
Four Gifts (Ed)

Apr 28th, 2011
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  1. Four Gifts
  3. Spike looked around the gloomy, sooty teepee. The bison were standing over him. They were enormous and intimidating. They were far larger than the ponies, and even the ponies were big from Spike’s perspective. The bison were also silent. That was quite a change from the last few hours. When they discovered him hiding in the sleeper car, there had been a lot of shouting and pointing. They had shown him to a nearly blind village elder who had laughed at his appearance, and then kissed them on the cheeks. There was more shouting, and then they had gathered together various herds grazing in the fields. They held a big dance in Spike’s honor, and sang many songs in a language that Spike didn’t understand.
  4. Then they ushered him into this teepee and sat him on a tall stool. Now they were silent, and brooding over him. A young buffalo girl came in, carrying a large bowl covered with a decorative blanket. She laid it down before him. She was much smaller than the others, maybe the size of a pony. Spike felt she was much less intimidating, and even pretty cute. He smiled down at her and she smiled back up at him. He blushed. She left the teepee and quickly came back with another bowl, smaller but also covered. She left a third time and returned with a large woven basket. Laying this in front of him, she sat down on her haunches.
  5. The other bison turned as one, and shuffled their way out of the teepee. They closed the heavy cloth flaps behind them, leaving only the small embers of a dying fire for light. Spike was alone with the buffalo girl.
  6. “Spike, dragon, on behalf of my people I present these four gifts to you in good will and with love to your people, and...”
  7. Spike got down off his stool and interrupted. “Hey, hey, excuse me. I haven’t been able to get in a word edgewise this whole day, but you seem like somebody I can talk to. You know my name, but I didn’t catch yours?”
  8. “I am called Little Strongheart.”
  9. “Pleased to meet you. Anyway, I... Can I just call you Strongheart?”
  10. “Yes,” she smiled at him.
  11. “That’s a pretty name. Anyway, Strongheart, I was wonder why everybody was being so nice to me. I’m sure you can’t do this for all your visitors.”
  12. “It’s because you’re a dragon,” she said. “It has been a very long time since our people have seen a dragon.”
  13. "I sort of figured that. And I appreciate it. But what’s so great about dragons, if you don’t mind me asking?”
  14. She blinked a few times at the unusual question. “Don’t you know the story of Scale the Dragon?”
  15. “I’m afraid I don’t. Should I?”
  16. “Long ago, vast herds of our people lived in these lands. Our stampedes were so large, they would turn the whole earth black, from horizon to horizon. Then a great and terrible evil came. Many bison were killed. Many more were hurt and had to flee our lands. Our people despaired. Then Scale, the Great Green Dragon, looked down from the sky and saw the evil. He fought with it, and defeated it. He sent it back to where it came from. Our people rejoiced and thanked Scale. He was kind and accepted our gifts. We were very grateful. Then he flew off to the Great Smoking Mountain. Our people haven’t seen him in three generations. Our elders miss him. To honor him, we’ve sworn to honor all dragons who come into our lands. You’re the first, Spike.”
  17. “I’m touched,” he said. “I’m not sure if I could accept gifts meant for somebody else though.”
  18. “Oh please, Spike, it means so much to our people.”
  19. “Well I wouldn’t want to offend anybody. And I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Let me see what you have.”
  20. Little Strongheart pulled the blanket off of the larger bowl. It was filled to the brim with large, beautiful pieces of turquoise.
  21. “Oh, wow,” Spike said. He picked one up and took a bite, as if it were an apple. “Mmm, phosphatey.” Strongheart gave him a curious look. “I mean that in a good way,” he added. “You know, cryptocrystalline. Good comfort food. I could eat the whole bowl. Honest.”
  22. Strongheart smiled. She pulled the blanket off of the smaller bowl. “We found these in the southern deserts,” she said.
  23. Spike picked up one of the smaller pebbles to take a closer look. It was black and shiny. Inside he could see little flashes of red and green deep within. These were black fire opals, very rare. He popped one into his mouth. His eyes rolled up into his head. “Aaaaugh, these are delicious! I’m not going to be able to finish these in one sitting. Too rich, it’s like eating fudge.”
  24. Strongheart untied the cord on the woven basket. “These are the written traditions and accounts of my people,” she said.
  25. Spike pulled a parchment out of the basket. It was handwritten, but with a very careful hand. It was also beautifully illuminated. “Wow,” Spike gasped. “If I take these back to the library, Twilight and I could translate them and make copies. The originals belong in a museum.”
  26. “We would be honored,” she said.
  27. “So, um, you said there were four gifts?” Spike asked.
  28. “Yes,” Little Strongheart said. “I am the fourth gift.”
  29. “You’re... you’re the fourth gift?”
  30. “Yes,” she smiled.
  31. “Wh...what am I supposed to do with you?” he stammered.
  32. “You’re supposed to take me.”
  33. “Take you where?”
  34. “No,” she smiled. “You misunderstand. I mean you’re supposed to take me. As a bull takes a cow.”
  35. Spike was speechless. He started to open and close his jaw, unable to speak. Strongheart noticed and started to frown.
  36. “Don’t you like me?” she asked.
  37. “What? No! I like you. I think you’re very pretty. This is just all very strange to me. We don’t act like this in Equestria. This is all kinds of wrong. Well... at least where I come from. For starters, I’m just a baby dragon.”
  38. “Yes, we know,” Strongheart explained. “That is why I was chosen. I myself am only a calf.”
  39. “And you and your people are OK with that?”
  40. “If we weren’t, we would not be offering the gift. We would be offended if you did not accept.”
  41. “But...,” Spike didn’t know what to say. “We only just met. We don’t even know each other. What about romance? What about love?”
  42. Strongheart flinched as if she had been struck. She bowed her head. It almost looked like her eyes were beginning to water.
  43. “Wait, what’s wrong? Was it something I said?”
  44. “I’m sorry,” she said.
  45. “Sorry for what?”
  46. “Sorry for making this uncomfortable. I did not expect this to come up. I am in love. But not with you. I love him very much.”
  47. “And you’re still OK with this?”
  48. “I am, because our love is forbidden. He is from... another herd. Our love can’t exist. We’ve tried and failed. I just... wanted to get on with my life here.”
  49. “I think I kind of know how you feel.”
  50. “You love a girl dragon? Is it forbidden?”
  51. “She’s a pony. And it may as well be forbidden. She almost doesn’t know I exist. Sometimes I think she’ll never notice me. It hurts sometimes.”
  52. “It’s weird,” Strongheart said. “It looks like we’ve got nothing in common. But maybe there’s more in common between us than anyone might guess. I think we’d make good friends.”
  53. “I’d like that, Strongheart,” Spike said. “I think we could be best friends.”
  54. Little Strongheart smiled. She stepped over the bowls of gemstones, approaching Spike. She leaned her head down over him; he looked up to her. Their faces were inches apart from each other. She closed her eyes and leaned in further. She touched his nose with the tip of her snout, and then wiggled it back and forth, their noses mashed together. She stopped and leaned back up. Spike was staring back up at her. He had a grin stretching ear to ear and was blushing.
  55. “What was that?” Spike asked.
  56. “A buffalo kiss. Would you like another?”
  57. “Yes, please,” he said.
  58. She leaned over again. This time he got up on his toes. He closed his eyes as well. They rubbed their noses together for a long time. Spike almost broke it, not knowing how long it was supposed to go on, but he kept doing it. Strongheart broke it and Spike rocked back onto his heels. They stared into each others' eyes for awhile, the embers from the fire reflected in them. She leaned over again without a word and they rubbed noses for a third time. Spike only let this go on a few seconds before he cocked his head to one side, reached up, and kissed her on the lips.
  59. Her eyes sprang open, but her eyelids soon started lowering, finding the kiss too good to focus on anything else. She slowly laid down on her knees. She was so much taller than him, and this made it easier. Now his head only had to bend down a bit to kiss her. He had his small claws on her cheeks. He started to tenderly stroke her curly hair. He slid his tongue into her mouth and she started to play with it. Like the flip of a switch, Spike could feel his new found friendship turning into passion. All thoughts of Rarity vanished. His heart only longed for Little Strongheart. At least for the time being.
  60. Strongheart broke the kiss. Spike bit her bottom lip, but she still pulled away. She kissed his chin. She kissed his neck. She kissed every segmented scale that Spike had on her way down to his chest, belly, and below. Spike watched her - he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She stopped kissing when the bottom of her chin touched his erection. Spike didn’t even know it had already slid out. Strongheart pulled her face away from his belly and lowered her chin. Her lips danced on the head of his penis. Spike watched it all; he had a sudden feeling of inadequacy.
  61. She sucked it into her mouth. The feelings were gone, replaced completely by pleasure. Strongheart held it in her mouth for a moment, not having a problem with taking the whole thing. She slid her tongue around it, tickling it. Only after that did she start sliding it in and out of her mouth. Spike was in ecstasy. He was running his claws through her curly hair again. He took her long silky ears into his hands and held on to them tight. He was rocking back on his heels as she was shoving her head forward. He started to return some force on his own. He started to thrust his pelvis, humping her lips. He started to moan. He could come right here and now.
  62. Spike resisted the temptation. He didn’t want to just use Little Strongheart in the way the bison outside intended. He wanted to make love to her. If she wouldn’t love him back, maybe he could make her enjoy it as much as he was, at least for the moment that they had together. He pulled away from her, a long cord of drool hanging from her mouth to the tip of his cock. The feeling that he was just about to cum died away. She looked up at him with those big dark eyes, and his heart melted.
  63. He walked around her body and got behind her. There was no sense in her getting up. She lifted up her curly tail, inviting him. Spike looked underneath her tail. There was nothing there to see except her ass and more brown hide. Spike grabbed her tail with one hand and reached underneath her. He found her pussy with his claws, but she was dry. He start to rub the outside, focusing on where her clit was still hiding underneath its hood. Spike rubbed and rubbed, but she only got a little moist. Spike worried that she wasn’t into it, and that he should back off. As soon as he thought that, she got wet. Intensely wet. He looked down again and could clearly see it now. He spread her lips with two of fingers and slid a third one in. It slipped in easily.
  64. Spike couldn’t take it anymore. He got his hips squarely behind her rump. He guided his dick to her pussy with his hand, and then slid it all the way in. Little Strongheart strained her neck back to look at him. She was biting her lower lip. Spike started pumping his hips. She kept looking back into his eyes, watching him. Spike started to pound harder and harder. Strongheart turned her head back around to face forward. She lowered her head, shutting her eyes in concentration. Spike dug his claws into the hide on her flanks. He pushed into her with all of his weight, over and over.
  65. “Be careful of my tail,” she squeaked. Spike looked down again. Her tail was being bent hard, right at its base to make room for him. Spike slowed down the pumping. He slowed to a stop. He was starting to lose his breath anyway.
  66. “Turn over,” he sighed. She rolled over onto her back. She spread her skinny bison legs out before him. Her pussy lips were spread out as well. They were a soft bright pink, glistening in the light of the embers. It was so inviting. Spike bent down and started to lick it; he couldn’t resist. Strongheart started making cooing noises. Spike’s sharp ears picked up some noises from outside the teepee. The hooves of bison. Were they just passing by? Were they eavesdroppers? He listened intensely, but the noises stopped. He realized he didn’t care anymore.
  67. Spike got up on top of her, between her legs. He slid himself back into her. He started his pumping again. This was even better than before. He buried his face into the soft hide of her belly. His hands clutched at her sides. She wrapped her long legs around him. Spike felt the sensation of an approaching orgasm coming up on him again.
  68. He got back up, still pounding inside her. He grabbed both of her skinny hind legs in his hands. She stroked his face with her tiny front hooves. Spike felt himself cumming; he couldn’t stop now if he wanted to. The feeling started in his balls first. It went back up inside him, intensified there, and then he felt it racing down and out his shaft. He burst out into her, filling Strongheart’s pussy with his warmth. He jerked himself into her one more time, and then collapsed down onto her belly, exhausted. He was still inside her.
  69. She clopped her front hooves together and then used them to pull up his face so that she could look him in the eyes. “Did I make you happy?” she asked, a big smile on her face.
  70. “Yeah,” Spike tried to say, out of breath. “I haven’t felt this happy in a long time. You?”
  71. “I’m happy to make you happy,” she said. Spike realized she had dodged the implied question. He didn’t really need her to answer. He knew she hadn’t come. It bothered him. His face must have betrayed his feelings.
  72. “What’s the matter, Spike?” she asked.
  73. “I’m too small,” he admitted. “I want to finish you off. Don’t move.” He got up from on top of her. He took a few steps back. He looked down at her. Her cute little pussy was still spread open. A little bit of white semen was dripping out.
  74. Spike turned around. Then he lifted his tail. He placed the tip of it right in her warm pussy.
  75. “Spike?” she asked. “What are you doing?”
  76. “Shh,” was all he said. He hadn’t forgotten about potential eavesdroppers.
  77. He started to back up; his tail slid into her. She gasped. The arrowhead shaped tip was squeezed a bit, and then it made it in. The rest was easy. The flexible, semi-circular scales that lined the ridge of his tail tickled her clit as each one folded over and went in. He was able to get it all in. Then it was a simple matter of rocking on his feet, to shove it in and out of her. She started to squeal. The squeals turned to shrieks. The shrieks turned to screams. If there were any eavesdroppers outside, they were bound to hear her. She obviously didn’t mind. The whole village could probably hear her. She lowered her hind legs around his shoulders. He reached up and grabbed a hold of them, using them as leverage. He kept pumping backwards into her as fast as he could. This went on for long minutes. He looked down and saw that he was once again semi-erect. He felt excitement in her excitement. He grabbed a hold of himself and started jerking it.
  78. Little Strongheart started to cum. Spikes scales where flicking against her clit every time he shoved his tail in; it was like the teeth of a comb. The orgasm came from deep within her, and spread out everywhere. She lost control of her body. Her legs were kicking in all directions. It was the most intense feeling she had ever had. When she finally came to her senses, she looked down. Spike had turned around. He was fucking her again, just for a bit. His eyes were rolled up into the back of his head. He finished for a second time. He had wanted to cum inside of her again.
  79. He collapsed on top of her again, finally spent. He crawled up her belly, and she wrapped her legs around him, hugging him. They fell over onto their sides.
  80. “Thank you,” Little Strongheart whispered. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
  81. “No, thank you,” Spike said. “You’ve given me the best gift I’ve ever gotten.”
  82. She giggled. She wanted to say something nice to him, her new best friend, but she couldn’t think of anything.
  83. Their minds wandered off in the afterglow, but they kept rubbing their noses together.
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