

Jun 26th, 2022
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  1. {
  2. "General Settings": {
  3. "API Key (Bot Token)": "ODk4MzI5MDQ1Mjc0NjE1ODY5.YWioHg.7-FgFa9trzcvD3Qj5cmvyZbN-eQ",
  4. "Auto Reload Plugin": false,
  5. "Auto Reload Time (Seconds)": 901,
  6. "Enable Bot Status": false,
  7. "In-Game Report Command": "dreport",
  8. "Discord Extension Log Level (Verbose/Debug/Info/Warning/Error/Exception/Off)": "Info"
  9. },
  10. "Discord to Game Settings": {
  11. "Discord Command Prefix": "!",
  12. "Discord to Game Chat: Icon (Steam ID)": 76561198310257722,
  13. "Discord to Game Chat: Tag": "[DISCORD]",
  14. "Discord to Game Chat: Tag Color (Hex)": "#663399",
  15. "Discord to Game Chat: Player Name Color (Hex)": "#4A8BBE",
  16. "Discord to Game Chat: Message Color (Hex)": "#02646B"
  17. },
  18. "Rust Logging Settings": {
  19. "Enable Logging: Player Chat": true,
  20. "Enable Logging: Joins & Quits": true,
  21. "Enable Logging: Deaths": true,
  22. "Enable Logging: Vehicle Spawns (Heli/APC/Plane/Ship)": true,
  23. "Enable Logging: Crate Drops (Hackable/Supply)": false,
  24. "Enable Logging: Usergroup Changes": true,
  25. "Enable Logging: Permission Changes": true,
  26. "Enable Logging: Kicks & Bans": true,
  27. "Enable Logging: Player Name Changes": true,
  28. "Enable Logging: Server Commands (Gestures/Note Edits)": true,
  29. "Enable Logging: Server Messages (Give/Item Spawns)": true,
  30. "Enable Logging: Player F7 Reports": true,
  31. "Enable Logging: Team Changes": false,
  32. "Enable Logging: RCON Connections": true,
  33. "Enable Logging: Spectates": true,
  34. "Enable Logging: Server Wipe": false,
  35. "Enable Custom Logging": false
  36. },
  37. "Plugin Logging Settings": {
  38. "Enable Logging: AdminHammer": true,
  39. "Enable Logging: Admin Radar": true,
  40. "Enable Logging: Better Chat Mute": true,
  41. "Enable Logging: Clans": false,
  42. "Enable Logging: Dangerous Treasures": false,
  43. "Enable Logging: Discord Auth": true,
  44. "Enable Logging: Godmode": true,
  45. "Enable Logging: Kits": false,
  46. "Enable Logging: Private Messages": true,
  47. "Enable Logging: Raidable Bases": false,
  48. "Enable Logging: Sign Artist": true,
  49. "Enable Logging: Vanish": true
  50. },
  51. "Discord Output Formatting": {
  52. "Output Type: Bans (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  53. "Output Type: Bug Report (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  54. "Output Type: Deaths (Simple/Embed/DeathNotes)": "Embed",
  55. "Output Type: F7 Reports (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  56. "Output Type: Join/Quit (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  57. "Output Type: Join Player Info (Admin Channel) (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  58. "Output Type: Kicks (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  59. "Output Type: Note Logging (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  60. "Output Type: Player Name Change (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  61. "Output Type: /Report (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  62. "Output Type: Server Wipe (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  63. "Output Type: Teams (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  64. "Output Type (Plugin): Admin Hammer (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  65. "Output Type (Plugin): Admin Radar (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  66. "Output Type (Plugin): Better Chat Mute (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  67. "Output Type (Plugin): Clans (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
  68. "Output Type (Plugin): Dangerous Treasures (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  69. "Output Type (Plugin): Discord Auth (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  70. "Output Type (Plugin): Godmode (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  71. "Output Type (Plugin): Kits (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  72. "Output Type (Plugin): Private Messages (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  73. "Output Type (Plugin): Raidable Bases (Simple/Embed)": "Embed",
  74. "Output Type (Plugin): Vanish (Simple/Embed)": "Embed"
  75. },
  76. "Logging Exclusions": {
  77. "Exclude Listed Groups From log_groups": [
  78. "example-group1",
  79. "example-group2"
  80. ],
  81. "Exclude Listed Permissions From log_perms": [
  82. "example.permission1",
  83. "example.permission2"
  84. ]
  85. },
  86. "Filter Settings": {
  87. "Chat Filter: Replacement Word": "<censored>",
  88. "Chat Filter: Words to Filter": [
  89. "badword1",
  90. "badword2"
  91. ]
  92. },
  93. "Discord Logging Channels": [
  94. {
  95. "Discord Channel ID #": "898667199206653982",
  96. "Channel Flags": [
  97. "msg_chat",
  98. "msg_teamchat",
  99. "msg_gesture",
  100. "msg_join",
  101. "msg_quit",
  102. "msg_serverinit",
  103. "msg_helispawn",
  104. "msg_bradleyspawn",
  105. "msg_planespawn",
  106. "msg_shipspawn",
  107. "death_pvp",
  108. "log_teams",
  109. "plugin_privatemessages"
  110. ],
  111. "Custom: Words/Phrases to Log": []
  112. },
  113. {
  114. "Discord Channel ID #": "898669662714343484",
  115. "Channel Flags": [
  116. "log_perms",
  117. "game_report",
  118. "log_itemnote",
  119. "log_namechange",
  120. "log_spectates",
  121. "plugin_betterchatmute",
  122. "plugin_signartist",
  123. "plugin_vanish",
  124. "log_kicks",
  125. "log_admingive",
  126. "log_bans",
  127. "log_f7reports",
  128. "game_bug"
  129. ],
  130. "Custom: Words/Phrases to Log": []
  131. }
  132. ],
  133. "Discord Command Role Assignment (Empty = All roles can use command.)": {
  134. "ban": [
  135. "DiscordManager",
  136. "Senior Staff"
  137. ],
  138. "com": [
  139. "DiscordManager",
  140. "Senior Staff"
  141. ],
  142. "kick": [
  143. "DiscordManager",
  144. "Senior Staff"
  145. ],
  146. "mute": [
  147. "DiscordManager",
  148. "Senior Staff"
  149. ],
  150. "players": [
  151. "DiscordManager",
  152. "Senior Staff"
  153. ],
  154. "timeban": [
  155. "DiscordManager",
  156. "Senior Staff"
  157. ],
  158. "unban": [
  159. "DiscordManager",
  160. "Senior Staff"
  161. ],
  162. "unmute": [
  163. "DiscordManager",
  164. "Senior Staff"
  165. ]
  166. }
  167. }
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