
Text Adventure Chapter 84 Log

Sep 10th, 2014
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  1. “Well, uh, Gyro. If you wanna get that spell cartridge working, I’d go talk to Sunwhirl. I can’t think of anypony else who’d be equipped to help you.”
  2. >”Oh, t-thanks. I’ll be sure to stop by..”
  3. >You know what?
  4. >There’s not going to be any bullshitting, here.
  5. “I’m just… So glad I got to meet two of the most fantastic ponies in my life, and… Thank you. Thank you all so much, for all the support you've shown me, and for being such great friends. For tolerating my more boneheaded decisions, and for trusting me when no sane ponies should've. After everything that’s happened, I feel like I couldn’t even trust myself. But you guys stuck with me, stayed by my side in spite of everything… I couldn’t ask for better friends.”
  6. >Everyone present smiles, touched by your kind words.
  7. “I think we should all get a picture while we’re here. Something to remember, for better or for worse, right?”
  8. >”Yeah, everypony crowd in!”
  9. >Head counting begins.
  10. >You, Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Redheart, Berry Punch, Iron Will, Gable, Wheaties, and Gyro Gear all come together in a tight spot, and you levitate your phone out and do your best to pull it up to the picture function with your magic.
  11. >It goes back a bit, and with everything set, you yell out.
  12. “Alright, everyone say FRIENDS!”
  13. >”Friends!”
  15. >”..F-friends..”
  16. >”Friends!”
  17. >”Frieends!
  18. >”Freynds!”
  19. >”I’m not sayin’ that shit. Ow, friends, jeez!”
  20. >”Friends!”
  21. >”Ugh, friends.”
  22. >”Friends!”
  23. >”Er, friends, yeah.”
  24. >Berry loses her balance and suddenly trips over Fluttershy, who yipes and backs up right into your crotch.
  25. “Oof..”
  26. >This starts a chain of various reactions which are caught in the photo, some laughing, some in shock, some smiling at yours and Berry’s misfortune.
  27. [Added Photo of Crystal Empire group to iPhone.]
  28. >”Auugh… Sorry, Fluttershy. Nice ass, by the way.”
  29. >”...”
  30. >Berry helps her up, and she hides behind her mane.
  31. >Once everyone gets up and readjusted, a sudden horn sounds.
  32. >It’s the train’s first warning.
  33. >You look over and see that it’s 5:55 P.M.
  34. “We need to get going.”
  35. >”Yeah. Thanks for being here to say goodbye, guys!”
  36. >Your party and the rest say goodbye to each other as tickets are handed out, and you all start to leave.
  37. >Heading outside, your party starts boarding the train, but before you can get on, Pinkie suddenly darts out of the door towards you.
  38. >”Nonny, wait!”
  39. >She stops and skids in front of you as you kneel and catch her.
  40. “What’s wrong, Pinkie?”
  41. >She stops and holds her breath for a moment, as if she was trying to get the will to say something, completely uncharacteristic for her.
  42. >”... I… I just have to tell you… uh…”
  43. “...What? It’s alright, you can tell me.”
  44. >Pinkie looks into your eyes, her innocent blue saucers penetrating your heart.
  45. >”Okay… I still know you’re with Red, forever and ever, but I forgot to actually tell you before, and I didn’t want you leaving without me being able to tell you… I didn’t- I don’t, really just like you a lot… N-nonny, I love you. I did my best to keep away and not do anything bad because of Reddy, but I… I still feel that way, and… I know I shouldn’t have waited until now to say it, but you just had to know! I know it won’t change anything, but…”
  46. >What do you say?
  50. >This is a bigger bomb dropped on you than when you first woke up in that hospital room.
  51. >She actually… loves you?
  52. >Picked a real good time to tell you, not like you’re about to leave to go to far off lands or anything in less than five minutes.
  53. >Either way, you need to address this here and now.
  54. >You look Pinkie in the eyes and hold her close.
  55. “...I can’t even begin to think how much courage it took you to say that. I knew you, you know, wanted me before, but… I didn’t know it was real like this. Listen, Pinkie. You will always hold a very special place in my heart, you know that. I’ll miss you deeply, every single day… But, I’m with Redheart. Just like before.”
  56. >Pinkie Pie looks away, sniffling.
  57. >You delicately grab her chin and have her look back at you.
  58. “Hey… I know how much I’m hurting you by staying with Redheart, and I hate myself for it. Even if you… love me,nothing’s changed, and I’m sorry. And.. I’m truly sorry about what happened a few days ago. I just wanted to find a way to avoid hurting you both, and-”
  59. >”It’s okay, Nonny…”
  60. >You both are unable to talk, so you simply hug each other, a much more personal and intimate embrace than before.
  61. >”I’ll… just miss you most of all.”
  62. “So will I, Pinkie…”
  63. >The second warning horn sounds off, indicating it’s 5:58.
  64. >You let go of her and she smiles a little bit, wiping away any tears.
  65. >At that point, Berry’s head pops out of a window about four or five down, and looks at you two.
  66. >”Hey, what’s the hold up?! We’re about to take off, Anon, let’s go!”
  67. “Right! … I’ll see you soon, okay?”
  68. >”’Kay…”
  69. >You pinch her cheek a bit, and start smirking deviously.
  70. “Hey now, you and Berry hit it off right? I didn’t know you were into mares-hahaha, okay, okay!”
  71. >Pinkie started pushing you away playfully, both of you standing now.
  72. >”...Bye, Nonny.”
  73. “Bye.”
  74. >You give her one last wave and you turn to get in the train.
  75. >As soon as you step on the first stair, the doors close on you.
  76. >Holy shit, they close right on you.
  77. >”N-Nonny!”
  79. >You manage to slip through without busting your nuts and you stumble back into the aisleway of the trains, a few ponies near the door staring and laughing at your misfortune.
  80. >At least you got on the train.
  81. >You quickly go over to the first window and wave to let her know you’re okay, and you see that her friends had joined her.
  82. >Those six seem to be even closer than the rest of you as odd as it sounds, even if they don’t show it as much.
  83. >You just have some innate feeling about it.
  84. >Now you step away and return to your party, where they greet you at their claimed booth.
  85. >”We thought you had cold feet for a second, babe. What took so long?”
  86. “Oh, Pinkie wanted to give one more goodbye. So, what’re we doing here?...”
  87. >You notice they have a booth with a table in the center, and someone has a deck of cards laid out and there’s a few piles of bits.
  88. >Gable takes it upon himself to tell you with a shit-eating grin.
  89. >”Oh, we’re starting up a poker game. You’re all in, and you have three 2’s.”
  90. “...Fuck.”
  91. >You sit down and you all laugh together, starting the long journey ahead.
  92. >You know it’s going to be harder this time around, and you’ll probably want to get some more help.
  93. >Even with this thought on your mind, you always have hope.
  94. >Faith that you’ll beat whatever this shadow is.
  95. >For now, you just have a little bit of fun with your friends.
  97. [END DISK 1]
  99. [WAITING . . .]
  100. [LOADING . . .]
  103. >...
  104. [ ]
  105. >You throw down your cards.
  106. “Fuck it, I’m out.”
  107. >”Oh you big baby, you lose two hands and you’re already quitting? Where’s the booze?”
  108. >Berry’s slowly been getting more and more tipsy as time went on.
  109. >Gable’s been doing alright, stealing a few drinks from her flask.
  110. >Iron Will’s been killing the table, and he’s amassed quite a few bits.
  111. >Red’s been trying to help you out a bit by playing bad hands, but it just made her situation worse.
  112. >Too little, too late.
  113. >”I think I’m done, too. We all have some things we need to catch up on, right?”
  114. >Iron claps his hands, raking in the dough.
  115. >”Two out means the game’s over, which means I WIN! Put that in your stocking and smoke it!”
  116. >Gable slaps him upside the head with a wing as he gets out of the booth.
  117. >”Keep dreaming, buddy. I’ll still have you beat in arm wrestling any day. Going to the bathroom real quick.”
  118. “Alright.”
  119. >Now that everyone’s done, you have…
  120. >Well, shit. You have 15 more hours.
  121. >About 6 hours from now you’ll hit Ponyville to which everyone agrees they’d like to stop at for a few hours.
  122. >What would you like to do?
  126. [Known recipes]
  127. >Alchemy:
  128. Sleeping Darts [3 red herbs, 2 blue herbs, makes 3]
  129. Healing Potion [1 wisp weed, 2 lifeleaf, 1 rizzleberry bunch, makes 2 large potions/4 medium/6 small]
  130. Smokescreen Bomb [1 Haze flower, 1 Ounce of Combustible powder, 1 Fuse, makes 1]
  131. Iron Hide Brew [1 small gem, 1 Yeti hair, 1 cup of Gypsum, makes 5]
  132. Flask of Lucky Tithings [Requires Moderate Alchemy skill, 2 Haze flowers, 2 rizzleberry bunches, 4 Four-leaf clovers, makes 1]
  133. Amare Potion [3 red herbs, 1 small healing potion, 1 aphrodisiac, 1 hair of the intended target, makes 1]
  134. Transmog Potion [Requires Moderate Alchemy skill, 3 Haze flowers, 2 Cloud Puffs, 5 Arcane Powder, makes 1]
  136. >You think it’s about time you got some brewing done.
  137. >From what you know and have been told about this Hive, it’s not going to be a picnic on a sunny day.
  138. >You need to be prepared.
  139. “I’m gonna go find another booth and start making a bunch of healing potions, enough to drown in. Red, you should also plow through those med books as well.”
  140. >Red sighs and lays back in her spot, starting to move some books through her pack.
  141. >”I suppose I should… Have fun doing that. Oh, open your window so you don’t stink up the whole train, okay?”
  142. “Got it!”
  143. >You’re already out the door with your kit in hand.
  144. >You find a good, empty spot and open the window as you sit, setting everything up.
  145. >Before you begin, however, you pull out your alchemy book and get to finishing that final chapter.
  146. >...
  148. [Finished Alchemy Book (Transmorgrification)]
  149. [LEARNED RECIPE TRANSMOG POTION! (Change appearance of a specific item for a time depending on how much liquid is used)]
  151. >...
  153. >It’s about damn time you finished that book.
  154. >You got it back at the Everfree castle, after all.
  155. >With that out of the way, you keep it open as a reference while you work.
  156. >...
  158. [ALCHEMY]
  159. [Here is the list of potions you can make. Which would you like to brew?]
  160. -Healing Potion
  162. >Healing Potions are currently the only thing you can make.
  163. >With your ingredients, you can make up to three batches of 6 small potions each, 4 mediums, or 2 large.
  164. >Small potions take half an hour to brew, medium take 45 minutes, and large takes an hour, with multiple batches not affecting time.
  165. >Would you like to brew these healing potions, and if so, how many?
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