
Relic of the Future: Chapter 4

Sep 25th, 2022
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  1. Jaune rushed the Grimm before it could him – surprising it for a moment, before it screeched and galloped towards him as well. He had to fight it away from the diner to limit collateral damage while still having space to manoeuvre. His eyes met that of the Grimm, its horse-like ones, and he readied Crocea Mors in one hand.
  3. At the last possible second he ducked and rolled aside, staying low as the monster thundered past. Steel flashed out, clipping its back leg above the hoof and cutting through flesh and muscle more by its own momentum than his strength. The Nucklelavee roared its displeasure and almost stumbled. It held itself at the last and lashed out with its hooves. Jaune leaned back, falling and rolling aside as they passed before his face. It turned and tried to stomp on him with both feet but he rolled again, this time underneath it.
  5. β€”Relic of the Future: Chapter 4
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