... Despite that, today Kharon was outside, sitting on a bench in the quad as he pulled a small file from his pocket. Slipping his ID away he began to file his talons, nails, whatever (a true shame after he grew
  6. -*- freneticFerryman them out) and began his routine people watching, part of the whole "integration," process or some shit. Well, it was better than those videos.
  7. -*- chthonianGunslinger Kharom may or, more likely, may not have noticed a girl hiding away from the general hustle and bustle of the quad. No, she had nestled herself underneath an oak tree far off in the corners of the school walls. It was doubtful, though-- she was just one girl, after all. One quiet, withdrawn, seemingly unassuming girl. No one would bother.
  8. -*- chthonianGunslinger That's the way she preferred it though, really!
  9. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...At least, right now she did.
  10. -*- chthonianGunslinger She always made her best work in quiet contemplation and introspection, after all. Friends were nice, stupendously and splendiferously nice one could even say, but they often had a--
  11. -*- chthonianGunslinger Ah--
  12. -*- chthonianGunslinger Bad habit of making themselves a distraction.
  13. -*- chthonianGunslinger Not that she didn't appreciate the distraction, of course, that was what friends were for after all! It was just that this was rather important and, well...
  14. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Better to not lag behind. No, no, far better not to.
  15. -*- chthonianGunslinger So she had bid herself adieu to her dormmate and quietly excused herself to the quad, stack of books in one hand and sketchpad in the other.
  16. -*- chthonianGunslinger These designs had to be absolutely perfect. Not a single mistake could be spared. One had to work hard to keep up their stellar reputation and work ethic. And this--
  17. -*- chthonianGunslinger This--
  18. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Oh, curses, she made a smudge again.
  19. -*- chthonianGunslinger Daintily, gingerly, the girl pulled her Kleenex box closer and whipped out a napkin. Dutifully, she rubbed out the smudge with but a few swift clean strokes.
  20. -*- chthonianGunslinger Good thing she brought it along. Having to use her sleeve would be... unsavory.
  21. -*- chthonianGunslinger Charcol, wonderful tool that it was, was not the most fashion friendly of drawing tools. One had to have the dexterity of the most gentle of elephants.
  22. -*- chthonianGunslinger Sigh. It wasn't like this design was coming out too well anyway.
  23. -*- chthonianGunslinger Why must being a fashion student be so hard.
  24. -*- chthonianGunslinger Why can't anyone ever understand.
  25. -*- chthonianGunslinger (She'd be asking herself this if she were a rather self-entitled and self-absorbed upper class twit.)
  26. -*- chthonianGunslinger (Fortunately for all of us, she wasn't and would never be.)
  27. -*- chthonianGunslinger (So she simply bite her lip-- the first of many, many times-- and cautiously went at it once more.)
  28. <-> chthonianGunslinger is now known as auroraAuxilatrix
  29. <PurpleKoopa> Like an agonized zombie, Roxy Lalonde has awakened and left her dorm to bask in the brutal light of day. Work had been starting to catch up with her, and she had decided to get over the stress of Hump Day yesterday by starting her weekend casually in advance.
  30. <PurpleKoopa> /Gugh/. Maybe not the smartest thing to do in retrospect, but despite the naggings from her sister and her dormmate, she persisted. After all, where was the fun in college if you didn't live it up a little?
  31. <PurpleKoopa> Anyway, if afternoon classes didn't get her up and going, then her empty stomach certainly would. And it has! She walks across the the college quad, making her way to get some grub, but all of a sudden she spies a familiar someone.
  32. <PurpleKoopa> (No, not the fashionista. Though she'd probably be noticing her soon enough.)
  33. <PurpleKoopa> It was the boy on the bench - wasn't that guy in her history class? She couldn't quite remember if she'd formally introduced herself or not, but out of all the students in the class, there was something striking about a guy with immaculately trimmed black fingernails who was constantly filing them in-class. Even she couldn't get away with that!
  34. <PurpleKoopa> The thoughts of some rapidly approaching history paper were starting to pass through her head. And in all fairness, there /might/'/ve/ been a couple of classes she missed out on. What can she say? Sometimes partying takes priority, man.
  35. <PurpleKoopa> She tries not to make this as awkward as possible and starts walking his way with a smile and a wave. Better call his attention with a nice and friendly,
  36. <PurpleKoopa> "hey!!"
  37. -*- freneticFerryman in contrast Kharon had made no notice of the familiar face, but had indeed caught eye of the designer. She was obviously drawing /something/, but what? Art had always fascinated the hellspawn, and he was well encouraged to practice it. In fact, he had gotten rather good at a few mediums, marble sculpting and oil paints in particular. Though in this world
  38. -*- freneticFerryman seemed to have a lack of appreciation for the finer of arts! Such a stupid place, why the fuck his father picked HERE he would never know. The freight train of thought was cut short however as the "Hey!!" made everything crash.
  39. -*- freneticFerryman blinking back to reality Kharon looked up, recognizing the blond. Oh... This waaas... Someone... He knew? Maybe? Right? Uh... He was NOT the best with faces, not one bit.
  40. -*- freneticFerryman ferrying a constant string of people didn't train his brain well in facial recognition... Nope. Not one bit... Damn... Best try and fake remember... He waved back, holding his file. "Hello." That was the right way to do it, right?
  41. -*- freneticFerryman yeah, that's what the video said.
  42. -*- auroraAuxilatrix ...Oh-- not again--
  43. -*- auroraAuxilatrix It must've been the coffee. Nothing else would've given her such a nasty case of the jitters. Oh, she knew she shouldn't have listened to Terezi. Caffeine might be all fine and good for a police officer or a lawyer, but it did disasterous things to an artist.
  44. -*- auroraAuxilatrix Oh, she was going to have to buy another box of Kleenex at this rate. Blast, and she was trying so hard to limit her budget too.
  45. -*- auroraAuxilatrix ...Ah, well. It was just-- just a smudge. Nothing too serious.
  46. -*- auroraAuxilatrix (Yes, just keep telling yourself that.)
  47. -*- auroraAuxilatrix (Eventually, like all mantras, it would have to come true.)
  48. -*- auroraAuxilatrix Time for another sigh, another Kleenex, and yet another rubdown.
  49. -*- auroraAuxilatrix Like clockwork.
  50. -*- auroraAuxilatrix Admittedly, it wasn't like this project was particularly easy in the first place. Creating a design based on styles long past was easy; one could reflect from a relatively safe and detatched vantage point. There was context, hindsight, a sense of wholeness to accompany it.
  51. -*- auroraAuxilatrix But reflecting on the recent, the fresh, that which was still so intertwined with the present...
  52. -*- auroraAuxilatrix That was.
  53. -*- auroraAuxilatrix Difficult, to say the least.
  54. -*- auroraAuxilatrix It was the difference between the sasha and the zamani, her grandmother would say-- the living dead and the forgotten dead.
  55. -*- auroraAuxilatrix ...Or, of course, it could be because Kanaya found most 90s fashion to be.
  56. -*- auroraAuxilatrix Distasteful.
  57. <-- auroraAuxilatrix ( has quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
  58. --> chthonianGunslinger ( has joined #capcollege
  59. <chthonianGunslinger> (thanks computer)
  60. <chthonianGunslinger> (thank)
  61. <PurpleKoopa> Judging by what she thought was a fairly standard reaction, it seemed safe for her to say - yep, that's him alright! Still with the file and everything. She stood a little ways by the bench and scratched her head, trying to remember what exactly she wanted to ask her classmate.
  62. -*- chthonianGunslinger (Especially the late 90s, ugh. So drab, so baggy, so dr--)
  63. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Hm?
  64. -*- chthonianGunslinger Olive eyes flickered up from the well worn pages and skittered across the quad, uneasy.
  65. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Huh. How odd. She could've sworn she felt someone's eyes on her. Didn't seem like anyone was watching her now, though.
  66. -*- chthonianGunslinger Oh no, wait, there was Roxy. Perhaps it was her? She wasn't looking at her anymore, though. Seemed like she was chatting up an acquaintence of hers, one that Kanaya didn't recognize.
  67. -*- chthonianGunslinger (...The foreign exchange student, perhaps?)
  68. -*- chthonianGunslinger Hmmm...
  69. <PurpleKoopa> "say uh... ur in everetts history class right? b/c umm...... hahah i totes missed whatever we covered on wednesday cuz i was too bz out doing somethin"
  70. <PurpleKoopa> ("A thing" in this context could be defined as "a couple of shot glasses", but that's besides the point.)
  71. <PurpleKoopa> "parties n stuff yknow how it goes"
  72. <PurpleKoopa> "theres not like any hw-relevant info or test reqs coming up is there?"
  73. -*- freneticFerryman ... DOES he know how it goes? ... He didn't really pay much attention to those videos... Damn... Uh-Oh, she was asking something. History class? RIGHT! That dumb ass excuse for a lecture, the one that some how managed to get a LOT of shit wrong even though this place was apparently some place for higher learning. Right, that. "No, just to read that
  74. <freneticFerryman> text book," he assured, returning to halfheartedly filing his nails. Had to keep those things in check after all, unfortunately... It was a shame really, they were getting so long!
  75. <PurpleKoopa> "oh" He could have pointed out where they were supposed to be doing the reading, but it wasn't a /huge/ deal to her. She could get by these general ed classes.
  76. <PurpleKoopa> But whoop - there he goes again, filing his nails for the bazillionith time. Roxy's starting to wonder if this kid spends a lot of time to himself. Who uses their free period to sit in the quad and /nail/ /file/?
  77. <PurpleKoopa> She looks up again, noticing /someone/ she can't quite make out over by an old oak tree. Maybe she'd check on them later? Right after this, of course. Party people and friends aside, it never hurt to know a few more faces around campus. Not wanting to be rude to the guy she /is/ talking to, she adds: "ok thx i guess i got my work planned 4 tonite (:"
  78. <PurpleKoopa> "gotta hot date w a textbook WOO thats gonna be hella dope"
  79. <PurpleKoopa> "...btw im roxy"
  80. <PurpleKoopa> "in case you needed like"
  81. <PurpleKoopa> "idk a study buddy or something"
  82. -*- freneticFerryman giving a nod Kharon's eyes tentatively glanced between her and his fingers, snickering at her last few words. "That's one way to put it." Oh, right, names, that was part of the whole, "Getting to Know People" video or something. "Kharon." There was something else... Oh yeah, hand shaking, that was a thing...
  83. -*- freneticFerryman and so out the hand went.
  84. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...O-oh. Yes, hello, she sees you.
  85. -*- chthonianGunslinger Wave wave.
  86. -*- chthonianGunslinger To be honest, Kanaya almost felt a little sheepish at being caught. What she was doing wasn't quite eavesdropping, no, but it came awfully close. And wasn't she supposed to be working on her project, anyway? She certainly wasn't supposed to be spying on the lives of others, that's for sure.
  87. <PurpleKoopa> Wait, did she hear that right? Karen? Sharon? Bah, she'd ask about it later. Roxy smacks her palm against his and gives a good shake with plenty of gusto. Always one to leave an impression, she is. "pleased ta meetcha dude!"
  88. -*- chthonianGunslinger Knowing Roxy, of course, it was only a matter of time before she'd excitedly rushed to the beleagured fashion student's side. Her project would no doubt have to wait. Again. Sigh.
  89. -*- chthonianGunslinger But... it would be wrong to turn her down, wouldn't it? Roxy only wanted her company, after all. To turn her down would be rude, perhaps even cruel.
  90. --> SirMaxwell ( has joined #capcollege
  91. -*- chthonianGunslinger And, besides, perhaps she'd bring her apparent aquaintence with her as well. She needed to meet new people, didn't she? Expand her mind and expectations and such.
  92. -*- SirMaxwell KICKS DOWN THE DOOR ))
  93. -*- chthonianGunslinger No, no, of course the project could wait.
  94. <chthonianGunslinger> (hay hay qurl)
  95. <freneticFerryman> (Oops, did I do that?)
  96. <SirMaxwell> :y ))
  97. -*- chthonianGunslinger For now, though, she'd quickly duck down her head when Roxy wasn't looking. No reason not to sneak a few sketches in while she still could, yes?
  98. -*- freneticFerryman dude... Right... Kharon's on handshake was strong and calloused, firm from years of playing ferryman to the dead. The river was rather long after all, and the waters to Hades were thick with pain and suffering. "Nice to meet you. Too I mean..."
  99. -*- chthonianGunslinger (...Uck, no. No baggy pants. There was simply nothing that could be done with that.)
  100. <PurpleKoopa> Roxy keeps her steady smile, trying her best to be reassuring. Seems like the guy could use a little bit of a pick-me-up. It wasn't always easy making new friends on campus!
  101. <PurpleKoopa> "mmhmm! anyway im gettin a severe case of the munchies r/n"
  102. <-> SirMaxwell is now known as syrianEagle
  103. <PurpleKoopa> "g2g get sum grub and fill up my tum"
  104. -*- freneticFerryman ... what?
  105. <PurpleKoopa> "see you round campus du--"
  106. <PurpleKoopa> !!!
  107. -*- freneticFerryman was she speaking english?
  108. -*- freneticFerryman this was NOT in the videos!
  109. -*- syrianEagle Well, was /this/ in the videos?
  110. -*- freneticFerryman what's /this/ we're talking about?
  111. -*- syrianEagle /This/ obviously referring to people running around on-- on the roof.
  112. -*- syrianEagle Wow, that actually looked kind of dangerous.
  113. -*- freneticFerryman ... No, no it was not.
  114. <PurpleKoopa> Oh no, don't think she didn't notice that waving in the corner of her eye. Roxy turns away from Kharon for a moment, then tries to grab her friend's attention with a wave that at least doubles the one that she threw to her.
  115. <PurpleKoopa> "HEY KANKAN!! get ur butt over here girl"
  116. -*- freneticFerryman oh, she was waving to the drawing girl... Yes, good, maybe he'd be able to figure out what she was working on.
  117. <PurpleKoopa> "unless youre too busy sketching the ones in vicinity lol"
  118. <PurpleKoopa> "do you need me to model??? ill do it even if ur good on life drawing practice"
  119. <PurpleKoopa> "oh wait nvm just remembered that youve practically got my identical twin"
  120. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Ah, yes, here it comes. She knew it was bound to happen. It was only a matter of time. Well, no reason to delay it any longer. As she had said before, the project could wait.
  121. -*- chthonianGunslinger (Again.)
  122. -*- chthonianGunslinger Friendship was just as important as schoolwork, after all.
  123. -*- chthonianGunslinger (Perhaps even more so.)
  124. -*- chthonianGunslinger With a quiet, almost shy smile and another wave, Kanaya carefully hefted her stack of books-- and complementary Kleenex-- underneath her arm and hustled over to the pair.
  125. -*- syrianEagle He'd just be hanging by here. Observing. He didn't neccessarily want to head in without thinking or at least having /some/ idea on what he was up against. "..." The power of constant elipses was strong with this one.
  126. -*- syrianEagle So strong, in fact, that you could practically /hear/ how contemplative he was.
  127. -*- syrianEagle Amazing.
  128. -*- PurpleKoopa his second language was in ellipses))
  129. <syrianEagle> 8y ))
  130. -*- freneticFerryman heard it, and has his eye on you boy.
  131. -*- freneticFerryman AHM WATCHIN YOUS! >(
  132. -*- syrianEagle ...
  133. -*- freneticFerryman exactly. >A>
  134. -*- PurpleKoopa keep your eyes on your fingernails, boy))
  135. -*- PurpleKoopa unless you're itchin to lose em))
  136. -*- freneticFerryman don't make me grow these out, because I will if I have to.))
  137. -*- PurpleKoopa you're like wolverine at a nail salon))
  138. -*- freneticFerryman bby i no))
  139. -*- chthonianGunslinger As always, she was looking fresh and chic... though she liked to think she was looking a little more so than usual today. Only she could pull off thigh high boots and a rather pastel printed coat, fringed fur and all.
  140. -*- chthonianGunslinger (Or, well, she liked to think she did.)
  141. -*- chthonianGunslinger (She tried, at least.)
  142. -*- chthonianGunslinger (Oh how she tried.)
  143. -*- syrianEagle oh my god does she try
  144. -*- syrianEagle she tries all the time
  145. -*- syrianEagle in this college filled with people with no fashion sense
  146. -*- freneticFerryman ah see wut you did thar.
  147. <-- adequateAccuracy ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  148. -*- chthonianGunslinger (The beret helped, she liked to think.)
  149. -*- freneticFerryman oh she was coming to them... Well that was convenient. The less he had to walk in these wretched shoes the better. Shoes. What a horrible manifestation of the times. They were so CONSTRICTING!! Glancing down to his filing as she came over Kharon picked at non-existent dirt, waiting for her arrival.
  150. -*- chthonianGunslinger "As Much As Id Love To Take You Up On Your Generous Offer Roxy," she said, voice temepred with quiet amusement "Im Afraid My Current Expenditure Has No Life Drawing To Be Found Butts Or Otherwise."
  151. -*- chthonianGunslinger "I Certainly Know Who To Call If Im Ever In Dire Need Of A Scrumptous Rump Model However."
  152. -*- chthonianGunslinger With a sly smile and only the slightest, the very slightest crinkling of the eyes, she let that implication hover for but a moment.
  153. -*- chthonianGunslinger And then, as if nothing had seemingly happened at all, it was right back to business.
  154. -*- chthonianGunslinger (Her sister had taught her that technique.)
  155. -*- chthonianGunslinger (It never meant anything, of course.)
  156. -*- chthonianGunslinger (But she couldn't deny that it was plenty fun.)
  157. -*- chthonianGunslinger "I See Youve Made A New Friend", she intoned as she subtly titled her head to the boy, subconsciously hitching her rather massive stack of books once more.
  158. -*- chthonianGunslinger "I Hope It Wouldnt Be Considered Rude To..."
  159. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...What is he looking at?
  160. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...
  161. -*- chthonianGunslinger Ah.
  162. -*- freneticFerryman Oh she was talking about him wasn't she? Damnit, oooone moment he had to-There, okay. A quick file and he was looking up to the newcomer. "Hello." Those books looked cumbersome... It reminded him of the many forced to carry large rocks across Hades for eons on end...
  163. -*- chthonianGunslinger It was that boy again. The one that always seemed to hang around the roofs during the break periods. Or any period at all, some had theorized. He was perhaps some sort of feral wild man who had taken residence in the more abandoned and mustier areas of the school. Perhaps he wasn't even there at all.
  164. -*- chthonianGunslinger Spooky.
  165. -*- chthonianGunslinger Of course, this was all nothing more than mere conjecture. Simply untrue at all.
  166. -*- chthonianGunslinger He was a foreign exchange student with a penchant for climbing walls. Nothing more, nothing less.
  167. -*- freneticFerryman wait... That wasn't a good thing... He offered a hand to the empty bench space. "You can set those down here..." Yeah, that was, polite or some shit, good job Kharon, yeah.
  168. <PurpleKoopa> "damn kan" She shakes her head like he's disappointed, but the wry smile on her lips shows it's only out of jest. "what kind of sad buttless art program are you in girl"
  169. <PurpleKoopa> "its a good thing youve got the lalonde buttdial 2 count on"
  170. -*- chthonianGunslinger (Being friends with one of the local gossip hounds and the brother of the local shérif en ville made you quite savvy.)
  171. -*- chthonianGunslinger And yet, still...
  172. -*- chthonianGunslinger "(Hes Going To Hurt Himself One Of These Days...)" she mumbled under her breath to no one in particular, save for perhaps herself, before briskly brushing it aside and returning to the matter at hand.
  173. <PurpleKoopa> "but anyway yeah" She gestures over to the Greek kid, and would probably put a hand on his shoulder if they knew each other a little better. "this heres my bud sharon! we have everetts history class together"
  174. -*- freneticFerryman Sharon? Who the fuck wa-Oh she meant him. "Kharon..."
  175. -*- chthonianGunslinger Oh, he had offered her a seat. How charitable of him! "Thank You Kindly" she said with a polite nod, slipping next to him with relative ease.
  176. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Mostly relative ease.
  177. <PurpleKoopa> ...Huh? Oh, right. She clears her throat and pretends that shitty introduction didn't just happen. "*kharon! sorry my bad man"
  178. -*- chthonianGunslinger It was somewhat difficult to be elegant when one was carrying so many things, of course. But she tried. She certainly tried.
  179. -*- chthonianGunslinger "Its Nice To Meet You Ah--" ...Sharon? Such an odd name for a bo--
  180. -*- freneticFerryman "It's..." ... ... What was the word...? "Cool." Yeaaah, that's it, Cool.
  181. -*- chthonianGunslinger Oh, no wonder then. It was Kharon. Well, she had no right to judge there. Her name was just as much if not more strange and exotic to some. Who was she to criticize?
  182. -*- freneticFerryman damnit... Why were living people so... Difficult... To talk to...?
  183. -*- PurpleKoopa would you like them better dead))
  184. -*- chthonianGunslinger "Kharon" she firmly said, hoping she had gotten the prounciation right. She knew how frustrating it was to have your name mangled right in front of you, after all. "My Names Kanaya"
  185. -*- freneticFerryman HOW DID YOU KNOW?))
  186. -*- chthonianGunslinger "Its A Pleasure To Meet You"
  187. <freneticFerryman> Mmhm... Shit I mean, yeah, you too.
  188. <freneticFerryman> A pleasure I mean...
  189. -*- chthonianGunslinger He seemed... uncomfortable. Fidgity, even. Oh, she hoped it wasn't something she had done. She wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfortable, especially not a new student. That was simply uncouth.
  190. -*- freneticFerryman too many times had he simply ignored when people were talking too him... He had to deal with so many people on a daily basis back in Hell, he barely listened to anyone after the first hundred years or so.
  191. -*- freneticFerryman they were all so /whiney/.
  192. -*- freneticFerryman oh I'm dead, pity me, blah blah blah.
  193. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Perhaps he was simply unaccustomed to meeting more people? He didn't seem too adept at it. Mmm, yes, that had to be it.
  194. -*- chthonianGunslinger Well, she supposed the only thing she could do was make the transistion more comfortable for him. Hopefully. Hopefully.
  195. -*- freneticFerryman Without even thinking about it he went back to filing, had to keep those babies in check after all. They'd grow enough to look fake if he left them alone for too long, just over night was enough, he had to cut them every damn morning.
  196. -*- chthonianGunslinger "I Take It That Youre A New Student," she continued, pulling out the sketchbook and gingerly sitting it on her lap. It was a good way to keep herself busy, she liked to think. Kept the niggling thoughts away. "Apologies If I Am Wrong Of Course"
  197. -*- freneticFerryman oh, she was talking again. "Yes, I arrived on this pla-I arrived here last month," he informed glancing up. OH! The sketch book, yes good, he's just gonna peeek. "Roxy said... You're an art scholar correct?"
  198. <PurpleKoopa> A look of worry passed over Roxy's face. Not that her crappy introduction would've bolstered his confidence any, but... did he have a problem talking to people? Or did he just want to ignore them? Huh. She guesses it's kind of hard being the new kid on campus and all, especially when you've got a penchant for wearing black, black, and more black.
  199. <PurpleKoopa> Rose went through a phase like that. Thank god she discovered /colors/.
  200. <PurpleKoopa> Roxy holds her tongue for now, letting Kanaya smooth things over.
  201. -*- chthonianGunslinger Well, black is in vogue.
  202. -*- chthonianGunslinger It simply wasn't for her.
  203. -*- chthonianGunslinger "Of A Sorts I Would Suppose." Kanaya chuckled, pulling out a file to sharpen her charcoal pencil to a rather deadly looking point. "Im Studying Fashion History If You Want To Be Particular Though I Would Consider Fashion And History To Both Be Arts Of Their Own Kind."
  204. <chthonianGunslinger> "Of Course That Is Only My Humble Opinion"
  205. <chthonianGunslinger> "Understandably Others Might Not See It As Such"
  206. -*- freneticFerryman fahsion history?? The fuck was tha-Oh... Wait he remembered something about that from the videos... Uh... Fashion, okay concentrate... That was a thing... Or something... "Mmhm..." ... Uhh... "I'm an art major too." That would work.
  207. <-- chthonianGunslinger ( has quit (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
  208. --> chthonianGunslinger ( has joined #capcollege
  209. <chthonianGunslinger> (this again)
  210. <freneticFerryman> (Weebles.)
  211. <chthonianGunslinger> (did i miss anything)
  212. <PurpleKoopa> (you're good, dude)
  213. <chthonianGunslinger> (rad)
  214. <PurpleKoopa> Oh hey! Looks like these fancy-pants artists already broke the ice for her. Roxy takes this moment to butt her head into the conversation. "and im a comp sci/bio major! not sure if im gonna stick w both of those tho?"
  215. <PurpleKoopa> "not that im losing sleep over it or anything i got plenty of time"
  216. <PurpleKoopa> "and besides"
  217. <PurpleKoopa> "guaranteed 4yr graduation bby (;" She makes finger pistols and waggles them around cheekily. Roxy Lalonde, slidin' through life.
  218. -*- chthonianGunslinger "Oh," she quietly scoffed, catching herself before she went into another one of her 'Porrim' ramblings. "Look At Me Droning On And On About My Own Degree Without Every Having The Courtesy To Ask Yours."
  219. -*- chthonianGunslinger Oh, Roxy.
  220. -*- PurpleKoopa oh wait, i think you /did/ miss that part, my bad))
  221. -*- PurpleKoopa this was right after your last post))
  222. -*- PurpleKoopa freneticFerryman fahsion history?? The fuck was tha-Oh... Wait he remembered something about that from the videos... Uh... Fashion, okay concentrate... That was a thing... Or something... "Mmhm..." ... Uhh... "I'm an art major too." That would work. ))
  223. <chthonianGunslinger> (oh oops)
  224. <chthonianGunslinger> (scratch that then)
  225. <chthonianGunslinger> (doo doo doo back to square one)
  226. -*- chthonianGunslinger "Oh How Lovely," she chimed, leaning in with reignited interest. "Its Always Nice To Meet Another Scholar Of The Arts"
  227. -*- chthonianGunslinger "What Exactly Do You Do May I Ask"
  228. -*- chthonianGunslinger "...If That Isnt Considered Too Prying Of Course"
  229. -*- freneticFerryman Oh thank Zeus he finally had something interesting to talk about. "I prefer sculpting, marble is my favorite medium, however, oil paintings are also amongst my preferred artistic applications."
  230. -*- chthonianGunslinger She paused to consider Roxy's interruption, fighting the urge to roll her eyes with every sentence. Roxy's confidence was every bit as admirable as it was wildly dangerous. "I Do Hope That Your Wild Antics Never Impede On Your 'Garaunteed 4 Year Graduation' Dear Roxy"
  231. -*- chthonianGunslinger "Correct Me If Im Wrong But I Would Think That Most Aspiring Brilliant Minds Dont Spend The Night Hosting Party After Party After Outrageous Party"
  232. -*- freneticFerryman mumbles, ("that doesn't stop hera...")
  233. <chthonianGunslinger> "That Is Unless They Are Incredibly Studious Partyologists"
  234. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Oh, sculpting? Her face practically lit up at the words, eyes alit with delight. "Sculpting You Say"
  235. <chthonianGunslinger> "Im Afraid Ive Never Had The Chance To Partake In The Art Though I Admire It Very Highly"
  236. -*- freneticFerryman hm? Oh right, yes, he was saying something. "Yes."
  237. <chthonianGunslinger> "I Used To Do Something Akin To The Practice Back At Home However"
  238. <freneticFerryman> I find it highly under appreciated in these days, personally.
  239. <freneticFerryman> Oh?
  240. -*- chthonianGunslinger Sheepishly, almost awkwardly, she lifts her free hand and makes a rather jittery sawing motion. "Chainsaw Cutting"
  241. <PurpleKoopa> Wait, what was that he said? Something about hair? ...Oh, nevermind. She'd ask later, but for now, she's got a title of a seasoned partyologist to defend. Piping up, she says, "thats b/c most super college level geniuses have like a deeply-set tradition to be outrageously boring"
  242. <chthonianGunslinger> "A Little Bit Of Topiary And Other Garden Work As Well When I Had The Time"
  243. <PurpleKoopa> "from einstein to tesla you can be assured these dudes did not get dates"
  244. <PurpleKoopa> "but not me sucka"
  245. <PurpleKoopa> "im breakin DA RULES here"
  246. -*- freneticFerryman the fuck was a chainsaw? That was not in the video. :I
  247. <PurpleKoopa> "settin up all kinds of hot new standards in my edumacation"
  248. <chthonianGunslinger> "Alas They Do Not Allow Chainsaws In The Dormitories And The Garden Is Strictly Off Limits To Such Vandalism So Ive Had To Put It Off For Now."
  249. <freneticFerryman> You'll have to introduce me to this art form some time off campus then.
  250. -*- freneticFerryman glaaances to Roxy. "I didn't know edumacation was the proper term."
  251. -*- freneticFerryman was that... Snark? I think... I think it was!
  252. -*- chthonianGunslinger With a sigh, she slowly dropped her hand and fondly waxed nostalgic of such days. Back at grandma's personal garden paradise, where she was free to plant all the tulips and snapdragons and a rose for every color of the spectrum. Ah, such simpler times. California was no Georgia, that was for certain.
  253. <chthonianGunslinger> (you can now imagine kanaya with a genteel southern accent)
  254. <chthonianGunslinger> (ur welcum)
  255. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Oh, what.
  256. <PurpleKoopa> Roxy smiles right back at him. "its how the cool kids say it" she says.
  257. <PurpleKoopa> "better start sayin it like that if ur gonna roll with us"
  258. <freneticFerryman> I'll keep that in mind.
  259. -*- chthonianGunslinger "...Forgive Me If Im Wrong," she mused, straining to hold back the chucklefit that was threatening to ensue "But I Belive The Reason Why Einstein Tesla And Their Contemporaries Didnt Get Any 'Dates' Was Because They Were Far Too Busy Engrossing Themselves In Their Incredibly Time Consuming Work."
  260. -*- chthonianGunslinger "I Could Be Wrong Of Course"
  261. -*- chthonianGunslinger "I Could Be Wrong"
  262. -*- chthonianGunslinger (She could be wrong, now that she thought about it.)
  263. -*- chthonianGunslinger (Did they ever get married...?)
  264. -*- freneticFerryman dooooesn't quite know who they're talking about, the videos didn't cover that.
  265. -*- freneticFerryman maybe he should have been paying attention to all those years on the ferry.
  266. <PurpleKoopa> "yeah u could be wrong," she says with a shrug, "for all i know mr. everett could be jerkin my chain and not cuttin me in on all of teslas sordid love dramas"
  267. <PurpleKoopa> " 'celibate inventor' zazzerpans berobéd rump that guys stache was tops"
  268. <-- syrianEagle ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  269. -*- freneticFerryman snrk. "If that man had anything interesting to say he might actually start living for once. I've seen the walking dead and I wouldn't be surprised if he's one in disguise."
  270. -*- chthonianGunslinger "Perhaps That Should Be The Subject Of Your Next Book"
  271. -*- chthonianGunslinger "'The Secret Tales Of Nikola Tesla'," she painted the title in the air as if it was hot off the presses themselves. "It Would Be A Fantastic Read Im Certain Of It."
  272. -*- chthonianGunslinger Kharon's interruption, however, would have to put the exciting tales of Tesla's secret loves on hold. "...Hey," she persed her lips, suddenly dropping her hand with a frown. "I Can Assure You That Mr Everett Knows What Hes Talking About"
  273. <chthonianGunslinger> "Hes A Lovely Man When You Get To Know Him Really"
  274. <chthonianGunslinger> "Hes Just."
  275. <chthonianGunslinger> "Quiet."
  276. -*- chthonianGunslinger (Don't get him started on the Civil War, though.)
  277. -*- freneticFerryman (I'm gonna do it.)
  278. -*- chthonianGunslinger (Then he'll become shockingly unquiet very, very quickly.)
  279. -*- freneticFerryman (Yes, good.)
  280. <PurpleKoopa> Roxy snickers at Kharon's remark. Guess he's got a little life in him after all! "lol yeah mr everetts a p nice guy"
  281. <PurpleKoopa> "maybe youre onto something kharon mayhaps hes LIVED thru all that history"
  282. <PurpleKoopa> "and now hes come back as a zombie to educate us all"
  283. <PurpleKoopa> "wants us to grow big + strong + healthy braaaaaaaiiiiiiiiins"
  284. <freneticFerryman> I wouldn't know... I've spent most of my existence with too many... People to pay attention to too many. I didn't exactly live in a place where you could make... Friends.
  285. <freneticFerryman> Or get to know people.
  286. -*- chthonianGunslinger "Large Family," Kanaya inquired, deciding to grant Roxy's comments with little more than an eye roll. "Or Perhaps You Simply Just Went To A Very Large School"
  287. <chthonianGunslinger> "I Can Relate Either Way"
  288. <freneticFerryman> More like... A place where many people visited, but not many people stayed....
  289. <chthonianGunslinger> "I Too Lived Without Too Many Friends Or Acquaintences"
  290. <PurpleKoopa> Aw. Roxy sets aside silly things like zombie professors or embarrassing Nikola Tesla fanfiction and gives the poor Kharon a genuine frown. "awwww ):"
  291. <freneticFerryman> They more... Passed through?
  292. <chthonianGunslinger> "Oh Really" Now she was curious. What a connundrum this boy was. "A Tourist Trap I Assume"
  293. -*- freneticFerryman yeah, that works. Not going to mention that it was more like, passing ON but...
  294. -*- freneticFerryman snrk.
  295. <freneticFerryman> Of sorts.
  296. <chthonianGunslinger> "You Have My Deepest Condolences"
  297. -*- chthonianGunslinger Pat pat. There there, it's all right. You can rest easy now. There's no Hawaiian t-shirts to be found here.
  298. <freneticFerryman> Oh no, I rather much enjoy my home, and to be honest if it wasn't for my ass of a father I'd be there right now.
  299. <freneticFerryman> HE'S the reason I'm here.
  300. <PurpleKoopa> "its ok no matter where you came from" she says, trying her best to be reassuring. "what matters is that youre here at college where you can push urself forward and stuff!"
  301. -*- freneticFerryman a brow is raised at this. "Forward... Right..."
  302. <PurpleKoopa> "...that is uh" Whoops. Maybe it was a little too early to say that.
  303. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Oh? Now that was surprising. Certainly a role reversal from some of the other stories she had heard here. "He Forced You Into College"
  304. <PurpleKoopa> "if you WANT to be here?"
  305. <PurpleKoopa> "idk do you wanna tell us the assitude level of ur dad bro?"
  306. <chthonianGunslinger> "Or Did He Simply Force You Here"
  307. <chthonianGunslinger> "Oh Yes Its Quite Alright If You Dont Want To Talk About Him"
  308. <freneticFerryman> I don't give a personal shit about talking on my dad, but uh... I don't think I can?
  309. -*- chthonianGunslinger What was what Porrim said about not violating the privacy of others? Beyond 'you need to meddle less', of course.
  310. -*- chthonianGunslinger Something about triggering, she thinks...
  311. -*- freneticFerryman the video mentioned talking about family miiight not be the best idea... When your dad was the Ferryman through hell it might be hard to... Relate...
  312. -*- freneticFerryman some shit like that.
  313. -*- freneticFerryman damnit, he needed to re-watch those things.
  314. -*- chthonianGunslinger "Completely Understandable" she smiled empathetically and patted Kharon's shoulder. "We Dont Have To Talk About Him if You Dont Want To"
  315. <chthonianGunslinger> "Youre Here Now And Thats What Matters"
  316. <chthonianGunslinger> "Besides You Can Start Your Whole Life Over Here If You So Choose"
  317. <chthonianGunslinger> "Thats What College Is Supposed To Be About"
  318. <PurpleKoopa> Hm. Sounds like some family drama he didn't want to get into. Can't say she can really blame him for that. Things weren't always easy at her house, she knew that much... Roxy stands and bobs her head sympathetically. "yeah man"
  319. -*- freneticFerryman what? Oh... OH!! No, no no no... "No I mean like, I can't talk about the ass or I might get in trouble? Goes against the rules? That kinda thin-? Ah... Yeah that was mentioned sort of."
  320. <freneticFerryman> Some shit about personal growth.
  321. -*- freneticFerryman an eye roll is given at the thought. What the fuck personal growth was necessary? He took people to hell, that's all he /wanted/ to do. That and maybe sculpting some times, on occasion... Maybe...
  322. <PurpleKoopa> 'Can't talk about the ass', /fffff/-- but man, this guy is a bundle of nerves.
  323. -*- freneticFerryman what ~personal growth~ was necessary? Dumb ass father.
  324. <PurpleKoopa> "no no its cool dude i mean your dads not here to keep tabs on you r/n but that doesnt mean you have to divulge in2 some ass talk"
  325. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Huh. Couldn't talk about him, huh? Mmmm, she couldn't say she was so convinced. Sound like he was being pressured not to talk about his personal life. She couldn't really say, of course, that was more Rose's jurisdiction, but...
  326. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Mmph, perhaps she'd ask her later about her encounter. Surely, she'd have some kind of answer. She always did.
  327. -*- chthonianGunslinger Meanwhile, she had to deal things in the here and now.
  328. <freneticFerryman> No, he's not, but the dean is. Fuckers are buddies or something.
  329. -*- chthonianGunslinger "No Of Course Not" she reassured, clasping her hands over her sketchbook-- careful not to rest them over her actual drawings-- "Personally Im More Interested In Hearing How Lifes Been Treating You Here At Our Campus"
  330. <chthonianGunslinger> "Id Hope Your New Roommate Isnt Giving You Too Much Of A Hassle"
  331. -*- freneticFerryman wait, swearing wasn't like, acceptable or some shit... These guys didn't seem to care though, so maybe it was oka-Oh.
  332. <freneticFerryman> No I've got a single.
  333. -*- freneticFerryman there'd be too much cover up if he tried to dorm with someone...
  334. -*- freneticFerryman he liked it better that way though, didn't have to wear god damn shoes when he was alone.
  335. -*- chthonianGunslinger "Really" Now color her shocked there. Single dorms were hard to come by, especially on such short notice. The only other person she knew who had a single dorm was Miss Aensland and--
  336. -*- chthonianGunslinger Well--
  337. <PurpleKoopa> Wait, wha? The /dean/?? How deep did the conspiracy go??? Roxy looks honestly flabbergasted at that, but she can't bring herself to say anything about it now. Never do detective work on an empty stomach, as Jane would say.
  338. -*- freneticFerryman to Hell Roxy, it goes to Hell.
  339. -*- chthonianGunslinger One could argue that her personality alone was more than enough for two.
  340. -*- chthonianGunslinger "I Suppose Having Friends In High Places Must Come In Handy Every Once In A While"
  341. <freneticFerryman> Yep.
  342. -*- freneticFerryman high places... Hah.
  343. -*- chthonianGunslinger The fact that her father knew the dean was indeed very, very curious. She would never say anything bad about the man-- not out loud at least-- but even she had to admit that his actions could sometimes be construed as... very dubious at best.
  344. -*- chthonianGunslinger Perhaps this was some kind of punishment?
  345. -*- chthonianGunslinger But for what, then?
  346. <PurpleKoopa> "(yeah right handy if you wanna get urself into a shitload of trouble)" she grumbled to herself, turning her head away from the two. Jane had often accused her of saying a lot of unsubstantiated things about her dad's workplace, among other things. Whether or not any of that stuff was actually true, nobody could tell.
  347. <PurpleKoopa> ...Hrgh, she shouldn't be saying such things out loud. Or even out quiet. Conspiracy theories weren't a very good way to win friends - or at least the kind whose hat collections weren't exclusively limited to the tin foil variety.
  348. <PurpleKoopa> Empty stomach. Right, about that... Switching the topic at hand, she perks up and says, "hey hey you know what else comes in handy every once in a while???"
  349. <PurpleKoopa> "food"
  350. <PurpleKoopa> "because not starving is a v good habit to pick up imo"
  351. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Sigh. Oh, Roxy. Yes, she had heard about all of that. Rose thought she had reason to worry, or at least reason to complain, but.
  352. <PurpleKoopa> "you wanna head to the cafeteria to get a bite 2 eat with us khar??"
  353. -*- chthonianGunslinger There was a time and place for everything.
  354. -*- chthonianGunslinger Fortunantly, it seemed Roxy knew that as well.
  355. -*- chthonianGunslinger And, especially fortunately, she decided to change the subject with something that had been increasingly more and more pressing.
  356. -*- chthonianGunslinger Food.
  357. -*- freneticFerryman Oh... Uh... What was the right response here...? Uhhh... "Maybe later, I need to do some work." Yeah, that sounded about right.
  358. -*- chthonianGunslinger "Oh Yes Do Come With Us" she eagerly encouraged him, lifting a hand as if to (but not quite) touch his arm. "No Doubt Youll Need Some Guidance To Tread Such Dangerous Wa--"
  359. -*- chthonianGunslinger ...Oh.
  360. -*- chthonianGunslinger "Of Course," she pulled back now, trying her best to hide her disappointment. "Thats Understandable."
  361. -*- freneticFerryman there was a term... "Rain check?" Yeah, that was it. Wait, he said that aloud. "I mean, we can take a rain check?"
  362. <chthonianGunslinger> "Oh Certainly"
  363. <freneticFerryman> Okay...
  364. <freneticFerryman> I mean... Cool.
  365. <chthonianGunslinger> "Fantastic"
  366. <PurpleKoopa> Aw, she couldn't help but feel a tad disappointed by this. Oh well, she'd be seeing him again at class sooner or later!
  367. -*- chthonianGunslinger Pat pat. This one a far more friendlier pat than before. Less pity pity, more buddy buddy, as John might put it.
  368. <PurpleKoopa> "dang man i wish you could make it ): but study hard ok?"
  369. -*- freneticFerryman staaands and stretches. "I'll see you both later then." WAVE WAVE.
  370. -*- freneticFerryman and exit stage left!
  371. <PurpleKoopa> "see you at class kharo! :D"
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