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a guest
Jan 10th, 2018
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text 120.07 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Translation
  2. 0
  3. {0}
  4. Ошибка: {0}
  5. Русский
  6. Russian
  7. ru
  8. GameMaker Studio 2
  9. Open In Explorer
  10. Open Project In Explorer
  11. Open Log In Explorer
  12. explorer
  13. finder
  14. Show In Finder
  15. Show Project In Finder
  16. Reveal Log In Finder
  17. Ctrl
  18. Command
  19. Exit
  20. Quit
  21. About
  22. About GameMaker Studio 2
  23. Windows
  24. Window
  25. Login
  26. Logout
  27. Manage Account
  28. The transition specified '{0}' is not valid
  29. Horizontal Speed
  30. Horizontal Tile
  31. <no background>
  32. X Offset
  33. Y Offset
  34. Stretch
  35. Vertical Speed
  36. Vertical Tile
  37. Breakpoints
  38. Delete Breakpoint
  39. Go To Code
  40. Toggle Breakpoint
  41. There are no breakpoints to display.\nTo place one, press F9 on the desired line in a code editor.
  42. ERROR: Project failed to compile: error code {0}
  43. ERROR: Project failed to deploy: error code {0}
  44. ERROR: Project failed to run: error code {0}
  45. Add
  46. Cancel
  47. Delete
  48. Done
  49. Import
  50. Manage
  51. No
  52. OK
  53. Rename
  54. Resize
  55. Scale
  56. Yes
  57. Next
  58. Create
  59. Apply
  60. Remove All
  61. Reset Layout
  62. Resetting the project layout will close any open resources. Are you sure you want to reset the layout?
  63. Automatic response to resetting the project layout
  64. Successfully created certificate file: {0}
  65. Failed to create certificate file: {0}
  66. Certificate file '{0}' already exists; please choose a new filename
  67. Name and Password fields must be set
  68. Unable to find certificate file '{0}'
  69. Certificate Check
  70. Password is NOT valid for certificate
  71. Password is valid for certificate
  72. Set .pem certificate file and password
  73. (you can use an existing GameMaker:Studio marketplace certificate)
  74. Certificate File:
  75. Certificate Password:
  76. Check
  77. Check that the password is valid for the selected certficate file
  78. If you don't have a certificate, you can create one:
  79. Create new certificate
  80. Create Certificate
  81. Enter new certificate details:
  82. Publisher Name:
  83. Create Publisher Account
  84. 2 columns
  85. 3 columns
  86. Fullscreen workspace tab
  87. Keyword help
  88. Show resource
  89. Single pane
  90. Code
  91. Restore to workspace
  92. Go to Object
  93. Add/Open Event
  94. Open Inherited Event
  95. Go To Line
  96. Line Number ({0} - {1})
  97. Compile Errors
  98. There are no compile errors to show!
  99. Configuration
  100. Select Configuration
  101. Configurations
  102. Add New Configuration
  103. Are you sure you want to delete configuration '{0}'?
  104. Are you sure? Deleting configuration '{0}' will also delete the following configurations: '{1}'.
  105. Cannot delete configuration '{0}'
  106. Cannot duplicate existing configuration name
  107. Cannot create configurations with GameMaker Studio 2 Trial
  108. The configuration name '{0}' is not valid
  109. Manage Configurations
  110. New configuration name cannot be empty
  111. New Configuration Name
  112. Parent Configuration
  113. Promote
  114. Rename Configuration
  115. Cannot rename '{0}' configuration
  116. Are you sure? Promoting a configuration cannot be undone
  117. Add Menu Entry
  118. Add Menu Entry Below
  119. Add Menu Entry Above
  120. Add Menu Separator Below
  121. Add Menu Separator Above
  122. Add Sub Menu Entry
  123. Add Sub Menu Entry Below
  124. Add Sub Menu Entry Above
  125. Move Menu Item Down
  126. Move Menu Item Up
  127. Are you sure?
  128. Confirm
  129. Are you sure you want to remove the event with all its actions?
  130. Are you sure you want to cut the selected event?
  131. Are you sure you want to remove {0} events with all their actions?
  132. Delete the selected frames?
  133. The event is still being copied. Please try pasting again in a few seconds.
  134. Don't show this message again
  135. Error
  136. Not Ready
  137. Success
  138. Invalid
  139. Invalid input. Please provide the required information.
  140. Save the changes to {0}?
  141. Warning
  142. Add Context Menu
  143. Grid Cell
  144. Child Gadgets
  145. Child Windows
  146. Clear List
  147. Client Panel
  148. Clip To Parent
  149. Colour Dialog
  150. Selected Colour Display
  151. Grid Column Splitter
  152. Grid Column Dock Splitter
  153. Grid Row Dock Splitter
  154. Grid Splitter
  155. Grid Dock Splitter
  156. Context Menu
  157. Copy Gadget
  158. Cut Gadget
  159. Delete Gadget
  160. Delete Layout
  161. Are you sure you want to delete this layout?
  162. Dialog Editor: Duplicate Layout Name
  163. A duplicate of stylename '{0}' was found in\n'{1}'\nthe style will continue to be saved in\n'{2}'
  164. Error
  165. Dialog Editor: Failed to open .json file: '{0}'
  166. Browse...
  167. File name:
  168. Flatten SubLayout
  169. Gadgets
  170. GUI Base
  171. Style
  172. Layout Hierarchy
  173. relative position: ({0}px, {1}px) dimension: ({2}px, {3}px)
  174. HSV Input
  175. The style '{0}' is not a valid json primitive. Please amend or revert the style. No changes will be saved.
  176. Name And Icon
  177. Layout
  178. Layout name:
  179. List Items
  180. Load Layout File
  181. Menu Bar Entry
  182. Menu Entry
  183. New Layout
  184. Tree View Node
  185. Dialog Editor: No JSON File Selected
  186. Dialog Editor: No Layout Selected
  187. Dialog Editor: No XML File Selected
  188. Open Layout
  189. The style name '{0}' is currently registered to\n'{2}'\nbut will now be saved to\n'{1}'
  190. Paste Gadget
  191. Gadget Layout Properties
  192. Radio Button Group
  193. Reload Images
  194. Remove Active Test Layouts
  195. Revert All Styles To Last Save
  196. Revert All Styles To Original State
  197. Revert Style To Last Save
  198. Revert Style To Original State
  199. RGBA Input
  200. Grid Row Splitter
  201. Save All Styles
  202. Save Layout As...
  203. Dialog Editor: Save failed due to error: {0} - {1}
  204. Save Layout
  205. Save Style
  206. Save Style As...
  207. Scroll Panel
  208. Edit Context Menu
  209. Select the file to save the style to. If the file doesn't already contain the style definition it will search all files within its folder.\nUse 'Save Style As...' to explicitly override save file
  210. Style Editor
  211. Style name:
  212. The style wasn't found in this folder. It will append to the selected file unless an alternative is selected.
  213. Sub Menu Entry
  214. Tab Control Panel
  215. Tab
  216. Test Layout
  217. Dialog Editor
  218. Gadget Toolbox
  219. TreeViewNode
  220. Warning
  221. Find Resource
  222. Redo
  223. Search & Replace
  224. Undo
  225. {0} does not implement ICloneable
  226. Attempting to add a cursor using image {1} with duplicated id {0} please assign a different name
  227. Attempted to load cursor {1} but received error '{0}'
  228. Attempting to load cursor {0} but can't find loading info
  229. Attempted to load gadget toolbox info but received error '{0}' - '{1}'
  230. Attempted to add gadget '{0}' to toolbox but it isn't registered with the layout manager
  231. You can not bind global inputs to a function that takes paramaters.
  232. Attempting to access invalid column index {0} for grid with {1} columns
  233. Attempting to access invalid row index {0} for grid with {1} rows
  234. A parent reliant anchor (bottom or right) has been set with no parent gadget, try setting the dimension instead
  235. A dimension input has been set along with both the associated anchors, the dimension input will be ignored
  236. Cannot calculate actual position of gadget, too few anchors and/or dimensions are set
  237. An anchor or dimension has been set to percentage with no parent gadget, try using pixel instead
  238. The scale to fit option has been selected on a gadget with no parent, try removing the scale to fit option
  239. Object has been released too many times
  240. Attempted to load layout file but received error '{0}' - '{1}'
  241. Trying to free invalid memory block
  242. PrimitiveBuilder out of vertex space in {0}
  243. PrimitiveBuilder was not called finished correctly, you MUST call End()
  244. Can not add more vertices to a finished PrimitiveBuilder.
  245. Project load failed. Unable to load {0}
  246. Attempting to add controller of type {0} with id {2} but there is already a controller of type {1} registered with that id
  247. Can not set requested style, not found
  248. Exception in {0},{1} : {2}
  249. Vertex Format is sealed.
  250. Method '{1}' on object '{0}' failed because {2}
  251. Method '{1}' on object '{0}' failed due to mismatching parameter count
  252. Alarm
  253. Alarm {0}
  254. Async - Audio Playback
  255. Async - Audio Recording
  256. Async - Cloud
  257. Async - Dialog
  258. Async - HTTP
  259. Async - In-App Purchase
  260. Async - Image Loaded
  261. Async - Networking
  262. Async - Push Notification
  263. Async - Save/Load
  264. Async - Social
  265. Async - Steam
  266. Async - System
  267. Asynchronous
  268. Collision
  269. Create
  270. Destroy
  271. Clean Up
  272. Draw
  273. Draw
  274. Draw Begin
  275. Draw End
  276. Draw GUI
  277. Draw GUI Begin
  278. Draw GUI End
  279. Post-Draw
  280. Pre-Draw
  281. Window Resize
  282. Alt
  283. Any
  284. Backspace
  285. Control
  286. Delete
  287. {0}
  288. Digits
  289. Down
  290. End
  291. Enter
  292. Escape
  293. Function Keys
  294. Home
  295. Insert
  296. Keypad
  297. Keypad {0}
  298. Modifiers
  299. Arrow Keys
  300. Control Keys
  301. Left
  302. Letters
  303. No Key
  304. Others
  305. Page Down
  306. Page Up
  307. Right
  308. Shift
  309. Space
  310. Up
  311. Key Down
  312. Key Pressed
  313. Key Press -
  314. Key Down -
  315. Press {0}
  316. Key Up
  317. Key Up -
  318. Key Down
  319. Key Up
  320. Mouse
  321. Mouse Click
  322. Mouse Down
  323. Mouse Up
  324. Global
  325. Global Left Down
  326. Global Left Pressed
  327. Global Left Released
  328. Global Middle Down
  329. Global Middle Pressed
  330. Global Middle Released
  331. Global Right Down
  332. Global Right Pressed
  333. Global Right Released
  334. Left Down
  335. Left Pressed
  336. Left Released
  337. Middle Down
  338. Middle Pressed
  339. Middle Released
  340. Mouse Enter
  341. Mouse Leave
  342. Mouse Wheel Down
  343. Mouse Wheel Up
  344. No Mouse Input
  345. Any Button
  346. No Button
  347. Left
  348. Right
  349. Middle
  350. Right Down
  351. Right Pressed
  352. Right Released
  353. Other
  354. Animation End
  355. Animation Event
  356. Animation Update
  357. Path Ended
  358. Game End
  359. Game Start
  360. Intersect Boundary
  361. Outside Room
  362. Room End
  363. Room Start
  364. User Events
  365. User Event {0}
  367. Intersect View {0} Boundary
  368. Outside View {0}
  369. Intersect Boundary
  370. Outside View
  371. Step
  372. Begin Step
  373. End Step
  374. Unknown Event
  375. Caught exception for gadget of type '{1}' and style '{2}'- {0}
  376. Are you sure you want to exit?
  377. Do you want to save changes before exiting?
  378. Do you want to save changes to the current project?
  379. Enable in game
  380. Import extension
  381. Add -->
  382. Import All
  383. Remove
  384. Import Complete!
  385. Copying files...
  386. Extension with name '{0}' already exists - delete previous version before importing new version
  387. Extension resource names clash with project resources. Please cancel the import and rename your project resources.
  388. An error occured:{0}
  389. Extension resources:
  390. Extracting...
  391. An error occurred
  392. Unable to read the extension file
  393. Unable to find an extension within the GMEZ file
  394. Importing resources...
  395. Resources to add:
  396. Already a resource with name '{0}' - please rename it before importing the extension
  397. Resource names conflict
  398. Select resources from your extension and add them to your project
  399. Failed to extract the extension archive: '{0}'
  400. Import resources: {0}
  401. Import legacy resources: {0}
  402. Logout user '{0}'?\nThis will save any changes and restart the IDE.
  403. Are you sure you want to restore default settings?\nThis will restart the application for the changes to take effect.
  404. New IDE
  405. Logout
  406. My Account
  407. ${FileMenuExit}
  408. Export Project
  409. Import Project
  410. New Project
  411. Open Project
  412. Preferences
  413. Recent Projects
  414. Save Project
  415. Save Project As
  416. File Load Cancelled
  417. File Directory Not Found
  418. File Inaccessible
  419. File Data Invalid
  420. File Locked
  421. File Not Found
  422. File Path Too Long
  423. File Load Timeout
  424. !\"#$%&'()*+,-./00300123456789:;<=>?0040@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO0050PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_0060`abcdefghijklmno0070pqrstuvwxyz{}|~
  425. and more (too many glyphs)
  426. Off
  427. Select Font
  428. Or
  429. On
  430. Add
  431. Add new range
  432. Bold
  433. Delete
  434. Delete selected range
  435. Hello World!!
  436. No
  437. Yes
  438. These characters are not in this font:
  439. Would you like to add them?
  440. Warning!
  441. Italic
  442. Name
  443. Anti-aliasing
  444. Size
  445. Presets
  446. Style
  447. Toggle
  448. Font: {0}
  449. Include Font in Marketplace Asset
  450. {0}
  451. Select Font to Include
  452. Font Manager: Default font '{0}' has not been loaded, text rendering will fail
  453. Add Range
  454. ASCII
  455. Font Range
  456. Digits
  457. From Code
  458. From File
  459. Letters
  460. Normal
  461. to
  462. None
  463. Everything
  464. Button
  465. Browse Button
  466. Buttons
  467. Checkbox
  468. Close Button
  469. Colour
  470. Colour Dialog
  471. Colour Palette
  472. Colour Picker
  473. Colour Select Button
  474. Combobox
  475. Containers
  476. Bordered Window
  477. Borderless Window
  478. Blend Window
  479. File Input
  480. Grid
  481. Group
  482. Horizontal Scrollbar
  483. Horizontal Separator
  484. Image
  485. Input
  486. Label
  487. Link Label
  488. Listbox
  489. Headered Listbox
  490. Lists
  491. Menu Bar
  492. Miscellaneous
  493. Multiline Text Box
  494. Numeric Textbox
  495. Pan Area
  496. Radio Button
  497. Radio Buttons
  498. Radio Button Group
  499. Scrollbars
  500. Scroll Panel
  501. Separators
  502. Slider
  503. Thumbnail Slider
  504. Stack Panel
  505. Tab Control Panel
  506. Textbox
  507. Text Input
  508. Title Bar
  509. Toggle Button
  510. Tree View
  511. Vertical Scrollbar
  512. Vertical Separator
  513. Window
  514. Window Frame
  515. Windowing
  516. Text Editor Panel
  517. Resource Select Button
  518. Resource Drop Panel
  519. Resource Image
  520. Sprite Icon
  521. Object Icon
  522. Tile Set Icon
  523. Sprite Selector
  524. Resources
  525. Game Options - {0}
  526. Add-ons
  527. Add one or more add-ons to this project
  528. Help
  529. News
  530. Gmez Import: No project to import into
  531. Speed:
  532. Frame:
  533. Height:
  534. X:
  535. Y:
  536. U0:
  537. U1:
  538. V0:
  539. V1:
  540. Width:
  541. Insert Column After
  542. Insert Column Before
  543. Insert Grid Column Splitter After
  544. Insert Grid Column Splitter Before
  545. Insert Grid Column Dock Splitter After
  546. Insert Grid Column Dock Splitter Before
  547. Insert Row After
  548. Insert Row Before
  549. Insert Grid Row Splitter After
  550. Insert Grid Row Splitter Before
  551. Insert Grid Row Dock Splitter After
  552. Insert Grid Row Dock Splitter Before
  553. Move Column Left
  554. Move Column Right
  555. Move Row Down
  556. Move Row Up
  557. Span All Columns
  558. Span Entire Grid
  559. Span All Rows
  560. Remove Column(s)
  561. Remove Row(s)
  562. History
  563. Account
  564. Build
  565. Edit
  566. File
  567. ${IDEMenuViews}
  568. Tools
  569. Help
  570. Support Forums
  572. GameMaker Community
  573. Mac Closed beta forums
  574. Required SDKs
  575. Knowledge Base
  576. Report a Bug
  577. Release Notes
  578. Current Runtime Release Notes
  579. Start Page
  580. Welcome Page
  581. Open Manual
  582. ${IDEMenuHelpAbout}
  583. Licenses
  584. ${OpenProjectInExplorer}
  585. ${ShowLogFileInExplorer}
  586. Marketplace
  587. Texture Groups
  588. Audio Groups
  589. Sound Mixer
  590. Layouts
  591. Load Layout
  592. Save Layout
  593. Reset Layout
  594. Start Page
  595. New Project (${show_new_projects_page})
  596. Open Project (${load_project_dialog})
  597. Save Project (${menu_save_project_incremental})
  598. Create Executable (${package_program})
  599. Debug (F6)
  600. Run (F5)
  601. Stop
  602. Clean (${clean_program})
  603. Game Options
  604. Help (F1)
  605. Targets
  606. Notifications
  607. Zoom In (${zoom_in_workspace})
  608. Zoom Out (${zoom_out_workspace})
  609. Zoom Reset (${reset_workspace_zoom})
  610. Collapse/Expand dock panels (F12)
  611. Add Frame
  612. Import Image(s)
  613. Convert to Frames
  614. Import Strip Image
  615. Export to PNG
  616. Add group
  617. Add layer
  618. All Layers
  619. Iterations:
  620. Brushes
  621. Cancel Selection
  622. New Canvas Size:
  623. Fit Screen
  624. 1:1
  625. Left:
  626. Colour only
  627. Colours
  628. Unable to load
  629. Sprite {0} contains {1} image(s) that failed to load. Affected frames have been removed from the sprite.
  630. Colour Options
  631. Right:
  632. Commit Tool Changes?
  633. Crop All Frames To Selection
  634. Auto Trim All Frames
  635. Reverse Frames
  636. Cut
  637. Cut Frame
  638. Cut Selection
  639. Copy
  640. Copy Frame
  641. Paste Frame
  642. Copy Selection
  643. Paste Clipboard
  644. Select All
  645. Delete Selected Frames
  646. Delete group
  647. Delete layer(s)
  648. Duplicate layer(s)
  649. Edit layer properties
  650. Apply
  651. Apply To:
  652. Cancel
  653. Effects
  654. Apply to All Frames
  655. Flip
  656. Colour
  657. Grid Settings
  658. X Spacing
  659. Y Spacing
  660. Height:
  661. Crop / pad
  662. Import image(s)
  663. Resize Canvas
  664. Imported image is a different size from the canvas
  665. Pasted image is larger than the canvas
  666. Resize imported image to canvas size
  667. Resize canvas to imported image size ({0} x {1})
  668. Resize canvas to pasted image size ({0} x {1})?
  669. Crop/pad canvas
  670. Scale canvas
  671. Crop/pad imported image
  672. Scale imported image
  673. Insert Frame
  674. Intensity:
  675. Interpolation:
  676. Invert Selection
  677. Keep aspect ratio
  678. Blend Mode:
  679. Name:
  680. Opacity:
  681. Layers
  682. Layer Properties
  683. Toggle loop/ping-pong
  684. Save
  685. Merge all layers
  686. Merge group
  687. Merge layer down
  688. Merge Selected Layers
  689. Mirror
  690. {0} x {1} pixels
  691. Toggle onion skinning
  692. Frames back
  693. Frames forwards
  694. Onion Skin Settings
  695. Colour
  696. Paste
  697. Speed:
  698. Play/Pause animation
  699. Position
  700. Preview
  701. Redo
  702. Resize All Frames
  703. Rotate
  704. Scale
  705. Scale All Frames
  706. Selected Layer
  707. Snap to grid
  708. Anti-alias
  709. Font Adjustment
  710. Image Editor: {0}
  711. Toggle Grid
  712. Tolerance:
  713. Rotation:
  714. Interpolate
  715. Arc tool
  716. Paintbrush tool
  717. Colour Picker
  718. Ellipse tool
  719. Ellipse tool - outline
  720. Ellipse tool - filled
  721. Ellipse select tool
  722. Paint selection tool
  723. Erase tool
  724. Fill tool
  725. Colour replace tool
  726. Colour remove tool
  727. Flip brush tool
  728. Line tool
  729. Magic wand tool
  730. Mirror brush tool
  731. Pan image tool
  732. Polygon tool
  733. Polygon tool - outline
  734. Polygon tool - filled
  735. Rectangle tool
  736. Rectangle tool - outline
  737. Rectangle tool - filled
  738. Rectangle select tool
  739. Rotate brush tool
  740. Free rotate brush tool
  741. Split Magnify
  742. Text tool
  743. Toolbox
  744. Animation
  745. Flip
  746. Mirror
  747. All Frames
  748. Selected Frames
  749. Rotate All Frames (clockwise 90)
  750. Rotate All Frames (anti-clockwise 90)
  751. Undo
  752. Visible Layers
  753. Width:
  754. Click to add a point, drag to move (Ctrl - move control point; Shift - snap; Enter - commit)
  755. Left/right click to pick a colour
  756. Click and drag to draw an ellipse (Shift for a circle)
  757. Paint selection (Ctrl to add, Alt/right click to subtract)
  758. Click to erase
  759. Click to fill (Alt to tile with brush)
  760. Click to swap colours (Alt to replace alpha also)
  761. Click to remove a colour
  762. Click and drag to draw a line (Shift for a straight line)
  763. Click to replace selection (Ctrl to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)
  764. Click to paint (Shift for a straight line, Ctrl to pick a colour)
  765. Click and drag to pan
  766. Click to add points (Enter to commit)
  767. Click and drag to draw a rectangle (Shift for a square)
  768. Click button to rotate clockwise (Shift for anti-clockwise)
  769. Click and drag to rotate current brush
  770. Click and drag to replace selection (Ctrl to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)
  771. Click and drag to replace selection (Ctrl to add to selection, Alt to subtract from selection)
  772. Click to insert text
  773. Cannot paint on layer groups
  774. Cannot paint on layer groups; select a non-group layer
  775. Cannot paint to a locked or invisible layer
  776. Cannot paint to the selected layer - it is locked or hidden
  777. Current layer is not visible
  778. Selection Area: {0}x{1}
  779. Current Frame:
  780. {0} of {1} frames
  781. Size:
  782. Smooth
  783. Colour only:
  784. Contiguous mode:
  785. Stroke
  786. Fill
  787. Both
  788. Copy colours to sprite:
  789. Import colours from sprite:
  790. Onion skin
  791. Loop mode
  792. Play
  793. Add Layer To All Frames
  794. Add Layer Group
  795. Shift Layer Up
  796. Shift Layer Down
  797. Delete Layer/Group For All Frames
  798. Left Or Right Click To Set Eraser
  799. Can't Delete Last Layer
  800. Can't delete layer - image must have at least one layer
  801. Swap left and right colours
  802. Greyscale
  803. Blur
  804. Blur Type:
  805. Horizontal
  806. Vertical
  807. Both
  808. Box
  809. Gaussian
  810. Grid Colour:
  811. Alpha:
  812. Grid X
  813. Grid Y
  814. Snap
  815. No Split
  816. Split Horizontal
  817. Split Vertical
  818. Importing...
  819. Extracting...
  820. All
  821. File Name:
  822. File Size:
  823. {0} KB
  824. {0} MB
  825. None
  826. Platforms:
  827. Included File: {0}
  828. Android
  829. Android (YYC)
  830. GameMaker:Player
  831. HTML5
  832. iOS
  833. iOS (YYC)
  834. macOS
  835. PlayStation 3
  836. PlayStation 3 (YYC)
  837. PlayStation 4
  838. PlayStation 4 (YYC)
  839. PlayStation Vita
  840. PlayStation Vita (YYC)
  841. Tizen (Javascript)
  842. Tizen (Native)
  843. Ubuntu
  844. Ubuntu (YYC)
  845. Windows
  846. Windows 8 (YYC)
  847. Windows Phone 8
  848. Windows Phone 8 (YYC)
  849. Windows (YYC)
  850. Windows 8 (Javascript)
  851. Windows 8 (Native)
  852. Xbox One
  853. Xbox One (YYC)
  854. Windows UWP
  855. Android TV
  856. tvOS
  857. Amazon Fire
  858. Creation Code
  859. Edit Object
  860. Flip X:
  861. Flip Y:
  862. X:
  863. Y:
  864. Rotation:
  865. Scale X:
  866. Scale Y:
  867. Please select a language
  868. Failed to load layout '{0}' from file '{1}' as it has a duplicate name
  869. Multiple layouts with name '{0}' specify with guid to ensure correct selection
  870. Off
  871. On
  872. 16 bit
  873. 8 bit
  874. 3D
  875. Mono
  876. Stereo
  877. Block Pattern
  878. Single Colour
  879. Play once
  880. Loop
  881. Ping pong
  882. Cubic
  883. Linear
  884. None
  885. Percent
  886. Pixels
  887. Add
  888. Multiply
  889. Normal
  890. Subtract
  891. Delete All
  892. Keep All
  893. Keep Changed
  894. Show Message
  895. No
  896. Show Message
  897. Yes
  898. OK
  899. Show Message
  900. 16 Bit
  901. 32 Bit
  902. 64 Bit
  903. Stretch
  904. Tile
  905. Best Fit
  906. Desktop Stretch
  907. Loading...
  908. Open Marketplace
  909. My Library
  911. Login
  912. Overview
  913. Title
  914. Developer
  915. Rating
  916. Page {0} / {1}
  917. Status
  918. Screenshots
  919. View more from developer.
  920. Description:
  921. Age Rating:
  922. Version:
  923. Version {0}. Published {1}.
  924. Package Contains:
  925. End User License Agreement: (EULA)
  926. Categories
  927. Verifying...
  928. Downloaded
  929. View in marketplace
  930. By {0}
  931. Delete
  932. Download
  933. Update
  934. Refresh library.
  935. An update is available for this asset.
  936. Import
  937. Review This Asset
  938. My Library
  939. View in Marketplace
  940. Install
  941. Installing...
  942. Installed
  943. You do not currently have any assets in your Library. Click to visit the Marketplace and browse assets.
  944. Download cancelled
  945. Downloading...
  946. Download failed
  947. Password
  948. Register
  949. Save Username/Password
  950. Username
  951. Cannot access Marketplace: User is offline
  952. Create Package
  953. Update Existing Package
  954. Create Package
  955. Select publisher and enter a new package name and ID
  956. Choose an Asset
  957. Please select the name and package ID of your asset from the marketplace
  958. Name:
  959. No Publisher selected
  960. Publisher Name:
  961. Package ID:
  962. Version:
  963. Package ID required
  964. Creating package...
  965. Select resources from your project and add them to your package:
  966. Project:
  967. Asset Package:
  968. Add
  969. Add All
  970. Remove
  971. Certificate file has not been set - please check Marketplace certificate settings
  972. Certificate file '{0}' could not be found - please check Marketplace certificate settings
  973. You will need to set up a signing certificate before you can create and publish packages.
  974. Go to Certificate Settings
  975. Error creating package
  976. Error importing package
  977. Verifying package...
  978. Failed to verify the package
  979. Failed with error:\n'{0}'
  980. Package signing error
  981. Error extracting package archive: {0}
  982. Import Completed!
  983. Select resources from the asset package and add them to your project:
  984. You must first open a project to import resources into
  985. You must include at least one resource
  986. Import all resources to a new project
  987. Some resources failed to import - see output window for details
  988. Check For Updates
  989. Updating...
  990. Marketplace
  991. My Purchase History
  992. Publisher Account Required
  993. You do not have a Publisher attached to this account. Do you want to add one now?
  994. Project Required
  995. An open project is required to import assets.\nDo you want to create a new project or open an existing project now?
  996. Package Upload
  997. Created package '{0}' version {1}
  998. Uploading to Marketplace...
  999. Package ID is invalid
  1000. Display name
  1001. Display name is invalid
  1002. Display name restrictions
  1003. - Must be between 5 and 30 characters long
  1004. - Must start with a letter
  1005. - May only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores
  1006. Package ID Restrictions
  1007. - Must be in the format com.companyname.assetname
  1008. - Cannot contain spaces
  1009. - Company and asset names may contain letters and numbers
  1010. IMPORTANT: The package ID cannot be changed once your asset has been created.
  1011. Uploaded package '{0}' version {1}\nGo to the asset listing page?
  1012. Package upload failed: {0}
  1013. Package upload cancelled
  1014. Package Type:
  1015. IMPORTANT: The asset category will be set to 'Demo' on upload
  1016. IMPORTANT: The asset category will be set to 'Tutorial' on upload
  1017. IMPORTANT: The package ID cannot be changed once your asset has been created. The asset category will be set to 'Demo' on upload
  1018. IMPORTANT: The package ID cannot be changed once your asset has been created. The asset category will be set to 'Tutorial' on upload
  1019. Add Menu Bar Entry
  1020. Add Menu Bar Entry After '{0}'
  1021. Add Menu Bar Entry Before '{0}'
  1022. Edit
  1023. File
  1024. Image
  1025. Language
  1026. Style
  1027. Tools
  1028. View
  1029. Back
  1030. Forward
  1031. Reload
  1032. Release Notes
  1033. Collision Mask:
  1034. Parent
  1035. Parent & Children
  1036. Persistent
  1037. Angular Damping
  1038. Density
  1039. Friction
  1040. Collision Group
  1041. Kinematic
  1042. Linear Damping
  1043. Restitution
  1044. Sensor
  1045. Start Awake
  1046. Solid
  1047. Uses Physics
  1048. Visible
  1049. Zoom in
  1050. Zoom out
  1051. Reset zoom
  1052. Add Event
  1053. Sprite
  1054. Animation Speed
  1055. {0}
  1056. Box
  1057. Change Event
  1058. Cannot change event
  1059. The Event cannot be changed to an existing Event.
  1060. Convert to {0}
  1061. GML
  1062. DnD™
  1063. Children
  1064. Circle
  1065. Code
  1066. Collision Shape
  1067. Current Frame
  1068. Delete Event
  1069. Delete Events
  1070. Cut Event
  1071. Copy Event
  1072. Paste Event
  1073. Duplicate Event
  1074. Open Parent Event
  1075. Override Event
  1076. Inherit Event
  1077. Show Parent Event
  1078. Select Sprite
  1079. Select Mask
  1080. Select Parent
  1081. Event
  1082. Events
  1083. Modify Collision Shape
  1084. Name:
  1085. New
  1086. No Parent
  1087. No Sprite
  1088. Object Properties
  1089. Physics
  1090. Variables
  1091. Variable Definitions
  1092. Multi-select
  1093. Add a new variable
  1094. Add a new list item
  1095. This variable has been inherited from the parent object {0}.
  1096. Name
  1097. This is how you will reference it in code.
  1098. Value
  1099. Set the variable to a value for this instance only.
  1100. Type
  1101. Default
  1102. Options
  1103. ИСТИНА
  1104. Options: {0}
  1105. Use Range
  1106. Min
  1107. Max
  1108. List items
  1109. Resource filter
  1110. Remove this item
  1111. Physics Properties
  1112. Physics Collision Shape
  1113. Properties
  1114. Same As Sprite
  1115. Same As Sprite
  1116. Convex Shape
  1117. Object: {0}
  1118. Remove this variable
  1119. Open options...
  1120. Override this variable
  1121. Output
  1122. Search Results
  1123. Source Control
  1124. Increment:
  1125. Add
  1126. Closed
  1127. Connection Kind
  1128. Edit
  1129. Edit
  1130. Cancel
  1131. Save
  1132. Edit Point {0} In {1}
  1133. Horizontal Shift:
  1134. Insert
  1135. Speed:
  1136. Name:
  1137. Precision:
  1138. Remove
  1139. Inherit
  1140. <No path>
  1141. Select Path...
  1142. Shift
  1143. Click the arrow in the direction you want to shift the path.
  1144. Shift Path: {0}
  1145. Smooth Curve
  1146. Snap X
  1147. Snap Y
  1148. Speed
  1149. Edit Points
  1150. Mirror
  1151. Flip
  1152. Pan To Path
  1153. Reverse
  1154. Left Mouse Button: Add & Drag Anchor
  1155. Area: {0},{1} {2},{3}
  1156. Cursor: {0},{1}
  1157. T+LMB: Translate, R+LMB: Rotate, S+LMB: Scale
  1158. Straight Lines
  1159. Shift Path
  1160. Snap Path To Grid
  1161. Toggle Grid On/Off
  1162. Zoom In
  1163. Zoom Out
  1164. Reset Zoom
  1165. Vertical Shift:
  1166. Path: {0}
  1167. <new path>
  1168. Preferences
  1169. Debug Info
  1170. Memory Usage
  1171. Output
  1172. No Object
  1173. No Sprite
  1174. No Tileset
  1175. Add Existing
  1176. Add Existing From My Library
  1177. Add Group
  1178. Add From Default View
  1179. Remove From Current View
  1180. You are about to remove ""{0}"" from view ""{1}"". Continue?
  1181. Create
  1182. Convert to GML
  1183. Convert to DnD™
  1184. Create Child
  1185. Create Included File
  1186. Delete
  1187. Duplicate
  1188. Import Extension
  1189. Insert Included File
  1190. Open Externally
  1191. Error Opening Externally
  1192. ${OpenInExplorer}
  1193. Open All
  1194. Open Properties
  1195. Open In Sound Mixer
  1196. Open All Event Scripts
  1197. Create Sprite From Image(s)
  1198. Rename
  1199. Configurations
  1200. You are about to delete the directory "{0}" and all the items it contains. Continue?
  1201. Extensions
  1202. You are about to delete the file "{0}". Continue?
  1203. Fonts
  1204. Included Files
  1205. No results found
  1206. Create Extension
  1207. Create Font
  1208. Create Included File
  1209. Create Object
  1210. Create Path
  1211. Create Room
  1212. Create Script
  1213. Create Shader
  1214. Create Sound
  1215. Create Sprite
  1216. Create Tile Set
  1217. Create Note
  1218. Create Timeline
  1219. Resources
  1220. Are you sure you want to delete these resources: {0}?
  1221. Are you sure you want to delete these resources: {0}?\nIncluded files/folders on disk will be deleted
  1222. Are you sure you want to delete these resources: {0}?\nCollision events with deleted objects will also be deleted
  1223. Notes
  1224. Objects
  1225. Options
  1226. Paths
  1227. Are you sure you want to delete {0}?
  1228. Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\nIncluded files/folders on disk will be deleted
  1229. Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\nCollision events with deleted objects will also be deleted
  1230. Rooms
  1231. Scripts
  1232. Shaders
  1233. Sounds
  1234. Sprites
  1235. Tile Sets
  1236. Timelines
  1237. Resources
  1238. View Name Already In Use
  1239. Cannot rename Default View
  1240. Do you want to open {0} resources for edit?
  1241. Opening Lots of Resources
  1242. Clone current view
  1243. Add new view
  1244. Delete current view
  1245. Expand/Collapse All
  1246. Expand/Collapse All
  1247. Expand All
  1248. Collapse All
  1249. Add Sub Layer
  1250. Add Layer
  1251. All
  1252. Are you sure you want to delete the following items (Note: Instance creation code will be irrevocably lost): {0}
  1253. Are you sure you want to delete the following layers (Note: Instance creation code will be irrevocably lost): {0}
  1254. Attempting to delete items from a parent room (Note: Instance creation code will be irrevocably lost).\nDelete All: Delete matching items from child rooms\nKeep All: Keep all child room items\nKeep Changed: Keep child room items which have overridden the parent\nImmediate Children: {0}
  1255. Attempting to delete layers from a parent room (Note: Instance creation code will be irrevocably lost).\nDelete All: Delete matching layers from child rooms\nKeep All: Keep all child room layers\nKeep Changed: Keep child room layers which have overridden the parent\nImmediate Children: {0}
  1256. Delete All
  1257. Delete Layer
  1258. Rename Layer
  1259. Delete Selected Layers
  1260. Graphic: {0}
  1261. Colour:
  1262. Snap X:
  1263. Snap Y:
  1264. Inherit
  1265. Inherit Creation Code
  1266. Inherit Editor Properties
  1267. Inherit Physics Properties
  1268. Inherit Room Settings
  1269. Inherit Sub Layers
  1270. Inherit View
  1271. Inherit View Properties
  1272. Inherit Layer Visibility
  1273. Instance: {0}
  1274. Keep All
  1275. Keep Changed
  1276. {1} Layer Properties - {0}
  1277. Layers - {0}
  1278. Create New Asset Layer
  1279. Create New Background Layer
  1280. Create New Folder
  1281. Create New Instance Layer
  1282. Create New Path Layer
  1283. Create New Tile Layer
  1284. {0} ({1}, {2})
  1285. {0} ({1}, {2}) parent - {3}
  1286. Properties - {0}
  1287. Instance Creation Order - {0}
  1288. Instance Creation Order
  1289. Brush:
  1290. Tool:
  1291. Editing Mode:
  1292. Tiles - {0}
  1293. Zoom: {0}%
  1294. Layer Properties
  1295. Layer View
  1296. Reset Windows On Current Desktop
  1297. Room
  1298. Room Properties
  1299. Windows
  1300. Clear Selection
  1301. Copy Selection
  1302. Cut Selection
  1303. Delete Selection
  1304. Invert Selection
  1305. Tile Editing
  1306. Tile Selection Window
  1307. Auto Tile (A)
  1308. Select Tiles (S)
  1309. Paint Tiles
  1310. Eraser (E)
  1311. Flip (Y)
  1312. Show Tile Inheritance
  1313. Mirror (X)
  1314. Edit Tile Inheritance (I)
  1315. Pen (D)
  1316. Rotate Tile (Z)
  1317. Fill (F)
  1318. Line (L)
  1319. Rectangle (R)
  1320. Room Colour
  1321. Clear Display Buffer
  1322. Clear Viewport Background
  1323. Colour
  1324. Creation Code
  1325. Instance Creation Order
  1326. Enable Physics
  1327. Enable Viewports
  1328. Gravity X
  1329. Gravity Y
  1330. Horizontal Border
  1331. Height
  1332. Horizontal Speed
  1333. Persistent
  1334. Room Physics
  1335. Pixels To Meters
  1336. Room Settings
  1337. Draw Background Colour
  1338. Speed
  1339. Vertical Border
  1340. Viewport {0}
  1341. Camera Properties
  1342. Object Following
  1343. Height
  1344. Viewport Properties
  1345. Viewports and Cameras
  1346. Visible
  1347. Width
  1348. X Pos
  1349. Y Pos
  1350. Vertical Speed
  1351. Width
  1352. Clean
  1353. Create Executable
  1354. Show Remote Worker Installer
  1355. Run
  1356. Debug
  1357. Error
  1358. Could not connect to Remote Worker. Please check your setup and try again.
  1359. Remote Worker was left blank. Please name your Remote Worker and try again.
  1360. Saving...
  1361. Add Path
  1362. Clone Repository
  1363. Commit Changes
  1364. Show Conflicts
  1365. Create Project Repository
  1366. Delete Path
  1367. View History
  1368. Import Project into Repository
  1369. Source Control
  1370. Pull Changes
  1371. Push Changes
  1372. Revert All
  1373. Revert Path
  1374. Revert To This Revision
  1375. Source Control Conflicts
  1376. Use Theirs
  1377. Merge
  1378. Choose Merge Tool
  1379. Tool location
  1380. Tool options
  1381. Use Mine
  1382. Was the Merge operation successful?
  1383. Search Cancelled
  1384. Case Sensitive
  1385. Search Complete ({0} results)
  1386. Content
  1387. End of search results reached, should we loop?
  1388. Find All
  1389. Find Next
  1390. Find Previous
  1391. Item
  1392. Line
  1393. No results were found.
  1394. Replace:
  1395. Replace All
  1396. Are you sure you want to Replace All?\nThis will edit files on disk.
  1397. Replace
  1398. Search:
  1399. Search & Replace
  1400. Whole Word Only
  1401. There are more results available...
  1402. Attributes:
  1403. Audio Group:
  1404. Bit Rate (kbps):
  1405. Compressed - Not Streamed
  1406. Compressed - Streamed
  1407. Copying Sound...
  1408. Edit Sound
  1409. Name:
  1410. No Sound has been loaded
  1411. Open
  1412. Quality:
  1413. Sample Rate:
  1414. Sound Loaded
  1415. Target Options:
  1416. Sound: {0}
  1417. Uncompressed - Not Streamed
  1418. Uncompress on Load - Not Streamed
  1419. Volume:
  1420. Output:
  1421. No Audio Device
  1422. No audio device is available for previewing sounds.
  1423. Streaming sounds cannot be used in AudioGroups. Are you sure you want to set this to streaming? It will reset the AudioGroup back to Default.
  1424. Sound Mixer
  1425. Column Volume
  1426. Untitled Group
  1427. Too Many Sound Mixer Groups
  1428. There are too many Sound Mixer Groups on this window. You could open another Sound Mixer or close unused groups in this window.
  1429. Attempting to request further source control actions on '{0}' after end has been called, create a new sourcecontrolaction class or use WaitForPrevious to insert blocking sections between requests
  1430. Source Control Action '{0}' has not successfully completed
  1431. Source Control Action '{0}' has an invalid action in the request queue
  1432. Source Control (Git) Invalid Credentials
  1433. The Repository '{0}' is expecting a different Username/Password than is set under the Identity preferences.
  1434. Source Control (Git) No Repository
  1435. There is no Git repository configured with this Project.\nTry Create if you want a local repository, or Import into an existing one.
  1436. Source Control (Git) No Identity
  1437. There is no Git identity set under Preferences.\nPlease set one so that commits are correctly attributed!
  1438. Select/Deselect All
  1439. Merge in Progress
  1440. Files Modified in Commit - {0}
  1441. Message for Commit - {0}
  1442. Commit History
  1443. Previous Page
  1444. Next Page
  1445. Select a Commit
  1446. Automatically open source control output window
  1447. You have not specified a commit message, are you sure you want to continue?
  1448. There are conflicts within this project. If the project is closed or reloaded, it may be broken until manually resolved. Are you sure you want to continue?
  1449. Authorisation Type
  1450. Repository URL
  1451. Username
  1452. Password
  1453. Path to Public Key
  1454. Path to Private Key
  1455. Username/Password
  1456. SSH Keys
  1457. Source Control (Git) Authentication Settings
  1458. Path to Diff tool
  1459. Diff Tool Options
  1460. Add User/Pass Authentication
  1461. Add SSH Keypair Authentication
  1462. Source Control (Git) Authentication Failed
  1463. No Valid User/Pass Authentication details found for {0}
  1464. No Valid SSH KeyPair Authentication details found for {0}
  1465. Create KeyPair
  1466. Source Control (Git) Invalid Authentication
  1467. Repository field cannot be empty
  1468. Username field cannot be empty
  1469. Password field cannot be empty
  1470. Cannot find Public key - please ensure path is valid
  1471. Cannot find Private key - please ensure path is valid
  1472. Authentication details for repository already exist
  1473. {0}
  1474. Source Control (Git) Clone Repository
  1475. URL of repository to clone:
  1476. Path to clone to:
  1477. Source Control (Git) Commit
  1478. Stage Changes
  1479. Unstage All
  1480. Unstage Selected
  1481. Unstaged Changes
  1482. Stage All
  1483. Stage Selected
  1484. Commit Message
  1485. Commit
  1486. Source Control (Git) Import Project
  1487. Repository to import project into:
  1488. Source Control (Git) Log
  1489. Done.
  1490. Loading....
  1491. Loading Languages...
  1492. Loading Custom Languages...
  1493. Loading Plugins...
  1494. Loading Preferences...
  1495. Loading Devices...
  1496. User Login
  1497. Drag and Drop...
  1498. Checking RSS...
  1499. Delete Points
  1500. Lock sprite origin
  1501. Manual
  1502. Premultiply Alpha
  1503. Edge Filtering
  1504. Premultiply the alpha channel into the sprite frame
  1505. Merge pixels along the edge of the graphic to correct interpolation
  1506. Full Image
  1507. Image:
  1508. Bottom:
  1509. {0}%
  1510. Left:
  1511. Right:
  1512. Top:
  1513. Boundaries
  1514. Diamond (Slow)
  1515. Ellipse (Slow)
  1516. Collision Mask
  1517. Collision Mask:
  1518. Precise (Slow)
  1519. Precise Per Frame (Slow)
  1520. Rectangle (Fast)
  1521. Automatic
  1522. Add Frame
  1523. Copy
  1524. Delete
  1525. Paste
  1526. Select All
  1527. Edit Image
  1528. Edit Collision Mask
  1529. Wrap Frames
  1530. Speed:
  1531. Import
  1532. Frame Count: {0}
  1533. Origin Point:
  1534. Size:
  1535. W: {0}
  1536. H: {0}
  1537. SWF Precision:
  1538. Resize Properties: {0}
  1539. Current
  1540. Preview
  1541. Preview Mask
  1542. Scale Image
  1543. Resize Canvas
  1544. Width:
  1545. Height:
  1546. Maintain Aspect Ratio:
  1547. pixels
  1548. Sprite is a tile set resource!
  1549. This sprite is a tile set and resizing will cause tile data to change. Do you want to continue anyway?
  1550. %
  1551. Scale In:
  1552. Resize In:
  1553. Name:
  1554. Origin:
  1555. Bottom Left
  1556. Bottom Center
  1557. Bottom Right
  1558. Middle Left
  1559. Middle Center
  1560. Middle Right
  1561. Custom
  1562. Top Left
  1563. Top Center
  1564. Top Right
  1565. Play Animation
  1566. Playback Options
  1567. Previewing Frames:
  1568. Showing Collision Mask
  1569. Group:
  1570. Texture Settings:
  1571. Tile Horizontally
  1572. Tile Horizontally and Tile Vertically relate to how the edges of the image will be\ncreated when placed on the texture page. An image that is to be tiled will have the edges (horizontal or vertical)\nadded to by the edges from the opposite side.
  1573. Tile Vertically
  1574. Tolerance
  1575. Separate Texture Page
  1576. Sprite: {0}
  1577. Start page failed to load.\nYou can create new projects from the File menu.
  1578. An Error Occurred
  1579. Start Page
  1580. Number of Frames
  1581. Frames per Row
  1582. Frame Width
  1583. Frame Height
  1584. Horizontal Cell Offset
  1585. Vertical Cell Offset
  1586. Horizontal Pixel Offset
  1587. Vertical Pixel Offset
  1588. Horizonal Separation
  1589. Vertical Separation
  1590. Create from Strip
  1591. Importing strip images will replace the existing sprite frames - do you wish to proceed?
  1592. Duplicate style '{0}' found, it will be discarded as overwrite is set to false
  1593. Failed to parse enum of type '{1}' using the value '{2}' - exception message: '{0}'
  1594. Failed to clone style value object of type '{0}' object class must implement ICloneable interface
  1595. Failed to clone style value object of type '{0}' collection types must have a bespoke deep clone implemented
  1596. Add New Tab
  1597. Add New Tab After '{0}'
  1598. Move Tab '{0}' Back
  1599. Move Tab '{0}' Forward
  1600. Clear
  1601. Copy
  1602. Cut
  1603. Failed to open document for edit: {0} - {1}
  1604. Paste
  1605. Select All
  1606. Comment Selection
  1607. Uncomment Selection
  1608. Tab In
  1609. Tab Out
  1610. {0}/{1} Col:{2} Ch:{3}
  1611. Regions
  1612. Fold All Regions
  1613. Unfold All Regions
  1614. Fold/Unfold region
  1615. Previous Region
  1616. Next Region
  1617. Code Snippets
  1618. Current Group:
  1619. Add New
  1620. Allow Scaling
  1621. Automatically Crop
  1622. Generate mipmaps
  1623. Tilesets
  1624. Border Size:
  1625. Delete
  1626. Add Resource
  1627. Fonts
  1628. Backgrounds
  1629. Fonts
  1630. Sprites
  1631. This group is empty.
  1632. Parent Texture Group
  1633. Remove
  1634. Rename
  1635. Group Settings
  1636. Sprites
  1637. Use Group On...
  1638. Type to find resource
  1639. Texture Groups
  1640. Move To
  1641. Edit...
  1642. Current Group:
  1643. Add New
  1644. Delete
  1645. Add Resource
  1646. This group is empty.
  1647. Remove
  1648. Rename
  1649. Use Group On...
  1650. Type to find resource
  1651. Audio Groups
  1652. Select Resource
  1653. Edit...
  1654. Tile Data Size
  1655. Edit Image
  1656. Name:
  1657. No Sprite Selected
  1658. Tile Offset X
  1659. Tile Offset Y
  1660. Output Border X
  1661. Output Border Y
  1662. Animation Speed: Frames Per Second
  1663. FPS
  1664. Add Anim
  1665. Delete Anim
  1666. The background colour that should be shown behind animation frames
  1667. Auto tile background colour
  1668. Delete
  1669. 47 Tiles
  1670. 16 Tiles
  1671. Show Guide
  1672. Brush:
  1673. Tool:
  1674. Tile Separation X
  1675. Tile Separation Y
  1676. Tile Height
  1677. Tile Size
  1678. Tile Width
  1679. Tile Set: {0}
  1680. Use As Tileset
  1681. Tile Set: Image generated for '{0}'
  1682. Add
  1683. Change
  1684. Clear
  1685. Duplicate
  1686. Merge
  1687. Remove
  1688. Shift
  1689. Add
  1690. Unselect All
  1691. Copy
  1692. Cut
  1693. Duplicate
  1694. Edit
  1695. Change Moment
  1696. Merge
  1697. Paste
  1698. Remove
  1699. Select All
  1700. Step
  1701. Moment
  1702. Name:
  1703. Description
  1704. Timeline: {0}
  1705. Timeline Moments: {0}
  1706. Convert to {0}
  1707. Add Child Node
  1708. Add Node
  1709. Add Node After
  1710. Add Node Before
  1711. Move Node Down
  1712. Move Node Up
  1713. Failed to store undo property '{0}': \nMultiple potential properties found, does this property use the 'new' keyword?
  1714. Download now
  1715. Remind me later
  1716. New version is available! \nYou are on v{0}\nNew version is {1}
  1717. View Release notes
  1718. New Version
  1719. Login
  1720. Register
  1721. YoYo Account Login
  1722. Email/Username
  1723. Password
  1724. Remember Me
  1725. Proxy settings
  1726. Two Step Authentication
  1727. OK
  1728. Authentication Code
  1729. Retry
  1730. Maximum logins exceeded \nYou can manage your account sessions at
  1731. Invalid session (User)
  1732. Two-step login required
  1733. Required fields missing
  1734. User is banned
  1735. Authentication failed - Please check your username and password
  1736. User not found
  1737. Device ID mismatch
  1738. Two-step code invalid
  1739. Session not found
  1740. Login successful
  1741. No beta access
  1742. Session has expired
  1743. Errors creating session
  1744. {0} - Length should be less than {1}
  1745. {0} - Length should be greater than {1}
  1746. {0} - Object should be of type {2}{1}
  1747. or inherit from
  1748. {0} - List should only contain objects of type {2}{1}
  1749. {0} - Value must be within range {1} - {2}
  1750. {0} - Value cannot be null
  1751. {0} - String length is invalid must be between {1} and {2} characters
  1752. Failed to set layer name '{0}' it is not unique within room
  1753. Failed to set property on model '{0}' name is not unique
  1754. Layer name cannot be blank
  1756. Breakpoints
  1757. Global Game Settings
  1758. Output Window
  1759. History
  1760. Output
  1761. Build Worker
  1762. Resources
  1763. Tutorial Windows
  1764. Search Results
  1765. Source Control Output
  1766. Breakpoints
  1767. Compile Errors
  1768. IDE Environment Variables
  1769. Close
  1770. Minimize
  1771. Merging moments is a permanent action that cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue?
  1772. Merge Moments
  1773. Deleting moments is a permanent action that cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue?
  1774. Delete Moments
  1775. Workspace {0}
  1776. DockTab{0}
  1777. The selected layer does not accept the dragged resources, please select an appropriate layer type, ie. object -> instance layer, sprite -> asset or background layer, path -> path layer
  1778. Floating Dock
  1779. Unable to drag resources into room, ensure one layer is selected
  1780. Unable to drag resources into room, ensure selected layer '{0}' is unlocked and visible
  1781. The selected tile set has no associated sprite please select a valid tile set
  1782. Your tile set preview will appear here when you select a tile set
  1783. No Tile Layer Selected
  1784. Invalid name, already in use: {0}. Names must be unique.
  1785. Invalid name, reserved keyword: {0}.
  1786. Invalid name, contains invalid characters: {0}. Should only contain 0-9, a-z, A-Z or _ and not start with 0-9.
  1787. Invalid model.
  1788. View
  1790. Add New View
  1791. Default
  1792. You cannot delete the default view.
  1793. Resource Tree
  1794. A view with this name already exists. Views must be unique.
  1795. Filter Tree
  1796. Whole Word
  1797. Find Next
  1798. Find Previous
  1799. Search...
  1800. Search Options
  1801. Find...
  1802. Replace...
  1803. Selection Only
  1804. Directional Input
  1805. Numeric Input
  1806. Apply To
  1807. Is Relative
  1808. Is Temp
  1809. Text Input
  1810. Expression
  1811. Menu Input
  1812. Menu Expression Input
  1813. Resource Selection
  1814. Select Resource
  1815. Boolean Input
  1816. Boolean Expression Input
  1817. Colour Picker
  1818. Colour Palette
  1819. Text Input (MultiLine)
  1820. Code Input
  1821. Options
  1822. Group Selector
  1823. Relative
  1824. Temp
  1825. Apply To
  1826. DnD™ Maker
  1827. Arguments
  1828. Gadgets
  1829. Argument Properties
  1830. Argument Layout
  1831. Node Designer ({0})
  1832. No Action
  1833. Layout Groups
  1834. Library
  1835. Nodes
  1836. Layout
  1837. Translations
  1838. Name
  1839. English
  1840. Translation
  1841. Restrictions
  1842. Description
  1843. Languages
  1844. New Language
  1845. Edit Language
  1846. Default
  1847. Group
  1848. New Section
  1849. New Action
  1850. New Node
  1851. Save Node
  1852. Preview
  1853. Evaluate
  1854. Load Library
  1855. Save Library
  1856. New Library
  1857. My Library
  1858. Export Library
  1859. Write new library name
  1860. Create Library
  1861. Cancel
  1862. Sections
  1863. Add Section
  1864. Open Layout Wizard...
  1865. Expand Localisation
  1866. Add Layout Group
  1867. Rename Layout Group
  1868. Remove Layout Group
  1869. Add Section
  1870. Remove
  1871. Rename
  1872. Edit Action
  1873. Remove Gadget
  1874. Copy Gadget
  1875. Cut Gadget
  1876. Paste Gadget
  1877. OK
  1878. No library loaded.
  1879. Add Group
  1880. Rename Group
  1881. Remove Group
  1882. Default group cannot be deleted.
  1883. Library cannot be deleted.
  1884. Invalid action name: must be XML compatible.
  1885. This action has no layout.
  1886. Error -- Cannot show preview.
  1887. You are not editing an action.
  1888. You are not previewing an action.
  1889. Evaluation Result
  1890. Action Properties
  1891. // Your code here
  1892. Code (Group: {0})
  1893. Saving failed.
  1894. Library saved.
  1895. DnD™ Maker
  1896. There are unsaved changes. Do you want to save?
  1897. Do you want to save the current library before continuing?
  1898. Exporting library failed.
  1899. Couldn't open the specified library.
  1900. Actions can't be parents.
  1901. Gadgets can't be parents.
  1902. You have not selected a gadget.
  1903. You have not copied a gadget.
  1904. Layout Wizard
  1905. This wizard helps you easily create a layout for your DnD™ action.
  1906. How many arguments do you need?
  1907. Caption
  1908. Gadget
  1909. Tag Name
  1910. Can Be Relative?
  1911. Properties
  1912. Can Be Temp?
  1913. Layout wizard layout is missing.
  1914. Loading...
  1915. Failed to expand localisation
  1916. Label
  1917. Stack Panel
  1918. Grid
  1919. Mouse & Key Selector
  1920. Failed to find any tutorials in the installed package
  1921. Tutorial install complete!
  1922. Open in browser
  1923. Tutorial: {0}
  1924. Error loading tutorial file: {0}
  1925. Could not find tutorial template project: {0}
  1926. Installing Tutorial
  1927. Installing:{0}
  1928. Error installing tutorial
  1929. Failed to install tutorial package '{0}'
  1930. Display name must be set
  1931. Display Name:
  1932. Icon File:
  1933. Optional video settings
  1934. Video URL:
  1935. HTML Video Page:
  1936. HTML Start Page:
  1937. Tutorial Content Settings:
  1938. Tutorial
  1939. Could not find {0}
  1940. Display name must be set
  1941. Error acquiring tutorial: {0}
  1942. Add content to Included Files "TutorialContent" folder
  1943. Add files for the user to import to Included Files "TutorialResources" folder
  1944. Update Available: {0}
  1945. Error Acquiring Demo: {0}
  1946. YYZ Importer
  1947. Failed to import YYZ
  1948. YYZ Exporter
  1949. YYZ Exported Successfully
  1950. YYZ Export Failed
  1951. Inherit From Project
  1952. Workspace
  1953. Save
  1954. Reload
  1955. Live Preview
  1956. DnD™ Preview
  1957. Pan
  1958. Copy
  1959. Cut
  1960. Show Help...
  1961. Paste
  1962. Collapse All
  1963. Expand All
  1964. Evaluate...
  1965. Scaling
  1966. Keep aspect ratio
  1967. Full scale
  1968. Version
  1969. Error Selecting Image
  1970. The image is expected to be of {0}x{1} but received {2}x{3}
  1971. The image is expected to have an alpha channel (i.e. be 32-bit)
  1972. Cannot access file: {0}
  1973. %localappdata%\<Game Name>
  1974. %appdata%\<Game Name>
  1975. Vertex Buffer Method
  1976. Fast
  1977. Compatible
  1978. Most Compatible
  1979. 256x256
  1980. 512x512
  1981. 1024x1024
  1982. 2048x2048
  1983. 4096x4096
  1984. 8192x8192
  1985. Install
  1986. Light
  1987. Dark
  1988. Edit
  1989. Package Content ID
  1990. Package Passcode
  1991. Refresh from Mac
  1992. PARAM.SFO
  1994. Trophy Editor
  1995. Share Editor
  1996. Voice Recognition
  1997. Build Tools
  1998. Package Name
  1999. Target SDK
  2000. Minimum SDK
  2001. Compile SDK
  2002. 0 seconds
  2003. 1 second
  2004. 2 seconds
  2005. 3 seconds
  2006. 4 seconds
  2007. 5 seconds
  2008. 6 seconds
  2009. 7 seconds
  2010. 8 seconds
  2011. 9 seconds
  2012. 10 seconds
  2013. Automatic
  2014. Prefer External
  2015. 16bit
  2016. 24bit
  2017. Only support Android devices with a GPU
  2018. Install on any supported Android device
  2019. WebGL
  2020. Disabled
  2021. Required
  2022. Auto Detect
  2023. iPhone or iPod Touch
  2024. iPad
  2025. Both
  2026. Orientation
  2027. Portrait
  2028. Landscape
  2029. Application
  2030. Game
  2031. Light
  2032. Dark
  2033. x86
  2034. x64
  2035. ARM
  2036. Display Name
  2037. Executable Name
  2038. Display cursor
  2039. Package Domain
  2040. Package Company
  2041. Package Product
  2042. Build for Armv5
  2043. Build for Armv7
  2044. Build for x86
  2045. Build for Mips
  2046. Allow landscape orientation
  2047. Allow portrait orientation
  2048. Allow flipped landscape orientation
  2049. Allow flipped portrait orientation
  2050. Team Identifier
  2051. Install location
  2052. Enable MOGA gamepad support
  2053. Run Lint code analysis
  2054. Landscape Splash Screen
  2055. Portrait Splash Screen
  2056. Splash Screen Image
  2057. Splash screen image cannot be changed on 'Creator' platforms
  2058. Use splash screen
  2059. Splash screen cannot be disabled on 'Creator' platforms
  2060. Minimum time to display
  2061. Interpolate colours between pixels
  2062. Screen Colour Depth
  2063. Device Support
  2064. Scaling
  2065. Texture Page Size
  2066. Icon for ldpi
  2067. Icon for mdpi
  2068. Icon for hdpi
  2069. Icon for xhdpi
  2070. Icon for xxhdpi
  2071. Icon for xxxhdpi
  2072. Use Facebook
  2073. Facebook App ID
  2074. Facebook App Name
  2075. Enable push notifications
  2076. GCM Sender ID
  2077. Enable Google Services
  2078. Enable Google Cloud saving
  2079. Google Services ID
  2080. Enable Amazon APIs
  2081. Enable WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission
  2082. Enable READ_PHONE_STATE permission
  2083. Enable ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission
  2084. Enable INTERNET permission
  2085. Enable BLUETOOTH permission
  2086. Enable RECORD_AUDIO permission
  2087. Enable MICROPHONE permission
  2088. Enable ID_CAP_MICROPHONE permission
  2089. Enable SEARCH permission
  2090. Enable Bluetooth/iCade support
  2091. Enable Haptic Effects
  2092. Enable Google licensing
  2093. Google Licensing Public Key
  2094. Use Google APK expansion
  2095. Banner Image
  2096. Is game
  2097. Included file as index.html
  2098. Loading bar extension
  2099. Browser Title
  2100. Folder Name
  2101. Output Name
  2102. Output debug to console
  2103. Generate Spotify App
  2104. Display "Running outside server" alert
  2105. Prepend output .js with
  2106. Icon
  2107. 57x57 Icon
  2108. 72x72 Icon
  2109. 76x76 Icon
  2110. 114x114 Icon
  2111. 120x120 Icon
  2112. 144x144 Icon
  2113. 152x152 Icon
  2114. 167x167 Icon
  2115. 400x240 Icon
  2116. 1280x768 Icon
  2117. iPhone Landscape
  2118. iPhone Portrait
  2119. iPhone Retina Landscape
  2120. iPhone Retina Portrait
  2121. iPhone 5 Landscape
  2122. iPhone 5 Portrait
  2123. iPhone 6 Landscape
  2124. iPhone 6 Portrait
  2125. iPhone 6+ Landscape
  2126. iPhone 6+ Portrait
  2127. iPad Landscape
  2128. iPad Portrait
  2129. iPad Retina Landscape
  2130. iPad Retina Portrait
  2131. Allow fullscreen switching
  2132. Centre game in browser window
  2133. Use built-in particles
  2134. Bundle Name
  2135. Bundle ID
  2136. Provisioning Certificate
  2137. Maintainer Email
  2138. Halve iPad 1 texture sizes
  2139. Homepage
  2140. Short Description
  2141. Long Description
  2142. Start fullscreen
  2143. Use synchronization to avoid tearing
  2144. synchronization must be enabled for this platform
  2145. Allow window resize
  2146. App ID
  2147. App Output
  2148. Team Identifier
  2149. 10 digit alpha-numeric identifier taken from your URL. If blank this will inherit the value set in Platform Options
  2150. Signing Identifier
  2151. To distribute your title outside of the Mac App Store macOS requires that your\npackage is codesigned. Please provide the signing identity that you wish to use\nhere: this should be a Developer ID Application identity and should be present\nin your Mac's login keychain certificates. Signing identities can be easily created\nin Xcode->Preferences->Accounts->Team->View Details->Developer ID\nApplication->Create. Signing identities will be matched so the default value\nshould be sufficient if you are only the member of one development team.\nLeave this field blank to skip codesigning.
  2152. Copyright
  2153. Allow menu and dock in fullscreen
  2154. Enable Retina
  2155. Build for Mac App Store
  2156. Allow incoming network connections
  2157. Allow outgoing network connections
  2158. Mac App Store Category
  2159. Display Errors
  2160. Write Errors
  2161. Abort Errors
  2162. Variable Errors
  2163. Argument Errors
  2164. Author
  2165. Last Changed
  2166. Information
  2167. Enable source control
  2168. Package Content ID
  2169. Passcode
  2170. Save Data Icon
  2171. Trophy Screen
  2172. Display cursor when touchpad is active
  2173. Product
  2174. Product ID
  2175. Company
  2176. Description
  2177. Enable Front Touch
  2178. Enable Rear Touch
  2179. Network URLs
  2180. Use Sandbox
  2181. Item Group ID
  2182. Publisher
  2183. Publisher Display Name
  2184. Publisher ID
  2185. Package Display Name
  2186. Native CPU Target
  2187. Windows Target Platform Version
  2188. Windows Target Platform Min Version
  2189. Small Image
  2190. Medium Image
  2191. Large Image
  2192. Store Image
  2193. Wide Image
  2194. Logo Image
  2195. Logo background colour
  2196. Logo Foreground Text Colour
  2197. Splash background colour
  2198. Certificate (JS)
  2199. Certificate (Native)
  2200. Save Location
  2201. Force Software Vertex Processing
  2202. Borderless window
  2203. Create Textures on Demand
  2204. Sleep margin (ms)
  2205. Sleep margin (ms) - default 10ms
  2206. Sleep margin (ms) - default 4ms
  2207. Alternate synchronization method
  2208. Installer Finished Image
  2209. Installer Header Image
  2210. License Agreement
  2211. Installer NSI Script
  2212. Store certificate location
  2213. Publisher Name
  2214. Support WVGA Resolution
  2215. Support WXGA Resolution
  2216. Support 720p Resolution
  2217. Genre
  2218. 480x800 Splash Screen
  2219. 720x1280 Splash Screen
  2220. 768x1280 Splash Screen
  2221. Small Front Flip Image
  2222. Medium Front Flip Image
  2223. Medium Back Flip Image
  2224. Wide Front Flip Image
  2225. Wide Back Flip Image
  2226. Front Flip Content
  2227. Back Flip Content
  2228. Small Iconic
  2229. Wide Iconic
  2230. Iconic Wide 1 Content
  2231. Iconic Wide 2 Content
  2232. Iconic Wide 3 Content
  2233. Iconic Background Colour
  2234. Iconic Message
  2235. Ratings XML
  2236. Languages XML
  2237. Title ID
  2238. Service Configuration ID
  2239. Require Xbox Live
  2240. Require game chat
  2241. Require audio recording
  2242. Service Manifest
  2243. Network Manifest
  2244. Small Logo
  2245. Store Logo
  2246. Large Logo
  2247. Wide Logo
  2248. Small Cycle Image
  2249. Wide Cycle Image 1
  2250. Wide Cycle Image 2
  2251. Wide Cycle Image 3
  2252. Wide Cycle Image 4
  2253. Wide Cycle Image 5
  2254. Wide Cycle Image 6
  2255. Wide Cycle Image 7
  2256. Wide Cycle Image 8
  2257. Wide Cycle Image 9
  2258. Copy exe to output folder
  2259. Import
  2260. Convert
  2261. Workspace keyboard navigation degree range
  2262. Workspace keyboard navigation resets zoom
  2263. Background Image
  2264. IDE skin
  2265. Image Scaling
  2266. Show background image on workspaces
  2267. Add default room layers
  2268. Default background layer colour
  2269. Default room width
  2270. Default room height
  2271. The default speed of a new room in frames per second (FPS)
  2272. Automatic response to exit confirmation
  2273. Show the compile window during compilation
  2274. Automatically open syntax error window on error detection
  2275. Show compiler commands in compile output
  2276. Show verbose compiler output
  2277. Temp directory
  2278. Automatically delete temp directory on close
  2279. Delete Temp Folder
  2280. Restore defaults
  2281. Asset cache directory
  2282. My Projects' directory
  2283. Automatically reload changed files
  2284. Delete Asset Cache
  2285. Automatically delete asset cache directory on close
  2286. Delete temp folder on quit
  2287. Open new resources for edit on creation
  2288. Open new resources for edit on dragging files into IDE
  2289. SWF files
  2290. Spine files
  2291. Path to Android SDK
  2292. Clear font cache
  2293. Open scripts in a full screen editor
  2294. Open shaders in a full screen editor
  2295. Open object events in a full screen editor
  2296. Open event scripts as tabs in same window
  2297. Open linked scripts as tabs in same window
  2298. Pan text editor into view on focus
  2299. Default code window width
  2300. Default code window height
  2301. Minimum code window width
  2302. Minimum code window height
  2303. Help manual port
  2304. Use an external browser for help
  2305. Automatic response to deleting frames
  2306. Automatic response to committing changes on tool change
  2307. Automatic response to locked layer warning
  2308. Automatic response to group selected warning
  2309. Automatic response to replacing images during strip import
  2310. Draw thin selection outline
  2311. Selection outline primary colour
  2312. Selection outline secondary colour
  2313. Editor background colour
  2314. Canvas style
  2315. Canvas primary colour
  2316. Canvas secondary colour (block pattern style)
  2317. Canvas block size (block pattern style)
  2318. Grid Settings
  2319. Default loop mode
  2320. Display grid
  2321. Snap to grid
  2322. Grid horizontal spacing (px)
  2323. Grid vertical spacing (px)
  2324. Grid line colour
  2325. Anchor point colour
  2326. Control point colour
  2327. Tangent line colour
  2328. Selected point colour
  2329. Point size
  2330. Automatic response to deleting event
  2331. Path colour
  2332. Invalid path colour
  2333. Invalid anchor point colour
  2334. Highlighted path segment colour
  2335. Anchor point colour
  2336. Selected anchor point colour
  2337. Selected invalid anchor point colour
  2338. Mouseover anchor point colour
  2339. Mouseover invalid anchor point colour
  2340. Insert path point precision (px)
  2341. The path rotation sensitivity
  2342. The path scale sensitivity
  2343. Anchor point width
  2344. Anchor point height
  2345. Enable mask overlay for point insertion
  2346. Mask overlay colour
  2347. Automatic response to resource deletion
  2348. Automatic response to opening multiple resources
  2349. Maximum number of resources to open simultaneously without warning
  2350. Automatic response to parent room item deletion
  2351. Automatic response to parent room layer deletion
  2352. Automatic response to room item deletion
  2353. Automatic response to room layer deletion
  2354. Automatic response to invalid resource drag error
  2355. Automatic response to invalid layer selection drag error
  2356. Automatic response to locked/invisible layer drag error
  2357. Chain link colour
  2358. Chain fade out start distance (px)
  2359. Chain fade out stop distance (px)
  2360. Chain minimum alpha
  2361. Area select highlight colour
  2362. Selected tile highlight colour
  2363. Mouseover tile highlight colour
  2364. Inherited tile highlight colour
  2365. Show room views
  2366. Automatic response to permanent action warning
  2367. Open new moments for edit on creation
  2368. Close All But This
  2369. Colour of text
  2370. Font to use
  2371. Font Style
  2372. Font AA
  2373. Size of text
  2374. Normal Text
  2375. Keywords
  2376. Values
  2377. Strings
  2379. Constants
  2380. Built-in Variables
  2381. Built-in Functions
  2382. Script names
  2383. Resource names
  2384. Line numbers
  2385. Read only line style
  2386. Bookmark line style
  2387. Selected line colour
  2388. Changed line colour
  2389. Background colour
  2390. Selection colour
  2391. Current line colour
  2392. Error line colour
  2393. Highlight colour
  2394. Debugger colour
  2395. Bracket/quote match colour
  2396. Failed bracket/quote match colour
  2397. Pre cursor intellisense colour
  2398. Post cursor intellisense colour
  2399. White space text style
  2400. Keep tabs
  2401. Tab size
  2402. Show whitespace
  2403. Show line numbers
  2404. Show tab lines
  2405. Enable colour coding
  2406. Document line limit (<=0 no limit)
  2407. Match indent on new lines
  2408. Auto indent after brace
  2409. Enable code completion
  2410. Auto add function brackets
  2411. Enable Context Menu
  2412. Allow column selection
  2413. Allow breakpoints
  2414. Allow Block Comments
  2415. Undo/Redo stack limit (<0 unlimited)
  2416. Highlight selection matches
  2417. Text colours and style
  2418. Options
  2419. Colour coding/code completion enabled for obsolete content
  2420. Highlight symbol pairs
  2421. Obsolete functions etc
  2422. Braces
  2423. Folded region
  2424. Folded region name
  2425. Text colours and style
  2426. Options
  2427. Commit username
  2428. Password for Username
  2429. Commit email address
  2430. Tool location
  2431. Options for Tool
  2432. Verbose logging
  2433. Source Control (Git) External Tool Error
  2434. Merge Tool path is invalid
  2435. Diff Tool path is invalid
  2436. Automatically enable source control
  2437. Checking Device...
  2438. Detecting Devices...
  2439. Deleting Runtime...
  2440. Pushing...
  2441. Pulling...
  2442. Checking Out...
  2443. Reverting Files...
  2444. Reverting Revision...
  2445. Cloning...
  2446. Slow double-click time (ms)
  2447. Scroll lock time (ms)
  2448. AC power framerate (%)
  2449. Battery power framerate (%)
  2450. Background framerate (%)
  2451. Scroll speed
  2452. File watcher frequency (ms)
  2453. Laptop file watcher frequency (ms)
  2454. Enable steam
  2455. Steam ID
  2456. Enable IAP sandbox
  2457. Type of Tiles to display
  2458. Flip tiles
  2459. Iconic tiles
  2460. Cycle tiles
  2461. Create New GUID
  2462. Enable Short Circuit Evaluations
  2463. Delete Event on Room Changes
  2464. Enable Fast Collisions
  2465. Game frames per second
  2466. Game Identifier
  2467. Game GUID
  2468. Use DnD™ as default script type
  2469. Generate mipmaps for separate texture pages
  2470. Requires Worker
  2471. Worker:
  2472. Platform:
  2473. Config:
  2474. Device:
  2475. Output:
  2476. Test
  2477. Windows
  2478. Windows UWP
  2479. Windows Phone 8
  2480. macOS
  2481. Ubuntu
  2482. HTML5
  2483. Android
  2484. Amazon Fire
  2485. iOS
  2486. tvOS
  2487. PlayStation 3
  2488. PlayStation 4
  2489. PlayStation Vita
  2490. Xbox One
  2491. VM
  2492. YYC
  2493. JavaScript
  2494. Local
  2495. Default
  2496. Device
  2497. Simulator
  2498. Simulator - iPad 2
  2499. Simulator - iPad Air
  2500. Simulator - iPad Air 2
  2501. Simulator - iPad Pro
  2502. Simulator - iPad Retina
  2503. Simulator - iPhone 4S
  2504. Simulator - iPhone 5
  2505. Simulator - iPhone 5S
  2506. Simulator - iPhone 6
  2507. Simulator - iPhone 6 Plus
  2508. Simulator - iPhone 6
  2509. Simulator - iPhone 6 Plus
  2510. Device Editor
  2511. Open Device Editor
  2512. This will lose any unapplied changes you have made - do you want to continue?
  2513. Local
  2514. Toolbox
  2515. Equivalent Code
  2516. Toolbox
  2517. Recently Used
  2518. Favourites
  2519. Search...
  2520. Default
  2521. Use Default
  2522. Tab drag distance to unmaximise desktop (px)
  2523. The location you have chosen is unsafe.\n\nAre you sure you want to save to '{0}'?
  2524. Are you sure you want to delete all files in '{0}'?
  2525. Failed to load a required plug-in. Please try restarting GameMaker Studio 2. If the problem persists please reinstall GameMaker Studio 2.
  2526. Failed to load a required plug-in
  2527. Project '{0}' does not exist
  2528. {0}' is not a valid GameMaker Studio 2 project
  2529. Launch Project Failed
  2530. Your license does not have this module enabled
  2531. DnD™ toolbox default location
  2532. DnD™ node overview visibility mode
  2533. Hide docked DnD™ toolboxes if floating DnD™ toolbox is open
  2534. Hide DnD™ node overview panel
  2535. Maximum size for DnD™ toolbox action thumbnails
  2536. Minimum size for DnD™ toolbox action thumbnails
  2537. Default size for DnD™ toolbox action thumbnails
  2538. Maximum number of recently used actions to display
  2539. The smoothness of the chain.
  2540. Mouse down time to start dragging node (ms)
  2541. ERROR:
  2542. The "{0}" node is causing an invalid program flow. Move it to a correct location.
  2543. Invalid Insertion
  2544. Inserting {0} at this location would result in an invalid program.
  2545. Webserver Port
  2546. Allowed Webserver IPs
  2547. Path to Browser
  2548. Syntax Errors
  2549. Syntax Errors
  2550. There are no syntax errors detected!
  2551. Project directory '{0}' is no longer available you will be unable to save progress until the directory is reconnected
  2552. Project Directory Unavailable
  2553. Base project directory '{0}' is no longer available you will not receive notifications for changes
  2554. Base Project Directory Unavailable
  2555. Project directory '{0}' has been reconnected. There may have been undetected changes, would you like to reload the project or save? \n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files
  2556. Project Directory Reconnected
  2557. Base project directory '{0}' has been reconnected. There may have been undetected changes, would you like to reload the project?
  2558. Base Project Directory Reconnected
  2559. Project directory '{0}' has had a large number of changes detected. Would you like to reload the project, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files
  2560. Project Directory Modified
  2561. Base project directory '{0}' has been reconnected. There may have been undetected changes, would you like to reload the project?
  2562. Base Project Directory Modified
  2563. Reload
  2564. Save
  2565. Changes detected in project directory '{0}'. Would you like to reload the resources, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files
  2566. Project Directory Modified
  2567. Changes detected in base project directory '{0}'. Would you like to reload the resources, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files
  2568. Project Directory Modified
  2569. The main project file '{0}' has changed. Would you like to reload the resources, or save?\n\nWARNING: Save will only update the resources files that are currently held in memory, and therefore may not restore some deleted or edited files
  2570. Project Modified
  2571. Project Deleted
  2572. The project file '{0}' was deleted. Your project will now be closed.
  2573. Filename
  2574. Password
  2575. Alias
  2576. Common Name
  2577. Organisational Unit
  2578. Organisation
  2579. Location
  2580. Country
  2581. Key Hash
  2582. Key Hash (SHA1)
  2583. Show Key Hash
  2584. Generate Keystore
  2585. Check Android SDK
  2586. Check Android NDK
  2587. Is Android SDK Valid
  2588. Android SDK Valid
  2589. Android SDK Not Valid
  2590. Android SDK Not Valid - Missing Keystore
  2591. Android SDK Not Valid - Invalid JDK
  2592. Android SDK Not Validated
  2593. Is Android NDK Valid
  2594. Android NDK Valid
  2595. Android NDK Not Valid
  2596. Android NDK Not Validated
  2597. Android SDK Location
  2598. Android NDK Location
  2599. Java JDK Location
  2600. Always do full install of APK
  2601. Install on package
  2602. JDK maximum heap size (GB)
  2603. Gigabytes of RAM the Android build is allowed to use
  2604. Use Mac for ADB connection
  2605. ADB Path on Mac
  2606. IP Address
  2607. Android Keystore
  2608. Path to Keystore
  2609. IMPORTANT! Backup keystore files and info above!
  2610. If lost, you cannot submit app updates to Google Play or Amazon
  2611. Package name is invalid
  2612. Individual package name parts may only start with a letter
  2613. Clear output window on compile start
  2614. Show package in ${explorer} on build completion
  2615. Stop the current running project before running again?
  2616. You cannot debug a project while using YYC, running using VM instead.
  2617. Configuration Problem
  2618. The path to the Android SDK cannot be found. Please ensure it is set correctly
  2619. The path to the Android NDK cannot be found. Please ensure it is set correctly
  2620. The path to the Java JDK cannot be found. Please ensure it is set correctly
  2621. No Architectures have been specified in the Android Options
  2622. No Keystore has been set in the Android Preferences
  2623. No Keystore has been set in the Amazon Fire Preferences
  2624. Depth
  2625. Automatic response to restarting a running build
  2626. Maximum parallel compile jobs
  2627. Automatic response to warning when attempting to debug YYC
  2628. Use Default License Agreement
  2629. Use Default NSIS Script
  2630. /// @description Insert description here\n// You can write your code in this editor
  2631. Default event content
  2632. Add default event content
  2633. Inherited Events Alpha
  2634. The tag name {0} is reserved and cannot be used.
  2635. Reserved Tag Name
  2636. Imported layer depths for room(s) '{0}' were not adequately spaced. Unless updated this will have undefined results in game.
  2637. Imported layer depths for rooms listed below are not adequately spaced. Do you want to redistribute depths? This may require updating scripts where depth values have been used. \nChoosing 'no' will maintain the user defined depths but will have undefined results in game.
  2638. User defined layer depths are not adequately spaced. Do you want to redistribute depths? \nChoosing 'no' will maintain the user defined depths, but will have undefined results in game.
  2639. Layer Depth Error
  2640. Default layer depth spacing
  2641. Automatic response to updating layer depths
  2642. You are performing a one-way conversion from DnD™ to GameMaker Language. Do you want to continue?
  2643. Convert DnD™
  2644. Merging the selected moments will result in conversion from DnD™ to GameMaker Language. Do you want to continue?
  2645. Opposite
  2646. Automatic response to DnD™ conversion to GameMaker Language
  2647. Automatic response to DnD™ node deletion
  2648. Are you sure you want to delete this DnD™ action?
  2649. Convert to GML
  2650. % of native DPI
  2651. Raw DPI value
  2652. Reset Layout
  2653. Support Library
  2654. Animation Speed:
  2655. None
  2656. Back
  2657. Search
  2658. Cancel
  2659. Applies To...
  2660. Self
  2661. Other
  2662. All
  2663. Expression
  2664. Room Editor
  2665. Error with Keystore
  2666. Invalid characters in alias
  2667. Invalid characters in password
  2668. Invalid characters in common name
  2669. Invalid characters in organisational unit
  2670. Invalid characters in organisation
  2671. Invalid characters in location
  2672. Invalid characters in country
  2673. Password must be longer than 5 characters
  2674. JDK not installed correctly at location entered in Android Platform Settings
  2675. Could not process Keystore; may be corrupt or have incorrect password
  2676. Alias password must be longer than 5 characters
  2677. Invalid characters in alias password
  2678. The Texture Group for sprite '{0}' is invalid - setting to Default Texture Group instead
  2679. Enable Flurry Analytics
  2680. Enable Google Analytics
  2681. Google Analytics ID
  2682. Flurry Analytics ID
  2683. Advertising Type
  2684. Use Test Ads
  2685. Enable Advertising
  2686. Key 0
  2687. Key 1
  2688. Key 2
  2689. Key 3
  2690. Key 4
  2691. Package an ARM build
  2692. Package an x86 build
  2693. Package an x64 build
  2694. Default package architecture
  2695. Automatic response to creating store package
  2696. Remember Packaging Option?
  2697. Package as Installer
  2698. Package as Zip
  2699. Package Type
  2700. Default packaging type
  2701. Package as Loose Files
  2702. Package as Zip
  2703. Remember Packaging Option?
  2704. Default packaging type
  2705. Package as Loose Files
  2706. Package as Zip
  2707. Show Dialog
  2708. Package for Store Upload
  2709. Developer Package
  2710. Submission Package (/l)
  2711. Packages can not be built for the selected platform
  2712. Error
  2713. Show Dialog
  2714. Create Zip Archive
  2715. Create Nsis Installer
  2716. Show Dialog
  2717. Create X86 Package
  2718. Create X64 Package
  2719. Create Arm Package
  2720. Name
  2721. The name assigned to this worker
  2722. Name/IP
  2723. The host name or IP address
  2724. Port
  2725. The port to connect to
  2726. Add New Device
  2727. Add New Browser
  2728. Remove Device
  2729. Remove Browser
  2730. Display Name:
  2731. Install Folder:
  2732. Path to Browser:
  2733. Webserver Port:
  2734. Allowed Webserver IPs/Hostnames/CIDR IP Ranges
  2735. Host Name:
  2736. IP Address:
  2737. PIN:
  2738. User Name:
  2739. Password:
  2740. Edit Amazon Fire Devices
  2741. Edit Android Devices
  2742. Edit HTML5 Browsers
  2743. Edit iOS Devices
  2744. Edit Linux Devices
  2745. Edit Mac Devices
  2746. Edit PS3 Devices
  2747. Edit PS4 Devices
  2748. Edit PS Vita Devices
  2749. Edit tvOS Devices
  2750. Edit Windows Devices
  2751. Edit Windows Phone 8 Devices
  2752. Edit Xbox One Devices
  2753. Detecting devices...
  2754. Test Connection
  2755. Clear SSH Key
  2756. Clear Devices
  2757. Detect Device
  2758. Run AVD
  2759. To use Android simulators, Run AVD then Create and Start them before detecting
  2760. Find Resource
  2761. Display Mode
  2762. Create New
  2763. Select Path
  2764. Device GUID:
  2765. Device Status:
  2766. Device Type:
  2767. Device
  2768. Simulator
  2769. Unknown
  2770. Shutdown
  2771. Not Connected
  2772. Connected
  2773. Launch Simulator
  2774. Connection to {0} Successful
  2775. Connection to {0} Successful - No Devices found
  2776. Connection to {0} Failed
  2777. Connection Successful
  2778. Connection Failed
  2779. No Devices found
  2780. Select Resource
  2781. {0} in DnD™ action {1}
  2782. List View
  2783. Table
  2784. TableListBox
  2785. Progress Bar
  2786. Regenerate Layouts
  2787. Regenerate Current
  2788. Runtimes Available:
  2789. Version No.
  2790. Is Installed
  2791. Install Failed
  2792. Date
  2793. Location
  2794. Modules
  2795. Current Version:
  2796. New Version:
  2797. Date:
  2798. Location:
  2799. Status
  2800. Switch To
  2801. Running
  2802. Install
  2803. Delete
  2804. Runtime Selection
  2805. Do you want to change your current runtime to version {0}?\nThis will require a restart of the IDE.
  2806. Are you sure you want to install version {0}?
  2807. Installing...
  2808. Runtime Downloading...
  2809. A Runtime download is already in progress.
  2810. Automatically delete old runtimes
  2811. The project '{0}' does not exist and cannot be opened.
  2812. Runtime Selection
  2813. Names must be unique and not empty
  2814. URL must be unique and not empty
  2815. Cannot save changes to {0} because it has an empty URL
  2816. Successfully updated Runtime Feeds
  2817. Invalid Project
  2818. The file(s) you attempted to load are not supported by the sprite editor.
  2819. The file(s) you attempted to load are not supported by the image editor.
  2820. Invalid File Format
  2821. The file that you tried to import is not supported in this editor.
  2822. One or more of the files that you tried to import is not supported in this editor.
  2823. Steam SDK location
  2824. Colour Picker
  2825. Red
  2826. Blue
  2827. Green
  2828. Alpha
  2829. Hue
  2830. Sat
  2831. Val
  2832. New Colour
  2833. Hex
  2834. Store Colour
  2835. Select Colour:
  2836. Basic Colours:
  2837. Custom Colours:
  2838. Sprite:
  2839. Select Sprite
  2840. Edit Sprite
  2841. Edit Image
  2842. New Sprite
  2843. Tile Set Properties
  2844. Brush Builder
  2845. Tile Animation
  2846. Auto Tiling
  2847. Editors:
  2848. GameMaker Studio 2 has become unstable.\nPlease save changes and exit.
  2849. Fatal Error
  2850. No Sprite
  2851. {0} x {1}
  2852. Drop here to assign sprite
  2853. Tile Properties
  2854. Source Image
  2855. Your tile set preview will appear here when you select a sprite
  2856. Select Sprite
  2857. Import Files
  2858. Importing files to a sprite is not an undoable action. Do you want to continue?
  2859. Automatic response to file import
  2860. Automatic response to image load failure
  2861. Import Failed
  2862. Failed to import the chosen files.
  2863. Texture Size Not Supported
  2864. The texture at path '{0}' ({1}x{2}) exceeds the maximum supported dimension ({3}x{3}) and cannot be loaded.
  2865. A texture ({1}x{2}) exceeds the maximum supported dimension ({3}x{3}) and cannot be loaded.
  2866. Workspace chain row padding (px)
  2867. Workspace chain link colour
  2868. Size
  2869. Brush
  2870. Display argument types in status bar
  2871. Display argument descriptions in status bar
  2872. ImportHandler: Unable to find parent project for {0}. Cannot import dependant resources.
  2873. You have selected a {0} instead of a {1}. Would you like to import as {2} instead?
  2874. Add Existing Failed
  2875. Tiles
  2876. Frames
  2877. Library
  2878. Tools
  2879. Brushes
  2880. Workspace chain column padding (px)
  2881. Selected Tiles:
  2882. Animations Library
  2883. Auto Tile Library
  2884. Add Animation
  2885. Selected Frame:
  2886. Selected Tile:
  2887. Set number of frames
  2888. Auto Tile Templates
  2889. Apply to a different instance.
  2890. Unknown image format
  2891. Tried to load an image that was too large. Skipping pixels.
  2892. Runlength encoded not supported for .bmp formatted images. Skipping pixels.
  2893. Radius {0}
  2894. Cannot import incompatible resource: {0} (unknown file type)
  2895. Cannot add existing {0} resources
  2896. Android Devices
  2897. Android Settings Error
  2898. The Android SDK path is misconfigured
  2899. Amazon Fire Devices
  2900. Amazon Fire Settings Error
  2901. The Amazon Fire Android SDK path is misconfigured
  2902. Source Control (Git) Pull Error
  2903. You need to commit changes before pulling.
  2904. You have selected to use a new skin but this change requires a restart.\nDo you wish to restart the IDE now?
  2905. Filtered
  2906. Extension: {0}
  2907. Name:
  2908. Version:
  2909. Resources:
  2910. Extensions
  2911. Files
  2912. Extra Platforms
  2913. Import / Export
  2914. Import
  2915. Export
  2916. {0} Properties
  2917. {0} Functions
  2918. {0} Macros
  2919. Init Function:
  2920. Final Function:
  2921. Functions:
  2922. Proxy Files:
  2923. Macros
  2924. Add Macro
  2925. Remove Macro
  2926. Copies To:
  2927. Uncompress as zip file
  2928. Key:
  2929. Value:
  2930. Hidden
  2931. Help:
  2932. ReturnType:
  2933. Arguments:
  2934. External Name:
  2935. Extension iOS Properties
  2936. Compiler Flags:
  2937. Linker Flags:
  2938. Class Name:
  2939. System Frameworks
  2940. 3rd Party Frameworks + Bundles
  2941. Check for weak reference
  2942. Extension Android Properties
  2943. Inject to Gradle dependencies:
  2944. Inject to AndroidManifest.xml Manifest:
  2945. Inject to AndroidManifest.xml Application:
  2946. Inject to AndroidManifest.xml RunnerActivity:
  2947. Inject to Info.plist:
  2948. Android Permissions:
  2949. File Name
  2950. Target
  2951. File already exists
  2952. A file with the same name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?
  2953. Variable Length Arguments
  2954. Are you sure you want to delete the file?
  2955. Add Generic Placeholder
  2956. Add GML Placeholder
  2957. Add JS Placeholder
  2958. Add File
  2959. Are you sure you want to delete the proxy?
  2960. Are you sure you want to delete the resource?
  2961. Are you sure you want to delete the argument?
  2962. Extension file already exists
  2963. An extension file with the same name already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?
  2964. Automatic response to file deletion
  2965. Automatic button choice on function & macro deletion
  2966. Automatic response to proxy file deletion
  2967. Automatic button choice on argument deletion
  2968. Automatic button choice on android permission deletion
  2969. Are you sure you want to delete the permission?
  2970. Are you sure you want to delete the iOS system framework?
  2971. Automatic button choice on iOS System Framework deletion
  2972. Are you sure you want to delete the iOS 3rd party framework?
  2973. Automatic button choice on iOS 3rd Party Framework deletion
  2974. Search resource name:
  2975. What are you looking for?
  2976. Maximum number of search results to display
  2977. Extension Properties - Export
  2978. Extension Properties - Import
  2979. All
  2980. Project:
  2981. Extension:
  2982. Learn More
  2983. Add Function
  2984. Add Macro
  2985. Remove Selected
  2986. Workspace Overview
  2987. Workspaces
  2988. Active Windows
  2989. Active Tabs
  2990. Windows
  2991. Resources
  2992. Go To...
  2993. Add SDK
  2994. Add Source
  2995. Enter framework path on Mac
  2996. Add Placeholder
  2997. Add Argument
  2998. Extension Error
  2999. Extensions with more than 4 arguments on DLL types must all have the same argument type.\n{0}
  3000. The DLL {0} on extension {1} with function {2} has more than 4 arguments and are not all the same type.
  3001. Disable IDE transition animations
  3002. Close
  3003. Send Now
  3004. Send and Take More
  3005. Excellent
  3006. Good
  3007. Okay
  3008. Poor
  3009. Terrible
  3010. Not Applicable
  3011. Opt-in to feedback surveys
  3012. Notification Hub
  3013. Add sound group
  3014. Close sound group
  3015. Sound group
  3016. Mute all sounds in group
  3017. Column volume
  3018. Play all sounds in group
  3019. Loop playback for all sounds in group
  3020. Rewind all sounds in group to start
  3021. Close sound
  3022. Play sound
  3023. Mute sound
  3024. Loop playback
  3025. Rewind to start
  3026. Playback position
  3027. Link groups
  3028. Preview sound
  3029. Mute sound
  3030. Preview Looped
  3031. Rewind to start
  3032. Sound volume
  3033. Sound group mixer
  3034. Choose sound file
  3035. Shader Type
  3036. GLSL ES
  3037. GLSL
  3038. HLSL 9
  3039. HLSL 11
  3040. PS4 (PSSL)
  3041. Sprite double click opens image editor
  3042. Object double click opens all object events
  3043. Use compact resource tree (re-open resource tree)
  3044. Resource font can scale below 100%
  3045. Resource font can scale above 100%
  3046. Resource item size:
  3047. Default zoom (%)
  3048. Resource item minimum size
  3049. Resource item maximum size
  3050. Show Password
  3051. Source Control (Git) Create
  3052. This will create a bare (server) repository and bind your project to it
  3053. Repository created successfully
  3054. Close All
  3055. Show All
  3056. The font {0} does not contain any character maps and cannot be loaded.
  3057. ({0}, {1})
  3058. {0}: ({1}, {2})
  3059. {4} selected items - area: ({0}, {1}) -> ({2}, {3})
  3060. Tile map coordinate: ({0}, {1})
  3061. Brush tiles: ({0})
  3062. Tile map coordinate: ({0}, {1}) Brush tiles: ({2})
  3063. Selected control point(s): {0}
  3064. ({0}, {1}),
  3065. Frames per second
  3066. Frames per game frame
  3067. Real
  3068. Integer
  3069. String
  3070. Boolean
  3071. Expression
  3072. Resource
  3073. Colour
  3074. List
  3075. Select a resource
  3076. The value is a real number and accepts decimal places (allows expressions)
  3077. The value is a whole number (allows expressions)
  3078. The value is a string (quotes are optional)
  3079. The value is either true or false
  3080. The value is any code expression
  3081. The value is a resource (allows expressions)
  3082. The value is a colour (allows expressions)
  3083. The value is one or more expressions from a list (if multi-select is on then\nthis is an array of expressions)
  3084. Use {0}
  3085. Collapse All
  3086. Make Favourite
  3087. Remove Favourite
  3088. Clear Recently Used
  3089. Clear Favourites
  3090. One or more files are locked. Please check that none of the files are open in external programs. Do you want to try again?
  3091. Source Control (Git) Error
  3092. Be aware that this may have broken your project, as the command was not successful and you have chosen not to retry it.
  3093. Server '{0}' has not been found
  3094. The chosen directory must be empty
  3095. The URL is invalid
  3096. Source Control (Git) Clone
  3097. This is a non-bare repository which we do not support direct cloning from.\nHowever we have found its origin so we will push to that and clone from the origin instead.
  3098. This is a non-bare repository which we do not support direct cloning from.\nThere is no Origin marked on this repository so we will ask you to create one so both old and new repositories will be linked via the new bare repository
  3099. Feedback Survey
  3100. Add 47 Tile Set
  3101. Add 16 Tile Set
  3102. Delete Selected Set
  3103. Show Guide Overlay
  3104. Toggle Grid (G)
  3105. Grid Options
  3106. Show Split View
  3107. Split View Mode
  3108. Zoom In (${room_area_zoom_in})
  3109. Zoom Out (${room_area_zoom_out})
  3110. Reset Zoom (${room_area_zoom_reset})
  3111. Centre Fit
  3112. Show Views
  3113. Play Animation
  3114. Show US Spelling for system functions
  3115. Default
  3116. Function
  3117. Option
  3118. Choose
  3119. Randomly chooses one of the supplied arguments.
  3120. Function Call
  3121. Call any function with optional arguments and get the return value of the function.
  3122. Common
  3123. Cameras
  3124. Instances
  3125. Mouse & Keyboard
  3126. Gamepad
  3127. Movement
  3128. Collisions
  3129. Drawing
  3130. Tiles
  3131. Instance Variables
  3132. Global
  3133. Random
  3134. Loops
  3135. Switch
  3136. Types
  3137. Data Structures
  3138. Audio
  3139. Rooms
  3140. Game
  3141. Files
  3142. Timelines
  3143. Paths
  3144. Miscellaneous
  3145. Particles
  3146. Assign Variable
  3147. Assign a value to a variable.
  3148. Declare Temp
  3149. Declare a temporary variable.
  3150. Temp
  3151. If Variable
  3152. Check if a variable satisfies a condition.
  3153. If Score
  3154. Check if an instance's score satisfies a condition.
  3155. If Lives
  3156. Check if an instance's lives satisfies a condition.
  3157. If Health
  3158. Check if an instance's health satisfies a condition.
  3159. If Expression
  3160. Check if an expression is true or false.
  3161. If Undefined
  3162. Check if a variable is or isn't undefined.
  3163. Else
  3164. Append this to an if-statement to execute code when the condition evaluates to false.
  3165. Execute Code
  3166. Execute a piece of code.
  3167. Execute Script
  3168. Execute a script resource.
  3169. Apply To
  3170. Apply
  3171. Execute code in the context of a specific object or instance.
  3172. Return
  3173. Return a value from a script.
  3174. Macro
  3175. Define a global compile-time macro.
  3176. Exit
  3177. Exit the current event without executing the remaining code.
  3178. Get Instance Count
  3179. Returns the number of active instances of the object.
  3180. Create Instance
  3181. Creates an instance of an object.
  3182. Change Instance
  3183. Change an instance to be an instance of another object.
  3184. Destroy Instance
  3185. Destroy an instance and remove it from the room.
  3186. Destroy At Position
  3187. Destroy all instances at a position.
  3188. Set Sprite
  3189. Change the sprite of an object instance.
  3190. Set Instance Rotation
  3191. Set the rotation of an instance.
  3192. Set Animation Speed
  3193. Set the animation speed of an instance's sprite.
  3194. Set Instance Scale
  3195. Set the horizontal and vertical scaling of an instance's sprite.
  3196. Set Instance Alpha
  3197. Set the transparency (0-1) of an instance's sprite.
  3198. Set Instance Colour
  3199. Set the colour blend of an instance's sprite.
  3200. Set Alarm Countdown
  3201. Set the countdown value of an alarm event.
  3202. Get Alarm Countdown
  3203. Get the countdown value of an alarm event.
  3204. Call Parent Event
  3205. Call this event on the instance's parent object.
  3206. If Mouse Pressed
  3207. Check if a mouse button is pressed.
  3208. If Mouse Down
  3209. Check if a mouse button is held or released.
  3210. If Mouse Released
  3211. Check if a mouse button is released.
  3212. If Key Pressed
  3213. Check if a key is pressed.
  3214. If Key Down
  3215. Check if a key is down or released.
  3216. If Key Released
  3217. Check if a key is released.
  3218. Get Gamepad Axis
  3219. Get the value of an axis on a gamepad.
  3220. Get Gamepad Trigger
  3221. Get the value of a gamepad's trigger button.
  3222. If Gamepad Button Down
  3223. Check if a gamepad button is down or released.
  3224. If Gamepad Button Pressed
  3225. Check if a gamepad button is pressed.
  3226. If Gamepad Button Released
  3227. Check if a gamepad button is released.
  3228. Set Gamepad Axis Deadzone
  3229. Set the deadzone of a gamepad axis.
  3230. Set Gamepad Button Threshold
  3231. Set the threshold for the analogue buttons of the given gamepad device.
  3232. Get Gamepad Count
  3233. Get the number of connected gamepad devices.
  3234. Get Gamepad Connected
  3235. Get whether a given gamepad is connected.
  3236. Set Direction Fixed
  3237. Set a fixed direction.
  3238. Set Direction Variable
  3239. Set a variable direction.
  3240. Set Point Direction
  3241. Set a direction towards a specified point.
  3242. Set Direction Random
  3243. Set a random direction based on the specified directions.
  3244. Set Speed
  3245. Set the speed of an instance.
  3246. Set Gravity Direction
  3247. Set the gravitational direction.
  3248. Set Gravity Force
  3249. Set the gravitational force.
  3250. Reverse
  3251. Reverse a direction from a list of presets.
  3252. Set Friction
  3253. Apply friction to the instance's movement.
  3254. Jump To Point
  3255. Jump to the specified position.
  3256. Jump To Start
  3257. Jump to the instance's start position.
  3258. Snap Position
  3259. Snap an instance's position to a grid.
  3260. Wrap Around Room
  3261. Wrap around room.
  3262. If Any Object At
  3263. Check if an instance intersects any other instances at a position.
  3264. If Object At
  3265. Check if an instance intersects another instance at a position.
  3266. If Collision Shape
  3267. Check if an instance is intersecting a shape.
  3268. Draw Self
  3269. Draw this instance's sprite.
  3270. Draw Value
  3271. Draw the specified value. It can be a string, number or variable.
  3272. Draw Transformed Value
  3273. Draw a value with a transformation. It can be a string, number or variable.
  3274. Draw Sprite
  3275. Draw a sprite.
  3276. Draw Stacked Sprites
  3277. Draw a sprite multiple times in a stack.
  3278. Draw Rectangle
  3279. Draw a rectangle.
  3280. Draw Gradient Rectangle
  3281. Draw a gradient in a rectangular shape.
  3282. Draw Ellipse
  3283. Draw an ellipse.
  3284. Draw Gradient Ellipse
  3285. Draw a gradient in an elliptical shape.
  3286. Draw Line
  3287. Draw a line.
  3288. Draw Healthbar
  3289. Draw a healthbar from a 0-100 value.
  3290. Draw Instance Score
  3291. Draw an instance's score with a caption.
  3292. Draw Instance Health
  3293. Draw an instance's health with a healthbar.
  3294. Draw Instance Lives
  3295. Draw an instance's lives with stacked sprites.
  3296. Set Draw Colour
  3297. Set the colour to blend all drawing with.
  3298. Get Draw Colour
  3299. Get the colour used to blend all drawing with.
  3300. Set Font
  3301. Set the font to use for all text drawing.
  3302. Set Text Alignment
  3303. Set the horizontal and vertical alignment of text drawing.
  3304. Set Tile Index At Pixel
  3305. Set the tile index at the specified position.
  3306. Get Tile Index At Pixel
  3307. Get the tile index at the specified position.
  3308. Set Tile Index In Cell
  3309. Set the tile index in the specified cell.
  3310. Get Tile Index In Cell
  3311. Get the tile index in the specified cell.
  3312. Get Tile Data In Cell
  3313. Get the tile data in a cell on a tile layer.
  3314. Get Tile Data At Pixel
  3315. Get the tile data at the specified position on a tile layer.
  3316. Set Tile Data In Cell
  3317. Set the tile data in a cell on a tile layer.
  3318. Set Tile Data At Pixel
  3319. Set the tile data at the specified position on a tile layer.
  3320. Get Tilemap Variable
  3321. Get a variable from a tilemap element.
  3322. Set Tile Set
  3323. Set the tile set resource of a tilemap.
  3324. Set Tile Data Transform
  3325. Apply a transformation to tile data.
  3326. Get Tile Data Transform
  3327. Get the transformation of tile data.
  3328. Tile Set
  3329. Set Score
  3330. Set the score variable on the instance.
  3331. Get Score
  3332. Get the score of the instance.
  3333. Set Lives
  3334. Set the life count of the instance.
  3335. Get Lives
  3336. Get the life count of the instance.
  3337. Set Health
  3338. Set the health variable of the instance.
  3339. Get Health
  3340. Get the health of the instance.
  3341. Set Global Variable
  3342. Set a global variable.
  3343. Get Global Variable
  3344. Get a global variable.
  3345. Get Random Number
  3346. Get a random inclusive number.
  3347. Randomize
  3348. Create a new random seed used by the random number generator.
  3349. Repeat
  3350. Repeat code a number of times.
  3351. While Loop
  3352. Execute code while a given expression is true.
  3353. Break
  3354. Break out of a loop.
  3355. Switch
  3356. Switch which branch to execute based on input.
  3357. Case
  3358. A branch to execute in a switch if the case is true.
  3359. Decimal To Integer
  3360. Round a decimal value to an integer value by rounding, ceiling or flooring it.
  3361. String To Number
  3362. Convert a string to a number.
  3363. Number To String
  3364. Convert a number to a string.
  3365. Create List
  3366. Create a list data structure.
  3367. Create Map
  3368. Create a map data structure.
  3369. For Loop
  3370. A self-contained loop structure with initialise, condition and increment statements.
  3371. Draw Sprite Transformed
  3372. Draw a sprite with transformations.
  3373. Set View Variable
  3374. Set a variable pertaining to a room view.
  3375. Get View Variable
  3376. Get a variable pertaining to a room view.
  3377. Create Grid
  3378. Create a new grid data structure.
  3379. Create Stack
  3380. Create a stack data structure.
  3381. If Data Structure Exists
  3382. Check if a data structure exists.
  3383. If Data Structure Empty
  3384. Check if a data structure is empty.
  3385. Clear Data Structure
  3386. Clear the contents of a data structure.
  3387. Free Data Structure
  3388. Free an existing data structure.
  3389. Add To List
  3390. Add a value to a list.
  3391. Remove From List
  3392. Remove a value from a list.
  3393. Get List Item At
  3394. Get a list item at an index.
  3395. Get Index Of List Item
  3396. Get the index of a list item.
  3397. Insert Into List
  3398. Insert an item into a list at an index.
  3399. Get List Item Count
  3400. Get the number of items in a list.
  3401. Set Map Value
  3402. Set the value of a map entry.
  3403. Get Map Value
  3404. Get the value of a map entry.
  3405. Remove Map Entry
  3406. Remove a map entry.
  3407. Set Grid Value
  3408. Set a value in a grid.
  3409. Get Grid Value
  3410. Get a value in a grid.
  3411. Clear Grid
  3412. Clear a grid to a specific value.
  3413. Push Onto Stack
  3414. Push a value onto a stack.
  3415. Pop Stack
  3416. Pop a value off a stack.
  3417. Play Audio
  3418. Play a sound effect or a music track.
  3419. Stop Audio
  3420. Stop playing a sound effect or a music track.
  3421. Stop All Audio
  3422. Stop all audio.
  3423. Pause Audio
  3424. Pause a sound effect or a music track.
  3425. Pause All Audio
  3426. Pause all audio.
  3427. Resume Audio
  3428. Resume playing a sound effect or a music track.
  3429. Resume All Audio
  3430. Resume playing all paused audio.
  3431. If Audio Is Playing
  3432. Check if a sound effect or a music track is playing.
  3433. If Audio Is Paused
  3434. Check if a sound effect or a music track is paused.
  3435. Set Audio Position
  3436. Set the playback position of a sound effect or a music track.
  3437. Get Audio Length
  3438. Get the length of a sound effect or a music track in seconds.
  3439. Set Audio Pitch
  3440. Set the pitch of a sound effect or a music track.
  3441. Get Audio Pitch
  3442. Get the pitch of a sound effect or a music track.
  3443. Set Audio Volume
  3444. Set the volume of a sound effect or a music track.
  3445. Get Audio Volume
  3446. Get the volume of a sound effect or a music track.
  3447. Set Master Volume
  3448. Set the master volume that all other volumes are relative to.
  3449. Get Master Volume
  3450. Get the master volume all other volumes are relative to.
  3451. Get Current Room
  3452. Get the currently active room.
  3453. Go To Previous Room
  3454. Go to the room that was previously active.
  3455. Go To Next Room
  3456. Go to the next room in the list.
  3457. Restart Room
  3458. Restart the current room.
  3459. Go To Room
  3460. Go to a specific room.
  3461. If Room Is First
  3462. Check if the current room is the first room or not.
  3463. If Room Is Last
  3464. Check if the current room is the last room or not.
  3465. Restart Game
  3466. Restart the game.
  3467. Exit Game
  3468. Exit the game application.
  3469. Save Game
  3470. Save the current progress.
  3471. Load Game
  3472. Load the game from a save file.
  3473. Open Ini File
  3474. Open an ini file for reading and writing. You can only have 1 ini file open at a time.
  3475. Close Ini File
  3476. Close the currently open ini file.
  3477. Initialise
  3478. Condition
  3479. Increment
  3480. View
  3481. Write To Ini File
  3482. Write a string or numeric value to an ini file.
  3483. Read Ini File
  3484. Read a string or numeric value from an ini file.
  3485. Set Instance Timeline
  3486. Attach a timeline to an instance.
  3487. Set Timeline Moment
  3488. Set the current moment of an instance's timeline.
  3489. Set Timeline Speed
  3490. Set the speed of an instance's timeline.
  3491. Set Timeline State
  3492. Set the state of an instance's timeline.
  3493. Start Following Path
  3494. Start following a path with an instance.
  3495. Stop Following Path
  3496. Stop an instance from following a path.
  3497. Set Position Along Path
  3498. Set the position of the instance along the path it is following.
  3499. Set Path Follow Speed
  3500. Set the speed of the instance following a path.
  3501. Show Debug Message
  3502. Display a debug message in the output console.
  3503. Set Window State
  3504. Set the window state of the game.
  3505. Destroy Particle Type
  3506. Destroy the particle type.
  3507. Set Particle Orientation
  3508. Set the orientation of a particle type.
  3509. Burst Particles
  3510. Create a burst of particles without an emitter.
  3511. Create Particle System
  3512. Create a new particle system.
  3513. Destroy Particle System
  3514. Destroy the particle system.
  3515. Clear Particle System
  3516. Clear the particle system.
  3517. Pause Particle System
  3518. Pause or resume the particle system.
  3519. Update Particle System
  3520. Update the particle system, advancing it another step.
  3521. Create Particle Type
  3522. Create a new particle type.
  3523. Set Particle Colour
  3524. Set the colour of a particle type.
  3525. Set Particle Life
  3526. Set the life of a particle type.
  3527. Set Particle Gravity
  3528. Set the gravity of a particle type.
  3529. Set Secondary Particles
  3530. Add secondary particle emissions to a particle type.
  3531. Create Particle Emitter
  3532. Create a new particle emitter.
  3533. Destroy Particle Emitter
  3534. Destroy a particle emitter.
  3535. Emit Particles
  3536. Emit particles from a particle system.
  3537. Do Effect
  3538. Show an effect at the specified position.
  3539. Script
  3540. Argument
  3541. Target
  3542. Object
  3543. X
  3544. Y
  3545. Layer
  3546. Alarm
  3547. Countdown
  3548. Not
  3549. Exclude Self
  3550. Gamepad
  3551. Threshold
  3552. Axis
  3553. Trigger
  3554. Button
  3555. Deadzone
  3556. Blend
  3557. Direction
  3558. Type
  3559. Speed
  3560. Min Speed
  3561. Max Speed
  3562. Force
  3563. X2
  3564. Y2
  3565. Sprite
  3566. Frame
  3567. Stack Order
  3568. Number
  3569. Left
  3570. Top
  3571. Right
  3572. Bottom
  3573. Fill
  3574. Background
  3575. Min Colour
  3576. Max Colour
  3577. Font
  3578. HAlign
  3579. VAlign
  3580. Layer
  3581. Tile
  3582. Data
  3583. Column
  3584. Row
  3585. Score
  3586. Lives
  3587. Health
  3588. Global
  3589. Minimum
  3590. Maximum
  3591. Times
  3592. Variable
  3593. Transform
  3594. Is
  3595. Value
  3596. Value (0-100)
  3597. Constant
  3598. Rounding
  3599. Width
  3600. Height
  3601. Structure
  3602. List
  3603. Index
  3604. Grid
  3605. Stack
  3606. Sound
  3607. Loop
  3608. Time In Seconds
  3609. Pitch
  3610. Volume
  3611. Room
  3612. Filename
  3613. Section
  3614. Default
  3615. Timeline
  3616. Moment
  3617. State
  3618. Message
  3619. Map
  3620. Key
  3621. Colour Mix
  3622. Start
  3623. End
  3624. Min Life
  3625. Max Life
  3626. Depth
  3627. Shape
  3628. Min Size
  3629. Max Size
  3630. Increase
  3631. Wiggle
  3632. Count
  3633. Secondary
  3634. Emitter
  3635. Burst
  3636. Stream
  3637. Where
  3638. Min Dir
  3639. Max Dir
  3640. Friction
  3641. Position (0-1)
  3642. Colour
  3643. Horizontal
  3644. Vertical
  3645. Expression
  3646. Margin
  3647. Outline
  3648. Caption
  3649. Camera
  3650. Visibility
  3651. System
  3652. Type
  3653. Frame
  3654. Angle
  3655. Min Angle
  3656. Max Angle
  3657. Distribution
  3658. Alpha
  3659. Return
  3660. Relative To Direction
  3661. Macro
  3662. Directions
  3663. Path
  3664. On End
  3665. Button
  3666. Top Left
  3667. Top Right
  3668. Bottom Left
  3669. Bottom Right
  3670. Center
  3671. Edge
  3672. Scale X
  3673. Scale Y
  3674. Rotation
  3675. Name
  3676. Vertical
  3677. Horizontal
  3678. Equal
  3679. Less
  3680. Greater
  3681. Less or Equal
  3682. Greater or Equal
  3683. String
  3684. Resume
  3685. Paused
  3686. Pause
  3687. Toggle
  3688. Window
  3689. Fullscreen
  3690. Snow
  3691. Rain
  3692. Cloud
  3693. Flare
  3694. Spark
  3695. Star
  3696. Smoke Up
  3697. Smoke
  3698. Firework
  3699. Ellipse
  3700. Ring
  3701. Explosion
  3702. Sphere
  3703. Circle
  3704. Square
  3705. Disk
  3706. Pixel
  3707. Small
  3708. Medium
  3709. Large
  3710. Below Objects
  3711. Above Objects
  3712. Alarm 0
  3713. Alarm 1
  3714. Alarm 2
  3715. Alarm 3
  3716. Alarm 4
  3717. Alarm 5
  3718. Alarm 6
  3719. Alarm 7
  3720. Alarm 8
  3721. Alarm 9
  3722. Alarm 10
  3723. Alarm 11
  3724. Middle
  3725. Any
  3726. None
  3727. Left Trigger
  3728. Right Trigger
  3729. Action Top
  3730. Action Left
  3731. Action Bottom
  3732. Action Right
  3733. Shoulder Left
  3734. Shoulder Right
  3735. D-Pad Up
  3736. D-Pad Left
  3737. D-Pad Down
  3738. D-Pad Right
  3739. Left Stick
  3740. Right Stick
  3741. Select
  3742. Gravity
  3743. Size
  3744. X And Y
  3745. X Only
  3746. Y Only
  3747. Rectangle
  3748. Line
  3749. Left Stick (Horizontal)
  3750. Left Stick (Vertical)
  3751. Right Stick (Horizontal)
  3752. Right Stick (Vertical)
  3753. Decimal
  3754. Integer
  3755. Round
  3756. Ceil
  3757. Floor
  3758. Stop
  3759. Linear
  3760. Gaussian
  3761. Inverse Gaussian
  3762. Restart
  3763. Reverse
  3764. Diamond
  3765. Mixed
  3766. Changing
  3767. Mode
  3768. Read
  3769. Write
  3770. Type
  3771. Binary
  3772. Text
  3773. Copy To
  3774. New Name
  3775. File
  3776. Buffer
  3777. Seek
  3778. Relative
  3779. Offset
  3780. Mirror
  3781. Flip
  3782. Bounding Box Left
  3783. Bounding Box Top
  3784. Bounding Box Right
  3785. Bounding Box Bottom
  3786. Sprite Origin X
  3787. Sprite Origin Y
  3788. Rotate
  3789. Initial X Coordinate
  3790. Initial Y Coordinate
  3791. Previous X Coordinate
  3792. Previous Y Coordinate
  3793. X Coordinate
  3794. Y Coordinate
  3795. Width
  3796. Height
  3797. Rows
  3798. Columns
  3799. Tile Width
  3800. Tile Height
  3801. Tile Set Resource
  3802. Current Frame
  3803. Mask
  3804. Global Mask
  3805. Horizontal Speed
  3806. Vertical Speed
  3807. Direction
  3808. Speed
  3809. Friction
  3810. Gravity
  3811. Gravity Direction
  3812. Visible
  3813. Sprite
  3814. Image Index
  3815. Layer
  3816. Persistent
  3817. Mask
  3818. Score
  3819. Lives
  3820. Health
  3821. Depth
  3822. Horizontal Scale
  3823. Vertical Scale
  3824. Image Rotation
  3825. Image Alpha
  3826. Image Blend Colour
  3827. Viewport X Coordinate
  3828. Viewport Y Coordinate
  3829. Viewport Width
  3830. Viewport Height
  3831. Viewport Surface ID
  3832. Buffers
  3833. Event
  3834. Per Step
  3835. On Death
  3836. Call User Event
  3837. Call a user event on an instance.
  3838. If Instance Exists
  3839. Checks if an instance exists.
  3840. If File Exists
  3841. Checks if a file exists.
  3842. Copy File
  3843. Copy a file to a new location.
  3844. Delete File
  3845. Delete a file.
  3846. Rename File
  3847. Rename a file.
  3848. Create Buffer
  3849. Create a buffer.
  3850. Copy Buffer
  3851. Copy a buffer.
  3852. Delete Buffer
  3853. Delete a buffer.
  3854. Get Buffer Size
  3855. Get the size of a buffer.
  3856. Seek Buffer
  3857. Seek to a position in a buffer.
  3858. Get Buffer Position
  3859. Get current position in a buffer.
  3860. Load Buffer
  3861. Load a file into a buffer.
  3862. Save Buffer
  3863. Save a buffer to a file.
  3864. Read Buffer
  3865. Read from a buffer.
  3866. Write Buffer
  3867. Write to a buffer.
  3868. Set Particle Size
  3869. Set the size of a particle type.
  3870. Set Particle Shape
  3871. Set the shape of a particle type.
  3872. Set Particle Alpha
  3873. Set the alpha channel of a particle type.
  3874. Set Particle Sprite
  3875. Set the sprite of a particle type.
  3876. Set Particle Speed
  3877. Set the speed of a particle type.
  3878. Set Particle Direction
  3879. Set the direction of a particle type.
  3880. Set Emitter Region
  3881. Set the region of an emitter.
  3882. If End Of Buffer
  3883. Checks if the end of a buffer has been reached.
  3884. If Buffer Exists
  3885. Checks if a buffer exists.
  3886. Default
  3887. A default switch case for when no other case is matched.
  3888. Loop
  3889. A generic loop that continues until a Break action is hit.
  3890. Get Instance Variable
  3891. Get the value of an instance variable.
  3892. Set Instance Variable
  3893. Set the value of an instance variable.
  3894. Get Path Follow Speed
  3895. Get the speed of the instance following a path.
  3896. Get Position Along Path
  3897. Get the position of the instance along the path it is following.
  3898. Unknown Action
  3899. Empty
  3900. Shape is not convex!
  3901. Validation Error
  3902. Loading...
  3903. Extracting...
  3904. Importing...
  3905. Installing...
  3906. Saving...
  3907. Exporting...
  3908. Processing...
  3909. Building... {0}
  3910. Sprite Preview...
  3911. Archiving...
  3912. Disable Source Sprite Export
  3913. Edit Autotiling
  3914. Edit Tile Animation
  3915. All Supported File Types
  3916. Image Files
  3917. Shockwave Flash Object
  3918. Export Sprite Disabled
  3919. Sprite will export
  3920. Sprite export disabled by tile set(s): {0}
  3921. Select From Any Layer (P)
  3922. LMB + ALT to paint with selected object resources
  3923. LMB + ALT to paint with selected sprite resources
  3924. LMB + Right ALT to paint with selected object resources
  3925. LMB + Right ALT to paint with selected sprite resources
  3926. Spine: unable to find .atlas file for {0}
  3927. Spine: unable to find texture file: {0}
  3928. Spine: json file not found: {0}
  3929. Switch between selection and editing modes in brush builder page (${room_editor_tools_keyboard_shortcut22})
  3930. Duplicate Layer
  3931. Delete Animation
  3932. Play Animation
  3933. Set Frame Count
  3934. Welcome Page
  3935. While we finish up your installation...
  3936. Welcome
  3937. Show on startup
  3938. Close
  3939. ...why not check out our all new {0}'Getting Started'{1} video
  3940. Sit back, relax, and let us introduce you to some of our cool {0}'New Features'{1}
  3941. {0}'Access All Areas'{1}. Find everything you need in one place. Tutorials, marketplace, support and much more
  3942. Show welcome screen on startup
  3943. Learn
  3944. Marketplace
  3945. Support
  3946. Community
  3947. Installing runtime {0}
  3948. My Account
  3949. New
  3950. Open
  3951. Import
  3952. Demos
  3953. Marketplace
  3954. Tutorials
  3955. More
  3956. Create New Project
  3957. Drag and Drop
  3958. GameMaker Language
  3959. JavaScript
  3960. Inherit Project
  3961. To view release notes for this and previous versions
  3962. Recent Projects
  3963. Recent Tutorials
  3964. Licenses
  3965. Release Notes
  3966. Owned
  3967. Filter by installed
  3968. Official
  3969. Expand or collapse
  3970. Getting Started
  3971. Explore
  3972. Available
  3973. Owned
  3974. Installed
  3975. Downloading...
  3976. Not Completed
  3977. Completed
  3978. Available
  3979. View On Marketplace
  3980. Download
  3981. Open
  3982. Remove Local Files
  3983. Submit
  3984. Cache Path
  3985. Path to FolderSync Tool
  3986. Path to Remote Runtime
  3987. Output Path
  3988. Project Cache Path
  3989. Default Audio Device
  3990. Resource name must be between {2} and {1} characters long
  3991. Drop here to assign resource
  3992. Open
  3993. Settings for {0}
  3994. Remote Worker - Platform Not Supported
  3995. Remote Worker Error
  3996. Failed to connect to the remote worker.\nVerify the host name and try again.
  3997. Remote Worker Name Error
  3998. A Remote Worker with this name already exists.
  3999. The current platform is not supported on this Remote Worker.
  4000. Press ${open_search_replace} to open the Search and Replace window.
  4001. Source Control Output will go here. If you have not turned on Source Control, you can find it in Main Options.
  4002. Source Control Output would go here, but you are currently using a Trial version.\nPlease upgrade to a paid version to enable the Source Control features!\nVisit to view our pricing.
  4003. Tile size increase will cause rooms to lose some tile layer data, are you sure you want to make this change?\n\nTo avoid data loss press cancel and increase room size of the affected rooms: {0}
  4004. Set Draw Alpha
  4005. Set the alpha channel (0 to 1) used for drawing.
  4006. Get Draw Alpha
  4007. Get the alpha channel (0 to 1) used for drawing.
  4008. Use Alpha
  4009. Convert to DnD™
  4010. Package Details:
  4011. Tutorial Content Settings will appear here when 'Tutorial' Package Type has been selected
  4012. Closing this workspace will also close the contained editors, are you sure?
  4013. Closing a non-empty workspace
  4014. Allow empty tabs to be closed via the keyboard shortcut
  4015. Automatic response to closing a workspace via keyboard shortcut
  4016. Automatic response to room tile layer cropping due to tile size changes
  4017. Font family '{0}' is not available. Verify that you have installed this font correctly.
  4018. Unavailable Font
  4019. A group cannot be a child of itself.
  4020. Invalid Parent
  4021. Restore Default
  4022. Current Build Target
  4023. Default sprite animation mode
  4024. Default sprite width
  4025. Default sprite height
  4026. Delete
  4027. Rename
  4028. LMB + T to translate path, LMB + R to rotate path, LMB + S to scale path
  4029. Load the project instead of adding a datafile?
  4030. Load the project?
  4031. Refresh owned demos.
  4032. Project file detected
  4033. Import the project instead of adding a datafile?
  4034. Import the project?
  4035. Project archive detected
  4036. Expandable Category
  4037. Delete local content for this asset.
  4038. Open the tutorial instead of adding a datafile?
  4039. Open the tutorial?
  4040. Tutorial package detected
  4041. Import marketplace package assets instead of adding a datafile?
  4042. Import marketplace package?
  4043. Marketplace Package Detected
  4044. Copy to clipboard
  4045. {0} reviews
  4046. Created with {0}
  4047. Search...
  4048. All Assets
  4049. New Version ({0})
  4050. Visit this author's page.
  4051. View this asset's reviews.
  4052. Offline
  4053. Open Or Closed Edges
  4054. Search Results ({0})
  4055. Acquire this tutorial
  4056. Acquire this demo
  4057. Installed
  4058. Frame:
  4059. Item '{0}' is locked, unlock to allow editing
  4060. Items '{0}' are locked, unlock to allow editing
  4061. Layer '{0}' is locked, unlock to allow editing
  4062. Layers '{0}' are locked, unlock to allow editing
  4063. Owner layer '{0}' is locked, unlock to allow editing of item
  4064. Owner layers '{0}' are locked, unlock to allow editing of items
  4065. Automatic response to item locked warning
  4066. Automatic response to layer locked warning
  4067. Automatic response to item owner layer locked warning
  4068. None
  4069. Automatic response to exceeding physics vertex limit
  4070. Ctrl+MMB to open the inherited event instead of the manual.
  4071. A physics shape cannot have more than 8 points.
  4072. Warning
  4073. Drop here to assign parent
  4074. Drop here to add child
  4075. Add child
  4076. Remove child
  4077. Invalid Path
  4078. File path is too long: {0}
  4079. Included File has invalid name
  4080. One or more included files has an invalid filename, should only contain a-z, A_Z, 0-9, _ or .\nSee the output panel for a list.
  4081. Included file with invalid filename: '{0}'
  4082. {0}' contains invalid filename characters
  4083. Selection frame colour
  4084. Locked selection frame colour
  4085. Properties frame colour
  4086. Locked properties frame colour
  4087. Selection bounds colour
  4088. Locked selection bounds colour
  4089. Snap To Grid (${toggle_grid_snap})
  4090. of
  4091. Default sprite origin
  4092. Tree View
  4093. List View
  4094. Both
  4095. Top Left
  4096. Top Centre
  4097. Top Right
  4098. Middle Left
  4099. Middle Centre
  4100. Middle Right
  4101. Bottom Left
  4102. Bottom Centre
  4103. Bottom Right
  4104. Attempting to restore item '{0}' name is already in use and has been updated to '{1}'
  4105. ERROR: Unable to extract '{0}' at '{1}'
  4106. Sample Text
  4107. Toggle grid on or off.
  4108. Play or pause the sprite animation.
  4109. Set the displayed sprite frame
  4110. Set the horizontal grid alignment.
  4111. Set the vertical grid alignment.
  4112. Workspace chain rendering segment count
  4113. Toggle Breakpoint
  4114. Disable
  4115. Enable
  4116. Toggle Enabled
  4117. (Disabled)
  4118. Delete All Breakpoints
  4119. Delete
  4120. Laptop Mode ({0})
  4121. On
  4122. Off
  4123. In Laptop Mode you can pan, scroll and zoom by moving the mouse over an area\nwhile holding Left Control to zoom and Left Alt to pan and scroll.\nUse Right Control and Right Alt for non-mouse interactions while Laptop Mode is enabled.
  4124. Cannot access account management: User is offline
  4125. Please make sure you have a working internet connection and try again.
  4126. My Account
  4127. Export
  4128. Project Missing
  4129. This project may have been moved or deleted.\nPlease verify the project location and try again.
  4130. Libraries
  4131. Brushes
  4132. Invalid name, cannot change extension from '{0}' to '{1}'.
  4133. Edit Parent
  4134. Edit Mask
  4135. Refresh owned tutorials.
  4136. Resize Sprite
  4137. An error has occurred in the game. See error message below.
  4138. Debugger
  4139. Resource View
  4140. Source View
  4141. Locals
  4142. Globals
  4143. Watch
  4144. Instance
  4145. All Instances
  4146. Selected Instance
  4147. Selected Instance {0}
  4148. Call Stack
  4149. Surfaces & Textures
  4150. Graph
  4151. Profile
  4152. Buffers
  4153. Render States
  4154. Moment {0}
  4155. Continue (${debugger_continue})
  4156. Break
  4157. Restart game
  4158. Close the game
  4159. Discard the collected data and end the debugging session.
  4160. Step into function call (${debugger_step_into})
  4161. Step over function call (${debugger_step_over})
  4162. Step out of function (${debugger_step_out})
  4163. Enable real-time debugging
  4164. Source Modified
  4165. The source code in {0} has been modified and cannot be debugged.
  4166. Debugger
  4167. This room has no creation code
  4168. This object has no source code
  4169. This script has no source code
  4170. This time line has no moments with source code
  4171. This extension has no exported functions
  4172. Name
  4173. Type
  4174. Thumbnail
  4175. Size
  4176. Double-click a resource in the Resource View to view its source code here
  4177. The call stack is empty.
  4178. Double-click to go to this stack frame
  4179. Memory:
  4180. FPS:
  4181. Name
  4182. Value
  4183. Variables
  4184. Graphics
  4185. Instances
  4186. Others
  4187. Debugger
  4188. Show Text Only
  4189. Show Numbers Only
  4190. 1-byte Integer
  4191. 2-byte Integer
  4192. 4-byte Integer
  4193. 32-bit Floating Point
  4194. 64-bit Floating Point
  4195. Hex
  4196. Signed
  4197. Unsigned
  4198. Buffer ID
  4199. Columns
  4200. Type: {0}
  4201. Size: {0}
  4202. Tell: {0}
  4203. Alignment: {0}
  4204. Auto
  4205. There is no buffer associated with identifier {0}
  4206. Real
  4207. ds_list
  4208. ds_map
  4209. ds_stack
  4210. ds_queue
  4211. ds_priority
  4212. ds_grid
  4213. Instance
  4214. Surface {0}
  4215. Texture {0}
  4216. Surface
  4217. Texture
  4218. Windows
  4219. Reset Window Layout
  4220. Mem {0}
  4221. Fps {0}
  4222. Game Fps {0}
  4223. Avg {0}
  4224. Fps Avg {0}
  4225. Mem Avg {0}
  4226. View As...
  4227. Delete Watch
  4228. Clear All
  4229. Add Watch
  4230. Start Profiling
  4231. Stop Profiling
  4232. Profiling...
  4233. Average Values
  4234. Tick this to display all values as averages.\nUntick it to display accumulated values.
  4235. Call Count
  4236. Time (Ms)
  4237. Step %
  4238. This graph shows frames per second and memory usage over time.\nHold Control and scroll to expand and contract the graph.
  4239. This graph shows frames per second and memory usage over time.\nHold ⌘ and scroll to expand and contract the graph.
  4240. Failed to evaluate expression
  4241. Active connection to game
  4242. Connecting to game...
  4243. No connection to game
  4244. Click to open in a window.
  4245. Debug Events - Tick {0}
  4246. Device IP Required
  4247. Target Device IP is required to connect the debugger
  4248. Open Device Settings
  4249. Add new watch...
  4250. Only available with Windows target
  4251. This will close the debugger and permanently discard all collected data.
  4252. This will close the game and the debugger and permanently discard all collected data.
  4253. Automatic response to closing the debugger
  4254. Code Error
  4255. Fetching images...
  4256. Load texture/surface images from the target
  4257. The buffer id is an integer value starting at zero and increments when a new buffer is created.\nView the contents of the buffer with a given id.
  4258. Show only samples for my code, excluding the underlying engine code.
  4259. Show only samples for the underlying engine code, excluding my code.
  4260. Show samples for my code and the underlying engine code.
  4261. Show samples in a top-down hierarchy, with the most detailed parts at the bottom of the tree.
  4262. Show samples in a bottom-up hierarchy, with the most detailed parts at the top of the tree.
  4263. Show all textures in use by the game.
  4264. Show all dynamically created surfaces currently in memory.
  4265. My Code
  4266. Engine Code
  4267. Combined
  4268. Top-down
  4269. Bottom-up
  4270. This asset hasn't received enough reviews yet.
  4271. Average rating.
  4272. Browser
  4273. Server is not responding.
  4274. The request was cancelled before completion.
  4275. An Error Occurred
  4276. Update the extension name
  4277. Set the major version number
  4278. Set the minor version number
  4279. Set the patch number
  4280. Add or Remove resource
  4281. Toggle extra platforms
  4282. Add Proxy File
  4283. Remove Proxy File
  4284. Check to uncompress zip
  4285. Select Init function
  4286. Select Final function
  4287. Add Argument
  4288. Remove Argument
  4289. Set Function Name
  4290. Set External Name
  4291. Set Return Type
  4292. Set help text
  4293. GML functions can support variable arguments
  4294. Set Macro Name
  4295. Set Macro Value
  4296. Set Class Name
  4297. Entries for injecting into the Gradle build system
  4298. Entries for injecting into the Android Manifest file
  4299. Entries for injecting into the Android Manifest Application
  4300. Entries for injecting into the Android Manifest Activity
  4301. Add Permission
  4302. Remove Permission
  4303. Add Android SDK
  4304. Add Folder Containing Android Source files
  4305. Flags used when compiling imported source files
  4306. Flags to be used when linking imported source files
  4307. Add system framework entry
  4308. Remove selected framework
  4309. Add third-party framework entry
  4310. Remove selected framework
  4311. Full path on Mac to import framework from
  4312. Import from Mac
  4313. Add local source folder
  4314. An overview will appear here when you add an action
  4315. Workspace chains can overlap
  4316. An image in the {0} file failed to load.
  4317. Minimum zoom level for interacting with window contents (%)
  4318. Generate
  4319. Type
  4320. You have unsaved changes and will be prompted to save.
  4321. Generate Project Images
  4322. Border Colour
  4323. Generation Mode
  4324. Keep Aspect Ratio
  4325. Crop To Fit
  4326. In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Facebook Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now from the Marketplace?
  4327. In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Google Play Services Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now?
  4328. In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Amazon API Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now from the Marketplace?
  4329. In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Google Play APK Expansion Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now from the Marketplace?
  4330. In order to use this functionality, you will need to have the Google Play Licensing Expansion Extension installed.\nWould you like to download it now from the Marketplace?
  4331. Stretch
  4332. IDE Version:
  4333. Current Runtime:
  4334. Time in IDE
  4335. Online Status
  4336. Online
  4337. Offline
  4338. Username:
  4339. Graphics Vendor:
  4340. CPU Vendor:
  4341. Generate Project Images
  4342. No Image Selected
  4343. Please select an image using the file browser
  4344. Images:
  4345. Icons:
  4346. Replace all frames
  4347. Do you wish to replace ALL the frames with the dropped image files?
  4348. Unknown
  4349. Enum Field
  4350. Global Variable
  4351. Local Variable
  4352. Variable
  4353. Built-in Variable
  4354. Macro
  4355. Enum
  4356. Keyword
  4357. Constant
  4358. Function
  4359. Script
  4360. Resource
  4361. Obsolete
  4362. The file '{0}' is not supported. See Compile Errors window.
  4363. Webserver Port Unavailable
  4364. Port {0} is unavailable for spawning help!\nPlease change this in Preferences
  4365. Your library is empty.
  4366. Click here to browse the marketplace.
  4367. This link cannot be opened as you are currently offline.
  4368. Debugger port
  4369. Enable real-time debugging
  4370. Syntax Checking delay (ms)
  4371. Code Completion delay (ms)
  4372. Default draw colour
  4373. Initial default draw colour for new projects
  4374. IDE Environment Variables
  4375. Preview (Read-Only)
  4376. No resources to add
  4377. The project '{0}' cannot be loaded with GameMaker Studio 2 Trial
  4378. You have reached the limits of GameMaker Studio 2 Trial for '{0}'.
  4379. Spine files are not supported in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial
  4380. SWF files are not supported in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial
  4381. Importing projects is not supported in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial
  4382. Marketplace cannot be accessed in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial
  4383. {0}' contains resources not supported by GameMaker Studio 2 Trial
  4384. Recalculate tile set after resize
  4385. This sprite is used by multiple tile sets of varying tile sizes. Select a reference tile set for this operation.
  4386. Select Reference Tile Set
  4387. No tile set was selected. Cannot complete operation.
  4388. {0} Fragment Shader
  4389. {0} Vertex Shader
  4390. {0}
  4391. {0}: {1}
  4392. {0}: Events
  4393. {0}
  4394. Notes
  4395. {0}
  4396. {0}: Moment {1}
  4397. {0}: Moments
  4398. {0} Creation Code
  4399. {0}:{1} - Creation Code
  4400. Output Window Font Settings
  4401. Source Control Window Font Settings
  4402. Breakpoint Window Font Settings
  4403. Search Result Window Font Settings
  4404. Syntax Error Window Font Settings
  4405. Compile Error Window Font Settings
  4406. Mouse wheel zoom requires ${ctrl} key
  4407. DPI override changes requires a restart of the IDE. Do you want to restart now?
  4408. Enable DPI override
  4409. Allow anonymous game statistics
  4410. Statistics cannot be turned off on 'Creator' platforms
  4411. Statistics cannot be turned off in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial
  4412. Are you sure you want to turn statistics off?\n\nAnonymous statistics allow us to provide developers with info about their target audience and focus development in key areas
  4413. Automatic response to turning off anonymous statistics
  4414. Included file '{0}' already exists.\nOperation cancelled.
  4415. Renaming failed: unable to restore directory '{0}' to its original name. Please see the output panel for more details.
  4416. Renaming failed: unable to restore files to their correct state. Please see the output panel for more details.
  4417. Save Project Failed
  4418. Unable to save the following files (please see the output panel for more details).
  4419. Cannot regenerate this action.
  4420. Import image and convert to Tilemap
  4421. Left Edge
  4422. Top Edge
  4423. Right Edge
  4424. Bottom Edge
  4425. Destination Width
  4426. Import options
  4427. Generate Map!
  4428. Sprite Name
  4429. Tilemap Name
  4430. Layer Name
  4431. Remove Colour
  4432. The selected image is too large to display
  4433. Detect Browsers
  4434. Convert Image to Tilemap
  4435. Are you sure you want to set '{0}' as the room inheritance parent of '{1}'?
  4436. Automatic response to setting a room parent via node drag
  4437. Automatic response to deleting custom views
  4438. Lock Instance
  4439. Lock Graphic
  4440. Using symbols not found in font (?)
  4441. This font is missing one or more symbols and will get replacements from other fonts.
  4442. Font ""{0}"" packs more characters than can fit on the texture page. Some characters will not be visible.
  4443. Gesture
  4444. Global
  4445. Tap
  4446. Double Tap
  4447. Drag Start
  4448. Dragging
  4449. Drag End
  4450. Flick
  4451. Pinch Start
  4452. Pinch In
  4453. Pinch Out
  4454. Pinch End
  4455. Rotate Start
  4456. Rotating
  4457. Rotate End
  4458. Global Tap
  4459. Global Double Tap
  4460. Global Drag Start
  4461. Global Dragging
  4462. Global Drag End
  4463. Global Flick
  4464. Global Pinch Start
  4465. Global Pinch In
  4466. Global Pinch Out
  4467. Global Pinch End
  4468. Global Rotate Start
  4469. Global Rotating
  4470. Global Rotate End
  4471. Downloaded
  4472. GMS 2.x
  4473. GMS 1.x
  4474. IDE language
  4475. Enable notifications
  4476. Notification timeout (ms)
  4477. Link to Amazon Submission Guide
  4478. Add Worker
  4479. Are you sure you wish to delete this remote?
  4480. Delete Remote
  4481. You must specifiy the full path to the VCVARS32.BAT file
  4482. PARAM.SFO editor not available on Mac.\nPlease edit on Windows and copy to {0}/options/ps4/sce_sys/PARAM.SFO
  4483. Trophy editor not available on Mac.\nPlease edit on Windows and copy to {0}/options/ps4/sce_sys/trophy/trophy00.trp
  4484. Find and Replace
  4485. Toggle Replace
  4486. Whole Word Only
  4487. Case Sensitive
  4488. Find Previous
  4489. Find Next
  4490. Replace Next
  4491. Replace All
  4492. Suppress build and run (only create Xcode project on macOS)
  4493. macOS Install Path
  4494. Default team identifier
  4495. Android SDK location
  4496. Android NDK location
  4497. Java JDK location
  4498. Visual Studio location
  4499. Visual Studio location
  4500. Win UWP Tools location
  4501. Default team identifier
  4502. PS4 SDK location
  4503. PS4 Tools location
  4504. Visual Studio location
  4505. XDK location
  4506. Xbox One Tools location
  4507. Xbox One SDK location
  4508. Visual Studio location
  4509. Unsafe Path
  4510. This project is located in an unsafe location: {0}\nPlease save it in a new location to avoid loss of work.
  4511. Filters:
  4512. Go
  4513. Reset
  4515. Clone
  4516. Delete Current
  4517. Show horizontal separators
  4518. Horizontal separator colour
  4519. Tree line colour
  4520. Default background colour
  4521. Ensure alpha level is increased to display node highlight
  4522. Sprites background colour
  4523. Tile Sets background colour
  4524. Sounds background colour
  4525. Paths background colour
  4526. Scripts background colour
  4527. Shaders background colour
  4528. Fonts background colour
  4529. Timelines background colour
  4530. Objects background colour
  4531. Rooms background colour
  4532. Included Files background colour
  4533. Extensions background colour
  4534. Options background colour
  4535. Configurations background colour
  4536. Notes background colour
  4537. Minimum zoom (%)
  4538. Maximum zoom (%)
  4539. Default Label Colour
  4540. Sprite Label Colour
  4541. Tile Sets Label Colour
  4542. Sounds Label Colour
  4543. Paths Label Colour
  4544. Scripts Label Colour
  4545. Shaders Label Colour
  4546. Fonts Label Colour
  4547. Timelines Label Colour
  4548. Objects Label Colour
  4549. Room Label Colour
  4550. Included Files Label Colour
  4551. Extensions Label Colour
  4552. Options Label Colour
  4553. Configurations Label Colour
  4554. Notes Label Colour
  4555. Delete the selected view: {0}?
  4556. Show tree lines
  4557. Show group node icons
  4558. Default icon colour
  4559. Sprites icon colour
  4560. Tile Sets icon colour
  4561. Sounds icon colour
  4562. Paths icon colour
  4563. Scripts icon colour
  4564. Shaders icon colour
  4565. Fonts icon colour
  4566. Timelines icon colour
  4567. Objects icon colour
  4568. Rooms icon colour
  4569. Included Files icon colour
  4570. Extensions icon colour
  4571. Options icon colour
  4572. Configurations icon colour
  4573. Notes icon colour
  4574. Node selection highlight
  4575. Recent Windows
  4576. Recent Windows
  4577. Developer
  4578. Hide GameMaker Studio 2
  4579. Hide Others
  4580. Show All
  4581. Bring All To Front
  4582. Project Error
  4583. No rooms found - you need at least one room to run.
  4584. Display only currently open windows
  4585. Move focused window to top
  4586. Maximum windows to display
  4587. Remove Item(s)
  4588. Clear All Items
  4589. Move to Top
  4590. Open automatically on project load
  4591. The shader '{0}' has an invalid type.
  4592. Cannot run AVD directly with version '{0}' of the Android SDK.\nPlease launch 'Android Studio' and select 'Tools > Android > AVD Manager'.
  4593. Enable Xbox Live
  4594. Creators Program App
  4595. Title ID
  4596. Service Configuration ID
  4597. Proxy Settings
  4598. Proxy
  4599. Proxy address and port (http://address:port)
  4600. Error proxy must using "http://address:port" format
  4601. Error: Invalid proxy setting
  4602. Username
  4603. Proxy username
  4604. Password
  4605. Proxy password
  4606. Domain
  4607. Proxy Domain. Usually left blank
  4608. General Settings
  4609. Drag and Drop
  4610. Image Editor
  4611. Sprite Editor
  4612. Object Editor
  4613. Room Editor
  4614. Spline Editor
  4615. Tile Sets Editor
  4616. Timelines
  4617. Extension Editor
  4618. Resource Tree
  4619. Text Editors
  4620. Languages
  4621. Marketplace
  4622. Platform Settings
  4623. Plugins
  4624. Runtime Feeds
  4625. Asset Explorer
  4626. Background
  4627. Compiling
  4628. Confirm Dialogs
  4629. Debug
  4630. Debugging
  4631. Go To
  4632. Help
  4633. Input
  4634. Output Windows
  4635. Paths
  4636. Power Saving
  4637. Recent Windows
  4638. Resources
  4639. Workspace
  4640. Grid Settings
  4641. Tools
  4642. Auto Tiling
  4643. Colours
  4644. Code Editor
  4645. GML
  4646. Source Control (Git)
  4647. Master
  4648. Main Options
  4649. General
  4650. Graphics
  4651. Images
  4652. Installer
  4653. Packaging
  4654. Android
  4655. HTML5
  4656. iOS
  4657. macOS
  4658. PlayStation 4
  4659. PlayStation 4
  4660. Steam
  4661. Windows
  4662. Windows UWP
  4663. Xbox One
  4664. Xbox One
  4665. Ubuntu
  4666. Xbox Live
  4667. Dialog Editor
  4668. Options
  4669. Ratings
  4670. Splash Screen
  4671. Logos
  4672. Product Information
  4673. Requirements
  4674. Config Files
  4675. Build Settings
  4676. Orientation
  4677. Icons
  4678. Social
  4679. Facebook
  4680. iPhone
  4681. iPhone Retina
  4682. iPhone 5
  4683. iPhone 6
  4684. iPhone 6+
  4685. iPad
  4686. iPad Retina
  4687. Permissions
  4688. Architecture
  4689. Android TV
  4690. Google
  4691. Amazon
  4692. Analytics
  4693. Flurry
  4694. Logo
  4695. App Store
  4696. Advanced
  4697. Misc
  4698. Texture page size
  4699. Project Last Changed
  4700. Project Use Time
  4701. Project Start Date
  4702. Project GUID
  4703. License Agreement
  4704. NSIS Script
  4705. Visual Studio Path
  4706. Share Overlay (128x128, 64x64, 256x128, 256x64)
  4707. Preview
  4708. Main
  4709. d' Days 'h' Hours 'm' Minutes 's' Seconds'
  4710. Platform
  4711. Server
  4712. Console
  4713. Surveys
  4714. IDE
  4715. External Editors
  4716. Source Control
  4717. Search Results
  4718. Output
  4719. Compile Errors
  4720. Syntax Errors
  4721. Arc
  4722. Label
  4723. Default
  4724. Sprites
  4725. Tile Sets
  4726. Sounds
  4727. Scripts
  4728. Shaders
  4729. Fonts
  4730. Objects
  4731. Room
  4732. Notes
  4733. Included Files
  4734. Extensions
  4735. Resource Label
  4736. Icon
  4737. Normal Text
  4738. Keyword
  4739. Values
  4740. Strings
  4742. Constants
  4743. Builtin Variables
  4744. Object Variables
  4745. Functions
  4746. Script Names
  4747. Resource Names
  4748. Enums
  4749. Enum Entries
  4750. Macros
  4751. Local Variables
  4752. Global Variables
  4753. Line Number Text
  4754. Read Only Line Numbers
  4755. Bookmark Line Numbers
  4756. White Space
  4757. Obsolete Symbols
  4758. Braces
  4759. debug
  4760. Keystore
  4761. Colour
  4762. Font Name
  4763. Found
  4764. Not found
  4765. Identity
  4766. Authentication
  4767. Merge
  4768. Diff
  4769. (${input_count} inputs)
  4770. <System Device>
  4771. Never
  4772. Collapsed
  4773. Always
  4774. Left
  4775. Right
  4776. No mac found
  4777. Choose a resize option
  4778. Size: {0} x {1}
  4779. {0} / {1}s
  4780. Runtime v{0}
  4781. IDE v{0}
  4782. IDE v{0} Steam
  4783. Output size unsupported!
  4784. Output texture size is too large, some tiles may be missing. \nReduce source image or output border sizes
  4785. PlayStation 4 Tools Missing
  4786. Unable to find PlayStation 4 trophy editor, please update your tools directory
  4787. Go to PlayStation 4 settings
  4788. Unable to find PlayStation 4 param.sfo editor, please update your tools directory
  4789. Unable to find PlayStation 4 share file editor, please update your tools directory
  4790. Script: {0}
  4791. Object: {0}: {1}
  4792. Timeline: {0}: moment {1}
  4793. Room Creation Code: {0}
  4794. Room Instance: {0}: {1}
  4795. Unknown event
  4796. Unknown moment
  4797. {0}, line {1}
  4798. unterminated regular expression literal
  4799. malformed reference {0}
  4800. malformed hexadecimal character escape sequence
  4801. unexpected node {0}
  4802. Exception while parsing {0}
  4803. unnecessary expression {0} used as a statement
  4804. malformed id reference {0}
  4805. malformed array reference {0}
  4806. unexpected binary operator {0}
  4807. unterminated string literal
  4808. single quotes no longer allowed for string
  4809. unexpected syntax error
  4810. Got '{0}' ({1}) expected '{2}'
  4811. Got '{0}' ({1}) expected '{2}' or '{3}'
  4812. expected expression
  4813. nested function calls are not allowed
  4814. use of {0} is not allowed in GameMaker Studio 2 Trial
  4815. number of arguments expected {0} got {1}
  4816. duplicate enum entry found
  4817. missing variable name in globalvar
  4818. missing variable name in var
  4819. no matching #region found for #endregion
  4820. unclosed #region found at End of Script
  4821. unexpected terminal operator {0}
  4822. unexpected unary operator {0}
  4823. unexpected ternary operator {0}
  4824. try needs to have catch or finally clause
  4825. macro {0} already exists
  4826. malformed variable reference got {0}
  4827. assignment to multi-relational-equality expression - GML does not support multiple assignments in an expression
  4828. {0} at line {1}, {2} : {3}
  4829. {0} at line {1} : {2}
  4830. Undefined variable '{0}' referenced in {1}'s variable '{2}'
  4831. Undefined variable '{0}' referenced in room {3} in instance {1}'s variable '{2}'
  4832. Script: {0}
  4833. Object: {0}
  4834. Creation Code in Room: {0}
  4835. Instance Code in Room: {0}
  4836. Vertex Shader: {0}
  4837. Fragment Shader: {0}
  4838. Timeline: {0}
  4839. {0} Collision Event With {1}
  4840. {0} Key Event: {1}
  4841. {0} Key Pressed: {1}
  4842. {0} Key Released: {1}
  4843. {0} Event: {1}
  4844. {0} instance {1}:
  4845. {0} Creation Code
  4846. An updated runtime is available in {0}!
  4847. Runtimes
  4848. Surveys
  4849. Tutorials
  4850. Demos
  4851. Detected a {0} Steam App ID: The Steam App ID is now in one place - Main Options, please ensure it is correct
  4852. Windows
  4853. Mac
  4854. Linux
  4855. Resource name collision '{0}' already exists, renamed to '{1}'
  4856. Font {0} has been converted to font family {1} ({2}) - Font has been regenerated, small inconsistencies may occur
  4857. !!! Font {0} font family {1} is installed but couldn't match style - Font has NOT been regenerated
  4858. !!! Font {0} uses a font ({1}) not installed on this system - Font has NOT been regenerated
  4859. Unknown Shader Type '{0}' for shader '{1}'
  4860. macOS icon {0} written out as 32-bit
  4861. Error - function '{0}' in extension '{1}' has more than 4 arguments, and they are not all of the same type
  4862. Converting GML script: {0}
  4863. Converting object event to GML script: {0}
  4864. Windows NSIS Installer Script has been set to default due to changes in GameMaker Studio 2
  4865. Exception while converting {0} : {1}
  4866. Original was
  4867. Current result was
  4868. Missing audiogroup for sound: '{0}' - setting to default audio group
  4869. Added compatibility script '{0}'
  4870. Updated compatibility script '{0}'
  4871. Game speed set to {0}
  4872. ERROR: {0} - {1}: {2}
  4873. Too many errors - GML not processed : {0}
  4874. Error: variable '{0}' has same name as a built-in (function, constant or variable), it must be renamed to function correctly
  4875. Converted string - line {0}: {1} -> {2}
  4876. Converted description {0}
  4877. Removing instance reference from builtin - line {0} : {1}
  4878. Converted builtin - line {0}: {1} -> {2}
  4879. compatibility_report_
  4880. Skipped action {0} as it applies to <undefined>
  4881. Skipped action(s) {0} because parent 'if' action was skipped
  4882. None State
  4883. Managed to enter none state
  4884. Licence file missing
  4885. Licence file is not there
  4886. Licence is invalid
  4887. Licence local id doesn't match expected format - please login again.\nIf you keep seeing this message contact the helpdesk at
  4888. Licence doesn't match expected format - please login again.\nIf you keep seeing this message contact the helpdesk at
  4889. Cannot parse the expiry date
  4890. Licence has expired
  4891. Session id differs
  4892. Device id differs
  4893. Signature is invalid
  4894. Error ({0}) - {1}
  4895. Exception - {0}
  4896. local Machine ID mismatch
  4897. local Machine ID missing
  4898. Unable to take user offline
  4899. Unable to login - no network connection
  4900. Unable to login - failed to get a Steam session ticket
  4901. Unable to login - server error, allowing offline
  4902. Failed to save license file {0} - result {1}({2})
  4903. Failed to save license file {0} - no result
  4904. Status: {0}
  4905. {0} at line {1}: \t{2}
  4906. My Account
  4907. Amazon Fire
  4908. Amazon APIs
  4909. Google Play Services
  4910. Error with addon
  4911. Addon verification failed. Please check your project and try again.
  4912. The addon could not be found on the marketplace
  4913. The addon could not be downloaded from the marketplace
  4914. {0} Files
  4915. Audio Files
  4916. All Files
  4917. GameMaker Studio 2 Project
  4918. Project Name
  4919. GameMaker Studio 2 Layout
  4920. GameMaker Studio 2 Resource
  4921. Localisation Files
  4922. GameMaker Studio 2 Certificate
  4923. HTML Zip Archive
  4924. Compressed Application Zip
  4925. macOS Application Zip
  4926. {0} Package
  4927. {0} Installer
  4928. {0} Application
  4929. {0} Export
  4930. Directory
  4931. SSH Key
  4932. tvOS
  4933. No Amazon devices detected
  4934. There were no Amazon Fire devices detected.
  4935. Device Manager Error
  4936. The devices.json is locked.\nPlease ensure no other application is trying to read or write to this and try again.
  4937. The device with serial id: {0} requires authorisation.\nPlease check the device.
  4938. Addon requires additional licenses
  4939. Unfortunately, this addon is not available for the licenses you currently own.\nDo you want to go to your account to view your licenses?
  4940. Inherit Layer Depth
  4941. Inherit Creation Order
  4942. Inherit Graphic Properties
  4943. Inherit Instance Properties
  4944. Inherit Instances
  4945. Inherit Assets
  4946. Inherit Background Properties
  4947. Inherit Tile Properties
  4948. Inherit Path Properties
  4949. Inherit Layers
  4950. The project name '{0}' contains the following unsupported characters: '{1}'.\nPlease try a different name.
  4951. This addon requires the Amazon Fire or Mobile licenses.\nDo you want to go to your account to check your availability of these?
  4952. Error with Runtime
  4953. The current runtime ({0}) is lower than the baseline required ({1}).\nPlease update your runtime to {1} or higher.
  4954. Licence Renewal
  4955. Your {0} licence is due to expire in under {1} days\nRenew now for uninterrupted access to your product
  4956. Your {0} licence is due to expire in under {1} weeks\nRenew now for uninterrupted access to your product
  4957. Renew
  4958. IDE cache directory
  4959. Automatically delete ide cache directory on close
  4960. Delete IDE Cache
  4961. Synchronise Preferences
  4962. Sync from Android
  4963. Sync from Amazon Fire
  4964. Copy settings from Android
  4965. Copy settings from Amazon Fire
  4966. Pronunciation Files
  4967. Unable to find matching pronunciation.sig file \nVoice recognition files will not be imported
  4968. App Icon
  4969. iPad Pro
  4970. Notification
  4971. Spotlight
  4972. Settings
  4973. iTunes Artwork
  4974. iPhone 60pt 2x (iOS 7+)
  4975. iPhone 60pt 3x (iOS 7+)
  4976. iPad 76pt (iOS 7+)
  4977. iPad 76pt 2x (iOS 7+)
  4978. iPad Pro 83.5pt 2x (iOS 9+)
  4979. iPhone 20pt 2x (iOS 7+)
  4980. iPhone 20pt 3x (iOS 7+)
  4981. iPad 20pt (iOS 7+)
  4982. iPad 20pt 2x (iOS 7+)
  4983. iPhone 40pt 2x (iOS 7+)
  4984. iPhone 40pt 3x (iOS 7+)
  4985. iPad 40pt (iOS 7+)
  4986. iPad 40pt 2x (iOS 7+)
  4987. iPhone 29pt 2x (iOS 5+)
  4988. iPhone 29pt 3x (iOS 5+)
  4989. iPad 29pt (iOS 5+)
  4990. iPad 29pt 2x (iOS 5+)
  4991. iTunes Artwork 1024pt
  4992. No Valid User/Pass Authentication details found for {0}\nThe repository has been successfully linked and will be able to push once valid details have been entered.
  4993. No Valid SSH KeyPair Authentication details found for {0}\nThe repository has been successfully linked and will be able to push once valid details have been entered.
  4994. Successfully imported project
  4995. iOS Icons Require Updating
  4996. Due to iOS submission requirement changes, Options > iOS > Icons image sizes are now different and your current icons need to be recreated at the correct sizes. Tools > Generate Project Images can help quickly fix this.
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