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- Tails yanked hard on the wheel the other way, shooting the car off the road and toward a thick metal guardrail along the edge of a cliff. It hit with incredible force, and the sound of twisting metal and shattering glass was only barely tamped down by Sonic’s screams as the damaged vehicle launched off the cliff.
- Knuckles let go at last, digging his fists deep into the rocky cliffside. But there was no way for Sonic to jump out of the the car safely. The ground below began to rush up as they plummeted. The car fell and burst into flames far below.
- “AHHHHHH!” Sonic screamed, his eyes shut tight. But when he realized he didn’t die, he opened one eye to discover . . . “We’re flying?”
- Tails’ two tails were more than just for looks! He had grabbed Sonic before the car crashed to the ground. The tails spun around like chopper blades, holding both creatures aloft. “Did your butt just turn into a helicopter?” Sonic asked, gobsmacked.
- -Chapter 6
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