
Hypothesis on 4D time

Aug 28th, 2014
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  1. Hypothesis of 4D time - copyright 2014 Usmar Padow (amigojapan)
  2. Many people treat the usinverse as if only 3 spacial dimensions existed and only the present exists with the past somehow magically disappearing and the future not existing until we get there. But, think of a YouTube video, every frame has 3 dimensions, breath, width and hight (z,x,y) but you can also fast forward or rewind in the dimension of time(t), but every frame of the video exists no matter what part of the video we are watching.
  4. Implications for the direction of time and time travel
  6. The reason why we may find ourselves always traveling foward in time may be because our bodies and brains are chemical mechanisms and our experience of time can only happen when the chemical reactions inside our body happen. That is why asking to travell back in time is impossible. Because the chemical process would need to work in reverse.
  8. Existentialist implications
  10. If all of time exists, then we are eternal (while not infinite) beings. While you are reading this article, there is another you from five minutes ago working his way up to now. And we are working our way up to ourself that already exists in the future.
  12. Disprobability: of course we cannot prove that the past or the future exist unless we can observe them in some way. We would need a way to prove that the past or future still exist to prove this hypothesis. Observing the future would probably be the best proof because it would not be a reconstruction of the past(but I guess it could be a perfect forecast)
  14. Religious implications
  16. If the universe has always existed and will always exist. It eliminates the need for a creator. If you argue that we cannot get rid of causality, I would say that you are already proposing a similar thing by saying that "God is an eternal being". As Carl Sagan said "if you propose that God is eternal, why not take a step back and propose that the universe is eternal.”
  18. Evidence that the past does exist
  20. True statements about the past are evidence that the past still exists
  22. Evidence that the past is in a different existence
  24. infinite regression
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