Guest User


a guest
Sep 24th, 2017
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  1. ======================================
  2. Skript By: YouTubeJr
  3. Skript For: LotSkyBlock
  4. ======================================
  6. options:
  7. prefix: &5LotPvP&8: &7
  9. variables:
  10. oreregen = true
  11. {second::%player%} = 0
  12. {minute::%player%} = 0
  13. {hour::%player%} = 0
  14. {cmdspy::%player%} = false
  15. {firstjoin::%player%} = 0
  16. {leaveserver::%player%} = 0
  17. {logincount} = 0
  18. {} = false
  19. {AutoBroadcast} = true
  21. on mine of cobblestone:
  22. if {cobblestone.%player%} is true:
  23. cancel event
  25. on mine of netherrack:
  26. if {cobblestone.%player%} is true:
  27. cancel event
  28. on mine of gold ore:
  29. if {oreregen} is true:
  30. cancel the event
  31. give player 1 gold ingot
  32. send action bar " &6+1 &6Gold ingot" to playe
  33. set {cobblestone.%player%} to true
  34. set event-block to bedrock
  35. wait 8 seconds
  36. set event-block to gold ore
  37. set {cobblestone.%player%} to false
  39. on mine of iron ore:
  40. if {oreregen} is true:
  41. cancel the event
  42. give player 1 iron ingot
  43. send action bar " &f+2 Iron ingot" to player
  44. set {cobblestone.%player%} to true
  45. set event-block to bedrock
  46. wait 8 seconds
  47. set event-block to iron ore
  48. set {cobblestone.%player%} to false
  50. on mine of coal ore:
  51. if {oreregen} is true:
  52. cancel the event
  53. give player 2 coal
  54. send action bar " &8+2 Coal" to player
  55. set {cobblestone.%player%} to true
  56. set event-block to bedrock
  57. wait 8 seconds
  58. set event-block to coal ore
  59. set {cobblestone.%player%} to false
  61. on mine of lapis ore:
  62. if {oreregen} is true:
  63. cancel the event
  64. give player 4 lapis
  65. send action bar " &9+4 Lapis" to player
  66. set {cobblestone.%player%} to true
  67. set event-block to bedrock
  68. wait 8 seconds
  69. set event-block to lapis ore
  70. set {cobblestone.%player%} to false
  72. on mine of diamond ore:
  73. if {oreregen} is true:
  74. cancel the event
  75. give player 1 diamond
  76. send action bar " &b+1 Diamond" to player
  77. set {cobblestone.%player%} to true
  78. set event-block to bedrock
  79. wait 21 seconds
  80. set event-block to diamond ore
  81. set {cobblestone.%player%} to false
  83. on mine of redstone ore:
  84. if {oreregen} is true:
  85. cancel the event
  86. give player 4 redstone
  87. send action bar " &c+4 Redstone" to player
  88. set {cobblestone.%player%} to true
  89. set event-block to bedrock
  90. wait 8 seconds
  91. set event-block to redstone ore
  92. set {cobblestone.%player%} to false
  94. on mine of emerald ore:
  95. if {oreregen} is true:
  96. cancel the event
  97. give player 1 emerald
  98. send action bar from " &a+1 Emerald" to player
  99. set {cobblestone.%player%} to true
  100. set event-block to bedrock
  101. wait 21 seconds
  102. set event-block to emerald ore
  103. set {cobblestone.%player%} to false
  105. on mine of quartz ore:
  106. if {oreregen} is true:
  107. cancel the event
  108. give player 2 quartz
  109. send action bar " &f+2 Quartz" to player
  110. set {cobblestone.%player%} to true
  111. set event-block to bedrock
  112. wait 15 seconds
  113. set event-block to quartz ore
  114. set {cobblestone.%player%} to false
  116. on mine of grass:
  117. if {oreregen} is true:
  118. cancel the event
  119. give player 1 grass
  120. set {cobblestone.%player%} to true
  121. set event-block to air
  122. set {cobblestone.%player%} to false
  124. command /ores [<text>]:
  125. trigger:
  126. if arg 1 is "enable":
  127. if {oreregen} is true:
  128. send "&8(&a&lOreRegen&8) &7Ore Regen already &aEnabled"
  129. else:
  130. set {oreregen} to true
  131. send "&8(&a&lOre&8) &7Ore Regen &aEnabled"
  132. if arg 1 is "disable":
  133. if {oreregen} is false:
  134. send "&8(&a&lOre&8) &7Ore Regen already &cDisabled"
  135. else:
  136. set {oreregen} to false
  137. send "&8(&a&lOre&8) &7Ore Regen &cDisabled"
  138. if arg 1 is not "enable" or "disable":
  139. send "&8(&a&lOre&8) &a/Ore &7<enable/disable>"
  141. command /fix [<text>]:
  142. trigger:
  143. if player has permission "lot.fix":
  144. if arg 1 is not set:
  145. message "&a&m-------------------&7 Fix Help &a&m-------------------"
  146. message "&7&l > &a/Fix Hand &7- &fRepair the item in hand. &f&lCosts: &a$5,000"
  147. message "&7&l > &a/Fix All &7- &fRepair all items in your inventory."
  148. message "&a&m----------------------------------------------"
  149. if arg 1 is set:
  150. if arg 1 is "hand":
  151. if player's tool is a Sword or Shovel or Pickaxe or Axe or Hoe or Helmet or Chestplate or Leggings or Boots or Bow or Fishing Rod:
  152. repair tool of player
  153. message "&7(!) &aYou have successfully fixed your item in your hand!"
  154. execute console command "/eco remove %player% 5000"
  155. else:
  156. message "&7(!) &cYou cannot repair this item!"
  157. if arg 1 is "all":
  158. if {fixall::%player%} is not set:
  159. set {fixall::%player%} to now
  160. stop
  161. set {_fixallTime} to difference between {fixall::%player%} and now
  162. if {_fixallTime} is less than 24 hours:
  163. cancel event
  164. set {_fixallCooldown} to 24 hours
  165. subtract {_fixallTime} from {_fixallCooldown}
  166. send "&7(!) &cYou've already used your &f&n/Fix All&7!" to player
  167. send ""
  168. send "&7&o(( &aFix All available in &f&n&f%{_fixallCooldown}%&7. &7&o))" to player
  169. else:
  170. set {fixall::%player%} to now
  171. repair slot 0 of player
  172. repair slot 1 of player
  173. repair slot 2 of player
  174. repair slot 3 of player
  175. repair slot 4 of player
  176. repair slot 5 of player
  177. repair slot 6 of player
  178. repair slot 7 of player
  179. repair slot 8 of player
  180. repair slot 9 of player
  181. repair slot 10 of player
  182. repair slot 11 of player
  183. repair slot 12 of player
  184. repair slot 13 of player
  185. repair slot 14 of player
  186. repair slot 15 of player
  187. repair slot 16 of player
  188. repair slot 17 of player
  189. repair slot 18 of player
  190. repair slot 19 of player
  191. repair slot 20 of player
  192. repair slot 21 of player
  193. repair slot 22 of player
  194. repair slot 23 of player
  195. repair slot 24 of player
  196. repair slot 25 of player
  197. repair slot 26 of player
  198. repair slot 27 of player
  199. repair slot 28 of player
  200. repair slot 29 of player
  201. repair slot 30 of player
  202. repair slot 31 of player
  203. repair slot 32 of player
  204. repair slot 33 of player
  205. repair slot 34 of player
  206. repair slot 35 of player
  207. repair helmet slot of player
  208. repair chestplate slot of player
  209. repair leggings slot of player
  210. repair boots slot of player
  211. message "&7&l(!) &aYou have successfully fixed everything in your inventory!"
  212. if arg 1 is "reload":
  213. message "&b&l[FixHand] &bSkript reloading..."
  214. execute player command "/sk reload FixHand"
  215. execute console command "/sk reload FixHand"
  216. wait 3 seconds
  217. message "&aSuccessfully reloaded!"
  218. set {fixall::%player%} to 1 minute
  219. message "&7(!) &aYour Fix All timer has reset."
  220. message "&"
  221. message "&7&o (( &aYou can now do the command again! &7&o))"
  222. if player does not have permission "fix.command":
  223. message "&7(!) &cYou do not have the permission to execute this command!"
  225. on chat:
  226. if {} is true:
  227. if player has permission "":
  228. stop
  229. if player does not have permission "":
  230. cancel event
  231. message "&dChat is currently Muted!"
  232. if {muted::%player%} is true:
  233. cancel event
  234. message "&dYou're currently muted!"
  236. on command:
  237. loop all players:
  238. if {cmdspy::%loop-player%} is true:
  239. if sender is a player:
  240. if command is not "/sc" or "/msg" or "/r" or "/give" or "/item" or "/i" or "/tp":
  241. send "&7[&aCommandSpy&7] &7%sender%: &a/%full command%" to loop-player
  245. command /rename [<text>]:
  246. aliases: itemname
  247. permission: lot.rename
  248. permission message: {@permMessage}
  249. trigger:
  250. if arg-1 is not set:
  251. message "&7> &a/rename &7<text>"
  252. if arg-1 is set:
  253. if player is holding air:
  254. send " &7> &cYou need to hold an item to rename!"
  255. stop
  256. else:
  257. set name of player's tool to "%colored arg 1%"
  258. message "&7> &aSuccessfully renamed item!"
  260. command /donate:
  261. trigger:
  262. send ""
  263. send "&cStore: "
  264. send ""
  266. command /discord:
  267. trigger:
  268. send ""
  269. send "&bDiscord: "
  270. send ""
  272. command /apply:
  273. trigger:
  274. send ""
  275. send "&aApply Here &8:"
  276. send ""
  278. command /rules [<number>]:
  279. trigger:
  280. if arg-1 isn't set:
  281. send "&a&m-------------------&7] &aRules ##1 &7[&a&m-------------------"
  282. send "&a1) &7Respect all players, staff or not! Any comments considered rude will be punished."
  283. send "&7If you don't agree with a decision made by a staff member, please"
  284. send "&7contact an administrator via chat or discord! /discord for more info."
  285. send "&a2) &7Advertising will not be tolerated! Please do not mention any other server."
  286. send "&a3) &7Do not spam. Our definition of spam is very wide spread!"
  287. send "&a4) &7Do not cause lag. Any type of lag machine will result in a permanant"
  288. send "&7w>>"
  289. send "&a&m-------------&7] &aNext Page: &7/Rules 2 &7[&a&m-------------"
  290. stop
  291. if arg-1 is set:
  292. if arg-1 isn't 2 or 1:
  293. send "&aRules &8- &7Invalid page! There's only 2 pages of rules."
  294. stop
  295. else if arg-1 is 2:
  296. send "&c"
  297. send "&a&m-------------------&7] &8Rules ##2 &7[&a&m-------------------"
  298. send "&a5) &7No use of blacklisted cheats/modifications. If you are"
  299. send "&7unsure if a mod is allowed, ask a staff member before using it"
  300. send "&a6) &7No inappropriate or offensive builds! Staff members have"
  301. send "&7the right to judge if a build is considered offensive!"
  302. send "&a7) &7Just because a rule is not listed, doesn't mean you can't"
  303. send "&7be punished for it! If you can't make the right decisions yourself!"
  304. send "&7a staff member will have to remove you from the server!"
  305. send "&a&m-------------------&7] &cEND &7[&a&m-------------------"
  306. send "&c"
  307. stop
  308. if arg-1 is 1:
  309. send "&a&m-------------------&7] &8Rules ##1 &7[&a&m-------------------"
  310. send "&a1) &7Respect all players, staff or not! Any comments considered rude will be punished."
  311. send "&7If you don't agree with a decision made by a staff member, please"
  312. send "&7contact an administrator via chat or discord! /discord for more info."
  313. send "&a2) &7Advertising will not be tolerated! Please do not mention any other server."
  314. send "&a3) &7Do not spam. Our definition of spam is very wide spread!"
  315. send "&a4) &7Do not cause lag. Any type of lag machine will result in a permanant"
  316. send "&7w>>"
  317. send "&a&m-------------&7] &aNext Page: &7/Rules 2 &7[&a&m-------------"
  318. stop
  319. if arg-2 is 1:
  320. make player execute command "/rules"
  322. command /help [<text>]:
  323. trigger:
  324. if arg-1 is not set:
  325. if player does not have permission "help.Donor" or "help.staff":
  326. send "&c"
  327. send "&a&m-+-------------&7[ &8Help &7]&a&m-------------+-"
  328. send "&a/Is &8- &7Use this to get started!"
  329. send "&a/Kit &8- &7List all available kits!"
  330. send "&a/Spawn &8- &7Teleports you to spawn!"
  331. send "&a/Help &8- &7Show this!"
  332. send "&a/Warp &8- &7List all available warps!"
  333. send "&a/Bal &8- &7Tells you your balance!"
  334. send "&a/Baltop &8- &7Shows you whos the richest!"
  335. send "&a&m-+-------------&7[ &8Help &7]&a&m-------------+-"
  336. send "&c"
  337. if player has the permission "help.Donor":
  338. send "&c"
  339. send "&a&m-+-------------&7[ &8Help &7]&a&m-------------+-"
  340. send "&a/Is &8- &7Use this to get started!"
  341. send "&a/Kit &8- &7List all available kits!"
  342. send "&a/Spawn &8- &7Teleports you to spawn!"
  343. send "&a/Help &8- &7Show this!"
  344. send "&a/Warp &8- &7List all available warps!"
  345. send "&a/Bal &8- &7Tells you your balance!"
  346. send "&a/Baltop &8- &7Shows you whos the richest!"
  347. send "&a&m-+-------------&7[ &8Help &7]&a&m-------------+-"
  348. send "&c"
  349. if arg-1 is set:
  350. stop
  352. command /chat [<text>] [<text>]:
  353. permission:
  354. permission message: &7(!) &cYou do have permission to use this command!
  355. aliases: c
  356. trigger:
  357. if arg-1 is not set:
  358. send "&7> &a/chat &7<&abroadcast&7/&alock&7/&aclear&7/&aspy&7>"
  359. if arg-1 is not "lock" or "clear" or "spy" or "broadcast":
  360. send "&7> &a/chat &7<&abroadcast&7/&alock&7/&aclear&7/&aspy&7>"
  361. if arg-1 is "broadcast":
  362. if arg-2 is not set:
  363. send "&7> &a/chat broadcast &7<text>"
  364. if arg-2 is set:
  365. send ""
  366. send "&7[&aBroadcast&7] &a%arg-2%"
  367. send ""
  368. stop
  369. if arg-1 is "clear":
  370. loop 200 times:
  371. broadcast " "
  372. broadcast "&aLotSkyBlock&7: &7Chat has been cleared by &a%player%&7!"
  373. if arg-1 is "lock":
  374. if {} is false:
  375. broadcast "&aLotSkyBlock&7: &7The chat has been &clocked &7by &a%player%!"
  376. set {} to true
  377. loop all players:
  378. if loop-player has permission "core.staff":
  379. send "&7[&aChat&7] &7%player% has &clocked &7the chat!" to loop-player
  380. stop
  381. if {} is true:
  382. broadcast "&aLotSkyBlock&7: &7The chat has been &aun-locked &7By &a%player%!"
  383. set {} to false
  384. loop all players:
  385. if loop-player has permission "Core.staff":
  386. send "ยง7[&aChat&7] &7%player% has &aunlocked &7the chat!" to loop-player
  387. stop
  388. if arg-1 is "spy":
  389. if {cmdspy::%player%} is false:
  390. set {cmdspy::%player%} to true
  391. send "&7[&aCommandSpy&7] &7Command Spy is now &aon&7!"
  392. stop
  393. if {cmdspy::%player%} is true:
  394. set {cmdspy::%player%} to false
  395. send "&7[&aCommandSpy&7] &7Command Spy is now &coff&7."
  396. stop
  398. Command /fly:
  399. Description: Fly on/off
  400. Usage: &7> &a/fly
  401. Executable by: players
  402. Permission:
  403. permission message: &7> &aYou can buy this command in the server menu!.
  404. Trigger:
  405. If {fly.%player%} is not set:
  406. Send "&7> &aFly Mode &8- &aON" to player
  407. set player's flight mode to true
  408. Set {fly.%player%} to true
  409. Stop
  410. Send "&7> &aFly Mode &8- &cOFF" to player
  411. set player's flight mode to false
  412. Delete {fly.%player%}
  413. Stop
  415. command /list:
  416. aliases: who, online,
  417. trigger:
  418. loop all players:
  419. loop-player has permission "list.staff"
  420. add loop-player to {_staff::*}
  421. message "&a&m---------------------------------------"
  422. message " &aThere are &7%number of all players% &aplayers on the server!"
  423. message ""
  424. message " &cStaff&8: &c%{_staff::*}%"
  425. message "&a&m---------------------------------------"
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