
Evemek: Benevolent Mischief

Apr 9th, 2016
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  1. In a town infested by a current war against the urayan faith by the Krausite faith stands one person, a middle ground slightly with no strong opinion of whichever side. An arbitrator named Circe A. Saleja...
  3. Alright dropping the superhero entrance here's what's going on.
  5. A boorish day in the middle of Tilandre was to be had, the slowness of the day was only amplified by the presence of nothing in the light of recent happenings beside this woman's mother being so frugal with the buildings in the city it could be driven bankrupt in a short time.
  7. A slight smirk was on the girl's face for no apparent reason, perhaps it was that she had recently come back from Nostvale on a certain business and ended up having some good times for herself inside the town.
  9. She held no regard for any other being in the square as she was just simply getting back into the boorish monotone that only Tilandrean business could provide, and to think that Tilandre once was a pirate shithole... Where have the times gone?
  12. (Circe A. Saleja)
  13. [12:02:33] So, the place was safe? No, it couldn't be-- They'd find him eventually, and so, he just needed to blend in, and eye every particular entity of interest. The Arbitrators were his aegis... And although he believed himself to be akin to a target for predicted predatory behavior, he found them to be saints in comparison to other looming threats should things go for the worse. A metaphorical bleeding persona wading in the tide of hunting sharks...
  15. Albeit, he did not allow himself to be visibly phased, taking to an idle midst the trees to better examine what city he'd wander into this time. So far, no one of familiarity, a good sign. No one approached him, save for the Urayan prior... Though, what was to say he'd be so lucky as to continue on this trend? Taking a distracted pace through the crowds, he eventually found himself, disturbed. Hardly anything truamatic: Overdramatized to some extent.
  17. A callous civillian happened across him, bumped in his passing to stumble over into Circe!
  18. A batted glance was earned from Evemek himself, but for the most part he couldn't badger himself with an apology.
  19. Instead, one attempted to keep on their pace, investing their time in... A book?
  20. (Evemek)
  22. A blink was made by the girl as an unruly civillian bumped into her, causing a slight step back as she retained a form of balance, she would look at him as he refused to apologize starting her off with a slight clearing of her throat to get his attention before she noticed his book thing...
  24. Her eyes went from him to the book and her hand would shoot out to grab his wrist as she looked at him closely, up and down, what was he in such a hurry for anyway? Well she was about to find out perhaps. "Woah woah... Where are you getting off to in such a hurry like that?"
  26. She asked with a raised eyebrow and a rather annoyed tone, she wasn't much into some of the people around and their carelessness, it's like thay held no real weight in other people's day. She was slightly nettled here. "And what's that book you have there?"
  27. (Circe A. Saleja)
  29. In one's hand was a book pertaining to the philosophy and concepts of understanding the esoteric depths of an infamous shadowy arcane-- Yet, even when acknowledged and grasped by the wrist he took to a stoic-faced glance over Circe. Was there much reason to fret after Leonard's confirmation that this place was safe for him? Or... Did he lie...
  30. He didn't quite feel any reason to show much worry any longer... Though, he could always be more cautious.
  32. "It's simply a book on knowledge; I doubt you'd find interest in it." He answered, prying back at his wrist to relinquish himself of her hold with a brisk whip of the arm. There was no temper... No moody mannerism... He was calm, chilled so that he could go on, peacefully for at least another day before the cravings sat in... Before his mind hungered for more knowledge that he'd never find within the proximities of any village alone.
  33. (Evemek)
  35. The woman settled herself and let go of a vice like grip that she normally had on others. An intense gaze met the stoic facedness of the male and she would stare at him, there was no reason for this basic disregard for much, however he seemed to lack any base personality, which was slightly odd, this was something that caused her to think a bit... Was she like this?
  37. No... She must have not been. At all. her step back would be made while she settled upon speaking to the man. "May I know your name then, as you are odd... I will give my own first. I am Circe Augustine-Klaus and or Circe A. Saleja daughter of Leonard Andeous and Hermione Augustine, wife to Feithan Saleja. Now, what is it you are here for?"
  39. She asked with a clean and clear tone, her eyes scanning him over with amber scrutiny her gauntlets clenched and unclenched with a clinking sound as most metal does the darker metal being simple for battle purposes. She was a presence indeed.
  40. (Circe A. Saleja)
  42. "Hm?" He hummed some bit, finding the introduction to be... Different. How exactly was he to make it out? Already turned away, he took the moment to ponder his next course of action... What was to stop him from outright turning away and going on his merry way? He didn't owe her a thing. Though, the mention of 'Leonard' was enough to reward her with enough attention to spare for the moment. Thus, in reverence, he pivoted towards her outright, book finally closed in his right hand's grasp with full utmost attention directed for her person.
  44. " Odd? " He parroted quizzically, "Is that supposed to be a unique way of saying 'suspicious' ? " He claimed outright; There wasn't anything to truly bring about suspicions of thus far, as well as he could tell. What wrong had he committed to?
  45. His mood had been sullied to some extent, but he wouldn't let it get the best of him... He couldn't... Not here.
  46. Yet, even as he kept to this calm tone, he could feel it clawing at him from beneath the surface.
  48. It was akin to the infinite horde of the damned clawing at his flesh, all of which, desperately wishing to possess what was his body-- But he beared enough Will to shake them off, for the powers that commanded of them and ensnared their spirits to contract and shadows alike were not potent enough to outright take hold of a trained magi.
  49. "So, you're Leonard's daughter... It's an honor to meet you." He said unto her, still rather troubled as to how he'd continue such conversation without the slightest of spite generated from her vice grip alone.
  50. "I'm just a wanderer, searching for knowledge..." Exercising his claim with a slight raise of the book in hand, waggling it -just- enough to emphasize such with a complementing feigned smile.
  52. "Evemek."
  53. Perhaps it wasn't noticed immediately, but the bone-chilling resonation of his corrupted soul tainted the crisp Tilandrean air-- Just enough to blacken the unruly blades of grass sprouting up through the cobblestone road at his feet-- The outright siphoning of such miniscule presence was inadvertant, and even so, he felt its sting, courteous of the now sapphire gleaming rune scribed upon his chest, vaguely notable to any without scrutinizing the glow stretching his neckline and pulsation of the alternate presence of mana.
  55. On cue, he took to a wince... But naught more...
  56. (Evemek)
  58. Suspicious, perhaps an apt word to use in such circumstances. Which was indeed something she would say while in such straits as this her eyes looked him over as it seemed her father's name curiously affected the man before her, which wasn't uncommon, although many had proven to hate her mother, perhaps this was a hater of her father.
  60. No matter.
  62. "Odd can be synonymous with suspicious I suppose." She said with a rather set expression, a smile was upon her visage where normally a frown set, new encounters were welcome and encouraged by this girl even so. He seemed to have something suspicious about him, perhaps it was him being new, or maybe something malevolent, but she couldn't place a finger on which, perhaps it was the bysonian "charm" he carried, enough to make her wish to vomit.
  64. A crushed mood indeed as she was encountered by one who was pleased to meet her, this was something new as well, a blink was given, she would look up upon the tilandrean terrace in the main building as she heard him spoke. "Well Evemek, it is clear you know my dad, so what'll you be seeking here of all places. If you wished for knowledge, northward is where you would probably find it i'd guess."
  66. Of course this one was different and slightly forboding, that wasn't a good thing.
  68. "Anyway... welcome to Tilandre... wait, why the wince? The sea air get you down?"
  69. (Circe A. Saleja)
  71. "Heheh... " He chortled, "No, it's... nothing, truly.." He covered up; The smile on her behalf encouraged him some, earning what was once feigned to a lighthearted degree. There was a genuine attempt to keep this encounter, one distant and friendly-- Though, the more he tried to keep to benevolence, the more starved his curiosity had proven.
  73. What was to stop him from trying now? She would've been oblivious, wouldn't she? Not one like her father at all... At least, he'd hope so...
  74. The thoughts on the matter prodded him to no end, eventually pushing him into the endeavor in itself. Daughter of the very man that invited him so warmly into this setting? Wife to... Well, he didn't know the other person she referenced, but all the same-- To condone to such acts of mischeif here would only guarantee pending wrath, if he didn't know any better.
  76. ... But the cravings of a knowledge hungering persona dared not resist further...
  77. Pupils shrunken, ever-so slightly whilst keeping to a lock in his gaze with her own, casting an occular spell upon her person; Though, the actual effect of such act was not as blatant as conjuring a malefic fireball nor translucent akin to a spheroid of the venturamancer's element hurled towards her-- But rather, a gentle breeze sweeping by her visage in a delicate manner.
  79. Though, something was off-- Mayhaps to a subtle magnitude, but he was contorting that of perception as one spoke-- Attempting to whittle his influence over Circe's, without immediate knowledge and resistance. However, try as he might, it was certain that given the circumstances she could resist his cull of the mind.
  81. There was nothing altered in the instant however... But should one not badgered to repel the mental apprehension endeavor, who knew what would follow...
  83. "Thank you. " He answered, "Though, I'd only hope you weren't so suspicious of me." He replied, attempting to cover up this figurative and literal 'mind game' he played in the background. "Byson had a lot of information, but that doesn't mean it has -all- information."
  84. (Evemek)
  85. [14:31:02] A slight narrowing of the woman's eyes would be made as she focused on the other, there wasn't much that she could do beyond the slight smile and a gaze about, eye contact was something averted due to the discomfort that this one put upon her there was definately something off and she would think for a few moments before raising a hand and covering her right eye. She would scratch at the cheek below while things happened.
  87. "Sadly my suspicions are my own and they are going to remain." This entire situation caused her to slightly think about calling forth some of her fellow arbitrators, but there was no need at the moment, it was just a simple conversation which indeed kept her on edge. "Though you are one that brings suspicion, your behavior isn't one of the normal citizenry... I have spent enough time in Tilandre's underground to know that. But I do not know what about you is wrong."
  89. She would keep her gaze on the man while she fiddled around with the hilt of her blade behind her twisting the nob on the top.It was a nervous tick she had while she focused.
  90. (Circe A. Saleja)
  91. [14:46:24] The strong attention to her person brought one to knowledge of their actions, regardless of how minor they'd turn out to be. From the clearly spoken suspicion, to that of averted eye contact. The moment he noticed her gaze flicker away from his person, he couldn't help but find a sickly twisted sense of humor in it all. From beyond his once, stoic expression was a grin to show off his pearlescent line of teeth.
  93. Was she fidgiting in place? Even fondling the hilt of her blade... Having second thoughts? He was picking on up this, for once, actually getting a good read off someone without needing to hear the explicit declarations of it all; The whole concept of it all forced a chortle out of him, outright proclaiming his acknowledgement to these flaws in her facade.
  95. " Perhaps you're mistaking me for someone else... " He claimed, gander directing for some unrelated event occuring over her shoulder. He didn't feel resistance, only her actual behavior breaking eye contact-- Which, seemingly allowed him to carry out an event playing out exclusively to her.
  97. "Drop the crowns, now!"
  98. Should the woman digress from Evemek to turn in the direction of such demand, she'd find the image of individuals garbed in black, from head to toe-- Faced obscured by masks and armed with crossbows. Their target: A vendor midst the market. It was a robbery, outright blatant in broad daylight... But how could such be, with so many Arbitrator guards abroad?
  100. It was... Unlikely, yet... The people, their motions and actions-- Everything about it, was realistic in its own right.
  101. "I- I don't want any trouble... J- Just take them!" claimed the victimized clerk, passing a hefty pouch of crowns over the table. It was a band of thieves numbering around five: armored, armed, and protected thanks to a single hostage...
  103. But unlike the others here, there weren't a number of magi nigh to stop them in their tracks, right? Or perhaps... The magi afflicted under the delusion could see through this.
  104. (Evemek)
  106. The woman shook her head and kept her gaze on the individual ahead of her, a raid like this in broad daylight was sure to be crushed by the arbitrators in the area, and Circe didn't need to bother as there were guards in the market anyway, beside the simple situation, t'was not her major problem, but she did look at this man and frown at him.
  108. "What do you mean, I wasn't mistaking you at all. And even so. You seem to be in the right place at the right time for a distraction hm... So I will ask you one thing. What are you trying to do here?"
  110. She was no pushover, but not a strong one either, this however went from nervous to abrasive esspecially with the situation playing behind her, only to serve to get her into a bad mood while a suspicious character tried to get himself a punishment it seemed.
  112. "What is your deal?" She asked the edgelord with a raised eyebrow and an alerted gaze, at this rate, she looked at the other guards who seemed to show no notice of the situation, that in itself was suspicious.
  114. (Circe A. Saleja)
  116. Was she on to him? It seemed entertaining in itself, though he could imagine what could've played out should he have continued to play this charade any longer. What was the likelihood that he'd be arrested right then and there for harassment? Then again, she didn't quite exactly dispel what was... Perhaps, there was doubt, but not outright defiance.
  118. "I have absolutely no conviction here aside from acquiring knowledge." He answered truthfully, all whilst continuing to pull the strings of this event playing out behind her-- Oddly enough, holding up to Arbitrators with the threatened lives of innocents. "Though, I'd say I have some adhorrent timing." There wasn't reason for him to badger getting involved in such... He was, by no definition a 'hero' nor 'white knight'... Infact, as far as he could tell, this woman -was- of the authorities. She'd know what to do in the situation, and it seemed as though her choice was to ignore it and continue to put blame on Evemek.
  120. "I don't have 'a deal' with you... I don't even know you."
  121. She may not have been a pushover, even abrasive-- However, he was a tenacious scientist determined to test his experiments, to near any cost.
  122. Perhaps, it was time to up-the-ante?
  124. Guards seemed to pour into the scene as though on-cue... But, hesitated? Was it because of the hostages? Was this, unlike their character? Or were they legitimately lost as to what to do? Such an unlikely scenario was playing out for the worst, so it seemed...
  125. (Evemek)
  127. The expression of the woman hardened as she focused on him, she would settle herself down as some guards appeared with delayed reactions and hesitated. An odd set of behaviour since most never hesitated, but it seemed rather consecutive, she was having a hard time believing this and so she looked at the seemingly visiting magi was there and she would simply give a strained smile to him.
  129. "I am going to conscript you to help me do something apparently you can see that horrible Chaos behind me, perhaps you could be so kind as to help dissolve the situation with those Trainees She said with a slight bit of humor in it, she obviously expected a bit more to come from Tilandre's finest. So with a mixture of disbelief, she would look at this seeker of knowledge and weigh in on something or other.
  131. "All you have to do is help deal with it, I do assume you are a magi."
  133. She said with a smile, and if he refused, she would possibly give another thought to it, but at the moment, she was not one to be easily swayed to get into something, traps and all, it seemed way too convenient for the guards to just bow down like that. "I honestly can only see this as a little drill or a prank... You wouldn't know anything about it but I am sure many of our soldiers have a great sense of humor. "
  134. (Circe A. Saleja)
  135. [17:37:04] Conscripted? That hardly sounded fair, but if she was a member of the Republic, he had his doubts that he had any power to refute it. It wasn't anything -too- extreme, was it? He could deal with it... Couldn't he?
  136. "Conscripting me?" At this point, he wasn't anywhere near a point of anger-- In fact, he was very much appeased by how things were running thus far. She didn't play things out as the others did when brought to realize a similar scenario-- Which made her a person of interest.
  138. Not an immediate rise to aggression, nor that of flight; A nice blend in-between with interaction to boot. It almost made the opportunity to further amplify this on Circe... But was this truly operating in his favor?
  139. "Well... Yes, I am a magi." He answered, "--But my magic is unorthidox... Though, I suppose there isn't too much an issue showing you."
  140. There was a confident smile and headbob, before he turned to the scene playing out behind her.
  142. "I'll see what I can do."
  143. With that, he passed her by to take to this fabricated scene; The director, now doubled as an actor to his own masterpiece, a full set taking to a preformance before Circe.
  144. "BACK UP!" ordered one of the brazen vendor theives, mushing the head of their crossbow on their hostage.
  145. "Try something like that again, and the arrow gets lodged in his head." The threat was clear, which left even Evemek at a distance, giving an expressed look that implied of her confidence on the matter.
  147. "Dead hostage or not, you're still going to be imprisoned." Evemek retorted, " I doubt the Arbitrators here would take much care in the life of a single, simple civillian." In reverence to his own words, he took to a casual pace up towards the ilk-- Their leader forcing their loaded crossbow harder into their hostage's face as though to enforce his point to earn no slow in Evemek's encroachment. "Let's put an end to this, and put the crossbow down before someone gets hu--"
  149. The splatter of blood splashed across the cobblestone. Gasps far and wide amongst the commonplace denizens: Shock was vivid and clear... And as to what? A shocked magi in white found a bolt fired into his chest, visage bewildered at his callousness up until now. What was he thinking?
  151. There wasn't time to ponder on the matter, for a second one struck him in such a fashion that he'd never speak again. The gagging irking from a cringing Evemek, was forced up from his opened adam's apple. An arrow penetrated his neck, blowing the skin open and forcing him to choke on his own blood, pooling through into his lungs.
  152. The perpetrator to revealed themself, with crossbow drawn and readied-- Their bolt however? Gone, lodged into Evemek.
  154. The moment such played out, the guards sitting at bay seemed to storm in, leaving this magi to fend for himself against his own wounds. The fiasco in the background didn't last too much longer-- Five versus Tilandre's authorities would only last but so long...
  155. If only the consequence could've been foretold...
  156. Resting, back against the a wall, a bloodied mess from the bolts' afflictions.
  157. It was all mean't to prod at the woman's mind, to question her own decision. From the looks of it, Evemek needed immediate medical attention.
  158. (Evemek)
  160. Circe sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose as she focused on the scene unfolding crossbow bolts taking down a mere magi, that was something of a cause for laughter, but this was something she had to do perhaps, she would look at the man who had been shot and immediately knelt over his from to pull a bolt from his form and grip it like a dart, even though he needed medical attention, she was sure to apply pressure to the open wound, and this pressure would have been rather uncomfortable to anyone almost enough to break ribs which was what her strength warranted. She would then flip the bolt in hand like a dart and toss it directly at the ringleader of the brigandry.
  162. This was a rather fitting punishment, and her hands would go down to lift the boy up with one arm, she would then sit him up against the wall and remove the bandages only to signal a soldier over to apply pressure as she sent another off to a local hospital, because NPC's actually mattered here. While doing this, she grabbed her sword and swung it around with one hand, a blade normally too massive for any normal man to hold with one hand, she weighed it effortlessly as though it was an extension of her arm and she would take a modified stance to prepare for this situation, however her posture and everything showed nothing not even a hint of fear anger revulsion, but yet she slightly gave off a short bout of laughter.
  164. "In all seriousness, this is really lifelike, but first, five people wouldn't hold a single hostage and expect to survive very long around the daughter of a councillor, second off. This has been fun, but I hope you are aware that I am sure this is either an illusion of sorts or I will have to kill five hopeless idiots without names... Either way it doesn't matter to me."
  165. (Circe A. Saleja)
  167. So she knew? The falsely wounded facade of Evemek physically reacted to such claim-- What reason was there to keep up the spell? Wait... They didn't ensure that of their claim. One couldn't prove that this wasn't simply an act of stupidity-- Otherwise, the second part to their assumption wouldn't have been said in the first place. Whatever the place, he was getting results that he was looking for. There was a reason for everything, and this... Was an experiment to better understand the behavior of someone such as her-- A member of the actual Republic.
  169. For so long he heard of them being ruthless, and callous souls, however he couldn't take the word of others: He needed to see it for himself. Though, the act itself would likely be justified, the rise to it felt extreme to one such as Evemek. But in the part he played in this little game of his, he was incapable of commenting, incapable of speech; Thus, one laid there in wait for a soldier's eventual arrival, humorous in itself.
  171. A magi, taken down by two ordinary arrows? Well-placed at the very least. Though, hopefully with medical attention someone could pull through from such a dire condition. Though, assistance on the matter as coming slow... As though to allow her to carry out her deed with him as her broken audience. No blades were wielded by their persons... Only risen crossbows aimed at her direction by those backpedalling for an escape; However, from all angles they were boxed in by Arbitrator forces. It was a doomed endeavor, a metaphorical lion's den, with Circe playing the figurative role of the huntress over these armed lawbreakers.
  172. (Evemek)
  174. Perhaps it had been he simply grew tired of watching this scene.
  176. Arrows. Illusions. His own Fiance and this man making themselves look like fools within the square, a mixture of each coming to provoke the Saleja within these moments. The crossbows that now came to be aimed in her direction just as well forcing the hand of a man who sought only Justice within Tilandre. Who sought only to see such needless violence torn apart where it stood, whatever the reasoning may of been? He strode in regardless.
  178. Booming steps following in his path as the ground shake in unison with the Saleja. Earth splintering from beneath his form as both Flame and Stone held in glorious unison come to creep up his features. Lit ablaze in a shell of Molten Rock, leaving only those that stood around to witness the absolute power of the Illusionist Magma Magi. Holding the same casual demeanor to his form as he found himself placed between the duo.
  180. "This was interesting to watch, pretty cute as well." Mused all as his own Illusions come into plan, darkness itself seeming to creep into the corners of the mans own gaze. Searching only to slowly fill them in a daze of nothingness, leaving only himself to be found in a pit of nothingness. Leaving only a mess of voices from those that stood about to fill his ears, if only to put this entire scene on its head for only a moment.
  182. As much fun as they were having, what was a Arbitrator if not to put a swift halt to it?
  184. "Circe, are you having fun? I'll allow this to continue if you are. However it seemed to be growing... Dire." Spoken only as his gaze come to turn towards the Augustine-Saleja. Head tilting to the side as though awaiting her swift response, acting only upon the basis of self-enjoyment over what those that stood about may of thought.
  186. Having fun was important though! Was it not?
  187. (Feithan Saleja)
  189. Fun? Circe was most definately not having fun. And once Feithan jumped in she would immediately look at him and lower her arms, she would look at him and slightly raise her blade in the direction of what to her appeared to be a couple of combatants, but from what was thought it may not have been what was there.
  191. "Do I look like I am amused?" She asked with a frown, her eyes settled on the wounded edgelord, well he probably wasn't really wounded but to her he was. "This better be some stupid joke because I am definately not at all amused."
  193. She then placed her sword back at it. "This entire situation it is way too good to be true... And by good I mean way too convenient... Do you see some people with weaponry over there or am I just seeing things?"
  195. There was a hint of annoyance and slight frustration in the woman's tone. But beyond that, now she had something to do, and if she was made a fool of... Because there probably wasn't fun to be had here... Well she didn't know.
  198. (Circe A. Saleja)
  200. As one idled as audience to the woman dealing with his staged illusion-- One was forced to, inevitably see its end. For a glimpse into oblivion itself seemed to force itself upon him. He didn't conjure this... Nor did he have remote relation to it. Infact, this wasn't even the prying of the esoteric entities encapsulated by the occult domain... This, was something else... Some -one- else...
  201. And the moment his vision would restore, he'd see exactly whom it was.
  203. First, there was the voice... A new individual to the scene; Perhaps, they saw what was going on-- They took notice to what was, and pinpointed the source with ease. It would make sense, Leonard was able to find it out quite quickly as well: Though technically a successful, he dubbed such a failure, albeit his endeavor, when compared to that of the superior mind of the daemonic ilk? Most definitely a success.
  205. All the while, keeping his composure and giving the people midst the immediate area a scene to enjoy.
  206. The illusionary effects forced upon his mind were strong... But even so, he was more than tenacious enough to strain back at the source to attempt enveloping their mind with the same spell he casted upon Circe. No longer was this trick exclusively percieved by her, but he as well... Assuming he didn't dispel it. The difference in powers could make the difference between effectiveness and outright failure, no matter how elaborate his fabrications proved to be.
  208. Individuals once armed in crossbows took to their inventory: Sheathed weapons from assorted blades to chains, likely in preparation for close-ranged combat. Magi, were hardly that of the sort to take upon lightly, and for reasons unknown these fools seemed ready to fight it out to the end.
  209. (Evemek)
  211. Oh. It was all just illusions.
  213. That was all that he saw as the Officers head come to turn. Creatures that fade in and out of obscurity, so easily seen as those that were meant only to play tricks on the mind of the weak. Circe, not even for a moment was in any real danger from the man that stood across from him. Instead? He was merely preparing her, aiding her in whatever training it was this could be described as. How very peculiar, perhaps this boy was not of utter uselessness.
  215. "I see them." Stated simply as a wave of his hand was offered, burst free from his hefty cloak as a smirk find its way crawling up his features beneath the shell of Stone. "I think you can take them, Wife! Have fun! Boy, make sure she doesn't get too hurt or I'll be forced to break you!" It sounded sincere in its odd own way. As though he had already made a mental note of the youngster who sought to practice his own magics.
  217. No harm done yet, right?
  219. With this he began off! The darkness that encompassed the area coming to vanish as he moved with only haste to follow in every step. Hands coming to snap back into the depths of his hefty cloak as Molten Stone fell from his form within that instant, perhaps it was little care, Perhaps it was confidence in the woman he had chose to marry! Whatever it was? He thought it best not to intervene.
  221. With that, he was gone!
  222. (Feithan Saleja)
  224. With her husband leaving to do whatever it was that Feithan did, the woman was left with the five stupid non magi holding blades which was something she didn't want to deal with, there was the injured one or who was percieved to be injured and she was already angry with the situation at hand, and with that, she would enshroud herself with her mana in a complete show of energetic pride and with that being done, she charged at a fast pace directly to the lines of the five people and instead of killing them she gave them all knock out blows.
  226. crushing bashes with the flat of her blade as quick as possible and if she was to face these, she would call upon more arbitrators, but she was again going to have a rather dangerous fit if knowledge on if she was tricked came out.
  228. However she did move back into the area once she dealt with these people indeed she fought in a guarded yet hostile way such as many of her ilk did and with that the arbitrator threat she faced was nothing but a problem again tried and true, of course she lingered if fought back but if faced with something agressive she would immediately go as hard as she could on them.
  229. (Circe A. Saleja)
  231. Did the man know the entire time?
  232. How much did he know? What sort've question was that? They were clearly an illusionist based on what he was forced through, likely a problem in the future granted the threat he was given. However, such was not something exercised upon-- Infact, they even took to departing the scene which gave him liberation to continue on his merry way.
  234. However, this wasn't for Circe's training at all... But his own. Feithan's wife was his test dummy, and the moment she took towards bludgeoning the armed goons down, things seemed to change. The more one fell into the combative frenzy, the faster it happened; It wasn't notable within her immediate perception, but what was once lying on the ground, bleeding out... Was soon standing just feet behind her: Arrows removed and wounds omitted from his body, waiting with an impressed expression laden across his face.
  236. There was a round of applause, if only just by him in appreciation.
  237. "How about that..." He started; A glance at his person revealed the image of a sickly pale variant of Evemek, eyes gleaming a familair vermillion. This, was the very practitioner under what he'd dub, the Night Mother. Though, promised protection by Leonard himself, so long as he didn't condone to anything but mischeif, how much damage could he actually accumulate?
  239. "--Here I was thinking you'd actually kill them." He went on, " But even with that claim, you took to the higher route. I admit, you've proven a lot of claims I've had for Republicans wrong... Or at least, I'd think so." He stroked at his chin, prior to reverting his image from the vampiric facade, back to his casual persona.
  240. (Evemek)
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