

Oct 25th, 2011
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  1. The air inside the public house was thick with the smell of strong tobacco and other herbs. The revel of drunken foreman and field hands added to the air of intoxicated leaser that seemed to fill the breath and length of the hall. Barman rushed about pouring drafts of strong homebrewed ale and other spirits.
  3. Toward one of the corners of hall, past the groups of men plotting plans that will never see the light of day, past the groups of farmhand tossing back there cares of the day and giving themselves false courage to meet the next sat a man.
  5. The man wore a three piece suit, his salt and pepper hair was neatly trimmed revealing his sharp pointy ears a trait common to once powerful land owning class. From first glance the others in the tavern knew he was nobody to mess with, his deep blue sapphire eyes seemed glazed over like the surface of a frozen lake. He spoke and carried himself in a manner that be fitted a degree holder and well learned fellow.
  7. “Are you the man, the one they call Doctor.” Said a man slowly making his way through the crowed room. He was wealthy you could tell by the cut and quality of his woolen coat. His hair too was styled back with grease or wax. A strong nose burning smell seemed to surround him.
  9. The man known as Doctor slowly turned around and offered the approaching man a soft grin. “Yes you could call me Doctor, for I am a doctor. You must be the man that sent me that little letter a few months ago. I’m sure you know my fee, but please let us sit down and talk it over.” And with that being said he offered the man a seat.
  11. “I do know your fee and as promised I have brought half of the payment with me tonight. Like I said in my letter, I do not care about the methods you use. Let her suffer and bleed out as far as I care. As long as she is dead by time the police find her I’m good. “ The man said taking a seat and peering into the ice cold eyes of Doctor.
  13. “Good, she nothing but a lowly farm girl. I’m sure nobody would really miss her. Though I’m sure a missing persons report would soon follow her disappearance.” The man placed a heavy emphases on the word ‘Disappearance’.
  15. “Don’t worry, I have greased the palm of many high ranking officer in the police force, even the noblest of efforts would be doomed to fall apart. Money after call can change the hearts and minds of even the purest and noblest person.” Said the second man leading back in his chair.
  17. “Is there a deadline or anything?” Asked the Doctor.
  19. “Yes I want her dead by Yule Time.”
  21. “Good enough for me,”
  23. A soft smile played across the mans lips as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a heavy velvet bag. With a careless hand he tossed the bag upon the table and the soft clink of coins could be heard.
  25. “Twenty five thousand. All in gold.” Said the man slowly standing up from his seat. And with a evil little grin he slowly made is way into the drunken crowds. And within a blink of a eye he had vanished
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