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a guest
Oct 17th, 2019
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text 2.65 KB | None | 0 0
  1. SecNotify
  2. TaskbarCreated
  3. wscntfy_mtx
  5. xpsp2res.dll
  6. "%1\control.exe" wscui.cpl%2
  7. 06BBA54A-BE05-49f9-B0A0-30F790261023
  8. ncalrpc
  9. jjj
  11. StringFileInfo
  12. CompanyName
  13. Microsoft Corporation
  14. FileDescription
  15. Windows Security Center Notification App
  16. FileVersion
  17. 5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
  18. InternalName
  19. wscntfy.exe
  20. LegalCopyright
  21. Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  22. OriginalFilename
  23. wscntfy.exe
  24. ProductName
  25. Microsoft
  26. Windows
  27. Operating System
  28. ProductVersion
  29. VarFileInfo
  30. Translation
  31. !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
  32. Richt
  33. .text
  34. `.data
  35. .rsrc
  36. msvcrt.dll
  37. KERNEL32.dll
  39. USER32.dll
  40. SHELL32.dll
  41. RPCRT4.dll
  42. K\HI
  43. K\HI
  44. RSDS
  45. wscntfy.pdb
  46. SWV
  47. BBFF
  48. BBNu
  49. VWj
  50. F(PhrB
  51. PPh
  52. PVW
  53. SVW
  54. PAQh
  55. PhvB
  56. tTf
  57. PhlB
  58. PhmB
  59. PhkB
  60. PhnB
  61. PhoB
  62. PhuB
  63. t$Ht
  64. PhpB
  65. PhqB
  66. QjeSP
  67. PjfS
  68. tUj
  69. PSje
  70. PSjf
  71. SSS
  72. VVVPVPh
  73. WWh
  74. WWWW
  75. SVW
  76. PSSj%S
  77. PSS
  78. PSSSSS
  79. jXP
  80. uMV
  81. jph`
  82. 8MZu
  83. XPVWW
  84. SVW
  85. _c_exit
  86. _exit
  87. _XcptFilter
  88. _cexit
  89. exit
  90. _wcmdln
  91. __wgetmainargs
  92. _initterm
  93. __setusermatherr
  94. _adjust_fdiv
  95. __p__commode
  96. __p__fmode
  97. __set_app_type
  98. _except_handler3
  99. msvcrt.dll
  100. _controlfp
  101. GetLastError
  102. CreateMutexW
  103. CloseHandle
  104. FormatMessageW
  105. CreateEventW
  106. LoadLibraryExW
  107. CreateProcessW
  108. GetLocaleInfoW
  109. GetUserDefaultUILanguage
  110. QueryPerformanceCounter
  111. GetTickCount
  112. GetCurrentThreadId
  113. GetCurrentProcessId
  114. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
  115. TerminateProcess
  116. GetCurrentProcess
  117. UnhandledExceptionFilter
  118. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
  119. GetModuleHandleA
  120. GetStartupInfoW
  121. KERNEL32.dll
  122. RegisterWindowMessageW
  123. LoadStringW
  124. LoadImageW
  125. PostQuitMessage
  126. PostMessageW
  127. DestroyMenu
  128. TrackPopupMenu
  129. SetMenuDefaultItem
  130. SetMenuItemInfoW
  131. AppendMenuW
  132. CreatePopupMenu
  133. SetForegroundWindow
  134. GetCursorPos
  135. DefWindowProcW
  136. RegisterClassExW
  137. LoadCursorW
  138. LoadIconW
  139. ShowWindow
  140. CreateWindowExW
  141. MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
  142. DispatchMessageW
  143. PeekMessageW
  144. USER32.dll
  145. Shell_NotifyIconW
  146. ShellExecuteW
  147. SHGetFolderPathW
  148. SHELL32.dll
  149. HeapAlloc
  150. HeapFree
  151. GetProcessHeap
  152. RpcStringFreeW
  153. RpcBindingFromStringBindingW
  154. RpcStringBindingComposeW
  155. RpcBindingFree
  156. RpcSsDestroyClientContext
  157. NdrClientCall2
  158. RPCRT4.dll
  159. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  160. <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
  161. <assemblyIdentity
  162. version=""
  163. processorArchitecture="X86"
  164. name="wscntfy.exe"
  165. type="win32"
  166. <description>Notify Icon</description>
  167. <dependency>
  168. <dependentAssembly>
  169. <assemblyIdentity
  170. type="win32"
  171. name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"
  172. version=""
  173. processorArchitecture="X86"
  174. publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df"
  175. language="*"
  176. </dependentAssembly>
  177. </dependency>
  178. </assembly>
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