
Training with Ascelin (Ekheim)

Apr 8th, 2020
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  1. Heads off to the arena within the barracks of the Kalvore. He wasn't a huge fan of this overall but he does need to practice. He doesn't want to fall behind others. Increasing his mastery over his mana would be a great idea. Later on he will do more of the training he prefers.
  3. "I haven't seen you spar in awhile. Lets see how much you've improved." He says taking his combative stance. Legs spread arms width apart, left foot forward. His fists get covered in raw mana, before it fades. A keen eye might spot a light shimmer that shrouds his hands.
  5. He takes in a deep breath and a low roar emanates from him. It shortly becomes a bright blue flame of raw mana.
  7. "Go when ready!" He calls out.
  8. (Ekheim Theseus)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [12:12] Ascelin stands up, pushing the stool backwards in the process before he makes his way towards their barracks. He motions with his hand for Ekheim to follow before he departs Theria central location.
  13. The warrior position himself next to Ekheim. He never fought him before. His fighting style always kept as some sort of a mystery around the tribe. Now he finally get the chance to see that and to test his own capabilities against him.
  15. His lips curve into a smile which stays on his face until the spar starts. He slams a clenched fist into an open arm before he gives a shout to announce the start of the spar.
  17. "Here I come!"
  18. (Ascelin Oasis)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [12:27] The man waited until he was rushed at. Right as the man got in range he grabbed his fist. Blocking the first attack. It was such a forceful block that Ascelin might've reared back from it. It was like punching a stone wall. It was a lot worse since he punched his mana infused palm.
  23. Once he let go of his fist he jumped back and swiftly moved around behind his opponent. Kicking his back and knocking him across the arena. Once Ascelin got his footing and turned back to Ekheim he would notice he would be removing his upper robe. Letting fall down around and hang around his legs. His horribly scarred body was in full display. Large gashes and scorch marks liter his body. It looked like the man himself had fought a whole war himself and lived.
  25. "Excuse me for a moment..." He said moments before he slammed into. Ascelin wouldn't be able to stop. The punch made him slide back. --Ekheim didn't seem fazed at all. Like pain didn't even register to him.
  27. The battle continued as the faint shimmer to his hands got more apparent. It seemed like he was more focused on his ability then winning the fight. He still was coming out over all, but that was purely due to his raw damage.
  29. "Hmmm not bad." He said calmly. The battle continued not long afterwards.
  30. (Ekheim Theseus)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [12:43] Ascelin charged at him with his fists clenched tight willing to deliver blows strong enough to finish their spar as fast as possible. It didn't go as planned, quickly he find himself in pain suffering from the swift devastating blows Ekheim delivered.
  35. His body felt like it was coated with steel even though he delivered a punch that didn't hit any armor.
  37. Ekheim upper robes were taking off which made Ascelin eyes to open widely. He was amazed from this terrible sight. He didn't know that about him, leaving aside it's the first time he ever seen anything like that before.
  39. He couldn't spend much time thinking about that as the spar continues and the odds aren't for his favor. He charges once more willing to get better results this time.
  40. (Ascelin Oasis)
  41. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. [12:47] {Won Restrained RPB against Ascelin Oasis}
  44. [12:47] Cayden has woken up!
  45. (Cayden Arborea )
  46. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. [12:49] Cayden has several burn marks on his body, wounds that were stitched up and that would definetly leave scars behind. Though they were concentrated on his front right side. It's not like they would've hit him in the entirety of his torso.
  49. (Cayden Arborea )
  50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. [12:58] As the battle continued, his focus remained on his new ability. All the energy in his body was getting shifted into his palms. Making his movements much more sluggish than before. However his overly harden skin didn't change at all.
  54. Each punch hit harder and harder. Until two small balls of energy form in his palms. Ekheim rushed his opponent and skillfully placed the orbs in two different locations. One at the heart and one in the stomach. Both attacked were used in tandem with each other. To Ascelin it felt like his heart stopped for a moment, like he was blacking out. Though it faded too soon. --It just ended up throwing Ascelin back. Leaving Ekheim to gasp for air.
  56. He seemed drained for a moment. Before he acts like nothing happened at all. The man pulls up his robe covering his scars again. He seemed like he didn't want his clothes to get dirty... well that or that he finds them restricting.
  58. The aura around his body faded as did the shimmer aroundhis hands. He believes the spar is over. "Well done, and you for that."
  59. (Ekheim Theseus)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [13:00] Carrying his armor at his side, he looked down at his body, now littered with stitched wounds and burns, that was annoying.
  64. "I fought someone, I lost."
  66. With a nod of his head, he gave out a heavy sigh,
  68. "I was at the mines. We have a job to remove or turn away anyone who isn't Therian after all. I came across a man who was too much for my current abilities. Annoying, but skillfull. I dislike them greatly."
  70. With a groan of pain, he took a look at his right forearm, a dark red snake tattoo which was imprinted on his flesh with his own blood and paint.
  72. (check profile for the tattoo)
  73. (Cayden Arborea )
  74. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. [13:01] Cymbal listens in, finally getting information about what actually happened, and how he got that injury.
  78. "According to Feuer, the injury seems to have been caused by a Teraphim, is that true?" The masked bard asks, trying to get a clearer picture of everything that has happened.
  79. "She assumed so because of the crystals that were embedded in you. If it was a Teraphim, we should notify the warlords."
  80. (Cymbal Tenor)
  81. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. [13:06] Cymbal Tenor says, "I don't know exactly. I never met those people. At least, not in person. Just saw some in passing briefly as they went out of the drunken dungeon."
  84. [13:09] Cymbal Tenor says, "They are from a village by the forest at the far south."
  85. [13:11] With a heavy sigh, the man started to put his armor back on, only to give up... it would probably worsen his wounds and force it to take longer to heal, so he settles on just putting his jacket.
  87. "Good job, Bellona."
  89. Getting up, he gives the girl a headpat while glancing back at Cymbal.
  91. "I suppose I do need to keep tell the Warlords."
  92. (Cayden Arborea )
  93. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. [13:12] Ascelin gaze locks on Ekheim as the spar continues. He seems more focused, more determined to tip the scales in his favor. Gusts of winds erupt violently from their core as he rushes at his opponent.
  97. Ekheim showed great skill in this battle. Ascelin faced such abilities for the first time. A titanium skin, hard to penetrate. Attacks that made his heartbeat to slow down. Each punch draw the air out of his lungs.
  99. It was hard, everyone would notice they are not at the same level, but also that Ascelin did everything within his power to win this round.
  101. It all ended when Ascelin was knocked backwards sliding on the floor. He spits some blood into the dirt before he rise up his feet.
  103. "I'm happy we sparred. I've learned much about you." He'd say while approaching the man. An open hand extends forth to grasp his forearm. An honorable act of a warrior.
  104. (Ascelin Oasis)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [13:13] Cymbal Tenor exclaims, "Hmm... A concert on the moon... Sounds like a thrilling experience!"
  108. [13:17] Cymbal Tenor asks, "The moon is made of cheese?"
  109. [13:17] Cymbal Tenor exclaims, "If it yes... It must be the most stinky cheese in the universe, hah!"
  110. [13:18] Hirael Benoth says, "Hm."
  111. [13:19] He extends his hand to follow the motion. While he might've gone a bit too far. He didn't do any long lasting damage. However that ability he used might be a bad thing to use on people until he is able to master it. It was a bit wild and uncontrollable.
  113. Ekheim applied a firm grasp. "Vi ganar, bal clearly vi bintar ganar much at hibirar" He begins to speak in their native language without a thought.
  115. Once he has stated his peace he looks over to Cayden only now noticing that he is up. Giving him a wave. "You rest well?" He switches back as to not over complicate things.
  116. (Ekheim Theseus)
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