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  1. /*
  2. MySQL Data Transfer
  3. Source Host: localhost
  4. Source Database: dropdb
  5. Target Host: localhost
  6. Target Database: dropdb
  7. Date: 10-6-2008 23:04:53
  8. */
  11. -- ----------------------------
  12. -- Table structure for catalogue_deals
  13. -- ----------------------------
  14. CREATE TABLE `catalogue_deals` (
  15. `id` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The ID of this deal [the part after "deal"]',
  16. `tid` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The template ID of the item that should be in this deal',
  17. `amount` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The amount, of how many items of the type _TID should be in this deal'
  18. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  20. -- ----------------------------
  21. -- Table structure for catalogue_items
  22. -- ----------------------------
  23. CREATE TABLE `catalogue_items` (
  24. `tid` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'The template ID of this item. Unique',
  25. `name_cct` varchar(110) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'The CCT name [sprite] of this item',
  26. `typeid` int(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The typeid of this item. 0 = poster/null, 1 = solid, 2 = seat, 3 = bed, 4 = rug',
  27. `length` int(2) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The length of this item',
  28. `width` int(2) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The width of this item',
  29. `top` double(4,2) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The top of this item, used with stacking/sitting [the height of this item]',
  30. `colour` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'The colour of this item, default = 0,0,0, but HTML colors are useable too',
  31. `door` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'Specifies if this item can be used as door true/false.',
  32. `tradeable` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '1' COMMENT 'Specifies if this item can be traded between users',
  33. `recycleable` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '1' COMMENT 'Specifies if this item is allowed to put in the Recycler',
  34. `catalogue_id_page` int(3) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Specifies the ID of the catalogue page this item is on. -1 = on no page, set this for items that arent''in catalogue but have to be cached [or previous bought instances will appear as PH boxes]',
  35. `catalogue_id_index` int(5) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The index of this item on _CATALOGUE_ID_PAGE. If this is 1, then it appears as first on the page. Sorted ascending',
  36. `catalogue_name` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '' COMMENT 'The displayname of this item in the catalogue',
  37. `catalogue_description` varchar(200) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'The description of this item in the catalogue',
  38. `catalogue_cost` int(5) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The price of this item in the catalogue',
  39. PRIMARY KEY (`tid`)
  40. ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1002 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  42. -- ----------------------------
  43. -- Table structure for catalogue_pages
  44. -- ----------------------------
  45. CREATE TABLE `catalogue_pages` (
  46. `indexid` tinyint(3) NOT NULL,
  47. `minrank` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
  48. `indexname` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  49. `displayname` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  50. `style_layout` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  51. `img_header` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  52. `img_side` text collate latin1_general_ci,
  53. `label_description` text collate latin1_general_ci,
  54. `label_misc` text collate latin1_general_ci,
  55. `label_moredetails` varchar(150) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  56. PRIMARY KEY (`indexid`)
  57. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  59. -- ----------------------------
  60. -- Table structure for cms_alerts
  61. -- ----------------------------
  62. CREATE TABLE `cms_alerts` (
  63. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  64. `userid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  65. `alert` text NOT NULL,
  66. `type` enum('1','2') NOT NULL default '1',
  67. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  70. -- ----------------------------
  71. -- Table structure for cms_content
  72. -- ----------------------------
  73. CREATE TABLE `cms_content` (
  74. `contentkey` text NOT NULL,
  75. `contentvalue` text NOT NULL,
  76. `setting_title` text NOT NULL,
  77. `setting_desc` text NOT NULL,
  78. `fieldtype` enum('1','2','3') NOT NULL default '1',
  79. `category` varchar(1) NOT NULL default '1'
  82. -- ----------------------------
  83. -- Table structure for cms_forum_posts
  84. -- ----------------------------
  85. CREATE TABLE `cms_forum_posts` (
  86. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  87. `threadid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  88. `message` text NOT NULL,
  89. `author` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  90. `date` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  91. `edit_date` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  92. `edit_author` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  93. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  96. -- ----------------------------
  97. -- Table structure for cms_forum_threads
  98. -- ----------------------------
  99. CREATE TABLE `cms_forum_threads` (
  100. `id` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  101. `type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
  102. `title` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  103. `author` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  104. `date` varchar(35) NOT NULL,
  105. `lastpost_author` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  106. `lastpost_date` varchar(35) NOT NULL,
  107. `views` int(11) NOT NULL,
  108. `posts` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
  109. `unix` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
  110. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  113. -- ----------------------------
  114. -- Table structure for cms_help
  115. -- ----------------------------
  116. CREATE TABLE `cms_help` (
  117. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  118. `username` varchar(25) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  119. `ip` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  120. `message` mediumtext collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  121. `date` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  122. `picked_up` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  123. `subject` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  124. `roomid` int(20) NOT NULL,
  125. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  128. -- ----------------------------
  129. -- Table structure for cms_homes_catalouge
  130. -- ----------------------------
  131. CREATE TABLE `cms_homes_catalouge` (
  132. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  133. `name` text NOT NULL,
  134. `type` varchar(1) NOT NULL,
  135. `subtype` varchar(1) NOT NULL,
  136. `data` text NOT NULL,
  137. `price` int(11) NOT NULL,
  138. `amount` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
  139. `category` text NOT NULL,
  140. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  143. -- ----------------------------
  144. -- Table structure for cms_homes_group_linker
  145. -- ----------------------------
  146. CREATE TABLE `cms_homes_group_linker` (
  147. `userid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  148. `groupid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  149. `active` varchar(1) NOT NULL default '0'
  152. -- ----------------------------
  153. -- Table structure for cms_homes_inventory
  154. -- ----------------------------
  155. CREATE TABLE `cms_homes_inventory` (
  156. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  157. `userid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  158. `type` varchar(1) NOT NULL,
  159. `subtype` varchar(1) NOT NULL,
  160. `data` text NOT NULL,
  161. `amount` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
  162. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  165. -- ----------------------------
  166. -- Table structure for cms_homes_stickers
  167. -- ----------------------------
  168. CREATE TABLE `cms_homes_stickers` (
  169. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  170. `userid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  171. `x` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '1' COMMENT 'left',
  172. `y` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '1' COMMENT 'top',
  173. `z` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '1' COMMENT 'z-index',
  174. `data` text NOT NULL,
  175. `type` varchar(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  176. `subtype` varchar(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'Widget Type (if widget)',
  177. `skin` text NOT NULL,
  178. `groupid` int(11) NOT NULL default '-1',
  179. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  182. -- ----------------------------
  183. -- Table structure for cms_minimail
  184. -- ----------------------------
  185. CREATE TABLE `cms_minimail` (
  186. `userid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  187. `senderid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  188. `subject` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  189. `date` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  190. `message` text NOT NULL,
  191. `read` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
  192. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  193. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  196. -- ----------------------------
  197. -- Table structure for cms_news
  198. -- ----------------------------
  199. CREATE TABLE `cms_news` (
  200. `num` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  201. `title` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  202. `category` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  203. `topstory` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  204. `short_story` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  205. `story` longtext collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  206. `date` date NOT NULL,
  207. `author` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  208. PRIMARY KEY (`num`)
  211. -- ----------------------------
  212. -- Table structure for cms_posts
  213. -- ----------------------------
  214. CREATE TABLE `cms_posts` (
  215. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  216. `thread` int(11) NOT NULL,
  217. `poster` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  218. `date` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  219. `post` text NOT NULL,
  220. `modified` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  221. `modified_by` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  222. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  225. -- ----------------------------
  226. -- Table structure for cms_system
  227. -- ----------------------------
  228. CREATE TABLE `cms_system` (
  229. `sitename` varchar(30) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  230. `shortname` varchar(30) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  231. `site_closed` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Maintenance Mode',
  232. `enable_sso` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  233. `language` varchar(2) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  234. `ip` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  235. `port` varchar(5) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  236. `texts` varchar(250) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  237. `variables` varchar(250) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  238. `dcr` varchar(250) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  239. `reload_url` varchar(250) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  240. `localhost` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Local server?',
  241. `start_credits` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  242. `admin_notes` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL
  243. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci COMMENT='HoloCMS';
  245. -- ----------------------------
  246. -- Table structure for cms_tags
  247. -- ----------------------------
  248. CREATE TABLE `cms_tags` (
  249. `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  250. `owner` varchar(25) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  251. `tag` varchar(25) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  252. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  255. -- ----------------------------
  256. -- Table structure for cms_threads
  257. -- ----------------------------
  258. CREATE TABLE `cms_threads` (
  259. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  260. `title` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  261. `views` varchar(4) NOT NULL,
  262. `replies` varchar(4) NOT NULL,
  263. `starter` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  264. `lastposter` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  265. `lastpostdate` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  266. `lastposttime` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  267. `startdate` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  268. `unix` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  269. `firstpostid` int(20) NOT NULL,
  270. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  273. -- ----------------------------
  274. -- Table structure for cms_transactions
  275. -- ----------------------------
  276. CREATE TABLE `cms_transactions` (
  277. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  278. `date` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  279. `amount` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  280. `descr` text NOT NULL,
  281. `userid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  282. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  285. -- ----------------------------
  286. -- Table structure for cms_wardrobe
  287. -- ----------------------------
  288. CREATE TABLE `cms_wardrobe` (
  289. `userid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  290. `slotid` varchar(1) NOT NULL,
  291. `figure` text NOT NULL,
  292. `gender` varchar(1) NOT NULL
  295. -- ----------------------------
  296. -- Table structure for furniture
  297. -- ----------------------------
  298. CREATE TABLE `furniture` (
  299. `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'The ID of this item',
  300. `tid` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The template ID of this item',
  301. `ownerid` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The ID of the user that owns this item',
  302. `roomid` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The room ID the item is in. If it''s 0, then it''s in the hand of OWNERID, if it''s -1, then it''s in a present and not opened yet, if it''s -2, then it''s in the Recycler',
  303. `x` smallint(6) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The X of the item in a room',
  304. `y` smallint(6) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The Y of the item in a room',
  305. `z` smallint(6) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The Z [rotation] of the item in a room',
  306. `h` double(4,2) NOT NULL default '0.00' COMMENT 'The H [height, double] of the item in a room',
  307. `var` text collate latin1_general_ci COMMENT 'The variable of the item, specifying it''s turned on/off etc, :S',
  308. `wallpos` varchar(200) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL COMMENT 'Wallitems only. The location on the wall where the item is',
  309. `teleportid` int(10) default NULL COMMENT 'Teleporters only. The ID of the teleporter that links to this one',
  310. `soundmachine_soundset` int(2) default NULL,
  311. `soundmachine_machineid` int(10) default NULL,
  312. `soundmachine_slot` int(1) default NULL,
  313. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  314. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  316. -- ----------------------------
  317. -- Table structure for furniture_moodlight
  318. -- ----------------------------
  319. CREATE TABLE `furniture_moodlight` (
  320. `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  321. `roomid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  322. `preset_cur` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  323. `preset_1` varchar(75) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  324. `preset_2` varchar(75) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  325. `preset_3` varchar(75) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  326. PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`roomid`)
  327. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  329. -- ----------------------------
  330. -- Table structure for furniture_presents
  331. -- ----------------------------
  332. CREATE TABLE `furniture_presents` (
  333. `id` int(10) NOT NULL,
  334. `itemid` int(10) NOT NULL
  335. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  337. -- ----------------------------
  338. -- Table structure for furniture_stickies
  339. -- ----------------------------
  340. CREATE TABLE `furniture_stickies` (
  341. `id` int(10) NOT NULL,
  342. `text` text collate latin1_general_ci,
  343. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  344. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  346. -- ----------------------------
  347. -- Table structure for groups_details
  348. -- ----------------------------
  349. CREATE TABLE `groups_details` (
  350. `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  351. `name` varchar(45) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  352. `description` varchar(200) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  353. `ownerid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  354. `roomid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  355. `created` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  356. `badge` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  357. `type` varchar(1) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  358. PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`name`)
  359. ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=44 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  361. -- ----------------------------
  362. -- Table structure for groups_memberships
  363. -- ----------------------------
  364. CREATE TABLE `groups_memberships` (
  365. `userid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  366. `groupid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  367. `member_rank` enum('3','2','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '3',
  368. `is_current` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '0',
  369. `is_pending` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '0'
  370. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  372. -- ----------------------------
  373. -- Table structure for messenger_friendrequests
  374. -- ----------------------------
  375. CREATE TABLE `messenger_friendrequests` (
  376. `userid_from` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  377. `userid_to` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  378. `requestid` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  379. PRIMARY KEY (`userid_from`,`userid_to`,`requestid`)
  380. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  382. -- ----------------------------
  383. -- Table structure for messenger_friendships
  384. -- ----------------------------
  385. CREATE TABLE `messenger_friendships` (
  386. `userid` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  387. `friendid` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  388. KEY `index extreme` (`userid`),
  389. KEY `extreme the 2nd` (`friendid`)
  390. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  392. -- ----------------------------
  393. -- Table structure for messenger_messages
  394. -- ----------------------------
  395. CREATE TABLE `messenger_messages` (
  396. `userid` int(15) NOT NULL,
  397. `friendid` int(15) NOT NULL,
  398. `messageid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  399. `sent_on` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  400. `message` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  401. PRIMARY KEY (`userid`,`messageid`)
  402. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  404. -- ----------------------------
  405. -- Table structure for rank_fuserights
  406. -- ----------------------------
  407. CREATE TABLE `rank_fuserights` (
  408. `id` int(3) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  409. `minrank` int(1) NOT NULL,
  410. `fuseright` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  411. PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`fuseright`)
  412. ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=39 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  414. -- ----------------------------
  415. -- Table structure for ranks
  416. -- ----------------------------
  417. CREATE TABLE `ranks` (
  418. `rankid` int(1) NOT NULL,
  419. `rankname` varchar(15) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  420. `ignoreFilter` int(1) NOT NULL,
  421. `receiveCFH` int(1) NOT NULL,
  422. `enterAllRooms` int(1) NOT NULL,
  423. `seeAllOwners` int(1) NOT NULL,
  424. `adminCatalogue` int(1) NOT NULL,
  425. `staffFloor` int(1) NOT NULL,
  426. `rightsEverywhere` int(4) NOT NULL,
  427. PRIMARY KEY (`rankid`)
  428. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  430. -- ----------------------------
  431. -- Table structure for room_ads
  432. -- ----------------------------
  433. CREATE TABLE `room_ads` (
  434. `roomid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  435. `img` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  436. `uri` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  437. PRIMARY KEY (`roomid`)
  438. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  440. -- ----------------------------
  441. -- Table structure for room_bans
  442. -- ----------------------------
  443. CREATE TABLE `room_bans` (
  444. `roomid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  445. `userid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  446. `ban_expire` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL
  447. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  449. -- ----------------------------
  450. -- Table structure for room_categories
  451. -- ----------------------------
  452. CREATE TABLE `room_categories` (
  453. `id` int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
  454. `parent` int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
  455. `type` int(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  456. `name` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default 'Non-named category',
  457. `access_rank_min` int(2) NOT NULL,
  458. `access_rank_hideforlower` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  459. `trading` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '0',
  460. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  461. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  463. -- ----------------------------
  464. -- Table structure for room_modeldata
  465. -- ----------------------------
  466. CREATE TABLE `room_modeldata` (
  467. `model` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  468. `roomomatic_subscr_only` int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  469. `door_x` int(3) NOT NULL,
  470. `door_y` int(3) NOT NULL,
  471. `door_h` int(3) NOT NULL,
  472. `door_z` int(1) NOT NULL,
  473. `heightmap` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  474. `publicroom_items` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  475. `swimmingpool` enum('1','0') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  476. `specialcast_emitter` varchar(15) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  477. `specialcast_interval` int(10) default NULL,
  478. `specialcast_rnd_min` int(10) default NULL,
  479. `specialcast_rnd_max` int(10) default NULL,
  480. PRIMARY KEY (`model`)
  481. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  483. -- ----------------------------
  484. -- Table structure for room_modeldata_triggers
  485. -- ----------------------------
  486. CREATE TABLE `room_modeldata_triggers` (
  487. `id` int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  488. `model` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  489. `object` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  490. `x` int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
  491. `y` int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
  492. `stepx` int(5) NOT NULL,
  493. `stepy` int(5) NOT NULL,
  494. `goalx` int(5) NOT NULL,
  495. `goaly` int(5) NOT NULL,
  496. `roomid` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  497. `state` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '0',
  498. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  499. ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=17 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  501. -- ----------------------------
  502. -- Table structure for room_rights
  503. -- ----------------------------
  504. CREATE TABLE `room_rights` (
  505. `roomid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  506. `userid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  507. KEY `index` (`userid`)
  508. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  510. -- ----------------------------
  511. -- Table structure for room_votes
  512. -- ----------------------------
  513. CREATE TABLE `room_votes` (
  514. `roomid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  515. `userid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  516. `vote` int(2) NOT NULL
  517. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  519. -- ----------------------------
  520. -- Table structure for roombots
  521. -- ----------------------------
  522. CREATE TABLE `roombots` (
  523. `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  524. `roomid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  525. `name` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  526. `mission` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  527. `figure` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  528. `x` int(5) NOT NULL,
  529. `y` int(5) NOT NULL,
  530. `z` int(1) NOT NULL,
  531. `freeroam` enum('1','0') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '0',
  532. `message_noshouting` varchar(200) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default 'Shouting is not neccessary.',
  533. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  534. ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=26 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  536. -- ----------------------------
  537. -- Table structure for roombots_coords
  538. -- ----------------------------
  539. CREATE TABLE `roombots_coords` (
  540. `id` int(10) NOT NULL,
  541. `x` int(5) NOT NULL,
  542. `y` int(5) NOT NULL
  543. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  545. -- ----------------------------
  546. -- Table structure for roombots_texts
  547. -- ----------------------------
  548. CREATE TABLE `roombots_texts` (
  549. `id` int(10) NOT NULL,
  550. `type` enum('shout','say') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  551. `text` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL
  552. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  554. -- ----------------------------
  555. -- Table structure for roombots_texts_triggers
  556. -- ----------------------------
  557. CREATE TABLE `roombots_texts_triggers` (
  558. `id` int(10) NOT NULL,
  559. `words` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  560. `replies` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  561. `serve_replies` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  562. `serve_item` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL
  563. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  565. -- ----------------------------
  566. -- Table structure for rooms
  567. -- ----------------------------
  568. CREATE TABLE `rooms` (
  569. `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  570. `name` varchar(25) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  571. `description` varchar(125) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  572. `owner` varchar(15) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  573. `category` int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
  574. `model` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  575. `ccts` text collate latin1_general_ci,
  576. `floor` int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
  577. `wallpaper` int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
  578. `state` int(11) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '0 = open, 1 = closed, 2 = password, 3 = hc only, 4 = staff',
  579. `password` varchar(15) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  580. `showname` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '1',
  581. `superusers` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '0',
  582. `visitors_now` int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
  583. `visitors_max` int(3) NOT NULL default '25',
  584. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  585. ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=201 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  587. -- ----------------------------
  588. -- Table structure for soundmachine_playlists
  589. -- ----------------------------
  590. CREATE TABLE `soundmachine_playlists` (
  591. `machineid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  592. `songid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  593. `pos` int(3) NOT NULL
  594. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  596. -- ----------------------------
  597. -- Table structure for soundmachine_songs
  598. -- ----------------------------
  599. CREATE TABLE `soundmachine_songs` (
  600. `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  601. `userid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  602. `title` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  603. `machineid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  604. `length` int(3) NOT NULL,
  605. `data` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  606. `burnt` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '0',
  607. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  608. ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=58 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  610. -- ----------------------------
  611. -- Table structure for system
  612. -- ----------------------------
  613. CREATE TABLE `system` (
  614. `onlinecount` int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
  615. `onlinecount_peak` int(10) NOT NULL,
  616. `connections_accepted` int(10) NOT NULL,
  617. `activerooms` int(10) NOT NULL,
  618. `activerooms_peak` int(10) NOT NULL
  619. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  621. -- ----------------------------
  622. -- Table structure for system_chatlog
  623. -- ----------------------------
  624. CREATE TABLE `system_chatlog` (
  625. `username` varchar(15) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  626. `roomid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  627. `mtime` time NOT NULL default '00:00:00',
  628. `message` varchar(200) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL
  629. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  631. -- ----------------------------
  632. -- Table structure for system_config
  633. -- ----------------------------
  634. CREATE TABLE `system_config` (
  635. `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  636. `skey` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  637. `sval` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  638. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  639. ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=36 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  641. -- ----------------------------
  642. -- Table structure for system_recycler
  643. -- ----------------------------
  644. CREATE TABLE `system_recycler` (
  645. `rclr_cost` int(5) NOT NULL,
  646. `rclr_reward` int(10) NOT NULL,
  647. PRIMARY KEY (`rclr_cost`,`rclr_reward`)
  648. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  650. -- ----------------------------
  651. -- Table structure for system_stafflog
  652. -- ----------------------------
  653. CREATE TABLE `system_stafflog` (
  654. `id` int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  655. `action` varchar(12) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  656. `message` text collate latin1_general_ci,
  657. `note` text collate latin1_general_ci,
  658. `userid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  659. `targetid` int(11) default NULL,
  660. `timestamp` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  661. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  662. ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=485 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  664. -- ----------------------------
  665. -- Table structure for system_strings
  666. -- ----------------------------
  667. CREATE TABLE `system_strings` (
  668. `id` int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  669. `stringid` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default 'null',
  670. `var_en` text collate latin1_general_ci,
  671. `var_de` text collate latin1_general_ci,
  672. PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`stringid`)
  673. ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=48 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  675. -- ----------------------------
  676. -- Table structure for users
  677. -- ----------------------------
  678. CREATE TABLE `users` (
  679. `id` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  680. `name` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  681. `password` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  682. `rank` int(1) NOT NULL,
  683. `email` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  684. `birth` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  685. `hbirth` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  686. `figure` varchar(150) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  687. `sex` varchar(5) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  688. `mission` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  689. `consolemission` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  690. `credits` int(7) NOT NULL default '0',
  691. `tickets` int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
  692. `badge_status` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '1',
  693. `lastvisit` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  694. `figure_swim` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  695. `user` text collate latin1_general_ci,
  696. `postcount` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
  697. `ticket_sso` varchar(39) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  698. `ipaddress_last` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  699. `online` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  700. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  701. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  703. -- ----------------------------
  704. -- Table structure for users_badges
  705. -- ----------------------------
  706. CREATE TABLE `users_badges` (
  707. `userid` int(15) NOT NULL,
  708. `badgeid` varchar(5) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  709. `iscurrent` enum('0','1') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '0',
  710. PRIMARY KEY (`userid`,`badgeid`)
  711. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  713. -- ----------------------------
  714. -- Table structure for users_bans
  715. -- ----------------------------
  716. CREATE TABLE `users_bans` (
  717. `userid` varchar(30) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  718. `ipaddress` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  719. `date_expire` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  720. `descr` text collate latin1_general_ci
  721. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  723. -- ----------------------------
  724. -- Table structure for users_club
  725. -- ----------------------------
  726. CREATE TABLE `users_club` (
  727. `userid` bigint(6) NOT NULL,
  728. `months_expired` int(4) default NULL,
  729. `months_left` int(4) default NULL,
  730. `date_monthstarted` varchar(25) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  731. PRIMARY KEY (`userid`)
  732. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  734. -- ----------------------------
  735. -- Table structure for users_favourites
  736. -- ----------------------------
  737. CREATE TABLE `users_favourites` (
  738. `userid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  739. `roomid` int(10) NOT NULL
  740. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  742. -- ----------------------------
  743. -- Table structure for users_recycler
  744. -- ----------------------------
  745. CREATE TABLE `users_recycler` (
  746. `userid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  747. `session_started` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  748. `session_reward` int(10) NOT NULL,
  749. PRIMARY KEY (`userid`)
  750. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  752. -- ----------------------------
  753. -- Table structure for vouchers
  754. -- ----------------------------
  755. CREATE TABLE `vouchers` (
  756. `voucher` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
  757. `type` enum('item','credits') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default 'credits',
  758. `credits` int(5) default NULL,
  759. PRIMARY KEY (`voucher`)
  760. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  762. -- ----------------------------
  763. -- Table structure for wordfilter
  764. -- ----------------------------
  765. CREATE TABLE `wordfilter` (
  766. `word` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  767. PRIMARY KEY (`word`)
  768. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  770. -- ----------------------------
  771. -- Records
  772. -- ----------------------------
  773. INSERT INTO `catalogue_deals` VALUES ('1', '1', '6');
  774. INSERT INTO `catalogue_deals` VALUES ('1', '419', '3');
  775. INSERT INTO `catalogue_deals` VALUES ('1', '471', '5');
  776. INSERT INTO `catalogue_deals` VALUES ('1', '398', '1');
  777. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('1', 'rare_parasol*0', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#94f718', '0', '1', '1', '6', '1', 'Green Parasol', 'Block those rays!', '25');
  778. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('2', 'floor', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '2', 'floor', 'Floor', '3');
  779. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('3', 'wallpaper 1', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '3', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '3');
  780. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('4', 'wallpaper 2', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '4', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '3');
  781. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('5', 'wallpaper 3', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '5', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '3');
  782. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('6', 'wallpaper 4', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '6', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '3');
  783. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('7', 'wallpaper 5', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '7', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '3');
  784. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('8', 'wallpaper 6', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '8', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '3');
  785. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('9', 'wallpaper 7', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '9', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '3');
  786. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('10', 'wallpaper 8', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '10', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '3');
  787. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('11', 'wallpaper 9', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '11', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '3');
  788. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('12', 'wallpaper 10', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '12', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '3');
  789. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('13', 'wallpaper 11', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '13', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  790. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('14', 'wallpaper 12', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '14', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  791. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('15', 'wallpaper 13', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '15', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  792. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('16', 'wallpaper 14', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '16', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  793. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('17', 'wallpaper 15', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '17', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  794. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('18', 'wallpaper 16', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '18', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  795. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('19', 'wallpaper 17', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '19', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  796. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('20', 'wallpaper 18', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '20', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  797. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('21', 'wallpaper 19', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '21', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  798. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('22', 'wallpaper 20', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '22', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  799. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('23', 'wallpaper 21', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '23', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  800. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('24', 'wallpaper 22', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '24', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  801. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('25', 'wallpaper 23', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '25', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  802. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('26', 'wallpaper 24', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '26', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  803. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('27', 'wallpaper 25', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '27', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  804. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('28', 'wallpaper 26', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '28', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  805. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('29', 'wallpaper 27', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '29', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  806. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('30', 'wallpaper 28', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '30', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  807. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('31', 'wallpaper 29', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '31', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  808. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('32', 'wallpaper 30', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '32', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  809. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('33', 'wallpaper 31', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '33', 'wallpaper', 'wallpaper', '5');
  810. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('34', 'nest', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '0', '1', '8', '34', 'Basket', 'Night, night', '20');
  811. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('35', 'nest', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '0', '1', '8', '35', 'Basket', 'Night, night', '20');
  812. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('36', 'nest', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '8', '36', 'Basket', 'Night, night', '20');
  813. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('37', 'deal97', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '37', 'Doggy Bones', 'Natural nutrition for the barking one', '2');
  814. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('38', 'deal98', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '38', 'Sardines', 'Fresh catch of the day', '2');
  815. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('39', 'deal99', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '39', 'Cabbage', 'Health food for pets', '2');
  816. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('40', 'deal96', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '40', 'T-Bones', 'For the croc!', '2');
  817. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('41', 'petfood1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '9', '41', 'Doggy Bones', 'Natural nutrition for the barking one', '1');
  818. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('42', 'petfood2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '9', '42', 'Sardines', 'Fresh catch of the day', '1');
  819. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('43', 'petfood3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '9', '43', 'Cabbage', 'Health food for pets', '1');
  820. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('44', 'petfood4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '9', '44', 'T-Bones', 'For the croc!', '1');
  821. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('45', 'waterbowl*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ff3f3f,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '9', '45', 'Red Water Bowl', 'Aqua unlimited', '2');
  822. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('46', 'waterbowl*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#3fff3f,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '9', '46', 'Green Water Bowl', 'Aqua unlimited', '2');
  823. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('47', 'waterbowl*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffff00,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '9', '47', 'Yellow Water Bowl', 'Aqua unlimited', '2');
  824. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('48', 'waterbowl*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#0099ff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '9', '48', 'Blue Water Bowl', 'Aqua unlimited', '2');
  825. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('49', 'waterbowl*5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#bf7f00,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '9', '49', 'Brown Water Bowl', 'Aqua unlimited', '2');
  826. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('50', 'goodie2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '9', '50', 'Chocolate Mouse', 'For gourmet kittens', '1');
  827. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('51', 'goodie1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ff4cbf,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '9', '51', 'Marzipan Man', 'Crunchy Dog Treat', '1');
  828. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('52', 'goodie1*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#3fffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '9', '52', 'Marzipan Man', 'Crunchy Dog Treat', '1');
  829. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('53', 'goodie1*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffbf00,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '9', '53', 'Marzipan Man', 'Crunchy Dog Treat', '1');
  830. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('54', 'toy1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ff0000,#ffff00,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '9', '54', 'Rubber Ball', 'it\'s bouncy-tastic', '2');
  831. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('55', 'toy1*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ff7f00,#007f00,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '9', '55', 'Rubber Ball', 'it\'s bouncy-tastic', '2');
  832. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('56', 'toy1*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#003f7f,#ff00bf,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '9', '56', 'Rubber Ball', 'it\'s bouncy-tastic', '2');
  833. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('57', 'toy1*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#bf1900,#00bfbf,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '9', '57', 'Rubber Ball', 'it\'s bouncy-tastic', '2');
  834. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('58', 'toy1*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#000000,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '9', '58', 'Rubber Ball', 'it\'s bouncy-tastic', '2');
  835. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('59', 'silo_studydesk', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '10', '59', 'Area Quest Desk', 'For the true Habbo Scholars', '15');
  836. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('60', 'bed_silo_two', '3', '2', '3', '2.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '10', '60', 'Double Bed', 'Plain and simple x2', '3');
  837. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('61', 'bed_silo_one', '3', '1', '3', '2.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '10', '61', 'Single Bed', 'Plain and simple', '3');
  838. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('62', 'shelves_silo', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '10', '62', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco books', '3');
  839. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('63', 'sofa_silo', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#A2C6C8,#A2C6C8,#A2C6C8,#A2C6C8', '0', '1', '1', '10', '63', 'Two-Seater Sofa', 'Cushioned, understated comfort', '3');
  840. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('64', 'sofachair_silo', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#A2C6C8,#A2C6C8,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '10', '64', 'Armchair', 'Large, but worth it', '3');
  841. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('65', 'table_silo_small', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#A2C6C8,#ffffff,#A2C6C8', '0', '1', '1', '10', '65', 'Occasional Table', 'For those random moments', '1');
  842. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('66', 'divider_silo3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#A2C6C8', '1', '1', '1', '10', '66', 'Gate (lockable)', 'Form following function', '6');
  843. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('67', 'divider_silo2', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '10', '67', 'Screen', 'Stylish sectioning', '3');
  844. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('68', 'divider_silo1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#A2C6C8,0,#A2C6C8', '0', '1', '1', '10', '68', 'Corner Shelf', 'Neat and natty', '3');
  845. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('69', 'chair_silo', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#A2C6C8,#A2C6C8,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '10', '69', 'Dining Chair', 'Keep it simple', '3');
  846. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('70', 'safe_silo', '1', '1', '1', '1.20', '#ffffff,#A2C6C8,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '10', '70', 'Safe Minibar', 'Totally shatter-proof!', '3');
  847. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('71', 'barchair_silo', '1', '1', '1', '0.90', '#ffffff,#A2C6C8,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '10', '71', 'Bar Stool', 'Practical and convenient', '3');
  848. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('72', 'table_silo_med', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#8FAEAF', '0', '1', '1', '10', '72', 'Coffee Table', 'Wipe clean and unobtrusive', '3');
  849. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('73', 'tv_luxus', '1', '1', '3', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '73', 'Digital TV', 'Bang up to date', '6');
  850. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('74', 'wood_tv', '1', '1', '2', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '74', 'Large TV', 'For family viewing', '4');
  851. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('75', 'red_tv', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '75', 'Portable TV', 'Don\'t miss those soaps', '3');
  852. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('76', '', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '76', 'Pad of stickies', 'Pad of stickies', '3');
  853. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('77', 'pizza', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '77', 'Pizza Box', 'You dirty Habbo', '3');
  854. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('78', 'drinks', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '78', 'Empty Cans', 'Are you a slob too?', '3');
  855. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('79', 'bottle', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '79', 'Empty Spinning Bottle', 'For interesting games!', '3');
  856. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('80', 'edice', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '80', 'Holo-dice', 'What\'s your lucky number?', '6');
  857. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('81', 'habbocake', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '81', 'Cake', 'Save me a slice!', '4');
  858. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('82', 'menorah', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '82', 'Menorah', 'Light up your room', '3');
  859. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('83', 'bunny', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '83', 'Squidgy Bunny', 'Yours to cuddle up to', '3');
  860. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('84', 'poster 44', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '84', 'Mummy', 'Beware the curse...', '3');
  861. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('85', 'wcandleset', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '85', 'White Candle Plate', 'Simple but stylish', '3');
  862. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('86', 'rcandleset', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '86', 'Red Candle Plate', 'Simple but stylish', '3');
  863. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('87', 'ham', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '87', 'Joint of Ham', 'Tuck in', '3');
  864. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('88', 'hockey_light', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '11', '88', 'Lert', 'Set it off.', '5');
  865. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('89', 'wall_china', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '12', '89', 'Drakenscherm', 'Voor je eigen Grote Muur', '8');
  866. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('90', 'corner_china', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '12', '90', 'Voor Grote Muur', 'Stevig en vuurvast', '8');
  867. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('91', 'china_shelve', '2', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '12', '91', 'Lakwerk boekenkast', 'Bewaarder van je boekenschat', '8');
  868. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('92', 'china_table', '1', '1', '1', '0.90', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '12', '92', 'Yin Yang tafel', 'Exotic and classy', '5');
  869. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('93', 'chair_china', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '12', '93', 'Yin Yang stoel', 'Zitten in evenwicht', '5');
  870. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('94', 'poster 57', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '12', '94', 'Kalligrafie', 'Een kwast, vaste hand en concentratie', '3');
  871. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('95', 'poster 58', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '12', '95', 'Chinese rode knopen', 'Veel geluk!', '5');
  872. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('96', 'cn_sofa', '2', '3', '1', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '12', '96', 'Yin Yang bank', 'Zitten in evenwicht!', '10');
  873. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('97', 'cn_lamp', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '12', '97', 'Rode lantaarn', 'Zacht licht voor je Habbo Kamer', '15');
  874. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('98', 'bath', '2', '1', '2', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '13', '98', 'Bubble Bath', 'The ultimate in pampering', '6');
  875. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('99', 'sink', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '13', '99', 'Sink', 'Hot and cold thrown in for no charge', '3');
  876. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('100', 'duck', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '13', '100', 'Rubber Duck', 'Every bather needs one', '1');
  877. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('101', 'toilet', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '13', '101', 'Loo Seat', 'Loo Seat', '4');
  878. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('102', 'toilet_red', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '13', '102', 'Loo Seat', 'Loo Seat', '4');
  879. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('103', 'toilet_yell', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '13', '103', 'Loo Seat', 'Loo Seat', '4');
  880. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('104', 'tile', '4', '4', '4', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '13', '104', 'Floor Tiles', 'In a choice of colours', '3');
  881. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('105', 'tile_red', '4', '4', '4', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '13', '105', 'Floor Tiles', 'In a choice of colours', '3');
  882. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('106', 'tile_yell', '4', '4', '4', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '13', '106', 'Floor Tiles', 'In a choice of colours', '3');
  883. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('107', 'bardesk_polyfon*5', '1', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FF9BBD,#FF9BBD', '0', '1', '1', '14', '107', 'Candy Bar/desk', 'Perfect for work or play', '3');
  884. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('108', 'bardeskcorner_polyfon*5', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#FF9BBD', '0', '1', '1', '14', '108', 'Candy Corner', 'Tuck it away', '3');
  885. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('109', 'divider_poly3*5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4', '0', '1', '1', '14', '109', 'Candy Hatch (lockable)', 'All bars should have one', '6');
  886. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('110', 'sofachair_polyfon_girl', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4', '0', '1', '1', '14', '110', 'Armchair', 'Think pink', '3');
  887. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('111', 'sofa_polyfon_girl', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4,#E', '0', '1', '1', '14', '111', 'Two-seater Sofa', 'Romantic pink for two', '4');
  888. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('112', 'carpet_polar*1', '4', '2', '3', '0.00', '#ffbbcf,#ffbbcf,#ffddef', '0', '1', '1', '14', '112', 'Pink Faux-Fur', 'Bear Rug Cute', '4');
  889. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('113', 'bed_polyfon_girl_one', '3', '1', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4', '0', '1', '1', '14', '113', 'Armchair', 'Think pink', '3');
  890. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('114', 'bed_polyfon_girl', '3', '2', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4', '0', '1', '1', '14', '114', 'Double Bed', 'Snuggle down in princess pink', '4');
  891. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('115', 'camera', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '15', '115', 'Camera', 'Smile!', '10');
  892. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('116', 'photo_film', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '0', '0', '15', '116', 'Film', 'Film for five photos', '6');
  893. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('117', 'poster 500', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '117', 'Union Jack', 'The UK flag', '3');
  894. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('118', 'poster 501', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '118', 'Jolly Roger', 'For pirates everywhere', '3');
  895. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('119', 'poster 502', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '119', 'The Stars and Stripes', 'The US flag', '3');
  896. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('120', 'poster 503', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '120', 'The Swiss flag', 'There\'s no holes in this...', '3');
  897. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('121', 'poster 504', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '121', 'The Bundesflagge', 'The German flag', '3');
  898. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('122', 'poster 505', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '122', 'The Maple Leaf', 'The Canadian flag', '3');
  899. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('123', 'poster 506', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '123', 'The flag of Finland', 'To \'Finnish\' your decor...', '3');
  900. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('124', 'poster 507', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '124', 'The French Tricolore', 'The French flag', '3');
  901. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('125', 'poster 508', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '125', 'The Spanish flag', 'The flag of Spain', '3');
  902. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('126', 'poster 509', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '126', 'The Jamaican flag', 'The flag of Jamaica', '3');
  903. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('127', 'poster 510', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '127', 'The Italian flag', 'The flag of Italy', '3');
  904. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('128', 'poster 511', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '128', 'The Dutch flag', 'The flag of The Netherlands', '3');
  905. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('129', 'poster 512', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '129', 'The Irish flag', 'The flag of Ireland', '3');
  906. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('130', 'poster 513', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '130', 'The Australian flag', 'Aussies rule!', '3');
  907. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('131', 'poster 514', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '131', 'The EU flag', 'Be proud to be in the Union!', '3');
  908. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('132', 'poster 515', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '132', 'The Swedish flag', 'Waved by Swedes everywhere', '3');
  909. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('133', 'poster 516', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '133', 'The English flag', 'Eng-er-land', '3');
  910. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('134', 'poster 517', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '134', 'The Scottish flag', 'Where\'s your kilt?', '3');
  911. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('135', 'poster 518', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '135', 'The Welsh flag', 'A fiery dragon for your wall', '3');
  912. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('136', 'poster 520', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '136', 'The Rainbow Flag', 'Every colour for everyone', '3');
  913. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('137', 'poster 521', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '137', 'Flag of Brazil', 'The flag of Brazil', '3');
  914. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('138', 'poster 522', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '138', 'The flag of Japan', 'The flag of Japan', '3');
  915. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('139', 'poster 523', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '16', '139', 'The flag of India', 'The flag of India', '3');
  916. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('140', 'poster 2001', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '140', 'Rug on the wall', 'Rug', '10');
  917. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('141', 'poster 2004', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '141', 'Rastaman', 'Rasta tarjoaa rakkautta', '3');
  918. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('142', 'poster 2002', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '142', 'Presidentin Muotokuva', 'Presidentin Muotokuva', '10');
  919. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('143', 'poster 7', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '143', 'Hammer Cabinet', 'for emergencies only', '3');
  920. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('144', 'poster 12', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '144', 'Skyline Poster', 'skyscrapers at night', '3');
  921. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('145', 'poster 13', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '145', 'BW Skyline Poster', 'skyscrapers in arty black and white', '3');
  922. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('146', 'poster 14', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '146', 'Fox Poster', 'a truly cunning design', '3');
  923. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('147', 'poster 17', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '147', 'Butterfly Cabinet', 'beautiful reproduction butterfly', '3');
  924. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('148', 'poster 18', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '148', 'Butterfly Cabinet (blue)', 'beautiful reproduction butterfly', '3');
  925. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('149', 'poster 16', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '149', 'Bars', 'high security for your room', '3');
  926. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('150', 'poster 1003', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '150', 'UK Map', 'get the lovely isles on your walls', '3');
  927. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('151', 'poster 15', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '151', 'Himalaya Poster', 'marvellous mountains', '3');
  928. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('152', 'poster 1006', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '152', 'Hoot Poster', 'The eyes follow you...', '3');
  929. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('153', 'poster 32', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '153', 'Siva Poster', 'The Auspicious One', '3');
  930. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('154', 'poster 33', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '154', 'Save the Panda', 'We can\'t bear to lose them', '3');
  931. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('155', 'poster 2', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '155', 'Carrot Plaque', 'take pride in your veg!', '3');
  932. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('156', 'poster 3', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '156', 'Fish Plaque', 'smells fishy, looks cool', '3');
  933. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('157', 'poster 4', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '157', 'Bear Plaque', 'fake of course!', '3');
  934. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('158', 'poster 5', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '158', 'Duck Poster', 'quacking good design!', '3');
  935. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('159', 'poster 1', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '159', 'Ancestor Poster', 'a touch of history', '3');
  936. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('160', 'poster 6', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '160', 'Abstract Poster', 'but is it the right way up?', '3');
  937. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('161', 'poster 1002', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '161', 'Queen Mum Poster', 'aw, bless...', '3');
  938. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('162', 'poster 1001', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '162', 'Prince Charles Poster', 'Even walls have ears', '3');
  939. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('163', 'poster 8', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '163', 'Habbo Colours Poster', 'Habbos come in all colours', '3');
  940. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('164', 'poster 9', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '164', 'Rainforest Poster', 'do your bit for the environment', '3');
  941. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('165', 'poster 1004', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '165', 'Eid Mubarak', 'Celebrate with us', '3');
  942. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('166', 'poster 2006', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '166', 'DJ Throne', 'He is the magic Habbo', '3');
  943. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('167', 'poster 2008', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '167', 'Green Gecko Art', 'Like a gecko it wont fall of your wall', '3');
  944. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('168', 'poster 11', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '168', 'Certificate', 'award, charter or the Habbo Way - you decide', '3');
  945. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('169', 'poster 41', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '169', 'Habbo Golden Record', 'For the best music-makers', '3');
  946. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('170', 'poster 40', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '170', 'Bonnie Blonde', 'The one and only. Adore her!', '3');
  947. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('171', 'poster 35', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '171', 'The Habbo Babes 1', 'The Hotel\'s girlband. Dream on!', '3');
  948. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('172', 'poster 36', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '172', 'The Habbo Babes 2', 'The Hotel\'s girlband. Dream on!', '3');
  949. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('173', 'poster 37', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '173', 'The Habbo Babes 3', 'The Hotel\'s girlband. Dream on!', '3');
  950. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('174', 'poster 1005', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '174', 'Johnny Squabble', 'The muscly movie hero', '3');
  951. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('175', 'poster 34', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '175', 'Scamme\'d', 'Habbo-punk for the never-agreeing', '3');
  952. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('176', 'poster 39', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '176', 'Screaming Furnies', 'The rock masters of virtual music', '3');
  953. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('177', 'poster 2000', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '177', 'Suomen kartta', 'Suomen kartta', '3');
  954. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('178', 'poster 38', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '178', 'Smiling Headbangerz', 'For really TOUGH Habbos!', '3');
  955. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('179', 'poster 2008', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '179', 'Habbo Cola Poster', 'For serious bubblers', '3');
  956. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('180', 'poster 2007', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '180', 'The Father Of Habbo', 'The legendary founder of the Hotel', '3');
  957. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('181', 'poster 2003', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '181', 'Dodgy Geezer', 'Would you trust this man?', '3');
  958. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('182', 'poster 31', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '182', 'System of a Ban', 'Pure and unbridled nu-metal', '3');
  959. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('183', 'poster 55', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '17', '183', 'Beach Tree Poster', 'Natural', '3');
  960. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('184', 'glass_shelf', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '18', '184', 'Glass shelf', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  961. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('185', 'glass_sofa', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ffffff,#ABD0D2', '0', '1', '1', '18', '185', 'Glass sofa', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  962. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('186', 'glass_table', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '186', 'Glass table', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  963. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('187', 'glass_chair', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '187', 'Glass chair', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  964. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('188', 'glass_stool', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '188', 'Glass stool', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  965. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('189', 'glass_sofa*2', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#525252,#525252,#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#ffffff,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '18', '189', 'Glass sofa', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  966. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('190', 'glass_table*2', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#525252,#525252,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '190', 'Glass table', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  967. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('191', 'glass_chair*2', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#525252,#525252,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '191', 'Glass chair', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  968. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('192', 'glass_stool*2', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#525252,#525252,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '192', 'Glass stool', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  969. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('193', 'glass_sofa*3', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '193', 'Glass sofa', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  970. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('194', 'glass_table*3', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '194', 'Glass table', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  971. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('195', 'glass_chair*3', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '195', 'Glass chair', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  972. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('196', 'glass_stool*3', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '196', 'Glass stool', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  973. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('197', 'glass_sofa*4', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#ffffff,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '18', '197', 'Glass sofa', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  974. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('198', 'glass_table*4', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '198', 'Glass table', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  975. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('199', 'glass_chair*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '199', 'Glass chair', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  976. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('200', 'glass_stool*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '200', 'Glass stool', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  977. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('201', 'glass_sofa*5', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#FF99BC,#FF99BC,#ffffff,#ffffff,#FF99BC,#ffffff,#FF99BC', '0', '1', '1', '18', '201', 'Glass sofa', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  978. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('202', 'glass_table*5', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#FF99BC,#FF99BC,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '202', 'Glass table', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  979. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('203', 'glass_chair*5', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#FF99BC,#FF99BC,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '203', 'Glass chair', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  980. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('204', 'glass_stool*5', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#FF99BC,#FF99BC,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '204', 'Glass stool', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  981. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('205', 'glass_sofa*6', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#ffffff,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '18', '205', 'Glass sofa', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  982. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('206', 'glass_table*6', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '206', 'Glass table', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  983. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('207', 'glass_chair*6', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '207', 'Glass chair', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  984. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('208', 'glass_stool*6', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '208', 'Glass stool', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  985. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('209', 'glass_sofa*7', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#92D13D,#92D13D,#ffffff,#ffffff,#92D13D,#ffffff,#92D13D', '0', '1', '1', '18', '209', 'Glass sofa', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  986. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('210', 'glass_table*7', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#92D13D,#92D13D,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '210', 'Glass table', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  987. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('211', 'glass_chair*7', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#92D13D,#92D13D,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '211', 'Glass chair', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  988. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('212', 'glass_stool*7', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#92D13D,#92D13D,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '212', 'Glass stool', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  989. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('213', 'glass_sofa*8', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837,#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#ffffff,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '18', '213', 'Glass sofa', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  990. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('214', 'glass_table*8', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '214', 'Glass table', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  991. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('215', 'glass_chair*8', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '215', 'Glass chair', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  992. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('216', 'glass_stool*8', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '216', 'Glass stool', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  993. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('217', 'glass_sofa*9', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218,#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#ffffff,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '18', '217', 'Glass sofa', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  994. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('218', 'glass_table*9', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '218', 'Glass table', 'Translucent beauty', '4');
  995. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('219', 'glass_chair*9', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '219', 'Glass chair', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  996. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('220', 'glass_stool*9', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '18', '220', 'Glass stool', 'Translucent beauty', '3');
  997. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('221', 'gothic_chair*3', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#dd0000,#ffffff,#dd0000', '0', '1', '1', '19', '221', 'Red Gothic Chair', 'The head of the table', '10');
  998. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('222', 'gothic_sofa*3', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#dd0000,#ffffff,#ffffff,#dd0000,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '19', '222', 'Red Gothic Sofa', 'Not great for hiding behind', '7');
  999. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('223', 'gothic_stool*3', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#dd0000,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '19', '223', 'Red Gothic Stool', 'Be calm. Be seated', '5');
  1000. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('224', 'gothic_carpet', '4', '2', '4', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '19', '224', 'Cobbled Path', 'The route less travelled', '5');
  1001. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('225', 'gothic_carpet2', '4', '2', '4', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '19', '225', 'Dungeon Floor', 'What lies beneath?', '5');
  1002. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('226', 'goth_table', '1', '1', '5', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '19', '226', 'Gothic Table', 'A table with two heads', '15');
  1003. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('227', 'gothrailing', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '19', '227', 'Gothic Railing', 'Keep out!', '8');
  1004. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('228', 'torch', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '19', '228', 'Gothic Torch', 'Keeping dungeons light', '10');
  1005. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('229', 'gothicfountain', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '19', '229', 'Gothic Fountain', 'The dark side of Habbo', '10');
  1006. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('230', 'gothiccandelabra', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '19', '230', 'Gothic Candleabra', 'Through darkness came light', '10');
  1007. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('231', 'gothgate', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '1', '19', '231', 'Gothic Portcullis', 'Don\'t get caught beneath!', '10');
  1008. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('232', 'industrialfan', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '19', '232', 'Industrial Turbine', 'Powerful and resilient', '10');
  1009. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('233', 'grunge_barrel', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '20', '233', 'Flaming Barrel', 'Beacon of light!', '3');
  1010. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('234', 'grunge_bench', '2', '3', '1', '1.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '20', '234', 'Bench', 'Laid back seating', '3');
  1011. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('235', 'grunge_candle', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '20', '235', 'Candle Box', 'Late night debate', '2');
  1012. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('236', 'grunge_chair', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '20', '236', 'Grunge Chair', 'Alternative chair for alternative people', '4');
  1013. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('237', 'grunge_mattress', '2', '3', '1', '0.80', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '20', '237', 'Grunge Mattress', 'Beats sleeping on the floor!', '3');
  1014. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('238', 'grunge_radiator', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '20', '238', 'Radiator', 'Started cool but now it\'s hot!', '3');
  1015. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('239', 'grunge_shelf', '1', '3', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '20', '239', 'Grunge Bookshelf', 'Scrap books and photo albums', '5');
  1016. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('240', 'grunge_sign', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '20', '240', 'Road Sign', 'Bought legitimately from an M1 cafe.', '3');
  1017. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('241', 'grunge_table', '1', '2', '2', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '20', '241', 'Grunge Table', 'Students of the round table!', '4');
  1018. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('242', 'CF_1_coin_bronze', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '21', '242', 'Bronze Coin', 'Worth: 1 Habbo Credit', '1');
  1019. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('243', 'CF_5_coin_silver', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '21', '243', 'Silver Coin', 'Worth: 5 Habbo Credits', '5');
  1020. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('244', 'CF_10_coin_gold', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '21', '244', 'Gold Coin', 'Worth: 10 Habbo Credits', '10');
  1021. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('245', 'CF_20_moneybag', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '21', '245', 'Money Bag', 'Worth: 20 Habbo Credits', '20');
  1022. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('246', 'CF_50_goldbar', '1', '1', '1', '0.60', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '21', '246', 'Gold Bars', 'Worth: 50 Habbo Credits', '50');
  1023. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('247', 'habbowood_chair', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '22', '247', 'Habbowood Chair', 'null', '5');
  1024. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('248', 'rope_divider', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '1', '22', '248', 'Rope Divider', 'null', '5');
  1025. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('249', 'spotlight', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '22', '249', 'Spotlight', 'Light, camera, action!', '15');
  1026. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('250', 'theatre_seat', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '22', '250', 'Theatre Seat', 'It\'s a Theatre Seat', '10');
  1027. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('251', 'rare_icecream_campaign', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '22', '251', 'Icecream Machine', 'null', '25');
  1028. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('252', 'habw_mirror', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '22', '252', 'Habbowood Mirror', 'Starts only!', '10');
  1029. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('253', 'chair_norja', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '23', '253', 'Chair', 'Sleek and chic for each cheek', '3');
  1030. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('254', 'couch_norja', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '23', '254', 'Bench', 'Two can perch comfortably', '3');
  1031. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('255', 'table_norja_med', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '23', '255', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '3');
  1032. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('256', 'shelves_norja', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '23', '256', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco books', '3');
  1033. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('257', 'soft_sofachair_norja', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '23', '257', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '3');
  1034. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('258', 'soft_sofa_norja', '2', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '23', '258', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '4');
  1035. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('259', 'divider_nor2', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '23', '259', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '3');
  1036. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('260', 'divider_nor1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '23', '260', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '3');
  1037. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('261', 'divider_nor3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '1', '1', '1', '23', '261', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '6');
  1038. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('262', 'divider_nor4', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '1', '1', '1', '23', '262', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '3');
  1039. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('263', 'divider_nor5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '1', '1', '1', '23', '263', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '3');
  1040. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('264', 'jp_bamboo', '4', '2', '2', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '24', '264', 'Bamboo Forest', 'Don\'t get lost', '25');
  1041. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('265', 'jp_pillow', '2', '1', '1', '0.70', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '24', '265', 'Pillow', 'null', '5');
  1042. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('266', 'jp_irori', '1', '2', '2', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '24', '266', 'Sushi Bar', 'null', '10');
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  1049. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('273', 'bed_armas_one', '3', '1', '3', '2.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '25', '273', 'Single Bed', 'Rustic charm for one', '3');
  1050. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('274', 'fireplace_armas', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '25', '274', 'Fireplace', 'Authentic, real flame fire', '4');
  1051. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('275', 'bartable_armas', '1', '1', '3', '1.20', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '25', '275', 'Bardesk', 'Bar-Style Table - essential for extra guests', '3');
  1052. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('276', 'table_armas', '1', '2', '2', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '25', '276', 'Dining Table', 'For informal dining', '3');
  1053. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('277', 'bench_armas', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '25', '277', 'Bench', 'To complete the dining set', '3');
  1054. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('278', 'divider_arm3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '1', '25', '278', 'Gate (lockable)', 'Knock, knock...', '6');
  1055. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('279', 'divider_arm1', '1', '1', '1', '1.20', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '25', '279', 'Corner plinth', 'Good solid wood', '3');
  1056. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('280', 'divider_arm2', '1', '2', '1', '1.20', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '25', '280', 'Room divider', 'I wooden go there', '3');
  1057. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('281', 'shelves_armas', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '25', '281', 'Bookcase', 'For all those fire-side stories', '3');
  1058. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('282', 'bar_armas', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '25', '282', 'Barrel Minibar', 'It\'s a barrel of laughs and a great talking point', '4');
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  1061. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('285', 'lamp2_armas', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '25', '285', 'Lodge Candle', 'Wax lyrical with some old-world charm', '3');
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  1069. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('293', 'bar_polyfon', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '26', '293', 'Mini-Bar', 'You naughty Habbo!', '5');
  1070. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('294', 'divider_poly3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2', '1', '1', '1', '26', '294', 'Hatch (Lockable)', 'All bars should have one', '6');
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  1115. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('342', 'table_plasto_square*4', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ccddff', '0', '1', '1', '29', '342', 'Square Dining Table', 'Hip plastic furniture', '3');
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  1117. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('344', 'table_plasto_square*3', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffee00', '0', '1', '1', '29', '344', 'Square Dining Table', 'Hip plastic furniture', '3');
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  1120. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('347', 'table_plasto_square*8', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#c38d1a', '0', '1', '1', '29', '347', 'Square Dining Table', 'Hip plastic furniture', '3');
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  1122. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('349', 'table_plasto_round*14', '1', '2', '2', '1.10', '#ffffff,#CC3399', '0', '1', '1', '29', '349', 'Occasional Table', 'Hip plastic furniture', '3');
  1123. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('350', 'table_plasto_round*7', '1', '2', '2', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ff6d00', '0', '1', '1', '29', '350', 'Round Dining Table', 'Hip plastic furniture', '3');
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  1127. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('354', 'table_plasto_round*6', '1', '2', '2', '1.10', '#ffffff,#3444ff', '0', '1', '1', '29', '354', 'Round Dining Table', 'Hip plastic furniture', '3');
  1128. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('355', 'table_plasto_round*3', '1', '2', '2', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffee00', '0', '1', '1', '29', '355', 'Round Dining Table', 'Hip plastic furniture', '3');
  1129. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('356', 'table_plasto_round*9', '1', '2', '2', '1.10', '#ffffff,#533e10', '0', '1', '1', '29', '356', 'Round Dining Table', 'Hip plastic furniture', '3');
  1130. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('357', 'table_plasto_round', '1', '2', '2', '1.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '29', '357', 'Round Dining Table', 'Hip plastic furniture', '3');
  1131. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('358', 'table_plasto_round*5', '1', '2', '2', '1.10', '#ffffff,#54ca00', '0', '1', '1', '29', '358', 'Round Dining Table', 'Hip plastic furniture', '3');
  1132. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('359', 'table_plasto_round*8', '1', '2', '2', '1.10', '#ffffff,#c38d1a', '0', '1', '1', '29', '359', 'Round Dining Table', 'Hip plastic furniture', '3');
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  1231. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('458', 'carpet_soft*5', '4', '2', '4', '0.00', '#FFFF66', '0', '1', '1', '35', '458', 'Soft Wool Rug', 'Soft Wool Rug', '3');
  1232. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('459', 'carpet_soft*6', '4', '2', '4', '0.00', '#669933', '0', '1', '1', '35', '459', 'Soft Wool Rug', 'Soft Wool Rug', '3');
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  1235. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('462', 'doormat_plain*1', '4', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ff1f08', '0', '1', '1', '35', '462', 'Doormat', 'Available in a variety of colours', '1');
  1236. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('463', 'doormat_plain*2', '4', '1', '1', '0.00', '#99DCCC', '0', '1', '1', '35', '463', 'Doormat', 'Available in a variety of colours', '1');
  1237. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('464', 'doormat_plain*3', '4', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffee00', '0', '1', '1', '35', '464', 'Doormat', 'Available in a variety of colours', '1');
  1238. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('465', 'doormat_plain*4', '4', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ccddff', '0', '1', '1', '35', '465', 'Doormat', 'Available in a variety of colours', '1');
  1239. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('466', 'doormat_plain*5', '4', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ddccff', '0', '1', '1', '35', '466', 'Doormat', 'Available in a variety of colours', '1');
  1240. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('467', 'doormat_plain*6', '4', '1', '1', '0.00', '#777777', '0', '1', '1', '35', '467', 'Doormat', 'Available in a variety of colours', '1');
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  1243. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('470', 'carpet_polar*2', '4', '2', '3', '0.00', '#ccddff,#ccddff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '35', '470', 'Blue Bear Rug', 'Snuggle up on a Funky bear rug...', '10');
  1244. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('471', 'carpet_polar*3', '4', '2', '3', '0.00', '#ffee99,#ffee99,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '35', '471', 'Yellow Bear Rug', 'Snuggle up on a Funky bear rug...', '10');
  1245. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('472', 'carpet_polar*4', '4', '2', '3', '0.00', '#ddffaa,#ddffaa,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '35', '472', 'Green Bear Rug', 'Snuggle up on a Funky bear rug...', '10');
  1246. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('473', 'poster 52', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '36', '473', 'Hockey stick', 'whack that ball!', '3');
  1247. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('474', 'poster 53', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '36', '474', 'Hockey stick', 'whack that ball!', '3');
  1248. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('475', 'poster 54', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '36', '475', 'Hockey stick', 'whack that ball!', '3');
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  1251. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('478', 'poster 51', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '36', '478', 'Basketball Hoop', '2 points for every basket', '3');
  1252. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('479', 'carpet_legocourt', '4', '3', '3', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '36', '479', 'Basketball Court', 'Line up your slam dunk', '3');
  1253. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('480', 'bench_lego', '2', '4', '1', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '36', '480', 'Team Bench', 'For your reserve players', '6');
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  1255. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('482', 'sporttrack1*2', '4', '2', '2', '0.00', '#ffffff,#62818b,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '36', '482', 'Sport track straight asphalt', 'Let\'s get sporty!', '3');
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  1258. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('485', 'sporttrack2*2', '4', '2', '2', '0.00', '#ffffff,#62818b,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '36', '485', 'Sport corner asphalt', 'Let\'s get sporty!', '3');
  1259. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('486', 'sporttrack2*3', '4', '2', '2', '0.00', '#ffffff,#5cb800,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '36', '486', 'Sport corner grass', 'Let\'s get sporty!', '3');
  1260. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('488', 'sporttrack3*1', '4', '2', '2', '0.00', '#ffffff,#e4592d,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '36', '488', 'Sport goal', 'Let\'s get sporty!', '3');
  1261. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('487', 'sporttrack3*3', '4', '2', '2', '0.00', '#ffffff,#5cb800,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '36', '487', 'Sport goal grass', 'Let\'s get sporty!', '3');
  1262. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('489', 'sporttrack3*2', '4', '2', '2', '0.00', '#ffffff,#62818b,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '36', '489', 'Sport goal asphalt', 'Let\'s get sporty!', '3');
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  1266. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('493', 'doorB', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '37', '493', 'Wardrobe', 'Narnia this way!', '3');
  1267. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('494', 'teleport_door', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '37', '494', 'Teleport Door', 'Teleport Door', '6');
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  1269. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('496', 'sound_set_4', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '38', '496', 'Ambient 1', 'Chilled out beats', '5');
  1270. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('497', 'sound_set_8', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '38', '497', 'Ambient 2', 'Mellow electric grooves', '5');
  1271. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('498', 'sound_set_6', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '38', '498', 'Ambient 3', 'Background ambience loops', '5');
  1272. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('499', 'sound_set_5', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '38', '499', 'Ambient 4', 'The dark side of Habbo', '5');
  1273. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('500', 'sound_set_26', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '38', '500', 'Groove 1', 'Bollywood Beats!', '5');
  1274. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('501', 'sound_set_27', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '38', '501', 'Groove 2', 'Jingle Bells will never be the same...', '5');
  1275. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('502', 'sound_set_17', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '38', '502', 'Groove 3', 'Jive\'s Alive!', '5');
  1276. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('503', 'sound_set_18', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '38', '503', 'Groove 4', 'Listen while you tan', '5');
  1277. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('504', 'sound_set_3', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '38', '504', 'Electronic 1', 'Chilled grooves', '5');
  1278. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('505', 'sound_set_9', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '38', '505', 'Electronic 2', 'Mystical ambient soundscapes', '5');
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  1280. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('507', 'sound_set_46', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '39', '507', 'Club 1', 'De bada bada bo!', '5');
  1281. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('508', 'sound_set_47', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '39', '508', 'Club 2', 'Storm the UKCharts!', '5');
  1282. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('509', 'sound_set_48', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '39', '509', 'Club 3', 'Sweet party beat', '5');
  1283. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('510', 'sound_set_49', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '39', '510', 'Club 4', 'You will belong', '5');
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  1285. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('512', 'sound_set_51', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '39', '512', 'Club 6', 'Bop to the beat', '5');
  1286. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('513', 'sound_set_25', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '39', '513', 'Dance 1', 'Actually, it\'s Partay!', '5');
  1287. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('514', 'sound_set_29', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '39', '514', 'Dance 2', 'Electronic house', '5');
  1288. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('515', 'sound_set_31', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '39', '515', 'Dance 3', 'House loops', '5');
  1289. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('516', 'sound_set_11', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '39', '516', 'Dance 4', 'Music you can really sink your teeth into', '5');
  1290. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('517', 'sound_set_13', '1', '1', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '39', '517', 'Dance 5', 'Let Music be the food of Habbo', '5');
  1291. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('518', 'sound_set_35', '1', '0', '1', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '39', '518', 'Dance 6', 'Groovelicious', '5');
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  1295. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('522', 'sound_set_21', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '40', '522', 'Rock 1', 'Headbanging riffs', '5');
  1296. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('523', 'sound_set_28', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '40', '523', 'Rock 2', 'Head for the pit!', '5');
  1297. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('524', 'sound_set_33', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '40', '524', 'Rock 3', 'Guitar solo set', '5');
  1298. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('525', 'sound_set_40', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '40', '525', 'Rock 4', 'Dude? Cheese!', '5');
  1299. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('526', 'sound_set_34', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '40', '526', 'Rock 5', 'For guitar heroes', '5');
  1300. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('527', 'sound_set_38', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '40', '527', 'Rock 6', 'Rock and Roses!', '5');
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  1302. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('529', 'sound_set_41', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '40', '529', 'Rock 8', 'Burning Riffs', '5');
  1303. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('530', 'jukebox*1', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '41', '530', 'Jukebox', 'For your Happy Days!', '5');
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  1305. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('532', 'sound_set_12', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '41', '532', 'Habbo Sounds 2', 'Unusual as Standard', '5');
  1306. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('533', 'sound_set_2', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '41', '533', 'Habbo Sounds 3', 'Get the party started!', '5');
  1307. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('534', 'sound_set_24', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '41', '534', 'Habbo Sounds 4', 'It\'s all about the Pentiums, baby!', '5');
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  1309. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('536', 'sound_set_20', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '41', '536', 'SFX 2', 'Musical heaven', '5');
  1310. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('537', 'sound_set_22', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '41', '537', 'SFX 3', 'With a hamper full of sounds, not sarnies', '5');
  1311. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('538', 'sound_set_23', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '41', '538', 'SFX 4', 'Don\'t be afraid of the dark', '5');
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  1317. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('544', 'sound_set_61', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '42', '544', 'Latin Love 3', 'Straight from the heart', '5');
  1318. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('545', 'sound_set_55', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '42', '545', 'RnB Grooves 1', 'Can you fill me in?', '5');
  1319. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('546', 'sound_set_56', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '42', '546', 'RnB Grooves 2', 'Get down tonight!', '5');
  1320. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('547', 'sound_set_57', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '42', '547', 'RnB Grooves 3', 'Feel the groove', '5');
  1321. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('548', 'sound_set_58', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '42', '548', 'RnB Grooves 4', 'Sh-shake it!', '5');
  1322. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('549', 'sound_set_59', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '42', '549', 'RnB Grooves 5', 'Urban break beats', '5');
  1323. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('550', 'sound_set_15', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '42', '550', 'RnB Grooves 6', 'Unadulterated essentials', '5');
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  1325. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('552', 'sound_set_14', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '42', '552', 'Hip Hop Beats 2', 'Rock them bodies', '5');
  1326. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('553', 'sound_set_16', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '42', '553', 'Hip Hop Beats 3', 'Ferry, ferry good!', '5');
  1327. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('554', 'sound_set_19', '0', '0', '0', '0.10', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '42', '554', 'Hip Hop Beats 4', 'Shake your body!', '5');
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  1329. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('556', 'prizetrophy6*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '43', '556', 'Champion trophy', 'Shiny silver', '10');
  1330. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('557', 'prizetrophy6*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#996600', '0', '1', '1', '43', '557', 'Champion trophy', 'Breathtaking bronze', '8');
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  1332. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('559', 'prizetrophy3*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '43', '559', 'Globe trophy', 'Shiny silver', '10');
  1333. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('560', 'prizetrophy3*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#996600', '0', '1', '1', '43', '560', 'Globe trophy', 'Breathtaking bronze', '8');
  1334. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('561', 'prizetrophy4*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFDD3F', '0', '1', '1', '43', '561', 'Fish trophy', 'Glittery gold', '12');
  1335. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('562', 'prizetrophy4*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '43', '562', 'Fish trophy', 'Shiny silver', '10');
  1336. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('563', 'prizetrophy4*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#996600', '0', '1', '1', '43', '563', 'Fish trophy', 'Breathtaking bronze', '8');
  1337. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('564', 'prizetrophy*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFDD3F', '0', '1', '1', '43', '564', 'Classic trophy', 'Glittery gold', '12');
  1338. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('565', 'prizetrophy*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '43', '565', 'Classic trophy', 'Shiny silver', '10');
  1339. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('566', 'prizetrophy*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#996600', '0', '1', '1', '43', '566', 'Classic trophy', 'Breathtaking bronze', '8');
  1340. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('567', 'prizetrophy5*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFDD3F', '0', '1', '1', '43', '567', 'Duo trophy', 'Glittery gold', '12');
  1341. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('568', 'prizetrophy5*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '43', '568', 'Duo trophy', 'Shiny silver', '10');
  1342. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('569', 'prizetrophy5*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#996600', '0', '1', '1', '43', '569', 'Duo trophy', 'Breathtaking bronze', '8');
  1343. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('570', 'prizetrophy2*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFDD3F', '0', '1', '1', '43', '570', 'Duck trophy', 'Glittery gold', '12');
  1344. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('571', 'prizetrophy2*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '43', '571', 'Duck trophy', 'Shiny silver', '10');
  1345. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('572', 'prizetrophy2*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#996600', '0', '1', '1', '43', '572', 'Duck trophy', 'Breathtaking bronze', '8');
  1346. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('573', 'prizetrophy8*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFDD3F', '0', '1', '1', '43', '573', 'Duo trophy', 'Glittery gold', '12');
  1347. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('574', 'prizetrophy9*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFDD3F', '0', '1', '1', '43', '574', 'Champion trophy', 'Glittery gold', '12');
  1348. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('575', 'poster 20', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '575', 'Snowman Poster', 'A new use for carrots!', '3');
  1349. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('576', 'poster 21', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '576', 'Angel Poster', 'See that halo gleam!', '3');
  1350. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('577', 'poster 22', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '577', 'Winter Wonderland Poster', 'A chilly snowy scene', '3');
  1351. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('578', 'poster 23', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '578', 'Santa Poster Poster', 'The jolly fat man himself', '3');
  1352. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('579', 'poster 24', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '579', 'Three Wise Men Poster', 'Following the star!', '3');
  1353. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('580', 'poster 25', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '580', 'Reindeer Poster', 'Doing a hard night\'s work', '3');
  1354. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('581', 'poster 26', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '581', 'Stocking', 'Hung yours up yet?', '3');
  1355. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('582', 'poster 27', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '582', 'Holly Garland', 'Deck the halls!', '3');
  1356. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('583', 'poster 28', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '583', 'Tinsel (silver)', 'A touch of festive sparkle', '3');
  1357. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('584', 'poster 29', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '584', 'Tinsel (gold)', 'A touch of festive sparkle', '3');
  1358. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('585', 'poster 30', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '585', 'Mistletoe', 'Pucker up', '3');
  1359. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('586', 'poster 46', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '586', 'Small gold star', 'Twinkle, twinkle', '3');
  1360. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('587', 'poster 47', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '587', 'Small silver star', 'Twinkle, twinkle', '3');
  1361. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('588', 'poster 48', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '588', 'Large gold star', 'All that glitters...', '3');
  1362. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('589', 'poster 49', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '589', 'Large silver star', 'All that glitters...', '3');
  1363. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('590', 'tree3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '590', 'Christmas Tree 1', 'Any presents under it yet?', '6');
  1364. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('591', 'tree4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '591', 'Christmas Tree 2', 'Any presents under it yet?', '6');
  1365. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('592', 'tree5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '592', 'Christmas Tree 3', 'Any presents under it yet?', '6');
  1366. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('593', 'triplecandle', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '593', 'Electric Candles', 'No need to worry about wax drips', '3');
  1367. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('594', 'turkey', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '594', 'Roast Turkey', 'Where\'s the cranberry sauce?', '3');
  1368. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('595', 'house', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '595', 'Gingerbread House', 'Good enough to eat', '3');
  1369. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('596', 'pudding', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '596', 'Christmas Pudding', 'Will you get the lucky sixpence?', '3');
  1370. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('597', 'xmasduck', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '597', 'Christmas Rubber Duck', 'A right Christmas quacker!', '2');
  1371. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('598', 'hyacinth1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '598', 'Pink Hyacinth', 'Beautiful bulb', '3');
  1372. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('599', 'hyacinth2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '599', 'Blue Hyacinth', 'Beautiful bulb', '3');
  1373. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('600', 'joulutahti', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '600', 'Poinsetta', 'Christmas in a pot', '3');
  1374. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('601', 'rcandle', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '601', 'Red Candle', 'Xmas tea light', '3');
  1375. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('602', 'wcandle', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '44', '602', 'White Candle', 'Xmas tea light', '3');
  1376. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('603', 'easterduck', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '45', '603', 'Wannabe bunny', 'Can you tell what it is yet?', '2');
  1377. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('604', 'birdie', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '45', '604', 'Pop-up Egg', 'Cheep (!) and cheerful', '5');
  1378. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('605', 'basket', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '45', '605', 'Basket Of Eggs', 'Eggs-actly what you want for Easter', '4');
  1379. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('606', 'bunny', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '45', '606', 'Squidgy Bunny', 'Yours to cuddle up to', '3');
  1380. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('607', 'pumpkin', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '607', 'Pumpkin Lamp', 'Cast a spooky glow', '6');
  1381. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('608', 'poster 42', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '608', 'Spiderweb', 'Not something you want to run into', '3');
  1382. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('609', 'poster 43', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '609', 'Chains', 'Shake, rattle and roll!', '4');
  1383. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('610', 'skullcandle', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '610', 'Skull Candle Holder', 'Alas poor Yorrick...', '4');
  1384. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('611', 'poster 45', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '611', 'Skeleton', 'Needs a few more Habburgers', '3');
  1385. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('612', 'poster 44', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '612', 'Mummy', 'Beware the curse...', '3');
  1386. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('613', 'deadduck', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '613', 'Dead Duck', 'Blood, but no guts', '2');
  1387. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('614', 'deadduck2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '614', 'Dead Duck 2', 'Someone forgot to feed me...', '2');
  1388. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('615', 'deadduck3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '615', 'Dead Duck 3', 'With added ectoplasm', '2');
  1389. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('616', 'poster 50', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '616', 'Bat Poster', 'flap, flap, screech, screech...', '3');
  1390. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('617', 'poster 501', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '617', 'Jolly Roger', 'For pirates everywhere', '3');
  1391. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('618', 'ham2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '618', 'Eaten Ham', 'Looks like you\'re too late!', '3');
  1392. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('619', 'habboween_crypt', '1', '2', '2', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '619', 'HabboWheen Crypt', 'HabboWheen Crypt', '5');
  1393. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('625', 'habboween_grass', '4', '2', '2', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '625', 'HabboWheen Grass', 'HabboWheen Grass', '5');
  1394. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('620', 'valeduck', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '47', '620', 'Valentine\'s Duck', 'He\'s lovestruck', '2');
  1395. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('621', 'hal_cauldron', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '621', 'HabboWheen Cauldron', 'HabboWheen Cauldron', '5');
  1396. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('622', 'hal_grave', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '46', '622', 'HabboWheen Grave', 'HabboWheen Grave', '5');
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  1398. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('624', 'statue', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '47', '624', 'Cupid Statue', 'Watch out for those arrows!', '3');
  1399. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('626', 'heart', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '47', '626', 'Giant Heart', 'Full of love', '6');
  1400. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('627', '', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '47', '627', 'Heart stickies', 'Heart stickies', '3');
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  1402. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('629', 'val_heart', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '47', '629', 'Valentine\'s lamp', 'Valentine\'s lamp', '10');
  1403. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('630', 'plant_valentinerose*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#FF1E1E,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '47', '630', 'Valentine rose Red', 'For a love that it true', '8');
  1404. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('631', 'plant_valentinerose*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '47', '631', 'White Valentine Rose', 'Your secret love', '8');
  1405. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('632', 'plant_valentinerose*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#ffee00,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '47', '632', 'Yellow Valentine Rose', 'Relight your passions', '8');
  1406. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('633', 'plant_valentinerose*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#ffbbcf,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '47', '633', 'Pink Valentine\'s Rose', 'Be mine!', '8');
  1407. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('634', 'plant_valentinerose*5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#CC3399,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '47', '634', 'Purple Valentine Rose', 'For that special pixel', '8');
  1408. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('635', 'sofa_silo*2', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '48', '635', 'Two-Seater Sofa', 'Cushioned, understated comfort', '3');
  1409. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('636', 'sofachair_silo*2', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '48', '636', 'Armchair', 'Large, but worth it', '3');
  1410. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('637', 'table_silo_small*2', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '48', '637', 'Occasional Table', 'For those random moments', '1');
  1411. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('638', 'divider_silo3*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252', '1', '1', '1', '48', '638', 'Gate (lockable)', 'Form following function', '6');
  1412. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('639', 'divider_silo1*2', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '48', '639', 'Corner Shelf', 'Neat and natty', '3');
  1413. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('640', 'chair_silo*2', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '48', '640', 'Dining Chair', 'Keep it simple', '3');
  1414. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('641', 'safe_silo*2', '1', '1', '1', '1.20', '#ffffff,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '48', '641', 'Safe Minibar', 'Totally shatter-proof!', '3');
  1415. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('642', 'barchair_silo*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.90', '#ffffff,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '48', '642', 'Bar Stool', 'Practical and convenient', '3');
  1416. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('643', 'table_silo_med*2', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '48', '643', 'Coffee Table', 'Wipe clean and unobtrusive', '3');
  1417. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('644', 'sofa_silo*3', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '48', '644', 'Two-Seater Sofa', 'Cushioned, understated comfort', '3');
  1418. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('645', 'sofachair_silo*3', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '48', '645', 'Armchair', 'Large, but worth it', '3');
  1419. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('646', 'table_silo_small*3', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '48', '646', 'Occasional Table', 'For those random moments', '1');
  1420. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('647', 'divider_silo3*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFFFFF', '1', '1', '1', '48', '647', 'Gate (lockable)', 'Form following function', '6');
  1421. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('648', 'divider_silo1*3', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '48', '648', 'Corner Shelf', 'Neat and natty', '3');
  1422. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('649', 'chair_silo*3', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '48', '649', 'Dining Chair', 'Keep it simple', '3');
  1423. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('650', 'safe_silo*3', '1', '1', '1', '1.20', '#ffffff,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '48', '650', 'Safe Minibar', 'Totally shatter-proof!', '3');
  1424. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('651', 'barchair_silo*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.90', '#ffffff,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '48', '651', 'Bar Stool', 'Practical and convenient', '3');
  1425. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('652', 'table_silo_med*3', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '48', '652', 'Coffee Table', 'Wipe clean and unobtrusive', '3');
  1426. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('653', 'sofa_silo*4', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '653', 'Two-Seater Sofa', 'Cushioned, understated comfort', '3');
  1427. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('654', 'sofachair_silo*4', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '654', 'Armchair', 'Large, but worth it', '3');
  1428. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('655', 'table_silo_small*4', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '655', 'Occasional Table', 'For those random moments', '1');
  1429. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('656', 'divider_silo3*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC', '1', '1', '1', '48', '656', 'Gate (lockable)', 'Form following function', '6');
  1430. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('657', 'divider_silo1*4', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '657', 'Corner Shelf', 'Neat and natty', '3');
  1431. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('658', 'chair_silo*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '658', 'Dining Chair', 'Keep it simple', '3');
  1432. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('659', 'safe_silo*4', '1', '1', '1', '1.20', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '659', 'Safe Minibar', 'Totally shatter-proof!', '3');
  1433. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('660', 'barchair_silo*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.90', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '660', 'Bar Stool', 'Practical and convenient', '3');
  1434. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('661', 'table_silo_med*4', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '661', 'Coffee Table', 'Wipe clean and unobtrusive', '3');
  1435. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('662', 'sofa_silo*5', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#FF99BC,#FF99BC,#FF99BC,#FF99BC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '662', 'Two-Seater Sofa', 'Cushioned, understated comfort', '3');
  1436. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('663', 'sofachair_silo*5', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FF99BC,#FF99BC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '663', 'Armchair', 'Large, but worth it', '3');
  1437. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('664', 'table_silo_small*5', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#FF99BC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '664', 'Occasional Table', 'For those random moments', '1');
  1438. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('665', 'divider_silo3*5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#FF99BC', '1', '1', '1', '48', '665', 'Gate (lockable)', 'Form following function', '6');
  1439. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('666', 'divider_silo1*5', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#FF99BC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '666', 'Corner Shelf', 'Neat and natty', '3');
  1440. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('667', 'chair_silo*5', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FF99BC,#FF99BC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '667', 'Dining Chair', 'Keep it simple', '3');
  1441. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('668', 'safe_silo*5', '1', '1', '1', '1.20', '#ffffff,#FF99BC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '668', 'Safe Minibar', 'Totally shatter-proof!', '3');
  1442. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('669', 'barchair_silo*5', '1', '1', '1', '0.90', '#ffffff,#FF99BC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '669', 'Bar Stool', 'Practical and convenient', '3');
  1443. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('670', 'table_silo_med*5', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#FF99BC', '0', '1', '1', '48', '670', 'Coffee Table', 'Wipe clean and unobtrusive', '3');
  1444. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('671', 'sofa_silo*6', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '48', '671', 'Two-Seater Sofa', 'Cushioned, understated comfort', '3');
  1445. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('672', 'sofachair_silo*6', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '48', '672', 'Armchair', 'Large, but worth it', '3');
  1446. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('673', 'table_silo_small*6', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '48', '673', 'Occasional Table', 'For those random moments', '1');
  1447. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('674', 'divider_silo3*6', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8', '1', '1', '1', '48', '674', 'Gate (lockable)', 'Form following function', '6');
  1448. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('675', 'divider_silo1*6', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '48', '675', 'Corner Shelf', 'Neat and natty', '3');
  1449. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('676', 'chair_silo*6', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '48', '676', 'Dining Chair', 'Keep it simple', '3');
  1450. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('677', 'safe_silo*6', '1', '1', '1', '1.20', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '48', '677', 'Safe Minibar', 'Totally shatter-proof!', '3');
  1451. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('678', 'barchair_silo*6', '1', '1', '1', '0.90', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '48', '678', 'Bar Stool', 'Practical and convenient', '3');
  1452. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('679', 'table_silo_med*6', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '48', '679', 'Coffee Table', 'Wipe clean and unobtrusive', '3');
  1453. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('680', 'sofa_silo*7', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#92D13D,#92D13D,#92D13D,#92D13D', '0', '1', '1', '48', '680', 'Two-Seater Sofa', 'Cushioned, understated comfort', '3');
  1454. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('681', 'sofachair_silo*7', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#92D13D,#92D13D', '0', '1', '1', '48', '681', 'Armchair', 'Large, but worth it', '3');
  1455. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('682', 'table_silo_small*7', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#92D13D', '0', '1', '1', '48', '682', 'Occasional Table', 'For those random moments', '1');
  1456. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('683', 'divider_silo3*7', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#92D13D', '1', '1', '1', '48', '683', 'Gate (lockable)', 'Form following function', '6');
  1457. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('684', 'divider_silo1*7', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#92D13D', '0', '1', '1', '48', '684', 'Corner Shelf', 'Neat and natty', '3');
  1458. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('685', 'chair_silo*7', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#92D13D,#92D13D', '0', '1', '1', '48', '685', 'Dining Chair', 'Keep it simple', '3');
  1459. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('686', 'safe_silo*7', '1', '1', '1', '1.20', '#ffffff,#92D13D', '0', '1', '1', '48', '686', 'Safe Minibar', 'Totally shatter-proof!', '3');
  1460. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('687', 'barchair_silo*7', '1', '1', '1', '0.90', '#ffffff,#92D13D', '0', '1', '1', '48', '687', 'Bar Stool', 'Practical and convenient', '3');
  1461. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('688', 'table_silo_med*7', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#92D13D', '0', '1', '1', '48', '688', 'Coffee Table', 'Wipe clean and unobtrusive', '3');
  1462. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('689', 'sofa_silo*8', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '48', '689', 'Two-Seater Sofa', 'Cushioned, understated comfort', '3');
  1463. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('690', 'sofachair_silo*8', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '48', '690', 'Armchair', 'Large, but worth it', '3');
  1464. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('691', 'table_silo_small*8', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '48', '691', 'Occasional Table', 'For those random moments', '1');
  1465. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('692', 'divider_silo3*8', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837', '1', '1', '1', '48', '692', 'Gate (lockable)', 'Form following function', '6');
  1466. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('693', 'divider_silo1*8', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '48', '693', 'Corner Shelf', 'Neat and natty', '3');
  1467. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('694', 'chair_silo*8', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '48', '694', 'Dining Chair', 'Keep it simple', '3');
  1468. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('695', 'safe_silo*8', '1', '1', '1', '1.20', '#ffffff,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '48', '695', 'Safe Minibar', 'Totally shatter-proof!', '3');
  1469. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('696', 'barchair_silo*8', '1', '1', '1', '0.90', '#ffffff,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '48', '696', 'Bar Stool', 'Practical and convenient', '3');
  1470. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('697', 'table_silo_med*8', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '48', '697', 'Coffee Table', 'Wipe clean and unobtrusive', '3');
  1471. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('698', 'sofa_silo*9', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '48', '698', 'Two-Seater Sofa', 'Cushioned, understated comfort', '3');
  1472. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('699', 'sofachair_silo*9', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '48', '699', 'Armchair', 'Large, but worth it', '3');
  1473. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('700', 'table_silo_small*9', '1', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '48', '700', 'Occasional Table', 'For those random moments', '1');
  1474. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('701', 'divider_silo3*9', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218', '1', '1', '1', '48', '701', 'Gate (lockable)', 'Form following function', '6');
  1475. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('702', 'divider_silo1*9', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '48', '702', 'Corner Shelf', 'Neat and natty', '3');
  1476. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('703', 'chair_silo*9', '2', '1', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '48', '703', 'Dining Chair', 'Keep it simple', '3');
  1477. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('704', 'safe_silo*9', '1', '1', '1', '1.20', '#ffffff,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '48', '704', 'Safe Minibar', 'Totally shatter-proof!', '3');
  1478. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('705', 'barchair_silo*9', '1', '1', '1', '0.90', '#ffffff,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '48', '705', 'Bar Stool', 'Practical and convenient', '3');
  1479. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('706', 'table_silo_med*9', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '48', '706', 'Coffee Table', 'Wipe clean and unobtrusive', '3');
  1480. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('707', 'chair_norja*2', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '49', '707', 'Chair', 'Sleek and chic for each cheek', '3');
  1481. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('708', 'couch_norja*2', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '49', '708', 'Bench', 'Two can perch comfortably', '3');
  1482. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('709', 'table_norja_med*2', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '49', '709', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '3');
  1483. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('710', 'shelves_norja*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '49', '710', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco books', '3');
  1484. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('711', 'soft_sofachair_norja*2', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '49', '711', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '3');
  1485. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('712', 'soft_sofa_norja*2', '2', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#525252,#ffffff,#525252,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '49', '712', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '4');
  1486. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('713', 'divider_nor2*2', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '49', '713', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '3');
  1487. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('714', 'divider_nor1*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '49', '714', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '3');
  1488. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('715', 'divider_nor3*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252', '1', '1', '1', '49', '715', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '6');
  1489. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('716', 'divider_nor4*2', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252,#525252,#525252', '1', '1', '1', '49', '716', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '3');
  1490. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('717', 'divider_nor5*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#525252,#525252,#525252,#525252,#525252', '1', '1', '1', '49', '717', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '3');
  1491. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('718', 'chair_norja*3', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '49', '718', 'Chair', 'Sleek and chic for each cheek', '3');
  1492. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('719', 'couch_norja*3', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '49', '719', 'Bench', 'Two can perch comfortably', '3');
  1493. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('720', 'table_norja_med*3', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '49', '720', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '3');
  1494. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('721', 'shelves_norja*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '49', '721', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco books', '3');
  1495. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('722', 'soft_sofachair_norja*3', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '49', '722', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '3');
  1496. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('723', 'soft_sofa_norja*3', '2', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '49', '723', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '4');
  1497. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('724', 'divider_nor2*3', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '49', '724', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '3');
  1498. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('725', 'divider_nor1*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '49', '725', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '3');
  1499. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('726', 'divider_nor3*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '1', '1', '1', '49', '726', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '6');
  1500. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('727', 'divider_nor4*3', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '1', '1', '1', '49', '727', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '3');
  1501. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('728', 'divider_nor5*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '1', '1', '1', '49', '728', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '3');
  1502. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('729', 'chair_norja*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2', '0', '1', '1', '49', '729', 'Chair', 'Sleek and chic for each cheek', '3');
  1503. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('730', 'couch_norja*4', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2', '0', '1', '1', '49', '730', 'Bench', 'Two can perch comfortably', '3');
  1504. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('731', 'table_norja_med*4', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#ABD0D2', '0', '1', '1', '49', '731', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '3');
  1505. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('732', 'shelves_norja*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ABD0D2', '0', '1', '1', '49', '732', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco books', '3');
  1506. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('733', 'soft_sofachair_norja*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2', '0', '1', '1', '49', '733', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '3');
  1507. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('734', 'soft_sofa_norja*4', '2', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2', '0', '1', '1', '49', '734', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '4');
  1508. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('735', 'divider_nor2*4', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2', '0', '1', '1', '49', '735', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '3');
  1509. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('736', 'divider_nor1*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ABD0D2', '0', '1', '1', '49', '736', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '3');
  1510. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('737', 'divider_nor3*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2', '1', '1', '1', '49', '737', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '6');
  1511. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('738', 'divider_nor4*4', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2', '1', '1', '1', '49', '738', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '3');
  1512. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('739', 'divider_nor5*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2', '1', '1', '1', '49', '739', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '3');
  1513. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('740', 'chair_norja*5', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4', '0', '1', '1', '49', '740', 'Chair', 'Sleek and chic for each cheek', '3');
  1514. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('741', 'couch_norja*5', '2', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4', '0', '1', '1', '49', '741', 'Bench', 'Two can perch comfortably', '3');
  1515. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('742', 'table_norja_med*5', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#EE7EA4', '0', '1', '1', '49', '742', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '3');
  1516. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('743', 'shelves_norja*5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#EE7EA4', '0', '1', '1', '49', '743', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco books', '3');
  1517. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('744', 'soft_sofachair_norja*5', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4', '0', '1', '1', '49', '744', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '3');
  1518. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('745', 'soft_sofa_norja*5', '2', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4', '0', '1', '1', '49', '745', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '4');
  1519. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('746', 'divider_nor2*5', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4', '0', '1', '1', '49', '746', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '3');
  1520. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('747', 'divider_nor1*5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#EE7EA4', '0', '1', '1', '49', '747', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '3');
  1521. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('748', 'divider_nor3*5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4', '1', '1', '1', '49', '748', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '6');
  1522. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('749', 'divider_nor4*5', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4', '1', '1', '1', '49', '749', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '3');
  1523. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('750', 'divider_nor5*5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4,#EE7EA4', '1', '1', '1', '49', '750', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '3');
  1524. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('751', 'chair_norja*6', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '49', '751', 'Chair', 'Sleek and chic for each cheek', '3');
  1525. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('752', 'couch_norja*6', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '49', '752', 'Bench', 'Two can perch comfortably', '3');
  1526. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('753', 'table_norja_med*6', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '49', '753', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '3');
  1527. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('754', 'shelves_norja*6', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '49', '754', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco books', '3');
  1528. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('755', 'soft_sofachair_norja*6', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '49', '755', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '3');
  1529. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('756', 'soft_sofa_norja*6', '2', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '49', '756', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '4');
  1530. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('757', 'divider_nor2*6', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '49', '757', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '3');
  1531. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('758', 'divider_nor1*6', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '49', '758', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '3');
  1532. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('759', 'divider_nor3*6', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '1', '1', '1', '49', '759', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '6');
  1533. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('760', 'divider_nor4*6', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '1', '1', '1', '49', '760', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '3');
  1534. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('761', 'divider_nor5*6', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '1', '1', '1', '49', '761', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '3');
  1535. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('762', 'chair_norja*7', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '49', '762', 'Chair', 'Sleek and chic for each cheek', '3');
  1536. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('763', 'couch_norja*7', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135,#7CB135,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '49', '763', 'Bench', 'Two can perch comfortably', '3');
  1537. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('764', 'table_norja_med*7', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '49', '764', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '3');
  1538. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('765', 'shelves_norja*7', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '49', '765', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco books', '3');
  1539. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('766', 'soft_sofachair_norja*7', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '49', '766', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '3');
  1540. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('767', 'soft_sofa_norja*7', '2', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#7CB135,#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '49', '767', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '4');
  1541. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('768', 'divider_nor2*7', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '49', '768', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '3');
  1542. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('769', 'divider_nor1*7', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '49', '769', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '3');
  1543. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('770', 'divider_nor3*7', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135', '1', '1', '1', '49', '770', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '6');
  1544. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('771', 'divider_nor4*7', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135,#7CB135,#7CB135', '1', '1', '1', '49', '771', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '3');
  1545. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('772', 'divider_nor5*7', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135,#7CB135,#7CB135,#7CB135', '1', '1', '1', '49', '772', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '3');
  1546. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('773', 'chair_norja*8', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '49', '773', 'Chair', 'Sleek and chic for each cheek', '3');
  1547. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('774', 'couch_norja*8', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '49', '774', 'Bench', 'Two can perch comfortably', '3');
  1548. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('775', 'table_norja_med*8', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '49', '775', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '3');
  1549. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('776', 'shelves_norja*8', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '49', '776', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco books', '3');
  1550. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('777', 'soft_sofachair_norja*8', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '49', '777', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '3');
  1551. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('778', 'soft_sofa_norja*8', '2', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#FFD837,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '49', '778', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '4');
  1552. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('779', 'divider_nor2*8', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '49', '779', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '3');
  1553. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('780', 'divider_nor1*8', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '49', '780', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '3');
  1554. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('781', 'divider_nor3*8', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837', '1', '1', '1', '49', '781', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '6');
  1555. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('782', 'divider_nor4*8', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFD837', '1', '1', '1', '49', '782', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '3');
  1556. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('783', 'divider_nor5*8', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFD837', '1', '1', '1', '49', '783', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '3');
  1557. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('784', 'chair_norja*9', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '49', '784', 'Chair', 'Sleek and chic for each cheek', '3');
  1558. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('785', 'couch_norja*9', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '49', '785', 'Bench', 'Two can perch comfortably', '3');
  1559. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('786', 'table_norja_med*9', '1', '2', '2', '0.90', '#ffffff,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '49', '786', 'Coffee Table', 'Elegance embodied', '3');
  1560. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('787', 'shelves_norja*9', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '49', '787', 'Bookcase', 'For nic naks and art deco books', '3');
  1561. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('788', 'soft_sofachair_norja*9', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '49', '788', 'iced sofachair', 'Soft iced sofachair', '3');
  1562. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('789', 'soft_sofa_norja*9', '2', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#E14218,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '49', '789', 'iced sofa', 'A soft iced sofa', '4');
  1563. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('790', 'divider_nor2*9', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '49', '790', 'Ice Bar-Desk', 'Strong, yet soft looking', '3');
  1564. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('791', 'divider_nor1*9', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '49', '791', 'Ice Corner', 'Looks squishy, but isn\'t', '3');
  1565. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('792', 'divider_nor3*9', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218', '1', '1', '1', '49', '792', 'Door (Lockable)', 'Do go through...', '6');
  1566. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('793', 'divider_nor4*9', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218,#E14218,#E14218', '1', '1', '1', '49', '793', 'Iced Auto Shutter', 'Habbos, roll out!', '3');
  1567. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('794', 'divider_nor5*9', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218,#E14218,#E14218,#E14218', '1', '1', '1', '49', '794', 'Iced Angle', 'Cool cornering for you!', '3');
  1568. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('795', 'bed_polyfon*2', '3', '2', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '50', '795', 'Double Bed', 'Give yourself space to stretch out', '4');
  1569. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('796', 'bed_polyfon_one*2', '3', '1', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '50', '796', 'Single Bed', 'Cot of the artistic', '3');
  1570. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('797', 'sofa_polyfon*2', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '50', '797', 'Two-seater Sofa', 'Comfort for stylish couples', '4');
  1571. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('798', 'sofachair_polyfon*2', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '50', '798', 'Armchair', 'Loft-style comfort', '3');
  1572. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('799', 'divider_poly3*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252', '1', '1', '1', '50', '799', 'Hatch (Lockable)', 'All bars should have one', '6');
  1573. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('800', 'bardesk_polyfon*2', '1', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '50', '800', 'Bar/desk', 'Perfect for work or play', '3');
  1574. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('801', 'bardeskcorner_polyfon*2', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '50', '801', 'Corner Cabinet/Desk', 'Tuck it away', '3');
  1575. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('802', 'bed_polyfon*3', '3', '2', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '50', '802', 'Double Bed', 'Give yourself space to stretch out', '4');
  1576. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('803', 'bed_polyfon_one*3', '3', '1', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '50', '803', 'Single Bed', 'Cot of the artistic', '3');
  1577. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('804', 'sofa_polyfon*3', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '50', '804', 'Two-seater Sofa', 'Comfort for stylish couples', '4');
  1578. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('805', 'sofachair_polyfon*3', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '50', '805', 'Armchair', 'Loft-style comfort', '3');
  1579. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('806', 'divider_poly3*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '1', '1', '1', '50', '806', 'Hatch (Lockable)', 'All bars should have one', '6');
  1580. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('807', 'bardesk_polyfon*3', '1', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '50', '807', 'Bar/desk', 'Perfect for work or play', '3');
  1581. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('808', 'bardeskcorner_polyfon*3', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '50', '808', 'Corner Cabinet/Desk', 'Tuck it away', '3');
  1582. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('809', 'bed_polyfon*4', '3', '2', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '50', '809', 'Double Bed', 'Give yourself space to stretch out', '4');
  1583. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('810', 'bed_polyfon_one*4', '3', '1', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '50', '810', 'Single Bed', 'Cot of the artistic', '3');
  1584. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('811', 'sofa_polyfon*4', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '50', '811', 'Two-seater Sofa', 'Comfort for stylish couples', '4');
  1585. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('812', 'sofachair_polyfon*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '50', '812', 'Armchair', 'Loft-style comfort', '3');
  1586. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('813', 'divider_poly3*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '1', '1', '1', '50', '813', 'Hatch (Lockable)', 'All bars should have one', '6');
  1587. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('814', 'bardesk_polyfon*4', '1', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '50', '814', 'Bar/desk', 'Perfect for work or play', '3');
  1588. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('815', 'bardeskcorner_polyfon*4', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#F7EBBC', '0', '1', '1', '50', '815', 'Corner Cabinet/Desk', 'Tuck it away', '3');
  1589. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('816', 'bed_polyfon*6', '3', '2', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '50', '816', 'Double Bed', 'Give yourself space to stretch out', '4');
  1590. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('817', 'bed_polyfon_one*6', '3', '1', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '50', '817', 'Single Bed', 'Cot of the artistic', '3');
  1591. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('818', 'sofa_polyfon*6', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '50', '818', 'Two-seater Sofa', 'Comfort for stylish couples', '4');
  1592. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('819', 'sofachair_polyfon*6', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '50', '819', 'Armchair', 'Loft-style comfort', '3');
  1593. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('820', 'divider_poly3*6', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '1', '1', '1', '50', '820', 'Hatch (Lockable)', 'All bars should have one', '6');
  1594. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('821', 'bardesk_polyfon*6', '1', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '50', '821', 'Bar/desk', 'Perfect for work or play', '3');
  1595. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('822', 'bardeskcorner_polyfon*6', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#5EAAF8', '0', '1', '1', '50', '822', 'Corner Cabinet/Desk', 'Tuck it away', '3');
  1596. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('823', 'bed_polyfon*7', '3', '2', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '50', '823', 'Double Bed', 'Give yourself space to stretch out', '4');
  1597. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('824', 'bed_polyfon_one*7', '3', '1', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '50', '824', 'Single Bed', 'Cot of the artistic', '3');
  1598. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('825', 'sofa_polyfon*7', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135,#7CB135,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '50', '825', 'Two-seater Sofa', 'Comfort for stylish couples', '4');
  1599. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('826', 'sofachair_polyfon*7', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '50', '826', 'Armchair', 'Loft-style comfort', '3');
  1600. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('827', 'divider_poly3*7', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135', '1', '1', '1', '50', '827', 'Hatch (Lockable)', 'All bars should have one', '6');
  1601. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('828', 'bardesk_polyfon*7', '1', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#7CB135,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '50', '828', 'Bar/desk', 'Perfect for work or play', '3');
  1602. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('829', 'bardeskcorner_polyfon*7', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#7CB135', '0', '1', '1', '50', '829', 'Corner Cabinet/Desk', 'Tuck it away', '3');
  1603. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('830', 'bed_polyfon*8', '3', '2', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '50', '830', 'Double Bed', 'Give yourself space to stretch out', '4');
  1604. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('831', 'bed_polyfon_one*8', '3', '1', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '50', '831', 'Single Bed', 'Cot of the artistic', '3');
  1605. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('832', 'sofa_polyfon*8', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '50', '832', 'Two-seater Sofa', 'Comfort for stylish couples', '4');
  1606. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('833', 'sofachair_polyfon*8', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '50', '833', 'Armchair', 'Loft-style comfort', '3');
  1607. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('834', 'divider_poly3*8', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837', '1', '1', '1', '50', '834', 'Hatch (Lockable)', 'All bars should have one', '6');
  1608. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('835', 'bardesk_polyfon*8', '1', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '50', '835', 'Bar/desk', 'Perfect for work or play', '3');
  1609. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('836', 'bardeskcorner_polyfon*8', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '50', '836', 'Corner Cabinet/Desk', 'Tuck it away', '3');
  1610. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('837', 'bed_polyfon*9', '3', '2', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '50', '837', 'Double Bed', 'Give yourself space to stretch out', '4');
  1611. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('838', 'bed_polyfon_one*9', '3', '1', '3', '2.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '50', '838', 'Single Bed', 'Cot of the artistic', '3');
  1612. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('839', 'sofa_polyfon*9', '2', '2', '1', '1.10', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '50', '839', 'Two-seater Sofa', 'Comfort for stylish couples', '4');
  1613. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('840', 'sofachair_polyfon*9', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '50', '840', 'Armchair', 'Loft-style comfort', '3');
  1614. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('841', 'divider_poly3*9', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218', '1', '1', '1', '50', '841', 'Hatch (Lockable)', 'All bars should have one', '6');
  1615. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('842', 'bardesk_polyfon*9', '1', '2', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '50', '842', 'Bar/desk', 'Perfect for work or play', '3');
  1616. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('843', 'bardeskcorner_polyfon*9', '1', '1', '1', '1.00', '#ffffff,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '50', '843', 'Corner Cabinet/Desk', 'Tuck it away', '3');
  1617. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('844', 'pura_mdl1*1', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '844', 'Aqua Pura module 1', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1618. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('845', 'pura_mdl2*1', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#ABD0D2,#ABD0D2,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '845', 'Aqua Pura module 2', 'Endless fun!', '2');
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  1621. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('848', 'pura_mdl5*1', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#ABD0D2,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '848', 'Aqua Pura module 5', 'Endless fun!', '1');
  1622. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('849', 'pura_mdl1*2', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FF99BC,#FF99BC,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '849', 'Pink Pura module 1', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1623. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('850', 'pura_mdl2*2', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FF99BC,#FF99BC,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '850', 'Pink Pura module 2', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1624. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('851', 'pura_mdl3*2', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FF99BC,#FF99BC,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '851', 'Pink Pura module 3', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1625. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('852', 'pura_mdl4*2', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FF99BC,#FF99BC,#FF99BC', '0', '1', '1', '51', '852', 'Pink Pura module 4', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1626. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('853', 'pura_mdl5*2', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FF99BC,#FF99BC,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '853', 'Pink Pura module 5', 'Endless fun!', '1');
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  1628. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('855', 'pura_mdl2*3', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#525252,#525252,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '855', 'Black Pura module 2', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1629. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('856', 'pura_mdl3*3', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#525252,#525252,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '856', 'Black Pura module 3', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1630. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('857', 'pura_mdl4*3', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#525252,#525252,#525252', '0', '1', '1', '51', '857', 'Black Pura module 4', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1631. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('858', 'pura_mdl5*3', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#525252,#525252,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '858', 'Black Pura module 5', 'Endless fun!', '1');
  1632. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('859', 'pura_mdl1*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '859', 'White Pura module 1', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1633. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('860', 'pura_mdl2*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '860', 'White Pura module 2', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1634. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('861', 'pura_mdl3*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '861', 'White Pura module 3', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1635. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('862', 'pura_mdl4*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '862', 'White Pura module 4', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1636. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('863', 'pura_mdl5*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '863', 'White Pura module 5', 'Endless fun!', '1');
  1637. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('864', 'pura_mdl1*5', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '864', 'Beige Pura module 1', 'Endless fun!', '2');
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  1639. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('866', 'pura_mdl3*5', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#F7EBBC,#F7EBBC,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '866', 'Beige Pura module 3', 'Endless fun!', '2');
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  1643. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('870', 'pura_mdl2*6', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '870', 'Blue Pura module 2', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1644. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('871', 'pura_mdl3*6', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '871', 'Blue Pura module 3', 'Endless fun!', '2');
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  1646. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('873', 'pura_mdl5*6', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#5EAAF8,#5EAAF8,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '873', 'Blue Pura module 5', 'Endless fun!', '1');
  1647. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('874', 'pura_mdl1*7', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#92D13D,#92D13D,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '874', 'Green Pura module 1', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1648. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('875', 'pura_mdl2*7', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#92D13D,#92D13D,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '875', 'Green Pura module 2', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1649. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('876', 'pura_mdl3*7', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#92D13D,#92D13D,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '876', 'Green Pura module 3', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1650. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('877', 'pura_mdl4*7', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#92D13D,#92D13D,#92D13D', '0', '1', '1', '51', '877', 'Green Pura module 4', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1651. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('878', 'pura_mdl5*7', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#92D13D,#92D13D,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '878', 'Green Pura module 5', 'Endless fun!', '1');
  1652. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('879', 'pura_mdl1*8', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '879', 'Yellow Pura module 1', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1653. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('880', 'pura_mdl2*8', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '880', 'Yellow Pura module 2', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1654. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('881', 'pura_mdl3*8', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '881', 'Yellow Pura module 3', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1655. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('882', 'pura_mdl4*8', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFD837', '0', '1', '1', '51', '882', 'Yellow Pura module 4', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1656. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('883', 'pura_mdl5*8', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFD837,#FFD837,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '883', 'Yellow Pura module 5', 'Endless fun!', '1');
  1657. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('884', 'pura_mdl1*9', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#E14218,#E14218,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '884', 'Red Pura module 1', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1658. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('885', 'pura_mdl2*9', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#E14218,#E14218,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '885', 'Red Pura module 2', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1659. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('886', 'pura_mdl3*9', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#E14218,#E14218,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '886', 'Red Pura module 3', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1660. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('887', 'pura_mdl4*9', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#E14218,#E14218,#E14218', '0', '1', '1', '51', '887', 'Red Pura module 4', 'Endless fun!', '2');
  1661. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('888', 'pura_mdl5*9', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#E14218,#E14218,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '888', 'Red Pura module 5', 'Endless fun!', '1');
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  1666. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('893', 'chair_basic*1', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#F7EBBC,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '893', 'Beige Retro Chair', 'Sitback and relax', '5');
  1667. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('894', 'chair_basic*1', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#5EAAF8,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '894', 'Blue Retro Chair', 'Sitback and relax', '5');
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  1669. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('896', 'chair_basic*1', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFD837,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '896', 'Yellow Retro Chair', 'Sitback and relax', '5');
  1670. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('897', 'chair_basic*1', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#E14218,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '51', '897', 'Red Retro Chair', 'Sitback and relax', '5');
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  1681. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('908', 'romantique_divider*2', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#A1DC67,#A1DC67,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '52', '908', 'Green Screen', 'Keeping things separated', '6');
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  1685. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('912', 'romantique_chair*3', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#5BD1D2,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '52', '912', 'Turquoise Chair', 'null', '5');
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  1687. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('914', 'romantique_divider*3', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#5BD1D2,#5BD1D2,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '52', '914', 'Turquoise Screen', 'Keeping things separated', '6');
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  1690. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('917', 'romantique_pianochair*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFC924,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '52', '917', 'Amber Piano Stool', 'I can feel air coming through...', '2');
  1691. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('918', 'romantique_chair*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFC924,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '52', '918', 'Amber Chair', 'What does this button do?', '5');
  1692. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('919', 'romantique_divan*4', '2', '2', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFC924', '0', '1', '1', '52', '919', 'Amber Chaise-Longue', 'Is that a cape hanging there?', '6');
  1693. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('920', 'romantique_divider*4', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '#FFC924,#FFC924,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '52', '920', 'Ochre Screen', 'Keeping things separated', '6');
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  1696. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('923', 'romantique_pianochair*5', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FFFFFF,#323C46,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '52', '923', 'Onyx Piano Stool', 'I can feel air coming through...', '2');
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  1706. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('933', 'hcamme', '2', '1', '2', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '933', 'Tubmaster', 'Time for a soak', '25');
  1707. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('934', 'doorD', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '934', 'Imperial Teleport', 'Let\'s go over tzar!', '25');
  1708. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('935', 'hcsohva', '2', '2', '1', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '935', 'Throne Sofa', 'For royal bottoms...', '25');
  1709. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('936', 'hc_lmp', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '936', 'Oil Lamp', 'Be enlightened', '25');
  1710. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('937', 'hc_tbl', '1', '1', '3', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '937', 'Nordic Table', 'Perfect for banquets', '25');
  1711. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('938', 'hc_chr', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '938', 'Majestic Chair', 'Royal comfort', '25');
  1712. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('939', 'hc_dsk', '1', '1', '2', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '939', 'Study Desk', 'For Habbo scholars', '25');
  1713. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('940', 'hc_trll', '1', '1', '2', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '940', 'Drinks Trolley', 'For swanky dinners only', '25');
  1714. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('941', 'hc_crpt', '4', '3', '5', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '941', 'Persian Carpet', 'Ultimate craftsmanship', '25');
  1715. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('942', 'hc_lmpst', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '942', 'Victorian Street Light', 'Somber and atmospheric', '25');
  1716. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('943', 'hc_crtn', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '1', '1', '1', '53', '943', 'Antique Drapery', 'Topnotch privacy protection', '25');
  1717. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('944', 'hc_tv', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '944', 'Mega TV Set', 'Forget plasma, go HC!', '25');
  1718. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('945', 'hc_btlr', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '945', 'Electric Butler', 'Your personal caretaker', '25');
  1719. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('946', 'hc_bkshlf', '1', '1', '4', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '946', 'Medieval Bookcase', 'For the scholarly ones', '25');
  1720. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('947', 'hc_rntgn', '1', '2', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '947', 'X-Ray Divider', 'Believe it or not!', '25');
  1721. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('948', 'hc_machine', '1', '1', '3', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '948', 'Weird Science Machine', 'By and for mad inventors', '25');
  1722. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('949', 'hc_frplc', '1', '1', '3', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '949', 'Heavy Duty Fireplace', 'Pixel-powered for maximum heating', '25');
  1723. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('950', 'hc_djset', '1', '3', '1', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '950', 'The Grammophon', 'Very old skool scratch\'n\'spin', '25');
  1724. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('951', 'hc_wall_lamp', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '53', '951', 'Retro Wall Lamp', 'Tres chic!', '25');
  1725. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('952', 'roomdimmer', '0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '54', '952', 'Moodlight', 'Turn this off when you\'re gonna bend her over', '25');
  1726. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('953', 'rare_dragonlamp*0', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#fa2d00,#fa2d00', '0', '1', '1', '55', '953', 'Fire Dragon Lamp', 'George and the...', '25');
  1727. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('954', 'rare_dragonlamp*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#3470ff,#3470ff', '0', '1', '1', '55', '954', 'Sea Dragon Lamp', 'Out of the deep blue!', '25');
  1728. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('955', 'rare_dragonlamp*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#02bb70,#02bb70', '0', '1', '1', '55', '955', 'Jade Dragon Lamp', 'Oriental beast of legends', '25');
  1729. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('956', 'rare_dragonlamp*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '0', '1', '1', '55', '956', 'Silver Dragon Lamp', 'Scary and scorching!', '25');
  1730. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('957', 'rare_dragonlamp*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#3e3d40,#3e3d40', '0', '1', '1', '55', '957', 'Serpent of Doom', 'Scary and scorching!', '25');
  1731. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('958', 'rare_dragonlamp*5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#589a03,#589a03', '0', '1', '1', '55', '958', 'Elf Green Dragon Lamp', 'Roast your chestnuts here!', '25');
  1732. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('959', 'rare_dragonlamp*6', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffbc00,#ffbc00', '0', '1', '1', '55', '959', 'Gold Dragon Lamp', 'Scary and scorching!', '25');
  1733. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('960', 'rare_dragonlamp*7', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#83aeff,#83aeff', '0', '1', '1', '55', '960', 'Sky Dragon Lamp', 'Scary and scorching!', '25');
  1734. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('961', 'rare_dragonlamp*8', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ff5f01,#ff5f01', '0', '1', '1', '55', '961', 'Bronze Dragon Lamp', 'Scary and scorching!', '25');
  1735. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('962', 'rare_dragonlamp*9', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#B357FF,#B357FF', '0', '1', '1', '55', '962', 'Purple Dragon Lamp', 'Scary and scorching!', '25');
  1736. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('963', 'rare_fan*0', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#F43100,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '56', '963', 'Festive Fan', 'As red as Rudolph\'s nose', '25');
  1737. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('964', 'rare_fan*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#3C75FF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '56', '964', 'Blue Powered Fan', 'It\'ll blow you away!', '25');
  1738. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('965', 'rare_fan*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#55CD01,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '56', '965', 'Green Powered Fan', 'It\'ll blow you away!', '25');
  1739. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('966', 'rare_fan*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#BC9BFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '56', '966', 'Purple Powered Fan', 'It\'ll blow you away!', '25');
  1740. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('967', 'rare_fan*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#e78b8b,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '56', '967', 'SUPERLOVE Fan', 'Fanning the fires of SUPERLOVE...', '25');
  1741. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('968', 'rare_fan*5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffcc00,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '56', '968', 'Yellow Powered Fan', 'It\'ll blow you away!', '25');
  1742. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('969', 'rare_fan*6', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FF8000,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '56', '969', 'Ochre Powered Fan', 'It\'ll blow you away!', '25');
  1743. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('970', 'rare_fan*7', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#682B00,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '56', '970', 'Brown Powered Fan', 'It\'ll blow you away!', '25');
  1744. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('971', 'rare_fan*8', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '56', '971', 'Habbo Wind Turbine', 'Stylish, Eco-Energy!', '25');
  1745. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('972', 'rare_fan*9', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FF60B0,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF', '0', '1', '1', '56', '972', 'Fucsia Powered Fan', 'It\'ll blow you away!', '25');
  1746. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('973', 'rare_icecream*0', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#d02a1f', '0', '1', '1', '57', '973', 'Cherry Ice Cream', 'Virtual cherry rocks!', '25');
  1747. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('974', 'rare_icecream*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#55c4de', '0', '1', '1', '57', '974', 'Blueberry Ice Cream', 'Virtual blueberry rocks!', '25');
  1748. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('975', 'rare_icecream*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#94f718', '0', '1', '1', '57', '975', 'Pistachio Ice Cream', 'Virtual pistachio rocks!', '25');
  1749. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('976', 'rare_icecream*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#B357FF', '0', '1', '1', '57', '976', 'Blackcurrant Ice Cream', 'Virtual blackcurrant rocks!', '25');
  1750. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('977', 'rare_icecream*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#e78b8b', '0', '1', '1', '57', '977', 'Strawberry Ice Cream', 'Virtual strawberry rocks!', '25');
  1751. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('978', 'rare_icecream*5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#E1CC00', '0', '1', '1', '57', '978', 'Vanilla Ice Cream', 'Virtual vanilla rocks!', '25');
  1752. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('979', 'rare_icecream*6', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#FF8000', '0', '1', '1', '57', '979', 'Toffee Ice Cream', 'Virtual toffee rocks!', '25');
  1753. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('980', 'rare_icecream*7', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#97420C', '0', '1', '1', '57', '980', 'Chocolate Ice Cream', 'Virtual chocolate rocks!', '25');
  1754. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('981', 'rare_icecream*8', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#00E5E2', '0', '1', '1', '57', '981', 'Peppermint Ice Cream', 'Virtual peppermint rocks!', '25');
  1755. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('982', 'rare_icecream*9', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#FFFFFF,#FF60B0', '0', '1', '1', '57', '982', 'Bubblegum Ice Cream', 'Virtual bubblegum rocks!', '25');
  1756. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('983', 'rubberchair*1', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#0080FF,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '58', '983', 'Blue Inflatable Chair', 'Soft and stylish HC chair', '25');
  1757. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('984', 'rubberchair*2', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FF8B8B,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '58', '984', 'Pink Inflatable Chair', 'Soft and tearproof!', '25');
  1758. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('985', 'rubberchair*3', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#FF8000,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '58', '985', 'Orange Inflatable Chair', 'Soft and tearproof!', '25');
  1759. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('986', 'rubberchair*4', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#00E5E2,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '58', '986', 'Ocean Inflatable Chair', 'Soft and tearproof!', '25');
  1760. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('987', 'rubberchair*5', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#A1DC67,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '58', '987', 'Lime Inflatable Chair', 'Soft and tearproof!', '25');
  1761. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('988', 'rubberchair*6', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#B357FF,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '58', '988', 'Violet Inflatable Chair', 'Soft and tearproof!', '25');
  1762. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('989', 'rubberchair*7', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#CFCFCF,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '58', '989', 'White Inflatable Chair', 'Soft and tearproof!', '25');
  1763. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('990', 'rubberchair*8', '2', '1', '1', '1.00', '#333333,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '58', '990', 'Black Inflatable Chair', 'Soft and tearproof for HC!', '25');
  1764. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('991', 'scifiport*0', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#F43100,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#F43100', '1', '1', '1', '59', '991', 'Red Laser Door', 'Energy beams. No trespassers!', '25');
  1765. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('992', 'scifiport*1', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffbc00,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffbc00', '1', '1', '1', '59', '992', 'Gold Laser Gate', 'Energy beams. No trespassers!', '25');
  1766. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('993', 'scifiport*2', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#5599ff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#5599ff', '1', '1', '1', '59', '993', 'Blue Laser Gate', 'Get in the ring!', '25');
  1767. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('994', 'scifiport*3', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#02bb70,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#02bb70', '1', '1', '1', '59', '994', 'Jade Sci-Fi Port', 'Energy beams. No trespassers!', '25');
  1768. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('995', 'scifiport*4', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#e78b8b,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#e78b8b', '1', '1', '1', '59', '995', 'Pink Sci-Fi Port', 'Energy beams. No trespassers!', '25');
  1769. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('996', 'scifiport*5', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#555555,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#555555', '1', '1', '1', '59', '996', 'Security Fence', 'Recovered from Roswell', '25');
  1770. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('997', 'scifiport*6', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff', '1', '1', '1', '59', '997', 'White Sci-Fi Port', 'Energy beams. No trespassers!', '25');
  1771. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('998', 'scifiport*7', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#00cccc,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#00cccc', '1', '1', '1', '59', '998', 'Turquoise Sci-Fi Port', 'Energy beams. No trespassers!', '25');
  1772. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('999', 'scifiport*8', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#bb55cc,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#bb55cc', '1', '1', '1', '59', '999', 'Purple Sci-Fi Port', 'Energy beams. No trespassers!', '25');
  1773. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('1000', 'scifiport*9', '1', '1', '1', '0.00', '#ffffff,#B357FF,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#B357FF', '1', '1', '1', '59', '1000', 'Violet Sci-Fi Port', 'Energy beams. No trespassers!', '25');
  1774. INSERT INTO `catalogue_items` VALUES ('1001', 'song_disk', '1', '1', '1', '0.20', '0,0,0', '0', '1', '1', '-1', '0', '', '', '0');
  1775. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('1', '1', 'Frontpage', 'Frontpage', 'ctlg_frontpage2', 'catal_fp_header', 'catal_fp_pic4,catal_fp_pic5,', 'Need some Furni for your Habbo room? Well, you?re in the right place! This Catalogue is packed FULL of funky Furni, just click the tabs on the right to browse.<br><br>We regularly add and remove Furni, so check back regularly for new items.', 's:Need some Funky Furni for your Habbo room?', 't1:You need Habbo Credits to buy Furni for your room, click the Purse at the bottom of your screen for more information about Credits.');
  1776. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('5', '1', 'no rares', 'Rare', 'ctlg_norares', 'catalog_rares_headline1', 'ctlg_norare_char1,', 'There isn\'t a rare item to buy at the moment, but it\'s coming soon! Please don\'t email us about it - we\'re keeping it secret...<br>', '', '');
  1777. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('6', '7', 'Rare', 'Rare', 'ctlg_productpage1', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'It\'s Spring, and it\'s the best time to stock up on Parasols! Go get your Green Parasol Now!:', 's:Only for 2 weeks!!!', '');
  1778. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('7', '1', 'Spaces', 'Spaces', 'ctlg_spaces', 'catalog_spaces_headline1', null, 'Are your walls looking a little grey? What you need is a splash of paint and this is the place to get it! <br><br>A splash of colour on the walls and a nice carpet can make all the difference. Use our virtual room below to test out the combinations before you buy.', 't1:Wall\rt2:Floor\rt3:Pattern\rt4:Colour\rt5:Pattern\rt6:Colour\rt7:Preview', null);
  1779. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('8', '1', 'Pets', 'Pets', 'ctlg_pets', 'catalog_pet_headline1', 'catalog_pets_teaser1,', 'Fluff, scales and whiskers, meows, snaps and woofs! Anyone can have a pet on Habbo! Select your new pet from our ever changing selection, just click to page two then click back, to see more pets!', 'u:Pets2', 'Adopt a Pet today!');
  1780. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('9', '1', 'Pet Accesories', 'Pet Accessories', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_pet_headline2', 'ctlg_pet_teaser1,', 'You\'ll need to take care of your pet to keep it happy and healthy. This section of the Catalogue has EVERYTHING you?ll need to satisfy your pet?s needs.', 's:You\'ll have to share it!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1781. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('10', '1', 'Area', 'Area', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_area_headline1', 'catalog_area_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Area Collection... Clean, chunky lines set this collection apart as a preserve of the down-to-earth Habbo. It\'s beautiful in its simplicity, and welcoming to everyone.', 's:2: Beautiful in it\'s simplicity!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1782. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('11', '1', 'Accessories', 'Accessories', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_extra_headline1', 'catalog_extra_teaser1,', 'Is your room missing something? Well, now you can add the finishing touches that express your true personality. And don\'t forget, like everything else, these accessories can be moved about to suit your mood.', 's:2: I love my rabbit...', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1783. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('12', '1', 'Asian', 'Asian', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_asian_headline1', 'catalog_asian_teaser1,', 'Dit pure haandwerk uit de eeuwenoude oosterse pixeltraditie brengt balans in elk Habbointerieur. Jin en Yang vloeien samen met Feng en Shui in een uitgebalanceerde collectie meubi. ', 's:2: Oh, look there! Is Mulan the girl of Disney xD', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1784. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('13', '1', 'Bathroom', 'Bathroom', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_bath_headline1', 'catalog_bath_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Bathroom Collection... Have some fun with the cheerful bathroom collection. Give yourself and your guests somewhere to freshen up - vital if you want to avoid nasty niffs. Put your loo in a corner though...', 's:2: Every Habbo needs one!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1785. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('14', '1', 'Candy', 'Candy', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_candy_headline1', 'catalog_candy_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Candy Collection... Candy combines the cool, clean lines of the Mode collection with a softer, more soothing style. It\'s urban sharpness with a hint of the feminine.', 's:2: Relax! It\'s faux-fur.', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1786. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('15', '1', 'Camera', 'Camera', 'ctlg_camera1', 'catalog_camera_headline1', 'campic_cam,campic_film,', 'Take a picture and keep a record of those special moments forever. With your Habbo camera you can take pictures of just about anything in the Hotel – Even your friend on the loo...<br><br>A Camera costs 10 Credits (TWO FREE photos included).', '', 't1:When you\'ve used your free photos, you\'ll need to buy more… Each Film (5 photos) costs 6 Credits. <br><br>Your Camera will show how much film you ');
  1787. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('16', '1', 'Flags', 'Flags', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_flags_headline1', 'catalog_flags_teaser1,', 'If you\'re feeling patriotic, get a flag to prove it. Our finest cloth flags will brighten up the dullest walls.', 's:2: Flag this section for later!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1788. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('17', '1', 'Gallery', 'Gallery', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_gallery_headline1', 'catalog_posters_teaser1,', 'Adorn your walls with wondrous works of art, posters, plaques and wall hangings. We have items to suit all tastes, from kitsch to cool, traditional to modern.', 's:2: Brighten up your walls!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1789. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('18', '1', 'Glass', 'Glass', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_glass_headline1', 'catalog_glass_teaser1,', 'Glass: Habbo Hotels exclusive furni line made from plexiglass, in different colors! Buy here your furni for a modern lounge!', 's:2: Oh My God, it\'s transparant!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1790. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('19', '1', 'Gothic', 'Gothic', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_gothic_headline1', 'catalog_gothic_teaser1,', 'The Gothic section is full of medieval looking Furni. Check back for additions to this section as there are still some unreleased items to come!', 's:Gothic is my style.', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1791. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('20', '1', 'Grunge', 'Grunge', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_gru_headline1', 'catalog_gru_teaser,', 'Introducing the Grunge Range. Alternative Habbos with alternative style or rebellious students with a point to prove. The Grunge range will get your bedroom looking just the way you like it - organised, neat and tidy!', '', 'New! Flaming Barrels out now!');
  1792. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('21', '1', 'Habbo Exchange', 'Habbo Exchange', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_bank_headline1', 'catalog_bank_teaser,', 'The Habbo Exchange is where you can convert your Habbo Credits into a tradable currency. You can use this tradable currency to exchange Habbo Credits for Furni!', 's:Refundable goods!', 'Click on an item to see more details');
  1793. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('22', '1', 'Habbowood', 'Habbowood', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_limited_headline1', 'catalog_limited_teaser1,', 'Exclusive: the new Habbowood furni, collect them all!', 's:1: Light, Camera, Action!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1794. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('23', '1', 'Iced', 'Iced', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_iced_headline1', 'catalog_iced_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Iced Collection... For the Habbo who needs no introduction. It\'s so chic, it says everything and nothing. It\'s a blank canvas, let your imagination to run wild!', 's:2: These chairs are so comfy.', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1795. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('24', '1', 'Japanese', 'Japanese', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_jap_headline2', 'catalog_jap_teaser3,', 'Here you can find the new Japanese furni! Get them now!', 's:1: Brand new furni!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1796. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('25', '1', 'Lodge', 'Lodge', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_lodge_headline1', 'catalog_lodge_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Lodge Collection... Do you appreciate the beauty of wood? For that ski lodge effect, or to match that open fire... Lodge is the Furni of choice for Habbos with that no frills approach to decorating. <br>', 's:2: I LOVE this wood Furni!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1797. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('26', '1', 'Mode', 'Mode', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_mode_headline1', 'catalog_mode_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Mode Collection... Steely grey functionality combined with sleek designer upholstery. The Habbo that chooses this furniture is a cool urban cat - streetwise, sassy and so slightly untouchable.', 's:2: So shiny and new...', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1798. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('27', '1', 'Offers', 'Offers', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_deals_headline1', 'catalog_deals_teaser1,', 'Special Offers are great if you?re just starting out. Take a look at our special collections, all at a great price.<br><br>Check them out!', '', 'Click on a deal to find out what\'s included and how much it costs.');
  1799. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('28', '1', 'Plants', 'Plants', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_plants_headline1', 'catalog_plants_teaser1,', 'New, never before seen Bulrush Plant is here for a limited time only. Buy it now!<br>Introducing the Plant Collection... Every room needs a plant! Not only do they bring a bit of the outside inside, they also enhance the air quality!', 's:2: I am at one with the trees', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1800. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('29', '1', 'Plastic', 'Plastic', 'ctlg_plasto', 'catalog_plasto_headline1', null, 'Introducing The Plastic Collection... Can you feel that 1970s vibe? Decorate with Plastic and add some colour to your life. Choose a colour that reflect your mood, or just pick your favourite shade.', 't2:Select The Colour\rs:New colours!\rt3:Preview\rt1:Choose An Item', 'Select an item and a colour and buy!');
  1801. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('30', '1', 'Presents', 'Presents', 'ctlg_presents', 'catalog_gifts_headline1', 'catalog_presents_teaser1,catalog_presents_teaser2,', 'Show your Habbo friends just how much you care and send them a gift from the Habbo Catalogue. ANY Catalogue item can be sent as a gift to ANY Habbo, all you need is their Habbo name!', 't1:Buying an item as a gift couldn?to be simpler... <br><br>Buy an item from the Catalogue in the normal way, but tick \'buy as a gift\'. Tell us which Habbo you want to give the gift to and we\'ll gift wrap it and deliver it straight to their hand.', '');
  1802. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('31', '1', 'Pura', 'Pura', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_pura_headline1', 'catalog_pura_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Pura Collection... This collection breathes fresh, clean air and cool tranquility. The Pura Waltzer has arrived! Check back regularly to see new colours of Pura on sale!', '', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1803. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('32', '1', 'Recycler', 'Recycler', 'ctlg_recycler', 'catalog_recycler_headline1', null, null, '', null);
  1804. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('33', '1', 'Rollers', 'Rollers', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_roller_headline1', '', 'Move your imagination, while you move your Habbo! Perfect for mazes, games, for keeping your queue moving or making your pet go round in circles for hours. Available in multi-packs ? the more you buy the cheaper the Roller! Pink Rollers out now!', 's:You can fit 35 Rollers in a Guest Room!', 'Click on a Roller to see more information!');
  1805. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('34', '1', 'Romantique', 'Romantique', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_romantique_headline1', 'catalog_rom_teaser,', 'The Romantique range features Grand Pianos, old antique lamps and tables. It is the ideal range for setting a warm and loving mood in your room. Spruce up your room and invite that special someone over. Now featuring the extra special COLOUR edition.', '', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1806. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('35', '1', 'Rugs', 'Rugs', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rugs_headline1', 'catalog_rugs_teaser1,', 'We have rugs for all occasions. All rugs are non-slip and washable.', 's:2: Rugs, rugs and more rugs!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1807. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('36', '1', 'Sports', 'Sports', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_sports_headline1', 'catalog_sports_teaser1,', 'For the sporty habbos, here is the sports section!', null, 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1808. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('37', '1', 'Teleport', 'Teleport', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_doors_headline1', 'catalog_teleports_teaser2,catalog_door_c,catalog_door_b,', 'Beam your Habbo from one room to another with one of our cunningly disguised, space age teleports. Now you can link any two rooms together! Teleports are sold in pairs, so if you trade for them, check you\'re getting a linked pair.', 's:Teleport!', 'Select an item by clicking one of the icons on the left.');
  1809. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('38', '1', 'Trax Ambient', 'Trax Ambient', 'ctlg_soundmachine', 'catalog_trx_header1', 'catalog_trx_teaser1,', 'Welcome to the Ambient Trax Store! With groovy beats and chilled out melodies, this is the section for some cool and relaxing tunes.', null, null);
  1810. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('39', '1', 'Trax Dance', 'Trax Dance', 'ctlg_soundmachine', 'catalog_trx_header2', 'catalog_trx_teaser2,', 'Welcome to the Dance Trax Store! With funky beats and catchy melodies, this is the section for every clubber to indulge in.', null, null);
  1811. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('40', '1', 'Trax Rock', 'Trax Rock', 'ctlg_soundmachine', 'catalog_trx_header3', 'catalog_trx_teaser3,', 'Welcome to the Rock Trax Store! With heavy beats and rockin\' riffs, this is the section for every rock fan to experiment with.', null, null);
  1812. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('41', '1', 'Trax SFX', 'Trax SFX', 'ctlg_soundmachine', 'catalog_trx_header4', 'catalog_trx_teaser4,', 'Welcome to the SFX Trax Store! With crazy sounds and weird noises, this is the section for every creative room builder to indulge in.', null, null);
  1813. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('42', '1', 'Trax Urban', 'Trax Urban', 'ctlg_soundmachine', 'catalog_trx_header5', 'catalog_trx_teaser5,', 'Welcome to the Urban Trax Store! With hip hop beats and RnB vocals, this is the section for every city bopper to indulge in.', null, null);
  1814. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('43', '1', 'Trophies', 'Trophies', 'ctlg_trophies', 'catalog_trophies_headline1', '', 'Reward your Habbo friends, or yourself with one of our fabulous glittering array of bronze, silver and gold trophies.<br><br>First choose the trophy model (click on the arrows to see all the different styles) and then the metal (click on the seal below the trophy). Type your inscription below and we\'ll engrave it on the trophy along with your name and today\'s date.', 't1:Type your inscription CAREFULLY, it\'s permanent!', null);
  1815. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('44', '7', 'Christmas', 'Christmas', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_xmas_headline1', 'catalog_xmas_teaser,', 'The Habbo Christmas catalogue has everything you need to make the perfect festive room: Trees, ducks with santa hats on, puddings and of course, Menorahs!', 's:2:Tuck into Christmas!', 'Click on an item to see a bigger version of it!');
  1816. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('45', '7', 'Easter', 'Easter', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_easter_headline1', 'catalog_easter_teaser1,', '\'Egg\'cellent furni - Bouncing bunnies, fluffy chicks, choccy eggs... Yep, it\'s Easter! Celebrate with something \'eggs\'tra special from our Easter range. But hurry - it\'s not here for long this year!', 's:2: \'Egg\'-Tastic!', 'Click on an item for more details.');
  1817. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('46', '7', 'Halloween', 'Halloween', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_halloween_headline1', 'catalog_halloween_teaser,', 'Yes, it\'s a spookfest! Get your boney hands on our creepy collection of ghoulish goodies. But be quick - they\'ll be gone from the Catalogue after two weeks!', 's:2:Halloween is My day!', 'Click on an item to see a bigger version of it!');
  1818. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('47', '7', 'Love', 'Love', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_love_headline1', 'catalog_love_teaser1,', 'The love collection has everything to create the perfect love room, for a good price!', 's:2:Oh! Comes Valentine\'s Day!', 'Click on an item to see a bigger version of it!');
  1819. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('48', '7', 'Area Colour', 'Area Colour', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_area_headline1', 'catalog_area_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Area Collection... Clean, chunky lines set this collection apart as a preserve of the down-to-earth Habbo. It\'s beautiful in its simplicity, and welcoming to everyone.', 's:Much More Colours!!!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1820. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('49', '7', 'Iced Colour', 'Iced Colour', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_iced_headline1', 'catalog_iced_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Iced Collection... For the Habbo who needs no introduction. It\'s so chic, it says everything and nothing. It\'s a blank canvas, let your imagination to run wild!', 's:Much More Colours!!!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1821. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('50', '7', 'Mode Colour', 'Mode Colour', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_mode_headline1', 'catalog_mode_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Mode Collection... Steely grey functionality combined with sleek designer upholstery. The Habbo that chooses this furniture is a cool urban cat - streetwise, sassy and so slightly untouchable.', 's:Much More Colours!!!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1822. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('51', '7', 'Pura Colour', 'Pura Colour', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_pura_headline1', 'catalog_pura_teaser1,', 'Introducing the Pura Collection... This collection breathes fresh, clean air and cool tranquility. The Pura Waltzer has arrived! Check back regularly to see new colours of Pura on sale!', 's:Much More Colours!!!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1823. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('52', '7', 'Romantique Colour', 'Romantique Colour', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_romantique_headline1', 'catalog_rom_teaser,', 'The Romantique range features Grand Pianos, old antique lamps and tables. It is the ideal range for setting a warm and loving mood in your room. Spruce up your room and invite that special someone over. Now featuring the extra special COLOUR edition.', 's:Much More Colours!!!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1824. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('53', '7', 'Club Furni', 'Club Furni', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_club_headline1', 'catalog_hc_teaser,', 'Welcome to the club furni page. Here you can buy any club furni for just 25 credits!', 's:For Habbo Club members only!', 'Click on an item to see more details');
  1825. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('54', '7', 'Club Shop', 'Club Shop', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_club_headline1', 'catalog_hc_teaser,', 'Welcome to the Brand New Habbo Club Shop, where Habbo Club members can purchase exclusive items!<br>The Furni in this section can only be purchased by Habbos who have joined Habbo Club.', 's:For Habbo Club members only!', 'Click on an item to see more details');
  1826. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('55', '7', 'Dragons', 'Dragons', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_jap_headline2', 'catalog_jap_teaser3,', 'Here you can find the Power of Dragons! Get them now!', 's:1: All Colours!', 'Click on the item you want for more information.');
  1827. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('56', '7', 'Fans', 'Fans', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details');
  1828. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('57', '7', 'Ice Cream Rare', 'Ice Cream Rare', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details');
  1829. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('58', '7', 'Inflatables', 'Inflatables', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details');
  1830. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('59', '7', 'Laser Gates', 'Laser Gates', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details');
  1831. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('60', '7', 'Marquee', 'Marquee', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details');
  1832. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('61', '7', 'Monoliths', 'Monoliths', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details');
  1833. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('62', '7', 'Oriental Screen', 'Oriental Screen', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details');
  1834. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('63', '7', 'Pilars Rare', 'Pilars Rare', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details');
  1835. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('64', '7', 'Pillow Rare', 'Pillow Rare', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details');
  1836. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('65', '7', 'Smoke Machines', 'Smoke Machines', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details');
  1837. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('66', '7', 'Summer Pools', 'Summer Pools', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details');
  1838. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('67', '7', 'Rares', 'Rares', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_rares_headline1', '', 'Hm... You have permission to stay here? Oh! if you don\'t have permission, please go away!!!', 's:Restricted Zone', 'Select a item, and see more details');
  1839. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('68', '7', 'Trophies Rare', 'Tropies Rare', '', '', '', '', '', '');
  1840. INSERT INTO `catalogue_pages` VALUES ('69', '7', 'Limited Edition', 'Limited Edition', 'ctlg_layout2', 'catalog_limited_headline1', 'catalog_limited_teaser1,', 'Get it while its hot.. <br><br>LIMITED EDITION FURNITURE!', '', 'For a limited time only!');
  1841. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('credits1', 'Credits are the hotel\\\'s currency. You can use them to buy all kinds of things, from rubber ducks and sofas, to Habbo Club membership, jukeboxes and teleports.', 'Credits Content Box 1', 'The text within a content box on the credits page.', '1', '3');
  1842. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('credits2', '<img class=\\\'credits-image\\\' src=\\\'./web-gallery/album1/palmchair.gif\\\' align=\\\'left\\\' />To buy furniture or play games, you need <b>credits</b>. We provide you with free credits on registration, and if you run out, there are several ways you can earn more credits:<li>* Refer a friend to the hotel and earn credits</li><li>* Ask a staff member ingame</li><li>* Redeem a voucher if you have one</li><li>* Trade your furniture with others for credit furniture</li>', 'Credits Content Box 2', 'The text within a content box on the credits page.', '1', '3');
  1843. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('credits1-heading', 'What are credits?', 'Credits Content Box 1 Heading', 'The title (heading) of Credit Content Box 1.', '1', '3');
  1844. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('credits2-heading', 'Get credits!', 'Credit Content Box 2 Heading', 'The title (heading) of Credit Content Box 2.', '1', '3');
  1845. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('staff1', 'You can find the staff members all over the hotel -- in the public rooms, their own rooms, or that dark little corner in your room. But how can you call them if you actually need them!? Easy. If it\\\'s urgent, use the Call for Help system ingame by using the blue questionmark in the right bottom of your screen. If it isn\\\'t urgent, use the Help Tool on the website.', 'Staff Content Box 1', 'The text within a content box on the staff page (if enabled).', '1', '2');
  1846. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('staff2', 'So you want that sexy staff badge next to your name in the hotel and on the site? Do you want to join Holo Hotel\\\'s moderation team? Keep your eyes focused on this section and the news -- if we\\\'re looking for staff it will be announced there, and surely you won\\\'t miss it!', 'Staff Content Box 2', 'The text within a content box on the staff page (if enabled).', '1', '2');
  1847. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('staff1-heading', 'Need our help?', 'Staff Content Box 1 Heading', 'The title (heading) of Staff Content Box 1.', '1', '2');
  1848. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('staff2-heading', 'Joining the Team', 'Staff Content Box 2 Heading', 'The title (heading) of Staff Content Box 2.', '1', '2');
  1849. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('staff1-color', 'green', 'Staff Content Box 1 Color', 'Only valid colors defined in CSS such as \'orange\', \'blue\', etc', '3', '2');
  1850. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('staff2-color', 'green', 'Staff Content Box 2 Color', 'Only valid colors defined in CSS such as \'orange\', \'blue\', etc', '3', '2');
  1851. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('mod_staff-enabled', '1', 'Staff Module Enabled', 'This determines wether the Staff Module (staff.php) will be displayed/enabled.', '2', '2');
  1852. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('client-widescreen', '1', 'Client in Widescreen', 'This determines wether the game client should display in widescreen mode or not.', '2', '1');
  1853. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('birthday-notifications', '1', 'Birthday Notifications Enabled', 'This will determine wether a \'Happy birthday\' message will be shown on a user\'s birthday.', '2', '1');
  1854. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('allow-group-purchase', '1', 'Group Purchasing Enabled', 'This determines wether new groups can be created or not.', '2', '1');
  1855. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('forum-enabled', '1', 'Forum Enabled', 'This determines wether the Discussion Board will be shown/enabled.', '2', '4');
  1856. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('allow-guests', '1', 'Allow guests?', 'This determines wether guest mode is enabled. Guest Mode allows you to visit (parts of) your site (with limitations) without logging in.', '2', '1');
  1857. INSERT INTO `cms_content` VALUES ('enable-flash-promo', '0', 'Enable Flash Promo', 'If disabled, a HTML promo will be used instead.', '2', '1');
  1858. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('1', 'Genie Fire Head', '1', '0', 'geniefirehead', '2', '1', '19');
  1859. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('2', 'Trax SFX', '1', '0', 'trax_sfx', '1', '1', '3');
  1860. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('3', 'Trax Disco', '1', '0', 'trax_disco', '1', '1', '3');
  1861. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('4', 'Trax 8 Bit', '1', '0', 'trax_8_bit', '1', '1', '3');
  1862. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('5', 'Trax Electro', '1', '0', 'trax_electro', '1', '1', '3');
  1863. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('6', 'Trax Reggae', '1', '0', 'trax_reggae', '1', '1', '3');
  1864. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('7', 'Trax Ambient', '1', '0', 'trax_ambient', '1', '1', '3');
  1865. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('8', 'Trax Bling', '1', '0', 'trax_bling', '1', '1', '3');
  1866. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('9', 'Trax Heavy', '1', '0', 'trax_heavy', '1', '1', '3');
  1867. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('10', 'Trax Latin', '1', '0', 'trax_latin', '1', '1', '3');
  1868. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('11', 'Trax Rock', '1', '0', 'trax_rock', '1', '1', '3');
  1869. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('12', 'Animated Falling Rain', '4', '0', 'bg_rain', '3', '1', '27');
  1870. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('13', 'Notes', '3', '0', 'stickienote', '2', '5', '29');
  1871. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('14', 'Animated Blue Serpentine', '4', '0', 'bg_serpentine_darkblue', '3', '1', '27');
  1872. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('15', 'Animated Red Serpentine', '4', '0', 'bg_serpntine_darkred', '3', '1', '27');
  1873. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('16', 'Animated Brown Serpentine', '4', '0', 'bg_serpentine_1', '3', '1', '27');
  1874. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('17', 'Animated Pink Serpentine', '4', '0', 'bg_serpentine_2', '3', '1', '27');
  1875. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('18', 'Denim', '4', '0', 'bg_denim', '3', '1', '27');
  1876. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('19', 'Lace', '4', '0', 'bg_lace', '3', '1', '27');
  1877. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('20', 'Stiched', '4', '0', 'bg_stitched', '3', '1', '27');
  1878. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('21', 'Wood', '4', '0', 'bg_wood', '3', '1', '27');
  1879. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('22', 'Cork', '4', '0', 'bg_cork', '3', '1', '27');
  1880. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('23', 'Stone', '4', '0', 'bg_stone', '3', '1', '27');
  1881. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('24', 'Bricks', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_bricks', '3', '1', '27');
  1882. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('25', 'Ruled Paper', '4', '0', 'bg_ruled_paper', '3', '1', '27');
  1883. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('26', 'Grass', '4', '0', 'bg_grass', '3', '1', '27');
  1884. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('27', 'Hotel', '4', '0', 'bg_hotel', '3', '1', '27');
  1885. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('28', 'Bubble', '4', '0', 'bg_bubble', '3', '1', '27');
  1886. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('29', 'Bobba Skulls', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_bobbaskulls1', '3', '1', '27');
  1887. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('30', 'Deep Space', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_space', '3', '1', '27');
  1888. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('31', 'Submarine', '4', '0', 'bg_image_submarine', '3', '1', '27');
  1889. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('32', 'Metal II', '4', '0', 'bg_metal2', '3', '1', '27');
  1890. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('33', 'Broken Glass', '4', '0', 'bg_broken_glass', '3', '1', '27');
  1891. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('34', 'Clouds', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_clouds', '3', '1', '27');
  1892. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('35', 'Comic', '4', '0', 'bg_comic2', '3', '1', '27');
  1893. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('36', 'Floral 1', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_floral_01', '3', '1', '27');
  1894. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('37', 'A', '1', '0', 'a', '1', '1', '5');
  1895. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('38', 'B', '1', '0', 'b_2', '1', '1', '5');
  1896. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('39', 'C', '1', '0', 'c', '1', '1', '5');
  1897. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('40', 'D', '1', '0', 'd', '1', '1', '5');
  1898. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('41', 'E', '1', '0', 'e', '1', '1', '5');
  1899. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('42', 'F', '1', '0', 'f', '1', '1', '5');
  1900. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('43', 'G', '1', '0', 'g', '1', '1', '5');
  1901. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('44', 'H', '1', '0', 'h', '1', '1', '5');
  1902. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('45', 'I', '1', '0', 'i', '1', '1', '5');
  1903. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('46', 'J', '1', '0', 'j', '1', '1', '5');
  1904. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('47', 'K', '1', '0', 'k', '1', '1', '5');
  1905. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('48', 'L', '1', '0', 'l', '1', '1', '5');
  1906. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('49', 'M', '1', '0', 'm', '1', '1', '5');
  1907. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('50', 'N', '1', '0', 'n', '1', '1', '5');
  1908. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('51', 'O', '1', '0', 'o', '1', '1', '5');
  1909. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('52', 'P', '1', '0', 'p', '1', '1', '5');
  1910. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('53', 'Q', '1', '0', 'q', '1', '1', '5');
  1911. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('54', 'R', '1', '0', 'r', '1', '1', '5');
  1912. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('55', 'S', '1', '0', 's', '1', '1', '5');
  1913. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('56', 'T', '1', '0', 't', '1', '1', '5');
  1914. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('57', 'U', '1', '0', 'u', '1', '1', '5');
  1915. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('58', 'V', '1', '0', 'v', '1', '1', '5');
  1916. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('59', 'W', '1', '0', 'w', '1', '1', '5');
  1917. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('60', 'X', '1', '0', 'x', '1', '1', '5');
  1918. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('61', 'Y', '1', '0', 'y', '1', '1', '5');
  1919. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('62', 'Z', '1', '0', 'z', '1', '1', '5');
  1920. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('63', 'Bling Star', '1', '0', 'bling_star', '1', '1', '6');
  1921. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('64', 'Bling A', '1', '0', 'bling_a', '1', '1', '6');
  1922. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('65', 'Bling B', '1', '0', 'bling_b', '1', '1', '6');
  1923. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('66', 'Bling C', '1', '0', 'bling_c', '1', '1', '6');
  1924. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('67', 'Bling D', '1', '0', 'bling_d', '1', '1', '6');
  1925. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('68', 'Bling E', '1', '0', 'bling_e', '1', '1', '6');
  1926. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('69', 'Bling F', '1', '0', 'bling_f', '1', '1', '6');
  1927. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('70', 'Bling G', '1', '0', 'bling_g', '1', '1', '6');
  1928. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('71', 'Bling H', '1', '0', 'bling_h', '1', '1', '6');
  1929. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('72', 'Bling I', '1', '0', 'bling_i', '1', '1', '6');
  1930. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('73', 'Bling J', '1', '0', 'bling_j', '1', '1', '6');
  1931. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('74', 'Bling K', '1', '0', 'bling_k', '1', '1', '6');
  1932. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('75', 'Bling L', '1', '0', 'bling_l', '1', '1', '6');
  1933. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('76', 'Bling M', '1', '0', 'bling_m', '1', '1', '6');
  1934. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('77', 'Bling N', '1', '0', 'bling_n', '1', '1', '6');
  1935. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('78', 'Bling O', '1', '0', 'bling_o', '1', '1', '6');
  1936. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('79', 'Bling P', '1', '0', 'bling_p', '1', '1', '6');
  1937. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('80', 'Bling Q', '1', '0', 'bling_q', '1', '1', '6');
  1938. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('81', 'Bling R', '1', '0', 'bling_r', '1', '1', '6');
  1939. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('82', 'Bling S', '1', '0', 'bling_s', '1', '1', '6');
  1940. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('83', 'Bling T', '1', '0', 'bling_t', '1', '1', '6');
  1941. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('84', 'Bling U', '1', '0', 'bling_u', '1', '1', '6');
  1942. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('85', 'Bling V', '1', '0', 'bling_v', '1', '1', '6');
  1943. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('86', 'Bling W', '1', '0', 'bling_w', '1', '1', '6');
  1944. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('87', 'Bling X', '1', '0', 'bling_x', '1', '1', '6');
  1945. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('88', 'Bling Y', '1', '0', 'bling_y', '1', '1', '6');
  1946. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('89', 'Bling Z', '1', '0', 'bling_z', '1', '1', '6');
  1947. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('90', 'Bling Underscore', '1', '0', 'bling_underscore', '1', '1', '6');
  1948. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('91', 'Bling Comma', '1', '0', 'bling_comma', '1', '1', '6');
  1949. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('92', 'Bling Dot', '1', '0', 'bling_dot', '1', '1', '6');
  1950. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('93', 'Bling Exclamation', '1', '0', 'bling_exclamation', '1', '1', '6');
  1951. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('94', 'Bling Question', '1', '0', 'bling_question', '1', '1', '6');
  1952. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('95', 'European Letter 3', '1', '0', 'a_with_circle', '1', '1', '5');
  1953. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('96', 'European Letter 1', '1', '0', 'a_with_dots', '1', '1', '5');
  1954. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('97', 'European Letter 2', '1', '0', 'o_with_dots', '1', '1', '5');
  1955. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('98', 'Dot', '1', '0', 'dot', '1', '1', '5');
  1956. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('99', 'Acsent 1', '1', '0', 'acsent1', '1', '1', '5');
  1957. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('100', 'Acsent 2', '1', '0', 'acsent2', '1', '1', '5');
  1958. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('101', 'Underscore', '1', '0', 'underscore', '1', '1', '5');
  1959. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('102', 'Holograph Emulator', '1', '0', 'sticker_holograph', '5', '1', '19');
  1960. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('103', 'Chain 1', '1', '0', 'chain_horizontal', '1', '1', '7');
  1961. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('104', 'Chain 2', '1', '0', 'chain_vertical', '1', '1', '7');
  1962. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('105', 'Ruler 1', '1', '0', 'ruler_horizontal', '1', '1', '7');
  1963. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('106', 'Ruler 2', '1', '0', 'ruler_vertical', '1', '1', '7');
  1964. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('107', 'Vine 1', '1', '0', 'vine', '1', '1', '7');
  1965. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('108', 'Vine 2', '1', '0', 'vine2', '1', '1', '7');
  1966. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('109', 'Leaves 1', '1', '0', 'leafs1', '1', '1', '7');
  1967. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('110', 'Leaves 2', '1', '0', 'leafs2', '1', '1', '7');
  1968. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('111', 'Zipper', '1', '0', 'sticker_zipper_v_tile', '1', '1', '7');
  1969. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('112', 'Zipper', '1', '0', 'sticker_zipper_h_tile', '1', '1', '7');
  1970. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('113', 'Zipper', '1', '0', 'sticker_zipper_h_normal_lock', '1', '1', '7');
  1971. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('114', 'Zipper', '1', '0', 'sticker_zipper_h_bobba_lock', '1', '1', '7');
  1972. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('115', 'Zipper', '1', '0', 'sticker_zipper_h_end', '1', '1', '7');
  1973. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('116', 'Zipper', '1', '0', 'sticker_zipper_v_end', '1', '1', '7');
  1974. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('117', 'Zipper', '1', '0', 'sticker_zipper_v_bobba_lock', '1', '1', '7');
  1975. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('118', 'Zipper', '1', '0', 'sticker_zipper_v_normal_lock', '1', '1', '7');
  1976. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('119', 'Wormhand', '1', '0', 'wormhand', '5', '1', '8');
  1977. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('120', 'Gentleman', '1', '0', 'sticker_gentleman', '2', '1', '8');
  1978. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('121', 'Chewed Bubblegum', '1', '0', 'chewed_bubblegum', '1', '1', '8');
  1979. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('122', 'Cactus', '1', '0', 'sticker_cactus_anim', '2', '1', '8');
  1980. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('123', 'Spaceduck', '1', '0', 'sticker_spaceduck', '1', '1', '8');
  1981. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('124', 'Moonpig', '1', '0', 'sticker_moonpig', '2', '1', '8');
  1982. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('125', 'Swimming fish', '1', '0', 'swimming_fish', '2', '1', '8');
  1983. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('126', 'Boxer', '1', '0', 'sticker_boxer', '2', '1', '8');
  1984. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('127', 'Wunder Frank', '1', '0', 'wunderfrank', '1', '1', '8');
  1985. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('128', 'Submarine', '1', '0', 'sticker_submarine', '2', '1', '8');
  1986. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('129', 'Clown', '1', '0', 'sticker_clown_anim', '2', '1', '8');
  1987. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('130', 'Stars', '1', '0', 'blingblingstars', '2', '1', '9');
  1988. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('131', 'Hearts', '1', '0', 'blinghearts', '2', '1', '9');
  1989. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('132', 'Heartbeat', '1', '0', 'sticker_heartbeat', '2', '1', '9');
  1990. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('133', 'Cat in a box', '1', '0', 'sticker_catinabox', '2', '1', '9');
  1991. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('134', 'Bear', '1', '0', 'bear', '2', '1', '9');
  1992. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('135', 'Vampire', '1', '0', 'gothic_draculacape ', '3', '1', '10');
  1993. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('136', 'Giant Evil Bunny', '1', '0', 'evil_giant_bunny', '2', '1', '10');
  1994. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('137', 'Zombie Bunny!', '1', '0', 'zombiepupu', '2', '1', '10');
  1995. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('138', 'Skelly', '1', '0', 'skeletor_001', '2', '1', '10');
  1996. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('139', 'Skull 1', '1', '0', 'skull', '2', '1', '10');
  1997. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('140', 'Skull 2', '1', '0', 'skull2', '2', '1', '10');
  1998. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('141', 'Scuba capsule', '1', '0', 'scubacapsule_anim', '2', '1', '10');
  1999. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('142', 'Bobbaskull', '1', '0', 'sticker_bobbaskull', '2', '1', '10');
  2000. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('143', 'Pack 1', '1', '0', 'sticker_flower1', '3', '5', '11');
  2001. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('144', 'Pack 2', '1', '0', 'icecube_big', '3', '10', '11');
  2002. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('145', 'Pack 3', '1', '0', 'leafs2', '5', '7', '11');
  2003. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('146', 'Pack 4', '1', '0', 'vine2', '3', '5', '11');
  2004. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('147', 'Pack 5', '1', '0', 'chain_horizontal', '3', '5', '11');
  2005. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('148', 'Pack 6', '1', '0', 'icecube_small', '3', '10', '11');
  2006. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('149', 'Arrow up', '1', '0', 'sticker_arrow_up', '2', '1', '12');
  2007. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('150', 'Arrow down', '1', '0', 'sticker_arrow_down', '2', '1', '12');
  2008. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('151', 'Arrow left', '1', '0', 'sticker_arrow_left', '2', '1', '12');
  2009. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('152', 'Arrow right', '1', '0', 'sticker_arrow_right', '2', '1', '12');
  2010. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('153', 'Ponting hand right', '1', '0', 'sticker_pointing_hand_1', '2', '1', '12');
  2011. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('154', 'Ponting hand up', '1', '0', 'sticker_pointing_hand_2', '2', '1', '12');
  2012. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('155', 'Ponting hand down', '1', '0', 'sticker_pointing_hand_3', '2', '1', '12');
  2013. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('156', 'Pointing hand left', '1', '0', 'sticker_pointing_hand_4', '2', '1', '12');
  2014. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('157', 'Nail 1', '1', '0', 'nail2', '2', '1', '12');
  2015. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('158', 'Nail 2', '1', '0', 'nail3', '2', '1', '12');
  2016. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('159', 'Red pin', '1', '0', 'needle_1', '1', '1', '12');
  2017. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('160', 'Green pin', '1', '0', 'needle_2', '1', '1', '12');
  2018. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('161', 'Blue pin', '1', '0', 'needle_3', '1', '1', '12');
  2019. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('162', 'Purple pin', '1', '0', 'needle_4', '1', '1', '12');
  2020. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('163', 'Yellow pin', '1', '0', 'needle_5', '1', '1', '12');
  2021. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('164', 'Grass Meadow', '1', '0', 'grass', '2', '1', '13');
  2022. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('165', 'Flower', '1', '0', 'sticker_flower1', '1', '1', '13');
  2023. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('166', 'Yellow Flower', '1', '0', 'sticker_flower_big_yellow', '1', '1', '13');
  2024. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('167', 'Pink Flower', '1', '0', 'sticker_flower_pink', '1', '1', '13');
  2025. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('168', 'Bobba badge', '1', '0', 'sticker_bobbaskull', '1', '1', '14');
  2026. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('169', 'Coffee badge', '1', '0', 'i_love_coffee', '1', '1', '14');
  2027. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('170', 'Bam!', '1', '0', 'sticker_effect_bam', '1', '1', '14');
  2028. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('171', 'Burp!', '1', '0', 'sticker_effect_burp', '1', '1', '14');
  2029. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('172', 'Whoosh!', '1', '0', 'sticker_effect_woosh', '1', '1', '14');
  2030. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('173', 'Zap!', '1', '0', 'sticker_effect_zap', '1', '1', '14');
  2031. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('174', 'Whoosh 2', '1', '0', 'sticker_effect_whoosh2', '1', '1', '14');
  2032. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('175', 'Small Ice Cube', '1', '0', 'icecube_small', '1', '1', '15');
  2033. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('176', 'Snowball Machine', '1', '0', 'ss_snowballmachine', '1', '1', '15');
  2034. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('177', 'Big Ice Cube', '1', '0', 'icecube_big', '1', '1', '15');
  2035. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('178', 'Boots and Gloves', '1', '0', 'bootsitjalapaset_red', '2', '1', '15');
  2036. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('179', 'Boots and Gloves', '1', '0', 'ss_bootsitjalapaset_blue', '2', '1', '15');
  2037. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('180', 'Red SnowStorm Costume', '1', '0', 'ss_costume_red', '2', '1', '15');
  2038. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('181', 'Blue SnowStorm Costume', '1', '0', 'ss_costume_blue', '2', '1', '15');
  2039. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('182', 'Splash!', '1', '0', 'ss_hits_by_snowball', '1', '1', '15');
  2040. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('183', 'SnowStorm Duck!', '1', '0', 'extra_ss_duck_left', '1', '1', '15');
  2041. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('184', 'Snowtree', '1', '0', 'ss_snowtree', '2', '1', '15');
  2042. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('185', 'SnowStorm Duck!', '1', '0', 'extra_ss_duck_right', '1', '1', '15');
  2043. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('186', 'Snowman', '1', '0', 'ss_snowman', '2', '1', '15');
  2044. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('187', 'Lumihiutale', '1', '0', 'ss_snowflake2', '1', '1', '15');
  2045. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('188', 'Snow Queen', '1', '0', 'ss_snowqueen', '2', '1', '15');
  2046. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('189', 'Battle 1', '1', '0', 'battle1', '1', '1', '16');
  2047. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('190', 'Battle 2', '1', '0', 'battle3', '1', '1', '16');
  2048. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('191', 'HC Hat', '1', '0', 'hc_hat', '5', '1', '18');
  2049. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('192', 'Left Eye', '1', '0', 'eyeleft', '2', '1', '18');
  2050. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('193', 'Right Eye', '1', '0', 'eyeright', '2', '1', '18');
  2051. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('194', 'Angel Wings', '1', '0', 'angelwings_anim', '3', '1', '18');
  2052. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('195', 'Gray Beard', '1', '0', 'sticker_gurubeard_gray', '1', '1', '18');
  2053. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('196', 'Brown Beard', '1', '0', 'sticker_gurubeard_brown', '1', '1', '18');
  2054. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('197', 'Supernerd', '1', '0', 'sticker_glasses_supernerd', '1', '1', '18');
  2055. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('198', 'Goofy Glasses', '1', '0', 'sticker_glasses_elton', '1', '1', '18');
  2056. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('199', 'Blue Eyes', '1', '0', 'sticker_eyes_blue', '1', '1', '18');
  2057. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('200', 'Animated Eyes', '1', '0', 'sticker_eye_anim', '2', '1', '18');
  2058. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('201', 'Evil Eye', '1', '0', 'sticker_eye_evil_anim', '2', '1', '18');
  2059. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('202', 'Eraser', '1', '0', 'sticker_eraser', '1', '1', '20');
  2060. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('203', 'star', '1', '0', 'star', '1', '1', '20');
  2061. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('204', 'Pencil', '1', '0', 'sticker_pencil', '1', '1', '20');
  2062. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('205', 'Dreamer', '1', '0', 'sticker_dreamer', '3', '1', '20');
  2063. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('206', 'Pencil 2', '1', '0', 'sticker_pencil_2', '1', '1', '20');
  2064. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('207', 'Lone Wolf', '1', '0', 'sticker_lonewolf', '3', '1', '20');
  2065. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('208', 'Prankster', '1', '0', 'sticker_prankster', '3', '1', '20');
  2066. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('209', 'Prankster', '1', '0', 'sticker_prankster', '3', '1', '20');
  2067. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('210', 'Romantic', '1', '0', 'sticker_romantic', '3', '1', '20');
  2068. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('211', 'Red lamp', '1', '0', 'redlamp', '2', '1', '20');
  2069. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('212', 'Lightbulb', '1', '0', 'lightbulb', '2', '1', '20');
  2070. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('213', 'Bullet hole', '1', '0', 'bullet1', '2', '1', '20');
  2071. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('214', 'Spill 1', '1', '0', 'spill1', '1', '1', '20');
  2072. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('215', 'Spill 2', '1', '0', 'spill2', '1', '1', '20');
  2073. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('216', 'Spill 3', '1', '0', 'spill3', '1', '1', '20');
  2074. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('217', 'Coffee stain', '1', '0', 'sticker_coffee_stain', '1', '1', '20');
  2075. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('218', 'Hole', '1', '0', 'sticker_hole', '1', '1', '20');
  2076. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('219', 'Flames', '1', '0', 'sticker_flames', '2', '1', '20');
  2077. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('220', 'Paperclip 1', '1', '0', 'paper_clip_1', '1', '1', '20');
  2078. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('221', 'Paperclip 2', '1', '0', 'paper_clip_2', '1', '1', '20');
  2079. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('222', 'Paperclip 3', '1', '0', 'paper_clip_3', '1', '1', '20');
  2080. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('223', 'Highlight 1', '1', '0', 'highlighter_1', '1', '1', '20');
  2081. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('224', 'Highlight', '1', '0', 'highlighter_mark5', '1', '1', '20');
  2082. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('225', 'Highlight', '1', '0', 'highlighter_mark6', '1', '1', '20');
  2083. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('226', 'Highlight', '1', '0', 'highlighter_mark4b', '1', '1', '20');
  2084. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('227', 'Highlight 2', '1', '0', 'highlighter_2', '1', '1', '20');
  2085. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('228', 'Highlight', '1', '0', 'highlighter_mark1', '1', '1', '20');
  2086. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('229', 'Highlight', '1', '0', 'highlighter_mark2', '1', '1', '20');
  2087. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('230', 'Highlight', '1', '0', 'highlighter_mark3', '1', '1', '20');
  2088. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('231', 'Plaster', '1', '0', 'plaster1', '1', '1', '20');
  2089. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('232', 'Plaster', '1', '0', 'plaster2', '1', '1', '20');
  2090. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('233', 'Croc', '1', '0', 'sticker_croco', '1', '1', '20');
  2091. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('234', 'Fish', '1', '0', 'fish', '1', '1', '20');
  2092. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('235', 'Parrot', '1', '0', 'parrot', '1', '1', '20');
  2093. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('236', 'Sleeping Holo', '1', '0', 'sticker_sleeping_habbo', '2', '1', '20');
  2094. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('237', 'Burger', '1', '0', 'burger', '1', '1', '20');
  2095. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('238', 'Juice', '1', '0', 'juice', '1', '1', '20');
  2096. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('239', 'Coffee Stain Blue', '1', '0', 'sticker_coffee_steam_blue', '1', '1', '20');
  2097. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('240', 'Coffee Stain Gray', '1', '0', 'sticker_coffee_steam_grey', '1', '1', '20');
  2098. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('241', 'Cassette 1', '1', '0', 'cassette1', '1', '1', '20');
  2099. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('242', 'Cassette 2', '1', '0', 'cassette2', '1', '1', '20');
  2100. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('243', 'Cassette 3', '1', '0', 'cassette3', '1', '1', '20');
  2101. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('244', 'Cassette 4', '1', '0', 'cassette4', '1', '1', '20');
  2102. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('245', 'Football', '1', '0', 'football', '1', '1', '20');
  2103. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('246', 'Floral 2', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_floral_02', '2', '1', '27');
  2104. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('247', 'Floral 3', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_floral_03', '2', '1', '27');
  2105. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('248', 'Cars', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_cars', '2', '1', '27');
  2106. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('249', 'Carpants', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_carpants', '2', '1', '27');
  2107. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('250', 'Plasto', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_plasto', '2', '1', '27');
  2108. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('251', 'Tinny room', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_tinyroom', '2', '1', '27');
  2109. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('252', 'Hearts', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_hearts', '2', '1', '27');
  2110. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('253', 'Abstract 1', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_abstract1', '2', '1', '27');
  2111. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('254', 'Bathroom tile', '4', '0', 'bg_bathroom_tile', '2', '1', '27');
  2112. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('255', 'Fish', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_fish', '2', '1', '27');
  2113. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('256', 'Deepred', '4', '0', 'bg_pattern_deepred', '2', '1', '27');
  2114. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('257', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_02', '2', '1', '27');
  2115. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('258', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_03', '2', '1', '27');
  2116. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('259', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_04', '2', '1', '27');
  2117. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('260', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_05', '2', '1', '27');
  2118. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('261', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_06', '2', '1', '27');
  2119. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('262', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_07', '2', '1', '27');
  2120. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('263', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_08', '2', '1', '27');
  2121. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('264', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_09', '2', '1', '27');
  2122. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('265', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_10', '2', '1', '27');
  2123. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('266', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_11', '2', '1', '27');
  2124. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('267', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_12', '2', '1', '27');
  2125. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('268', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_13', '2', '1', '27');
  2126. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('269', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_14', '2', '1', '27');
  2127. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('270', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_15', '2', '1', '27');
  2128. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('271', 'Background', '4', '0', 'bg_colour_17', '2', '1', '27');
  2129. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('272', 'Tonga', '4', '0', 'bg_tonga', '2', '1', '27');
  2130. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('273', 'HoloCMS', '1', '0', 'sticker_holocms', '5', '1', '19');
  2131. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('274', 'Pedobear Seal of Approval', '1', '0', 'sticker_pedo', '50', '1', '19');
  2132. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('275', 'Alhambra Group Background', '4', '0', 'alhambragroup', '0', '1', '50');
  2133. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('276', 'Themepark Background 1', '4', '0', 'themepark_bg_01', '0', '1', '50');
  2134. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('277', 'Themepark Background 2', '4', '0', 'themepark_bg_02', '0', '1', '50');
  2135. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('278', 'Unofficial Fansites Background', '4', '0', 'bg_unofficial_fansites', '0', '1', '50');
  2136. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('279', 'Unofficial Fansites Background 2', '4', '0', 'bg_official_fansites2', '0', '1', '50');
  2137. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('280', 'Welcoming Party Background', '4', '0', 'welcoming_party', '0', '1', '50');
  2138. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('281', 'Random Habbos Background', '4', '0', 'random_habbos', '0', '1', '50');
  2139. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('282', 'Habborella Sea Background', '4', '0', 'habborella_sea_bg', '0', '1', '50');
  2140. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('283', 'Penelope Background', '4', '0', 'penelope', '0', '1', '50');
  2141. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('284', 'Orca Background', '4', '0', 'orca', '0', '1', '50');
  2142. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('285', 'sttriniansgroup Background', '4', '0', 'sttriniansgroup', '0', '1', '50');
  2143. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('286', 'sttriniansblackboard Background', '4', '0', 'sttriniansblackboard', '0', '1', '50');
  2144. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('287', 'Habbo X Background', '4', '0', 'habbox', '0', '1', '50');
  2145. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('288', 'Christmas 2007 BG 1', '4', '0', 'christmas2007bg_001', '0', '1', '50');
  2146. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('289', 'Kerrang Background 2', '4', '0', 'bg_kerrang2', '0', '1', '50');
  2147. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('291', 'VoiceOfTeens Background', '4', '0', 'bg_voiceofteens', '0', '1', '50');
  2148. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('292', 'Makeover Background', '4', '0', 'makeover', '0', '1', '50');
  2149. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('293', 'SnowStorm Background', '4', '0', 'snowstorm_bg', '0', '1', '50');
  2150. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('294', 'Habbo Group Background', '4', '0', 'habbogroup', '0', '1', '50');
  2151. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('295', 'Wobble Squabble Background', '4', '0', 'bg_wobble_squabble', '0', '1', '50');
  2152. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('296', 'VIP Background', '4', '0', 'bg_vip', '0', '1', '50');
  2153. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('297', 'Lido Background', '4', '0', 'bg_lidoo', '0', '1', '50');
  2154. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('298', 'Lido (Flat) Background', '4', '0', 'bg_lido_flat', '0', '1', '50');
  2155. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('299', 'Infobus (Yellow) Background', '4', '0', 'bg_infobus_yellow', '0', '1', '50');
  2156. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('300', 'Infobus (White) Background', '4', '0', 'bg_infobus_white', '0', '1', '50');
  2157. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('301', 'Infobus (Blue) Background', '4', '0', 'bg_infobus_blue', '0', '1', '50');
  2158. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('302', 'Battle Ball (2) Background', '4', '0', 'bg_battle_ball2', '0', '1', '50');
  2159. INSERT INTO `cms_homes_catalouge` VALUES ('303', 'Grunge Wall Background', '4', '0', 'grungewall', '0', '1', '50');
  2160. INSERT INTO `cms_system` VALUES ('Holo Hotel', 'Holo', '0', '1', 'en', '', '21', '', '', '', '', '1', '500', 'Holo note :]');
  2161. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('1', '1', 'default');
  2162. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('2', '1', 'fuse_login');
  2163. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('3', '1', 'fuse_buy_credits');
  2164. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('4', '1', 'fuse_trade');
  2165. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('5', '1', 'fuse_room_queue_default');
  2166. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('6', '2', 'fuse_extended_buddylist');
  2167. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('7', '2', 'fuse_habbo_chooser');
  2168. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('8', '2', 'fuse_furni_chooser');
  2169. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('9', '2', 'fuse_room_queue_club');
  2170. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('10', '2', 'fuse_priority_access');
  2171. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('11', '2', 'fuse_use_special_room_layouts');
  2172. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('12', '2', 'fuse_use_club_dance');
  2173. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('13', '3', 'fuse_enter_full_rooms');
  2174. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('14', '4', 'fuse_enter_locked_rooms');
  2175. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('16', '4', 'fuse_kick');
  2176. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('17', '4', 'fuse_mute');
  2177. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('18', '5', 'fuse_ban');
  2178. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('19', '5', 'fuse_room_mute');
  2179. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('20', '5', 'fuse_room_kick');
  2180. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('21', '5', 'fuse_receive_calls_for_help');
  2181. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('22', '5', 'fuse_remove_stickies');
  2182. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('23', '6', 'fuse_mod');
  2183. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('24', '6', 'fuse_superban');
  2184. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('25', '6', 'fuse_pick_up_any_furni');
  2185. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('26', '6', 'fuse_ignore_room_owner');
  2186. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('27', '6', 'fuse_any_room_controller');
  2187. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('28', '3', 'fuse_room_alert');
  2188. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('29', '6', 'fuse_moderator_access');
  2189. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('30', '7', 'fuse_administrator_access');
  2190. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('31', '7', 'fuse_see_flat_ids');
  2191. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('35', '5', 'fuse_chat_log');
  2192. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('33', '6', 'fuse_performance_panel');
  2193. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('34', '4', 'fuse_alert');
  2194. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('36', '5', 'fuse_see_all_roomowners');
  2195. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('37', '6', 'fuse_hotelalert');
  2196. INSERT INTO `rank_fuserights` VALUES ('38', '6', 'fuse_teleport');
  2197. INSERT INTO `room_ads` VALUES ('105', '', '');
  2198. INSERT INTO `room_categories` VALUES ('0', '1', '2', 'No category', '1', '0', '0');
  2199. INSERT INTO `room_categories` VALUES ('3', '0', '0', 'Public Rooms', '1', '0', '0');
  2200. INSERT INTO `room_categories` VALUES ('4', '0', '2', 'Guestrooms', '1', '0', '0');
  2201. INSERT INTO `room_categories` VALUES ('6', '4', '2', 'Category I', '1', '0', '1');
  2202. INSERT INTO `room_categories` VALUES ('5', '3', '0', 'Outside spaces', '1', '0', '0');
  2203. INSERT INTO `room_categories` VALUES ('7', '3', '0', 'Entertainment', '1', '0', '0');
  2204. INSERT INTO `room_categories` VALUES ('8', '5', '0', 'The Park & Infobus', '1', '0', '0');
  2205. INSERT INTO `room_categories` VALUES ('9', '7', '0', 'Clubs & bars', '7', '0', '0');
  2206. INSERT INTO `room_categories` VALUES ('10', '4', '2', 'Staff rooms', '6', '0', '1');
  2207. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('a', '0', '3', '5', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxx00000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2208. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('b', '0', '0', '5', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxx0000000\rxxxxx0000000\rxxxxx0000000\rxxxxx0000000\rx00000000000\rx00000000000\rx00000000000\rx00000000000\rx00000000000\rx00000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2209. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('c', '0', '4', '7', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2210. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('d', '0', '4', '7', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2211. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('e', '0', '1', '5', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxx0000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2212. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('f', '0', '2', '5', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxx0000x\rxxxxxxx0000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxx00000000x\rx0000000000x\rx0000000000x\rx0000000000x\rx0000000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2213. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('g', '0', '1', '7', '1', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxx00000x\rxxxxxxx00000x\rxxxxxxx00000x\rxx1111000000x\rxx1111000000x\rxx1111000000x\rxx1111000000x\rxx1111000000x\rxxxxxxx00000x\rxxxxxxx00000x\rxxxxxxx00000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2214. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('h', '0', '4', '4', '1', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxx111111x\rxxxxx111111x\rxxxxx111111x\rxxxxx111111x\rxxxxx111111x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxxxx000000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxx00000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2215. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('i', '0', '0', '10', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2216. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('j', '0', '0', '10', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx0000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rx0000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rx0000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rx0000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rx0000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rx0000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2217. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('k', '0', '0', '13', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rx000000000000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\r', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2218. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('l', '0', '0', '16', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rx00000000xxxx00000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2219. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('m', '0', '0', '15', '1', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rx0000000000000000000000000000\rx0000000000000000000000000000\rx0000000000000000000000000000\rx0000000000000000000000000000\rx0000000000000000000000000000\rx0000000000000000000000000000\rx0000000000000000000000000000\rx0000000000000000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2220. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('n', '0', '0', '16', '0', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx000000xxxxxxxx000000\rx000000x000000x000000\rx000000x000000x000000\rx000000x000000x000000\rx000000x000000x000000\rx000000x000000x000000\rx000000x000000x000000\rx000000xxxxxxxx000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rx00000000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2221. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('o', '0', '0', '18', '1', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111111xxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111111xxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111111xxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111111xxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111111xxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111111xxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111111xxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxx\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rx111111100000000000000000\rx111111100000000000000000\rx111111100000000000000000\rx111111100000000000000000\rx111111100000000000000000\rx111111100000000000000000\rx111111100000000000000000\rx111111100000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2222. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('p', '0', '0', '23', '2', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxx222222222222\rxxxxxxx222222222222\rxxxxxxx222222222222\rxxxxxxx222222222222\rxxxxxxx222222222222\rxxxxxxx222222222222\rxxxxxxx22222222xxxx\rxxxxxxx11111111xxxx\rx222221111111111111\rx222221111111111111\rx222221111111111111\rx222221111111111111\rx222221111111111111\rx222221111111111111\rx222221111111111111\rx222221111111111111\rx2222xx11111111xxxx\rx2222xx00000000xxxx\rx2222xx000000000000\rx2222xx000000000000\rx2222xx000000000000\rx2222xx000000000000\rx2222xx000000000000\rx2222xx000000000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2223. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('q', '0', '10', '4', '2', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx22222222\rxxxxxxxxxxx22222222\rxxxxxxxxxxx22222222\rxxxxxxxxxxx22222222\rxxxxxxxxxxx22222222\rxxxxxxxxxxx22222222\rx222222222222222222\rx222222222222222222\rx222222222222222222\rx222222222222222222\rx222222222222222222\rx222222222222222222\rx2222xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rx2222xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rx2222211111xx000000\rx222221111110000000\rx222221111110000000\rx2222211111xx000000\rxx22xxx1111xxxxxxxx\rxx11xxx1111xxxxxxxx\rx1111xx1111xx000000\rx1111xx111110000000\rx1111xx111110000000\rx1111xx1111xx000000\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2224. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('r', '0', '10', '4', '3', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx33333333333333\rxxxxxxxxxxx33333333333333\rxxxxxxxxxxx33333333333333\rxxxxxxxxxxx33333333333333\rxxxxxxxxxxx33333333333333\rxxxxxxxxxxx33333333333333\rxxxxxxx333333333333333333\rxxxxxxx333333333333333333\rxxxxxxx333333333333333333\rxxxxxxx333333333333333333\rxxxxxxx333333333333333333\rxxxxxxx333333333333333333\rx4444433333xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rx4444433333xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rx44444333333222xx000000xx\rx44444333333222xx000000xx\rxxx44xxxxxxxx22xx000000xx\rxxx33xxxxxxxx11xx000000xx\rxxx33322222211110000000xx\rxxx33322222211110000000xx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000xx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000xx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000xx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000xx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', '', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2225. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('newbie_lobby', '0', '2', '11', '0', '2', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000\rxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxx000000\rxxxxx00000000xxx000000\rxxxxx000000000xx000000\r0000000000000000000000\r0000000000000000000000\r0000000000000000000000\r0000000000000000000000\r0000000000000000000000\rxxxxx000000000000000xx\rxxxxx000000000000000xx\rx0000000000000000000xx\rx0000000000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxx00000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxxx0000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxx00000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxx00000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxx00000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxx00000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxx00000000000xxxxx\rxxxxx000000000000xxxxx\rxxxxx000000000000xxxxx\r', 'a160 crl_lamp 16 0 0 0 1\r\ny170 crl_sofa2c 17 0 0 4 2\r\nw180 crl_sofa2b 18 0 0 4 2\r\nv190 crl_sofa2a 19 0 0 4 2\r\na200 crl_lamp 20 0 0 0 1\r\nb161 crl_chair 16 1 0 2 2\r\na72 crl_lamp 7 2 0 0 1\r\na112 crl_lamp 11 2 0 0 1\r\nb162 crl_chair 16 2 0 2 2\r\nc53 crl_pillar 5 3 0 0 1\r\nb73 crl_chair 7 3 0 2 2\r\nu93 crl_table1b 9 3 0 0 1\r\ns113 crl_sofa1c 11 3 0 6 2\r\nb163 crl_chair 16 3 0 2 2\r\nA193 crl_table2b 19 3 0 0 1\r\nz203 crl_table2a 20 3 0 0 1\r\na04 crl_lamp 0 4 0 0 1\r\ny14 crl_sofa2c 1 4 0 4 2\r\nw24 crl_sofa2b 2 4 0 4 2\r\nv34 crl_sofa2a 3 4 0 4 2\r\na44 crl_lamp 4 4 0 0 1\r\nt94 crl_table1a 9 4 0 0 1\r\nr114 crl_sofa1b 11 4 0 6 2\r\nh154 crl_wall2a 15 4 0 0 1\r\na164 crl_lamp 16 4 0 0 1\r\nb05 crl_chair 0 5 0 2 2\r\nb75 crl_chair 7 5 0 2 2\r\nq115 crl_sofa1a 11 5 0 6 2\r\nA26 crl_table2b 2 6 0 0 1\r\nz36 crl_table2a 3 6 0 0 1\r\na116 crl_lamp 11 6 0 0 1\r\nb07 crl_chair 0 7 0 2 2\r\na08 crl_lamp 0 8 0 0 1\r\nD18 crl_sofa3c 1 8 0 0 2\r\nC28 crl_sofa3b 2 8 0 0 2\r\nB38 crl_sofa3a 3 8 0 0 2\r\na48 crl_lamp 4 8 0 0 1\r\no198 crl_barchair2 19 8 0 0 2\r\np208 crl_tablebar 20 8 0 0 1\r\no218 crl_barchair2 21 8 0 0 2\r\nE59 crl_pillar2 5 9 0 0 1\r\nc99 crl_pillar 9 9 0 0 1\r\nP815 crl_desk1a 8 15 0 0 1\r\nO915 crl_deski 9 15 0 0 1\r\nN1015 crl_deskh 10 15 0 0 1\r\nM1016 crl_deskg 10 16 0 0 1\r\nL1017 crl_deskf 10 17 0 0 1\r\nK1018 crl_deske 10 18 0 0 1\r\nK1019 crl_deske 10 19 0 0 1\r\nK1020 crl_deske 10 20 0 0 1\r\nK1021 crl_deske 10 21 0 0 1\r\nK1022 crl_deske 10 22 0 0 1\r\nK1023 crl_deske 10 23 0 0 1\r\nG724 crl_wallb 7 24 0 0 1\r\nK1024 crl_deske 10 24 0 0 1\r\nF725 crl_walla 7 25 0 0 1\r\nH825 crl_desk1b 8 25 0 0 1\r\nI925 crl_desk1c 9 25 0 0 1\r\nJ1025 crl_desk1d 10 25 0 0 1\r\nd1227 crl_lamp2 12 27 0 0 1\r\nf1327 crl_cabinet2 13 27 0 0 1\r\ne1427 crl_cabinet1 14 27 0 0 1\r\nd1527 crl_lamp2 15 27 0 0 1', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2226. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('theater', '0', '20', '27', '0', '0', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\rXXXXXXX111111111XXXXXXX\rXXXXXXX11111111100000XX\rXXXX00X11111111100000XX\rXXXX00x11111111100000XX\r4XXX00X11111111100000XX\r4440000XXXXXXXXX00000XX\r444000000000000000000XX\r4XX000000000000000000XX\r4XX0000000000000000000X\r44400000000000000000000\r44400000000000000000000\r44X0000000000000000O000\r44X11111111111111111000\r44X11111111111111111000\r33X11111111111111111000\r22X11111111111111111000\r22X11111111111111111000\r22X11111111111111111000\r22X11111111111111111000\r22X11111111111111111000\r22211111111111111111000\r22211111111111111111000\rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX00X\rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX00X\r', 'm1110 mic 11 10 1 0 1\r\nd211 thchair2 2 11 4 2 2\r\nd212 thchair2 2 12 4 2 2\r\nd215 thchair2 2 15 4 2 2\r\nc615 thchair1 6 15 0 0 2\r\nc715 thchair1 7 15 0 0 2\r\nc815 thchair1 8 15 0 0 2\r\nc915 thchair1 9 15 0 0 2\r\nc1015 thchair1 10 15 0 0 2\r\nc1215 thchair1 12 15 0 0 2\r\nc1315 thchair1 13 15 0 0 2\r\nc1415 thchair1 14 15 0 0 2\r\nc1515 thchair1 15 15 0 0 2\r\nc1615 thchair1 16 15 0 0 2\r\nd216 thchair2 2 16 4 2 2\r\nc620 thchair1 6 20 1 0 2\r\nc720 thchair1 7 20 1 0 2\r\nc820 thchair1 8 20 1 0 2\r\nc920 thchair1 9 20 1 0 2\r\nc1020 thchair1 10 20 1 0 2\r\nc1220 thchair1 12 20 1 0 2\r\nc1320 thchair1 13 20 1 0 2\r\nc1420 thchair1 14 20 1 0 2\r\nc1520 thchair1 15 20 1 0 2\r\nc1620 thchair1 16 20 1 0 2\r\nc623 thchair1 6 23 1 0 2\r\nc723 thchair1 7 23 1 0 2\r\nc823 thchair1 8 23 1 0 2\r\nc923 thchair1 9 23 1 0 2\r\nc1023 thchair1 10 23 1 0 2\r\nc1223 thchair1 12 23 1 0 2\r\nc1323 thchair1 13 23 1 0 2\r\nc1423 thchair1 14 23 1 0 2\r\nc1523 thchair1 15 23 1 0 2\r\nc1623 thchair1 16 23 1 0 2\r\nc626 thchair1 6 26 1 0 2\r\nc726 thchair1 7 26 1 0 2\r\nc826 thchair1 8 26 1 0 2\r\nc926 thchair1 9 26 1 0 2\r\nc1026 thchair1 10 26 1 0 2\r\nc1226 thchair1 12 26 1 0 2\r\nc1326 thchair1 13 26 1 0 2\r\nc1426 thchair1 14 26 1 0 2\r\nc1526 thchair1 15 26 1 0 2\r\nc1626 thchair1 16 26 1 0 2', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2227. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('library', '0', '20', '3', '1', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx11111xx1xx1x111111x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx111111xx1xx11111111x\rxx111xxxxxxx111111xx1xx11111111x\rxx111xxxxxxx1111111111111111111x\rxx111xxxxxxx1111111111111111111x\rxx111xxxxxxx1111111111111111111x\rxx111xxxxxxx1111111111111xxxxxxx\rxx111xxxxxx11111111111111111111x\rxx111xxxxxx11111111111111111111x\rxx111xxxxxx11111111111111111111x\rxx111xxxxxx11111111111111xxxxxxx\rxx111xxxxxxxx111111111111111111x\rxx111xx11111x111111111111111111x\rxx111xx11111x111111111111111111x\rxx111xxxxx11x11111111x111xxxxxxx\rxx111xxxxxxxx11111111xx11111111x\rxx111xxx1111111111111xxx1111111x\rxx111xxx1111111111111xxxx111111x\rxxx111xx1111111111x11xxxx000000x\rxxxxx1111xx1111111x11xxxx000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx111111x11xxxx000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx11xx11x11xxxx000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx11xx11x11xxxx000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx11xx11x11xxxx000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx11xx11x11xxxx000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx11xx11x11xxxx000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxx11xx11x111xxx000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11xxx000000x\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx22222xxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx22222xxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx22222xxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx22222xxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx22222xxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx22222xxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', 'a142 libchair 14 2 1 4 2\r\na162 libchair 16 2 1 4 2\r\na262 libchair 26 2 1 4 2\r\na243 libchair 24 3 1 2 2\r\na124 libchair 12 4 1 2 2\r\na126 libchair 12 6 1 2 2\r\nb1314 libstool 13 14 1 6 2\r\nb1315 libstool 13 15 1 6 2\r\nb1316 libstool 13 16 1 6 2\r\na2827 libchair 28 27 0 4 2\r\na2729 libchair 27 29 0 2 2\r\nb2433 libstool 24 33 2 6 2\r\nb2434 libstool 24 34 2 6 2\r\nb2435 libstool 24 35 2 6 2\r\nb2136 libstool 21 36 2 0 2\r\nb2236 libstool 22 36 2 0 2\r\nb2336 libstool 23 36 2 0 2', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2228. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('floatinggarden', '0', '2', '21', '5', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx333333xxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3xxxx3xxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3xxxx3xxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3xxxx3xxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx223xxx33xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11xxx33333xxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11xx3333333xxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11xx33333333xxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11xxxxxxxx3xxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11xxxx3333xxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxx33333xx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxx3333333x\r555xxxxxxxxxxx1111111x333333333\r555xxxxxxxxxxx21111111xxxxxx333\r555xxxxxxxxxxx22111111111xxxxxx\r555xxxxxxxxxxx222xxxxxxx111xxxx\r555xxxxxxxxxxx22xxxxxxxxxx1xxxx\r555xxxxxxxxxxx23333333333x111xx\r555xxxxxxxx33333333333333x111xx\r555xxxxxxxx333333x3333333x111xx\r555xxxxxxxx33333333333333x111xx\r555xxxxxxxx33x33333333333x111xx\r555xxxxxxxx33x33x33333333x111xx\r555xxxxxxxx33x33x33333333x111xx\r5554333333333x333x3333333x111xx\rx554333333xxxx33xxxxxxxxxx111xx\rxxxxxxxxx3xxxx333221111111111xx\rxxxxxxxxx3xxxx333221111111111xx\rxxxxxxxxx33333333xx1111x11x11xx\rxxxxxxxxx33333333111xxx11xxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx33311xxxx11xxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx33311xxxx11xxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx333x1xxxx11xxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx333x1xx111111xxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx33311xx111111xxxx\rxxxxxxxxxx333333311xx111111xxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx33333311xx111111xxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx111xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx111xxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', 'a249 float_dummychair 24 9 3 4 2\r\na259 float_dummychair 25 9 3 4 2\r\nb2813 float_dummychair2 28 13 3 4 2\r\nb2913 float_dummychair2 29 13 3 4 2\r\ne1717 floatbench2 17 17 3 2 2\r\ne1917 floatbench2 19 17 3 6 2\r\ne2117 floatbench2 21 17 3 2 2\r\ne2317 floatbench2 23 17 3 6 2\r\ne2717 floatbench2 27 17 1 4 2\r\nd2817 floatbench1 28 17 1 4 2\r\nd1718 floatbench1 17 18 3 2 2\r\nd1918 floatbench1 19 18 3 6 2\r\nd2118 floatbench1 21 18 3 2 2\r\nd2318 floatbench1 23 18 3 6 2\r\ne2719 floatbench2 27 19 1 0 2\r\nd2819 floatbench1 28 19 1 0 2\r\ne1723 floatbench2 17 23 3 2 2\r\ne1923 floatbench2 19 23 3 6 2\r\ne2123 floatbench2 21 23 3 2 2\r\ne2323 floatbench2 23 23 3 6 2\r\ne2723 floatbench2 27 23 1 4 2\r\nd2823 floatbench1 28 23 1 4 2\r\nd1724 floatbench1 17 24 100000 2 2\r\nd1924 floatbench1 19 24 3 6 2\r\nd2124 floatbench1 21 24 3 2 2\r\nd2324 floatbench1 23 24 3 6 2\r\ne2725 floatbench2 27 25 1 0 2\r\nd2825 floatbench1 28 25 1 0 2\r\na1729 float_dummychair 17 29 1 2 2\r\na1730 float_dummychair 17 30 1 2 2\r\na1731 float_dummychair 17 31 1 2 2\r\na2133 float_dummychair 21 33 1 2 2\r\na2633 float_dummychair 26 33 1 6 2\r\na2134 float_dummychair 21 34 1 2 2\r\na2634 float_dummychair 26 34 1 6 2\r\na1735 float_dummychair 17 35 1 2 2\r\na2135 float_dummychair 21 35 1 2 2\r\na2635 float_dummychair 26 35 1 6 2\r\na1736 float_dummychair 17 36 1 2 2\r\na2136 float_dummychair 21 36 1 2 2\r\na2636 float_dummychair 26 36 1 6 2\r\na1537 float_dummychair 15 37 100000 4 2\r\na1637 float_dummychair 16 37 1 4 2', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2229. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('sunset_cafe', '0', '34', '40', '0', '4', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000000xxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000xx00000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000000000000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000000000000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000000000000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx000000000000000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxx0000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxx000000xxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\n', 'd3221 chairup4 32 21 0 3 2\r\nf3321 chairup6 33 21 0 4 2\r\nf3421 chairup6 34 21 0 4 2\r\nf3521 chairup6 35 21 0 4 2\r\nf3621 chairup6 36 21 0 4 2\r\ng3721 chairup7 37 21 0 4 2\r\nb3222 chairup2 32 22 0 2 2\r\ne2523 chairup5 25 23 0 4 2\r\nf2623 chairup6 26 23 0 4 2\r\nf2723 chairup6 27 23 0 4 2\r\nf2823 chairup6 28 23 0 4 2\r\ng2923 chairup7 29 23 0 4 2\r\na3223 chairup1 32 23 0 2 2\r\nA2424 counter5 24 24 0 7 1\r\nr2524 table2 25 24 0 7 1\r\nq2624 table1 26 24 0 7 1\r\np2425 counter3 24 25 0 7 1\r\nz2426 counter4 24 26 0 7 1\r\np2427 counter3 24 27 0 7 1\r\np2428 counter3 24 28 0 7 1\r\ny2928 palms4 29 28 0 7 1\r\np2429 counter3 24 29 0 7 1\r\nx2929 palms3 29 29 0 7 1\r\np2430 counter3 24 30 0 7 1\r\nw2930 palms2 29 30 0 7 1\r\nn2231 counter1 22 31 0 7 1\r\nn2331 counter1 23 31 0 7 1\r\no2431 counter2 24 31 0 7 1\r\nv2931 palms1 29 31 0 7 1\r\ne3031 chairup5 30 31 0 4 2\r\nf3131 chairup6 31 31 0 4 2\r\nf3231 chairup6 32 31 0 4 2\r\nf3331 chairup6 33 31 0 4 2\r\nf3431 chairup6 34 31 0 4 2\r\nf3531 chairup6 35 31 0 4 2\r\nf3631 chairup6 36 31 0 4 2\r\nj3731 chairright3 37 31 0 5 2\r\nc2132 chairup3 21 32 0 2 2\r\nt2232 table4 22 32 0 7 1\r\nr3032 table2 30 32 0 7 1\r\nq3132 table1 31 32 0 7 1\r\nr3332 table2 33 32 0 7 1\r\nq3432 table1 34 32 0 7 1\r\ni3732 chairright2 37 32 0 6 2\r\nb2133 chairup2 21 33 0 2 2\r\ns2233 table3 22 33 0 7 1\r\ni3733 chairright2 37 33 0 6 2\r\nb2134 chairup2 21 34 0 2 2\r\nt3634 table4 36 34 0 7 1\r\ni3734 chairright2 37 34 0 6 2\r\nb2135 chairup2 21 35 0 2 2\r\nr2435 table2 24 35 0 7 1\r\nq2535 table1 25 35 0 7 1\r\nr2735 table2 27 35 0 7 1\r\nq2835 table1 28 35 0 7 1\r\nu3335 palm 33 35 0 7 1\r\ns3635 table3 36 35 0 7 1\r\ni3735 chairright2 37 35 0 6 2\r\nm2136 chairleft3 21 36 0 1 2\r\nl2236 chairleft2 22 36 0 0 2\r\nl2336 chairleft2 23 36 0 0 2\r\nl2436 chairleft2 24 36 0 0 2\r\nl2536 chairleft2 25 36 0 0 2\r\nl2636 chairleft2 26 36 0 0 2\r\nl2736 chairleft2 27 36 0 0 2\r\nk2836 chairleft1 28 36 0 0 2\r\ni3736 chairright2 37 36 0 6 2\r\nt3637 table4 36 37 0 7 1\r\ni3737 chairright2 37 37 0 6 2\r\ns3638 table3 36 38 0 7 1\r\nh3738 chairright1 37 38 0 6 2', '', 'sf', '5000', '1', '6');
  2230. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('pool_a', '0', '2', '25', '7', '2', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx77777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx77777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx777777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7xxx777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7x777777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7xxx77777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7x777777777x7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7xxx7777777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx777777777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx77777777777x2111xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7777777777x221111xxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxx7777777777777777x2211111xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxx7777777777777777x22211111xxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxx7777777777777777x222211111xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxx77777777777777777777x222211111xxxxxxx\rxxxxxx7777777xx777777777777x222211111xxxxxx\rxxxxxx7777777xx77777777777772222111111xxxxx\rxxxxxx777777777777777777777x22221111111xxxx\rxx7777777777777777777777x322222211111111xxx\r77777777777777777777777x33222222111111111xx\r7777777777777777777777x333222222211111111xx\rxx7777777777777777777x333322222222111111xxx\rxx7777777777777777777333332222222221111xxxx\rxx777xxx777777777777733333222222222211xxxxx\rxx777x7x77777777777773333322222222222xxxxxx\rxx777x7x7777777777777x33332222222222xxxxxxx\rxxx77x7x7777777777777xx333222222222xxxxxxxx\rxxxx77777777777777777xxx3222222222xxxxxxxxx\rxxxxx777777777777777777xx22222222xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxx777777777777777777x2222222xxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxx777777777777777777222222xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxx7777777777777777722222xxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxx77777777777777772222xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxx777777777777777222xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx77777777777777x2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx77777777777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx777777777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7777777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx77777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx777777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7777xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', 'u184 umbrella2 18 4 7 0 1\r\nb185 pool_2sofa2 18 5 7 2 2\r\nB186 pool_2sofa1 18 6 7 2 2\r\nu720 umbrella2 7 20 7 0 1\r\nc820 pool_chair2 8 20 7 4 2\r\nu2420 umbrella2 24 20 7 0 1\r\nc2520 pool_chair2 25 20 7 4 2\r\nc721 pool_chair2 7 21 7 2 2\r\nt821 pool_table2 8 21 7 0 2\r\nc921 pool_chair2 9 21 7 6 2\r\nc2421 pool_chair2 24 21 7 2 2\r\nt2521 pool_table2 25 21 7 0 1\r\nc822 pool_chair2 8 22 7 0 2\r\nR228 flower2b 2 28 7 0 1\r\nr229 flower2a 2 29 7 0 1\r\nL632 box 6 32 7 0 1\r\nf1333 flower1 13 33 7 0 1\r\ny1034 pool_chairy 10 34 7 4 2\r\n8835 umbrellay 8 35 7 0 1\r\ny935 pool_chairy 9 35 7 2 2 2\r\nQ1035 pool_tabley 10 35 7 0 1\r\ny1135 pool_chairy 11 35 7 6 2\r\n91535 umbrellap 15 35 7 0 1\r\n72135 umbrellao 21 35 7 0 1\r\ny1036 pool_chairy 10 36 7 0 2\r\nP1536 pool_chairp 15 36 7 4 2\r\no2136 pool_chairo 21 36 7 4 2\r\no2236 pool_chairo 22 36 7 4 2\r\nP1437 pool_chairp 14 37 7 2 2\r\nZ1537 pool_tablep 15 37 7 0 1\r\nP1637 pool_chairp 16 37 7 6 2\r\nK2137 pool_tabo 21 37 7 6 1\r\nk2237 pool_tabo2 22 37 7 6 1\r\nP1438 pool_chairp 14 38 7 2 2\r\nz1538 pool_tablep2 15 38 7 0 1\r\nP1638 pool_chairp 16 38 7 6 2\r\no2138 pool_chairo 21 38 7 0 2\r\no2238 pool_chairo 22 38 7 0 2\r\nP1539 pool_chairp 15 39 7 0 2\r\ng2041 pool_chairg 20 41 7 4 2\r\ng2141 pool_chairg 21 41 7 4 2\r\nW2042 pool_tablg 20 42 7 6 1\r\nw2142 pool_tablg2 21 42 7 6 1\r\nG1943 umbrellag 19 43 7 0 1\r\ng2043 pool_chairg 20 43 7 0 2\r\ng2143 pool_chairg 21 43 7 0 2', '1', null, null, null, null);
  2231. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('pub_a', '0', '15', '25', '0', '6', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222211111xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222211111xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222211111xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222211111xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222222111xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222222111xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222222000xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222222000xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222222000xxx\rxxxxxxxxx2222222222000xxx\rx333333332222222222000xxx\rx333333332222222222000xxx\rx333333332222222222000xxx\rx333333332222222222000xxx\rx333333332222222222000xxx\rx333332222222222222000xxx\rx333332222222222222000xxx\rx333332222222222222000xxx\rx333332222222222222000xxx\rx333333332222222222000xxx\rxxxxx31111112222222000xxx\rxxxxx31111111000000000xxx\rxxxxx31111111000000000xxx\rxxxxx31111111000000000xxx\rxxxxx31111111000000000xxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', 'S191 pub_sofa2 19 1 1 4 1\r\ns201 pub_sofa 20 1 1 4 2\r\ns211 pub_sofa 21 1 1 4 2\r\nq112 bardesk1 11 2 2 0 1\r\nc122 pub_chair 12 2 2 6 2\r\nQ113 bardesk2 11 3 2 0 1\r\nq114 bardesk1 11 4 2 0 1\r\nc124 pub_chair 12 4 2 6 2\r\nQ115 bardesk2 11 5 2 0 1\r\nf185 pub_fence 18 5 2 1 1\r\nq116 bardesk1 11 6 2 0 1\r\nc126 pub_chair 12 6 2 6 2\r\nf186 pub_fence 18 6 2 0 1\r\nQ117 bardesk2 11 7 2 0 1\r\nf187 pub_fence 18 7 2 0 1\r\nq118 bardesk1 11 8 2 0 1\r\nc128 pub_chair 12 8 2 6 2\r\nf188 pub_fence 18 8 2 0 1\r\nw109 bardesk4 10 9 2 0 1\r\nW119 bardesk3 11 9 2 0 1\r\nf189 pub_fence 18 9 2 0 1\r\nf1810 pub_fence 18 10 2 0 1\r\nC211 pub_chair2 2 11 3 4 2\r\nC311 pub_chair2 3 11 3 4 2\r\nC511 pub_chair2 5 11 3 4 2\r\nC611 pub_chair2 6 11 3 4 2\r\nf811 pub_fence 8 11 3 1 1\r\nf1811 pub_fence 18 11 2 0 1\r\nf812 pub_fence 8 12 3 0 1\r\nf1812 pub_fence 18 12 2 0 1\r\nf813 pub_fence 8 13 3 0 1\r\nC913 pub_chair2 9 13 2 2 2\r\nk1413 pub_chair3 14 13 2 2 2\r\nT1513 pub_table2 15 13 2 1 1\r\nk1613 pub_chair3 16 13 2 6 2\r\nf1813 pub_fence 18 13 2 0 1\r\nf814 pub_fence 8 14 3 2 1\r\nC914 pub_chair2 9 14 2 2 2\r\nk1414 pub_chair3 14 14 2 2 2\r\nT1514 pub_table2 15 14 2 2 1\r\nk1614 pub_chair3 16 14 2 6 2\r\nf1814 pub_fence 18 14 2 0 1\r\nt115 pub_table 1 15 3 0 1\r\nf515 pub_fence 5 15 3 1 1\r\nf1815 pub_fence 18 15 2 0 1\r\nS116 pub_sofa2 1 16 3 2 2\r\nf516 pub_fence 5 16 3 0 1\r\nf1816 pub_fence 18 16 2 0 1\r\ns117 pub_sofa 1 17 3 2 2\r\nf517 pub_fence 5 17 3 0 1\r\nk1317 pub_chair3 13 17 2 4 2\r\nk1417 pub_chair3 14 17 2 4 2\r\nk1517 pub_chair3 15 17 2 4 2\r\nk1617 pub_chair3 16 17 2 4 2\r\nf1817 pub_fence 18 17 2 0 1\r\ns118 pub_sofa 1 18 3 2 2\r\nf518 pub_fence 5 18 3 0 1\r\nT1318 pub_table2 13 18 2 5 1\r\nT1418 pub_table2 14 18 2 6 1\r\nT1518 pub_table2 15 18 2 6 1\r\nT1618 pub_table2 16 18 2 4 1\r\nf1818 pub_fence 18 18 2 0 1\r\ns219 pub_sofa 2 19 3 0 2\r\nS319 pub_sofa2 3 19 3 0 2\r\nf519 pub_fence 5 19 3 0 1\r\nk1319 pub_chair3 13 19 2 0 2\r\nk1419 pub_chair3 14 19 2 0 2\r\nk1519 pub_chair3 15 19 2 0 2\r\nk1619 pub_chair3 16 19 2 0 2\r\nf1819 pub_fence 18 19 2 0 1\r\nf120 pub_fence 1 20 3 5 1\r\nf220 pub_fence 2 20 3 6 1\r\nf320 pub_fence 3 20 3 6 1\r\nf420 pub_fence 4 20 3 6 1\r\nf520 pub_fence 5 20 3 3 1\r\nf1820 pub_fence 18 20 2 0 1\r\nS721 pub_sofa2 7 21 1 4 2\r\ns821 pub_sofa 8 21 1 4 2\r\nf1221 pub_fence 12 21 2 5 1\r\nf1321 pub_fence 13 21 2 6 1\r\nf1421 pub_fence 14 21 2 6 1\r\nf1521 pub_fence 15 21 2 6 1\r\nf1621 pub_fence 16 21 2 6 1\r\nf1721 pub_fence 17 21 2 6 1\r\nf1821 pub_fence 18 21 2 3 1\r\nS622 pub_sofa2 6 22 1 2 2\r\nt1522 pub_table 15 22 0 0 1\r\nC1622 pub_chair2 16 22 0 4 2\r\nC1722 pub_chair2 17 22 0 4 2\r\ns623 pub_sofa 6 23 1 2 2\r\nT823 pub_table2 8 23 1 1 1\r\ns624 pub_sofa 6 24 1 2 2\r\nT824 pub_table2 8 24 1 0 1\r\ns625 pub_sofa 6 25 1 2 2\r\nT825 pub_table2 8 25 1 2 1', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2232. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('md_a', '0', '1', '5', '7', '2', 'xxxxxxxx77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxx77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxx77777x77xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxx77777777777xxx44xxxxxxx\r77777777777777xx444444444x\r777777777777777xx44444444x\rxxx777777777777xx44444444x\rxxxx7777777777xxx44444444x\r7777777777777777744448444x\r7777777777777x4x744448444x\r777777777777x444444448444x\r7777777777774444444448444x\r7777777777774444444448444x\r777777777777x444444448444x\r7777777777777x44444448444x\rxxx777777777777x444448444x\rxxx7777777777777444448444x\rxxx7777777777777444448444x\rxxx777777777777x444448444x\rxxx77777777777x4444444444x\rxxxx777777777444444444444x\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', 'A43 mntdwchair 4 3 7 4 2\r\nA53 mntdwchair 5 3 7 4 2\r\nM28 barmask 2 8 7 0 1\r\ns78 mntdwsofa2 7 8 7 2 2\r\nt88 mntdwtable2 8 8 7 0 2\r\ns98 mntdwsofa2 9 8 7 6 2\r\ny218 paalu5 21 8 8 0 1\r\nM29 barmask 2 9 7 0 1\r\nS79 mntdwsofa1 7 9 7 2 2\r\nT89 mntdwtable1 8 9 7 0 2\r\nS99 mntdwsofa1 9 9 7 6 2\r\ny219 paalu5 21 9 8 0 1\r\nM210 barmask 2 10 7 0 1\r\ny2110 paalu5 21 10 8 0 1\r\nM211 barmask 2 11 7 0 1\r\ny2111 paalu5 21 11 8 0 1\r\nM212 barmask 2 12 7 0 1\r\ns712 mntdwsofa2 7 12 7 4 2\r\nS812 mntdwsofa1 8 12 7 4 2\r\ne2112 paalu3 21 12 8 0 1\r\nM213 barmask 2 13 7 0 1\r\nt713 mntdwtable2 7 13 7 2 1\r\nT813 mntdwtable1 8 13 7 2 1\r\ne2113 paalu3 21 13 8 0 1\r\nM214 barmask 2 14 7 0 1\r\ns714 mntdwsofa2 7 14 7 0 2\r\nS814 mntdwsofa1 8 14 7 0 2\r\ne2114 paalu3 21 14 8 0 1\r\nM215 barmask 2 15 100000 0 1\r\nq2115 paalu1 21 15 8 0 1\r\nM216 barmask 2 16 100000 0 1\r\ns1216 mntdwsofa2 12 16 7 4 2\r\nS1316 mntdwsofa1 13 16 7 4 2\r\nq2116 paalu1 21 16 8 0 1\r\nA317 mntdwchair 3 17 7 2 2\r\ns617 mntdwsofa2 6 17 7 2 2\r\nt717 mntdwtable2 7 17 7 0 1\r\ns817 mntdwsofa2 8 17 7 6 2\r\nt1217 mntdwtable2 12 17 7 2 1\r\nT1317 mntdwtable1 13 17 7 2 1\r\nq2117 paalu1 21 17 8 0 1\r\nA318 mntdwchair 3 18 7 2 2\r\nS618 mntdwsofa1 6 18 7 2 2\r\nT718 mntdwtable1 7 18 7 0 1\r\nS818 mntdwsofa1 8 18 7 6 2\r\ns1218 mntdwsofa2 12 18 7 0 2\r\nS1318 mntdwsofa1 13 18 7 0 2\r\nq2118 paalu1 21 18 8 0 1', '1', 'cam1', '4500', '1', '4');
  2233. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('picnic', '0', '16', '5', '2', '4', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxx22222xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r22xxxxxxxxxxxxx22xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r2222222222222222222x222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222xxx222222222222222222222222\r2222222222xx33x22222222222222222222222\r222222222xx3333x2222222222222222222222\r222222222x333333x222222222222222222222\r222222222x333333x222222222222222222222\r2222222222x3332x2222222222222222222222\r22222222222x33x22222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222x22222xxxx22222222222222222222\r22222222222222xxxx22222222222222222222\r22222222222222xxx222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r22222222222222222222222222222222222222\r', 'h107 hedge7 10 7 2 4 1\r\nh117 hedge7 11 7 2 4 1\r\nh127 hedge7 12 7 2 4 1\r\nh137 hedge7 13 7 2 4 1\r\ny147 hedge8 14 7 2 4 1\r\ns187 hedge2 18 7 2 4 1\r\nh197 hedge7 19 7 2 4 1\r\nh207 hedge7 20 7 2 4 1\r\nh217 hedge7 21 7 2 4 1\r\nz148 hedge9 14 8 2 4 1\r\nz188 hedge9 18 8 2 4 1\r\nv39 hedge5 3 9 2 4 1\r\nz310 hedge9 3 10 2 4 1\r\nc1211 picnic_dummychair1 12 11 3 4 2\r\nc1311 picnic_dummychair1 13 11 3 4 2\r\nc1411 picnic_dummychair1 14 11 100000 4 2\r\nc1013 picnic_dummychair1 10 13 3 2 2\r\nc1513 picnic_dummychair1 15 13 3 6 2\r\nb2113 picnic_ground 21 13 2 4 2\r\nb714 picnic_ground 7 14 2 4 2\r\nc1014 picnic_dummychair1 10 14 3 2 2\r\nc1514 picnic_dummychair1 15 14 3 6 2\r\nb1915 picnic_ground 19 15 2 2 2\r\nb2315 picnic_ground 23 15 2 6 2\r\nb516 picnic_ground 5 16 2 2 2\r\nb916 picnic_ground 9 16 2 6 2\r\nL2016 picnic_cloth1 20 16 2 2 1\r\nL617 picnic_cloth1 6 17 2 2 1\r\nb2117 picnic_ground 21 17 2 0 2\r\nb718 picnic_ground 7 18 2 0 2\r\na019 picnic_redbench2 0 19 2 2 2\r\nA020 picnic_redbench1 0 20 2 2 2\r\nw1120 hedge6 11 20 2 4 1\r\nh1220 hedge7 12 20 2 4 1\r\nh1320 hedge7 13 20 2 4 1\r\nt1420 hedge3 14 20 2 4 1\r\nu1720 hedge4 17 20 2 4 1\r\nh1820 hedge7 18 20 2 4 1\r\nh1920 hedge7 19 20 2 4 1\r\ny2020 hedge8 20 20 2 4 1\r\nv1121 hedge5 11 21 2 4 1\r\nM1221 picnic_bench1 12 21 2 4 2\r\nN1321 picnic_bench2 13 21 2 4 2\r\nO1421 picnic_bench3 14 21 2 4 2\r\nM1721 picnic_bench1 17 21 2 4 2\r\nN1821 picnic_bench2 18 21 2 4 2\r\nO1921 picnic_bench3 19 21 2 4 2\r\nv2021 hedge5 20 21 2 4 1\r\na022 picnic_redbench2 0 22 2 2 2\r\nv1122 hedge5 11 22 2 4 1\r\nv2022 hedge5 20 22 2 4 1\r\nb2522 picnic_ground 25 22 2 4 1\r\nA023 picnic_redbench1 0 23 2 2 2\r\nv1123 hedge5 11 23 2 4 1\r\nM1223 picnic_bench1 12 23 2 2 2\r\nM1923 picnic_bench1 19 23 2 6 2\r\nv2023 hedge5 20 23 2 4 1\r\nc624 picnic_dummychair1 6 24 2 4 2\r\nd724 picnic_dummychair4 7 24 2 4 2\r\ne824 picnic_dummychair6 8 24 2 4 2\r\nv1124 hedge5 11 24 2 4 1\r\nN1224 picnic_bench2 12 24 2 2 2\r\nN1924 picnic_bench2 19 24 2 6 2\r\nv2024 hedge5 20 24 2 4 1\r\nb2324 picnic_ground 23 24 2 2 2\r\nb2724 picnic_ground 27 24 2 6 2\r\nK525 picnic_stump 5 25 2 2 2\r\nv1125 hedge5 11 25 2 4 1\r\nN1225 picnic_bench2 12 25 2 2 2\r\nN1925 picnic_bench2 19 25 2 6 2\r\nv2025 hedge5 20 25 2 4 1\r\nG2425 picnic_cloth2 24 25 2 2 1\r\nK726 picnic_stump 7 26 2 0 2\r\nv1126 hedge5 11 26 2 4 1\r\nO1226 picnic_bench3 12 26 2 2 2\r\nH1426 picnic_fireplace1 14 26 2 0 1\r\nI1626 picnic_fireplace2 16 26 2 2 1\r\nO1926 picnic_bench3 19 26 2 6 2\r\nv2026 hedge5 20 26 2 4 1\r\nb2526 picnic_ground 25 26 2 0 1\r\nz1127 hedge9 11 27 2 4 1\r\nQ1227 picnic_lemonade 12 27 2 4 1\r\nz2027 hedge9 20 27 2 4 1\r\nE829 picnic_firewood2 8 29 2 0 1\r\na030 picnic_redbench2 0 30 2 2 2\r\nD830 picnic_firewood1 8 30 2 0 1\r\nA031 picnic_redbench1 0 31 2 2 2\r\nD831 picnic_firewood1 8 31 2 0 1\r\nM1231 picnic_bench1 12 31 2 4 2\r\nN1331 picnic_bench2 13 31 2 4 2\r\nO1431 picnic_bench3 14 31 2 4 2\r\nM1831 picnic_bench1 18 31 2 4 2\r\nN1931 picnic_bench2 19 31 2 4 2\r\nO2031 picnic_bench3 20 31 2 4 2\r\nf2731 picnic_carrot 27 31 2 0 1\r\nf2831 picnic_carrot 28 31 2 0 1\r\nf2931 picnic_carrot 29 31 2 0 1\r\nf3031 picnic_carrot 30 31 2 0 1\r\nf3131 picnic_carrot 31 31 2 0 1\r\nD832 picnic_firewood1 8 32 2 0 1\r\nF1232 picnic_table2 12 32 2 2 1\r\nP1432 picnic_table 14 32 2 2 1\r\nF1832 picnic_table2 18 32 2 2 1\r\nP2032 picnic_table 20 32 2 2 1\r\nr333 hedge1 3 33 2 4 1\r\nD833 picnic_firewood1 8 33 2 0 1\r\nM1233 picnic_bench1 12 33 2 0 2\r\nN1333 picnic_bench2 13 33 2 0 2\r\nO1433 picnic_bench3 14 33 2 0 2\r\nM1833 picnic_bench1 18 33 2 0 2\r\nN1933 picnic_bench2 19 33 2 0 2\r\nO2033 picnic_bench3 20 33 2 0 2\r\ng2733 picnic_cabbage 27 33 2 0 1\r\ng2833 picnic_cabbage 28 33 2 0 1\r\ng2933 picnic_cabbage 29 33 2 0 1\r\nv334 hedge5 3 34 2 4 1\r\nD834 picnic_firewood1 8 34 2 0 1\r\nv335 hedge5 3 35 2 4 1\r\nD835 picnic_firewood1 8 35 2 0 1\r\nv336 hedge5 3 36 2 4 1\r\nD836 picnic_firewood1 8 36 2 0 1\r\nD837 picnic_firewood1 8 37 2 0 1\r\nM1237 picnic_bench1 12 37 2 4 2\r\nN1337 picnic_bench2 13 37 2 4 2\r\nO1437 picnic_bench3 14 37 2 4 2\r\nM1837 picnic_bench1 18 37 2 4 2\r\nN1937 picnic_bench2 19 37 2 4 2\r\nO2037 picnic_bench3 20 37 2 4 2\r\nD838 picnic_firewood1 8 38 2 0 1\r\nF1238 picnic_table2 12 38 2 2 1\r\nP1438 picnic_table 14 38 2 2 1\r\nF1838 picnic_table2 18 38 2 2 1\r\nP2038 picnic_table 20 38 2 2 1\r\nJ839 picnic_firewood3 8 39 2 0 1\r\nM1239 picnic_bench1 12 39 2 0 2\r\nN1339 picnic_bench2 13 39 2 0 2\r\nO1439 picnic_bench3 14 39 2 0 2\r\nM1839 picnic_bench1 18 39 2 0 2\r\nN1939 picnic_bench2 19 39 2 0 2\r\nO2039 picnic_bench3 20 39 2 0 2', '', '0', '1', null, null);
  2234. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('park_a', '0', '2', '15', '0', '6', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx00xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx0x00xxxxxxxxxxx0x000xxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000000000xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx000000000000000000000000xxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000000000000xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx00000000000000000000000000xxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000000000000000000000000000000xxxxxx\rxxxxxxx00000000000000000000000000000000xxxxx\rxxxxxxx000000000000000000000000000000000xxxx\rxxxxxxx0000000000000000000000000000000000xxx\rxxxxxxxxx000000000000000000000000000000000xx\r00000000000000000000xx00000000000000000000xx\r0000000000000000000xxxx00000000000xxxxxxx0xx\r0000000000000000000xxxx00000000000x00000xxxx\rxxxxx00x0000000000xxxxx0xxxxxx0000x0000000xx\rxxxxx0000000000000xxxxx0xx000x0000x000000xxx\rxxxxx0000000000000xxxxx0x000000000x00000xxxx\rxxxxx000000x0000000xxxx0x000000000xxx00xxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000x0000000xxx00xxx000000x0000xxxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000x000000xxxx0x0000000000000xxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000x000000011100000000000000xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxx000x00000001110000000000000xxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxx00x0000000111x00000000x00xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxx0x0000000xxx0000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx000000xxxx0000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx000000xxx00xxxxx00xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxx0xx000x00xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxx0x000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxx0x00000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxx00xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r', 'L89 bench2 8 9 0 4 2\r\nK99 bench 9 9 0 4 2\r\nL711 bench2 7 11 0 2 2\r\nK712 bench 7 12 0 2 2\r\nL3516 bench2 35 16 0 2 2\r\nL3716 bench2 37 16 0 4 2\r\nK3816 bench 38 16 0 4 2\r\nK3517 bench 35 17 0 2 2\r\nL2718 bench2 27 18 0 4 2\r\nK2818 bench 28 18 0 4 2\r\nL3518 bench2 35 18 0 2 2\r\nL2519 bench2 25 19 0 2 2\r\nK3519 bench 35 19 0 2 2\r\nK2520 bench 25 20 0 2 2\r\nL2529 bench2 25 29 0 4 2\r\nK2629 bench 26 29 0 4 2\r\nL2330 bench2 23 30 0 2 2\r\nK2331 bench 23 31 0 2 2', '', null, '1', null, null);
  2235. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('park_b', '0', '11', '2', '0', '6', '0000x0000000\r0000xx000000\r000000000000\r00000000000x\r000000000000\r00x0000x0000\r', 'C00 cornerchair2 0 0 0 4 2\r\nB10 cornerchair1 1 0 0 4 2\r\nA20 chair1 2 0 0 4 2\r\nA30 chair1 3 0 0 4 2\r\nH50 table1 5 0 0 4 1\r\nE60 chair1line 6 0 0 4 2\r\nA70 chair1 7 0 0 4 2\r\nF80 chair1frontend 8 0 0 4 2\r\nJ100 hububar 10 0 0 4 1\r\nB01 cornerchair1 0 1 0 2 2\r\nA02 chair1 0 2 0 2 2\r\nA03 chair1 0 3 0 2 2\r\nA04 chair1 0 4 0 2 2\r\nF05 chair1frontend 0 5 0 2 2\r\nI35 table2 3 5 0 4 1\r\nD55 modchair 5 5 0 0 2\r\nI85 table2 8 5 0 4 1', '', null, '1', null, null);
  2236. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata` VALUES ('pool_b', '0', '9', '21', '7', '0', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx777xxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8888888x7xxx77777xxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8888888x7xxx777777xxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx88xxxxx77x7x777777777xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx88x7777777777777777777xxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx88x77777777777777777777xxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9988x77777777777777777777xxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9988x7777777777777777777x00xxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9988x777777777777777777x0000xxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9988x7777777x0000000000000000xx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9988x777777x000000000000000000x\r7777777777xxxx9988777777x0x0000000000000000xx\rx7777777777xxx998877777x000x00000000000000xxx\rxx7777777777xx99887777x00000x000000000000xxxx\rxxx7777777777x9988777x0000000x0000000000xxxxx\rxxxx777777777x777777x00000000x000000000xxxxxx\rxxxxx777777777777777000000000x00000000xxxxxxx\rxxxxxx77777777777777000000000x0000000xxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxx777777x7777770000000000xxxx00xxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxx77777777777xx0000000000000xxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxx777777110000x000000000000xxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxx7x77x1100000x0000000000xxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxx777x11000000x00000000xxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxx771110000000x000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxx111100000000x0000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11100000000x000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1100000000x00xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx110000000x0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx110000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1100000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx11000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx110xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'u332 umbrella2 33 2 7 0 1\r\nb183 pool_2sofa2 18 3 8 4 2\r\nB193 pool_2sofa1 19 3 8 4 2\r\nb203 pool_2sofa2 20 3 8 4 2\r\nB213 pool_2sofa1 21 3 8 4 2\r\nb223 pool_2sofa2 22 3 8 4 2\r\nB233 pool_2sofa1 23 3 8 4 2\r\nc333 pool_chair2 33 3 7 4 2\r\nc324 pool_chair2 32 4 7 2 2\r\nt334 pool_table2 33 4 7 0 1\r\nc344 pool_chair2 34 4 7 6 2\r\nb165 pool_2sofa2 16 5 8 2 2\r\nc335 pool_chair2 33 5 7 0 2\r\nB166 pool_2sofa1 16 6 8 2 2\r\nb167 pool_2sofa2 16 7 8 2 2\r\nc357 pool_chair2 35 7 7 4 2\r\nf148 flower1 14 8 9 0 1\r\nB168 pool_2sofa1 16 8 8 2 2\r\nu338 umbrella2 33 8 7 0 1\r\nc348 pool_chair2 34 8 7 2 2\r\nt358 pool_table2 35 8 7 0 1\r\nc368 pool_chair2 36 8 7 6 2\r\nb149 pool_2sofa2 14 9 9 2 2\r\nb169 pool_2sofa2 16 9 8 2 2\r\nc359 pool_chair2 35 9 7 0 2\r\nB1410 pool_2sofa1 14 10 9 2 2\r\nB1610 pool_2sofa1 16 10 8 2 2\r\nb1411 pool_2sofa2 14 11 9 2 2\r\nb1611 pool_2sofa2 16 11 8 2 2\r\nB1412 pool_2sofa1 14 12 9 2 2\r\nB1612 pool_2sofa1 16 12 8 2 2\r\nR313 flower2b 3 13 7 2 1\r\nr413 flower2a 4 13 7 2 1\r\nb1413 pool_2sofa2 14 13 9 2 2\r\nb1613 pool_2sofa2 16 13 8 2 2\r\nB1414 pool_2sofa1 14 14 9 2 2\r\nB1614 pool_2sofa1 16 14 8 2 2', '1', 'cam1', '4500', '1', '4');
  2237. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata_triggers` VALUES ('1', 'pool_a', 'curtains1', '17', '11', '0', '0', '19', '11', '0', '0');
  2238. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata_triggers` VALUES ('2', 'pool_a', 'curtains2', '17', '9', '0', '0', '19', '9', '0', '0');
  2239. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata_triggers` VALUES ('5', 'md_a', 'curtains1', '8', '0', '0', '0', '8', '2', '0', '0');
  2240. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata_triggers` VALUES ('6', 'md_a', 'curtains2', '9', '0', '0', '0', '9', '2', '0', '0');
  2241. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata_triggers` VALUES ('3', 'pool_a', 'Splash0 enter', '20', '28', '21', '28', '22', '28', '0', '0');
  2242. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata_triggers` VALUES ('4', 'pool_a', 'Splash0 exit', '21', '28', '20', '28', '19', '28', '0', '0');
  2243. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata_triggers` VALUES ('7', 'md_a', 'Splash0 enter', '11', '11', '12', '12', '13', '12', '0', '0');
  2244. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata_triggers` VALUES ('8', 'md_a', 'Splash0 exit', '12', '12', '11', '11', '10', '11', '0', '0');
  2245. INSERT INTO `room_modeldata_triggers` VALUES ('9', 'pool_b', 'door', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
  2246. INSERT INTO `roombots` VALUES ('1', '102', 'Rosanne', 'Serving the pool since \'08', 'sd=001&sh=002/148,98,32&lg=200/120,66,21&ch=018/255,230,57&lh=001/215,175,125&rh=001/215,175,125&hd=001/215,175,125&ey=001&fc=001/215,175,125&hr=023/255,230,50&rs=003/255,230,57&ls=003/255,230,57&bd=001/215,175,125', '6', '30', '2', '0', 'Shouting is not neccessary, keep it quiet! :)');
  2247. INSERT INTO `roombots` VALUES ('2', '105', 'Dean', 'Luvving teh white gold', 'sd=001/0&hr=996/&hd=002/255,204,153&ey=003/0&fc=001/255,204,153&bd=001/255,204,153&lh=001/255,204,153&rh=001/255,204,153&ch=001/74,106,24&ls=002/74,106,24&rs=002/74,106,24&lg=001/51,51,51&sh=001/223,203,175', '22', '29', '2', '0', 'Shouting is not neccessary, pirates don\'t shout!');
  2248. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('1', '6', '31');
  2249. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('1', '6', '29');
  2250. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('1', '6', '30');
  2251. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('2', '22', '28');
  2252. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('2', '22', '27');
  2253. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('2', '22', '26');
  2254. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('2', '22', '25');
  2255. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('2', '22', '24');
  2256. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('2', '23', '29');
  2257. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('2', '23', '28');
  2258. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('2', '23', '27');
  2259. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('2', '23', '26');
  2260. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('2', '23', '25');
  2261. INSERT INTO `roombots_coords` VALUES ('2', '23', '24');
  2262. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('1', 'shout', 'Pff why not go for a splash? :)');
  2263. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('1', 'say', 'It\'s-hawt... :(');
  2264. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('1', 'shout', 'Hey, who wants some fresh milk?');
  2265. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('1', 'say', 'Don\'t worry, I won\'t bite ya! Order something!');
  2266. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('1', 'say', 'The pool is looking blue right now. Meh, it always does, but it\'s great!');
  2267. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('1', 'say', 'Lahlahlahlaah, dundundun, lalala...');
  2268. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('1', 'say', 'I work for free!');
  2269. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('1', 'say', 'I need to pee I guess, hmm, the pool. ^^');
  2270. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('1', 'say', 'Woop it\'s always sunny here! :D');
  2271. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('1', 'say', 'Since when do they have sand here?!');
  2272. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'shout', 'Ugh, coke has become worser these days');
  2273. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'shout', 'Crap, where\'s my basepipe?');
  2274. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'say', 'What kind of animal smokes crack? It\'s ammoniac bitches!');
  2275. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'shout', 'FUCK, A CAT!');
  2276. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'shout', 'My dad was a communist and he has raped me 11 times, ugh');
  2277. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'say', 'Meeh');
  2278. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'shout', 'Doing tha dishes and smoking my basepipe = my life');
  2279. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'say', 'I used to be a smuggler in USA');
  2280. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'shout', 'Are you a cop yappie?');
  2281. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'shout', 'Wanna hop on my stick kid?');
  2282. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'say', 'Lalala, lalalala, lalaa');
  2283. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'shout', 'ANYONE GOT SOMETHING TO SMOKE FOR ME?');
  2284. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'shout', 'Anyone up for a fresh CokeJuice?');
  2285. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'shout', 'Someone wants a CokeJuice? Ask away!');
  2286. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts` VALUES ('2', 'say', 'Who wants a CokeJuice? :o');
  2287. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts_triggers` VALUES ('1', 'milk}cow juice}sperm', 'Fresh from the cow, coming up to ya!}Hah sir wants some milk? I\'ll ask the cow!}Cow #22, some milk please.}Cow? Cow? I need some milk for this thirsty user!}COW WTF IS U DOING!?!!11oneone', 'Enjoy it while it\'s cold, when it\'s hot it\'ll make you sleepy. :)}Fresh from the cow, it\'ll burp you away!}Hmm, fresh milk, should I keep it? Nah it\'s yours! :)', '5');
  2288. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts_triggers` VALUES ('2', 'coke}cocaine', 'WUT?! Cocaine?}You got cocaine for me?}I love cocaine, just like you I guess?}Ah I remember the day when I sniffed my first pile!}My dad learnt me to smoke/roll etc it!', '', '');
  2289. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts_triggers` VALUES ('2', 'cokejuice}coke juice', 'Ah you want some CokeJuice? Coming up!}Okay, one CokeJuice for you coming up!}Okay I\'ll bring it ya, keep hanging}One CokeJuice coming up there!', 'Don\'t show it to the cops kid, enjoy!}You\'ll be dead meat if I see you throwing it away! Enjoy!}Ah, here you are!}Here, enjoy & take care}Enjoy your CokeJuice!', 'CokeJuice (68%)');
  2290. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts_triggers` VALUES ('2', 'beer}alcohol}drink', 'If you want something to drink, you should ask for CokeJuice!}Ask for CokeJuice!}Thirsty kid? CokeJuice is what ya want!}Hmm ask for some CokeJuice? It\'s free cuz it\'s Holo doh', '', '');
  2291. INSERT INTO `roombots_texts_triggers` VALUES ('2', 'dean', 'Yeah that\'s me!}Hey how do you know me?!}At your service d00d}Yeah, I\'m Dean, I got a communist dad and he has raped me 11 times so far}Woot, you know my name?}Dean is your man dude', '', '');
  2292. INSERT INTO `rooms` VALUES ('101', 'Welcome Lounge', 'welcome_lounge', null, '3', 'newbie_lobby', 'hh_room_nlobby', '0', '0', '0', null, '1', '0', '0', '35');
  2293. INSERT INTO `rooms` VALUES ('103', 'Holoween theatre', 'theatredrome_halloween', null, '7', 'theater', 'hh_room_theater_halloween', '0', '0', '0', null, '1', '0', '0', '40');
  2294. INSERT INTO `rooms` VALUES ('102', 'Pool - A', 'habbo_lido', null, '5', 'pool_a', 'hh_room_pool,hh_people_pool', '0', '0', '0', null, '1', '0', '1', '25');
  2295. INSERT INTO `rooms` VALUES ('104', 'The pr0n shop', 'library', null, '7', 'library', 'hh_room_library_twr_trr', '0', '0', '0', null, '1', '0', '0', '20');
  2296. INSERT INTO `rooms` VALUES ('105', 'The Cokerunners Inn', 'sunset_cafe', null, '9', 'sunset_cafe', 'hh_room_sunsetcafe', '0', '0', '0', null, '1', '0', '0', '20');
  2297. INSERT INTO `rooms` VALUES ('107', 'Pool - B', 'habbo_lido_ii', null, '5', 'pool_b', 'hh_room_pool,hh_people_pool', '0', '0', '0', null, '1', '0', '0', '25');
  2298. INSERT INTO `rooms` VALUES ('106', 'The Pub', 'the_dirty_duck_pub', null, '9', 'pub_a', 'hh_room_pub', '0', '0', '0', null, '1', '0', '0', '35');
  2299. INSERT INTO `rooms` VALUES ('108', 'Natalee Holloway is here', 'floatinggarden', null, '5', 'floatinggarden', 'hh_room_floatinggarden', '0', '0', '0', null, '1', '0', '0', '30');
  2300. INSERT INTO `rooms` VALUES ('109', 'Monkey Bumble', 'rooftop_rumble', null, '5', 'md_a', 'hh_room_terrace,hh_paalu,hh_people_pool,hh_people_paalu', '0', '0', '0', null, '1', '0', '0', '25');
  2301. INSERT INTO `rooms` VALUES ('110', 'Picnic Fields', 'picnic', null, '5', 'picnic', 'hh_room_picnic', '0', '0', '0', null, '1', '0', '0', '25');
  2302. INSERT INTO `rooms` VALUES ('111', 'The Park', 'park', null, '8', 'park_a', 'hh_room_park_general,hh_room_park', '0', '0', '0', null, '1', '0', '0', '30');
  2303. INSERT INTO `rooms` VALUES ('112', 'The Infobus', 'park', null, '8', 'park_b', 'hh_room_park_general,hh_room_park', '0', '0', '0', null, '1', '0', '0', '15');
  2304. INSERT INTO `system` VALUES ('0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
  2305. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('1', 'server_game_port', '21');
  2306. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('2', 'server_game_maxconnections', '400');
  2307. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('4', 'server_mus_port', '22');
  2308. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('5', 'server_mus_maxconnections', '500');
  2309. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('6', 'server_mus_host', '');
  2310. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('3', 'server_game_backlog', '25');
  2311. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('7', 'server_mus_backlog', '50');
  2312. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('8', 'lang', 'en');
  2313. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('9', 'welcomemessage_enable', '1');
  2314. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('10', 'wordfilter_enable', '1');
  2315. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('11', 'wordfilter_censor', 'bobba');
  2316. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('12', 'chatanims_enable', '1');
  2317. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('13', 'trading_enable', '1');
  2318. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('14', 'recycler_enable', '1');
  2319. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('15', 'recycler_minownertime', '43200');
  2320. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('16', 'recycler_session_length', '60');
  2321. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('17', 'recycler_session_expirelength', '10080');
  2322. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('18', 'rooms_loadadvertisement_img', '');
  2323. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('19', 'rooms_loadadvertisement_uri', '');
  2324. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('20', 'statuses_wave_duration', '1500');
  2325. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('21', 'statuses_carryitem_sipamount', '5');
  2326. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('22', 'statuses_carryitem_sipinterval', '9000');
  2327. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('23', 'statuses_carryitem_sipduration', '1000');
  2328. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('24', 'rooms_roomban_duration', '15');
  2329. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('25', 'items_stacking_maxstackheight', '20');
  2330. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('28', 'navigator_roomsearch_maxresults', '30');
  2331. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('27', 'navigator_createroom_maxrooms', '15');
  2332. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('26', 'events_categorycount', '11');
  2333. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('29', 'navigator_opencategory_maxresults', '30');
  2334. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('30', 'navigator_favourites_maxrooms', '30');
  2335. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('31', 'events_deadevents_removeinterval', '120');
  2336. INSERT INTO `system_config` VALUES ('32', 'soundmachine_burntodisk_disktid', '1001');
  2337. INSERT INTO `system_recycler` VALUES ('20', '419');
  2338. INSERT INTO `system_recycler` VALUES ('30', '420');
  2339. INSERT INTO `system_recycler` VALUES ('40', '421');
  2340. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('1', 'console_onhotelview', 'On Hotel View', 'auf Hotelansicht');
  2341. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('2', 'modtool_accesserror', 'Sorry, but you do not have access to this feature of the MOD-Tool.\\rIf you think you should have access to this feature, then please contact the Hotel staff.\\rIf not, gtfo.', null);
  2342. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('3', 'modtool_actionfail', 'Action failed.', null);
  2343. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('4', 'modtool_rankerror', 'You do not have the rights for this action on this user!', null);
  2344. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('5', 'modtool_usernotfound', 'Probably the user is offline or does not exist.', null);
  2345. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('6', 'room_rightsreset', 'The roomowner has reset all the roomrights.<br>Please re-enter the room.', null);
  2346. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('7', 'trading_disabled', 'Sorry, but the Hotel staff has disabled trading.\\rPlease try later!', null);
  2347. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('8', 'trading_nottradeable', 'Sorry, but you can\'t trade this item!', null);
  2348. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('9', 'welcomemessage_text', 'Welcome at the Holograph Testserver.<br>Please don\'t bitch or whine about bugs, better report them.<br>- Jukebox is not coded<br>- Any lag is due to the interwebs or Qurb<br><br>Nillus', null);
  2349. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('10', 'console_inpublicroom', 'In Public Room', null);
  2350. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('11', 'room_stafflocked', 'Sorry, but only Staff is allowed to enter this room.', null);
  2351. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('12', 'room_full', 'Sorry, but this publicroom is full.', null);
  2352. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('13', 'room_infobus_closed', 'Sorry, but the Infobus is closed at the moment.', null);
  2353. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('14', 'scommand_hotelalert', 'Message from the Hotel management:', null);
  2354. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('15', 'scommand_failed', 'Unable to process speech command.\r\nCheck your parameters and/or make sure that the target user is in room. (if any)', null);
  2355. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('16', 'scommand_success', 'Speech command processed, action performed.', null);
  2356. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('17', 'scommand_muted', 'You have been muted for the following reason:', null);
  2357. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('18', 'scommand_unmuted', 'You have been unmuted.', null);
  2358. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('19', 'scommand_rankalert', 'Message from a staffmember with same rank:', null);
  2359. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('20', 'banreport_header', 'Ban report for', null);
  2360. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('21', 'common_userrank', 'Rank', null);
  2361. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('22', 'common_ip', 'IP address', null);
  2362. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('23', 'banreport_banner', 'Banned by', null);
  2363. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('24', 'banreport_posted', 'Date of ban posting', null);
  2364. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('25', 'banreport_expires', 'Date of ban expire', null);
  2365. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('29', 'banreport_affectedusernames', 'Usernames affected by this ban', null);
  2366. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('26', 'banreport_reason', 'Reason', null);
  2367. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('27', 'banreport_ipbanflag', 'IP ban applied', null);
  2368. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('28', 'banreport_staffnote', 'Staff note from banner', null);
  2369. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('29', 'userinfo_header', 'Virtual user information', null);
  2370. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('30', 'userinfo_accesserror', 'Sorry, but you haven\'t got access to this user\'s details.\r\n- It can be possible that the user doesn\'t exist\r\n- It can be possible that the user has got a higher rank than you', null);
  2371. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('31', 'common_usernotfound', 'The user was not found.', null);
  2372. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('32', 'common_userid', 'User ID', null);
  2373. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('33', 'common_username', 'Username', null);
  2374. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('34', 'common_usermission', 'Mission', null);
  2375. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('35', 'common_email', 'Email address', null);
  2376. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('36', 'common_credits', 'Credits', null);
  2377. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('37', 'common_tickets', 'Tickets', null);
  2378. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('38', 'common_birth', 'Birth date', null);
  2379. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('39', 'common_hbirth', 'Registered at', null);
  2380. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('40', 'common_online', 'Online', null);
  2381. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('41', 'common_yes', 'Yes', null);
  2382. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('42', 'common_no', 'No', null);
  2383. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('43', 'common_location', 'Location', null);
  2384. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('44', 'common_owner', 'Owner', null);
  2385. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('45', 'common_room', 'Room', null);
  2386. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('46', 'common_hotelview', 'Hotel View', null);
  2387. INSERT INTO `system_strings` VALUES ('47', 'common_lastaccess', 'Last access', null);
  2388. INSERT INTO `wordfilter` VALUES ('aaron');
  2389. INSERT INTO `wordfilter` VALUES ('anal');
  2390. INSERT INTO `wordfilter` VALUES ('ass');
  2391. INSERT INTO `wordfilter` VALUES ('cunt');
  2392. INSERT INTO `wordfilter` VALUES ('dick');
  2393. INSERT INTO `wordfilter` VALUES ('fuck');
  2394. INSERT INTO `wordfilter` VALUES ('goddamn');
  2395. INSERT INTO `wordfilter` VALUES ('motherfucker');
  2396. INSERT INTO `wordfilter` VALUES ('pussy');
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