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a guest
May 25th, 2018
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  1. <% if @documents and (@documents.size > 0) %>
  2. <% form_tag({:controller => "verifications", :action => "update"}, :method => "post") do %>
  3. <table>
  4. <tr class="heading">
  5. <th>Filename</th>
  6. <th>Assigned User</th>
  7. <th>Pages</th>
  8. <th>Unverified Samples</th>
  9. <th>Verified</th>
  10. </tr>
  11. <% for document in @documents %>
  12. <tr>
  13. <td><%= link_to document.nice_name, {:controller => :documents,
  14. :action => :download, :id => document}, {:popup => true} %></td>
  15. <td><%= document.user.login if document.user %></td>
  16. <td><%= document.pages %></td>
  17. <td><%= document.samples.count %></td>
  18. <td><%= check_box_tag "document[#{}][verified]", 1, document.verified %>
  19. <%= hidden_field_tag "document[#{}][verified]", 0 %></td>
  20. </tr>
  21. <% end %>
  22. <tr class="last"/>
  23. </table>
  24. <fieldset>
  25. <div class="fieldwrapper"><%= submit_tag 'Update Verifications' %></div>
  26. <div class="fltrt"><div class="fieldwrapper"><%= will_paginate @documents %></div></div>
  27. </fieldset>
  28. <% end %>
  29. <p><%= @open_count %></p>
  30. <% else %>
  31. <p>There are currently no complete documents to verify.</p>
  32. <% end %>
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