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Jul 20th, 2016
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  2. Personal InformationName
  3. Zade
  4. Age and Gender
  5. 21
  6. Location
  7. Oxford, England
  8. Battletag
  9. zade#2559
  10. Character and Stats
  11. Please provide a link to your armory
  17. Describe what spells/abilities you use while raiding, what sort of rotation/priority system do you use?
  18. (Note; I recognise that talents/spells have been removed/added. However, I am applying with my WoD logs and will be answering questions based on my experience in the last active tier)
  19. I follow two rotations; Necroblight and Breath of Sindragosa.
  21. Necroblight (Trinkets; UEH, Reaper's Harvest, Heirloom trinket) follows the concept of maintaining 15 stacks of Necrotic Plague till Unholy Blight comes off CD. This is achieved by spending runes on a calculated number of Festering Strikes (cost; Blood + Frost runes and when needed, Death runes so the duration matches the CD timer). In between this prolongation, I will be spending Death runes on either Blood Boil or Scourge Strike (choice of which depending on target #) and my Unholy runes on either SS and/or Death & Decay. Unholy runes are converted into Death runes upon consumption. To ensure I spend an UH rune instead of a Death Rune on a SS, I SS only when the UH rune is fully charged (i.e. when my death runes are charging). I need to always consume those UH runes as I cannot be capped. In order to convert a charging UH rune into a Death rune, I blood tap (but only when all other runes are recharging so I don't convert those instead). I do this to get an extra Blood Boil out because BB doesn't work with UH runes. Of course 'pooling' your blood taps is a thing too. So runes are dynamic; they recharge, cap and can be converted. Recharge rate is proportional to haste, which I attain from gear stats but also from the T18 4P pet buff. Only 1 rune type recharges at the same time, one after the other.
  23. Points to consider:
  24. -I pool runic power when my buffed pet is about lose transformation (at around 10s remaining). I can maximise this pooling process with Anti-Magic Shell. (Barrage + Pounding +Artillery on Reaver, Felstorm Council, Death Throes Kilrogg, Doomwells + feast Gorefiend, manic movement on Tyrant, Destruction wakes Fel Lord, Overwhelming chaos Xhul, fel pool + shackled torment Archi). I also use AMS as an immunity on Mannoroth and to evade getting Fel Surge on Xhul. AMS is goddess-like.
  25. -Before Bloodlust or Ring, I pool Death Runes and then proceed to 'go ham' with them. This is tricky and requires management of Necroblight from pull. I have yet to come close to perfecting it even. One way to look at it is I pool them via; generating then spending runic power in conjunction with blood tap management all while timing when you use which runes.
  26. -Empower rune weapon should ideally be used when you have 5 death runes recharging, however, I do find myself using it more often now when I'm starved of resources.
  27. -Soul Reaper is to be used correctly with both rotations as an execute.
  30. BoS (Single-target) Trinkets; Vial + UEH
  31. Complementary talent; Plague Leech
  32. I follow my rotation and can go into depth should you require me to. In it's simplest form; Generate RP, expel Breath and strive to keep it up. It's definitely fun, but would be more fun if it were bigger. It's regrettably rather weak in comparison to other single target rotations. Also, compared to NB, there's more freedom with how I choose to spend my death runes. Lastly, I don't 'cheese' on fights where it is possible but perhaps I ought to consider doing so for a better end log.
  34. I didn't start attempting to dissect logs till I was into the first few bosses of Mythic HFC. My mentality initially was 'I don't need top logs to prove anything to myself!' Note; I question if this is completely, factually true as I do have my derpy moments. Now my mentality is 'Ooh orange percentages!! Fun!1!! and big :3' After being a little more proficient (with the proficiency still in need of further improvement) in analysing my logs, I know of the certain improvements that I would like to critique with you:
  36. For BoS, I should be opening with Plague Strike for the 10 RP. I should pop my gargoyle more promptly at 1 (not before due to 'aggro', also taking note of the fact it takes 1s to spawn and consumes a GCD). Proceed to Festering Strike, Scourge Strike, Plague Leech and Outbreak appropriately (explanation I can provide is inconveniently long-winded). I should not be forgetful of using my Racial. I ought to 'cheese' with the Death Coil pet glyph trick pre-pull which I've been dreading to do for some reason.
  38. After looking and comparing Xhul logs (if former tanks and ranged didn't explode as much resulting in messy pulls making it hard to play even on Farm) I know instead of spending my Death Runes on an extra Blood Boil, I would instead FS and prolong my plague for THAT BIG DAM. Blood Boil is bursty but if not lined up with the RNG-based UEH trink, I think prolonging plague is more effective for a better log. However my role in usual comps is 'More damage on imps.' Ergo, my Death Runes go to cleave. In fact, I don't even pad on the Voidfiends because of the risk it brings. I should have also been more consistent with preemptively popping AMS.
  40. Conclusively, I wish to communicate, I have grown in leaps and bounds and have a lot of potential yet, with improvement still needed which I am able to recognise and willing to work at!
  42. What is the reason for selecting your talents, glyphs and how do they benefit your raid performance?
  43. Death Knights throughout this tier have had quite some responsibility on fights, namely, single grips, mass grips, their disease/shadow cleave and use of Purgatory. The role I was charged with/signed up for, which I enjoyed the most was managing the souls (getting players out against timers) on Mythic Gorefiend since we first started progress. It required clear communication and was a challenging responsibility which I relished.
  45. All fights; Glyph of Regenerative Magic, Glyph of Raise Ally and usually Glyph of Blood Boil.
  46. Iron Reaver, Socrethar; Glyph of Runic Power
  47. HFA; Glyph of Dark Simulacrum
  49. Talents; Anti-Magic Zone when asked for (eg. High Council, Xhul'Horac), Purgatory when asked to soak the void, pitless bumhole of Xhul'Horac.
  51. Other; Blood Tap for full control of my runes, Death Pact, Gorfiend's Grasp.
  55. How do you rate your primary / secondary stats in order of importance? Explain why / how you came to this conclusion:
  57. AOE: MS>Mastery>Crit>Vers>Haste
  58. Single Target: MS>Mastery>Crit
  60. Multistrike was imperial for this tier, enabling my diseases and abilities to hit for a second and third time due to Necrosis as I observed from logs.
  61. Mastery: Dreadblade increased damage of shadow-type abilties (e.g. Scourge Strike, Soul Reaper, NP, Blood Boil etc)
  63. Haste: Increased my rune regeneration rate, attack speed and Gargoyle Strike cast rate.
  66. What sources do you use for theorycrafting and how do they benefit you?
  68. I loved Unholy DK in my first raid tier and enjoyed 'geeking out' over it. Although the fundamentals and logistics of the spec. have quite significantly changed for Legion, I look forward to re-capturing all its know-how and am diligently working on preparing myself for Legion.
  69. I use my own experience of hands-on practice with my spec, MMO forums, discussions with other DKs, analysing Warcraftlogs and using Simcraft occasionally to test the potency of items' stats. I have also recently joined my class Discord. Notable DKs I used to follow quite fondly have regrettably quit WoW, namely Skullflowers senpai and Mags.
  71. Please indicate your off spec and briefly describe your skill level and any relevant experience with it
  72. Frost DW. I played this spec throughout most of HC HFC progression
  73. Do you have any pertinent alts that could be of use? If so, what is your raiding experience with your alts?
  75. ... y/advanced (Shadow/Disc)
  76. ... s/advanced (Resto mainly)
  77. ... p/advanced (Holy)
  78. (I do have a few remaining level 100s but I haven't raided on them much.)
  80. For Legion I would like to become stronger in my ability to play my main and become just as strong on an Alt. I am planning to play a Rogue and Restoration Shaman as my main Alts (i.e. 1 DD, 1 Healer). I plan to play with/test them more in the pre-patch. Note; I regrettably do not have Beta access. I have found healing (of which I have experienced on all healer classes in HFC) this tier to be quite simple/straight-forward but I adore DPS'ing significantly more.
  82. Raiding and History
  83. What is your raiding history throughout expansions and your experience with current content (specify 10 or 25 man experience)?
  84. 3/10 Mythic BRF. I began right when it was about to end.
  85. 13/13 Mythic HFC as Unholy DK. Briefly switched to Frost DW at the beginning of tier for HC when it was over-powered.
  87. I joined WoW in late 5.4 Mists, where I was the biggest noob - although I still have pretensions to being one :'). I didn't really immerse myself in mythic raiding until Hellfire Citadel. My main has always been a Death Knight. I love working with runes, Runic Power and diseases, while being able to summon little, naughty abominations. Although my experience is limited to the current tier, I believe I have improved quite a significant amount during this last tier along an upward learning curve.
  89. What is your guild history and why did you leave those guilds?
  90. Eat My Crit-Kazzak - I was there for a year. I was charged with the 'Savage Crit' ranking as I had demonstrated loyalty, commitment and a good attitude to the raid team. I have additionally been told I can be pretty unassumingly savage.
  92. Order Of Sargeras-Kazzak - Core Raider for 2 months.
  93. I may explain the reasons for my departures, which were of my own volition, to you in private, as you so wish.
  95. Which addons do you use that increase your performance in raids?
  97. Deadly Boss Mods + DBM Voicepack
  98. Compact Runes
  99. Exorsus Raid Tools
  100. Iskar Assist
  101. Skada Damage Meter
  102. (other; RC Loot Council)
  105. We currently raid Thursdays, Sundays and Mondays from 19.30 usually to 23.30-24.00. Do you have any special concerns that could affect your play time negatively?
  106. Nope, I can manage these raid timings.
  107. Do you have Discord and a working microphone and how do you feel about using it?
  108. Yes, my headset is a Razer Kraken. I can be quite timid initially. In a raid situation I recognise the importance of communicating vocally which I will absolutely do so
  111. Please link us a or similar log of your PVE performance. Not providing logs will severely reduce the chances of your application being accepted.
  115. Please provide a link to a video, stream or a screenshot of your UI in a combat raid environment (Imgur Links Preferred for Pictures)
  116. Keybinds
  117. I have small hands which account for my atypical keybinds.
  118. Z - Strafe left
  119. X - Move forward
  120. C- Strafe right
  121. Mouse for turning
  122. B - Unholy Blight or Plague Leech (depending on talent choice)
  123. Shift-D - Outbreak
  124. Shift + forward scroll wheel - Summon Gargoyle
  125. Shift-V - Blood Boil
  126. E - Outbreak
  127. Caps lock - Activate pet transformation
  128. Tab - Anti-Magic Shell
  129. Shift-C - Arcane Torrent + Say macro
  130. Shift-G - Empower Rune Weapon
  131. Shift-F - Death & Decay (or Defile which is ineffective this tier for me)
  132. S - Icy Touch (or move backwards)
  133. D - Deathcoil
  134. Y - Anti-Magic zone + Say macro
  135. F - Festering Strike
  136. V - Scourge Strike
  137. Shift-T - Chains of Ice
  138. R - Death's Advance
  139. G - Soul Reaper
  140. T - Raise Ally (Combat resurrection)
  141. A - Blood Tap
  142. W - Mind Freeze (Interrupt)
  143. Alt-C - Death Pact
  144. H - Death's Grip
  145. Shift-S, Shift-E, Razer 3 - Distinct, situational-dependent Gorfiend's Graps (mass grips)
  146. Razer 1 - Shieldtronic or Healing Tonic
  147. Razer 2 - Icebound Fortitude
  148. Razer 4 - Dark Simulacrum
  149. Razer 5 - Death Strike
  150. Razer 6 - Strength potion
  151. Middle mouse button - Breath Of Sindragosa macro (BoS + trinkets)
  152. Ctrl-1 - Pet Leap
  153. Ctrl-2 - Pet Gnaw
  154. Ctrl-3 - Pet Huddle
  155. Ctrl-4 - Pet Claw
  156. Unbound; Presence dance, Horn Of Winter, Mass resurrection, Army of the Dead, Ring as I do not activate it.
  159. Out of combat
  160. In-combat,
  161. Why did you apply to Solaris? What do you expect from us, and what do you feel you can bring to our raids?
  162. I have a wish to join and progress with your guild. I find your raid timings and quality of progression agreeable. I believe I am a dedicated and capable raider and would like to be an asset to you as exactly that. I feel I have potential which I wish to explore further with your team, if you would permit me.
  165. Do you know anyone in Solaris who can confirm details of your application or otherwise recommend you?
  166. Nope and even if I did I would prefer not to be vouched for simply on the principle of wanting to achieve entry into Solaris through my own merit and efforts
  169. Do you have any closing statements or wish to add anything you feel didn't fit as an answer to any of the questions above? Here's your chance!
  170. Yes. Do you approve Moyo?
  172. On a serious note, I'm pretty gung-ho about this guild. I've looked through your logs, Wowprogress and briefly on Twitch. believe I am patient, (very) shy, bubbly. Opinionated but in a polite, non-pontifical way. Slightly rebellious but loyal to a cause. I space out often. I try to be well-rounded and maintain hobbies outside of gaming though I find games to be, like, reeally fun! Lastly, I don't know if I am at liberty to expect a whole lot from a guild I apply to initially. I value politeness, kindness, respect and quality banter. I dislike low-grade banter and non-medical retardedness. I also expect solid progress and good raid leading!
  173. I hope I will be considered strongly.
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