
/cuteboy/ fitness guide

Jul 30th, 2019
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  1. Fitness guide for Trap, Crossdressing, and Cuteboy Thread!
  2. (written by @catboi6669, dm me on twitter if you have any burning questions about fitness shit)
  3. v0.1
  5. As with any fitness regiment and diet, please consult your doctor and do your own research before going through with this.
  7. The current standard for trap/cuteboy fitness comes from shitty images like this:
  9. Sadly, this guide is both lacking in detail and also wrong in many ways. For example, eating 500-1000 mg of semen a day may make you a cumslut, but it certainly won't give you a body like Felix. With this guide, I hope to give all the cute Anons a clear, detailed path to body transformation.
  13. Step 1: Workout Plan
  15. Cardio is by far the most important aspect of your workouts, both from an aesthetic POV as well as a general health POV. It is how you will lose bf% the quickest as it burns calories and makes your metabolism hum, it'll make you feel amazing, you'll get some vitamin D if you run outdoors and so you won't wanna kill yourself from staying inside all day...there's so many health benefits that it's basically mandatory that you do cardio every day to get a cuteboy physique and mindset. You should be doing cardio for at LEAST 20 minutes when you do decide to do it.
  17. If you haven't run in a while, I recommend this Couch to 5K chart: . In addition, I would up the amount of cardio days to 5/7 at the beginning with the goal of being able do cardio every day by the end of the entire plan. While that seems like a lot of running, you don't have to run to do cardio -- you could and should also swim, jump rope, bike, play sports like soccer or basketball or tennis, and if you wanted to get some low level cardio in so that you can do something every day, you could walk instead of run. Every little bit counts, and since cardio is super important, it's good to get it in as much as possible.
  19. I'd buy a Fitbit or something to that effect so you know how much you've walked/ran. Don't be afraid to rest, stop for breath, or walk for a bit during your runs! Cardio should knock the stuffing out of you, especially at the beginning. I recommend watching YouTube videos on how to breathe while running (very important so that you don't get runner stitches!) as well as finding other forms of cardio that you enjoy, such as swimming; this way, you can do cardio while resting your knees/legs.
  21. If you want to have a tight tummy and have muscle tone, you will need to workout. Contrary to popular belief, cuteboys don't turn into masculine monsters by lifting a dumbbell -- in fact, you will want to include weights in your workout regiment so that you build aesthetic muscle and not become skeletor. If you're just starting out with weight training and consider yourself to be fairly weak, I recommend buying a set of 8-15lb dumbbells and using a simple workout plan like this one from darebee: . It won't get you super jacked, and it will teach you about important lifting concepts like sets, rests between sets, increasing weight/reps to get stronger while guiding you through each day. After a month or so of this, you will have a foundation of good push/pull dumbbell exercises that you can use to make your own workout plan in the future! Later revisions of this guide will include a more in-depth dumbbell workout for those NEET cuteboys who don't wanna go out in public to lift at the gym.
  23. Here's what my typical workout day would look like:
  25. 1. Eat breakfast/lunch with good protein, drinking water lots throughout the day before the workout
  26. 2. Have small snack (banana, apple, something like that) 1-2 hours before workout (or have meal 2 hours before workout)
  27. 3. Do lifts w/ daily ab exercises (takes between 30 minutes-1 hour)
  28. 4. Go run (takes between 20-40 minutes)
  29. 5. Have protein shake/meal
  31. All in all, it will take 1-2 hours out of your day extra to do these workouts. This is a decent amount of time, but the feeling of having a nice body, as well as the feeling you get from working out will be so amazing that you'll eventually get addicted to working out. Plus leggings are sexy!
  33. Step 2: Diet plan
  34. I could go into the specifics, but for right now, I'm going to keep it simple. If you want to lose body fat so you're more toned and have a nice tummy, you need to eat at a caloric deficit (your body will need to expound more calories than you eat). To continue to eat at a caloric deficit, you need to eat generally nutritious food at somewhat set times. This does mean cutting out most junk food in your life, esp sodas, candy, chips/snacks, and replacing them with nutritionally sound and non-calorie dense foods, like most veggies and fruits and meats. Sadly diet is the most important part of all of this, but you will learn to budget your calories and love veggies and fruits in time.
  36. You will probably need to learn to cook for yourself. Later revisions of this guide will include how to cook certain essentials, like chicken breast and veggies.
  38. NOTE NOTE NOTE: STARVING YOURSELF WILL LEAD TO BAD THINGS HAPPENING, DO NOT DO IT. Not only will you be fucking your body internally, you won't be able to do your workouts, you won't have energy for things in real life, you'll be prone to passing out, you'll get weaker, you'll be depressed... All these things are the opposite of cute!
  40. For a super simple meal plan that will match your nutritional needs without you having to think about anything, go to (Thanks Scooby!) and input your information. You can eyeball your bf% using charts comparing people of different bf% online, but I'd recommend getting calipers at some point to be more accurate. For nutrition type, for now I'd choose something like Medium Carb -- it doesn't really matter, as you can change this later on, and this is to just get you aware of the work you'll need to put in, calorie wise. If you're following the above workout plan, I would say you're doing 1-3hrs strenuous cardio, and you'd get 10-15lbs newbie gains (depending on if you're a teen or adult, but adjust this to your body's history). Add in your goal (I recommend 15% caloric reduction) and create a custom meal plan!
  42. The site will generate a meal plan for you (you can do lots of different meals if you start from the beginning and change your nutrition type), and you can see from clicking on the pictures how to cook those meals. These meals will give you enough protein and calories and nutrients in a day, for the most part. It's brain dead simple.
  44. But if none of these meals are to your liking, you will need to figure out what meals to cook on your own. How you do that is by looking at the info on the left that says "This Meal Plan." There will be a caloric value, and that's how many calories you're allowed every day. Try not to go too under or over that value when eating, and if you had to choose between over and under by a little, go over that value. In theory, you could eat an average frozen pizza (1k calories) a day and still lose weight if your caloric deficit is 1800 calories, but pizzas aren't gonna give you good micronutrients, and there are better meals with more protein/calories that should be the bulk of your diet. You can still eat something extravagant once in a while like pizza, as long as you budget it properly! You'll also need to eat about 1g of protein for every pound you weigh so that you build and maintain muscle while losing fat. So if you're 125 pounds and your caloric limit is 1800, you should eat 125~g of protein within the 1800 calories your meals provide. Protein shakes, meat, eggs, and peas are great ways of reaching this goal without taking too many calories. Later revisions of this will include meals that are low in calories, high in protein, are not processed garbage, and are delicious!
  46. FAQ:
  48. How important are leg exercises in having a big butt?
  50. Pretty important, although having more fat is what will give you a bigger butt. The less bf% you have, the smaller your butt will generally get. Even if you do lots of leg exercises, you won't get the same sized ass as someone who has a high bf%. That being said, having a toned, round butt is 100% doable with a low bf% as long as you do leg day consistently. It just won't be a large super big ass. Not everyone can be assbro, especially if your bf% is lower.
  52. When will I start to see my toned tummy?
  54. Around 16% body fat, you will start to get a nice flat tummy. At around 12%, you'll see lots of tone and muscle. At single digits, you're headed towards six pack/ottermode range, which is more hot than cute, but still cute in a way.
  56. What protein powder could I buy to supplement my diet?
  58. I personally use ON's French Vanilla powder. I put two scoops of it into 8oz orange juice with ice, which ends up being about 350 calories, 50g protein, and half the time it tastes like an Orange Julius. Great meal replacement and after workout food!
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