

Apr 29th, 2016
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  1. CAT RIGHT NOW opened memo on board DTGAO.
  2. CURRENT ChanServ [CCC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  3. [#DTGAO] The memo for the hit best-selling 2016 game Abyssal Oddity, by Violet Citadel.
  4. Memo is now Invite-Only by CAT
  5. Memo is now Secret by CAT
  6. CCC made AT an OP.
  7. Memo is no longer Invite-Only by CAT
  8. CURRENT taintedChampion [CTC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  9. CTC: I'm back
  10. CTC: This game
  11. CTC: Is cool again
  12. CAT: Hah.
  13. CTC: Cyan seems awesome by the way
  14. CAT: Hah, thanks.
  15. CAT: These two characters are my children.
  16. CTC: I thought your children were the Favoured Million
  17. CTC: Wait
  18. CTC: Wrong abomination
  19. CAT: I can't associate myself with the Crawling Chaos like that legally anymore, sorry.
  20. CAT: Last time I did, Nyarlathotep filed a lawsuit of cosmic proportions.
  21. CTC: Would you mind if I included that in DTG
  22. CAT: What, the lawsuit, or the Million?
  23. CAT: Either way, go for it. I don't really care.
  24. CAT made AC an OP.
  25. CAT made TC an OP.
  26. CTC: Well
  27. CTC: You don't own the Million
  28. CAT: You think.
  29. -- CURRENT taintedChampion [CTC] gives a wink --
  30. -- CURRENT ambiguousTheoretician [CAT] responds in turn with a wink. --
  31. -- CURRENT taintedChampion [CTC] coughs --
  32. CTC: Is anyone gonna show up?
  33. CTC: Or is it just us
  34. CAT: Eh, Generic might soon.
  35. CAT: I'm going to stick around here for about fifteen more minutes before starting, so feel free to do whatever.
  36. CTC: Wowie!
  37. CTC: Fifteen minutes!
  38. CTC: I could do a lot with fifteen minutes
  39. CAT: ... As long as that whatever doesn't incriminate me.
  40. CTC: Goddamnit
  41. CAT: Hah.
  42. CTC: This isn't over
  43. CAT: You can get anybody else arrested, FWI. Just not me.
  44. CAT: *FYI.
  45. CTC: Yay
  46. CTC: Please tell me if we got Plauge Doctor's oufits.
  47. CTC: Those are fucking awesome
  48. CAT: You got Witch-Doctor outfits, which are basically the same, oui.
  49. CTC: Groovy
  50. CTC: Oh my God
  51. CTC: These fuckwits lose relationship points almost religously
  52. CAT: Hah.
  53. CAT: It takes quite a bit of effort to lose things that don't really exist, you know.
  54. CTC: Yeah
  55. CTC: It appears it is up to me now
  56. CTC: To fix their shit
  57. CAT: NOTICE: aeonic oracles cannot and will not write direct romance. Get a life, and some SHARDs.
  58. CTC: I know
  59. CTC: But for fucks sake
  60. CAT: Hah.
  61. CAT: This isn't DTG. DTG-levels of aggression and sociopathy aren't going to help you here.
  62. CTC: This is me we are talking about
  63. CAT: This is true.
  64. CTC: Also for Twin's ARG didn't Tazzy make that noncanon?
  65. CAT: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  66. CAT: Mayhaps.
  67. CTC: ETA on Oddity?
  68. CAT: Eh, about twenty seconds.
  69. CAT: >Would you like to begin the game?
  70. CTC: >y
  71. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  72. CAC: >Yes
  73. CAT ceased responding to memo.
  74. CAO: Loading file...
  75. CAO: Loading...
  76. CAO: A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  78. CAC: >Play game
  79. CAO: Is this your last saved game:
  80. CAC: >Yes
  81. CAO: Loading game...
  82. CAO: Loading...
  83. CAO: Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.
  84. CAC: Hmm
  85. CAC: >Set course for third structure
  86. CAC: structure*
  87. CAO: You plot a course immediately.
  88. CAO: ETA: fifteen minutes.
  89. CAC: Hmm.
  90. CTC: >lazily move laser pointer around, pointing at several objects
  91. CAO: You point at the broken backup engine, the navicomputer, and the back of your chair before stopping.
  92. CAC: >Examine access cubes
  93. CAC: >Open any sides of cube 5082 you haven't already
  94. CAO: Ah, yes. You grabbed 5082, 1011, 0612, and 8751.
  95. CAO: You opened five out of the six faces.
  96. CAC: >Open last face
  97. CTC: >open the six face
  98. CTC: >dramatically
  99. CAO: The sixth face yields... yet another holographic projection of Antonio Vazquez and Alexander Hamilton, this time with an overture of 'It Wasn't Quite Me and It Wasn't Quite You'.
  100. CAC: >Consider incinerating the cube
  101. CTC: >chuckle
  102. CAO: That seems absurd. What if you need it. You opt to chuckle instead.
  103. ??? aeonicOracle [?AO] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  104. ?AO: Cyan looks at you oddly for a few seconds.
  105. CAC: "Yes?"
  106. ?AO: "Who's the second guy. The one who isn't Hamilton, or whatever."
  107. CAC: "Uh..."
  108. ?AO: Would you like to recall who Antonio Vazquez is before speaking?
  109. CAC: Is he a mexican warlock
  110. CTC: >total recall
  111. ?AO: Antonio Vazquez is the Grand Warlock of Mexico, yes. He famously predicted Trump would not get the Republican nomination in the 2016 election, entirely correctly. He is currently regarded as the most famous occultist in the world.
  112. ?AO: Mainly because most other governments do not have Grand Warlocks.
  113. CAC: >Tell Cyan that
  114. CTC: >wonder about Crowely
  115. ?AO: "..."
  116. ?AO: "I'm kind of glad I missed the last election."
  117. CAC: >No comment
  118. CTC: >Fucking Alister Crowely
  119. ?AO: A notice on your computer says that Delta is once more online.
  120. CTC: /going to grab a bite to eate
  121. CAC: >Message him
  122. ?AO: What shall you say? Or rather, what is the gist of what you shall say?
  123. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  124. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  125. CAC: Whoops, what'd I miss
  126. ?AO: ?AO: What shall you say? Or rather, what is the gist of what you shall say?
  127. CAC: >Ask about the venator
  128. CAC: >After greetings and such
  129. ?AO: Before you say anything, please remember that a) pleasantries are bullshit, and b) you haven't spoke to him since before fighting the Centurion Sorcerer.
  130. CAC: >Well, just tell him everything that happened
  131. CAO made AC an OP.
  132. CAC: >Leave out the illegal thing
  133. ?AO: Very well.
  134. ?AO: Within three seconds of sending the message, a video chat request pops up on your phone.
  135. CAC: What a massive single message.
  136. CAC: >Accept
  137. ?AO: Delta is on the other end, same as ever. You can see him craning his neck to look in the screen for something on your end.
  138. ?AO: Cyan and Delta stare at each other like deer in headlights. Sort of.
  139. CAC: >Describe Delta
  140. CAC: >Actually, describe Cyan too while you're at it
  141. ?AO: This isn't my job. You're only getting the bare minimum, so you get your personal visions, like with Azure.
  142. CAC: Ah.
  143. CAC: >Let them stare at each other?
  144. ?AO: Delta's got the whole military officer deal going on, with the standard Grayholdian imperial robes, and the trademark orchid eyes.
  145. ?AO: Cyan, as was aforementioned, is about your height, obviously has cyan eyes, and that's all you're getting.
  146. CAC: you have azure eyes
  147. ?AO: You have blue eyes. But, the point here is really that you have blue hair. Dyed, of course.
  148. ?AO: These sorts of things don't happen naturally.
  149. CAC: >Watch them stare at each other
  150. ?AO: "So, you didn't go insane from inhaling the fumes out there and start sending me bullshit. Huh."
  151. CAC: I'm just going to imagine Azure as Joy from Inside Out.
  152. CAC: >"Apparently not."
  153. CAC: brb
  154. ?AO: You would probably be better off imagining her as Lapis in SU.
  155. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  156. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  157. CAO made AC an OP.
  158. ?AO: Please enter command.
  159. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  160. ?AC: Did I miss coloured text or
  161. ?AO: Nothing after '?AO: You would probably be better off imagining her as Lapis in SU.'
  162. CAC: >"Apparently not."
  163. ?AO: ((I don't think you'll miss colored text anymore? Should I test it?))
  164. CAC: Surr
  165. ?AO: .
  166. CAC: Sure
  167. CAC: I saw that, huh
  168. CAC: What changed
  169. ?AO: I think it had something to do with the fact that I was using prefix and suffix quirks on the other handle.
  170. CAC: Ah
  171. ?AO: Now, I just have one layer of color tags, instead of the double.
  172. ?AO: Regardless, back to the conversation.
  173. ?AO: "So... hello there."
  174. CAC: Who is he talking to
  175. ?AO: "Uh. Hi."
  176. ?AO: Cyan.
  177. ?AO: Sorry, I had to find the tags on my notes.
  178. CTC: >"Cyan, Delta"
  179. CTC: >"Delta, Cyan"
  180. ?AO: "I. We have to report this to the military command. Maybe a Vice Admiral's Secretary."
  181. ?AO: He points at the screen, in Cyan's direction, whilst speaking.
  182. CTC: >internally regret not being sneakier
  183. ?AO: You're a bit too busy freaking out internally over the word choice to regret that, though you will soon, likely.
  184. ?AO: Please enter response.
  185. CTC: >can you convince him to not do that, because we know Grayhold is filled with assholes.
  186. ?AO: How would you like to vocalize that?
  187. CAC: >Ask Cyan what she thinks
  188. CTC: >hit mute first
  189. ?AO: It's pretty obvious what Cyan thinks. You don't need to speak. Just sort of look at her facial expression.
  190. ?AO: Namely, some mixture of sheer fear and anger.
  191. CAC: Hmm
  192. CAC: Can they eavesdrop on us?
  193. CAC: They being grayhold
  194. CTC: I suggest we appeal to his morals
  195. CTC: He knows how fucked up Grayhold is
  197. ?AO: Gsv vbv lu gsv Xrgzwvo lu gsv Nztv hvvh zoo.
  198. CAC: wat
  199. CTC: They are always watching
  200. CAC: >"I'm sure they know about her already. "
  201. ?AO: "I don't think you understand. They know about... this, yeah. But they don't know how serious this might be. People coming out of /superweapons/? I... we need to have her /analyzed/."
  202. CTC: >summon that useless shit Strangelove
  203. ?AO: What, you mean turn him on?
  204. CAC: Are gems common knowledge?
  205. ?AO: No.
  206. CTC: >Yes, can he explain this shit better
  207. ?AO: You weren't aware they existed until you... became one.
  208. ?AO: The glowing neon lights on Doctor Kaiser Strangelove, MD, ignite in the relative darkness of the ship.
  209. CAC: Where did we get strangelove's schematic
  210. ?AO: Nowhere strictly legal.
  211. ?AO: You picked it up on the ship when you won it in the, uh, illegal gambling deal.
  212. CTC: Sabaac
  213. ?AO: Hah.
  214. CTC: With Lando
  215. ?AO: You mean Ando Calrissien?
  216. ?AO: Regardless, Strangelove appraises Delta.
  218. CTC: Aw fuck
  220. ?AO: "NOT THIS... THIS."
  221. ?AO: "... What the fuck."
  222. CAC: Is Strangelove the one using 95% logic?
  223. ?AO: Strangelove was appraising Delta's mental state. And also using 95% logic as well, yes.
  224. CAC: Wait what
  225. CAC: So is Delta?
  226. ?AO: Strangelove was referring to Delta with the 'NINETY-FIVE PERCENT LOGIC, ZERO REGARD FOR EMOTIONS IN THIS SITUATION.'
  227. CAC: Ah.
  228. CTC: He was calling Delta a piece of work
  229. ?AO: ^
  230. CTC: Should we have Strangelove explain?
  231. ?AO: "Okay, this is insane. I'm reporting this right now."
  232. CTC: Okay
  233. CTC: This is bad
  234. ?AO: You can see Delta pull up another holoscreen on the side.
  235. CAC: >"No!"
  236. CTC: >"Bad fucking idea."
  237. ?AO: Delta spins around in his chair, looking back at you. "... Why not? It's the right thing to do?"
  238. CAC: Hmm, does Delta know we're a gem.
  239. CAC: Don't say that
  240. ?AO: He does not.
  241. CTC: >redact previous command
  242. CAC: But he knows Cyan is.
  243. CAC: ?
  244. ?AO: Yes.
  245. ?AO: Thanks to YOUR account.
  246. CTC: Goddamnit
  247. CTC: We are sooooooooo fuuuuuucccked
  248. ?AO: You can see Cyan slowly backing away from the screen, eyes wide.
  249. CAC: >"It's the thing Grayhold would want... But that doesn't make it the right thing to do."
  250. CAC: "Cyan evidently doesn't want to..."
  251. ?AO: "Yep, you clearly don't understand the situation. Grayhold wants what it wants, and the will of His Imminence is the law. End statement."
  252. CAC: Balh
  253. CTC: Goddamnit I have to leave
  254. ?AO: Aw.
  255. CTC: Alright Ciao everyone
  256. ?AO: We'll be doing this again tomorrow.
  257. CTC: I'll read the recap
  258. CTC ceased responding to memo.
  259. ?AO: Anyhow, now it is up to you. Please enter response.
  260. CAC: Hmm, if Delta's using 95% logic...
  261. CAC: >Ask Strangelove to help persuade him
  262. ?AO: Strangelove mutes the chat before speaking.
  264. ?AO: He unmutes the chat.
  265. CAC: >Remember the pertinent lae
  266. CAC: Law
  267. ?AO: There is one law. Verbo eius est lex.
  268. CAC: What does that mean.
  269. ?AO: "His word is the law."
  270. CAC: ... Okay, what's his relevant ... Word
  271. ?AO: Well, His current word appears to state that Cyan should be reported.
  272. ?AO: So there's that.
  273. CAC: >does it say anything about doing it immediately
  274. ?AO: Delta continues to type into the side screen.
  275. ?AO: You don't really think you have much time. All he seems to need is photographic evidence now. Which he sort of has.
  276. ?AO: This is bad.
  277. CAC: Well, the law seems to be soild so...
  278. CAC: Eh
  279. CAC: Blah
  280. ?AO: ((Want me to try to get more people in here, to help?))
  281. CAC: Hmm, sure
  282. CAC: I have a desperate idea, but, probably won't work
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