

Jun 10th, 2020
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  1. go: downloading github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.6.0
  2. go: downloading github.com/spf13/viper v1.7.0
  3. go: downloading github.com/distatus/battery v0.10.0
  4. go: downloading github.com/gen2brain/beeep v0.0.0-20200526185328-e9c15c258e28
  5. go: downloading github.com/tadvi/systray v0.0.0-20190226123456-11a2b8fa57af
  6. go: downloading github.com/go-toast/toast v0.0.0-20190211030409-01e6764cf0a4
  7. go: downloading github.com/godbus/dbus/v5 v5.0.3
  8. go: downloading github.com/gopherjs/gopherwasm v1.1.0
  9. go: downloading golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200602225109-6fdc65e7d980
  10. go: downloading howett.net/plist v0.0.0-20200419221736-3b63eb3a43b5
  11. go: downloading github.com/magiconair/properties v1.8.1
  12. go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/hcl v1.0.0
  13. go: downloading github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.3
  14. go: downloading gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.4
  15. go: downloading github.com/subosito/gotenv v1.2.0
  16. go: downloading github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0
  17. go: downloading github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7
  18. go: downloading github.com/konsorten/go-windows-terminal-sequences v1.0.3
  19. go: downloading github.com/nu7hatch/gouuid v0.0.0-20131221200532-179d4d0c4d8d
  20. go: downloading github.com/spf13/afero v1.1.2
  21. go: downloading github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs v0.0.0-20181017120253-0766667cb4d1
  22. go: downloading github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman v1.0.0
  23. go: downloading github.com/spf13/cast v1.3.0
  24. go: downloading gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.51.0
  25. go: downloading github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1
  26. go: downloading github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.2.0
  27. go: downloading golang.org/x/text v0.3.2
  28. go: downloading github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0
  29. go: downloading github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.1.2
  30. go: downloading gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127
  31. go: downloading github.com/smartystreets/goconvey v1.6.4
  32. go: downloading github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1
  33. go: downloading github.com/kr/pretty v0.1.0
  34. go: downloading github.com/jtolds/gls v4.20.0+incompatible
  35. go: downloading github.com/smartystreets/assertions v0.0.0-20180927180507-b2de0cb4f26d
  36. go: downloading github.com/kr/text v0.1.0
  37. # net
  38. gcc did not produce error at completed:1
  39. on input:
  41. #line 1 "cgo-builtin-prolog"
  42. #include <stddef.h> /* for ptrdiff_t and size_t below */
  44. /* Define intgo when compiling with GCC. */
  45. typedef ptrdiff_t intgo;
  48. typedef struct { const char *p; intgo n; } _GoString_;
  49. typedef struct { char *p; intgo n; intgo c; } _GoBytes_;
  50. _GoString_ GoString(char *p);
  51. _GoString_ GoStringN(char *p, int l);
  52. _GoBytes_ GoBytes(void *p, int n);
  53. char *CString(_GoString_);
  54. void *CBytes(_GoBytes_);
  55. void *_CMalloc(size_t);
  57. __attribute__ ((unused))
  58. static size_t _GoStringLen(_GoString_ s) { return (size_t)s.n; }
  60. __attribute__ ((unused))
  61. static const char *_GoStringPtr(_GoString_ s) { return s.p; }
  62. #line 10 "/usr/lib/go/src/net/cgo_resnew.go"
  64. #include <sys/types.h>
  65. #include <sys/socket.h>
  67. #include <netdb.h>
  69. #line 1 "cgo-generated-wrapper"
  70. #line 1 "not-declared"
  71. void __cgo_f_1_1(void) { __typeof__(char) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  72. #line 1 "not-type"
  73. void __cgo_f_1_2(void) { char *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  74. #line 1 "not-int-const"
  75. void __cgo_f_1_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (char)*1 }; }
  76. #line 1 "not-num-const"
  77. void __cgo_f_1_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (char); }
  78. #line 1 "not-str-lit"
  79. void __cgo_f_1_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (char); }
  80. #line 2 "not-declared"
  81. void __cgo_f_2_1(void) { __typeof__(getnameinfo) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  82. #line 2 "not-type"
  83. void __cgo_f_2_2(void) { getnameinfo *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  84. #line 2 "not-int-const"
  85. void __cgo_f_2_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (getnameinfo)*1 }; }
  86. #line 2 "not-num-const"
  87. void __cgo_f_2_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (getnameinfo); }
  88. #line 2 "not-str-lit"
  89. void __cgo_f_2_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (getnameinfo); }
  90. #line 3 "not-declared"
  91. void __cgo_f_3_1(void) { __typeof__(socklen_t) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  92. #line 3 "not-type"
  93. void __cgo_f_3_2(void) { socklen_t *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  94. #line 3 "not-int-const"
  95. void __cgo_f_3_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (socklen_t)*1 }; }
  96. #line 3 "not-num-const"
  97. void __cgo_f_3_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (socklen_t); }
  98. #line 3 "not-str-lit"
  99. void __cgo_f_3_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (socklen_t); }
  100. #line 1 "completed"
  101. int __cgo__1 = __cgo__2;
  103. full error output:
  104. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_1_3':
  105. not-int-const:1:60: error: invalid type argument of unary '*' (have 'int')
  106. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_1_4':
  107. not-num-const:1:73: error: expected expression before ';' token
  108. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_1_5':
  109. not-str-lit:1:73: error: expected expression before ';' token
  110. not-type: In function '__cgo_f_2_2':
  111. not-type:2:39: error: '__cgo_undefined__2' undeclared (first use in this function)
  112. not-type:2:39: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
  113. not-type:2:38: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'int (*)(const struct sockaddr * restrict, socklen_t, char * restrict, socklen_t, char * restrict, socklen_t, int)' {aka 'int (*)(const struct sockaddr * restrict, unsigned int, char * restrict, unsigned int, char * restrict, unsigned int, int)'} and 'const char *')
  114. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_2_3':
  115. not-int-const:2:67: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'int (*)(const struct sockaddr * restrict, socklen_t, char * restrict, socklen_t, char * restrict, socklen_t, int)' {aka 'int (*)(const struct sockaddr * restrict, unsigned int, char * restrict, unsigned int, char * restrict, unsigned int, int)'} and 'int')
  116. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_2_4':
  117. not-num-const:2:67: error: incompatible types when initializing type 'double' using type 'int (*)(const struct sockaddr * restrict, socklen_t, char * restrict, socklen_t, char * restrict, socklen_t, int)' {aka 'int (*)(const struct sockaddr * restrict, unsigned int, char * restrict, unsigned int, char * restrict, unsigned int, int)'}
  118. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_2_5':
  119. not-str-lit:2:67: error: invalid initializer
  120. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_3_3':
  121. not-int-const:3:65: error: invalid type argument of unary '*' (have 'int')
  122. not-int-const:3:33: error: enumerator value for '__cgo_undefined__3' is not an integer constant
  123. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_3_4':
  124. not-num-const:3:78: error: expected expression before ';' token
  125. not-num-const:3:67: error: initializer element is not constant
  126. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_3_5':
  127. not-str-lit:3:78: error: expected expression before ';' token
  128. not-str-lit:3:67: error: invalid initializer
  129. completed: At top level:
  130. completed:1:16: error: '__cgo__2' undeclared here (not in a function); did you mean '__cgo__1'?
  131. completed:1:16: error: initializer element is not constant
  133. # os/user
  134. gcc did not produce error at completed:1
  135. on input:
  137. #line 1 "cgo-builtin-prolog"
  138. #include <stddef.h> /* for ptrdiff_t and size_t below */
  140. /* Define intgo when compiling with GCC. */
  141. typedef ptrdiff_t intgo;
  144. typedef struct { const char *p; intgo n; } _GoString_;
  145. typedef struct { char *p; intgo n; intgo c; } _GoBytes_;
  146. _GoString_ GoString(char *p);
  147. _GoString_ GoStringN(char *p, int l);
  148. _GoBytes_ GoBytes(void *p, int n);
  149. char *CString(_GoString_);
  150. void *CBytes(_GoBytes_);
  151. void *_CMalloc(size_t);
  153. __attribute__ ((unused))
  154. static size_t _GoStringLen(_GoString_ s) { return (size_t)s.n; }
  156. __attribute__ ((unused))
  157. static const char *_GoStringPtr(_GoString_ s) { return s.p; }
  158. #line 18 "/usr/lib/go/src/os/user/cgo_lookup_unix.go"
  161. #include <unistd.h>
  162. #include <sys/types.h>
  163. #include <pwd.h>
  164. #include <grp.h>
  165. #include <stdlib.h>
  167. static int mygetpwuid_r(int uid, struct passwd *pwd,
  168. char *buf, size_t buflen, struct passwd **result) {
  169. return getpwuid_r(uid, pwd, buf, buflen, result);
  170. }
  172. static int mygetpwnam_r(const char *name, struct passwd *pwd,
  173. char *buf, size_t buflen, struct passwd **result) {
  174. return getpwnam_r(name, pwd, buf, buflen, result);
  175. }
  177. static int mygetgrgid_r(int gid, struct group *grp,
  178. char *buf, size_t buflen, struct group **result) {
  179. return getgrgid_r(gid, grp, buf, buflen, result);
  180. }
  182. static int mygetgrnam_r(const char *name, struct group *grp,
  183. char *buf, size_t buflen, struct group **result) {
  184. return getgrnam_r(name, grp, buf, buflen, result);
  185. }
  187. #line 1 "cgo-generated-wrapper"
  188. #line 1 "not-declared"
  189. void __cgo_f_1_1(void) { __typeof__(GoString) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  190. #line 1 "not-type"
  191. void __cgo_f_1_2(void) { GoString *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  192. #line 1 "not-int-const"
  193. void __cgo_f_1_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (GoString)*1 }; }
  194. #line 1 "not-num-const"
  195. void __cgo_f_1_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (GoString); }
  196. #line 1 "not-str-lit"
  197. void __cgo_f_1_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (GoString); }
  198. #line 2 "not-declared"
  199. void __cgo_f_2_1(void) { __typeof__(_CMalloc) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  200. #line 2 "not-type"
  201. void __cgo_f_2_2(void) { _CMalloc *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  202. #line 2 "not-int-const"
  203. void __cgo_f_2_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (_CMalloc)*1 }; }
  204. #line 2 "not-num-const"
  205. void __cgo_f_2_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (_CMalloc); }
  206. #line 2 "not-str-lit"
  207. void __cgo_f_2_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (_CMalloc); }
  208. #line 3 "not-declared"
  209. void __cgo_f_3_1(void) { __typeof__(_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  210. #line 3 "not-type"
  211. void __cgo_f_3_2(void) { _SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  212. #line 3 "not-int-const"
  213. void __cgo_f_3_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX)*1 }; }
  214. #line 3 "not-num-const"
  215. void __cgo_f_3_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX); }
  216. #line 3 "not-str-lit"
  217. void __cgo_f_3_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX); }
  218. #line 4 "not-declared"
  219. void __cgo_f_4_1(void) { __typeof__(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  220. #line 4 "not-type"
  221. void __cgo_f_4_2(void) { _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  222. #line 4 "not-int-const"
  223. void __cgo_f_4_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX)*1 }; }
  224. #line 4 "not-num-const"
  225. void __cgo_f_4_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX); }
  226. #line 4 "not-str-lit"
  227. void __cgo_f_4_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX); }
  228. #line 5 "not-declared"
  229. void __cgo_f_5_1(void) { __typeof__(char) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  230. #line 5 "not-type"
  231. void __cgo_f_5_2(void) { char *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  232. #line 5 "not-int-const"
  233. void __cgo_f_5_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (char)*1 }; }
  234. #line 5 "not-num-const"
  235. void __cgo_f_5_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (char); }
  236. #line 5 "not-str-lit"
  237. void __cgo_f_5_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (char); }
  238. #line 6 "not-declared"
  239. void __cgo_f_6_1(void) { __typeof__(free) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  240. #line 6 "not-type"
  241. void __cgo_f_6_2(void) { free *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  242. #line 6 "not-int-const"
  243. void __cgo_f_6_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (free)*1 }; }
  244. #line 6 "not-num-const"
  245. void __cgo_f_6_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (free); }
  246. #line 6 "not-str-lit"
  247. void __cgo_f_6_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (free); }
  248. #line 7 "not-declared"
  249. void __cgo_f_7_1(void) { __typeof__(int) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  250. #line 7 "not-type"
  251. void __cgo_f_7_2(void) { int *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  252. #line 7 "not-int-const"
  253. void __cgo_f_7_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (int)*1 }; }
  254. #line 7 "not-num-const"
  255. void __cgo_f_7_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (int); }
  256. #line 7 "not-str-lit"
  257. void __cgo_f_7_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (int); }
  258. #line 8 "not-declared"
  259. void __cgo_f_8_1(void) { __typeof__(mygetgrgid_r) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  260. #line 8 "not-type"
  261. void __cgo_f_8_2(void) { mygetgrgid_r *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  262. #line 8 "not-int-const"
  263. void __cgo_f_8_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (mygetgrgid_r)*1 }; }
  264. #line 8 "not-num-const"
  265. void __cgo_f_8_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (mygetgrgid_r); }
  266. #line 8 "not-str-lit"
  267. void __cgo_f_8_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (mygetgrgid_r); }
  268. #line 9 "not-declared"
  269. void __cgo_f_9_1(void) { __typeof__(mygetgrnam_r) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  270. #line 9 "not-type"
  271. void __cgo_f_9_2(void) { mygetgrnam_r *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  272. #line 9 "not-int-const"
  273. void __cgo_f_9_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (mygetgrnam_r)*1 }; }
  274. #line 9 "not-num-const"
  275. void __cgo_f_9_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (mygetgrnam_r); }
  276. #line 9 "not-str-lit"
  277. void __cgo_f_9_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (mygetgrnam_r); }
  278. #line 10 "not-declared"
  279. void __cgo_f_10_1(void) { __typeof__(mygetpwnam_r) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  280. #line 10 "not-type"
  281. void __cgo_f_10_2(void) { mygetpwnam_r *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  282. #line 10 "not-int-const"
  283. void __cgo_f_10_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (mygetpwnam_r)*1 }; }
  284. #line 10 "not-num-const"
  285. void __cgo_f_10_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (mygetpwnam_r); }
  286. #line 10 "not-str-lit"
  287. void __cgo_f_10_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (mygetpwnam_r); }
  288. #line 11 "not-declared"
  289. void __cgo_f_11_1(void) { __typeof__(mygetpwuid_r) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  290. #line 11 "not-type"
  291. void __cgo_f_11_2(void) { mygetpwuid_r *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  292. #line 11 "not-int-const"
  293. void __cgo_f_11_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (mygetpwuid_r)*1 }; }
  294. #line 11 "not-num-const"
  295. void __cgo_f_11_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (mygetpwuid_r); }
  296. #line 11 "not-str-lit"
  297. void __cgo_f_11_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (mygetpwuid_r); }
  298. #line 12 "not-declared"
  299. void __cgo_f_12_1(void) { __typeof__(realloc) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  300. #line 12 "not-type"
  301. void __cgo_f_12_2(void) { realloc *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  302. #line 12 "not-int-const"
  303. void __cgo_f_12_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (realloc)*1 }; }
  304. #line 12 "not-num-const"
  305. void __cgo_f_12_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (realloc); }
  306. #line 12 "not-str-lit"
  307. void __cgo_f_12_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (realloc); }
  308. #line 13 "not-declared"
  309. void __cgo_f_13_1(void) { __typeof__(size_t) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  310. #line 13 "not-type"
  311. void __cgo_f_13_2(void) { size_t *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  312. #line 13 "not-int-const"
  313. void __cgo_f_13_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (size_t)*1 }; }
  314. #line 13 "not-num-const"
  315. void __cgo_f_13_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (size_t); }
  316. #line 13 "not-str-lit"
  317. void __cgo_f_13_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (size_t); }
  318. #line 14 "not-declared"
  319. void __cgo_f_14_1(void) { __typeof__(sysconf) *__cgo_undefined__1; }
  320. #line 14 "not-type"
  321. void __cgo_f_14_2(void) { sysconf *__cgo_undefined__2; }
  322. #line 14 "not-int-const"
  323. void __cgo_f_14_3(void) { enum { __cgo_undefined__3 = (sysconf)*1 }; }
  324. #line 14 "not-num-const"
  325. void __cgo_f_14_4(void) { static const double __cgo_undefined__4 = (sysconf); }
  326. #line 14 "not-str-lit"
  327. void __cgo_f_14_5(void) { static const char __cgo_undefined__5[] = (sysconf); }
  328. #line 1 "completed"
  329. int __cgo__1 = __cgo__2;
  331. full error output:
  332. not-type: In function '__cgo_f_1_2':
  333. not-type:1:36: error: '__cgo_undefined__2' undeclared (first use in this function)
  334. not-type:1:36: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
  335. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_1_3':
  336. not-int-const:1:64: error: invalid operands to binary * (have '_GoString_ (*)(char *)' and 'int')
  337. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_1_4':
  338. not-num-const:1:67: error: incompatible types when initializing type 'double' using type '_GoString_ (*)(char *)'
  339. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_1_5':
  340. not-str-lit:1:67: error: invalid initializer
  341. not-type: In function '__cgo_f_2_2':
  342. not-type:2:36: error: '__cgo_undefined__2' undeclared (first use in this function)
  343. not-type:2:35: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'void * (*)(size_t)' {aka 'void * (*)(long unsigned int)'} and 'const char *')
  344. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_2_3':
  345. not-int-const:2:64: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'void * (*)(size_t)' {aka 'void * (*)(long unsigned int)'} and 'int')
  346. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_2_4':
  347. not-num-const:2:67: error: incompatible types when initializing type 'double' using type 'void * (*)(size_t)' {aka 'void * (*)(long unsigned int)'}
  348. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_2_5':
  349. not-str-lit:2:67: error: invalid initializer
  350. not-type: In function '__cgo_f_3_2':
  351. not-type:3:48: error: '__cgo_undefined__2' undeclared (first use in this function)
  352. not-type:3:47: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'int' and 'const char *')
  353. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_3_5':
  354. not-str-lit:3:67: error: invalid initializer
  355. not-type: In function '__cgo_f_4_2':
  356. not-type:4:48: error: '__cgo_undefined__2' undeclared (first use in this function)
  357. not-type:4:47: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'int' and 'const char *')
  358. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_4_5':
  359. not-str-lit:4:67: error: invalid initializer
  360. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_5_3':
  361. not-int-const:5:60: error: invalid type argument of unary '*' (have 'int')
  362. not-int-const:5:33: error: enumerator value for '__cgo_undefined__3' is not an integer constant
  363. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_5_4':
  364. not-num-const:5:73: error: expected expression before ';' token
  365. not-num-const:5:67: error: initializer element is not constant
  366. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_5_5':
  367. not-str-lit:5:73: error: expected expression before ';' token
  368. not-str-lit:5:67: error: invalid initializer
  369. not-type: In function '__cgo_f_6_2':
  370. not-type:6:32: error: '__cgo_undefined__2' undeclared (first use in this function)
  371. not-type:6:31: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'void (*)(void *)' and 'const char *')
  372. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_6_3':
  373. not-int-const:6:60: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'void (*)(void *)' and 'int')
  374. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_6_4':
  375. not-num-const:6:67: error: incompatible types when initializing type 'double' using type 'void (*)(void *)'
  376. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_6_5':
  377. not-str-lit:6:67: error: invalid initializer
  378. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_7_3':
  379. not-int-const:7:59: error: invalid type argument of unary '*' (have 'int')
  380. not-int-const:7:33: error: enumerator value for '__cgo_undefined__3' is not an integer constant
  381. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_7_4':
  382. not-num-const:7:72: error: expected expression before ';' token
  383. not-num-const:7:67: error: initializer element is not constant
  384. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_7_5':
  385. not-str-lit:7:72: error: expected expression before ';' token
  386. not-str-lit:7:67: error: invalid initializer
  387. not-type: In function '__cgo_f_8_2':
  388. not-type:8:40: error: '__cgo_undefined__2' undeclared (first use in this function)
  389. not-type:8:39: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'int (*)(int, struct group *, char *, size_t, struct group **)' {aka 'int (*)(int, struct group *, char *, long unsigned int, struct group **)'} and 'const char *')
  390. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_8_3':
  391. not-int-const:8:68: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'int (*)(int, struct group *, char *, size_t, struct group **)' {aka 'int (*)(int, struct group *, char *, long unsigned int, struct group **)'} and 'int')
  392. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_8_4':
  393. not-num-const:8:67: error: incompatible types when initializing type 'double' using type 'int (*)(int, struct group *, char *, size_t, struct group **)' {aka 'int (*)(int, struct group *, char *, long unsigned int, struct group **)'}
  394. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_8_5':
  395. not-str-lit:8:67: error: invalid initializer
  396. not-type: In function '__cgo_f_9_2':
  397. not-type:9:40: error: '__cgo_undefined__2' undeclared (first use in this function)
  398. not-type:9:39: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'int (*)(const char *, struct group *, char *, size_t, struct group **)' {aka 'int (*)(const char *, struct group *, char *, long unsigned int, struct group **)'} and 'const char *')
  399. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_9_3':
  400. not-int-const:9:68: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'int (*)(const char *, struct group *, char *, size_t, struct group **)' {aka 'int (*)(const char *, struct group *, char *, long unsigned int, struct group **)'} and 'int')
  401. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_9_4':
  402. not-num-const:9:67: error: incompatible types when initializing type 'double' using type 'int (*)(const char *, struct group *, char *, size_t, struct group **)' {aka 'int (*)(const char *, struct group *, char *, long unsigned int, struct group **)'}
  403. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_9_5':
  404. not-str-lit:9:67: error: invalid initializer
  405. not-type: In function '__cgo_f_10_2':
  406. not-type:10:41: error: '__cgo_undefined__2' undeclared (first use in this function)
  407. not-type:10:40: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'int (*)(const char *, struct passwd *, char *, size_t, struct passwd **)' {aka 'int (*)(const char *, struct passwd *, char *, long unsigned int, struct passwd **)'} and 'const char *')
  408. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_10_3':
  409. not-int-const:10:69: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'int (*)(const char *, struct passwd *, char *, size_t, struct passwd **)' {aka 'int (*)(const char *, struct passwd *, char *, long unsigned int, struct passwd **)'} and 'int')
  410. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_10_4':
  411. not-num-const:10:68: error: incompatible types when initializing type 'double' using type 'int (*)(const char *, struct passwd *, char *, size_t, struct passwd **)' {aka 'int (*)(const char *, struct passwd *, char *, long unsigned int, struct passwd **)'}
  412. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_10_5':
  413. not-str-lit:10:68: error: invalid initializer
  414. not-type: In function '__cgo_f_11_2':
  415. not-type:11:41: error: '__cgo_undefined__2' undeclared (first use in this function)
  416. not-type:11:40: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'int (*)(int, struct passwd *, char *, size_t, struct passwd **)' {aka 'int (*)(int, struct passwd *, char *, long unsigned int, struct passwd **)'} and 'const char *')
  417. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_11_3':
  418. not-int-const:11:69: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'int (*)(int, struct passwd *, char *, size_t, struct passwd **)' {aka 'int (*)(int, struct passwd *, char *, long unsigned int, struct passwd **)'} and 'int')
  419. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_11_4':
  420. not-num-const:11:68: error: incompatible types when initializing type 'double' using type 'int (*)(int, struct passwd *, char *, size_t, struct passwd **)' {aka 'int (*)(int, struct passwd *, char *, long unsigned int, struct passwd **)'}
  421. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_11_5':
  422. not-str-lit:11:68: error: invalid initializer
  423. not-type: In function '__cgo_f_12_2':
  424. not-type:12:36: error: '__cgo_undefined__2' undeclared (first use in this function)
  425. not-type:12:35: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'void * (*)(void *, size_t)' {aka 'void * (*)(void *, long unsigned int)'} and 'const char *')
  426. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_12_3':
  427. not-int-const:12:64: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'void * (*)(void *, size_t)' {aka 'void * (*)(void *, long unsigned int)'} and 'int')
  428. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_12_4':
  429. not-num-const:12:68: error: incompatible types when initializing type 'double' using type 'void * (*)(void *, size_t)' {aka 'void * (*)(void *, long unsigned int)'}
  430. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_12_5':
  431. not-str-lit:12:68: error: invalid initializer
  432. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_13_3':
  433. not-int-const:13:63: error: invalid type argument of unary '*' (have 'int')
  434. not-int-const:13:34: error: enumerator value for '__cgo_undefined__3' is not an integer constant
  435. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_13_4':
  436. not-num-const:13:76: error: expected expression before ';' token
  437. not-num-const:13:68: error: initializer element is not constant
  438. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_13_5':
  439. not-str-lit:13:76: error: expected expression before ';' token
  440. not-str-lit:13:68: error: invalid initializer
  441. not-type: In function '__cgo_f_14_2':
  442. not-type:14:36: error: '__cgo_undefined__2' undeclared (first use in this function)
  443. not-type:14:35: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'long int (*)(int)' and 'const char *')
  444. not-int-const: In function '__cgo_f_14_3':
  445. not-int-const:14:64: error: invalid operands to binary * (have 'long int (*)(int)' and 'int')
  446. not-num-const: In function '__cgo_f_14_4':
  447. not-num-const:14:68: error: incompatible types when initializing type 'double' using type 'long int (*)(int)'
  448. not-str-lit: In function '__cgo_f_14_5':
  449. not-str-lit:14:68: error: invalid initializer
  450. completed: At top level:
  451. completed:1:16: error: '__cgo__2' undeclared here (not in a function); did you mean '__cgo__1'?
  452. completed:1:16: error: initializer element is not constant
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