
FoE RPG G0 - #019 Last Stop: Awkward Meal

Jun 8th, 2013
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  1. [20:08]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #19 starts now
  2. [20:08]<SpiritOfFate> =============================================
  3. [19:58]<SpiritOfFate> Rodent_Lace squeezes herself to the hallway just as another slave, goes past, carrying a sheet of metal to the office
  4. [20:00]? Royal_Lace squishes herself against the wall and waits for the slave to pass before scurrying away to Knacks room.
  5. [20:02]<SpiritOfFate> The door is closed, but the crack underneath it is big enough for her to squeeze through
  6. [20:03]? Royal_Lace dose so
  7. [20:06]<SpiritOfFate> The chubby mare is still bundled in her bedsheets, barely moving.
  8. [20:09]? Royal_Lace inspects the room quickly to be sure that they are alone
  9. [20:11]<SpiritOfFate> Nopony else is in the room
  10. [20:17]? Royal_Lace focuses and lets her magic slip, turning back into a pony with a soft flash
  11. [20:19]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack moves and turns to the returned Royal_Lace, Only the tip of her muzzle visible in the bundle
  12. [20:22]? Royal_Lace moves to her side
  13. [20:23]? Royal_Lace looks down to her with concerned eyes, "are you ready to go?"
  14. [20:24]<SpiritOfFate> "Uh... " She takes a deep breath, taking a moment to look all around her room. "...yeah."
  15. [20:26]? Royal_Lace eyes deepen with sorrow, "Miss Knack, Im sorry for whatever part I played in this. But we will work to make things better.... however we can.... can you move?"
  16. [20:28]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack nods, rubbing a leg and trotting closer, still covered in her sheets
  17. [20:31]? Royal_Lace steps nexter to her and begins to cast her spell.... first to the attic for her supplies, then off on there way to town.
  18. [20:32]<SpiritOfFate> ===================================
  19. [20:11]<SpiritOfFate> The sun rises in the land, his rays shining through the windows of the hotel. The group wakes up from a very unusual night.
  20. [20:14]? Hawkeye finishes drying herself off from the shared shower, and begins putting on her armor. She looks over her shoulder and gives Buck a wink before topping her ensemble off with her hat, which she pushes back jauntily. "See you at breakfast, Buck?" she asks with a smile.
  21. [20:14]? Firefly already awake from the odd dream, has eaten the breakfast that Sotho cooked and is currently fixing up Hawkeye's Sniper rifle. She has the pieces spread across the table, and is reassembling the rifle like it is a large, deadly, jigsaw puzzle.
  22. [20:15]? Sotho smiles as he watches Firefly work. "We might want to check on the others soon."
  23. [20:15]? Firefly nods, tongue sticking out as she reassembles the firing mechanism for the rifle.
  24. [20:16]<SpiritOfFate> Buck nods back to Hawkeye with a smile. "'course."
  25. [20:18]<Hawkeye> "Awrighty then," Hawkeye says, and heads out of the room and down the stairs to where the group had met the night before. She does seem to have a little trouble walking at first, but there's also a little bounce to her step. The bandit mare arrives shortly at the table where Firefly is working, and lets out a whistle as she sees the progress the filly has made. "Holy mackerel, half-pint,"...
  26. [20:18]<Hawkeye> ...Hawkeye says. "And here Ah thought that thing was busted beyond recovery."
  27. [20:19]? Wintergreen yawns, waking up slowly. She smiles to herself, still cuddling comfortably with Ignis. Unfortunately, it was time to get out of bed, and she nuzzles against Ignis' cheek in an attempt to wake him.
  28. [20:20]? Ignis blinkyblinks, feeling the warm bed and Wintergreen's comfort...felt so nice, what time it was? The dragon-turned-pony stirs and yawns, his claws holding on Wintergreen as he slolwy wakes up. "Is it morning yet?"
  29. [20:22]? Wintergreen nods, giving Ignis a kiss on his cheek. "Yes, we should get moving soon...-ish."
  30. [20:22]? Firefly shakes her head, inserting the firing mechanism back into its proper place in the rifle. "Nuh-uh. Poppa always said that nobody cleaned guns and that was half the problem. The thing I put back in looked like it had become a colony for the dreaded Dustius Bunnius. It should work a bit better now." Firefly speaks as she starts to rapidly put pieces back together using her wings. Soon the rifle...
  31. [20:22]? Firefly neatly put back together. It isn't brand new, but it definitely looks better than it did.
  32. [20:24]? Ignis nods back, nuzzling the sweet mare. "I hope the others are alright, well...they probably are." He chuckles. "They can fend for themselves, why they wouldn't?"
  33. [20:24]? Hawkeye chuckles. "Well thanks, short stuff. Pepper said she was gonna fix it, but she never did get around to it..." She looks off to the side and clears her throat. "Anyway, what is there in the way of vittles down here?"
  34. [20:25]? Sotho waves. "We just finished off some left overs, but I can prepare something with what he have
  35. [20:27]? Wintergreen chuckles, slipping into Ignis' hooves and nuzzling against his chest. "They'll come get us when we need to go."
  36. [20:27]<Hawkeye> "That'd be swell, Stripes," she says, sitting down on the bench opposite Firefly. "Are we going t'be meetin' back up with that nice unicorn gal who put us up here?"
  37. [20:27]? Sotho smiles as he begins to get out ingridents. "Any preference Hawkeye?"
  38. [20:28]? Ignis nods, snuggling Wintergreen tightly. "They'll knock, then." He giggles and kisses her forehead as she nuzzles on him.
  39. [20:29]? Firefly nods. "Miss Pretty Pony is gonna meet up with us tonight. She wanted us to talk to some doctor lady." Firefly nods as she looks around. "Did any of you see her last night while we were fighting that crazy thing?"
  40. [20:29]? Sotho nods. "I saw her, she must be important to one of us."
  41. [20:29]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "Nah, so long as it ain't radroach or blue cheese, Ah ain't picky." She begins examining Firefly's work. Very impressive for someone so young. Hawkeye's expression goes blank as Firefly asks. "Ah don't know what y'all are talking about. Ah had a wonderful night's sleep."
  42. [20:32]? Firefly cocks her head at Hawkeye. "But you were there too! You had your gun and were shooting tentacles going bang-bang-bang! It couldn't stop you!"
  43. [20:32]? Wintergreen cuddles with Ignis, closing her eyes for some extra rest...
  44. [20:33]<Hawkeye> "Nope, nope, nope," Hawkeye denies, becoming very much interested in the bullets she has somewhere in her bags. "Had a dream about bunny rabbits. Nice, normal, fluffy bunny rabbits."
  45. [20:33]? Ignis could use some extra rest, especially that he was with his Wintergreen. He clings close to the mare, nuzzling his chin over her mane.
  46. [20:35]? Firefly scratches her head as she looks at Hawkeye. "Well...were they nice bunnies at least?"
  47. [20:37]? Sotho takes out his ingridents, starting to bring the pots of water to a boil
  48. [20:37]? Hawkeye shrugs. "They didn't try an' eat me, or shoot any of muh friends, so Ah guess so." She tucks the bullets back in her bags. "Now that's enough about that. Thanks for the work on that rifle, half-pint. Ah may just have t'keep y'all around."
  49. [20:39]? Firefly gives Hawkeye a big grin. "I like you too Miss Hawkeye." The filly flits over and gives Hawkeye a nice big hug.
  50. [20:39]? Sotho smiles as he feels at home in the kitchen, working on the food for his fami- group.
  51. [20:39]? Hawkeye tenses up and looks around as she is hugged. She looks over to Sotho and mouths "HELP. ME." at him.
  52. [20:40]? Royal_Lace there is a slight crackle of energy in the air, followed by a poping sounds and flash, A tired looking lace appears in the living room next to a large bundled up pony wrapped in a sheet.
  53. [20:41]? Sotho looks over and chuckles at Hawkeye. "Firefly, I think she wants more hugs." He smirks and shakes his head, then is a bit surprised by Lace.
  54. [20:42]? Hawkeye rolls her eye at Sotho, but immediately points at Lace and her bundle. "Hey, half-pint, I think miss... Lace, was it? Might need your help."
  55. [20:43]? Firefly looks over somberly at Sotho. "Ok Mr. Sotho! Mission accepted." Firefly uses her wings and legs and gives Hawkeye a bear hug. Fortunately for the charcoal mare, Lace comes in and serves as a distraction. "Miss Pretty Pony is in trouble?" Firefly jumps off of Hawkeye and runs over to Royal_Lace. "Miss Pretty Pony! Are you ok?"
  56. [20:44]? Royal_Lace turns and smiles, shaking her head at firefly. "Oh, on no dear, im fine thank you... just tired. Thank you for the concern, as always its great to see you again... we do however have somepony with us who could use help"
  57. [20:44]? Hawkeye slinks away from the table as Firefly gets distracted, and joins Sotho in the kitchen. She kicks him in the ribs halfheartedly. "Jerk," she says. "That weren't funny."
  58. [20:45]? Firefly nods up to Royal_Lace. "Ok Miss Pretty Pony! Who do I help?" Firefly crouches, wings snapping out wide and getting ready to take off.
  59. [20:45]<SpiritOfFate> The large pony shrinks into her bundle of sheets.
  60. [20:46]? Sotho chuckles as he cooks. "Oh hush, the filly likes you." He smiles at her lightly. "I won't force you to talk about the dream, because I know you don't want to. Just remember, it happened, and we have something against us." He says, looking to his food. "Anything wrong with what I have? I have somethign for every pony, though I might need to make more..." He looks aroudn the kitchen for extra food
  61. [20:47]? Royal_Lace looks to the bundle of sheets and lifts a hoof, rubing the back of the pony underneath in a gentle and reasuring fashion. "She dose... you do remember miss Nick Knack dont you? She has had a very rough couple of days"
  62. [20:47]<Hawkeye> "The food's fine," Hawkeye says, a bit exasperated. "Look, Ah ain't no good with foals. And Ah'm as nervous around her as a four-tailed cat in a room full o' rocking chairs. So don't push her at me, alright? Ah don't need that, and she certainly don't need to be around me." She sniffs experimentally at the cooking edibles.
  63. [20:49]? Firefly nods up to Royal Lace. "Miss Pirate Mare? Yeah, I remember her. Oooh, does she want to play again?"
  64. [20:50]<Sotho> "I promise I won't push her at you anymore than she needs to be." He says to Hawkeye. "Now then." He looks back. "Can you do me a favor and grab two Mutfruit? We might need more servings if I want to feed everypony."
  65. [20:50]? Wintergreen 's stomach grumbles. She blinks, and nudges Ignis, whispering, "I'm kinda hungry..."
  66. [20:50]? Hawkeye shrugs. "Sure," she says, and begins helping Sotho with the meal prep.
  67. [20:50]? Royal_Lace looks seriously down at the bundle, "Maybe, I do know she needs help to feel better"
  68. [20:52]? Sotho chops up the existing MutFruit into small cubes, holding them asside for a bit before the Mac and Cheese finishes, putting them in. "Set the table for me Hawkeye? We can get Wintergreen and Ignis in a second." He gives a charismatic light smile
  69. [20:52]? Ignis nods to the mare. "I could eat something too, perhaps we should go downtairs?" He questions, his hoof grooming her fur dearly.
  70. [20:53]? Wintergreen smiles and nods, giving Ignis' cheek another kiss before she hops off of the bed, collecting her equipment to head out.
  71. [20:53]? Hawkeye seems to have regained her good mood, and stacks the dishes and such on her back to take out to the table. She swishes her tail lightly. "Sure thing, Soth. Make sure y'all knock first before walkin' in. They had a definite look goin' on last night..."
  72. [20:53]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack looks around in panic as she hears Wintergreen's name.
  73. [20:53]? Firefly taps her hoof against her chin. "Well...hugs make everyone feel better. Maybe she is quart low on hugs." Firefly nods to herself, and gives Knick Knack a big hug.
  74. [20:54]? Ignis yawns a bit more and goes to gear up with his stuff.
  75. [20:55]? Royal_Lace gives Knick Knack a hug as well. "Maybe Firefly.... oh and miss lace dont worry about Miss Green, if she tires anything like that around you again Ill turn her into a bunny"
  76. [20:55]? Sotho nods as he finishes. "What was the word Hawkeye used?" He smiles. "ah yes. Vittles everypony!" He yells so Wintergreen and Ignis hear, he serving the food out in a grand manner.
  77. [20:57]? Wintergreen opens the door, waiting for Ignis to head down to the others.
  78. [20:57]? Hawkeye sets the table as she watches the interaction with the large mare. It's very odd, to say the least, but it's really none of her business. The charcoal mare finishes the place setting and then sits down at the far end of the table.
  79. [20:57]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack leans against Royal_Lace, loosening up a bit.
  80. [20:58]? Firefly continues to hug the Knick Knack, but looks over toward the kitchen. "Mr. Sotho, do we have enough for a guest? Miss Pretty Pony brought the Pirate Mare for breakfast!"
  81. [20:58]<Sotho> "I added a bit of food just in case, if we don't have enough I can make more for the beautiful Knick Knack." He bows to her, moving to sit down
  82. [20:58]? Ignis finishes settling his armor and checks on his stuff, smiling over to Wintergreen as he trots towards the door, gesturing with the hoof for her to come along.
  83. [21:00]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack smiles a bit to Sotho.
  84. [21:01]? Royal_Lace smiles, "You hear that miss green, a nice breakfast, I find teleportation allways leaves me a mite peckish. Would you like a chance to bath before eating? I could clean you with magic but I think a nice shower or bath may be more relaxing"
  85. [21:01]? Wintergreen follows along, moving to the others. She blinks in surprise as she sees... Knick Knack. "Erhmm... Hello."
  86. [21:02]? Firefly stops hugging the large mare and goes over to the table, taking a seat. Growing fillies are always hungry. "Hi Miss Green! Royal Lace brought the Pirate Mare for breakfast! Isn't that nice?"
  87. [21:02]? Ignis raises an eyebrow to Knick, then looks over at the others...he wasn't sure of what was going on
  88. [21:02]<SpiritOfFate> "Uh... h-hi." She leans away from Wintergreen.
  89. [21:03]? Wintergreen raises an eyebrow at Royal_Lace. "...What is the daughter of the one chasing us doing here?" She glances protectively at Firefly, moving closer to the little filly.
  90. [21:04]<Sotho> "Calm yourself Wintergreen. Please, sit and enjoy the meal, I'm sure Royal_Lace has a good reason."
  91. [21:04]? Knick Knack shrinks more, taking a step back. "I-I..."
  92. [21:05]<Hawkeye> "Chasing y'all?" Hawkeye sits up straight. "Y'all brought a slaver... t'have breakfast with escaped slaves." She narrows her eyes at Royal_Lace. "That don't seem too bright to me, sugarcube."
  93. [21:05]? Royal_Lace eyes down Wintergree, "Shes here becouse I brought her here. Plans, as you may have guessed, what few I had that is, changed quickly". Lace tightens her leg around nick knack. "If it is a prolem please let me know now so we can settle this like adults"
  94. [21:07]? Firefly looks over at the others, confused. "But...isn't the Pirate Mare a friend? Its why we all played that game, right?"
  95. [21:08]? Wintergreen frowns, sitting next to Firefly. "Yes. It is a problem. You're endangering Firefly and all of us."
  96. [21:08]? Sotho sighs as he looks at his friends. "Sit." He says sternly. "We will settle this after we eat."
  97. [21:09]? Firefly looks up at Wintergreen. "But Miss Green...she's just a big pony and she doesn't have any weapons. Though, I can see how that would make her in-danger."
  98. [21:10]? Ignis isn't liking much the prospects of that, but he keeps silent and eats the breakfast, Royal would have a reason for bringing that...mare...along.
  99. [21:10]? Hawkeye thinks for a moment. "Well, correct me if Ah'm wrong," she says, "but Miz Lace didn't bring Miz Knack here because things are all smiles and cherry pie back where y'all came from, right, Miz Lace?"
  100. [21:10]? Wintergreen sighs, casting a suspicious look at Knick Knack.
  101. [21:11]? Royal_Lace horn flashes as she cleans off Nick Knack in an instance. "Sotho is right, these talks can wait till after breakfast"
  102. [21:12]? Wintergreen shakes her head, starting to eat.
  103. [21:12]? Royal_Lace steps towards the table and pulls out a chair with magic as well as another next to her, "Come, sit by miss Knack"
  104. [21:13]? Hawkeye shrugs and moves further down the bench so she's at the very end, away from the others. This really isn't her conversation, and isn't her place to put her hoof in. Instead, she enjoys Sotho's excellent cooking.
  105. [21:13]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack takes a seat on the table, her eyes moving in worry between Wintergreen and Royal_Lace, but keeping her silence.
  106. [21:14]? Sotho eats a bit. "I have Carrot Speghetii, Mac and Mut, and Radhog Ham with Cram." He smiles lightly. "Please enjoy."
  107. [21:15]? Royal_Lace puts on smile and begins to eat, "So Miss Knack there is a very nice sales Griffiness nearby who has a lovely shop, I bet that you could see her about supplying you with what you need to pick your art back up"
  108. [21:16]? Firefly digs right into the tasty food. She doesn't contribute much to the conversation unless someone says something to her. Fillies and colts are supposed to be seen, not heard, during food.
  109. [21:17]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack takes a bite, mumbling something with her mouth ful.
  110. [21:18]? Wintergreen doesn't say anything as she eats, too worried about Firefly's well-being, along with the rest of the group's.
  111. [21:20]? Royal_Lace continues to try and stir up cassual conversation while eating, "Sotho this is simply wonderful, thank you so much for preparing it for us"
  112. [21:20]<Sotho> "it's not problem at all. I learned a lot of my cooking skills from my wife." He smiles. "I hope she and my daughter are fine."
  113. [21:21]? Hawkeye chews on a bit of Radhog gristle and watches the others as they either warily watch or uncomfortably try to chat up the newcomer. What exactly is the history here, she wonders.
  114. [21:23]? Sotho looks to Firefly. "Did you enjoy the sleepover Firefly?"
  115. [21:24]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack gobbles up her food.
  116. [21:25]? Firefly swallows her food before nodding. "Yup! It was really fun. We got to tell stories and fight monsters! I liked all the stories, but Liberty Dream's story was really nifty. Ooooh! And Mr. Sotho's ticklish!"
  117. [21:27]? Royal_Lace giggles, "Is he?"
  118. [21:28]? Sotho blushes a bit but doesn't say anything
  119. [21:29]? Firefly giggles. "Yup! He's really ticklish around his ribs and shoulders." Firefly waves the tips of her wings in a gesture vaguely resembling the tickling of another pony at Sotho, before she starts eating again.
  120. [21:29]? Royal_Lace smiles and resumes eating, "How fun"
  121. [21:30]? Hawkeye finishes her plate and moves to sit on the other side of Nick Knack. "So, who are y'all?" she asks. "Ah'm Hawkeye. Former Siren Singer, before they all up and got killed."\
  122. [21:31]? Knick Knack chokes on a bit of carrot and has a coughing fit.
  123. [21:33]? Firefly flutters over and pats Knick Knack on the back. "Miss Hawkeye, this is Knick Knack the Pirate Mare. She's the one with the big yard of stuff and buried treasure."
  124. [21:33]? Wintergreen mumbles, "And the one who was our overseer."
  125. [21:35]<Hawkeye> "Mhmm, Ah gathered as much," Hawkeye says laconically. "Just so y'know who Ah am, and that Ah have a penchant for violence. And also," she says, looking around the table, "y'all should know that these fine folk are muh friends. So that should figure in to whatever y'all's plans are." She leans on the table and smiles. "Now, what are y'all doin' here, just so as we don't get off on the wrong hoof."
  126. [21:35]? Ignis holds himself from commenting anything, besides, he was kinda hungry...
  127. [21:36]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack pats on her own chest but can't dislodge the carrot, coughing uncontrollably.
  128. [21:36]? Royal_Lace frowns, "Miss Knack is as much on the run from her father as we are...."
  129. [21:37]? Royal_Lace turns to nick nack, a worried look on her face. "Miss? Are... whats wrong?"
  130. [21:37]? Firefly stops patting Knick Knack on the back as soon as it becomes apparent that it isn't helping. "Miss Green, I think she needs help."
  131. [21:38]? Hawkeye steps back. "Uh, Miz Green, I think your lord and master here is choking," she says, and turns to Royal Lace. "Ah don't see how 'slave on the run' and 'daughter' are the same thing, but Ah'll take yer word for it. So explain to me how bringing her here helps the rest of them stay safe, and also help rescue Firefly's folks an' Sotho's family?"
  132. [21:38]? Knick Knack turns to Royal_Lace, struggling to breathe, her eyes full of panic
  133. [21:38]? Ignis blinksblinks as he sees what is up. "She's choking!" The pony scampers close to her to do the heimlich manuever on Knick...dammit, why hooves? He could really use his claws for that.
  134. [21:40]? Royal_Lace eyes bulge, "Chokeing? Somepony Help her! Sotho do somethig"
  135. [21:41]? Wintergreen frowns, looking at Knick Knack. As much as she disliked the mare, she wouldn't let her die when she can help. With an annoyed sigh, she moves over to Knick Knack, attempting to perform the Heimlich. Although, Knack is... really big. Wintergreen can't really get her hooves around her, and instead points to the ground. "Knack, get on the ground on your back.
  136. [21:41]<Wintergreen> "
  137. [21:41]<Sotho> "I-I'm afraid I don't know how to help somepony choking!"
  138. [21:42]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack flops to the ground almost like a fish.
  139. [21:43]? Wintergreen straddles the mare and presses her forehooves into Knick Knack's stomach, trying to have an exhalation of air push the carrot up.
  140. [21:43]? Royal_Lace pushes herself from the table and prances about, panicy, "What do we do, how to I help, Im not good at this sort of thing!"
  141. [21:44]? Firefly looks over at Miss Green. "What can I do to help?"
  142. [21:45]? Hawkeye calmly waits for the medic to do her job. SHE certainly can't help. Her medical expertise is limited to knowing how to put on a bandage... and poorly at that.
  143. [21:45]? Royal_Lace eyes tear up, "Miss Green do You know what your doing?"
  144. [21:45]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack coughs the carrot out, gasping for air.
  145. [21:46]? Wintergreen gets off of Knack and grumbles. "Yes, Royal_Lace, I do."
  146. [21:47]<Wintergreen> "And Knick Knack needs some water."
  147. [21:48]? Wintergreen looks to Knick Knack. "And you," She frowns, looking over her with an almost motherly expression, "Chew your food."
  148. [21:48]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack pants, fumbling to put herself back to her hooves. The sheet falls from her body, revealing a series of bruises.
  149. [21:49]? Hawkeye follows Wintergreen's instructions and soon brings Knick Knack a glass of water. She offers it to the oversized mare. "Ain't lethal carrots in this, I... promise..." She tries not to gape at the results of what must have been an incredibly painful beating. "Nevermind," Hawkeye says, her eye freezing in wrath. "Ah think Ah know her problem."
  150. [21:50]? Wintergreen gives the bruises a cursory examination, trying to gauge the damage.
  151. [21:50]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack takes the water and drinks it slowly.
  152. [21:50]? Sotho nods as he sees the bruises. "Also, my food is not killer." He frowns. "It was bad luck."
  153. [21:51]? Royal_Lace eyes tear up and flow as she lifts her hooves up to her mouth. Turning she looks away, "This is... its all my fault for makeing things worse, thinking I could fix things by myself".
  154. [21:52]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack has bruises in many spots over her body. Some of them older than others, but all from this week.
  155. [21:52]? Firefly gasps at the sight of the bruises. "Owies..." She looks over at Wintergreen. "Miss Green, can you help her?"
  156. [21:53]? Hawkeye puts a gentle hoof on the new mare's shoulder. "It's all right, Ah'm sorry for tryin' to scare the horseshoes off ya," she says. "Ah didn't know. How could Ah know? Ain't no kind of father does this to his own blood." Hawkeye grits her teeth. "I guess that's one more thing on my to-do list..."
  157. [21:54]? Wintergreen nods, taking out one of her healing bandages. She places a comforting hoof on Knick Knack's shoulder, feeling some pity for the mare at seeing the bruises. After a moment, she begins to wrap the bandages around Knack, unless she objected.
  158. [21:55]? Sotho looks at the brusies and frowns. "I... have never seen something so delporable. How can any stallion dare call themselves a father when they treat their kin like that..."
  159. [21:56]? Royal_Lace sobs
  160. [21:56]? Wintergreen shakes her head. "The same kind of father who uses other ponies for labor."
  161. [21:57]? Ignis lost whenever appetite he had left.
  162. [21:57]? Firefly looks up at Knick Knack. "I'm sorry if hit one of your owies. I didn't know you were in trouble." The filly looks over at Royal_Lace and flies over, giving the mare a hug.
  163. [21:58]? Royal_Lace hugs Firefly
  164. [21:58]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack shudders slightly as the bandages press her bruises, but the pain soon ceases as the bandages do her work. She looks to the others with lost eyes and lets out a single sob.
  165. [21:59]<Hawkeye> She may not be good with younger ponies, but Hawkeye knows all too well and all too recently the feeling of hurt and loss. She pulls the larger pony into a tight hug and holds her close. "It's gonna be all right, miss," she says. "We'll make it all right."
  166. [22:01]? Wintergreen moves back, still a bit uncomfortable around Knack.
  167. [22:02]<SpiritOfFate> "...t-thanks." The mare says, rubbing her eyes and hugging back.
  168. [22:02]? Sotho looks at his food. "I think we should talk then." He looks to Royal_Lace. "So, you brought her away from that monster."
  169. [22:03]? Hawkeye nods and releases her. "Statement still stands, though. Hurt muh friends and Ah end you. Help muh friends, and we'll be friends too. Now you want to give that food another try, a mite slower this time?"
  170. [22:03]? Firefly pats Royal_Lace on the back. "It will be ok Miss Pretty Pony. Your with friends, and friends make everything better."
  171. [22:03]? Royal_Lace nods
  172. [22:04]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack meeps a bit and nods, going back to her seat.
  173. [22:04]? Royal_Lace "I hope so... I couldnt think of what ells I could do"
  174. [22:06]? Hawkeye sits down next to Knack as well, and waits for the aftermath of the conversation.
  175. [22:06]? Firefly pats her on the back. "You're a good pony, and plenty smart. You did right." She releases Royal_Lace, now seeing that she's done crying. She trots back over to her seat, and starts eating again. Hungry Filly is Hungry.
  176. [22:09]? Royal_Lace sniffs and moves back to her seet, looking around at her friends.
  177. [22:10]? Wintergreen continues back to her seat, eating slowly.
  178. [22:11]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack finishes her meal, more slowly this time.
  179. [22:12]<SpiritOfFate> Time passes and all ponies get their filling.
  180. [22:13]? Firefly helps move the dishes over to the kitchen so they can get washed after the meal. The big ponies were giving her the look that best signified that she shouldn't be in the same room...but that didn't mean she couldn't listen!
  181. [22:13]? Hawkeye sits by a window, looking outside. Indoors is nice for sleeping, but she'd rather be outside, away from all this dramatic mess. Thoughts of how best to destroy a stallion who loved his own daughter so little as to beat her... the rage swirls in her mind, planned with the calm and patient precision that's guided most of Hawkeye's life.
  182. [22:15]? Sotho cleans the dishes, letting Firefly help
  183. [22:19]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack trots over to Royal_Lace, staying by her side.
  184. [22:20]? Wintergreen helps Firefly with the dishes.
  185. [22:20]? Royal_Lace has calmed down and remains near Knick Knack
  186. [22:20]<Hawkeye> "So, what now?" Hawkeye asks Royal_Lace, not looking away from the window. "Y'all got her out, but her... father... is still out there makin' folks miserable. You got a plan that Ah can help with?"
  187. [22:21]? Firefly is now commanding a dishwashing brigade! In short order, the trio cleans the dishes. Maybe she read the expressions on the big ponies faces wrong?
  188. [22:21]? Royal_Lace pouts a bit as she shrugs, "Im not sure... but I found a clue that may help.... I think I may have found the broadcast channel for the other escaped slaves"
  189. [22:22]? Hawkeye nods. "Ah don't know what y'all are talkin' about," she says. "Ah just met up with these folks two days ago... but if y'all think it might help, do we have a way t'listen to it?"
  190. [22:23]? Ignis "It fault, mostly." He mumbles.
  191. [22:24]? Hawkeye quirks an eyebrow at Ignis. "How so, Fangs?"
  192. [22:24]? Royal_Lace listens, she hadnt heard this part yet
  193. [22:25]? Ignis raises his eyes to Hawkeye. "Hadn't I scorched the guards' quarter, Doodad wouldn't be mad beyond belief as much as he is..."
  194. [22:25]? Wintergreen is best dishwasher, behind Firefly, of course. Firefly was like a dishwashing filly tornado!
  195. [22:27]? Hawkeye chews on her lip for a moment, thinking. "Ain't your fault he's a cotton-pickin' twist-eared sack o' winter corn," she says. "Just 'cuz you're mad ain't no reason to beat folk. You're no more responsible for them bruises than I am. His bad deeds didn't come from your heart, they came from his."
  196. [22:30]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack sits by Royal_Lace's side, bundling herself on her bedsheets again.
  197. [22:30]? Ignis nods skeptically. "Still..."
  198. [22:30]? Sotho smiles lightly at Wintergreen and Firefly. "Thank you for your help ladies."
  199. [22:31]? Firefly puts the last dish in the drying rack and looks at Mr. Sotho and Miss Green. "I like washing dishes. So...can we help the Pirate Mare?"
  200. [22:32]<Hawkeye> "It don't change nothin," Hawkeye says. "If he's bound and determined t'find a reason to beat on ponies, he'd find one. Y'all were just a convenient excuse. It's not like *nice* folk tend to own slaves." She gives Knick Knack a pointed look. "So we listen to this frequency, then find out what our next step is, right Miz Lace?"
  201. [22:32]? Royal_Lace nods
  202. [22:33]? Wintergreen doesn't answer Firefly. Though the mare warranted pity, she still didn't quite trust her.
  203. [22:33]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack shrinks at the scary one-eyed mare look.
  204. [22:35]? Hawkeye stands up and tears herself away from the window. "Then let's do that. We're wastin' daylight. You." She points at Knack. "Y'all are coming with us until we know we can trust ya. Hey, Sotho? Do we still have a scrap of armor Knack can wear? Don't want her traipsin' around the wasteland in a bedsheet."
  205. [22:35]? Sotho nods. "We can Firefly." He sighs. "But that doesn't mean we will." He adds. "We must learn to trust her. You can't trust a pirate right? They lie." He keeps this part quiet so Knick Knack doesn't hear him
  206. [22:35]<Sotho> "We might." He says. "Check our bags."
  207. [22:35]? Firefly nods solemnly. "So, help but watch? I can keep an eye on our bags and make sure she doesn't make off with our treasure."
  208. [22:36]? Hawkeye wanders off to look for some unoccupied armor for Knack, muttering to herself about slavers and what types of unmentionable anatomical bits they tended to be.
  209. [22:36]? Royal_Lace frowns, "Im not so sure that trapseing around is such a good idea.... and I doubt miss Knack is prepared for that as of yet in any case. We can easily listen in to the station from here..."
  210. [22:37]? Wintergreen pats Firefly. "Good, I'm sure you'll be the best watch-filly yet."
  211. [22:39]? Firefly flits out of the room, landing on the bed next to where all the saddle bags. She keeps an open eye on the situation in the room.
  212. [22:39]<Hawkeye> "We ain't leaving her here," Hawkeye says. "Much as I don't want to say it, what if Knack is looking to regain her father's favor by recapturing all y'all?" She snorts. "Maybe just out of nostalgia and to make the beatings stop?" She looks at Knack. "No offense. But that's the first thing that popped into muh noggin."
  213. [22:40]? Sotho nods. "good idea Firefly." He looks to Wintergreen. "Thank you."
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