
i accidentally zigrar

Jan 20th, 2016
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  1. [1:53:20 AM] Zig-Rar: Florida is a retirement place for old people
  2. [2:02:03 AM | Edited 2:02:22 AM] Zig-Rar: Also this guy in my class right.. I feel like he doesn't know a lick of coding so i asked him if he could get the lan on aottg working and he said ok ill bring the files back.. The next day he said i got the lan working. I said how? He said you know clicked around... I said no i don't tell me.. He said i clicked a few buttons got lucky and the lan Worked somehow and i played with muy friend.. I said how the lan button is broken.. He said idk i just clicked around and got lucky.. I caught him again because he was like.. You got to be careful because when you get to round 5 it starts getting buggy.. i said on what map the firest or the city he said. The one with the buildings.. This nigga don't even.. oh my god how the fuck would he get to round 5 if he never okayed the game a day In His life plus on top of that its the fucking forest.. Like if i just clicked a few buttons to code id be a fucking millionare by now. I just slap my keyboard and boom fucking blackops 4. This kid oh my..
  3. [2:03:01 AM] lιnĸтнeнylιan [DinkyWeebTrash] | Andrew: GG
  4. [2:03:07 AM | Edited 2:03:10 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: I lol'ed, GG.
  5. [2:04:30 AM] Zig-Rar: How the fuck do i get lan working on aottg because I'm pissed.. I thought this kid was legit.. he said he had a business for fuck sake..
  6. [2:04:54 AM] Zig-Rar: I was like oh shit this kid knows what hes doing
  7. [2:05:08 AM] Zig-Rar: Ovi not..
  8. [2:05:25 AM] Zig-Rar: Any help on getting lan working on aottg
  9. [2:06:27 AM] lιnĸтнeнylιan [DinkyWeebTrash] | Andrew: You seriously have no idea ?
  10. [2:06:46 AM] Zig-Rar: Fucking no!!
  11. [2:06:49 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: XD
  12. [2:07:08 AM | Edited 2:07:56 AM] Zig-Rar: I've tried activating the button but no it doesnt turn on.. i tried foreplay and the button still wasn't turned on.. the fuck man!!
  13. [2:07:36 AM] lιnĸтнeнylιan [DinkyWeebTrash] | Andrew: Let me try looking for it.
  14. [2:09:17 AM] lιnĸтнeнylιan [DinkyWeebTrash] | Andrew: Okay, it has to be: "Btn_CreateLanGame"
  15. [2:09:36 AM] lιnĸтнeнylιan [DinkyWeebTrash] | Andrew: Although, I tried making UI button equal to true.
  16. [2:09:39 AM] lιnĸтнeнylιan [DinkyWeebTrash] | Andrew: And it's still faded out.
  17. [2:10:08 AM] Zig-Rar: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. [2:10:13 AM] lιnĸтнeнylιan [DinkyWeebTrash] | Andrew: ^
  19. [2:11:29 AM] Zig-Rar: How can this shit be fixed
  20. [2:11:53 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: ay, try making another one CreateLanGame, one that works
  21. [2:12:19 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: that uses 192.168.0.* or idek.
  22. [2:12:48 AM] Zig-Rar: Rc mod did it
  23. [2:13:10 AM] Zig-Rar: How the fuck did they do it
  24. [2:13:34 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: compare the assemblies or stuff.
  25. [2:13:50 AM] Zig-Rar: You can't look on their files its compsvt
  26. [2:13:58 AM] Zig-Rar: Compact*
  27. [2:14:08 AM | Edited 2:14:18 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: which .dll you tried?
  28. [2:14:23 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: a rc normal one?
  29. [2:14:57 AM] Zig-Rar: You can't veiw their files in general Its compact with the .exe
  30. [2:15:19 AM] *** ***
  31. [2:15:23 AM | Edited 2:15:25 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: here you go \/
  32. [2:15:24 AM] lιnĸтнeнylιan [DinkyWeebTrash] | Andrew: lmao
  33. [2:15:47 AM] Zig-Rar: Virus😮
  34. [2:15:52 AM | Edited 2:16:02 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: lol no w8
  35. [2:16:20 AM] Zig-Rar: Lol that can't be the lan
  36. [2:16:34 AM] *** ***
  37. [2:16:38 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: lmao.
  38. [2:17:04 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: open with ILSpy, JustDecompile, NET Reflector, DotNet Reflector or dotPeek
  39. [2:17:11 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: and see the differences
  40. [2:17:15 AM] Zig-Rar: Wtf is that
  41. [2:17:24 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: lol XDDDD
  42. [2:17:45 AM] Zig-Rar: What is it:///
  43. [2:17:51 AM] Zig-Rar: Virus😘
  44. [2:17:57 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: no dude, why virus .-.
  45. [2:18:11 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: wait, at least
  46. [2:18:13 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: do you code aottg?
  47. [2:18:35 AM] Zig-Rar: Ya to a certain amount
  48. [2:19:01 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: ok
  49. [2:19:14 AM | Edited 2:19:14 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: This is ilspy
  50. [2:19:39 AM] Zig-Rar: Compare them
  51. [2:20:01 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu:
  52. [2:20:11 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: download and compare it, I'm too lazy to do anything rn
  53. [2:27:01 AM] Riot Eren: [2:06 AM] Zig-Rar:
  55. <<< Fucking no!!Rip in peperino
  56. [2:28:08 AM] Riot Eren: LOL
  57. [2:28:32 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: lolwat
  58. [2:28:41 AM] Riot Eren: What do you use to mod Zig?
  59. [2:29:09 AM] Zig-Rar: Reflect and notepad
  60. [2:29:18 AM] Riot Eren: If i wouldn't be lazy af to activate my forum a new mod could have been made
  61. [2:29:28 AM] Zig-Rar: I take tge scripts from reflect and do my shit in notepad
  62. [2:29:35 AM] Riot Eren: I see
  63. [2:29:42 AM] Riot Eren: Why not decompile the source
  64. [2:29:46 AM] Riot Eren: and work with VS
  65. [2:29:47 AM] Zig-Rar: Boss
  66. [2:29:50 AM] Riot Eren: It's alot better and easier that way m8
  67. [2:30:16 AM] Zig-Rar: Because me to lazy to download it.. I tried and it didn't work
  68. [2:30:47 AM] Riot Eren: What didn't work? Decompiling, Fixing the errors or making the game run succesfully?
  69. [2:31:29 AM] Zig-Rar: No just making the lan work
  70. [2:31:33 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: lol
  71. [2:31:42 AM] Riot Eren: eh...
  72. [2:31:50 AM | Edited 2:31:54 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: you trying to fix lan with reflector? \/
  73. [2:31:51 AM] *** Riot Eren Goes to bed ***
  74. [2:32:00 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: night lol.
  75. [2:33:06 AM] Zig-Rar: XD
  76. [2:33:27 AM] Riot Eren: Ugh no reason to go to bed now either
  77. [2:33:28 AM] Riot Eren: xD
  78. [2:33:36 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: noice
  79. [2:33:42 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: Zig
  80. [2:33:50 AM] ƜσƖf || Mιв || fuck yσu: download the RC Assembly and compare the stuff, simplest way
  81. [2:34:59 AM] Zig-Rar: K ill try
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