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Feb 16th, 2019
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  1. John: Pick up as much grist as you can hold.: We're shown two new types of grist here: tar and mercury. It seems like certain grist drops are exclusive to the underlings on each kid's land.
  3. PM: Check mail.: Dr. Brinner: Ghost Psychiatrist is undisputably Hussie's finest work. SERIOUS BUSINESS is also the name of Dad's messaging app. Also, the address on the envelope is for the address at the GPS coordinates given for John's house. ALSO, there's the Homestuck sun again.
  5. ==> (903): Another 413, in the shape of a 143.
  7. ==> (905): The symbol on the bed looks extremely similar to Roxy's shirt icon. And so does the cat face on top of Jaspers mausoleum. But to be fair, most stylized cat heads look like that. Also, the wizard plushies on the bed kind of seal the deal about Mom's genuine fondness of wizards.
  9. Rose: Wear the scarf. Be the Rider.: Funny little thing: Rose and Roxy wear scarves belonging to each other, in each other's colors.
  11. John: Jump down.: He does 'Jump down' instead of 'Descend'. That's the joke.
  13. ==> (911): So here we get our first glimpse of Basilisks, and, um.... Another unnamed kind of underling, that as far as I know is only seen again being punched by Dad for a split second in [S] Jack: Ascend.
  15. RETCON WATCH: Oil in the top-left corner.
  17. Jade: Scamper into grand foyer with wild abandon.: There's the LASS SCAMPER. Also the phrase 'lousy goddamn stupid ___' which sees some reuse.
  19. Jade: Examine those chaps on the sofa.: This whole sequence is very similar to Rose sneaking past the hallway where Mom was lurking.
  21. ==> (911): So for the longest time, people referred to Grandpa as Hass 'the Flame' Harley, on the sole basis of this page.
  23. [S] Strife!!!: For the uninitiated 'preloader' was what people called the initial loading screens for Flash files. Since flashes don't really load sequentially, you kind of have to wait for the whole thing to be loaded into memory before it can be used, and it was considered bad form to have the user stare at a blank screen for the entire time. So they would often make little loading screen animations for people to look at while the rest of the file loaded. 'But wait' you may ask 'if you can designate a loading screen animation to load first, can't you do the same for all the assets in the file and make it more like a stream, shoving loading times into the background?' Well, shut up.
  25. Wait, when did we start getting different preloaders on each flash? Answer: WV's goofy chess match.
  27. Also, the Z key makes you fall asleep again.
  29. Music: "Dissension" by David Ko in Homestuck Vol. 3
  31. PM: Peer out explosion hole.: RETCON WATCH: Arm floating in the distance.
  33. ==> (924): RETCON WATCH: Oil on the sentry worm's body.
  35. Rose: Let's play a game.: Best look we get of the appearifier symbol.
  37. Rose: Screw around with the appearifier.: Double 413 here, in both the day count and the time. The date comes out to September 7th, 2000, when Rose was just under four years old.
  39. ==> (934): I feel like if Mom was trying to clone Jaspers it would just have been easier to make a regular clone from his corpse.
  41. ==> (936): 13 seconds after 4:13 on the last panel, 14 seconds on this one. The 413 pile doesn't stop from getting taller.
  43. [S] Rose: Fast forward to now.: Click on the pink horseshoe that flickers at the bottom right of the screen for a secon right as the flash is ending! Do it!! Do it now!!!
  45. Music: "Chorale for Jaspers" by Michael Guy Bowman on Homestuck Vol. 3
  47. "Pony Chorale" by Michael Guy Bowman on Homestuck Vol. 3
  48. Remix of "Chorale for Jaspers" by Michael Guy Bowman
  50. Jade: Retrieve the package you expected to arrive.: Remember that Jade's birthday was just over four months ago.
  52. [S] John: Examine your dad's room.: The first instance of "WHO'S THIS DOUCHEBAG?" The answer: Bing Crosby. Most of John's faces in this animation are from previous panels throughout the story.
  54. You think you're getting tired of me pointing out all the 413s in the comic, huh? You think it's so obvious to spot them, what's the point of having to read about it? WELL: THE CARDS ON DAD'S DRESSER ARE A 4, AN ACE, AND A THREE. Didn't see that one, buddy??!?
  56. Music: "Revelawesome" by Malcolm Brown in Homestuck Vol. 4
  58. State name and rank.: The meta-joke here is to point out that the story has no fourth wall.
  60. ==> (958): Hussie originally forgot to draw BQ's scar on this page:
  62. "it wasn't really a true retcon, because I had originally intended to draw the scar but forgot, and didn't get around to fixing it for some time. In fact I actually waited until Jack was eye-gouged in the intermission, specifically to make people go ???????"
  64. John: Present time! Open a present see what's inside!: The modus control deck box is directly based on the box designs NES consoles came in. In fact NES boxes actually said CONTROL DECK in huge letters on the front. Also note 'Inventory Management System' as another reference.
  66. John: Equip array fetch modus.: The absurdity of John having spent nearly a thousand pages wrestling with his shitty inventory system and now that he gets one that's impossible to fuck up he immediately rejects it.
  68. ==> (970): Hussie was a little kid when the NES was released in the US.
  70. John: Unwrap the smallest present first.: Another spiral on the gift John's holding. It's a stock image watermark of some sort.
  72. John: Fill up an entire queuestack with shoes.: 'Shoegorg' is a reference to Logorg and Drillgorg from Jailbreak.
  74. ==> (978): Betty Crocker first referred to as a 'batterwitch'.
  76. [S] John: Mental breakdown.: Origin of 'THIS IS STUPID'.
  78. Music: "Hardlyquin" by Mark Hadley in Homestuck Vol. 4
  79. Remix of "Harlequin" by Mark Hadley
  81. [S] Jade: Retrieve package.: The weird thing about Bec is that he LITERALLY doesn't have eyes, as opposed to the other guardians who are just stylistically not drawn with various facial features. If you let the end play for a bit, you'll see both "GOOD DOG BEST FRIEND" and a cute little scribble dance that people miss often.
  83. Music: "An Unbreakable Union" by Robert Blaker
  85. "Carefree Victory" by Andrew Huo and Toby "Radiation" Fox in Homestuck Vol. 4
  86. Remix of "Carefree Action" by Mark Hadley in Homestuck Vol. 8
  88. This page originally had different music (in place of "An Unbreakable Union"):
  89. "Mutiny" by Bill Bolin in Homestuck Vol. 4
  91. Toby "Radiation" Fox. I mean... Undertale, yeah? He got his start in Earthbound/Mother fan sites, funnily enough considering it served as a source of inspiration for Homestuck. He even made a full romhack of Earthbound in 2008, the "Earthbound Halloween Hack".
  93. Rose: Look around room.: Further adding to the implication that Mom really lives down at the lab.
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